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Nov 6, 2023 3:37 PM

Sep 2020
Reply to Hundred_Knight
@TheSuave We all desire the return of those days.
@Hundred_Knight Define "we all". Doesn't seem MAL likes lolicon or incest at all.

If liking lolicon makes me a pedo, not liking ecchi makes you a faggot
Nov 6, 2023 4:20 PM

Jul 2013
Oh yes, I don't like modern anime so the entire anime industry must not be doing well. I'm sick of these stupid posts.
I used to game a lot when I was a kid. I do less of it now. Doesn't mean gaming has changed (it probably and mostly has), but in this case, I CHANGED.

These shitty posts always seem like the OP feels they haven't changed at all and that the outside factors are gone bad. I expect another post in a couple of weeks by another person who has lost interest in anime but cannot attribute that loss of interest to themselves and will blame it on the industry going bad.

There are exceptionally good anime releasing even now. But not everything will be amazing. A lot of shows aren't very good. But the industry isn't in a sorry state as you claim it is.

Nov 6, 2023 4:21 PM

Mar 2021
It is because japan is in a state of terminal decline. They have lost almost all their manufacturing power. So they are going hard on anime.

Japanese women are becoming more degenerate with them regularly cheating with Japanese Chad. This makes the average Japanese guy a hikikomori and neet. It is no coincidence my dress up darling got popular
Nov 6, 2023 4:40 PM

Mar 2016
Nah.. you just getting older.
Nowdays you cant really spend your precious free time for something mediocre, but i can.

Nov 6, 2023 4:40 PM

Feb 2010
Outside the fact thay we get threads like yours every year since the early 2000s Blame kadokawa for the isekai flood they once famously said they wanted isekai to take over the world kadokawa also owns a vast majority of Light novel licenses so they basically control LN adaptation distribution

More proof that capitalism doesn't breed innovation.
GrimAtramentNov 6, 2023 4:44 PM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Nov 6, 2023 5:04 PM

Jan 2023
There is no difference. Personal bias can dictate this take on either side of the coin. Trends are different, there is more anime these days, but anime is not in a sad state. That being said, I wish the isekai and idol trends loses traction.
Nov 6, 2023 5:37 PM

Nov 2021
i really like modern animation and character designs. Alot of my favs are from 2020 to now 🐥
Nov 6, 2023 6:27 PM

Mar 2021
Reply to MadanielFL
Nah there's still way too many anime for me that I want to watch but I can't follow them all.
@MadanielFL japan has a badly aging population with very few japanese people. Now there is too much anime for the new gens to consume. So anime didn't really help japan at all. If anything it made it worse off by pushing overtourism, and just helped other rival asian names. This has lead to foreigners screwing up the japanese system.
Nov 6, 2023 7:05 PM

Apr 2015
@GrimAtrament Sad that, once Date a Live is finished with it's adaptations, Kadokawa won't have much else for airing shows besides more isekai.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
-Tobiichi Origami 
"Are you trying to turn the dormitory into a strip club!?!
-Atena Saotome 
Nov 6, 2023 9:30 PM

Aug 2019
Yeah, I've felt this and coincidentally have been really feeling it as of late. There's still good stuff coming out. I'm not going to say anime has completely gone off the deep end, but more and more I feel a disconnect especially when it comes to the anime fandom. Maybe it's because more people became anime fans over the pandemic and have been flocking to what's newer that I'm not that into that has caused that. Mainstream stuff that gets praised that I check out I'm rarely impressed by. I'm at point now where I'm wanting something different from anime than what's being popularly drawn to. Art style and storytelling are major reasons why. I think anime can be better and sometimes something new stuff comes out that is and anime has proven itself in the past, but there's a magic that's been lacking. Also, I know this is subjective, but often times when I watch an older version of a series and then check out the newer version, I'm usually thinking to myself that the older version was way better. Really a change in times I guess.

