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The 2020 American GENERAL ELECTION (Week?) Thread!

Nov 1, 2020 9:18 PM

Jun 2008
I've decided to make this a potential ELECTION WEEK General thread since there is a chance that we will NOT know the winner by the end of the night on Nov. 3rd.

So here we are, the 2020 American General Elections....we will decide who will lead the country through one of the most polarized times in American (at least in modern times) History.

We are in the midst of a global pandemic that has been hit hardest in America....but ONLY because the leadership here has been beyond abysmal.

We never truly shutdown, we never instituted a national Mask Mandate, hoards of people continue to downplay the virus, make up insane conspiracy theories, it was politicized like crazy, or they simply do not care.

The President at this particular time has completely thrown in the towel and is not even bothering to try to contain it, instead trying to do a "Herd Immunity" route which no expert or scientist essence America has LOST against COVID-19.

I believe this election is a referendum on is NOT truly about two different candidates with two different worldviews.

It's all about ONE candidate and whether or not Americans believe he is the best choice to lead the country forward....Biden in reality is a countermeasure on Trump, his voters are more about voting out Trump and not necessarily because they like Biden. is where we of the end of November 1, 2020...close to 100 million Americans have ALREADY voted.

For reference, the entire vote count of 2016 was 135 Million.

Many experts predict more than 160 Million Americans will vote which will absolutely SHATTER voter turnout records in modern times.

So who are the battleground states?

According to we have the current states that are considered the "Battleground States" and who leads them by what percentage:

Georgia: Biden leads by 0.6 Points on Average of polls

Florida: Biden leads by 2.1 Points on Average of polls

Ohio: Trump leads by 0.6 Points on Average of polls

North Carolina: Biden leads by 1.8 Points on Average of polls

Iowa: Trump leads by 1.9 Points on Average of polls

Arizona: Biden leads by 2.9 Points on Average of polls

Texas: Trump leads by 1.6 Points on Average of Polls

Pennsylvania: Biden leads by 5.1 Points on Average of polls

Nevada: Biden leads by 5.9 Points on Average of polls

Wisconsin: Biden leads by 7.7 Points on Average of polls

Michigan: Biden leads by 8.2 Points on Average of polls


I will leave these numbers up because by the end of this election, I want to see just how accurate or off they were.

Here is my honest to god belief on what will occur depending on who wins:

If Biden wins I believe we can start to repair this country's deep problems starting off with COVID, I believe Biden will institute a Mask Mandate and urge all Americans to cooperate with the scientific community and listen to all the guidelines and medical advices. I fully expect many Trump Supporters to be furious and claim that Biden didn't actually win. I also do NOT believe for one second that Biden will magically fix anything....Coronavirus will NOT go away until there's a vaccine and even then, I believe it will be tricky. As for the social issues, that will also be very difficult, the economy is still predicted to take a downturn and inflation will eventually hit us, I expect hard times ahead.

If Trump wins (Legitimately) I will accept that, but I fear very much for this country's future especially in the near term seeing as Trump has literally given up on fighting COVID-19 or listening to the advice of experts and scientists, I believe the number of deaths will reach in the millions and he will still not take responsibility for said deaths....which IMO SHOULD be the biggest and most important issue of these elections. I also believe that Trump will go full authoritarian if given a second term, people on the Internet will rejoice because once again they will be able to "Own the Libs" but if they live in this country, they too will have to endure the nonsense.

Soooo that's it...Election WEEK is here! America decides it's future, let's see what happens.

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Nov 1, 2020 9:27 PM

Jan 2009
538 also says the democrats are favored to win the house and senate anyway so even if Trump wins he cannot do much at all lol
Nov 1, 2020 9:41 PM

Jan 2020
I've just posted this on another thread but lemme post again here just to rub it in your face.


I don't know, people have been expecting Trump to lose but I think they place too much importance on the coronavirus situation. The majority of Republicans don't think that it's a very important issue to their vote in the presidential election.

"You misunderstood from the very beginning. You just believed what you wanted to believe."
Rei Ayanami
Nov 1, 2020 9:51 PM

Jun 2008

Yeah, I saw's pretty amazing that a political party can care so little about a literal pandemic that has absolutely ravaged the country to such an extent.

