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Do you have any religious beliefs? If so, what are they?

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May 25, 2018 12:56 AM

May 2013
And it has started.

Satan and Lilith seduce eve thus creating Qayin who is the human embodiment of sitra achra

Any idea where I can find the h-doujinshi of the same? ;)
Truly a Divine Comedy
May 25, 2018 12:57 AM

Mar 2016
SadMadoka said:
Granadorae said:
So, agnosticism is also atheism? In the ''broadest sense''?

Agnosticism and atheism are two separate things. As covered earlier, one can be agnostic atheist, gnostic atheist, agnostic theist, or gnostic theist.

If you did not see the chart, here it is again.

Granadorae said:
It's not the real definition of atheism. The following ''atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist.'' is the right one.

Virtually any atheist organization (etc.) will tell you this or similar:

"Atheism is one thing: A lack of belief in gods."
"Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes."
"Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods."

(These quotes were taken from as examples.)

You can use a different definition than that if you want to, but it will be a narrower one that does not align with the principles of the atheist community as a whole and does not cover the wide array of positions held by atheists. Many atheists do not positively assert that there are no gods.

Anyway, it's simple: If you do not believe in the existence of any gods, you are an atheist.

For first part: thanks!
For second part: Atheists can say for themselves whatever they want, but they can't declare babies etc. atheists, nor they can declare atheism a natural thing (default).
May 25, 2018 1:06 AM

Mar 2016
KreatorX said:
Hm, I am curious about this sentence you wrote : atheist ''actively'' rejects the belief that God exists. Not sure what you mean by "passively" rejecting the same belief, in that context.

I mean, the knowledge and evidence of the said entity are all that is required to turn an atheist into a theist. If the atheist still rejects it then that is indeed a form of intellectual fraud.

You didn't quote/mention me, so I didn't see immediately.
''passively'' = being ''an atheist'' by default, without rejecting belief of God's existence (absence of theism/''implicit atheism'')
I hope it's clear now.
May 25, 2018 1:07 AM
Jul 2018
I am Christian, and I do believe it and follow it to best I can.
May 25, 2018 1:59 AM

Jun 2017
I'm a Muslim and maybe hardly believe it and I think if I wasn't a Muslim I committed suicide about three years ago but Islam saved me and I frequently go to mosque pray Allah and now fasting the days until the Ramadan ends though I doing a lot of Haram things may Allah forgive us...
May 25, 2018 2:05 AM

Aug 2014
Granadorae said:
You can't be a ''passive'' atheist, atheist ''actively'' rejects the belief that God exists.

Granadorae said:
Atheists can say for themselves whatever they want, but they can't declare babies etc. atheists, nor they can declare atheism a natural thing (default).

There is such a thing as established terminology, you know...

"A gnostic atheist not only believes there are no gods, he also claims to know there are no gods."
"An agnostic atheist doesn’t believe in gods, but doesn’t claim to know there are no gods."
"A negative atheist merely lacks a belief in gods. He is also called a weak atheist or an implicit atheist."
"A positive atheist not only lacks a belief in gods, but also affirms that no gods exist. He is also called a strong atheist or an explicit atheist."

To elaborate...

"Negative atheism, also called weak atheism and soft atheism, is any type of atheism where a person does not believe in the existence of any deities but does not explicitly assert that there are none. Positive atheism, also called strong atheism and hard atheism, is the form of atheism that additionally asserts that no deities exist."
"Positive atheism is the explicit affirmation that gods do not exist. Negative atheism includes all other forms of non-theism. According to this categorization, anyone who is not a theist is either a negative or a positive atheist."
"Explicit atheists have considered the idea of deities and have rejected belief that any exist. Implicit atheists, though they do not themselves maintain a belief in a god or gods, have not rejected the notion or have not considered it further."

I hope it's clear now. ;)
May 25, 2018 2:18 AM

Mar 2016
@SadMadoka I already disagreed...
May 25, 2018 2:20 AM

Aug 2014
Granadorae said:
I already disagreed...

My mistake. I thought you intended on backing up your claims.

At any rate, we can both agree that Little Nemo is a phenomenal film! heh
May 25, 2018 2:27 AM

Mar 2016
SadMadoka said:
Granadorae said:
I already disagreed...

My mistake. I thought you intended on backing up your claims.

At any rate, we can both agree that Little Nemo is a phenomenal film! heh

Can you read my conversation with Mendelssohn here? It may give you a little insight.

I disagree with definition you brought. If you follow that definition, how then I can prove anything to you?

Too bad ''Little Nemo'' flopped. It was very good kids' movie and I was somewhat happy when found out it's an anime. xD
May 25, 2018 2:28 AM

Aug 2017
I am a Muslim though I am sure I have commited plenty of harams but I still do try to follow my religion as much as possible. I am fasting for the Ramadan and I try to say my prayers regularly.
May 25, 2018 2:38 AM

Aug 2014
Granadorae said:
Can you read my conversation with Mendelssohn here? It may give you a little insight.

I disagree with definition you brought. If you follow that definition, how then I can prove anything to you?

Too bad ''Little Nemo'' flopped. It was very good kids' movie and I was somewhat happy when found out it's an anime. xD

I read everything. I suppose it does ultimately come down to semantics. But the stuff I've pasted is widely established terminology.

