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May 26, 2024 8:25 AM

Mar 2021
Really loved the arabian based theme used in this episide. Also, the succubus and griffin fights were good!! Great moments between Elinalise and Rudeus, reminiscing her past with his parents. All in all, I'm so glad we got an episode dedicated to the desert journey unlike the manga, which entirely skipped it.
May 26, 2024 8:27 AM

Dec 2021
Feels like the old Mushoku Tensei days again.

It's about time we leave this school, man. We've been here for almost an entire season. Finally getting that spark of the old MT and feeling the adventure again really makes me happy. And ofc, we have best girl Nanahoshi helping out our boy one last time. I really hope we see her again—just not with Orsted.

Major danger flags already. Not saying this plan will go smoothly and nothing will happen... yeah, something's definitely happening. Anyway, of course the first monster Rudeus encounters just had to be a succubus, didn't it. The journey did feel a bit rushed, but the animation was looking crisp for the first time in a while, so that makes up for it in a way.

They've traversed the sands and finally made it to their destination... from here on out, let the real shit begins.

May 26, 2024 8:27 AM

Nov 2011
Sealed with a kiss! Rudeus sure knows how to make a farewell with Sylphy. Elinalise also joins him on this mission to Labryinth City of Rapan although this turned out to be more difficult than expected.

Very disappointed that Rudeus fell for a succubus' tricks. The "let's get laid" phase sounded like a meme. On the other hand, I am impressed that Rudeus took care of monsters when he got serious. More adventuring next time. Curious to see the anime will adapt the world fiction tbh.
May 26, 2024 8:27 AM

May 2020
I liked how the first thing we mentioned in regards to this trip, which is to help out Paul and people, was how Elinalise would stand her curse lol. Very reasonable ask tbh. I hope Rudeus would not help her with that though. But yeah, being the first good thing he’s about to do in a very long time, it was actually really helpful to let Nanahoshi know about this trip. That girl literally brought down the total time from a period of two years to a mere month and some change.

I mean a longer time would’ve been harsh on both the parties, and might have resulted in a trip with no meaning in the end. Good that wasn’t the case, and they kind of just teleported to the place. But man, why can’t this one thing just never stop happening time after time after time. Can we really not be done with Rudeus being horny every next second.. like can we not??? This has just become an unneeded recurring thing, which we absolutely are okay with if it ain’t there. Anyways, they are there.
May 26, 2024 8:33 AM

Jul 2017
Very good episode that had a LOT to cover to get to the Labyrinth portion with enough episodes for that. The pacing despite covering a ton, still was executed better than I would have expected. The Arabian-feel to its music was awesome and was the definite highlight of the episode, some nice little glimpses of world building of Begaritt with the land there, the monsters that Rudeus and Elinalise encountered with that moment with the succubus too that had Rudeus tempted so quickly after promising Sylphie he will be back and nothing will happen lol. Even got Rudeus at the market a bit and showing the food there a little which is good. Considering so much was there, they did an effective enough job in presenting the journey with some good scenes with world building, Rudeus and Elinalise bonding and having weird conflicts like the succubus stuff (which actually felt terrifying here with the succubus design once exposed) and even learning little glimpses of Elinalise's relationships with Paul and Zenith in the past. Overall as a transition episode, it was fun and you can feel that weight of what is to come to be big after this.

Also liked the first half a lot too and while a bit more about Elinalise and Cliff could have been covered, still glad Cliff supported her with the magical implement he made (that at least helped her for some time at least before it was ineffective) and promised to marry her after. Also great seeing Nanahoshi help Rudeus out like that, partly due to her own research and wanting to get home sooner rather than wait for two years but it is clear that Rudeus is an important friend to her as well and was willing to take the risk with revealing about the teleportation circles at the expense of Orsted's warning to not let such taboo and major stuff like this be exposed to others. The little kiss with Norn and Aisha gushing at their brother and his wife like that was cute not going to lie, made a touching separation a bit more uplifting in a weird way.

