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Jun 15, 8:29 AM
Jun 2021
Biggest life hot takes? I'm interested to see a variety of wisdoms people have!
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Jun 15, 9:08 AM

Jun 2019
Eating ice cream during Summer does not make you cooler.
Jun 15, 9:17 AM

Sep 2016
Pension system is a ponzi scheme.

Population growth is a pyramid scheme.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 15, 9:56 AM

Jan 2009
life is unfair and people do not get what they deserve as proven by just world hypothesis
Jun 15, 10:01 AM

Sep 2018
Genetics determine your looks which determines your treatment by others, and how you behave. Looks also determines you landing jobs and promotions way more than actual performance.
Jun 15, 10:09 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to rohan121
Genetics determine your looks which determines your treatment by others, and how you behave. Looks also determines you landing jobs and promotions way more than actual performance.
@rohan121 fr i definitely agree with you
Jun 15, 10:10 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to rohan121
Genetics determine your looks which determines your treatment by others, and how you behave. Looks also determines you landing jobs and promotions way more than actual performance.
@rohan121 lookism, pretty privilege, and halo effect agrees
Jun 15, 10:34 AM

Jan 2021
Psychological egoism is corrrect.

international laws and the UN shouldn't exist.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Jun 15, 10:50 AM
Jul 2018
I find nationalism meaningless. You can't control where you are born.
Jun 15, 10:56 AM

Jun 2012
Reply to Meusnier
Eating ice cream during Summer does not make you cooler.
@Meusnier I think food should compliment the weather, not contrast it.

Like eating hot curry on a muggy day in Mysore.
Jun 15, 10:59 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to Meusnier
Eating ice cream during Summer does not make you cooler.
@Meusnier Exactly, just have it whenever you want, people are so scared of society codes
Jun 15, 11:00 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to removed-user
I find nationalism meaningless. You can't control where you are born.
@Zowabo Thank you. Someone understands.
Jun 15, 11:48 AM

Mar 2020
Polyamorous relationships between consenting individuals should be just as socially acceptable as monogamous ones.
Jun 15, 1:28 PM

Jul 2021
Advertising should be legally banned.
Copyright should be abolished.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 15, 1:49 PM

May 2023
Eating ice cream during Summer does not make you cooler.

Oriental folding hand fans, like these :
Jun 15, 2:32 PM

Apr 2015
There's nothing wrong with countries not taking in "immigrants".
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
-Tobiichi Origami 
"Are you trying to turn the dormitory into a strip club!?!
-Atena Saotome 
Jun 15, 2:59 PM

Jan 2021
@Tropisch unbelievably based. (character limit)
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Jun 15, 3:04 PM

Jul 2017
A few of my hot takes:

Having less than 3 weeks of PTO yearly is simply atrocious

Tipping more than 20% is actually pretty wild, even if the service person was friendly 

Sunsets don’t look beautiful in the slightest

I don’t like looking at human babies 

We need an alternative to saying “that that” in English grammar
Jun 15, 3:07 PM

May 2013
Mental illness is incredibly over inflated

Both in severity and density of diagnosis.

Most people are just weak and take an easy way out of accountability for their failures.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 15, 3:07 PM
Jun 2021
Reply to GinInYourJuice
A few of my hot takes:

Having less than 3 weeks of PTO yearly is simply atrocious

Tipping more than 20% is actually pretty wild, even if the service person was friendly 

Sunsets don’t look beautiful in the slightest

I don’t like looking at human babies 

We need an alternative to saying “that that” in English grammar
@GinInYourJuice bruh sunsets are awesome! anyway interesting takes
Jun 15, 3:10 PM
Jun 2021
Reply to Nette
Mental illness is incredibly over inflated

Both in severity and density of diagnosis.

Most people are just weak and take an easy way out of accountability for their failures.
@Nette yes, but also how can we know they're truthful or not? i do see what you mean though!
Jun 15, 3:15 PM

May 2013
Reply to Rabnawaz2
@Nette yes, but also how can we know they're truthful or not? i do see what you mean though!

It's partial honesty and dishonesty both. The mental health industry also does a really good job gaslighting people and politicians into justifying their existence.

It's easily apparently when someone is dysfunctional mentally ill vs someone who isnt and wants an excuse.

Ironically the dysfunctionslly me tally ill cannot use it as a defense. I cant use BPD as an excuse if I were to be an abuser, that's wrong. Same thing if someone was a schizo and did something in the throws of delusion.

