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Feb 12, 2013 8:40 PM

Feb 2012
Izayoi is just... so... OP... I couldn't stop making weird faces at him owning the demon lord. How the hell did he even BREAK an energy beam. But the thing is, I liked it, and I feel guilty for that. He's an awesome character.
The tickle scene xD so cute.

Anyway, 4/5.
Feb 13, 2013 6:01 AM

Jan 2011
Pretty enjoyable, but I can't take this that serious anymore. Way too much trolling and Izayoi is way too overpowered. This is still better than Dog Days though, and it's not boring by any means.
Hopefully something serious comes up next.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Feb 13, 2013 6:15 AM
Apr 2011
The best episode so far, with Real Fight show.
And Awesome, i like Izayoi more and more, he is powerfull and smart.
Feb 13, 2013 5:38 PM

Nov 2007
Seriously!? Am I the only one who HATES Izayoi!? He's so obnoxious! He's got a huge ego, he's a perv and he's extremely overpowered. That's called poor writing >:l I think he sucks as a character and he's my least favorite part of the whole show.

Feb 13, 2013 7:33 PM

May 2012
i like izayoi and kurousagi pairing.. i like OP MC for change pace.. great fight scene to kick their a*ses..

Feb 14, 2013 1:10 AM

Jul 2012
So much overpoweredness. Still, can't deny that it's enjoyable as long as you don't think too deeply about it :)
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Feb 14, 2013 2:31 AM

Jul 2012
This show is freaking awesome. What's wrong with OP, I love OP. Izayoi is easily climbing to my to 10 favorite characters......oh who am I kidding he's already in.
Click Here for Sig source
Feb 14, 2013 3:28 PM

May 2012
I love op characters. So I love Izayoi.
Feb 16, 2013 10:10 PM

Jul 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:
Amon-Raw said:
Lol this show reminds me of medaka box with all the op crap Mc is like medaka

So freaken ironic to hear that from someone who has Aomine and Giglamesh in their favs....Not to mention Accelerator if something like Imagine Breaker didn't exist.

Lol chill out I didn't mean it like that , I was making a comparison simple as that I was just saying the characters powers seemed similar.
Also Aomine op? How can someone be overpowered in basketball ?? He's the only character in the series without a direct power he's just exaggeratedly good. Can you say Michael Jordan was op?
But leave it to a SAO fan to jump the gun and take what I said out of context
Feb 16, 2013 10:52 PM

Dec 2010
Amon-Raw said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Amon-Raw said:
Lol this show reminds me of medaka box with all the op crap Mc is like medaka

So freaken ironic to hear that from someone who has Aomine and Giglamesh in their favs....Not to mention Accelerator if something like Imagine Breaker didn't exist.

Lol chill out I didn't mean it like that , I was making a comparison simple as that I was just saying the characters powers seemed similar.
Also Aomine op? How can someone be overpowered in basketball ?? He's the only character in the series without a direct power he's just exaggeratedly good. Can you say Michael Jordan was op?
But leave it to a SAO fan to jump the gun and take what I said out of context

Aomine is OP....he can literally score from anywhere, if that's not a power then i don't know what is. Also MJ was OP, unlike LeBron he dominated a much rougher era that didn't call fouls for every little thing and he was head and shoulders above everyone, he didn't have someone like Durant hovering behind him because he was simply that much better then everyone else. OP imo is when you can't even compare anymore, no rivals can match and that is what Aomine was

Feb 16, 2013 11:27 PM

Jul 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:

Aomine is OP....he can literally score from anywhere, if that's not a power then i don't know what is. Also MJ was OP, unlike LeBron he dominated a much rougher era that didn't call fouls for every little thing and he was head and shoulders above everyone, he didn't have someone like Durant hovering behind him because he was simply that much better then everyone else. OP imo is when you can't even compare anymore, no rivals can match and that is what Aomine was