Like...84% of Republicans think the Economy is VERY important, but they don't seem to see the correlation between the Coronavirus and the economy and how they're clearly linked?

I have no idea how these people process the real world with such cognitive dissonance.
Nov 1, 2020 9:55 PM

Jan 2009
republicans does not care about covid-19 since people of color especially the hispanics and blacks are the ones more seriously ill from it anyway

COVID-19 hospitalization rates among non-Hispanic Black people and Hispanic or Latino people were both about 4.7 times the rate of non-Hispanic white people.
Nov 2, 2020 4:03 AM
Jul 2018
--ALEX-- said:
since there is a chance that we will NOT know the winner by the end of the night on Nov. 3rd.
I'm pretty sure that has never happened in American history anyway.
Nov 2, 2020 4:54 AM
Oct 2018
Biden2020 landslide lets gooo
Nov 2, 2020 5:13 AM

Feb 2012
Its over for Biden its already obvious

Nov 2, 2020 5:24 AM
Oct 2020
Mr. Silver weighs the Pollsters who got 2016 right (Rasmussen, Trafalgar) less. Realclearpolitics just averages. Way better. No boost to leftist polls.
Bidens lead in Pennsylvania is 4 points. The margin of error for state polling is 10 points. If Trump wins PA and keeps Texas, Arizona and so on he is president.
Nov 2, 2020 5:43 AM

May 2016
Trump will not lose Texas. Keep dreaming lol.

Also you know those shitty red states are getting bluer because people are leaving shitty blues because the astronomical taxes.
Nov 2, 2020 5:51 AM

Jul 2016
I hope Trump wins, at least he won't make America worse than the Democrats.
Nov 2, 2020 6:39 AM

Jun 2008
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Trump will not lose Texas. Keep dreaming lol.

I also don’t believe that Texas will go Blue...BUT...

In all the polls, Texas has been polling insanely CLOSE.

Right now...Trump leads by LESS than 2 points on average.

Meanwhile, Biden leads Pennsylvania by 5 points on average, and yet, everyone is talking about how Pennsylvania is actually closer and Trump still has a chance there. is it that Trump has a chance in Pennsylvania where polling has consistently shown a 5 or even 6 point Biden lead...

And yet, no one is really giving Texas a chance to Biden, even tho the polling there has been way, WAAAAYY closer?

PLUS...Texas is seeing literal record Houston alone (the county) (which is deep BLUE) 1.3 million have already voted.....and we still have tomorrow to look forward to.

On top of that Texas has already far surpassed its entire 2016 vote total only in early voting.

So...if you tell me that it’s only a 1.6 point lead for Trump and Texas is surging in historic voter turnout....that 1.6 lead is well within the margin of error.

I think Biden has a shot!

But we will see.
Nov 2, 2020 6:40 AM

Jun 2008
RunescapeIsGreat said:
I hope Trump wins, at least he won't make America worse than the Democrats.

230,000 Covid-19 deaths, #1 in the world.

#1 in the world in Covid-19 in infections.

How in the hell could Democrats make that worse than Trump?

Biden is open to listening to the experts and scientists...Trump isn’t.

How is this real life?
Nov 2, 2020 7:14 AM

Jan 2017
All i want is getting The Young Turks election meltdown sequel.
Nov 2, 2020 8:30 AM

Jan 2011
the great shitstorm is upon us, this is gonna be the most toxic day in 2020

Nov 2, 2020 9:07 AM

May 2016
Praestantia said:
All i want is getting The Young Turks election meltdown sequel.

That is basically every day. Love trolling them in the comments like 90% of their comments are.
Nov 2, 2020 9:27 AM
Oct 2020
The US be like after Trump won.
Nov 2, 2020 9:30 AM

Jul 2020
Ramkec said:
Its over for Biden its already obvious

lol yeah probably

Nov 2, 2020 9:55 AM

Dec 2012
If Biden wins, I'll be pissed.

If Trump wins, I'll be pissed.

If my write-in wins, I can die happy.