On a related note: Just yesterday I was looking through the manga section of a nearby bookstore and was constantly feeling underwhelmed by what I saw.
Nov 6, 2023 10:00 PM

Nov 2020
You remember not being able to keep up with seasonal anime in the 90s despite your profile saying you were born in 1997?
Nov 6, 2023 10:24 PM

Oct 2014
wtf are you talking about. Modern anime today is better than your 90s, 2000s, or early 2010s. Ofcourse theres still few masterpiece on those years but in average, today modern anime is superior. If you dont agree with me, then you either being dishonest, or knows nothing about anime.
Hentai though, are garbage. Hentai classics are still the best. Nowadays, every girls face are the same.
Nov 6, 2023 10:45 PM

Dec 2017
hime-tsubaki said:
i think anime getting more global exposure and recognition as compared to when it was more of a niche thing ruined it.
Agreed that it's slowly turning into another global appeasement entertainment medium but I won't say anime is ruined yet, there are still good shows coming out for now (lots of unadapted works left from the last decade or so). You just need to filter out the garbage based on your taste.

Also, obligatory fuck crunchyroll.
karrotStickNov 6, 2023 10:55 PM
❝Kabo-chan is ran by the MAL staff team and does not respond to individual comments made on her profile.❞
I was immensely devastated.
Nov 6, 2023 10:57 PM

Jan 2023
The thing about discussions like this is that it shows how you aren't impervious to bias, whether it be your own personal nostalgia or the collective survivorship bias of the community.

  1. Obviously, when you are born will affect what kinds of shows you will watch. The genres most prevalent, the conventions or cliches most notable, the formatting of shows and style of the animation or show itself will influence you when you feed yourself with shows of the time. Especially for those who were watching them as children, you usually watch what's already in front of you in the TV which would be undoubtably the most influential of the era.
  2. Survivorship Bias is prevalent in most communities with long histories. To draw parallels with films: People will always laud the past cinematic eras as the better years. Providing examples of films from the likes of Kubrick, Hitchcock, Welles, Coppola, Bergman saying that the output of these legendary directors proves the superiority of the era. Ignoring that we have all watched, reviewed and debated their films for decades and probably more decades to come, giving us a fully fleshed out retrospective of each film and director.
  3. Another thing we ignore is while we appreciate and discuss to this day excellent films from that era, is that we tend to forget the thousands of films and directors from their time that have fallen to obscurity in the contemporary era. Could you tell me at least 20 lesser-known mediocre films from the 40s? 50s? 60s? 70s? Unless you're a major boomer or an obscure retro cinephile, I doubt you would name even 5 from each one. But you would bet your ass the average movie-going person from that time has seen the good, the bad and the ugly (not the film), and they would probably complain about their shitty movies and how the movies from even before them were better and yada yada.

You could apply the same thing with anime and see how childish this discussion is, because in the future people will laud our era with reverence as they tout dozens of phenomenal shows and films with full retrospect and ignoring the thousands of other mediocre shows that have faded into obscurity.
Nov 6, 2023 11:24 PM

Apr 2022
Omg this type of thread again

Here’s a solution: stop trying to keep up to date with seasonal trends and watch whatever interests you. Then you’ll have a much, much better time watching anime.
Nov 7, 2023 1:10 AM

May 2018
I find new stuff to watch (not necessary masterpieces) every year. This season in particular we got refreshingly weird shows like Under Ninja and some others.
Doesn't sound as bad, as OP makes it.
Nov 7, 2023 1:23 AM

Mar 2020
Nah its improved a lot... Just that you have nostalgia...
New animation styles, more nuanced but direct stortlines... You just have to see in the right corners for the most part...
Even when it comes to manga...
234MannanNov 7, 2023 1:46 AM
Nov 7, 2023 2:03 PM

Feb 2023
I'm not a fan of this "old good, new bad" mindset. Why can't we just appreciate BOTH old and new anime?
Nov 7, 2023 2:36 PM

Mar 2008
Ahh... yes. Another topic. There are no good anime anymore today. But once upon a time, back in my day's, there was only good stuff, not what it is now, only oppai and pantsu... yap, yap, yap... There's no need to get tense. Yes, today's anime is different from those in the 80s, 90s or 00s. There are good anime and there are shitty anime. It has always been like this and in the end it all depends on our taste. Let's hope that it will remain like this and the choice will remain in the hands of the viewers, not like in the "progressive" west.

Nov 7, 2023 3:40 PM

Dec 2012
There's more anime companies now than then making whatever they want, hence more garbage anime, which means you just gotta' jump in the dumpster and sift around in there more for the good stuff.