That makes no sense how can you say a basketball player is overpowered ??? Fine you can say Aomine is op since it's a shounen idc but MJ overpowered ....umm no what MJ was talent and hard work he was never recognized in highschool until very late basically when he entered college division.
I play college and have been privileged to play nba league players like Gilbert arenas which seems like he shots from half court but is he overpowered hell no ....I trained with Earl clark I was quicker than him but he catches up and blocks the shit out of anyone is he overpowered ? Plus MJ has no handles compared to Allen Iverson for a person to be OP in basketball they would need to be able to do it ALL flawlessly. MJ gets compared all the time Kobe Bryant who came straight out of highschool and shined and played still during the era where fouls were hardly called.....there's no such thing as OP in basketball period. It's just a term to reference to games and anime.
Also Aomine doesn't have an actually "power" call him op but he has no legit shounen power like Kuroko who can't be sensed by anyone or a copycat ability.....Aomine's moves are actually supposedly based off of AND1 streetball fashion with trick shots and handles nothing Aomine has done hasn't been done in real life basketball he's just exaggerated skill level. Allen Iverson is the exact same player Aomine was supposed to be like not to mention Aomine's tall so in sense Allen iverson would be more op than Aomine and I know plenty of 5'9 people that can dunk are they op?
Feb 16, 2013 11:36 PM

Dec 2010
Amon-Raw said:
InfiniteDestiny said:

Aomine is OP....he can literally score from anywhere, if that's not a power then i don't know what is. Also MJ was OP, unlike LeBron he dominated a much rougher era that didn't call fouls for every little thing and he was head and shoulders above everyone, he didn't have someone like Durant hovering behind him because he was simply that much better then everyone else. OP imo is when you can't even compare anymore, no rivals can match and that is what Aomine was

That makes no sense how can you say a basketball player is overpowered ??? Fine you can say Aomine is op since it's a shounen idc but MJ overpowered ....umm no what MJ was talent and hard work he was never recognized in highschool until very late basically when he entered college division.
I play college and have been privileged to play nba league players like Gilbert arenas which seems like he shots from half court but is he overpowered hell no ....I trained with Earl clark I was quicker than him but he catches up and blocks the shit out of anyone is he overpowered ? Plus MJ has no handles compared to Allen Iverson for a person to be OP in basketball they would need to be able to do it ALL flawlessly. MJ gets compared all the time Kobe Bryant who came straight out of highschool and shined and played still during the era where fouls were hardly called.....there's no such thing as OP in basketball period. It's just a term to reference to games and anime.
Also Aomine doesn't have an actually "power" call him op but he has no legit shounen power like Kuroko who can't be sensed by anyone or a copycat ability.....Aomine's moves are actually supposedly based off of AND1 streetball fashion with trick shots and handles nothing Aomine has done hasn't been done in real life basketball he's just exaggerated skill level. Allen Iverson is the exact same player Aomine was supposed to be like not to mention Aomine's tall so in sense Allen iverson would be more op than Aomine and I know plenty of 5'9 people that can dunk are they op?

Ok OP may be the wrong word however if it ever applied to anyone in basketball it would be MJ, just like the sky hook was considered the most OP move of that era when Jabbar dominated with it. Also you got it backwards, Kobe gets compared to MJ not the other way around. Just like MJ himself said "they learned from us".

Your argument of OP being limited to anime was an acceptable one but you comparing Iverson to Aomine was not. Last time i checked Iverson didn't throw one handed three pointers of the back board, Iverson also didn't throw it above the rim when he was completely out of bounds either. Aomine could score at will, he didn't need specialization if he had the the capability to score in any way he wanted.
Feb 16, 2013 11:51 PM

Jul 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:

Ok OP may be the wrong word however if it ever applied to anyone in basketball it would be MJ, just like the sky hook was considered the most OP move of that era when Jabbar dominated with it. Also you got it backwards, Kobe gets compared to MJ not the other way around. Just like MJ himself said "they learned from us".