On another note, I hope one of them reaches 270 ASAP so we don't have to wait another 3 weeks for those damn mail-ins.
Nov 2, 2020 10:19 AM

Oct 2017
I hope Trump wins just because how insuflable assholes democrats have been this last four years more than anything, acting like if he it's Hitler reincarnated when he haven't been really different than Bush or Clinton to say someone.

That being said I don't expect Joe to be different than Trump if he wins and seeing how the democrats hate his VP pick I can be at peace if it's elected.

If Trump wins I will enjoy seeing how all the racists and sexist meltdown after 4 more years of 'suffering', if Biden wins it will be fun to see how the people who voted for him first gloat about how they got rid of the 'facist' and then turn against him or defend him when he start doing the same things they hate Trump for.

Anyways I think Joe will win but good luck and follow the rules when voting.

Nov 2, 2020 10:29 AM

Dec 2014
I'm not a Trump sympathizer nor idolize any politician, although, having Biden in power is treat to democracy, national and international security, economy, and overall, human integrity.

Also Alex, you never say who you are supporting, nor who are you going against, why is that?
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
Nov 2, 2020 11:21 AM

Jun 2008
Praestantia said:
All i want is getting The Young Turks election meltdown sequel.

Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Praestantia said:
All i want is getting The Young Turks election meltdown sequel.

That is basically every day. Love trolling them in the comments like 90% of their comments are.

So, “own the libs” it.

Thanks guys, I’d much prefer you to be honest than to just lie.

Trump Supporters...just be wanna “own the libs” you don’t really care about anything.

1 million people can die, it doesn’t matter as long as Trump “owns the libs”.
Nov 2, 2020 11:25 AM

Oct 2014
Isn't it pretty damn obvious that the difference in prioritizing Corona or not stems from whether the voters are from more urban or more rural areas?

The ones who live in high population density areas will obviously prioritize it, while those who aren't, won't. To pretend that it's anymore than that is just wishful thinking that the "other side" is somehow paranoid or evil. In other words, business as usual.
Nov 2, 2020 11:27 AM

May 2016
--ALEX-- said:
Praestantia said:
All i want is getting The Young Turks election meltdown sequel.

Kayle_x_Morgana said:

That is basically every day. Love trolling them in the comments like 90% of their comments are.

So, “own the libs” it.

Thanks guys, I’d much prefer you to be honest than to just lie.

Trump Supporters...just be wanna “own the libs” you don’t really care about anything.

1 million people can die, it doesn’t matter as long as Trump “owns the libs”.

All tyt does is lie and cherry pick. Why do you think they are the biggest channel with the highest dislike like ratio and most trolls?
Cenk begs for money allllll the time despite being a millionaire.
Nov 2, 2020 2:51 PM
Jul 2018
just take Trump seriously and he will back down. that is literally why he ran for president in the first place.
"I realized that unless I actually ran, I wouldn't be taken seriously."
Nov 2, 2020 5:55 PM

Nov 2013
Biden is less shitty than trump on policy so I hope he wins. I also find trump's continued fashy rhetoric like "teaching american exceptionalism" and "patriotic education" dangerous.

I can see you

Nov 2, 2020 7:33 PM
Nov 2014
Would be funny if Trump wins the election lol.
Nov 2, 2020 9:15 PM
Nov 2, 2020 9:30 PM

Jun 2008
Well, it's here...November 3rd 2020....America's Judgement Day.

Today we vote to decide who will lead us for the next four years.

THE most pressing issue right now is NOT immigration, war, foreign policy, or even the economy per se...

It's the goddamn pandemic that has raged for 8 full months, has affected ALL of our lives, and yes ALL of us have felt the effects of this pandemic, to deny it is to be a liar.

Trump has wholeheartedly mishandled the pandemic response in the most spectacular way possible....and as a result over 230,000 Americans have died.

We are now seeing a THIRD waver where the number of infections is sky high and there is still no vaccine or anything giving us hope that this will end in sight.