As I huge science fiction fan though it hurts to see that awesome genre on life support nowadays. Once in a while they throw us a bone with a mech series or a remake like Yamato 2199 and LOGH: Die Neue These, but I miss galaxy-spanning space operas/adventures. The last good one I can remember that wasn't a remake was Astra: Lost in Space (2019).
KruszerNov 7, 2023 3:53 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Nov 7, 2023 3:44 PM

Dec 2022
Reply to StyxParadise
I'm not a fan of this "old good, new bad" mindset. Why can't we just appreciate BOTH old and new anime?
@StyxParadise Illegal. This would remove one easy topic you can whine about 24/7. Then you'd have to find actually meaningful things to complain about. Too much effort.
Nov 7, 2023 3:56 PM
Nov 2020
i totally agree with you!! tbh i'm just waiting for a couple of my anime subscriptions to expire and after that i'm not planning to watch anime for at least a year, i know it's sad but i don't want to spend more time and money on this new mainstream trash they keep releasing
Nov 7, 2023 4:17 PM

Apr 2015
Reply to bucciest
Yeah, I've felt this and coincidentally have been really feeling it as of late. There's still good stuff coming out. I'm not going to say anime has completely gone off the deep end, but more and more I feel a disconnect especially when it comes to the anime fandom. Maybe it's because more people became anime fans over the pandemic and have been flocking to what's newer that I'm not that into that has caused that. Mainstream stuff that gets praised that I check out I'm rarely impressed by. I'm at point now where I'm wanting something different from anime than what's being popularly drawn to. Art style and storytelling are major reasons why. I think anime can be better and sometimes something new stuff comes out that is and anime has proven itself in the past, but there's a magic that's been lacking. Also, I know this is subjective, but often times when I watch an older version of a series and then check out the newer version, I'm usually thinking to myself that the older version was way better. Really a change in times I guess.

On a related note: Just yesterday I was looking through the manga section of a nearby bookstore and was constantly feeling underwhelmed by what I saw.
@bucciest so you feel it too huh. The reason i flocked to anime was this incredible medium of variety and uniqueness. Which now feels lacking. I keep seeing the same poses, character archetypes and more keep repeating. Which could be due to age and exposure, but ive talked extensively it before. Mainly though I find surprising is the amount of praise these samey shows seem to garner season after season.

The anime culture has changed, in my opinion not for the better, i keep seeing "man of culture" in my nightmares. Miyazaki is right on this one.
Nov 7, 2023 4:29 PM

Feb 2021
To be fair I think some people (including me) have selective memory when talking about this topic. For me at least, I only remember the good ones because either I only watch the ones I think are good or forgot about them entirely.

Though the recent trend of isekai genre is more popular than ever has been getting on my nerves. It's one thing if they're actually good, but they're not.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Nov 8, 2023 4:35 AM

Feb 2014
It's the same as every form of art. It starts underground giving artists the freedom to do what they want. A handful make it big and this inspires more people to try until a handful get famous, mainstream and popular. Then there's money to be made and the leads for high quantity high profit products.
MAFTY - No Exceptions To The Rules
Nov 8, 2023 8:46 AM

Apr 2012
So, you insist that modern anime is not the same anymore, but at the same time you try to blame it for too many shonen shows? You couldn't demonstrate more that you are in fact biased. Anyone who caught anime in the years you describe knew that then was one of the brightest peaks of shonen anime.
Nov 8, 2023 8:49 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Nirinbo
@hime-tsubaki how can you be so sure that you won't like more modern anime if you don't give them a try? I know that there's no time to watch every existing anime, that's why I watch the first or first few episodes of a bunch of seasonals and complete only the most interesting ones. I ended up liking a lot of anime I didn't expect to.

Even if you blacklist isekai and battle shounen, there's still a lot of stuff left.
@Nirinbo This is a common problem. Many people spend too much emotion disliking shows they don't like than liking shows they do like. However, we should also not forget that many people mistakenly mistake the age-related decline in impressionability and emotionality for a deterioration in the quality of the content around them.
Nov 9, 2023 2:03 AM

