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Sep 11, 2021 9:43 AM

Dec 2013
As much as I like the world and most of the characters I have no idea why I can't like or feel anything about MC and main villain.
Sep 11, 2021 9:55 AM

Oct 2016
Still disappointed with how they handled Spinner, his speech didn't mean anything since they cut all his other stuff.

They did really great with Shigaraki's backstory though. Censorships were expected, but I actually expected more censorship than what we got damn, it's pretty good. Just kinda weird how they turn to dust but leave a puddle of blood and their body parts lmao. Should of just let them explode into blood if they're just gonna leave the corpse there anyway. But those are just nitpicks, they still adapted those parts well.

The parallels between Deku and Shiggy are great. A few words said and left unsaid changed their lives forever. All Might said to Deku that he can be a hero, but those words that Tenko wanted to hear as well, no one told him.

This. It's beautiful.

Can't wait for the next episode.
sKyBlazer08Sep 11, 2021 10:02 AM
Sep 11, 2021 9:57 AM

Jul 2013
What an episode. That final scene was crazy. So glad I don't follow the manga.
Sep 11, 2021 10:02 AM

Jul 2013
UnBouquetin said:
The episode was ok i guess, even underwhelming for me.
The attempt by the author to make us feel bad about shigaraki's story is disgusting.
Ok he had a harsh life, but it was because he refused to comply with the only rule of the family.
Correct me if I'm wrong but his dad only cuffed him once in his life and it's enough to make the kid go crazy?
You can't and shouldn't try to justify the murder of a whole family by just being punished to go to the corner.
Hope it'll get better next episode.

I heavily disagree, but I don't want to bother arguing because of how different your perspective is. Let's just agree to disagree.
Sep 11, 2021 10:07 AM

Feb 2021
And that's what you get for abusing your child.

Shigaraki origins was damn hard and sad.

Tenko didn't deserve that. Dude was emotionally/mentally/physically abused at the tender age of 5. :(

Probably the best episode this season.

His sister was kind of a bitch though.
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
Sep 11, 2021 10:11 AM

Aug 2017
I have to say one thing: I understand Shigaraki's motivation completely. I would also hate everything and everyone if my dad treated me like that. Holy crap, that's child abuse right there.
ZenielDanakuSep 11, 2021 10:23 AM
Sep 11, 2021 10:12 AM

Feb 2021
shane_nichols said:
Oh boy its the victimizing cliche. Another Villain who went batshit over a tragedy. Borrrring!

Dude, he killed every member of his family and wears their decapitated hands, that would mess anyone up
Sep 11, 2021 10:22 AM

Jun 2019
We finally got Shiguraki backstory and it was ok.
I liked that they showed how gruesome it was because it adds some gravity to his actions and it’s at least somewhat reasonable how he got to that point. But, I find the melodramatic moment when Shiguraki kills everyone to be a little too unbelievable for the situation. Everyone collectively decides to not enable the dad’s abuse towards a 5-year-old Shiguraki after he abuses him again instead of while he’s doing it? That on top of the dad’s sudden change of heart felt too sudden that it became obvious it was to heighten the “what if” if Shiguraki didn’t kill everyone at that time.

As a side note, can someone realistically explain how Shiguraki is so fast, strong, and durable when none of that involves his powers?
Sep 11, 2021 10:23 AM
Jun 2015
Krparth said:
shane_nichols said:
Yeah. And it was umderwhelming. Why does it always have to be a tragedy that makes villains go nuts, its just so overdone...