If for only THIS pressing, absolutely URGENT issue....Trump does NOT deserve a second term.
Nov 2, 2020 10:04 PM

Jan 2011

good luck guys, hopefully the better candidate will win
Nov 2, 2020 10:23 PM

Jun 2008
SargonTheGreat said:
Asuka__ said:
There has been so much pain and chaos in 2020. I'm deeply invested in the results of this election and my anxiety is off the charts. I'm a first-time voter... Until this year, I honestly thought I would never vote. But I cleared my head, shrugged off my apathy and got my ass to the polls to vote for Joe Biden. There's an alarming number of people even in my own personal life who simply do not care about the misfortune of others. To this day I still don't understand what would cause someone to vote for Trump. I want to believe that there's a common ground between "us" and "them" but the future looks bleak and our president seems to have a vested interest in keeping it that way. This nation is broken and divided and I firmly believe that Joe is the only way forward, even if people aren't excited about him or he's not the perfect choice.
It aint that deep lmao, seriously though how do you care about an election this much? Also caring about someones misfortune doesn't mean you have to help them through their own misfortune and their own mistake.

Why are some of you people shocked that people care so much?

You said you aren't American, so I assume you don't live here and thus you don't know just how difficult and horrible 2020 has been for practically everyone who does live here.

Even at my MOST's simply impossible to NOT blame Trump for the horrible handlining of the Coronavirus in the U.S.

And the numbers DO NOT LIE.

#1 in deaths.

#1 in Infections.

There's a GOOD reason why America has been a dumpster fire these last 8 months.
Nov 2, 2020 10:25 PM

Jul 2016
I was up all night when the 2016 election results were announced, so I will stay up all night today to find out the 2020 election results.

MasterGlyth said:
Biden is less shitty than trump on policy so I hope he wins. I also find trump's continued fashy rhetoric like "teaching american exceptionalism" and "patriotic education" dangerous.

All countries consider themselves to be exceptional and are patriotic, such an ignorant comment you made.

Asuka__ said:
There has been so much pain and chaos in 2020. I'm deeply invested in the results of this election and my anxiety is off the charts. I'm a first-time voter... Until this year, I honestly thought I would never vote. But I cleared my head, shrugged off my apathy and got my ass to the polls to vote for Joe Biden. There's an alarming number of people even in my own personal life who simply do not care about the misfortune of others. To this day I still don't understand what would cause someone to vote for Trump. I want to believe that there's a common ground between "us" and "them" but the future looks bleak and our president seems to have a vested interest in keeping it that way. This nation is broken and divided and I firmly believe that Joe is the only way forward, even if people aren't excited about him or he's not the perfect choice.

Your comment is laughable.
Nov 2, 2020 10:37 PM

Jun 2008
EVERYONE is affected by Covid.

Whether you get it or not is not the reason.

Millions lost their jobs.

Millions who didn't lose their job lost significant wages due to a stagnant economy

We can NOT travel.

The way we socialize has completely changed.

We can NOT go to big gatherings like concerts, sporting events, festivals, etc.

We can NOT go to the fucking supermarket without a mask and keeping our distance from someone else.

How can ANYONE say Covid hasn't affected their life?

Nov 2, 2020 10:37 PM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
--ALEX-- said:

Why are some of you people shocked that people care so much?

You said you aren't American, so I assume you don't live here and thus you don't know just how difficult and horrible 2020 has been for practically everyone who does live here.

Even at my MOST's simply impossible to NOT blame Trump for the horrible handlining of the Coronavirus in the U.S.

And the numbers DO NOT LIE.

#1 in deaths.

#1 in Infections.

There's a GOOD reason why America has been a dumpster fire these last 8 months.
I mean if America goes down Canada is too so if things really are as bad as you say I should be freaking out right now but I could care less about the election. The average person isn't effected by covid though, shutting the economy down hurts everyone including people around the globe who have bought stock in american companies.

The average person is affected by Covid, if the get Covid, so that is a dumb statement. The economy does not matter.

Also you should be arguing against Alex's statements that Trump is responsible for the amount of american Covid infections and deaths.

--ALEX-- said:

We can NOT travel.

The way we socialize has completely changed.

We can NOT go to big gatherings like concerts, sporting events, festivals, etc.

Nov 2, 2020 10:44 PM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
RunescapeIsGreat said:

The average person is affected by Covid, if the get Covid, so that is a dumb statement. The economy does not matter.

