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Jun 5, 2020 9:28 AM
Feb 2014
Is it possible for graph website to support Font Awesome?
Jun 12, 2020 9:17 PM

Apr 2020
add timezone setting so that the 'history' tab is more orderly

Jul 1, 2020 7:11 PM

Dec 2019
add an button option to exclude unrated animes from Favorite types,Favorite genres,Favorite years,Rating distribution,Ratings vs. time spent,Ratings vs. episode count
Jul 22, 2020 6:36 AM

Aug 2016
In the history section: cumulative graph of hours/days of anime watched ~ time. This would be a super useful and insightful graph since you can visually see in one image when you were the most active and the quiet periods. Plus everyhing is quantified with numbers.

The calendar sort of accompilshes this, but serves a bit of a different purpose (used to drill into the detail of each month, snapshot of end of each season in March, June, Sept, Dec).

To implement, simply divide number of hours for each entry by finish date - start date + 1. This way if there's no start date given then all the time will be added on the finish date.
Sanic_de_HegehogJul 24, 2020 7:36 AM
Jul 24, 2020 7:24 AM

Aug 2016
Just for fun I made an Episodes ~ Time graph for my MAL using Excel. Not quite the same as Hours Watched ~ Time, but it would look 99% the same. Short form anime or movies are the main cause of error in this case.

I think it turned out pretty well.

Aug 12, 2020 6:44 AM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
Aug 12, 2020 7:46 AM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
@Harun69: the titles in question are not shown because the "Other" relations between database entries are disabled on GRAPH. That is done intentionally to prevent crossovers from making connections between otherwise unrelated franchises.
Sep 21, 2020 12:36 PM
Feb 2016
Could you add titles marked as "Other" to Missing titles? There are many OVAs and shorts that are missing from the list because they're not considered "side stories".
Sep 21, 2020 1:13 PM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
@Sande: No. They were specifically removed because they caused a lot of trouble with franchise crossovers.
Sep 21, 2020 1:23 PM
Feb 2016
Half_Bl00d said:
@Sande: No. They were specifically removed because they caused a lot of trouble with franchise crossovers.

It could at least be a selectable option for those who want to find every title for a series.
Sep 21, 2020 4:21 PM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
Sande said:
It could at least be a selectable option for those who want to find every title for a series.

While I'm not the developer of the site, I'm pretty sure that that is impossible to make. And as one of those who want to find every title for a series, that was never an issue to me, just take a careful look at things you're interested in, and you'll be able to find everything you need. I don't mind helping if you need it.
Sep 21, 2020 11:11 PM

Feb 2013
Sande said:
Could you add titles marked as "Other" to Missing titles? There are many OVAs and shorts that are missing from the list because they're not considered "side stories".
hello you can try the utilities on this site
i dont think it handles characters but it seems it does other
Sep 22, 2020 6:07 AM
Feb 2016
romagia said:
Sande said:
Could you add titles marked as "Other" to Missing titles? There are many OVAs and shorts that are missing from the list because they're not considered "side stories".
hello you can try the utilities on this site
i dont think it handles characters but it seems it does other

Thank you! I didn't know a site for it already exists.
Nov 8, 2020 7:44 AM
Jul 2019
Add an option to hide specials and/or recaps from recommendations by watched titles.
Nov 8, 2020 12:30 PM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
@lolechka04: that's literally the primary use of that list though.
Nov 8, 2020 11:05 PM
Jul 2019
Half_Bl00d said:
@lolechka04: that's literally the primary use of that list though.

Well, it is recommendations, and I don't want to see all these 1-minute web-specials and recaps there.
Nov 19, 2020 6:18 PM

Jun 2013
lolechka04 said:
Half_Bl00d said:
@lolechka04: that's literally the primary use of that list though.

Well, it is recommendations, and I don't want to see all these 1-minute web-specials and recaps there.

Im confused as to whether you are talking about your 'recommendations' or your 'missing titles'? Your recommendations as far as I can see are not specials or ona's I see some ghibli, kuroko, a-ko etc. some good stuff there, you should watch some of them!