It's better than villains being evil for the sake of being evil and ofcourse it would be a tragedy that turns them evil
No one will turn to the path of a villain if they have a perfectly good life and nice people around them
Hao from Shaman King is a better Villain than Shigaraki
Sep 11, 2021 10:47 AM
Jul 2021
Damn, I wanted to feel bad for Shiguraki and thought he was a tragic character who accidentally killed his family and was manipulated by All for One, but he was a scumbag from the beginning. His dad hits him so he just kills him and is happy about it? And his rage had been 'building and building' even though he had a seemingly good family around him(except maybe his dad). I can't wait for A4O to turn on him, or for Deku to whip his ass
Sep 11, 2021 10:59 AM

Apr 2015
This episode was unexpectedly brutal, holy shit!! People talking about censorship, I wonder what got censored. Which chapters got adapted here?
CeddyyBearrSep 11, 2021 11:06 AM
Sep 11, 2021 11:06 AM
Dec 2016
shane_nichols said:
Oh boy its the victimizing cliche. Another Villain who went batshit over a tragedy. Borrrring!
you do realize the majority of people don’t turn out bad without a reason right. 99% of people don’t just wake up one day wanting to kill a bunch of people.
Sep 11, 2021 11:12 AM
May 2021
It was great I literally cried watching his past I was really disappointed by the whole season the animation wasn't bone studio's level and I wasn't expecting much from this episode but ohh god it was great
Sep 11, 2021 11:20 AM
Nov 2019
So glad they didn't censor Shigaraki's backstory at all. I thought for sure pieces of a dog and a little girl in a pool of blood would have been too much for the studio, but they did it right. Aside from that, am I the only one who thought the animation was off this episode, especially facial?
Sep 11, 2021 11:22 AM

Jun 2017
Wow, that was darker than I expected. I knew he'd have a horrid backstory but to kill off his family like that and then to be forced to willingly (fully) kill his father like that, is just .. woah. And that final shot of Shigaraki, Bones knows when to step up at the right time, that's what it reminded me of.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Sep 11, 2021 11:29 AM

Nov 2017
Tomura's background is excellent, in addition to being gory!
Sep 11, 2021 11:34 AM

Apr 2020
I have nothing to do with this particular story at all... In our real world, how should we really act in front of such people?! Should we treat them?! Should we deal with them fairly dry and ignore their past? The conclusion is really hard...
Sep 11, 2021 11:39 AM
Jul 2011
Probably the best episode of the season (not like the bar was set high though). The background origin of Shigaraki past was told wonderfully. It was obvious they were working around censorship limits but still managed to capture a brutal and raw perspective that almost pushed it to seinen territory in some scenes. Watching his mom still trying to hug him as she decayed was gut wrenching. Kind of mess up because this tragedy seems to trace back further to the decisions Nana (All Might's teacher) made.
Sep 11, 2021 12:18 PM

Oct 2011
they nailed the tomura backstory it was one of the moments i was waiting this season and it didn't disappoint.

"When the time is yours,
the future is waiting,
The person you become,
and the people you're creating.
Sep 11, 2021 12:37 PM

Dec 2009
That was awesome. Like f8cking hell. Just like whoosh the episode is gone and I'm still glued to the screen just thinking what the hell happened. Before the episodes where just meh meh don't really care what's happening or even not paying attention BUT THISSS. OMG. What just happened. wow.
Sep 11, 2021 12:46 PM

Aug 2017
what the dog doin
by /u/bob_n_tem
Some of you never watched Bakugan Battle Brawlers on TeleToon in 2008 and it shows.
Sep 11, 2021 12:55 PM

Aug 2016
Why couldn't the rest of this arc be treated this well? This is the first episode I don't have any problems with how they adapted it.

Sep 11, 2021 12:58 PM
Jan 2017

I hate you
I really really Hate you for this_
Sep 11, 2021 1:03 PM
Jan 2009
Shigaraki just wanted to hear the words "youre a hero" from his family but it never happened except from his sister Hana

although im almost sure he will likely kill all his family and friends and his pet too since it was revealed by ReDestro that quirks influences personality anyway
Sep 11, 2021 1:28 PM
Feb 2020
This was the first episode in a while where I actually loved watching it
Sep 11, 2021 1:45 PM

Sep 2021
This episode gave me chills...
Sep 11, 2021 1:50 PM

Nov 2011
Wish they had a warning before this episode. I for one am not huge on Dogs dying and it kind of through me off but whatever.