Plus I can speak from experience. I don't believe in a god, but also acknowledge that a god (or multiple gods) might exist. I do not entirely reject the belief that a god exists per se; I simply don't believe in the existence of any particular one I've heard of. This makes me an agnostic negative atheist.

Are you telling me I don't exist either? Or maybe you're an agnostic negative Madokaist. (ehehe)

Same for me. Had no idea it was an anime until many years later.
May 25, 2018 2:46 AM

Mar 2016
SadMadoka said:

I suppose it does ultimately come down to semantics. But the stuff I've pasted is widely established terminology.

Plus I can speak from experience. I don't believe in a god, but also acknowledge that a god (or multiple gods) might exist. I do not entirely reject the belief that a god exists per se; I simply don't believe in the existence of any particular one I've heard of. This makes me an agnostic negative atheist.

Are you telling me I don't exist either? Or maybe you're an agnostic negative Madokaist. (ehehe)

I follow traditional definition.

It's like definition of racism. How many times the meaning of the word changed again?

How is your example connected to the topic?
May 25, 2018 2:53 AM

Aug 2014
Granadorae said:
I follow traditional definition.

Many traditional definitions are archaic and no longer practically applicable.

Granadorae said:
How is your example connected to the topic?

Agnostic and atheist are two of the choices for the thread, so how is it not connected to the topic?

One of the reasons I'm here is to participate in a dialogue as to what these things even mean in the first place. (Since there are so many interpretations.)
May 25, 2018 3:00 AM

Mar 2016
SadMadoka said:

Many traditional definitions are archaic and no longer practically applicable.

Name a few.

This isn't.

SadMadoka said:

Agnostic and atheist are two of the choices for the thread, so how is it not connected to the topic?

No, I meant only our discussion. I thought you are making a point.
May 25, 2018 3:50 AM

Dec 2017
I'm still figuring that out. I feel a draw toward a sort of "Sola Scriptura" Christianity, and Orthodoxy to some extent as well. I'm not theologically learned enough to say that much though. For the moment, I remain agnostic, leaning toward theism.
May 25, 2018 4:11 AM

Aug 2014
Granadorae said:
Name a few.

Granadorae said:
This isn't.

The reason the definition you're using is not practically applicable is because millions of people use a broader one.

(Side note: Google's definition of "a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods" covers all types.)

Granadorae said:
No, I meant only our discussion. I thought you are making a point.

My points are thus: Your view on what constitutes atheism is archaic and irrelevant. You're completely ignoring and disparaging the intricacies of the worldviews held by countless people. Refusing to recognize that all these distinctions exist is not a valid argument. And atheists include all the types of people depicted in the diagram below whether you accept it or not.

May 25, 2018 5:29 AM

Aug 2013
I believe I'm Muslims, I still hold Five pillars of Islam like, Prays 5 times a day, charity, and Fasting (which, I'm doing right now). But I never actually thought anything about God exist or not, I'm just do all that bcos I've been doing it since I'm a kid for 20+ years of my life and stoping now doesn't feels right.

does that mean I'm an Agnostic Theist or just bad Muslims? lol. But I have to say tho, I'm on the 'Adam and Hawa (or Eve, w/e floats your boat)' side instead of 'Natural selection by Darwin'.
May 25, 2018 5:46 AM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
traed said:
149597871 said:

Do I really look like a nazi? No, I don't share JoS political ideologies. They have very good information on meditations, magic and the Gods on the other hand.

The problem is not about the concept of "God" but higher power and spirituality in general. Most atheists completely deny the existence of anything beyond what currently can be explained by science which is really annoying to say the least.

Yeah but JoS also claims it's an ancient religion which is kind of an iffy claim without anything to back it. I just looked for the opportunity to show I know about how there are many denominations of Satanism. Those are just the only ones I could name off the top of my head. Basically I was implying it's hard to tell what you believe since there is a lot of variety. Some worship Satan, some worship pagan gods, some believe but don't worship. The morals and philosophy can differ a lot too.

Not in my experience. I have known quite a few atheists that believe in an afterlife or psychic abilities and stuff like that.

"without anything to back it", I don't think that's the case, with all my respect, they have invested quite a lot of time on proving that. We believe in the same gods as Pagan religions which were here long before the concept of Abrahamic religions.

We also respect the Pagan gods but in terms of worship Satanism is far different than most monotheistic religions where you were in constant fear that some god may smite you down for every wrong move you make.

And about atheists, quite a few is an exaggeration, a few - maybe.
May 25, 2018 6:11 AM

Mar 2016
@SadMadoka When I said ''name a few'', I didn't mean words that changed their meaning due evolution of the language. I wanted from you examples of the words which traditional definition is incorrect or incomplete. I should have been more clear, now I got apples instead of pears.

''The reason the definition you're using is not practically applicable is because millions of people use a broader one.''
Truth is more important to me than my definition being practically applicable. I follow what I think is correct.

(Isn't it a google's job to adapts and covers all types?)

''Your view on what constitutes atheism is archaic and irrelevant.''
What should I do? To accept every new definition?
I don't find traditional definition to be incomplete or incorrect.
My definition is totally irrelevant if you say so, good sir.

''You're completely ignoring and disparaging the intricacies of the worldviews held by countless people.''
Don't use opinion of masses as an argument.