But people with self diagnosed depression want an excuse in why they cant hold down a job and leech off loved ones for 15 years lol.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 15, 3:24 PM

Jul 2017
Reply to Rabnawaz2
@GinInYourJuice bruh sunsets are awesome! anyway interesting takes
@Rabnawaz2 lol thanks :] I also just realized that I forgot to mention an exception to my 2nd hot take: if the total amount isn't that high, then tipping more than 20% wouldn't be that wild to me.
Jun 15, 3:25 PM

Mar 2013
Think twice about telling someone to go to therapy:

Mental health therapy is often advised as a panacea to a detrimental degree. While yes, it can be helpful for many individuals to go see therapy the analogy to physical health would be seeing a doctor every time one has a sprained ankle or has been not eating well. Part of the rise in people being advising others to go see mental health is partially due to lessening stigmatization in various cultures, but also two additional factors.

  1. The increasingly growing perception that health related issues are ultimately only rectifiable by health professionals.
  2. The idea that mental health struggles are a shared responsibility people do not want to have.

The biggest issue with this practice is that it still stigmatize mental unwellness (A more proper term than mental illness) by placing the burden of recovery on the individual or the professional, rather than acknowledging the societal and systemic issues that is responsible for so much mental unwellness.

Phenomena like hikikomori to the pandemic of loneliness is not just an individual issue, but the symptom of a broken society. By saying to others to seek therapy and leaving it at that, we are refusing the address the root causes for why there are so many angry, sad, and lonely people in this world. It is a cover for a individual responsibility to a social issue, and an intellectually lazy one at that. After all, why not invite someone struggling with loneliness to the bar? Therapists cannot solve loneliness anymore than prostitutes can.

Yet many rather offer the advice out of disinterest, out of apathy. Which is fair, but pretending this worn out recommendation of "go see help" is some act of altruism is ultimately an erroneous belief.

This is not to say we want issues such as loneliness to be further pathologized, nor that loneliness cannot be seen as arising from personal issues and deficits, but to at least be taken seriously as an multifaceted issue with multiple causes, rather than something that can be cured with a few doctors visits, when really it is a problem within society that we actually do have some power to address.

@Nette I agree with you but also disagree. I think the unfortunate thing I conclude is that the "average" person is not mentally well, or that a majority of this generation and the generation before have significant mental health struggles as a result of living in a more or less awful world which capitalizes on rage, on loneliness, on desperation, and validation.

I do agree that therapy is not the solution to a sucky world, and that mental illness is not an excuse outside of some really debilitating disorders.
PeripheralVisionJun 15, 3:32 PM
Jun 15, 3:32 PM
Jun 2021
Reply to GinInYourJuice
@Rabnawaz2 lol thanks :] I also just realized that I forgot to mention an exception to my 2nd hot take: if the total amount isn't that high, then tipping more than 20% wouldn't be that wild to me.
@GinInYourJuice tbh here in the UK, I have never seen anyone tip, ever.
Jun 15, 4:44 PM

Jul 2021
Some of my takes are rather controversial (namely with regards to this goofy time of year (*cough*chough*hornydivergent month*cough*cough*) so I'll refrain from mentioning them to avoid getting this thread locked. It'll probably get locked anyway though.

I'll just say this:
Consumers must take accountability for their purchasing decisions. When buying from a business that does wrong, the consumer is complicit in its behavior and is thusly wrong, themself. We must stop dumping money into the evil corporations that screw us all over and hold each other accountable for doing so. I say the people who buy from such corporations should get bullied. AND I HATE MYSELF FOR THINKING THAT BUT IT'S HONESTLY WHAT I THINK AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO.
Jun 15, 8:48 PM

Nov 2020
Turks, Bosnians and Albanians aren't european
ngl punpun was a bit of an asshole
right wing extremist (chud 😔😔)

Jun 15, 9:07 PM

Aug 2014
Anyone who kills a pigeon deserves the death penalty.
KwanthemasterJun 15, 9:13 PM
Jun 15, 11:13 PM

Aug 2022
i know this might be really controversial but...

Mao said:
If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart!
Jun 15, 11:13 PM

Aug 2014
rohan121 said:
Genetics determine your looks which determines your treatment by others, and how you behave. Looks also determines you landing jobs and promotions way more than actual performance.

This again? *facepalm*

Genetics affect certain aspects, but you can improve your looks in various ways, including a healthier diet, exercise, cosmetics and surgery.

Looks can influence treatment, but do not determine it entirely. For instance, there are so many good-looking people with nasty personalities; even if some can get away with more by virtue of their appearance, that only goes so far.