Jan 2020
iSekAi bAd iSekAi bAd iSekAi bAd iSekAi bAd

For Frick sakes these isekais are barely even the most talked anime in every season, and if an isekai anime being the most talked title in a season,that means that season sucks ass. When will people eventually got out from the pretentious hivemind?
Хайде, хайде, хайде, това е първата зона, брато, първа зона, първа зона, добре, добре, добре, това става тук горе, отива тук горе, само спокойно, само спокойно... Ха, отдясно е, навсякъде отдясно отдясно къде е дясното ти о да добре добре добре тихо мълчаливо не успях да се съсредоточа върху това ЕХ ТЪПАК КОГАТО СИ БАВНО БАВНО ... ой е путката на моето момиче прасе куче, аз Чувствам се добре, о, мамо, *шамар*, какво е това госпожице татко-
Nov 9, 2023 2:48 AM

Mar 2023
Most anime nowadays is either forgettable or if they are memorable they are 99% trash and 1% good. Sure there were bad animes back in the good old days too, but even then they did have a charm to them wich i can not say about modern shows.
Nov 9, 2023 3:12 AM
Sep 2017
Reply to hime-tsubaki
@Hitagi__Furude the problem is ive seen all the old stuff (most of it anyway) all the new stuff is all the same
How can you possibly claim to have seen "most of" older anime? I've seen more and I know I'm basically still scratching the surface. How many anime from before 2000 have you actually watched? My recommendation would be to just stop concerning yourself with the current thing. You can pick out the stuff that looks really interesting but mainly you should look at all the great shows you don't even know about. Dig deeper is what I'm saying, I think that'll give you some of your enthusiasm back.
Nov 9, 2023 4:20 AM
Feb 2021

Consider these, since you're born in 1997, it's safe to categorize that 2014 or -15 below are old or fairly old, you don't have to watch these, just check out the titles since basing on your mental status and mindset towards anime, you're gonna struggle to finish 1 episode of what I've posted. These picks aren't all well-thought out but I've tried to pick the ones that I've watched when I was still in my teenage years (since we're not that far apart from each other in terms of age), few are kind of recent which I had a good laugh or was "personally" remarkable for me.

I'll personally redefine what's old and recent since we're in 2023 now (very old 2000 below, old 2001-2010, fairly old 2011-2015, grey 2016, fairly recent 2017-2019m recent 2020-2021, new 2022-2023), hope this helped.

Asobi Asobase - fairly recent
Ao no Exorcist - fairly old
Aoi Bungaku Series - old

Baccano - old
Bakuman - old
Bartender - old
Basilisk: Kouga Ninpou Chou - older

Cencoroll & Cencoroll Connect - old
Claymore - old
Chobits - old

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou - fairly old
DNA² - very old
Durarara!! - old

Ergo Proxy - old
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone - old
Eve no Jikan - old

Fate/Zero - fairly old
Fumetsu no Anata e - recent
Fune wo Amu - grey

Genshiken - old
Gunslinger Girl - older
Golden Boy - very old

Hachimitsu to Clover - older
Hunter x Hunter / (2011) - very old / fairly old
Highschool of the Dead - old

Innocence - old
Inuyashiki - fairly recent
Isekai Ojisan - new

Juuni Kokuki - older
Juubee Ninpuuchou - very old
Jin-Rou - very old

Kotonoha no Niwa - fairly old
Kara no Kyoukai Movie - old
Koukaku Kidoutai - very old

Last Exile - older
Lovely★Complex - old
Little Witch Academia - fairly old

Mononoke Hime - very old
Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi - old
Mononoke - old
Mugen no Juunin: Immortal - fairly recent

Neko no Ongaeshi - older
NHK ni Youkoso! - old
Nichijou - fairly old

Onegai☆Teacher - older
Oda Nobuna no Yabou - fairly old
Ookami to Koushinryou - old

Paprika - old
Perfect Blue - very old
Pluto - new (but old)

ReLIFE - grey
Rokuhou-dou Yotsuiro Biyori - fairly recent
Re:Creators - fairly recent

Shigofumi - old
Shigurui - old
Shiki - old
Shinreigari - old
Summer Ghost - recent

Tekkon Kinkreet - old
Texhnolyze - older
Trigun - very old

Umineko no Naku Koro ni - old
Uramichi Oniisan - recent
Usagi Drop - fairly old

Vampire Knight - old
Vampire Hunter D (2000) - very old
Violet Evergarden - fairly recent

Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - fairly old
Working!! - old
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii - fairly recent

xxxHOLiC - old

Youjo Senki - fairly recent
Yuukoku no Moriarty - recent

Zero no Tsukaima - old
Nov 9, 2023 4:34 AM

May 2021
Reply to rohan121
Anime does seem to have far more of outside influences effecting them nowadays. It is why we do not see darker stories generally like with how the my villain academia arc was adapted. Exceptions do exist though. I also noticed a lot less ecchi anime nowadays despite series like Ishizoku Reviewers and NGNL performing amazingly well in popularity. Likely since some companies want blackrock funding.
rohan121 said:
It is why we do not see darker stories
I am sorry what? :
Goblin Slayer
Redo of healer
Demon slayer
Oshi no Ko
Made in Abyss etc.
It's actually the other way around. It's the trend nowadays anime to needlessly shock the viewers in every way possible

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Nov 9, 2023 5:13 AM
May 2019
Reply to Asphiee
I'm through with comparing my early animes to the recent ones. Perhaps, it's true that we've run out of good materials and had overused it but also maybe you've seen too much- it's the same case as "I'm too strong that it's getting boring". My joy only in the this year's releases is that there's significant decrease in ecchi, it's the best thing that has happened for me. I don't really have anything to complain, maybe I just learned to enjoy it while keeping my standards the same? As a fellow fan, I'd advise you to do the same, your gem is just around the corner, it will come.
@Asphiee Well anime with ecchi tag are more in this year. Yeah but uncensored releases was high previous year
Nov 9, 2023 7:51 AM
Jul 2018
The Japanese continue to be artistically audacious and I believe they should be admired for it. They are an advanced culture on a planet with cultures either in decay or not quite advanced yet. We have them to admire, but who do they have to admire?

I mean to say that I don't believe recent anime is somehow less beautiful than old anime. There may be different kinds of beauty on display, or at least different proportions of the same kinds of beauty, but they're still artistically audacious and that spirit is the centerpiece of it all.
Nov 10, 2023 7:44 AM

Feb 2016
I agree and I'm particularly sick of people who have completed very little anime (usually just a couple hundred, almost always >1k) entries trying to lecture others otherwise. That's not to say that you need to be an otaku neckbeard to have a worthwhile opinion on the matter, but the literal premise of the argument is quantifying how much you've seen and making a judgement based off that. I don't think it should be so easy to dismiss the point entirely, especially if you yourself have seen such a limited variety of anime.

It's hardly valid to constantly dismiss it as "nostalgia" when I (and many others who make this argument) didn't even live through the era which I'd argue was the peak of anime quality, or at least didn't even watch anime then; late 90s to early 2000s in my case, though I think you can make a good argument for the late 80s or mid to late 2000s being the peak also. I have no rose-tinted glasses, yet, like a lot of "boomers & nostalgiafags", argue that anime used to be better and that it particularly dropped off in quality during the mid to late 2010s, which actually is when I kept up with contemporary releases the most.

wtf are you talking about. Modern anime today is better than your 90s, 2000s, or early 2010s. Ofcourse theres still few masterpiece on those years but in average, today modern anime is superior. If you dont agree with me, then you either being dishonest, or knows nothing about anime.
Well, I'm being honest, I clearly know more about anime than you, and I still disagree with you. Why do you think that is? Is it because you're misinformed in your conjecture, or is that fact unrelated?

It's almost always the same type of person making this point. Them, or people who have only seen more than a couple hundred shows by virtue of keeping up with seasonal releases for around a decade.

Just because people used to make this argument too much in the past that hardly means it's always going to be incorrect. Obviously, at the end of the day, it just boils down to opinion and personal taste, but what is easily observable is that anime used to draw from a wider range of influences in its narratives and visual directions, and in the past decade or so has become more homogenous than ever. Yes, much more stuff per season is currently being released but the average quality has clearly plummeted, and the industry becoming more centralised in its collective "creative" attitude is a valid reason to point to; this is hardly a matter of debate - the vast majority of anime from the last couple years has become so homogenised in not only its content but particularly its presentation; the same handful of base concepts are recycled every other season or so. It's not just Isekai and battle shounen, but also the glut of lonely-teenage-boy pandering waifu-bait nonsense, power fantasies, and many other things. That's not to say those productions should never exist, but they're displacing actually worthwhile adaptations/original scripts from getting a chance. The diversity in style and theme offered by the earlier eras is drying up, and most contemporary anime that tries something interesting it's content/style gets very little attention from both the public and its creators (barring the potential 15 minutes of fame).