I'm so excited for these remaining 5 episodes since those should cover my favorite volume in this whole series. Glad this returned fairly well after a week off and considering my expectations for this episode to be lowest in this cour considering the sacrifices made, it was still fun, detailed enough and explored more than I thought in both sides. It is so much better than the manga just deciding to skip the journey altogether to get to Rapan recently.
May 26, 2024 8:34 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Alright, action is back with Rudeus's departure and we certainly needed that after so many slice of life type episodes. Not that I'm not a fan of that kind of content but it getting a bit boring to say the least. In any case, thanks to Nanahoshi the journey may take less than initially planned... well, I'm not really sure things will go down that well but we'll see.
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May 26, 2024 8:35 AM

Feb 2021
Oh, and I was wondering how they'll fit a whole journey + the rescue in the rest of the season, they'll teleport, nice.
Lol I love how Norn and Aisha reacted to the kiss, they're so cute.
14:14 Holup, aren't these Orsted's clothes?

Thank god Elinalise came back, I'm expecting bad things to happen at every corner now.
A 5 minute episode. The fights were really good.
May 26, 2024 8:44 AM

Apr 2011
Damn, they didn't animate naked Elinalise. Figured they wouldn't, but was kinda hoping they'd sneak it in somehow. All in all, good episode.

@Embient yeah, he keeps spares in the ruins.
May 26, 2024 8:59 AM
Jul 2023
The journey to Rapan begins
and end swimmingly.
Learned just a little bit about Elinalise and quite a bit about Begaritt continent ecosystem.
May 26, 2024 9:02 AM

Aug 2013
ya know...elinalise was gone for quite a bit of time...did she uh....find some assistance?
Don't believe the hype.
May 26, 2024 9:03 AM

Aug 2013
yhunata said:
Damn, they didn't animate naked Elinalise. Figured they wouldn't, but was kinda hoping they'd sneak it in somehow. All in all, good episode.

@Embient yeah, he keeps spares in the ruins.

rip a real one eh? guessing that was in the manga?
Don't believe the hype.
May 26, 2024 9:14 AM

Dec 2019
Welcome back to all the bots once again. Very legit. Going to use this post just as a tracker for future reference with adding images from time to time to show how bad and blatant this is.

MangagnaMMay 26, 2024 9:47 AM
May 26, 2024 9:23 AM

Oct 2017
You help someone and get helped in return. Props to Nanahoshi for being there for Rudeus this time by revealing one of her big secret. That dragon incantation and the clothes kept in the ruin is hint enough to know who's secret she was keeping. Also important info, there's a lag between teleportation.

Was fun watching Aisha and Norn's reaction to Rudeus and Sylphy kissing. Sylphy is worried ofc since her husband is leaving and at a when she needs him by her side the most. Don't make her wait long Rudeus. Come back to her soon. Cliff also being a great guy and assuring Elinalise was great.

Let's get dirty, oh yes, lol. Elinalise fingerlicking was lewd too. Was fun watching their journey and watching the fantasy world. Good to know a bit more about Zenith when she was younger.

They are finally here at Rapan and it looks fantastic. The labyrinth arc starts now. Hype!
MegamiRemJun 3, 2024 11:16 AM
May 26, 2024 9:27 AM
Oct 2016
Rudy departs for his journey to help save Zenith! Saying goodbye to everyone was really tough. Rudy couldn't even start with Sylphy since her tears would be an easy reason for him to stay, which isn't a bad reason honestly. There's pros and cons for staying and for going and either way Rudy will have regrets but I agree with him that he's got to at least try to help with Zenith. Nanahoshi reaction to him leaving was definitely the most helpful since she gave him the location to a teleportation circle that would cut the travel time significantly. Sylphy and the sisters goodbye was very heartfelt and sweet, Rudy will see them again soon once he brings back mom. Cliff and Elinalise having their own tearful goodbye, Cliff promising to marry Elinalise once she gets back is very sweet. The arduous journey to Begaritt begins with them going through the teleportation circle, the time lag going back is an interesting detail but at least they know once they've saved Zenith they can still use that circle to get home quicker. We got some funny moments with Rudy and Elinalise traveling together. The succubus almost derailed everything by entrancing Rudy with her scent, luckily Elinalise was there to kill it. They fought off those giant Griffin monsters well. Traversing a harsh desert climate is very tough but they managed to reach the labyrinth where Paul and everyone is waiting for their backup.
May 26, 2024 9:29 AM