It's so silly to claim that looks determine all human behavior. No credible psychologist believes this, and there are endless examples to the contrary.

Same goes for careers and money. If you lack the qualifications for a job, looking pretty will usually not suffice. Looking better improves your chances of success, but looking average or even ugly does not prevent it either. Just look at all the ugly rich people.

Zowabo said:
I find nationalism meaningless. You can't control where you are born.

You can, however, control where you live once you can afford travel.

JaniSIr said:
Advertising should be legally banned.
Copyright should be abolished.

Worst take ever. Products and services would not be able to be sold (or exist at all) without advertising.

In some cases, even aggressive advertising isn't enough for many businesses to consistently turn a profit, resulting in them shutting down, unable to continue providing what they sold.

Countless inventions and creative media would also not exist without copyrights, patents and other ways of securing intellectual property that encourage people to invest enormous amounts of resources into creating them.

Furthermore, banning such basic things violates people's fundamental rights to their own lives and property.

Freer markets are the solution to so many of the world's problems...not whatever delusional repressive mental decay you have in mind. Unfortunately for you, doing away with all advertising is impossible anyway.

...This message is sponsored by Mountain Dew, the substance keeping me awake tonight. :P

GinInYourJuice said:
Tipping more than 20% is actually pretty wild, even if the service person was friendly 

Tipping has become such a scam. It's supposed to be an optional bonus for those who did an especially good job...not an excuse for employers to not properly pay their employees and put the onus on the customers to pay them.

Sunsets don’t look beautiful in the slightest

These don't look beautiful to you? Dang. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They are beautiful to most people.

wizdom224 said:
Consumers must take accountability for their purchasing decisions.

No. You can't make me.

When buying from a business that does wrong, the consumer is complicit in its behavior and is thusly wrong, themself.

Nope. I am responsible for myself and absolutely no one else.

If a company sells a (legal) product or service I want, I may end up purchasing it. It's as simple as that. I'm not interested in their politics. How they run their business in the background is their problem. (And the government's problem, if what they are doing is bad enough.)

In case you were unaware, just about any company out there has done things that would be considered wrong by many. (Not to mention all the opinions of what even is wrong to begin with.)

We must stop dumping money into the evil corporations that screw us all over and hold each other accountable for doing so.

I will spend my money wherever I damn well please, and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

I say the people who buy from such corporations should get bullied.

It is your right to criticize whomever you wish; likewise, it is others' right to dismiss your infantile squabbling (what a fitting avatar) and move on with their lives...or file lawsuits if the bullying is egregious.


For starters, you could consider minding your own business...or better yet, putting your money where your mouth is and starting your own business. You may find it is more difficult to avoid perceived wrongdoing than you thought.
Jun 15, 11:36 PM

Mar 2008
I feel like people who go on about their "hot takes" labelled as such are just seeking attention and it makes me not really interested in taking their views too seriously. I rather just state my views when the topic arrives instead of stating so out of context. It's not like anyone would be convinced hearing them without argument or deep explanation. I have some views that are different from the most common views or my views are same but conclusions are different.

SmugSatoko said:
This again? *facepalm*

Genetics affect certain aspects, but you can improve your looks in various ways, including a healthier diet, exercise, cosmetics and surgery.

Looks can influence treatment, but do not determine it entirely. For instance, there are so many good-looking people with nasty personalities; even if some can get away with more by virtue of their appearance, that only goes so far.

It's so silly to claim that looks determine all human behavior. No credible psychologist believes this, and there are endless examples to the contrary.

Same goes for careers and money. If you lack the qualifications for a job, looking pretty will usually not suffice. Looking better improves your chances of success, but looking average or even ugly does not prevent it either. Just look at all the ugly rich people.

What's weird is I swore I recall him mentioning almost getting a medical degree before dropping it so he should already know genetics only plays part of it, more is epigenetic that can be altered and all sorts of other things that drastically influence appearance
Jun 15, 11:59 PM

Nov 2015
Hot takes are actually room temperature
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night

Removes the colours from our sight

Red is grey and yellow white

But we decide which is right

And which is an illusion.
Jun 16, 12:25 AM

May 2013

That's part of my point.

For the average person life is better now than 200 years ago so then why is everyone more miserable and depressed? People want problems to bitch about so they create them, that is type A. Type B are victims of gaslighting by the state and medical system.