My theory, formulated after wasting a very excessive amount of time watching anime and even more time actually thinking about it, is that the reason why anime was good in the first place was because it was a relatively insular and small industry of auteurs: when I've asked fellow anime fans why they enjoy it so much, one of the most common reasons cited is the conceptual uniqueness and artistic creativity it has relative to other visual media (the same qualities which, as we have established above, are diminishing). However, this principle of creative realisation is not inherent to anime and simply no longer holds the same respect it used to. After all, creativity is not inherent to any medium, and it's the same reason why so many people prefer films from certain "scenes" which allowed for that artistic expression, like the French new wave movement in the mid 20th century, or why some particularly enjoy 90's black metal over other eras, whilst being critical of the state of French cinema or black metal music as a whole.

Not only is this attitude of respecting and pushing artistic boundaries becoming rarer in the anime industry, but even if it continued then that still wouldn't change the fact the talent seemingly doesn't exist anymore (or at least is untapped, there's plenty of creative student anime shorts being made these days). This is the case for a variety of reasons, the first one being that a lot of the best people in the industry are literally dying out and nobody is replacing their places: who is todays Miyazaki? Oshii? Dezaki? Morimoto? The best we have are Imaishi, Shinkai and Yuasa, and the latter two have completely shed the qualities which prior made them stand out as creative figureheads, whilst Imaishi's consistency has been waning.

This feeds into the second reason: It's not that creative people no longer work in the industry, but they lack the senior support necessary to convince producers to do something actually interesting and new; as the industry gets larger and more distant from those roots, the more difficult it will be to lean on those precedents. I'd like to remind everyone that Evangelion singlehandedly convinced producers how profitable an edgier and artistically divergent variety of TV anime was; without it, anime would have progressed down a very different path that likely would have not appealed to Westerners nearly as much as it does (which isn't a bad thing one way or the other, just interesting to think about).

That brings me onto the third reason, which is that anime in the past to some degree always had a creative influence external to anime itself - Obviously, in the early Tezuka Productions days, Disney and general western kids media was an influence, but even all the way into the early 90s writers, directors and animators commonly cited live action films as influences (not that they needed to, it was pretty obvious from the anime itself - the 80s had a lot of pulp and action influence, can you guess what live action films were popular at the time?). Even after Gainax led the winds of change within the industry with their whole "anime, for anime fans, by anime fans" attitude you could make a list, at least a hundred entries long, of anime which takes visual influence either from Star Wars or 2001: A Space Odyssey alone. Nowadays, since the mid 2010s or so, be it the source material being adapted or an original script, a significant amount of anime is written as an insular and self-referential product that orbits around the "anime" medium as the source of its general identity and creative content. As previously stated, this attitude has existed since at least the 80s but it wasn't nearly this incestuous nor ubiquitous. In my personal opinion, this equilibrium was perfect during the late 90s when a lot of "anime" tropes and attitudes had been solidified and gave the end products a unique identity without the conceptual variety suffering nor relying too much on those aforementioned tropes or attitudes.

TL;DR I agree that modern anime is provably less varied in its influences, both narratively and aesthetically, and therefore "worse" to many people who enjoyed it in the first place for that uniqueness and variety, but, unless you have looked at the "data" and watched a lot of stuff, I think it's impossible to have a balanced opinion on this.
Nov 10, 2023 8:10 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
I don't know.... been watching since 2008 or so... and I'm simply not running out of stuff to watch... sometimes I drop stuff, but mostly I'm not running out of stuff to enjoy... And from wide spectrum of genres.

Shounen used to very prominent in early 2000 and 90s as well. Isekai is simply more trendy now. Other genres we get now as well have also lot of great stuff...

I still see plenty of non shounen/iseki stuff coming out to watch and enjoy. So yeah.. dunno. And I've seen my fair share.
Nov 10, 2023 5:13 PM

Oct 2014
Reply to TibetanJazz666
I agree and I'm particularly sick of people who have completed very little anime (usually just a couple hundred, almost always >1k) entries trying to lecture others otherwise. That's not to say that you need to be an otaku neckbeard to have a worthwhile opinion on the matter, but the literal premise of the argument is quantifying how much you've seen and making a judgement based off that. I don't think it should be so easy to dismiss the point entirely, especially if you yourself have seen such a limited variety of anime.