Honestly I don't even care about this's kind of just meh. If Spinner doesn't die then why?
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Sep 11, 2021 1:52 PM
Jul 2018
By FAR the best episode of the season. Shigaraki’s origin story was honestly hard to watch
Sep 11, 2021 1:55 PM
Jul 2018
Yeah... can't feel sympathy for you Shigaraki. That was a really poor 7 min story that only showed Shigaraki disobeying his father again and again and getting beat up, again and again. That's just really dumb imo, should've listened to his sister and become heroes secretly, would've ended, well, without anyone being killed. Btw, is that a new feeling? Wanting to kill, but at the same time you don't want to kill and end up still killing everyone? Just laughable. I've been in the same situation but family is family, all would've been alright if he hid his intentions from his dad, every kid will learn not to do the same thing again after several beatings (tried to explain why I don't give him sympathy so that I don't get bonked by others who disagree)

It's wierd that he went Sonic and Super Sayian at the same time all of a sudden but it's understandable since the doctor made experiments on him to boost his power.

Rickiya should've ended Shigaraki when he had the chance, but that would make the anime half as long so obviously, it won't happen.
Sep 11, 2021 2:00 PM
Mar 2015
Shigeraki's backstory is sad Too bad he never learned the truth about what happened to his grandmother
Sep 11, 2021 2:18 PM

Jul 2020
DKDiabloLicht said:
Damn, I wanted to feel bad for Shiguraki and thought he was a tragic character who accidentally killed his family and was manipulated by All for One, but he was a scumbag from the beginning. His dad hits him so he just kills him and is happy about it? And his rage had been 'building and building' even though he had a seemingly good family around him(except maybe his dad). I can't wait for A4O to turn on him, or for Deku to whip his ass

This is something that I don't know how people say "it's ok because he was abused that he killed everyone". Me, as a child, i got so much ass beating because of bad grades, doing bad stuff while I also got trash talked a lot from my parents between the age of 5 way up to around 13-14, while being also bullied by some other kids, but I never ever thought about killing them. After 14-15, they actually were supporting and really caring for me, but mostly because I listened to them, started studying really hard. So I'm not sure how did Shigaraki just kill his whole family just because of 1 rule and one hit/punishment. This episode was dumb and would have been better if Shigaraki's backstory was left ambiguous.
Sep 11, 2021 2:21 PM

Sep 2015
One of the first 5/5 episodes for me this season. Especially the animation and soundtrack during the flashback were really good.
Sep 11, 2021 2:22 PM

Jul 2020
Morssee said:
Yeah... can't feel sympathy for you Shigaraki. That was a really poor 7 min story that only showed Shigaraki disobeying his father again and again and getting beat up, again and again. That's just really dumb imo, should've listened to his sister and become heroes secretly, would've ended, well, without anyone being killed. Btw, is that a new feeling? Wanting to kill, but at the same time you don't want to kill and end up still killing everyone? Just laughable. I've been in the same situation but family is family, all would've been alright if he hid his intentions from his dad, every kid will learn not to do the same thing again after several beatings (tried to explain why I don't give him sympathy so that I don't get bonked by others who disagree)

It's wierd that he went Sonic and Super Sayian at the same time all of a sudden but it's understandable since the doctor made experiments on him to boost his power.

Rickiya should've ended Shigaraki when he had the chance, but that would make the anime half as long so obviously, it won't happen.

You nailed it, right here, right now! I really hope that we don't have to see him in after Season 5, I'm really bored of the current villain league. Overhaul in S4 was so much better than Shigaraki and it was quite a nice change that you didn't really have to see the villain league
Sep 11, 2021 2:30 PM

Mar 2018
I am very glad with the way they adapted Shigaraki's backstory. It was brutal, terrifying, and while being less gruesome than the manga, perfectly managed to translate the horror of the situation in anime form. The OST they chose for the massacre was tragically perfect.