The final type are people who are actually just fucked up, like way less than 1% of people.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 16, 1:16 AM

Jul 2017
Reply to SmugSatoko
rohan121 said:
Genetics determine your looks which determines your treatment by others, and how you behave. Looks also determines you landing jobs and promotions way more than actual performance.

This again? *facepalm*

Genetics affect certain aspects, but you can improve your looks in various ways, including a healthier diet, exercise, cosmetics and surgery.

Looks can influence treatment, but do not determine it entirely. For instance, there are so many good-looking people with nasty personalities; even if some can get away with more by virtue of their appearance, that only goes so far.

It's so silly to claim that looks determine all human behavior. No credible psychologist believes this, and there are endless examples to the contrary.

Same goes for careers and money. If you lack the qualifications for a job, looking pretty will usually not suffice. Looking better improves your chances of success, but looking average or even ugly does not prevent it either. Just look at all the ugly rich people.

Zowabo said:
I find nationalism meaningless. You can't control where you are born.

You can, however, control where you live once you can afford travel.

JaniSIr said:
Advertising should be legally banned.
Copyright should be abolished.

Worst take ever. Products and services would not be able to be sold (or exist at all) without advertising.

In some cases, even aggressive advertising isn't enough for many businesses to consistently turn a profit, resulting in them shutting down, unable to continue providing what they sold.

Countless inventions and creative media would also not exist without copyrights, patents and other ways of securing intellectual property that encourage people to invest enormous amounts of resources into creating them.

Furthermore, banning such basic things violates people's fundamental rights to their own lives and property.

Freer markets are the solution to so many of the world's problems...not whatever delusional repressive mental decay you have in mind. Unfortunately for you, doing away with all advertising is impossible anyway.

...This message is sponsored by Mountain Dew, the substance keeping me awake tonight. :P

GinInYourJuice said:
Tipping more than 20% is actually pretty wild, even if the service person was friendly 

Tipping has become such a scam. It's supposed to be an optional bonus for those who did an especially good job...not an excuse for employers to not properly pay their employees and put the onus on the customers to pay them.

Sunsets don’t look beautiful in the slightest

These don't look beautiful to you? Dang. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They are beautiful to most people.

wizdom224 said:
Consumers must take accountability for their purchasing decisions.

No. You can't make me.

When buying from a business that does wrong, the consumer is complicit in its behavior and is thusly wrong, themself.

Nope. I am responsible for myself and absolutely no one else.

If a company sells a (legal) product or service I want, I may end up purchasing it. It's as simple as that. I'm not interested in their politics. How they run their business in the background is their problem. (And the government's problem, if what they are doing is bad enough.)

In case you were unaware, just about any company out there has done things that would be considered wrong by many. (Not to mention all the opinions of what even is wrong to begin with.)

We must stop dumping money into the evil corporations that screw us all over and hold each other accountable for doing so.

I will spend my money wherever I damn well please, and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

I say the people who buy from such corporations should get bullied.

It is your right to criticize whomever you wish; likewise, it is others' right to dismiss your infantile squabbling (what a fitting avatar) and move on with their lives...or file lawsuits if the bullying is egregious.


For starters, you could consider minding your own business...or better yet, putting your money where your mouth is and starting your own business. You may find it is more difficult to avoid perceived wrongdoing than you thought.
SmugSatoko said:
Tipping has become such a scam. It's supposed to be an optional bonus for those who did an especially good job...not an excuse for employers to not properly pay their employees and put the onus on the customers to pay them.
Yep, agreed. 👌

SmugSatoko said:
These don't look beautiful to you? Dang. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They are beautiful to most people.

Oh those do look kind of nice actually. Those tides in the first and third image also help make the overall images look more visually appealing to me. After checking out some images online, it seems there are actually some sunsets that do look pretty nice.

When I was thinking of sunsets, I initially had mostly these sorts of sunset looks in mind:

Jun 16, 1:34 AM
Jun 2021
Here's a pretty spicy one: Politics doesn't care about the average citizen. Left or right, blue or red, it's all about the money and crony interests. When I see all the diehard Democrat and Republican supporters on the Internet, I sometimes wish I never went online.
Hot Blood saves lives.
Jun 16, 1:51 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to TheMechaManiac
Here's a pretty spicy one: Politics doesn't care about the average citizen. Left or right, blue or red, it's all about the money and crony interests. When I see all the diehard Democrat and Republican supporters on the Internet, I sometimes wish I never went online.
@TheMechaManiac Here's mine, its better to not read the news most of the time. Btw I agree with you, I hate mob mentalilty or an US vs THEM thinking that groups tend to give to people.
Jun 16, 2:23 AM

Mar 2008
Reply to Nette

That's part of my point.