Dec 2023
Finally the wait is over! Felt like forever

Oh no, Sylphie is crying and Rudeus assuring them everything is going to be fine. Being an anime only, I don't like where this could go. Hopefully by not naming the baby before birth is the key to preventing disaster for Sylphie and company.

Elinalise was so convinced she had to break up with him because of her curse, and despite only having an unfinished prototype that he knew wouldn't work, proposes and shows his love to her. He is the ultimate gigachad!

I have a feeling that there is going to be a consequence to cutting travel time with teleportation. It is going to be way too convenient if Rudeus comes back before his son's birth.
May 26, 2024 9:41 AM

May 2020
its finally back after what felt like forever
another amazing episode
feels like the old mushoku tensei with the adventuring part

Some LN Extra Details (Volume 11 Chapter 8-12/14?)
- For the first time, Rudy is going to disregard Hitogami's advice
- Elinalise trying to convince Rudy that Geese might be jumped to conclusions and sent the letter early. He might also sent the letter because of Paul's pride because of his previous letter.
- Rudy says goodbye to Linia and Pursena and asked to keep being friends and keep in contact
- Nanahoshi told Rudy of the teleportation circles that she and Orsted used to travel throughout the world. With that, it would only took around 94 days round trip instead of 2 years
- The quicker travel method convinced Elinalise to follow when she started to change her mind because of not wanting to leave Cliff
- Naming a baby before leaving for a journey is a taboo in this world, based on Perugius's story of his companion, Feroze Star the Emperor-tier Fire mage facing the exact thing when naming and leaving hic child to battle Demon King Ryner Kaizel.
- Rudy borrowed `An Exploratory Account of the Teleportation Labyrinth`, The Begaritt Continent` and the Fighting-God Tongue` from the library as well as reference incase he has communication issues there
- It took 5 days to reach the nearby teleportation circle in the forest.
- They fought green boar before reaching the teleportation cirle and Elinalise shows how
- The incantation to remove the barrier seems to refer to Holy Dragon Emperor Shirad, which is one of the Five Dragon Generals from the old stories.
- Rudeus freeze a water bottle and cool down the air around them to keep up with the temperature
- They also encountered other monsters such as Treant, Sandworm, an army of Phalanx Ants, Giant Bat, Raptors and Garudas in their days in the desert,
- Rudeus carrying spices reminds Elinalise of Geese doing the same, Rudeus thinks that was common with rogue adventurers and he often seems them carrying spices during his adventuring with Soldat's party.

Differences from LN
- Simplified Rudy's farewell with Linia and Pursena
- Elinalise is a bit more dramatic and and keeps changing her mind between going to Begaritt or staying with Cliff after his proposal
- Cliff's marriage proposal was made during his talk with Rudy and Elinalise that was skipped in the anime
- The farewell with Rudy's friends is a bit weird in LN, the farewell that Rudy did with most of the people is before he found out about the teleportation circle, so they thought they won't be around for two years at least and Linia and Pursena may already graduated by then.

May 26, 2024 9:48 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The soundtrack to them travelling was very appropriate and added to the sense of exoticism. Nice touch.

They toned down some of the more ecchi elements, but knowing the way some people react to that it's probably the best choice. Nothing was lost storywise.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 26, 2024 9:52 AM

Jun 2019
They are finally on their journey but it looks like the journey has been shortened, thanks to Nanahoshi. And, now they go on their way through the sands to their destination. The journey seemed nice with Elinalise.