''Refusing to recognize that all these distinctions exist is not a valid argument.''
Let me see all those distinctions. We are talking here about whether people who aren't familiar with concept of God are implicit atheists or not. I recognize that people, but I don't call them atheists. If I didn't recognize some other type of people, let me know.

''And atheists include all the types of people depicted in the diagram below whether you accept it or not.''
You are using here logic ''Atheists as a group can define what atheists are and who's considered to be an atheist''. I don't drink that.
Atheists aren't the absolute authority when it comes to atheism. You can't change the definition of term whatever you like. Words have meaning. New definition isn't better. It didn't answer question what we had with first one. It didn't improve it. Atheists eating other things is not something I have to respect. I have my theories why do they do that, but I will keep them to myself.

You can't make it black and white.
Theism - pro
Atheism - anti
Absence of theism - neutral

Atheism exists because of theism. In world without theism, there is no atheism either.
Atheism isn't natural state. You aren't born atheist, you become atheist.

See, we have different view of atheism and whatever we say to each other it won't make a difference.

Call babies atheists as much as you want, but don't mind me laughing at you.
May 25, 2018 6:19 AM

Jul 2015
I believe every human is a fraction of God.
The less people, the closer to Godliness we become.
Hitler killed six million Jews and we suddenly had a huge technological advancement. (Sucks it happened to the Jews.)
May 25, 2018 6:39 AM

Mar 2016
I am an A T H E I S T. That means I am S M A R T E R than all of you. I dropped out of high school because I realized it was a waste of my T I M E and I know that true K N O W L E D G E can only be obtained on I N T E R N E T F O R U M S and Y O U T U B E R E L I G I O N D E B U N K I N G V I D E O S.

my mom is calling me to dinner, bbl, i will be free to chat all night because I am not qualified for an actual job.
May 25, 2018 6:46 AM

May 2013
^Edgelord check.
Varg, double check. xD
Truly a Divine Comedy
May 25, 2018 6:58 AM

Oct 2007
I will believe in a God when I am presented with undeniable proof of their existence.

Religion stems from a time in history when things happened that people couldn't explain, such as thunder storms, too little/not enough rain, and illnesses such as sepsis or mental disorders. The human brain does not deal well with "it just happens", and so people would attach explanations to things using what information they had. They had no understanding of illnesses or bacteria, or the intricacies of the weather, so attributing all these things to some all-powerful magical man in the sky took away the scary uncertainty. Which, honestly, is fair enough.

But nowadays we have explanations for these things and everything else like them. There is no place for religion in the modern world, and I for one am looking forward to it dying out.
May 25, 2018 7:54 AM

Apr 2017
... what a mess.

"I don't believe in a God until a proof come up to me" you definitely know what the religious belief is, yeah?

Just end this or you're going in circles.

May 25, 2018 9:14 AM

Jun 2016
149597871 said:
We also respect the Pagan gods but in terms of worship Satanism is far different than most monotheistic religions where you were in constant fear that some god may smite you down for every wrong move you make.
What sort of pagan gods?
Would they base it off of a pantheon of their own ancestry/heritage like a pagan reconstructionist would do? Or do they just choose ones from anywhere they "like" the most? Or are they supposed to be Sumerian/Babylonian "pagan" gods like Ba'al or Baphomet? What about celebrations and other traditions/practices? Do they celebrate Yule or Samhain/Halloween or Ostara or come up with some sort of "Satanist" practices?

I'm just curious, because as a Germanic pagan reconstructionist myself I've watched a few "pagan" Youtubers that didn't identify with any specific pantheon or even some Satanists/ex-Satanists (StyxHexenHammer666 being one of my favorites). I understand that not all Satanists are "devil worshippers" but I'm still trying to understand how some of their views work.
May 25, 2018 9:28 AM

May 2013
Hm, I don't really consider it going in circles given the amount of "respect" having a religious belief has in our society. It becomes only fair to request for proof when the religious belief is assumed to be the so-called truth to everything that has come to.

This belief system is put on a pedestal and assumed to answer all questions regarding our reality. In that regard it makes little sense to see so many belief systems that are supposedly true. Not even one single religious leader seems to have the intellectual honesty to admit that their high-and-mighty religion is nothing but another mere attempt at explaining reality. It is always their own religious belief that is true, the rest are false. Deep down I sincerely think that this is all a power grab and vote-bank politics behind all the wishy-washy stories of eternal damnation, reincarnation, nirvana etc etc.

Scientific inquiry (as a belief system if you fancy it) on the other hand atleast admits that its own definitions regarding reality are always updated with better models than before.

As Kuromii said above, there is honestly no place for religion in the modern world, where scientific reason dominates a majority of fields. Sure, religion can be a very good placebo support system for many, I won't deny that. It is however a problem when that placebo is given so much power and even worse when it is shoved down the throats of children as a cardinal truth.