Considering this was the moment I was planning on being the harshest adaptation-wise, I'm actually glad that it managed to be "just as good" as the corresponding chapters.

THe first half of the episode was however very messy art and animation-wise, which were all made worse by the absolutly digusting background and color choices.

It's really frustrating that the episode that contains one of the most powerful and memorable moment of the manga cannot be considered as one of the best of the entire show, really hate that the schedule is mostly responsible for the mess that is MVA in the anime after they had an almost full court of advance at the start of the season.
Sep 11, 2021 2:34 PM
Jul 2016
zera_scarlet said:
DKDiabloLicht said:
Damn, I wanted to feel bad for Shiguraki and thought he was a tragic character who accidentally killed his family and was manipulated by All for One, but he was a scumbag from the beginning. His dad hits him so he just kills him and is happy about it? And his rage had been 'building and building' even though he had a seemingly good family around him(except maybe his dad). I can't wait for A4O to turn on him, or for Deku to whip his ass

This is something that I don't know how people say "it's ok because he was abused that he killed everyone". Me, as a child, i got so much ass beating because of bad grades, doing bad stuff while I also got trash talked a lot from my parents b

etween the age of 5 way up to around 13-14, while being also bullied by some other kids, but I never ever thought about killing them. After 14-15, they actually were supporting and really caring for me, but mostly because I listened to them, started studying really hard. So I'm not sure how did Shigaraki just kill his whole family just because of 1 rule and one hit/punishment. This episode was dumb and would have been better if Shigaraki's backstory was left ambiguous.

I mean, are You aware that we as people are different right? Not everyone is going to react the same way as others with a particular event in their life. There literally have been people in real life that have become murderers because their crush broken with them for example.
Sep 11, 2021 2:37 PM

Aug 2018
UnBouquetin said:
The episode was ok i guess, even underwhelming for me.
The attempt by the author to make us feel bad about shigaraki's story is disgusting.
Ok he had a harsh life, but it was because he refused to comply with the only rule of the family.
Correct me if I'm wrong but his dad only cuffed him once in his life and it's enough to make the kid go crazy?
You can't and shouldn't try to justify the murder of a whole family by just being punished to go to the corner.
Hope it'll get better next episode.
What a bad comment
Sep 11, 2021 2:46 PM

Nov 2009
Yea... looks like this is the same issue as Todoroki.

Except one turns out into a Hero, while the other into a Villian.

Both had crap dads, but one of them lived and is trying to change for the better, while the other literally died.

___ ___ ___

Tho Shigaraki's dad wasn't completely at wrong, since he just didn't like how he got abandoned by his mom who was a hero (aka One-For-All, probably went to train All Might).

It's the same as in Real Life where if you hate something, of course you wouldn't want other people in your household to keep on talking about it, it just gets annoying.

An example is a Normie that dislike Weebs, but someone else keep on talking about anime, obviously the Normie will tell the guy to shut up.
(obviously everyone that's here likes anime, so in our eyes that's just stupid, but not in the eyes of Normies, which majority of the world is, only about 20 to 30% of the non-censored world population likes anime)

Or even the part about abandonment... which can be applied to anyone and not just one group of people. If you get abandoned by your parents, majority of people grow up hating them.
(even if the abandonment was to train All Might, some might say this is All Might's fault)
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Sep 11, 2021 3:18 PM

Jan 2013

sigh...was hoping for this part to be drawn better
his hair should have been changed to white just like in the manga at least
Sep 11, 2021 4:09 PM

Mar 2012
shane_nichols said:
Krparth said:

It's better than villains being evil for the sake of being evil and ofcourse it would be a tragedy that turns them evil
No one will turn to the path of a villain if they have a perfectly good life and nice people around them
Hao from Shaman King is a better Villain than Shigaraki
worst take ive seen on this site lol
Sep 11, 2021 4:10 PM

Aug 2020
Shigaraki's past was finally shown! This ep was pretty interesting

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Sep 11, 2021 4:14 PM
Sep 2014
Some of you are being really dumb, come on.