However, they had some hiccups as expected. Elinalise having her curse problems and Rudeus being affected by that succubus was a funny segment, the way he said it to her. LOL. And, she was also making fun of him. They have such a great dynamic between them. Can't wait for the next episode.
May 26, 2024 9:53 AM

Jun 2014
"Nothing will go wrong." Welp, Elinalise just cursed the whole trip now 😭

Seeing their journey to the labyrinth was nice and the music definitely added to the immersion. I'm glad we're getting this side of MT again after so long.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

May 26, 2024 9:54 AM
Nov 2022
The transfer circles are quite convenient, I liked that they showed the monsters that are in the desert in that way, quick, simple but without failing to show that they are a threat.
May 26, 2024 9:54 AM

Jan 2018
It's been a while but MT is finally back. I'm not sure if the break was actually necessary tho.

Finally, Rudeus goes back to adventuring. The traveling aspect is probably my favorite aspect of MT so I missed it a lot. Tho I do miss Eris and Ruijerd. Rudeus traveling with Elinalise now feels a bit awkward considering she's his grandmother-in-law...

No way Rudeus lost control this fast. Not to mention he wanted to do it with Elinalise. I think the reason is that he was influenced by the succubus. Damn. The succubus in this anime are terrifying. The succubi from KonoSuba kinda skewed my perception of them. Anyway, glad he didn't cheat on Sylphie.
He's not going to betray her that fast, right?

Anyway, it seems like they already reached their destination in the next episode. Probably huge thanks to the transportation circle. I hope there will be more adventure or travel episodes in the future.
May 26, 2024 10:03 AM

Apr 2014
Nice episode. Looking forward to the next one.
May 26, 2024 10:08 AM
Jan 2009
Teleportation circles? Is that safe?
Don't worry, I'm the main character.

Also, their horse is monstrously huge, right? It's not just me seeing things?
amf85May 26, 2024 10:13 AM
May 26, 2024 10:19 AM

Sep 2013
Another good episode. They skipped some of the adventure but it's understandable so they can adapt volume 12 as great as possible. Also i've never seen such a high amount of bots before on a poll lol.
sic mundus
May 26, 2024 10:20 AM

Feb 2019
Peak is back finally. That week off felt like forever! Lot of that classic Mushoku energy in this one. Great episode

S/O to Nanohoshi for coming in clutch with the teleportation circles. Underappreciated character. All that time everyone put into helping her research paid off in the end.

Sylphie concerned look when she found out about the circles was so cute! God I just wanna protect her. Been such a great friend and now wife to Rudeus. She deserves the world. Not naming the baby before he left was a good idea, would’ve been putting negative energy in the world otherwise.

My boy Cliff deserves nothing but happiness as well. Anyone who puts up Elinalise curse and lets her go for potentially two years is a legend in my book. Nothing can stop a man in love.

The journey to Bergaritt while obviously speed ran, had a lot of the magical and fantastical charm that made Mushoku Tensei so famous in the first place. Big fan of the Arabian nights esque OST we got and seeing new magical beasts like a succubus and griffin was dope! The action scenes look awesome too, there’s a lot of big name talent assembled to work on this cour so I can’t wait for the big set pieces.

“Let’s get dirty” 😭 yea thankfully that Rudeus and Elinalise down bad moment didn’t escalate any further, Elinalise mocking him about it afterwards was great. I wanna see that Paul apology to Elinalise! All these years later she’s still really hurt about it clearly.

And we’re here! Next episode should be a banger
Marinate1016May 26, 2024 10:58 AM
May 26, 2024 10:22 AM
Aug 2016
Pacing got a bit faster, but it was good like this.
Then i don't really who why everyone is saying that Mushoku is back, like they think that the school is never gonna come back lol
May 26, 2024 10:23 AM

Mar 2023
This is already better than anything from the previous arc, good episode
May 26, 2024 10:27 AM
Jan 2009
Reply to Hebi_op
Pacing got a bit faster, but it was good like this.
Then i don't really who why everyone is saying that Mushoku is back, like they think that the school is never gonna come back lol
@Hebi_op Pretty sure about 98% of all anime is school, fighting tournaments, or some combination of the two.