It is indeed one thing that is going to die away, eventually. I can only wish it was sooner but I don't think I will be alive when that happens lol.
KreatorXMay 25, 2018 9:33 AM
Truly a Divine Comedy
May 25, 2018 4:46 PM

Apr 2018
Lost my faith in religion, Agnostic for the past 4 years.
May 25, 2018 4:47 PM

Apr 2017
the god of my religion is @complice and the whole purpose of it is to get him unbanned by the power of praying

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 𝚖𝚊𝚕'𝚜 CUTEST 𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚗
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ADORABLE 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚙 !
𝚒 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 KISS 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚢𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚗 !
May 25, 2018 5:07 PM

Feb 2015
At first I was Christian since my mother was Christian, I was forced to go to the church, there were religion lessons in my schools etc.
At one point in my youth I asked myself "If God really exist and can do anything then why is all the shit that's happening even happening in the first place" and that was when I became Atheist. Religions are just tools to connect people together in order to obtain something. Nothing I should bother myself with as I generally rarely care about stuff happening around me.
I'm watching anime since 2012. I also play games, sometimes.

Don't bother me if you want to 'become friends' or things like that.
It's tiresome. I know you just want to collect some meaningless numbers.
Thought: How many people sparked H. Charlotta just for blue pot?
May 25, 2018 5:21 PM
Jul 2014
Zjed said:
I do believe in God so I suppose that'd make me a Christian.

Sorry but this just irked me. I'm don't mind people who believe there is some deity or cosmic force that brings order to our universe (in a relative sense). But don't take this as me believing in intelligent design. Now on to my main point, it's one thing to say a god exists, but an even bigger leap to equate this mysterious deity with the god of Abraham. But for many it's a thoughtless association they make just because that's the only religion they've been familiar with since birth.
May 25, 2018 6:01 PM

Apr 2017
I was born in a muslim country. Since my childhood everyone around me told me that Islam is only the true religion and all others are fake religions. Then I realized every other religions say the same thing. I was like "how the hell am I supposed to know which one is the truth?". That's how I became an agnostic.
May 25, 2018 6:13 PM

Dec 2016
Raised in an obnoxiously Catholic family, in a extremely conservative country and spent around 15 years being force fed Catholicism. From going to Catholic schools, to having to attend special Religion Classes literally for the entirety of my life until now.

In one of said classes, a very angst-ridden early teenager me raised a very common question to the super religious woman leading the group, "why do bad things still happen if god is so powerful?"

Her response was some distorted version of the cliche 'god has a plan' line. She said," Well, dear, god is letting satan have his time on earth until he is ready to come again. : ) "

Needless to say I thought that was BS so that's when I decided to think a little deeper about what I was meant to believe in. Anyway, long story short, idk if there really is a god and personally I don't really even care. I'm just trucking along trying to be the best version of me I can be, in a very very sh*tty world.

(Voted Agnostic)

Anime was the catalyst of my life's downward spiral.
Joining MAL was the nail in my coffin.

Every day I keep screaming into the void,
but god just tells me to shut up.
May 25, 2018 6:31 PM

Sep 2016
I think that if Aliens ever visit us, they would laugh at us for believing that God made us in his image
May 25, 2018 7:18 PM

Mar 2008
thriach said:
I think that if Aliens ever visit us, they would laugh at us for believing that God made us in his image

I think it's meant to be spiritual image not physical image.

KreatorX said:
This belief system is put on a pedestal and assumed to answer all questions regarding our reality. In that regard it makes little sense to see so many belief systems that are supposedly true. Not even one single religious leader seems to have the intellectual honesty to admit that their high-and-mighty religion is nothing but another mere attempt at explaining reality. It is always their own religious belief that is true, the rest are false. Deep down I sincerely think that this is all a power grab and vote-bank politics behind all the wishy-washy stories of eternal damnation, reincarnation, nirvana etc etc.

In Buddhism they say it's a way not the way. In other words they don't claim to be the one true religion. Also their rules are more like suggestions than dogma. In Hinduism there is a large variety of beliefs in it some Hindus are atheists even so it's more a lifestyle. In Theosophy they think all religions hold a bit of the bigger truth. In Unitarian Universalism it's basically just a bunch of unrelated beleifs thrown into one chuch of open minded religiously tolerant people. Sufi mystics see all religions different paths to the same place.

Neane93 said:
@traed Stuff like O9A that you listed is a type of Anti-Cosmic Satanism. Though in O9A the deal is more based around opening nexions to the acausal rather the "anti cosmic" sentiment.

Anti-Cosmic Satanism is a concept really difficult for most people to understand. A majority of the time people take it at face value and say it's the edgiest of the edge, or stupid.

In a nut shell:

YHVH is the demiurge that diluted from Ain Sof.

Before Ain Sof was only Ain which is considered the primordial soup off all things and nothing's.

Spirit has been trapped in matter due to the Demiurge trapping and diluting it.

Ain in response to limit being imposed upon it reacts in a wrathful way unfortunately having to participate in form and creation.

Enter satan and the qlipolth

Satan and Lilith seduce eve thus creating Qayin who is the human embodiment of sitra achra

Qayin kills Abel opening the gate for the other side to come through and becomes the spirit for those who wish to champion the cause of the black light.

By dissolving material creation and creation itself the spirit can finally be free to return to its unbound uncorrupted form.

Book of sitra achra - Naa 218 then read some of the interviews.
Liber falxifer 1,2,3
Wrathful Chaos- Arioch

Should get you started if interested.

The doctrine has origins in the Sapphire Tablet of Set, from the Temple of Set. Much of their upper level doctrines about anti-cosmicism are predicated interpretations of Crowley.