Also you should be arguing against Alex's statements that Trump is responsible for the amount of american Covid infections and deaths.
Most people wont get covid though, theres no point in responding to him believing trump is responsible for the amount of american Covid infections and deaths because this guy probably doesn't even know trump was the one trying to shut down the border first and the WHO, High level democrat party members and Fauci were the ones initially downplaying the virus telling everyone not to wear a mask and telling everyone that they shouldn't make people feel "alienated".

Most people might not get Covid, but the individual could get Covid.

I doubt that Trump was trying to shut down the border in January or February. The Republicans and Democrats were all downplaying Covid at the beginning of the year.
Nov 2, 2020 10:56 PM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
RunescapeIsGreat said:

Most people might not get Covid, but the individual could get Covid.

I doubt that Trump was trying to shut down the border in January or February. The Republicans and Democrats were all downplaying Covid at the beginning of the year.
He was trying to ban travel from china or something but everybody was telling him to calm down and not overreact

All Trump did was ban people travelling directly from China. All people had to do to get around that was travel from China to country X and then travel to the US.
Nov 2, 2020 11:07 PM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
RunescapeIsGreat said:

All Trump did was ban people travelling directly from China. All people had to do to get around that was travel from China to country X and then travel to the US.
Oh my bad I didn't know that

It is understandable that you don't know about that, even though you are politically informed, the reason why you didn't know about that, is because you are not supposed to know. People expect competence in Governments, unfortunately that no longer exists.

British colonies handled the Spanish Flu better than First World countries handled Covid.
RuneRemNov 2, 2020 11:17 PM
Nov 3, 2020 12:01 AM

Oct 2012
The thing that frustrates me about most people who cite polls is that they do not include margin of error numbers, or do not pay attention to them, which makes their interpretations of them absolutely useless. For most political polls, the margin of error is between 3-6 points, making most polls fall within that margin, which means that it's a statistical toss up.

That means if the pollsters repeated the poll -- because understand that the poll is based on a sample, and not the entire population, and in order for it to be useful, it needs to generalize over the entire population -- 100 times, 95 of the times either one of them could win, making the average 50/50. It doesn't matter that one of the 100 times shows Biden leading by 2 points, or Trump leading by 2 points. That's not how you properly interpret a poll, by looking just at the lead. The poll is telling you they couldn't reject the null hypothesis.

Anyways, I have no idea who's going to win. Biden is up in the polls, but interpretation varies. And it wouldn't be the first time Americans trusted Russia over the FBI.

And I'll just leave this here so we don't keep beating the dead horse:

As if shutting down the borders but then ignoring every single thing health experts advised for 8 months is a well rounded solution to a pandemic (spoiler: he did not shut down travel from China)
katsucatsNov 3, 2020 12:08 AM
My subjective reviews:
Nov 3, 2020 12:16 AM

May 2015
Bruh, you're acting like this shit is armageddon or something lol. Nothing will change no matter who wins.

Nov 3, 2020 12:17 AM

Jun 2008

I didn't include margin of errors on the polls I cited since they are averages of polls instead of just one or two polls of a certain state.

Right now, I was actually looking at the final Pennsylvania polls that are available.

I think TODAY the word "Pennsylvania" will be the most repeated word on this country by everyone following this race....we all know how important this state is. is what I saw:

As you can see, the overwhelming majority of polls show Biden up 4 or more points.

And yes, you can see a few here and there have Trump ahead...but NEVER more than 2 points....whereas Biden is up by close to 10 points in several polls.

Do I believe Pennsylvania will be a landslide? No.

Do I believe it will be razor thin? Maybe....

But overall, this amount of statistical data that is repeated over and over again and continues to give the same consistent conclusion leads me to believe that Biden is still in good position to win Pennsylvania and since that state has been categorized as the "Tipping point" state....that means Biden wins.

My biggest fear is that it is a very close vote (Less than 3 points) and we have to wait days until the final count is out.

In any other election this should NOT be a fear, but because of Trump's rhetoric concerning this very issue and how he believes that there MUST be a winner by the end of today....well, naturally, I'm more than a little anxious for Biden to somehow get the victory by the end of the night somehow.
Nov 3, 2020 12:19 AM

Jun 2008
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Bruh, you're acting like this shit is armageddon or something lol. Nothing will change no matter who wins.