It's hardly valid to constantly dismiss it as "nostalgia" when I (and many others who make this argument) didn't even live through the era which I'd argue was the peak of anime quality, or at least didn't even watch anime then; late 90s to early 2000s in my case, though I think you can make a good argument for the late 80s or mid to late 2000s being the peak also. I have no rose-tinted glasses, yet, like a lot of "boomers & nostalgiafags", argue that anime used to be better and that it particularly dropped off in quality during the mid to late 2010s, which actually is when I kept up with contemporary releases the most.

wtf are you talking about. Modern anime today is better than your 90s, 2000s, or early 2010s. Ofcourse theres still few masterpiece on those years but in average, today modern anime is superior. If you dont agree with me, then you either being dishonest, or knows nothing about anime.
Well, I'm being honest, I clearly know more about anime than you, and I still disagree with you. Why do you think that is? Is it because you're misinformed in your conjecture, or is that fact unrelated?

It's almost always the same type of person making this point. Them, or people who have only seen more than a couple hundred shows by virtue of keeping up with seasonal releases for around a decade.

Just because people used to make this argument too much in the past that hardly means it's always going to be incorrect. Obviously, at the end of the day, it just boils down to opinion and personal taste, but what is easily observable is that anime used to draw from a wider range of influences in its narratives and visual directions, and in the past decade or so has become more homogenous than ever. Yes, much more stuff per season is currently being released but the average quality has clearly plummeted, and the industry becoming more centralised in its collective "creative" attitude is a valid reason to point to; this is hardly a matter of debate - the vast majority of anime from the last couple years has become so homogenised in not only its content but particularly its presentation; the same handful of base concepts are recycled every other season or so. It's not just Isekai and battle shounen, but also the glut of lonely-teenage-boy pandering waifu-bait nonsense, power fantasies, and many other things. That's not to say those productions should never exist, but they're displacing actually worthwhile adaptations/original scripts from getting a chance. The diversity in style and theme offered by the earlier eras is drying up, and most contemporary anime that tries something interesting it's content/style gets very little attention from both the public and its creators (barring the potential 15 minutes of fame).

My theory, formulated after wasting a very excessive amount of time watching anime and even more time actually thinking about it, is that the reason why anime was good in the first place was because it was a relatively insular and small industry of auteurs: when I've asked fellow anime fans why they enjoy it so much, one of the most common reasons cited is the conceptual uniqueness and artistic creativity it has relative to other visual media (the same qualities which, as we have established above, are diminishing). However, this principle of creative realisation is not inherent to anime and simply no longer holds the same respect it used to. After all, creativity is not inherent to any medium, and it's the same reason why so many people prefer films from certain "scenes" which allowed for that artistic expression, like the French new wave movement in the mid 20th century, or why some particularly enjoy 90's black metal over other eras, whilst being critical of the state of French cinema or black metal music as a whole.

Not only is this attitude of respecting and pushing artistic boundaries becoming rarer in the anime industry, but even if it continued then that still wouldn't change the fact the talent seemingly doesn't exist anymore (or at least is untapped, there's plenty of creative student anime shorts being made these days). This is the case for a variety of reasons, the first one being that a lot of the best people in the industry are literally dying out and nobody is replacing their places: who is todays Miyazaki? Oshii? Dezaki? Morimoto? The best we have are Imaishi, Shinkai and Yuasa, and the latter two have completely shed the qualities which prior made them stand out as creative figureheads, whilst Imaishi's consistency has been waning.

This feeds into the second reason: It's not that creative people no longer work in the industry, but they lack the senior support necessary to convince producers to do something actually interesting and new; as the industry gets larger and more distant from those roots, the more difficult it will be to lean on those precedents. I'd like to remind everyone that Evangelion singlehandedly convinced producers how profitable an edgier and artistically divergent variety of TV anime was; without it, anime would have progressed down a very different path that likely would have not appealed to Westerners nearly as much as it does (which isn't a bad thing one way or the other, just interesting to think about).