Yeah doomsday cult I know. Didn't know the details.

Temple of Set? I heard of them before but I don't see the connection. They aren't even actually Satanists they are called Setians and try to emulate the Egyptian god Set (or Seth if you rather). Temple of Set came from disappointed members of the Church of Satan though.

149597871 said:

"without anything to back it", I don't think that's the case, with all my respect, they have invested quite a lot of time on proving that. We believe in the same gods as Pagan religions which were here long before the concept of Abrahamic religions.

We also respect the Pagan gods but in terms of worship Satanism is far different than most monotheistic religions where you were in constant fear that some god may smite you down for every wrong move you make.

And about atheists, quite a few is an exaggeration, a few - maybe.

Eh to be fair I only read one article they claimed that. Basically they arbitrarily claimed other religions practices like that in ancient Egypt were Satanism. I had tried to do research myself before and I never found a legit ancient theistic Satanism.

Care to explain? Since my knowledge of Spiritual Satanism is limited.

I can't remember the exact numbers but they were friends of mine and I didn't know their views till talking about the subjects one on one. I'm saying the vocal atheists on the internet are a poor representation of the actuality.
May 25, 2018 8:26 PM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
traed said:

149597871 said:

"without anything to back it", I don't think that's the case, with all my respect, they have invested quite a lot of time on proving that. We believe in the same gods as Pagan religions which were here long before the concept of Abrahamic religions.

We also respect the Pagan gods but in terms of worship Satanism is far different than most monotheistic religions where you were in constant fear that some god may smite you down for every wrong move you make.

And about atheists, quite a few is an exaggeration, a few - maybe.

Eh to be fair I only read one article they claimed that. Basically they arbitrarily claimed other religions practices like that in ancient Egypt were Satanism. I had tried to do research myself before and I never found a legit ancient theistic Satanism.

Care to explain? Since my knowledge of Spiritual Satanism is limited.

I can't remember the exact numbers but they were friends of mine and I didn't know their views till talking about the subjects one on one. I'm saying the vocal atheists on the internet are a poor representation of the actuality.

Satanism is a left-hand path religion. Just like the beliefs Ancient Egyptians and many other pagan civilizations had. It's not that Ancient Egyptians were modern Theistic Satanists, It's that Satanists nowadays have a lot of things in common with them.

There are like a ton of articles on their website and I don't intend to copy and paste everything here. As far as I understand even the origins of the name Satan are long before the Bible existed and from the far east. I'm not the one to tell if it's true or not. Theistic Satanism is basically a mix of western and middle-Eastern paganism as well as Eastern spiritual teachings and practices so you may often see it being referred to as "humanity's original/first religion".

To be honest, I've always viewed Satanism as something personal where everyone follows his own path even though some of the values are usually the same. I can't tell how "old" this religion is, it's just the misconception created by Christianity and the modern pop culture that bothers me. Whether the Goddess I turn to is named Astaroth, Isis, Inanna, Ishtar or Ashtart, it doesn't matter to me as long as we talk about the same deity. Would it matter to Satan if you call him Enki instead of Lucifer (in case you believe that Lucifer and Satan are the same being of course)?

The above may vary from person to person because as I said theistic satanism is not about large groups of people where everyone is supposed to obey some rules and be afraid that if he messes up something eternal damnation awaits him.

Lost_Viking said:
What sort of pagan gods?
Would they base it off of a pantheon of their own ancestry/heritage like a pagan reconstructionist would do? Or do they just choose ones from anywhere they "like" the most? Or are they supposed to be Sumerian/Babylonian "pagan" gods like Ba'al or Baphomet? What about celebrations and other traditions/practices? Do they celebrate Yule or Samhain/Halloween or Ostara or come up with some sort of "Satanist" practices?

I'm just curious, because as a Germanic pagan reconstructionist myself I've watched a few "pagan" Youtubers that didn't identify with any specific pantheon or even some Satanists/ex-Satanists (StyxHexenHammer666 being one of my favorites). I understand that not all Satanists are "devil worshippers" but I'm still trying to understand how some of their views work.

As I said there may be slight differences among practitioners. While "Sumerian/Babylonian" deities are obviously included there are also a lot of European ones as well as traditions. Of course Yule and Samhain are celebrated by pretty much everyone I know but as for things such as specific rituals, I'm not that familiar with the German pagan practices to be able to tell all the differences and many pagan practices such as animal sacrifices (that's basically a Judeo/Christian one as well) have been removed/reformed at least in most places I know as well as adding some new ones to the mix I think. But as I said there are no strict rules that force you to do them or not do the others. It's the idea and the basic values that are important.
149597871May 25, 2018 8:34 PM
May 25, 2018 8:52 PM

Oct 2012
Granadorae said:

You can't make it black and white.
Theism - pro
Atheism - anti
Absence of theism - neutral

Atheism exists because of theism. In world without theism, there is no atheism either.
Atheism isn't natural state. You aren't born atheist, you become atheist.
This just shows your blatant ignorance on how language works. It's like saying unwise exists because of wise, therefore wise is the natural state, therefore you aren't born unwise, you become unwise. Or you aren't born unbaptized, you become unbaptized. Or you aren't born undisciplined, you become undisciplined.