We must treasure the rare episodes that are not.
May 26, 2024 10:36 AM

May 2020
Pretty damn good episode. Mushoku is back, Rudeus is back adventuring
May 26, 2024 10:38 AM

Jan 2024
That wink was so smooth.....
Sylphy & Rudeas goodbye was very heartfelt hope he comes back soon with his mother.
The dynamic between Elinalese & Rudy is great, they are so funny together and compliment each other well in battle too.
The monster fights was brilliant.
Succebas scene was something else😭 "Let's get dirty"
Peak story
Peak adaptation
Peak animation
We gonna eat good for next 5 weeks
WaterMageMay 26, 2024 10:42 AM
May 26, 2024 11:05 AM
Apr 2024
Reply to MangagnaM
Welcome back to all the bots once again. Very legit. Going to use this post just as a tracker for future reference with adding images from time to time to show how bad and blatant this is.

@MangagnaM The screenshots don't say much. How quickly did the 1s come in?
Just from the screenshots alone, it's hard to tell why 20/80 votes being negative is bots.
Average MAL user's media literacy:
Marinate1016 said:
Not reading allat cause I don’t care. Tensura peak. Have a good one tho
May 26, 2024 11:09 AM

Dec 2019
Reply to stevejawbs
@MangagnaM The screenshots don't say much. How quickly did the 1s come in?
Just from the screenshots alone, it's hard to tell why 20/80 votes being negative is bots.
@stevejawbs It's only been a couple hours since release it came in quick
May 26, 2024 11:14 AM
Mar 2015
Our boi is on the road to Begarit to save Zenith
May 26, 2024 11:16 AM
Mar 2023
Dang, a lot of people hated the episode
May 26, 2024 11:19 AM
Mar 2018
Reply to Stark700
Sealed with a kiss! Rudeus sure knows how to make a farewell with Sylphy. Elinalise also joins him on this mission to Labryinth City of Rapan although this turned out to be more difficult than expected.

Very disappointed that Rudeus fell for a succubus' tricks. The "let's get laid" phase sounded like a meme. On the other hand, I am impressed that Rudeus took care of monsters when he got serious. More adventuring next time. Curious to see the anime will adapt the world fiction tbh.
@Stark700 that's literally the whole power of a succubus
May 26, 2024 11:26 AM
Apr 2024
I got whiplash watching this episode, but in the best way possible. I forgot what this show could do in terms of animation.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the slower-paced school stuff. But after watching this, I decided to go back and see when was the last time there was any action. 4 episodes ago there was a 10-second fight when Luke tested Rudy, and before that was 10 episodes ago(!!!), when Rudy used one spell against Badigadi, and before that was 13 episodes ago, his entrance test against Sylphie to get into the school that lasted 12 seconds.

It's interesting to look back on the school and realize there was very little scenes of Rudy actually using his magic. It was 8 IRL months of slice of life, world building, and some character development. I can understand why people were upset, considering S1 had so much more adventuring.
Average MAL user's media literacy:
Marinate1016 said:
Not reading allat cause I don’t care. Tensura peak. Have a good one tho
May 26, 2024 11:28 AM

Aug 2019
Reply to Ansilorid
Dang, a lot of people hated the episode
Ansilorid said:
Dang, a lot of people hated the episode

Every episode of this cour gets about 150 1-s in the first few hours then it stops.
It's a trend, which indicates it's bot-ing.
May 26, 2024 11:32 AM
Apr 2024
Reply to MangagnaM
@stevejawbs It's only been a couple hours since release it came in quick
@MangagnaM Maybe it's just some really, really dedicated haters coming in? 😅