Regarding your 'missing titles' its there solely for completionists to find any titles they may have missed, clearly this function isnt of use to you, however having a seperate hide function as you could just not look at that section.

Either way your recommendations don't appear to have any anime that you have already watched. Your missing titles, are just that, missing titles.

Memento Mori.
Nov 24, 2020 4:12 AM

Apr 2020
i know the missing title section cannot show all the missing relations
I think it should focus on anime you have completed and put anime you plan to watch on a lower priority

Dec 2, 2020 9:53 PM

Apr 2020
[in the history tab]
- add dark outline for month with small number
- add yearly summation for number of anime you've watched

roughly like this, i hope i get my point across

Dec 11, 2020 1:50 PM

Jun 2007
Some potential anime genre target adjustments, based on the database as of 12/11/20. I left out GAR and Magical Girls, as those are based on custom lists, and these numbers will not account for anything in the "not tagged [genre] on MAL, but manually counted as such by" situation.

Dementia + Psychological: 505 + 340 - 36 (to avoid double-counting entries with both tags) = 809 total
New Targets: 25 / 50 / 100 / 200

Historical (1128)
New Targets: 34 / 68 / 136 / 271

Horror / Thriller: 460 + 127 - 32 tagged as both = 555
New Targets: 17 / 34 / 67 / 134

Mecha (1093)
New Targets: 33 / 66 / 132 / 263
(may want to adjust the "over 65 / over 130" text for levels 2 and 3, though I guess not that many new titles have been created/tagged in this genre since the last update)

Music (2221)
New Targets: 50 / 100 / 200 / 400
(category is now "maxed out")

Mystery (717)
New Targets: 22 / 44 / 87 / 173

Space (493)
New Targets: 15 / 30 / 60 / 119

Sports (707)
New Targets: 22 / 43 / 85 / 170


Horror (1516)
New Targets: 23 / 46 / 91 / 182

Sports (1066)
New Targets: 16 / 32 / 64 / 128

Vampire / Demons 390 + 642 - 22 tagged as both = 1010
New Targets: 16 / 31 / 61 / 122

Yuri / Shoujo Ai 525 + 796 - 40 tagged as both = 1281
New Targets: 20 / 39 / 77 / 154
ZalisDec 11, 2020 2:08 PM

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.

Everything that connects to MAL
Jan 10, 2021 5:56 AM
May 2012
Under Favourites there is a graph that depicts the average score of each year's anime.

It would be nice to be able to have a graph that depicts the number of anime watched of each year.

To clarify, not the number of anime watched in that year, but the number of anime from that year.

Even better if there can then be a weighted annual average score taking into account the total number of anime (data points) from that year.
Jan 12, 2021 7:29 PM

Mar 2014
Just a few things I've been thinking about recently:

1. On the Profile page, It would be nice to see the number of episodes and number of movies in a franchise next to the number of titles.

2. Similarly, on the Recommended page, the number of episodes and movies I haven't seen for each franchise, so I can see how much is left.

3. On the Favorites page, it would be nice to see which years I haven't seen anything from. Apparently I haven't watched an anime from the year 1977, but hadn't noticed until just now.

4. Also on the Favorites page, perhaps a way to see which studios you haven't seen anything from.

5. Lastly, I dunno if you can see the Source material field on MAL, but a list or pie graph summary of those would be nice.

The first two being just nice numbers to have and the latter three being a good form of encouragement and help with branching out to new things.

- Hamst3r
Feb 24, 2021 4:01 AM

Jan 2013
hamsteralliance said:
Just a few things I've been thinking about recently:

1. On the Profile page, It would be nice to see the number of episodes and number of movies in a franchise next to the number of titles.

2. Similarly, on the Recommended page, the number of episodes and movies I haven't seen for each franchise, so I can see how much is left.

3. On the Favorites page, it would be nice to see which years I haven't seen anything from. Apparently I haven't watched an anime from the year 1977, but hadn't noticed until just now.

4. Also on the Favorites page, perhaps a way to see which studios you haven't seen anything from.

5. Lastly, I dunno if you can see the Source material field on MAL, but a list or pie graph summary of those would be nice.