It's metaphysically ethnocentric. In other words, you actually believe that whatever a man thought of to describe reality becomes reality itself, that reality actually turns into something someone said.

See, we have different view of atheism and whatever we say to each other it won't make a difference.
It doesn't bother me one bit. It's not my job to fix stupidity. Although you make the world a worse place overall, your negative value might cause me to have relative positive value. It's like being in a war torn country and having one more bowl of rice because you threw yours away. Get it?
My subjective reviews:
May 25, 2018 9:01 PM

Dec 2015
I read many atheists or false beliefs, so I decided to introduce myself.

I'm Dakota, goddess of love and sex. I'm married to an immortal vampire and I created the use of "xD". My bible is the manga of Tokyo Ghoul and my word is transmitted by Kanade Tachibana.

A pleasure to meet, mortals.
May 25, 2018 11:49 PM
May 2018
I believe there is something we cannot call God nor conceptualize. Something beyond understanding. But I don't know anything about a God or whatever.
May 26, 2018 12:29 AM

May 2013
traed said:

In Buddhism they say it's a way not the way. In other words they don't claim to be the one true religion. Also their rules are more like suggestions than dogma. In Hinduism there is a large variety of beliefs in it some Hindus are atheists even so it's more a lifestyle. In Theosophy they think all religions hold a bit of the bigger truth. In Unitarian Universalism it's basically just a bunch of unrelated beleifs thrown into one chuch of open minded religiously tolerant people. Sufi mystics see all religions different paths to the same place.

You are perhaps quite right about the other religions, I simply haven't bothered to go into detail regarding the religions followed by the relative minority. Thank you for the information nonetheless.

I simply let my own actions decide my lifestyle and way of think (like a feedback loop) instead of following any suggestions of living. But that just concerns to me.

Regarding Hinduism, I disagree on it being just a way of life or lifestyle. That is a massive blanket statement to be honest. You will come across many self-professed Hindu "atheists" who proclaim their disbelief in a god but gladly adhere to the borderline ridiculous caste system that still exists in India, the system that was founded based on religious doctrines (Rig Veda if I am not wrong) from ancient India as a means of controlling the population. It pertains to the creator god Bramha and from his body, priests/teachers were created from his mouth, rulers/warriors from his arms, merchants/artisans/traders from his thighs, and workers/peasants from his feet.

Granted, these 'atheists' are a minority compared to the actual populace and call the above metaphorical and what-not but the hypocrisy is too strong to digest.
KreatorXMay 26, 2018 12:32 AM
Truly a Divine Comedy
May 26, 2018 1:03 AM

Mar 2016
katsucats said:
Granadorae said:

You can't make it black and white.
Theism - pro
Atheism - anti
Absence of theism - neutral

Atheism exists because of theism. In world without theism, there is no atheism either.
Atheism isn't natural state. You aren't born atheist, you become atheist.
This just shows your blatant ignorance on how language works. It's like saying unwise exists because of wise, therefore wise is the natural state, therefore you aren't born unwise, you become unwise. Or you aren't born unbaptized, you become unbaptized. Or you aren't born undisciplined, you become undisciplined.

It's metaphysically ethnocentric. In other words, you actually believe that whatever a man thought of to describe reality becomes reality itself, that reality actually turns into something someone said.

See, we have different view of atheism and whatever we say to each other it won't make a difference.
It doesn't bother me one bit. It's not my job to fix stupidity. Although you make the world a worse place overall, your negative value might cause me to have relative positive value. It's like being in a war torn country and having one more bowl of rice because you threw yours away. Get it?

My blatant ignorance on how language works?
See this: A - theist

Look, a ''too intelligent'' person. Not worth my time.
May 26, 2018 1:18 AM
Jul 2018

In Sapphire Tablet of Set, the postulate is a emancipation or exteriorization from the material body.

removed-userMay 26, 2018 5:46 AM
May 26, 2018 1:35 AM

Feb 2015
May 26, 2018 6:43 AM

Aug 2014
To avoid certain misconceptions (and perhaps create new ones), I will clarify that I am a spiritual atheist.

(Yes, atheists can believe in any manner of weird and wonderful things as long as it doesn't involve gods.)

I have investigated spiritual/paranormal phenomena long enough (longer than the lifetimes of some of you) to know that there is overwhelming evidence should I put this...some of it.

Here's a sample for neophytes that will hopefully spark an illuminative journey for those so inclined.

(Not interested in debating this, by the way. Anyone who hasn't spent *at least* ten years looking into such subjects isn't qualified to comment with authority anyway. I honestly detest scientific materialism as much as religious fundamentalism.)

Granadorae said:
When I said ''name a few'', I didn't mean words that changed their meaning due evolution of the language. I wanted from you examples of the words which traditional definition is incorrect or incomplete. I should have been more clear, now I got apples instead of pears.

My original statement was, "Many traditional definitions are archaic and no longer practically applicable." Your response was, "Name a few." Therefore I linked to more than a few. I did not offer to indulge your whims and go off on further tangents. This has no relevance to the thread, so I'll pass. If you are incapable of finding the examples you seek in this cyberage, that's not my problem.

Granadorae said:
Truth is more important to me than my definition being practically applicable.

You don't care about the truth of this matter if you don't care about the wide array of things various atheists believe and don't believe.

