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Jun 28, 2009 1:37 PM

Mar 2007
I'm trying my best not to troll but can someone convince me why i should keep watching for another 100 episodes? I mean everyone i ask why this is a great show they just say "its great" or "everything is great about it"

No conceivable reason is told to me to keep watching this. I mean I just have this strong feeling of arrogance on behalf of the LoGH fans. Lately time has not been on my side for watching anime, and i prefer to watch 100's of other series other than this but at the same time i want to ride the hype train and see what is so great.

Is it simply because liking things that are old is cool? Or because kids don't know about this show? I would like to know...

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
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Jun 28, 2009 1:40 PM

Apr 2008
It's a terrible anime and you should feel terrible for watching it.
Jun 28, 2009 1:42 PM

Nov 2004
i hear it's cos its smart military strategy (albeit thousands of lineupfights in space alla WWI is stupid) and there's plottwists and crazy stuff.

me myself haven't seen it =P
Jun 28, 2009 1:42 PM

Apr 2008
Never seen it, never plan to.

Jun 28, 2009 1:42 PM

May 2008
Seriously, worst anime ever. Probably deserves some more 1s. Don't even bother OP, it's wasting your time clearly.
Jun 28, 2009 1:46 PM

Nov 2008
Many friends of mine told me that it become really interesting just after the first season (so after the 20 first episode). You should try to see more, maybe you will like it.
HooHiraiBunnyJun 28, 2009 1:54 PM
Jun 28, 2009 1:54 PM

Apr 2009
Its not really arrogance, there just too many things that are good about this to give a short answer other than "everything is great" and although that's an exageration, it comes quite close.
In a nutshell, it has an interesting world, an engaging and quite detailed story, superb characters, interesting views on politics and some of the deepest most profound takes on the eternal question democracy vs autocracy I've ever seen in an anime. Ah lets not forget it reeks of epicness... and if you like such stuff you are in for a treat.

All in all though, there is no reason to force yourself into it, if you dont want to watch it then dont... but also do remember that LotGH doesn't realy start to shine until after 20 episodes or so, if you cant get into sth as time consuming then simply watch sth else.
Jun 28, 2009 2:33 PM
Jun 2008
To keep it short:

You thought Code Geass had a magnificent military story? You thought L and Light from Death Note were two super insane geniuses that nobody could ever top?

Here's a truth: Legend of the Galactic Heroes did both first and did it better. Reinhard von Lohengramm and Yang Wenli are L and Light but far better since they actually have personalities and character growth. LotGH shows us military strategy and tactics that could make your head spin. Code Geass tactics has nothing really to do with true war, as much as it wants to allude to that.

A real war goes on for years. It takes millions of people depending on its scale. It takes endless amounts of treaties, conferences, meetings, plans and other components to make it happen and keep it happening and trying to end it. It does not take only two people, but it shows you at the helm of all human altercations, there is always someone at the top controlling things. LotGH depicts all these facets.

It's provides social, political and economic depiction of an era in which one of the greatest events in man's (fictional) history has seen.

If you don't want to watch it, fine, you miss out. Enjoy whatever H game adaptation or ecchi harem crap that comes out.
Jun 28, 2009 2:47 PM

Dec 2008
Ranivus said:
I'm trying my best not to troll but can someone convince me why i should keep watching for another 100 episodes? I mean everyone i ask why this is a great show they just say "its great" or "everything is great about it"

No conceivable reason is told to me to keep watching this. I mean I just have this strong feeling of arrogance on behalf of the LoGH fans. Lately time has not been on my side for watching anime, and i prefer to watch 100's of other series other than this but at the same time i want to ride the hype train and see what is so great.

Is it simply because liking things that are old is cool? Or because kids don't know about this show? I would like to know...

Read this; I had fun reading it myself.
Jun 28, 2009 6:22 PM

Nov 2007
Maybe because there's nothing more to add. Yes, EVERYTHING is great about it : characters, plot, writing, musics... I felt so empty after finishing it, it was like I would never see something THAT great again... And I was quite true.

I too didn't quite understood why everybody was so hyped about it at first, and then without exactly knowing HOW, I found myself totally crazy over some epic scene around ep 14... And then I realized that I was really, really going to enjoy this anime even if I'm not into old anime or political at all.

This show is just too cool, you have to watch it to understand. And when I say "watch", I don't mean the first 4 episodes. Watch at least the first season, which is in fact a kind of big introduction to the rest of the serie. And if you don't feel like going that far, just drop it right now but don't say you don't understand why people think it's awesome... Because you wouldn't have reached the awesome part yet.
Jun 28, 2009 6:34 PM

Dec 2008
Haven't seen it yet, but from what I've heard it starts getting interesting from episode 20 onwards.
Jun 28, 2009 7:36 PM

Jan 2008
It's the story that drives LoGH. It's immense, vast, epic. It's the type of show you go into without knowing much backstory, but it explains a lot as it goes along, sometimes with full episode devoted to history. It's absolutely not a show that you just sit down to watch light-heartedly. It does take a little effort to get going, but by around episode 14, the first really big battle takes places for nearly the entire thing, and you get a glimpse of the real scope of the conflict between the Empire and the Free Planets Alliance. From there it just keeps going and going. I mean hell, I watched like the first 9 episodes and bored to tears, but then a few months later I picked it back up and didn't stop after that. The other thing that drives it is the characters and their amibitions. They're not all deeply explored (usually just a few of the very main characters), but want they want to achieve surely is. In all, it's a show that sits in the very core of the word epic. I hate seeing that word getting tossed around aimlessly, like "oh man did you see that hayate episode, so epic!!!!" The word has been defiled by the internet, but it still classically applies here.