The first two being just nice numbers to have and the latter three being a good form of encouragement and help with branching out to new things.


1. It's a bonus but I don't think that's necessary.

2. Agreed, some franchises have so many extra specials and OVA's and what not it's easy to miss one/

3. I think this is only really good for people that are actively trying to finish every year, which probably isn't a lot but again ... it'd be a bonus.

4. That's ... probably not going to happen. - The amount of studios that are on MAL is an insane amount.

5. So a list of sources the anime come from? - Don't really understand this one.
Mar 2, 2021 3:11 AM
Feb 2021
Just wondering if it was possible to rearange the achievements so the 'MAX' acheivement come before the other ones, as they look more visually appealing next to each other, I have made a diagram to explain this better.


Mar 21, 2021 8:52 AM

Jul 2016
On favourites page, add a source table.

Enable sorting on sub-sections
e.g. Studios -> Madhouse (sort by score)

Mar 22, 2021 4:34 PM
Jul 2015
On the recommendations page for missing titles section,can you have the option to remove Planning to watch/read shows from the "You've seen this" column on the left?
I.e. only use shows that are in your Completed or Watching lists to calculate the missing titles. And allow shows that are in Plan to Watch to be in those missing titles.

The use case for this is when you have a large number of shows in Plan to Watch, so it would be useful to include them in recommendations so you can watch all related shows of a series.
Additionally, you could have added a show related title that isn't released yet to your plan to watch. So then it would be good to have it appear in recommendations as well, especially as a reminder for once it's released.

May 29, 2021 8:10 PM

Feb 2011
There is something I would like to have available and it is a chart or graph with the average/count by season.

Aug 8, 2021 4:13 PM

Feb 2020
No of anime seen in each genre or studio is already present
But % of anime watched for each genre or studio and year would be very helpful
AdampkAug 8, 2021 4:16 PM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Sep 24, 2021 5:42 AM
Jun 2021
I see some of the recommendation useless. It'd be better if I can remove those.

Oct 22, 2021 8:04 PM

Apr 2019
It would be nice if I could see what rating I would need for my Mean Score to go up or down.
Oct 23, 2021 3:35 AM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
Oct 23, 2021 3:53 AM

Apr 2019
Half_Bl00d said:
@ProxyLain: could you please elaborate on that?
For example: My Mean Score is 5.31, and it could have a graph showing how much is left to go up to 5.32. In short, how many valuations would it need to go up from 5.31 to 5.32.
I know who the MAL has the Mean Score that is "broken", example: 5.31,(numbers).

In summary, it would be interesting if you had this chart to see how much time is left for the Mean Score. Like, missing 3 anime rated 7 or 2 anime rated 8 and so on.

I think I managed to explain it well. Can you understand it a little better now? haha
(English is not my language)
Oct 23, 2021 5:31 AM
Jan 10, 2022 11:39 AM
Dec 2015
animenok said:
Just wondering if it was possible to rearange the achievements so the 'MAX' acheivement come before the other ones, as they look more visually appealing next to each other, I have made a diagram to explain this better.


I would like that to be implemented too. As a temporary solution I wrote a userscript that does exactly that.
Jan 11, 2022 5:59 PM
Feb 2021
funestia said:
animenok said:
Just wondering if it was possible to rearange the achievements so the 'MAX' acheivement come before the other ones, as they look more visually appealing next to each other, I have made a diagram to explain this better.


I would like that to be implemented too. As a temporary solution I wrote a userscript that does exactly that.

Wow its so satisfying, my ocd is quenched!!!