It'd be like looking up a religion in a dictionary or encyclopedia and foisting what it says on every member as if that was what they all believed by default, when in reality, religions (the larger ones, at least) typically have endless sects and so on that frequently deviate from the core ideology.

Granadorae said:
I follow what I think is correct.

Thinking something is correct does not make it true.

Granadorae said:
(Isn't it a google's job to adapts and covers all types?)

FYI, they used a definition that can be found in most dictionaries.

Granadorae said:
What should I do? To accept every new definition?

Do what thou wilt! (Then again, I take it you aren't into Thelema.)

Granadorae said:
I don't find traditional definition to be incomplete or incorrect.

The irony is delicious. Keep reading.

Granadorae said:
My definition is totally irrelevant if you say so, good sir.

I never said your definition is totally irrelevant, for the record.

Granadorae said:
Don't use opinion of masses as an argument.

Oh my, how could I have forgotten? Only your opinion matters, after all...

Granadorae said:
We are talking here about whether people who aren't familiar with concept of God are implicit atheists or not. I recognize that people, but I don't call them atheists.

So in other words...implicit atheists don't exist...according to you...gotcha.

Guess those 354,000 Google search results were all for naught. Granadorae has spoken!

(In the spirit of thoroughness, I'll mention here that even if someone doesn't believe in any deities, they don't have to identify as an atheist. It's perfectly okay to call yourself an agnostic, nontheist, or whichever designation you prefer.)

Granadorae said:
Let me see all those distinctions.

Granadorae said:
If I didn't recognize some other type of people, let me know.

I covered many of them in prior sermons. Go to Google and search for different types of atheists to find enough to fill your pantry with all the godless nutrients you need for the upcoming granadopocalypse.

Granadorae said:
Atheists aren't the absolute authority when it comes to atheism.

Granted. (Or should I say...granado-ed. ...Sorry, I'm having too much fun with this.)

But it's not just atheists saying these things. When the vast majority of the innumerable sources you can go to relating to atheism talk about all the stuff I've shown you, this means it is well-established terminology.

It seems to me that you just conveniently picked one definition from one dictionary while ignoring all the others and neglecting to actually look into the facts of a complex cultural phenomenon. Your lexicon is misinformed and your assessment is obsolete.

Granadorae said:
Words have meaning.

Words tend to have many meanings.

Granadorae said:
You can't change the definition of term whatever you like.

My sentiments precisely. You are grossly misrepresenting atheism. It's more diverse than you give it credit for.

I'd suggest better familiarizing yourself with the definitions. [<<< See that? It's plural.]

(narrowly) A person who believes that no deities exist (especially, one who has no other religious belief).
(broadly) A person who rejects belief that any deities exist (whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist).
(loosely) A person who has no belief in any deities, such as a person who has no concept of deities.
(uncommon) A person who does not believe in a particular deity (or any deity in a particular pantheon), notwithstanding that they may believe in another deity.

(Hint hint: There's more where that came from. Use that nifty invention called Google...or any other search engine. Gotta catch 'em all!)

Granadorae said:
New definition isn't better.

Nothin' new about it. See below.

Granadorae said:
It didn't answer question what we had with first one. It didn't improve it.

I am unable to decipher this cryptic collection of words.

Granadorae said:
Atheists eating other things is not something I have to respect.

I really enjoyed the steak I had the other night. Almost as tasty as the souls of magical girls. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

Granadorae said:
I have my theories why do they do that, but I will keep them to myself.

Aw, and here I was hoping I'd get to uncover the secret of...wait, I actually have no inkling as to what you were even talking about in the last few quotes. I'll just start typing something about you accusing atheists of using dark sorcery to control society from the shadows even though you did nothing of the sort...but hey, who's keeping track of what's up or down, right? And I mean, my brand of spiritual atheism allows for black theory... lolz

Granadorae said:
You can't make it black and white.

You're the one trying to make it black and white by insisting upon that restrictive classification that only accounts for some types of atheists.

Granadorae said:
Theism - pro
Atheism - anti
Absence of theism - neutral

LOL! A- does not mean anti. You're just making shit up now. I already explained that the prefix a- means no, absence, without, lacking, etc. Etymologically speaking, atheism literally means the absence of theism. A few other words with this prefix: asexual, apolitical, asymptomatic, asymmetrical.

Granadorae said:
Atheism exists because of theism.

You may find this enlightening.

Absence (rather than opposition) is indicated by the "a-" prefix, meaning "without," hence "atheism" can be concisely characterized as "without theism."

The words "atheism" and "atheist" originated from the Ancient Greek word "ἄθεος" ("átheos") meaning "without deities" without any direct or implied anti-theistic (or anti-religious) connotation, for it was (and still is) impartial in its initially intended use -- philosophical atheist thought is also believed by some scholars to have begun in Asia and Europe as early as 600 BCE.

Although "atheism" is sometimes assumed to be derived from the word "theism," it actually predates it. Originally the concept of "atheism" was contributed by the Greeks in 5th Century BCE, and then the words "atheist" and "atheism" were later introduced in the mid-to-late 1580s CE (adapted from the French words "athée" and "athéisme"), almost one century before the words "theist" and "theism" were added to the English language in the 1660s and 1670s CE.