Nah but I haven't used the site enough to know these things, so I'll defer to your judgement. It would be interesting to see screenshots taken every minute to see if there's batches of 1s coming in all at once. But even if there isn't, it could be that the bots are programmed to stagger their ratings. I just can't wrap my head around why anyone would bother using bots to review-bomb an anime on MAL, but there are some crazy people on this site for sure.
Average MAL user's media literacy:
Marinate1016 said:
Not reading allat cause I don’t care. Tensura peak. Have a good one tho
May 26, 2024 11:33 AM

Oct 2023
Reply to stevejawbs
@MangagnaM The screenshots don't say much. How quickly did the 1s come in?
Just from the screenshots alone, it's hard to tell why 20/80 votes being negative is bots.
@stevejawbs even if they weren't bots, they're just spam accounts probably coming from the same Discord claiming to be dedicated Konosuba fans (the only good isekai thing, they said).

Same spam accounts who only rated three anime: Frieren a 10 (which is fine); two random anime 7 and 8 respectively.
May 26, 2024 11:45 AM
Aug 2019
good episode and nice action scenes, tho overall it felt rushed and I feel many interesting things should have appeared. But loved that they included
May 26, 2024 12:21 PM
Dec 2023
great ep, good adaptation.

Skipped a lot of the traveling and the plot with the merchant caravan, but completely understandable. As it's not contributing to the story but only on further worldbuilding and cultural understanding.

I'm happy they're taking their time and 5 more episodes to cover the labyrinth arc.

Just sad they missed Elinalise's nanahoshi joke.
R0r5ch4chMay 26, 2024 12:37 PM
May 26, 2024 12:36 PM

Nov 2023
Well, I talked with my friend who read the LN of this.

He said that they cut so many details here and there.

So basically we saw a montage of events this episode.

Not bothering me ofc. But we still miss some good little moments or conversations.
I need somebody who can love me at my worst
No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth
'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first
And for you, girl, I swear I'll do the worst

If you stay forever, let me hold your hand
I can fill those places in your heart no else can
Let me show you love, oh, I don't pretend, yeah
I'll be right here, baby, you know I'll sink or swim
May 26, 2024 12:38 PM
Feb 2020
This traveling, showing the world, is really what Mushoku is best at. Both the LN and the anime
May 26, 2024 12:39 PM
Aug 2021
Finally…some action, and better yet, something other than HS nonsense. Can’t wait for the next 5 episodes.
May 26, 2024 12:50 PM
Apr 2014
Everyone is saying "Mushoku is back" because of adventuring, but I would like to be a white crow and say that Mushoku excels in human drama first and foremost. So I can't wait for him to return to Sylphy

Oh well, it's MT, so whatever it throws at me - I know, I'm in for a ride
lessfullMay 26, 2024 12:55 PM
May 26, 2024 12:51 PM

Oct 2016
Great episode even though it was mostly set up. I’m surprised the journey was covered so quickly, but it makes sense since the main event should be coming soon. I’m mostly just hyped to see what is going to happen next. (9/10)
May 26, 2024 1:02 PM
Apr 2021
Reply to Ansilorid
Dang, a lot of people hated the episode
@Ansilorid This is normal, it's just the haters who arrive first than the fans lol.
May 26, 2024 1:04 PM
Apr 2021
Reply to lessfull
Everyone is saying "Mushoku is back" because of adventuring, but I would like to be a white crow and say that Mushoku excels in human drama first and foremost. So I can't wait for him to return to Sylphy

Oh well, it's MT, so whatever it throws at me - I know, I'm in for a ride
@lessfull Don't worry, the human drama will be stronger than ever in this arc.
May 26, 2024 1:26 PM
Dec 2023
1000-MAT said:
@Ansilorid This is normal, it's just the haters who arrive first than the fans lol.

it's bots, it's always around 120 ish
May 26, 2024 2:07 PM
Jul 2021
This isekai anime is really fantastic, by far for me the best arc of all is Rudeus's depression after Eris.

That is why what I am most looking forward to is the reunion of both, the character development, the lore and the travels make a sublime and est mix, and I am sure that the reunion of both will be an f"(x)=0 (i hope you could understand the reference) that will change many things. I have extreme hype for that moment.
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