For the average person life is better now than 200 years ago so then why is everyone more miserable and depressed? People want problems to bitch about so they create them, that is type A. Type B are victims of gaslighting by the state and medical system.

The final type are people who are actually just fucked up, like way less than 1% of people.
The crappiness of past people's lives tends to be overstated. For example Roman gladiator games were more comparable to wrestling matches than death games most the time. The lifespans of people were not living to 40, that average is because high infant mortality rates not a drastically shorter lifespan for everyone else they lived to be more in their 70s at least. People in pre industrial society also worked less in some points in time. There is also problems that exist today that did not exist in the past. Every time and place had their good and bad and people have different needs from eachother.
Jun 16, 2:34 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to SmugSatoko
rohan121 said:
Genetics determine your looks which determines your treatment by others, and how you behave. Looks also determines you landing jobs and promotions way more than actual performance.

This again? *facepalm*

Genetics affect certain aspects, but you can improve your looks in various ways, including a healthier diet, exercise, cosmetics and surgery.

Looks can influence treatment, but do not determine it entirely. For instance, there are so many good-looking people with nasty personalities; even if some can get away with more by virtue of their appearance, that only goes so far.

It's so silly to claim that looks determine all human behavior. No credible psychologist believes this, and there are endless examples to the contrary.

Same goes for careers and money. If you lack the qualifications for a job, looking pretty will usually not suffice. Looking better improves your chances of success, but looking average or even ugly does not prevent it either. Just look at all the ugly rich people.

Zowabo said:
I find nationalism meaningless. You can't control where you are born.

You can, however, control where you live once you can afford travel.

JaniSIr said:
Advertising should be legally banned.
Copyright should be abolished.

Worst take ever. Products and services would not be able to be sold (or exist at all) without advertising.

In some cases, even aggressive advertising isn't enough for many businesses to consistently turn a profit, resulting in them shutting down, unable to continue providing what they sold.

Countless inventions and creative media would also not exist without copyrights, patents and other ways of securing intellectual property that encourage people to invest enormous amounts of resources into creating them.

Furthermore, banning such basic things violates people's fundamental rights to their own lives and property.

Freer markets are the solution to so many of the world's problems...not whatever delusional repressive mental decay you have in mind. Unfortunately for you, doing away with all advertising is impossible anyway.

...This message is sponsored by Mountain Dew, the substance keeping me awake tonight. :P

GinInYourJuice said:
Tipping more than 20% is actually pretty wild, even if the service person was friendly 

Tipping has become such a scam. It's supposed to be an optional bonus for those who did an especially good job...not an excuse for employers to not properly pay their employees and put the onus on the customers to pay them.

Sunsets don’t look beautiful in the slightest

These don't look beautiful to you? Dang. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They are beautiful to most people.

wizdom224 said:
Consumers must take accountability for their purchasing decisions.

No. You can't make me.

When buying from a business that does wrong, the consumer is complicit in its behavior and is thusly wrong, themself.

Nope. I am responsible for myself and absolutely no one else.

If a company sells a (legal) product or service I want, I may end up purchasing it. It's as simple as that. I'm not interested in their politics. How they run their business in the background is their problem. (And the government's problem, if what they are doing is bad enough.)

In case you were unaware, just about any company out there has done things that would be considered wrong by many. (Not to mention all the opinions of what even is wrong to begin with.)

We must stop dumping money into the evil corporations that screw us all over and hold each other accountable for doing so.

I will spend my money wherever I damn well please, and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

I say the people who buy from such corporations should get bullied.

It is your right to criticize whomever you wish; likewise, it is others' right to dismiss your infantile squabbling (what a fitting avatar) and move on with their lives...or file lawsuits if the bullying is egregious.


For starters, you could consider minding your own business...or better yet, putting your money where your mouth is and starting your own business. You may find it is more difficult to avoid perceived wrongdoing than you thought.
SmugSatoko said:
Worst take ever. Products and services would not be able to be sold (or exist at all) without advertising.

In some cases, even aggressive advertising isn't enough for many businesses to consistently turn a profit, resulting in them shutting down, unable to continue providing what they sold.

Countless inventions and creative media would also not exist without copyrights, patents and other ways of securing intellectual property that encourage people to invest enormous amounts of resources into creating them.

Furthermore, banning such basic things violates people's fundamental rights to their own lives and property.