I understand your point was that we only use the word to differentiate from an existing concept. I just wanted to shed light on the history of the term.

More info here:

Granadorae said:
In world without theism, there is no atheism either.

Positing a planet devoid of theism is pointless since we do not live in that world.

Granadorae said:
Atheism isn't natural state. You aren't born atheist, you become atheist.

Whatevs, yo.

Granadorae said:
See, we have different view of atheism and whatever we say to each other it won't make a difference.

Fair enough. Just don't call me a non-atheist simply because I don't necessarily meet your strict criteria...good sir.

Granadorae said:
Call babies atheists as much as you want, but don't mind me laughing at you.

I love to make people laugh, so I don't mind. ✿~^‿^~✿

I think we can agree that calling babies atheists/nontheists/what-have-you is meaningless, in the same way that calling them "not sports fans" is.

...This is an odd side note, but now I'm thinking about how some people say babies are closer to the spiritual realm, having recently reincarnated or [insert any other supernatural claim here], and know all about it, potentially making them theists in an unconventional way. Not that I blindly believe this hogwash...but it's intriguing as a thought experiment.

KreatorX said:
^Edgelord check.
Varg, double check. xD

I got such a good chuckle from this.

Kuromii said:
I will believe in a God when I am presented with undeniable proof of their existence.


However, proof lies in the domain of mathematics and logic, whereas science only deals with evidence. Thought I'd point that out.

(I'm sure you meant proof in the more personal/casual sense of sufficient evidence, anyhow.)

Kuromii said:
There is no place for religion in the modern world

I think along those lines at times...but in the end, I respect the right of anyone to believe what they wish (no matter how strongly I disagree), as long as they don't violate the rights of others. (Though, I must say...religion is notorious for egregious human rights violations, so this is verily thin ice to tread.)

Kuromii said:
I for one am looking forward to it dying out.

That may take some time...especially with Madokaism on the rise!

Heed my words. My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the Grail’s call, and obey my will and reason, then answer my summoning. I hereby swear that I shall be all the good in the world...that I shall defeat all evil in the world. But let thine eyes be clouded with the fog of turmoil and chaos. Thou, who art trapped in a cage of madness, and I the summoner, who holds thy chains. Seventh Heaven clad in the great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding, Guardian of Scales!

I henceforth summon my Servant, the great King of Heroes, @GwaziMagnum!

Grace us with your glorious presence and lend thy insurmountable strength and wisdom wrought from all the world's treasures.
SmugSatokoMay 26, 2018 7:29 AM
May 26, 2018 7:12 AM

Jan 2009
I'm a Christian who is slightly tilting on the Gnostic Side since it feels more soothing to think that no Matter what happens, God will never leave me.

We've had at least one Ignostic over here, though I think they regard themselves as a (believing) Christian lately.

btw: Isn't Taoism and Daoism the same?

Also, the Option "other" is missing, since there's at least the Option to have (natural-)spiritual, Zoroastrian and other Believes.
May 26, 2018 8:15 AM

May 2016
Having a religious mother (+ some other things), I grew to believe in the christian God, but I'll never be able to dedicate my life to him like believers are supposed to do.
Going to church every Sunday is the most I'm willing to do.

Doesn't help that I don't resonate with some of the Bible's teachings, like "sex is a gift of marriage".
HyperLMay 26, 2018 8:20 AM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
May 26, 2018 8:17 AM

Oct 2014
SadMadoka said:
I henceforth summon my Servant, the great King of Heroes, @GwaziMagnum!

Grace us with your glorious presence and lend thy insurmountable strength and wisdom wrought from all the world's treasures.

There is only one proper religion, and that is worshipping me.
All the other God's are ass holes, they do not deserve praise.

I require treasures and wealth to add to my treasury. One must accept they are born as a Mongrel and shall never move past that status.
Unless if you're made out of claw and imitate a concubine. Or perhaps a Greek King who discovers Oceania. A 14 year old girl who becomes a god is also acceptable.
May 26, 2018 9:50 AM

Sep 2012
i was born to and raised by catholic parents who are somewhat religious.
i believed a lot in god and everything until i was about 12 or so.
my parents thankfully never forced religion onto me, aside from going to church and first communion classes i had to take every saturday which were a bit boring, but as i got older they started just leaving me alone with it.
i'm not really that catholic anymore, or practice it aside from maybe going to church once in a blue moon.
i'm more of just a spiritual person now that really does want to believe.
YomiyukiMay 26, 2018 10:22 AM

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns or our nothing places
But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

May 26, 2018 10:12 AM

Oct 2013
I was taken to church when I was a kid. When I was old enough to realize the bible stories weren't meant to be taken literally, and were more like guidelines,I stopped going.

There were other reasons,but that would take way too long to go into.
May 26, 2018 12:05 PM

May 2018
@GwaziMagnum @traed Thanks for the clarification I guess this makes me an agnostic atheist. Good to have another label for myself!

Still not sure how to appropriately vote on the poll. Feels like atheism takes centre stage so that's where I'll put my money.
May 26, 2018 2:17 PM

Apr 2008
I'm Christian. I pray and read the Bible every day... Well, I read my favorite passages every day to keep my going and just being thankful after a looong day of work.

I dont go to church much anymore... No special reason, I am just horrible about getting anywhere on time. >.<
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