Your argument of OP being limited to anime was an acceptable one but you comparing Iverson to Aomine was not. Last time i checked Iverson didn't throw one handed three pointers of the back board, Iverson also didn't throw it above the rim when he was completely out of bounds either. Aomine could score at will, he didn't need specialization if he had the the capability to score in any way he wanted.

Lol you know what I meant when I made that Kobe being compared to Mj statement I just worded it wrong.
Lol did you even read what I said about Aomine being created off of AND1 streetball ?? Because they do playground behind the backboard ALL the time i'm sure you'll see hot sauce do it. The reason you never seen Allen Iverson never do that kinda crap is because he's in official games where if he did he would be sitting out .......but behind the scenes when he's not playing the games the guy can dribble with a football lol when Gilbert Arenas was screwing around he did one-handed three pointers from half court ...and yes they went in....he doesn't do that shit in games because he doesn't want to sit out. Nothing Aomine does hasn't been done it's just Kuroko no Basket likes to exaggerate and emphasis on certain scenarios. 360's , 720 dunks they all have been done. The only thing I've never seen is an idiot dumb enough to twirl around in a circle to make a supposed bullet pass and that was from the Kuroko the rest of the cast have actual powers hawkeye, invisibility, copying someones moves as soon as they see it? Those are powers
When college players like myself have finished practice who happen to play PG like me, we also do tricks streetball moves to improve ball handling or when we mess around three point floaters one hand it's not surprising either.
I've NEVER heard of a commentator saying a player was op in my life, because it can't be applied basketball. In terms of strength one could say like a wrestler, boxer, mma fighter overpowered his opponent but the definition of OP would change and only apply to brute strength not like a godly state.
Amon-RawFeb 17, 2013 12:05 AM
Feb 17, 2013 8:56 PM

Sep 2008
The never ending torrent of asspull continues.
Feb 18, 2013 4:57 AM
Feb 2012
Just how fucking overpowered is that blonde dude? It's not like anyone enjoys watching a character that virtually has no problems dealing with his enemies whatsoever. That 'former Demon Lord' for example was a joke.

No idea why this show has such a high ranking. The only good things about it are the rabbit, the OP and ED.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Feb 18, 2013 6:48 AM
Dec 2012
I really falling in love with this anime from the first episode. Izayoi,you damn baddass,i like this kind of MC (very strong and cool). And Kurousagi,you're just toooo cute you know?!!! Ah,why this amazing anime just have 10 episodes? :|
Feb 21, 2013 3:29 PM

Jun 2011
Stark700 said:

Shit got real this episode.

Shit doesn't get real in this anime. We all know the no-name-community is going to win the match, of course, and the intensity isn't there, as well as the tension
Slicer22 said:
I was getting strong Izayoi x Kurousagi vibes as well at the end of the episode, i have noticed it a few times in 5 episodes. I also noticed a small vibe with Izayoi and You as well this episode. I dont think i noticed anything with Asuka yet, if anything i only noticed Asuka x You vibes lol.

You don't get strong shipping vibe from them, you only saw them together, and that's different from what you sensed. As a romance fans, I can't sense anything between them, maybe a tiny little bits from KuroUsagi at the end there, but that's all..

As for the games, Tower of God has far more interesting games (not sure if you can call that a game) set up, as well as better execution. I think I am the only one that started to dislike this anime, mostly because the overpowered MC. Overpowered MC might appeals to anime-only watcher, but as a manga reader as well as anime watcher, an overpowered MC is not that much appealing, I prefer Hagure's MC. Fighting against a former demon lord, Izayoi sure didn't even break a sweat, and that's very lol-worthy imo.. Not to say the pace is quite fast actually, there isn't any time to explain the setting, and no build up for anything. Let's say, an example, if this is a race, it went like that " Start -> Run -> End ", and I think it would be better if it's shown this way, " Explaination -> Get ready -> Start -> Build Up Tension -> Run -> Build Up Tension -> Climax -> End ", but I guess 10 episodes can't do much, huh?
InfiniteDestiny said:
Amon-Raw said:
Lol this show reminds me of medaka box with all the op crap Mc is like medaka

So freaken ironic to hear that from someone who has Aomine and Giglamesh in their favs....Not to mention Accelerator if something like Imagine Breaker didn't exist.