Freer markets are the solution to so many of the world's problems...not whatever delusional repressive mental decay you have in mind. Unfortunately for you, doing away with all advertising is impossible anyway.

...This message is sponsored by Mountain Dew, the substance keeping me awake tonight. :P

If a business needs to actively spend a lot of money in an attempt to brainwash people who were just busy minding their business to gain any traction, then do they really deserve to stay in business?
There is really no benefit of advertising to the consumer, it's just wasting their time, and an entire business of mass surveillance popped up for the sole purpose of selling ads.
Ads also might straight up contain malware...

Copyright and patents essentially became tools of soulless corporations to stop people from having nice things. If you put any value on the creation of new intellectual works, then this is the worst thing you can support.
It's extremely backwards that such basic things Shadow of Mordor's nemesis system got patented, so now nobody else can use it. We'd lose an entire genre if back in the days Wolfenstein was parented by ID Software.
Then we have the things that Nintendo pulls, where they DMCA everything from fan projects to even YouTube videos of their games, like just why...
Another thing that corporations pulled is that if you buy something you don't actually get to own it. At best you get a license of indefinite length, that can be taken back at any time.

Also I only tried Mountain Dew once, apparently it's banned in Europe because of carcinogenic food coloring, and I hated it.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 2:47 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to wizdom224
Some of my takes are rather controversial (namely with regards to this goofy time of year (*cough*chough*hornydivergent month*cough*cough*) so I'll refrain from mentioning them to avoid getting this thread locked. It'll probably get locked anyway though.

I'll just say this:
Consumers must take accountability for their purchasing decisions. When buying from a business that does wrong, the consumer is complicit in its behavior and is thusly wrong, themself. We must stop dumping money into the evil corporations that screw us all over and hold each other accountable for doing so. I say the people who buy from such corporations should get bullied. AND I HATE MYSELF FOR THINKING THAT BUT IT'S HONESTLY WHAT I THINK AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO.
@wizdom224 Well, I'm not exactly sure what you think of there exactly...
But like on the context of junk food and obesity rates:
1. It's the individual's responsibility to try to eat healthy.
2. It's the corporation's responsibility to sell food suitable for human consumption.
3. It's the government's responsibility to enforce some basic standards.
An individual is realistically never going to have as much power and knowledge to make good decisions as mega corporations. That's not to relieve them of all responsibility, but putting all of it on them it's a corporate tactic to get away with horrible practices.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 2:58 AM

Sep 2016
SmugSatoko said:
Zowabo said:
Zowabo said:
I find nationalism meaningless. You can't control where you are born.

You can, however, control where you live once you can afford travel.

Assuming the other country you want to live in allows you to do so, a reference to what has been said above:

Tropisch said:
There's nothing wrong with countries not taking in "immigrants".
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 3:17 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to JaniSIr
@wizdom224 Well, I'm not exactly sure what you think of there exactly...
But like on the context of junk food and obesity rates:
1. It's the individual's responsibility to try to eat healthy.
2. It's the corporation's responsibility to sell food suitable for human consumption.
3. It's the government's responsibility to enforce some basic standards.
An individual is realistically never going to have as much power and knowledge to make good decisions as mega corporations. That's not to relieve them of all responsibility, but putting all of it on them it's a corporate tactic to get away with horrible practices.
@JaniSIr I don't put all the blame on the consumers. It's just that since corporations don't change when they're not held accountable by the government, it's up to the consumers to stop enabling their behaviors.

I wish it wasn't like this but it is. We just can't count on the government to do anything. Take the FTC for example... ...absolutely worthless.

And much of the time my woes aren't even something that should ever necessitate action by the government and neither would I ask for that. So again nothing to do but to stop giving money to the people responsible for the problem.

Also worth noting that I've been thinking more about what I said and may change my opinion. But maybe I won't. Who knows...?
Jun 16, 3:27 AM

Feb 2020
I think don't be too reliant on people, learnt that way too late.
Be as independent as you can, both physically and in your own mind space.
Jun 16, 4:14 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to Little_Sheepling
I think don't be too reliant on people, learnt that way too late.
Be as independent as you can, both physically and in your own mind space.
True, they should teach that at school.

One should never mess emotions, sex and business. Being pragmatic is the way to long-lasting comfort.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 16, 5:55 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to wizdom224
@JaniSIr I don't put all the blame on the consumers. It's just that since corporations don't change when they're not held accountable by the government, it's up to the consumers to stop enabling their behaviors.

I wish it wasn't like this but it is. We just can't count on the government to do anything. Take the FTC for example... ...absolutely worthless.