That literally couldn't be more untrue.

IF Biden the very least there will be an IMMEDIATE change in the way this country officially handles the coronavirus pandemic.

You know that thing that we CAN NOT get over and has ravaged the country?

If Trump wins....then you're right...nothing will change and we continue marching into a higher and higher death count.
Nov 3, 2020 12:21 AM

May 2015
--ALEX-- said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Bruh, you're acting like this shit is armageddon or something lol. Nothing will change no matter who wins.

That literally couldn't be more untrue.

IF Biden the very least there will be an IMMEDIATE change in the way this country officially handles the coronavirus pandemic.

You know that thing that we CAN NOT get over and has ravaged the country?

If Trump wins....then you're right...nothing will change and we continue marching into a higher and higher death count.

Very highly doubt that, but we'll see.

Nov 3, 2020 12:57 AM

Jan 2020
--ALEX-- said:
Well, it's here...November 3rd 2020....America's Judgement Day.

Today we vote to decide who will lead us for the next four years.

THE most pressing issue right now is NOT immigration, war, foreign policy, or even the economy per se...

It's the goddamn pandemic that has raged for 8 full months, has affected ALL of our lives, and yes ALL of us have felt the effects of this pandemic, to deny it is to be a liar.

Trump has wholeheartedly mishandled the pandemic response in the most spectacular way possible....and as a result over 230,000 Americans have died.

We are now seeing a THIRD waver where the number of infections is sky high and there is still no vaccine or anything giving us hope that this will end in sight.

If for only THIS pressing, absolutely URGENT issue....Trump does NOT deserve a second term.

I think you overstate the power Trump has. Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't have the authority to enforce nationwide lockdowns or other precautions. The authority lies squarely with the state governments and so you have to blame them for the mess. FYI, Democrats led districts did a worse job to contain the virus during the peak period, as shown below:

Of the more than 92,000 Americans who had died of COVID-19 as of May 20 (the date that the data in this analysis was collected), nearly 75,000 were in Democratic congressional districts.

Of the 44 hardest-hit congressional districts – the top 10% in terms of deaths – 41 are represented by Democrats, while three are represented by Republicans. These include the New York-area districts, as well as those in the Boston, Detroit and New Orleans metropolitan areas. The average death toll in each of these hardest-hit districts was 1,122 as of May 20.

The next 100 hardest-hit districts, which represent the remainder of the top third of districts, with an average of 270 deaths, also are disproportionately represented by Democrats: 75 are represented by Democrats, 25 by Republicans.

About two-thirds (68%) of the 44 least affected districts – the bottom 10%, with an average 13 deaths in each district – are represented by Republicans in Congress.
"You misunderstood from the very beginning. You just believed what you wanted to believe."
Rei Ayanami
Nov 3, 2020 1:00 AM

Jul 2016
I just wanted to say that I think you've made this website better. You have done so much to fight misinformation. You have probably changed some peoples minds. Prevented people from moving further to the right.

Thank you!
Nov 3, 2020 1:20 AM

Jan 2017
--ALEX-- said:
Praestantia said:
All i want is getting The Young Turks election meltdown sequel.

Kayle_x_Morgana said:

That is basically every day. Love trolling them in the comments like 90% of their comments are.

So, “own the libs” it.

Thanks guys, I’d much prefer you to be honest than to just lie.

Trump Supporters...just be wanna “own the libs” you don’t really care about anything.

1 million people can die, it doesn’t matter as long as Trump “owns the libs”.

You don't need to be a Trump supporter to see tyt as a lolcow.
Nov 3, 2020 1:32 AM

Jan 2020
Tapertrain said:
I just wanted to say that I think you've made this website better. You have done so much to fight misinformation. You have probably changed some peoples minds. Prevented people from moving further to the right.

Thank you!

Dude, I also think that his contribution is praiseworthy and he definitely makes things lively here, but I don't think his information is always accurate and he's also extremely biased on issues concerning Trump. There is no harm in adopting right wing ideology, you should be more concerned about the radical ones and they exist in both sides of the spectrum.
"You misunderstood from the very beginning. You just believed what you wanted to believe."
Rei Ayanami
Nov 3, 2020 1:32 AM

Jun 2008
Praestantia said:
You don't need to be a Trump supporter to see tyt as a lolcow.

ok fine.