Ha, Aomine worked hard for his strength, + his natural talent, what else to compare? Izayoi most probably never even trained for the power he got, problem? I know who Giglamesh is, but never actually watch FS/N or F/Z so I can't comment much on that. Dude, did you even watch both season of Index and Railgun? Accelerator is not invincible with his power, he can actually be hurt by a mage level lower than himself iirc, while Izayoi defeated a former demon lord with ease, yes, with EASE
GuiltyKing said:
Just how fucking overpowered is that blonde dude? It's not like anyone enjoys watching a character that virtually has no problems dealing with his enemies whatsoever. That 'former Demon Lord' for example was a joke.

No idea why this show has such a high ranking. The only good things about it are the rabbit, the OP and ED.

This guy stole my words! Spoke the truth.
ToG25thBaamFeb 21, 2013 3:47 PM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Mar 7, 2013 3:57 PM
Nov 2012
The ending never stops entertaining me xd
Mar 8, 2013 10:47 PM

Mar 2008
well now this sucks. I enjoyed the first 3 episodes but it just isn't interesting to watch if there is no challenge at all..
Mar 17, 2013 2:59 AM

Sep 2009
Did someone notice the music playing in the background, while they were fighting somewhere in the 13:42.. the song is kinda the same in the AKB0048.
Mar 17, 2013 3:15 AM

Sep 2009
Leticia is very cute with her maid outfit ^^
she's like Taiga but I don't like Taiga :P
Mar 25, 2013 7:00 AM

Nov 2011
i know i shouldn't enjoy this as much as i do but i can't help it, i love an anime with overpowered main lead and this one is done really nice
- Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.

- The biggest challenge in life is being yourself… In a world trying to make you like everyone else
Jun 5, 2013 6:09 PM
Jul 2018

Poor Kuro Usagi, got teased by Izayoi. XD
Izayoi is really a one hell of a guy.~
Perseus got pawned! XD
The letter at the end, I wonder if there will be a newcomer in the game.
Jun 10, 2013 10:20 AM

May 2012
Really great episode with a lot of awesome action, it's great they won the match and brought everyone that has turned to stone back to normal! Well this sure is developing quite nicely! Lets see what happens next.
Jun 12, 2013 8:06 AM

Oct 2009
Man I love Izayoi!
Jul 9, 2013 2:50 AM

Sep 2010
Izayoi just rocket punched that demon lord in the face. That was pretty badass. Although I hope that he will be put through an actual challenge and not just OP all the time to mix things up.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jul 17, 2013 1:49 PM
Jul 2012
Ehh pretty cool, but something ain't feel like what I wanted it to be.
Good fight, but pretty predictable even though I like Izayoi. Wish it will be very good surprise and twists like in One Outs, but without it feels predictable and boring. Meh, get tired with predictable stuff.
LegendGoldDarkJul 17, 2013 8:51 PM
Jul 17, 2013 1:57 PM
Jul 2012
NihonFalcom said:
Gary Stu curbstomp.
But whatever still enjoyable.

Who in the heck is Gary Stu???!
Jul 17, 2013 8:50 PM

Sep 2011
WHAT IN THE WORLD OF OP!!!? Jesus hes powerful.
Jul 30, 2013 2:45 PM

Aug 2010
Izayoi!! Best episode so far. Izayoi proves once again why he's the best episode. OP main character ftw.
Oct 2, 2013 8:56 AM

Sep 2012
Awesome episode, I really like to have a blonde maid.

hydroscarlet said:
The ending never stops entertaining me xd

Yeah, I can't get enough with it XD
Oct 6, 2013 11:29 AM

Jun 2011
As much as I love badasses, it's getting tiresome watching one-sided battles. The slight tinge of humor coupled with stunning action sequences are what's keeping me hooked.