And much of the time my woes aren't even something that should ever necessitate action by the government and neither would I ask for that. So again nothing to do but to stop giving money to the people responsible for the problem.

Also worth noting that I've been thinking more about what I said and may change my opinion. But maybe I won't. Who knows...?

You have a point, giving money to wrongdoers is basically supporting their deeds.

However, most customers don't have the means to know about it, also because big corporations spend great efforts to cover up negative info about them.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 16, 6:13 AM

Aug 2014
JaniSIr said:
If a business needs to actively spend a lot of money in an attempt to brainwash people who were just busy minding their business to gain any traction, then do they really deserve to stay in business?

You're missing the point. Businesses (and by extension the products and services everyone uses) cannot exist at all without advertising.

There are free advertising methods as well (including word of mouth) but they tend to be less effective and more time-consuming.

If you attempted to sue companies for "brainwashing" people with advertising, you would lose, because the legal standard for that is stricter than yours.

There is really no benefit of advertising to the consumer, it's just wasting their time,

This could not be further from the truth. All the benefits of virtually every product and service came about because of advertising. No advertising = no products and services.

and an entire business of mass surveillance popped up for the sole purpose of selling ads.

If modern society is not your cup of tea, you are free to leave it and go live in the wilderness.

This mass surveillance (as you put it) makes advertising far more targeted to individuals' interests, letting businesses bring things to the market more efficiently, thus lowering overall prices and increasing the availability, relevance and diversity of products and services.

Ads also might straight up contain malware...

Only in rare cases. There are measures to prevent this on reputable platforms.

If you put any value on the creation of new intellectual works, then this is the worst thing you can support.

If you put any value on the creation of new intellectual works, you would realize they need an incentive to create them...namely, intellectual property rights that protect their investment and enable them to profit from their hard work.

(Sure, some creators do it for the passion and perhaps release their creations for free...but most of the time, they want to make a profit from it, especially if they spent a fortune in the development phase.)

Copyright and patents essentially became tools of soulless corporations to stop people from having nice things.

On the contrary, without copyrights and patents, so many nice things would not have come into existence. Just think of all the ways modern technology has improved the lives of billions of people.

It's extremely backwards that such basic things Shadow of Mordor's nemesis system got patented, so now nobody else can use it. We'd lose an entire genre if back in the days Wolfenstein was parented by ID Software.

Game developers can still create similar things as long as they are distinct enough.

Then we have the things that Nintendo pulls, where they DMCA everything from fan projects to even YouTube videos of their games, like just why...

Fan projects are clear copyright infringement and do not fall under fair use laws. The same goes for some videos. Ensuring a video qualifies as fair use can be tricky.

Another thing that corporations pulled is that if you buy something you don't actually get to own it. At best you get a license of indefinite length, that can be taken back at any time.

That has little to do with advertising and copyright, and everything to do with unethical business practices.

Still, things like streaming services let people pay a low price for access to a huge amount of content that would have cost exponentially more if they were to purchase them individually. I prefer owning things, but only when I love it enough to pay that extreme premium.

Just a reminder that you have neglected to posit a mechanism through which to abolish advertising either. (Probably because, as I mentioned, it's simply not possible.)

Also I only tried Mountain Dew once, apparently it's banned in Europe because of carcinogenic food coloring, and I hated it.

Wait a ingested a banned substance? There may be hope for you yet. ohoho...

If you meant brominated vegetable oil, that has more recently been removed from the ingredients.

As for soda and energy drinks in general, I drink them to feel energized and focused, not for the taste. I plan on quitting someday, as they are unhealthy.

Zarutaku said:
Assuming the other country you want to live in allows you to do so, a reference to what has been said above:

There's nothing wrong with countries not taking in "immigrants".

That's dumb. Immigration fuels economies and cultural advancement. It has been an integral component of world history.

At any rate, many countries do allow immigration. My point is that, to an extent, you can choose which country you live in.
SmugSatokoJun 16, 7:26 AM
Jun 16, 6:35 AM

Mar 2013
Reply to Nette

That's part of my point.

For the average person life is better now than 200 years ago so then why is everyone more miserable and depressed? People want problems to bitch about so they create them, that is type A. Type B are victims of gaslighting by the state and medical system.

The final type are people who are actually just fucked up, like way less than 1% of people.
Nette said:
For the average person life is better now than 200 years ago so then why is everyone more miserable and depressed? People want problems to bitch about so they create them, that is type A. Type B are victims of gaslighting by the state and medical system.