But the premise still stands....if Trump wins, people will be happy because he gets to "Own the Libs" not because of any substantive issue or god forbid any REAL policy that will improve your life and whatnot.

And certainly not to help the literal pandemic nightmare that won't go away.


You understand that most "Democratic" areas of the country are HUGE cities like New York and Los Angeles and most Republican areas are super rural, right?

You understand that from the GET GO Trump could've issued a nationwide MASK MANDATE, right?

There was a plan for USPS to mail EVERY American household 5 masks in April....guess who immediately squashed those hopes? Trump.

Nov 3, 2020 1:47 AM

Jan 2020
--ALEX-- said:


You understand that most "Democratic" areas of the country are HUGE cities like New York and Los Angeles and most Republican areas are super rural, right?

You understand that from the GET GO Trump could've issued a nationwide MASK MANDATE, right?

There was a plan for USPS to mail EVERY American household 5 masks in April....guess who immediately squashed those hopes? Trump.


It's one thing to procure masks and another thing to mandate mask wearing.

Washington (CNN) In "Under Control," a new campaign ad set to air on digital and TV nationally, former Vice President Joe Biden lays out the toplines of his plan to tackle Covid-19.
Among the measures referenced in the 30-second ad are masks. Biden says, "It's a simple measure, everyone needs to wear a mask in public," while the words "Nationwide mask mandates" appear on the screen, implying that if elected, Biden would aim to mandate mask wearing across the nation.
That raises a perennial question of this campaign season -- Can the President mandate that people around the country wear masks?

Facts First: There appears to be no legal authority that would allow a US president to enact a nationwide mask mandate. There are exceptions where the executive's authority could allow for such a mandate, such as on federal property, though a nationwide rule would almost certainly be challenged in court.

However, Blackman cautions that a congressional mandate could be subject to constitutional review, citing the precedent of Obamacare.
"Even if Congress enacted a statute that said everyone must wear a mask, I don't think that statute would be constitutional. I don't think Congress has the power to force people to wear masks, anywhere, at any point in time," Blackman said. "We have the Obamacare case from a couple years ago, that case held that people can't be forced to buy insurance. And I think in a similar world, people can't be forced to put a mask on their face by the federal government. States can but not the federal government."
vuxkNov 3, 2020 1:58 AM
"You misunderstood from the very beginning. You just believed what you wanted to believe."
Rei Ayanami
Nov 3, 2020 1:53 AM

Jun 2008
Tapertrain said:
I just wanted to say that I think you've made this website better. You have done so much to fight misinformation. You have probably changed some peoples minds. Prevented people from moving further to the right.

Thank you!

Thanks, I don't know about changing minds, but at the very least I wanted to voice my opinions the best way I could.

vuxk said:
There is no harm in adopting right wing ideology, you should be more concerned about the radical ones and they exist in both sides of the spectrum.

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with being right wing.

Of course I will disagree with that position, but obviously that's just human nature to have disagreements.

The thing about Trump is that it takes politics not just into a radical side of the spectrum...but into the cultist mindset.

And sorry but I don't use that word lightly....a lot of the hardcore Trump supporters deify Trump.

Trump can do no wrong in his eyes, they will obey and believe literally whatever comes out of his mouth....this is very dangerous.

It is healthy to be skeptical of your leader regardless if they align with your political worldview....but we simply have not seen that from the hardcore Trump supporters.

And man...can we say Obama had supporters THIS devoted? No way, not even close.

I believe part of the reason why Trump has felt like he can literally do whatever he pleases is due in large part because of this hardcore base that will support him no matter what.

I think the biggest mistake I made in a good portion of my political threads is that I didn't properly call things out the way it should've been called out.

I used "right-wing" as a blanket term and I really shouldn't have done that.
Nov 3, 2020 4:21 AM
Oct 2020
Bidens lead in PA is going down. Now its only 1,2% (Clintons final lead was 1,1%). This will be a fun day.
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