Thank you!
Jan 25, 2022 1:20 PM
Jul 2018
how about making genre achievements harder to get? e.g. the slice of life level max is only 160 anime, it should be way more, at least 250
Jan 25, 2022 2:53 PM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
@Abajur: They were much harder to get, but then Deividas just drastically reduced the thresholds without asking anyone, which caused a massive backslash from the club members, just so he could get more clicks on the Achievements page.
Jan 26, 2022 6:23 AM
Jul 2018
Half_Bl00d said:
@Abajur: They were much harder to get, but then Deividas just drastically reduced the thresholds without asking anyone, which caused a massive backslash from the club members, just so he could get more clicks on the Achievements page.
can't we bitch about it until the changes get reverted?
Jan 26, 2022 6:30 AM

Feb 2013
a hard mode for advanced otaku achievements :))
Jan 26, 2022 6:47 AM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
@Abajur: We did. A lot. It was ignored, because clicks are more important.
Mar 5, 2022 4:40 PM
Feb 2017
I don't wanna disrespecr anyone, but it's been almost 3 years since the last update in the graph page, is there a aproximate date for an update?
edit: also it's still difficult to implement the person category (such as VA, directors...)?
henribellaniMar 5, 2022 4:43 PM
Mar 6, 2022 3:36 AM

Jun 2013

I'm working on a new site. But don't expect anything soon.

About voice actors and directors: MAL API ( is very limited. There's no "people" category. We can only see studios and manga authors.
Mar 6, 2022 5:11 AM
Feb 2017
Deividas said:

I'm working on a new site. But don't expect anything soon.

About voice actors and directors: MAL API ( is very limited. There's no "people" category. We can only see studios and manga authors.

I see, thank you
Mar 8, 2022 4:20 AM
Feb 2017
Deividas said:

I'm working on a new site. But don't expect anything soon.

About voice actors and directors: MAL API ( is very limited. There's no "people" category. We can only see studios and manga authors.

@deividas, don't wanna talk about the competition, but i guess anilist has a way to track VAs, there is a way to use their api and implement in your website? (sorry if i speak nonsense, my knowledge in computer language is way too basic)
Jul 9, 2022 2:33 PM

Feb 2016
The Mean Score achievements should be removed for being "personal statistics that take zero effort." Any of the three levels are easily achievable simply by restricting your scoring system... if I only use 1, 2, and 3, then <3 is guaranteed. If you want to encourage people to actually use the whole rating range, then it should track rating entropy instead.

The Pervert achievements should be brought in line with every other genre achievement. Silly that 160 entries in any other genre will give you the max achievement whereas I have 208 entries (including some actual hentai) but I am a "Saint." I mean... just look at this description:

"Puritan, oblivious, or serial killer in the making? Either way, you made it through No Man's Land without glimpsing a single bra. Good job!"

Doesn't really fit...
Jul 13, 2022 12:26 AM

Mar 2011
@eruditious You shouldn't take those things that seriously. The badge probably only acknowledges that you have watched a certain amount of series without Panty Shots or something similar. What still happens later on doesn't matter. ;-)
Jul 21, 2022 11:44 PM
Jul 2018
With how many genres MAL has added and the entire themes category being added if it's possible to make separate lists for them I think that would be a good idea.
Aug 6, 2022 4:25 AM
Dec 2021
I’m sorry if it has already been reported, but on the History page for both anime and manga it looks like the day numbering is slightly off: it shows the episodes I’ve read today under 1 days ago (yesterday), those I’ve read yesterday under 2 days ago, and so on. It is quite a minor issue, but still would be fine if it could be fixed.

Thank you very much for the project in general!
Aug 6, 2022 4:54 AM
CSS Wizard

Jul 2009
@karuruna: first thing that comes to mind is time zones. I don't know if graph operates on its own fixed time zone, or looks at yours, but that may be the reason why.
Aug 6, 2022 5:21 AM
Dec 2021
@Half_Bl00d: yeah, I have some (albeit very basic) understanding of how programming works so I did suspect this first, but it is quite consistent regardless of whether I watch the episodes in the morning or late in the evening, or around noon. I have just checked it again on purpose—if you press one of the bars on the History page, the site will list you the episodes watched on a given day, and the time there will be given in UTC time zone. It is not the time zone I live in, and neither the timezone indicated in my account settings. My timezone is close enough to UTC so during the last two weeks there have been no cases where the watching day would be different for me and for it. So in the end I do suspect that it must be the day configuration that is off.
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