Look at it this way. Do you think we live in a remotely perfect world right now? As I see it, our world is so far from perfect that being sad, lonely, and depressed is perfectly normal. One could say "well, at least you are a not a victim of the Holocaust", but simply not living in the worst time period ever does not invalidate people's suffering.

Housing is expensive as shit. incomes have stagnated, wealth disparity has increased, social media exists, and there is a shit ton of red tape.

While yes, life has gotten better in several measures, ultimately there are structural and social changes which accompanied growing technological advancements and industrialization that likely has contributed to this pandemic of loneliness, of outrage, and sadness. For example, religion is a less dominant part of people's lives. Church has been a historical meeting place for various communities. Our ancestors did not necessarily work 40 hour work weeks (Some, anyway). Social media did not exist to distort our views of bodies and reality. Technological did not exist to such a degree as to enable 24/7 surveillance by governments and corporations, the destruction of our environment or whole countries. News and the stories around mass shootings. We literally have kickback schemes to send children to foster care or the juvenile delinquent center.

Would I want to go back to an earlier time? No, but there are many people who do want to go back. They are either conservatives, or progressives of various flavours of anarcho-primitivism. The latter were the hippies back in the 60s and 70s who went from college to an agrarian lifestyle. You know, "return to monke".

It is not that I do not believe we live in a fundamentally better world by my standards (Mostly due to Pinker's book Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, which makes the argument we live in a fundamentally less violent world), but...our world just sucks on various levels, and no amount of "pull yourself up by the bootstrap" is going to make someone's jaded pessimism any less warranted, even if we disagreed to the source.

Because the world sucks, I truly do think that we have had a growing number of people suffering from mental unwellness. This is not necessarily diagnoses of BPD or schizophrenia, but people being upset and suffering from an awful world.

SmugSatoko said:
This again? *facepalm*

Genetics affect certain aspects, but you can improve your looks in various ways, including a healthier diet, exercise, cosmetics and surgery.

Looks can influence treatment, but do not determine it entirely. For instance, there are so many good-looking people with nasty personalities; even if some can get away with more by virtue of their appearance, that only goes so far.

It's so silly to claim that looks determine all human behavior. No credible psychologist believes this, and there are endless examples to the contrary.

Same goes for careers and money. If you lack the qualifications for a job, looking pretty will usually not suffice. Looking better improves your chances of success, but looking average or even ugly does not prevent it either. Just look at all the ugly rich people.

Dude is legitimately a blackpilled incel. It is one thing to blame one's look for a lack of romance, but does he seriously think everyone at MIT is a fucking supermodel? Rohan, maybe you just suck at life. Maybe you just lack marketable skills or an interesting personality. Jesus Christ. Stop blaming everything on your fucking looks. @Rohan121

I have seen way uglier people than me succeed where I struggle at or achieved moderately less success. I am just less skilled or have less to my name. Also diet and exercise are great ways to improve looks. I would also add a hygiene and a skincare routine in the vein of cosmetics.
PeripheralVisionJun 16, 6:45 AM
Jun 16, 7:02 AM
Dec 2022
OK, I will refrain myself from posting my hot takes pertaining to living in this world mostly due to the concern that my personal ideas could spark a lot of uncomfortable ideas.
Jun 16, 7:12 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to JaniSIr
Advertising should be legally banned.
Copyright should be abolished.
JaniSIr said:
Advertising should be legally banned.

That would bring doom upon MAL and a good share of free Internet.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 16, 7:14 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to MalchikRepaid
OK, I will refrain myself from posting my hot takes pertaining to living in this world mostly due to the concern that my personal ideas could spark a lot of uncomfortable ideas.
@MalchikRepaid Ah, don't be shy, we are here for controversy and pervercy anyway.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 16, 7:26 AM

Feb 2018
It's not a hot take but life is simply brutally unfair. It's entirely luck based and then it's skill based. You need to use your brain and luck to navigate in your life. Hard work comes later and it doesn't always pay off. There's not much correlation to hard work and money. If you work hard, you will just be piled up with more work to do. You need to be smart with money to earn money and you need to earn money to earn even more money. Money just scales that way, it compounds when you have more. I say hard work comes later, but that isn't an excuse to not do nothing at all and become a neet. You still need to use your brains wisely and procrastinating away time is not the right way. It's a skewed perspective to put any monetary valuation to hard work. "The harder you work, the more you earn" is simply untrue. It depends on how smart you are with your money, investments and inheritance.
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