Speaking of hooked, I can't get enough of that ED.
Nov 4, 2013 1:49 PM

Aug 2012
Epic Episode , that's all i have to say.
Dec 21, 2013 5:06 PM

Jun 2013
Misail said:
Best episode so far.
We got to see Izayoi in a real fight at last.
Every episode they make him look a bigger pervert… ha ha ha!

Izayoi = badass.
But I hate the fact that this series has only 10 episodes.
Jan 8, 2014 7:02 AM

Aug 2012
Izayoi was too strong lol but still entertaining to watch
ChoroshiJan 8, 2014 7:08 AM

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Apr 2, 2014 9:57 PM

Apr 2012
I think I am enjoying this anime a lot more than I expected because of the coolness of the blond guy
My Reviews and Rants:

Jun 14, 2014 12:50 PM

Sep 2011
So his gift is a GOD mode?

Jun 19, 2014 6:45 PM

Aug 2013
Tennouji_ said:
So his gift is a GOD mode?

His gift is destroying other gifts.
Jun 28, 2014 5:05 AM
Feb 2013
Beast666 said:
Tennouji_ said:
So his gift is a GOD mode?

His gift is destroying other gifts.

well TBH completely accurate his gift is unknown. Because theres probably more to his gift than that, since when they saw him fighting perseus, they were suprised to see that he could also destroy gifts, while having his other abilities and talents thus truly making him "Unknown".
Aug 20, 2014 11:08 AM

Jan 2013
Shame Iza is way to strong in this series, as I thought he was equally as strong as the girls at the start of the series.
Still enjoying the series though, episodes go by so fast!
Sep 15, 2014 7:17 PM

Jul 2014
OMg, izayoi is just WAYYY TOO BADASS. i wonder what his gift is? :P
Nov 5, 2014 8:27 AM

Sep 2014
Stumbled upon a nice series here , sad that it's only 10 episodes long.
Please nerf Izayoi too op ^^.

Damn that ending can't stop watching xd.
nerfxNov 5, 2014 11:14 AM
Nov 13, 2014 2:55 AM

Jan 2013
They ended it in one episode...
But still, it wasn't as bad as the first game.
Looks like there was another letter to another human?
Jan 27, 2015 4:19 PM

Dec 2014
I was expecting something close to a nip and tuck fight this time at least against Laius himself. He had some outstanding Gift and was confidient enough since his first appearance, but even he was no challenge against Izayoi, in fact it seemed Izayoi could end the fight much earlier if he wanted. I like Izayoi's personality, but the fact that he's too overpowered is rather making his fights look quite dull to watch.

“There are two kinds of arrogance. One where you are unequal to the task and one where your dreams are too big. The former is commonplace stupidity... but the latter is a rare species that is difficult to find.”

Jul 12, 2015 12:01 PM

May 2015
"BITCH, PLEASE." -Izayoi
Dec 24, 2015 12:14 PM

May 2015
That was one amazing episode. That fight was intense.

Apr 7, 2016 8:46 AM
May 2010
I think that his power is Plot power!
May 11, 2016 5:06 PM

Jul 2013
Great episode. I liked how they build it up. At first the helmets which gave invisibility. I was wondering that even Izayoi couldn't sense the aura of that one guy. You was awesome in this, using an echo to find him so that Izayoi could finish him of, obviously with one punch :D

Asuka had the watertree? Is that the one they had become from the water god?

That fight against Algol and Perseus showed how OP Izayoi is. It's mindblowing how easy and without any effort he beat these two. I'm so curious about his unknown gift. Anyway the fight was nice, I liked it.

Lol? Leticia as Maid? That's something new :P
I liked the scene at the end with Izayoi and Kurousagi, they are such a cute couple <3

Can't wait to see what will happen next. I'm not sure about that letter at the end.

Jun 15, 2016 11:04 AM
Jun 2016
So what's the name of the song in the background of the fight?
Jun 19, 2016 5:32 AM

Dec 2013
Izayoi is so op but it was still an epic episode. Loved the OST that played during the fight.
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