That brings me onto the third reason, which is that anime in the past to some degree always had a creative influence external to anime itself - Obviously, in the early Tezuka Productions days, Disney and general western kids media was an influence, but even all the way into the early 90s writers, directors and animators commonly cited live action films as influences (not that they needed to, it was pretty obvious from the anime itself - the 80s had a lot of pulp and action influence, can you guess what live action films were popular at the time?). Even after Gainax led the winds of change within the industry with their whole "anime, for anime fans, by anime fans" attitude you could make a list, at least a hundred entries long, of anime which takes visual influence either from Star Wars or 2001: A Space Odyssey alone. Nowadays, since the mid 2010s or so, be it the source material being adapted or an original script, a significant amount of anime is written as an insular and self-referential product that orbits around the "anime" medium as the source of its general identity and creative content. As previously stated, this attitude has existed since at least the 80s but it wasn't nearly this incestuous nor ubiquitous. In my personal opinion, this equilibrium was perfect during the late 90s when a lot of "anime" tropes and attitudes had been solidified and gave the end products a unique identity without the conceptual variety suffering nor relying too much on those aforementioned tropes or attitudes.

TL;DR I agree that modern anime is provably less varied in its influences, both narratively and aesthetically, and therefore "worse" to many people who enjoyed it in the first place for that uniqueness and variety, but, unless you have looked at the "data" and watched a lot of stuff, I think it's impossible to have a balanced opinion on this.
TibetanJazz666 said:
Obviously, at the end of the day, it just boils down to opinion and personal taste

youre clearly a intellectual man, and I wish I can construct english sentences as better as you. Btw, I quoted this because I agree with this take but this take only. Also, we can looked at the "data" your saying shall we?

Take a look on the top anime here in MAL. You can see that most of them are 2020s. Others 2010s.

"But internet doesnt exists back then so MAL users didnt watched this and that"

True. But people can still rewatched those timeless classics, the same way we watch Mel Gibson Braveheart or The 10th Commandment coz we heared how epic they were.

I love you man but I'm sorry, we can agree to disagree here.
Nov 11, 2023 3:40 PM

Aug 2019
Reply to MangoSamurai
@bucciest so you feel it too huh. The reason i flocked to anime was this incredible medium of variety and uniqueness. Which now feels lacking. I keep seeing the same poses, character archetypes and more keep repeating. Which could be due to age and exposure, but ive talked extensively it before. Mainly though I find surprising is the amount of praise these samey shows seem to garner season after season.

The anime culture has changed, in my opinion not for the better, i keep seeing "man of culture" in my nightmares. Miyazaki is right on this one.
@MangoSamurai To be fair, anime has always repeated character archetypes, etc., and I can say that I generally like how storytelling has developed over the years, but yeah sometimes it does feel like the same type of series keep coming out with similar plots and character designs that I do not find appealing. I will admit that I can be pretty shallow, but anime is a visual medium and I'm not going to deny that maybe if I found recent anime more visually appealing that it's possible I would enjoy myself more. There are older anime with pretty mediocre (or less than mediocre) plots, but then they just look so good that that ends up making the series better for me. Nowadays I feel like I'm getting both mediocre plot AND visuals.

Anyways when I saw I got a response to my comment, I was expecting backlash so it's a pleasant surprise that it was from someone who's in agreement.
Nov 14, 2023 1:02 PM

Mar 2022
Reply to TheSuave
@Hundred_Knight Define "we all". Doesn't seem MAL likes lolicon or incest at all.
@TheSuave MAL forum these days have at best 300 people, that is an insignificant amount of people compared to the complete fanbase.
If you want to know more about the censorship that is infecting all forms of media, the following links may interest you.

HH✋ "Do You Want Total War?" - J.G
          "Our Patience Has It's Limits" - J.G                                                                                                            
Nov 15, 2023 3:02 AM

Sep 2020
Reply to Hundred_Knight
@TheSuave MAL forum these days have at best 300 people, that is an insignificant amount of people compared to the complete fanbase.
@Hundred_Knight 300 people a day mabey but the overall user base is much bigger. Plus I was talking primarily about the moderators and staff.

If liking lolicon makes me a pedo, not liking ecchi makes you a faggot
Nov 15, 2023 3:18 AM

Mar 2013
Skill issue? Just a joke.

Anyway, 20+ seasonal plus gym life. It's do able.

It would be overwhelming ONLY IF you're married or have kids. The rest is just depending on how much social life you have.
Dec 5, 2023 3:48 AM
Jul 2018
Anime market got saturated with low quality adaptations of light novels.
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