This episode wasn't about justifying any of Shigaraki's actions, past or present, just to show the tragic sequence of events that lead to his creation.

His behaviour in the flashback also makes complete sense, he was a panicking kid in a free fall down a dark place; and in his moment of most need, his father struck him (also understandable, trying to keep distance so he could diffuse the situation) so he lashed out in anguish. The hero stuff wasn't why he killed anyone, that was just the trigger for a confused emotional outburst.
👌( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)👌
Sep 11, 2021 4:42 PM

Apr 2010
So.. the creepy hand guy killed his family and enjoyed it. Should I care? I already knew he was a villain for a reason
Sep 11, 2021 5:03 PM

Jun 2015
shane_nichols said:
Oh boy its the victimizing cliche. Another Villain who went batshit over a tragedy. Borrrring!

Did you really watch the whole thing?
Sep 11, 2021 5:04 PM

Jun 2015
Yeah... I think they did give the episode the justice it deserved from the manga
Sep 11, 2021 5:05 PM
Jun 2015
zera_scarlet said:
Morssee said:
Yeah... can't feel sympathy for you Shigaraki. That was a really poor 7 min story that only showed Shigaraki disobeying his father again and again and getting beat up, again and again. That's just really dumb imo, should've listened to his sister and become heroes secretly, would've ended, well, without anyone being killed. Btw, is that a new feeling? Wanting to kill, but at the same time you don't want to kill and end up still killing everyone? Just laughable. I've been in the same situation but family is family, all would've been alright if he hid his intentions from his dad, every kid will learn not to do the same thing again after several beatings (tried to explain why I don't give him sympathy so that I don't get bonked by others who disagree)

It's wierd that he went Sonic and Super Sayian at the same time all of a sudden but it's understandable since the doctor made experiments on him to boost his power.

Rickiya should've ended Shigaraki when he had the chance, but that would make the anime half as long so obviously, it won't happen.

You nailed it, right here, right now! I really hope that we don't have to see him in after Season 5, I'm really bored of the current villain league. Overhaul in S4 was so much better than Shigaraki and it was quite a nice change that you didn't really have to see the villain league
Stain was a better villain than both of them. His methods of doing things made much more since.
Sep 11, 2021 5:08 PM
Jul 2018
Tomura's past my god what all that was I was surprised by all that and a very sad and tense past but his father and a retard for raising his own son in this way I thought it was too wrong.
Sep 11, 2021 5:08 PM
Jun 2015
Switch_Z said:
shane_nichols said:
Oh boy its the victimizing cliche. Another Villain who went batshit over a tragedy. Borrrring!

Did you really watch the whole thing?
Yes. I did and I just stared at it. Really this couldve been explained in a couple sentences during the fight. I mean it felt rushed as well. Lol half an episode of abuse and then Shigaraki goes nuts.
Sep 11, 2021 5:10 PM

Nov 2020
LukaPochi said:
So.. the creepy hand guy killed his family and enjoyed it. Should I care? I already knew he was a villain for a reason

Can't tell if trolling, but would you have preferred if we never found why he was a villain and he remained one dimensional as a result?
Are ya winning, diners?
Sep 11, 2021 5:33 PM

Jul 2013
It's been SO long but we finally get something that peaks as high as the earlier seasons. Guess all hope is not lost just yet.
Sep 11, 2021 6:27 PM
Dec 2019
My personal favourite episode of this season.
I kinda knew Shigaraki's backstory but seeing that throwback was so intense.
The animation, the music, it was so great.
I can't wait for the next episode but at the same time I don't want this season to end cause it finally became so good with the MVA arc.
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