Although I should just troll you and say it's old, long, and boring unless you like 19th century naval strategies, and axe-wielding space marines.

But yeah, if you can get past the Battle of Amlitzer (episodes 14 and 15), you should be pretty hooked. 110 might seem daunting at the beginning, but it's really no trouble at all, watching the show turns into a treat, but again, you might need to have the right attitude and mindset. If you want Gurren Lagann, don't bother, turn around, only death awaits ye. I'd say LoGH is the perfect anime for historians and history majors, it mirrors a lot of conflicts and personalities. If that stuff immediately bores you, again, it might not be the best for you. But then again, what other anime is going to give you 100,000 spaceships duking it out in front of a blackhole to Dvorak? None.

Actually, one of my only complaints about LoGH was that some parts felt rushed. It could have easily been another 20-30 episodes in my opinion, but then again I don't know how close they were with the original novels. Anyway, if you do choose to continue, don't feel like you need to marathon it, do like maybe two episodes a night. And don't expect the most amazing animation, this is one show where it barely matters, they do kick it up in places where it counts though.
BluMeinoJun 28, 2009 7:45 PM
Jun 28, 2009 10:14 PM

Nov 2008
Ranivus said:
I mean I just have this strong feeling of arrogance on behalf of the LoGH fans.

The arrogance comes from those who ditch this anime and other underwatched shows not from the fans. Most of the discussions if you analyze with unbiased point of view, the fans of LOGH at least try to reason against their opposition. This kind of people are the ones saying "Is it simply because liking things that are old is cool? Or because kids don't know about this show?" not the ones recommending it.

There are people who says Citizen Kane and Apocalypse Now are the greatest movies ever made. Some people will say they are arrogant despite the fans of those 2 movies giving solid arguments backing their up. It's the same thing here.

I don't like to compare it with the other animes. LOGH is a category on its own. Comparing just bring bad blood between the fanbases no matter who is right. I can see why people think Naruto is great and has a big fanbase, but I accept its glaring flaws as well. Everyone should IMO (not that everyone will).

The animation is not great, a lot of people say that, but the scenes are well done and meaningful, whereas some other series with supposed great updated animation have lotsa meaningless shots and scenes.

Try to watch it without over picking on it, maybe, just maybe you will see why it is great. Even if you don't like it, if you have a unbiased POV, you should see why it's great as well. For example, I hated Cowboy Bebop, but I didn't give it a 1 or ditched it because of my personal experience. I can see why people think Cowboy Bebop is great even though I personally disliked it. You should see the greatness of anything, not only the flaws. Just don't go emotional because someone said your anime is not as great as someone else anime (damn I hate when people think anime are like sports team).
Eo tempore, cum tibi occuri,
Mihi vita laeta fuit,
Cum autem te nusquam conspexi,
Eo tempore mortem cognovi
Jun 29, 2009 3:51 AM

Aug 2007
Quite frankly the show is not for everyone. The fanbase is small but strong. The show just doesn't have the mass appeal of a lot of series out there. It has a cult following. If you need tons of action, stay away. If you need tons of cutesy moe girls, stay away. If you need goofball humor and fanservice, stay away. I've probably turned away lots of potential viewers with those last few sentences alone. The show is full of strategic battles that take place in the minds of the characters rather than flashy choreographed scenes with lots of explosions. It's a political drama with lots of dialogue. So if they sort of thing bores you then stay away.

If you want one of the tightest, most comprehensive and most epic (in the true sense of the word, not the typical internet usage that's popular these days) storylines in anime keep watching. If you want some of the most amazing characters that you get to see grow and progress with real true development where you get to see their hopes and dreams realized or destroyed, keep watching. Realistic human interactions without tons of cliches, keep watching. Writing that's nearly second to none, keep watching. I could go on and on. I honestly have a hard time talking about this series because so many positive thoughts flow through my head at once that it's hard to gather myself.

I wrote a review of this series (spoiler-free) on my blog where I attempted to gather my thoughts and write some stuff down. Check it out if you want.

But I see that you dropped the series at only 4 eps in and gave it a score of 2. Even though the show gets 100x better as it goes on, and even though you barely let the story even begin to get underway, if you were so bored to give it a score of 2 then I don't see why you should force yourself to continue. If curiosity gets the better of you, then by all means continue. But the fact that you gave it a score as low as 2 doesn't give me high hopes. But like I said, it's not for everyone.

Anyway, I hope I didn't come off as arrogant heh.
Jun 29, 2009 4:58 AM
Jun 2008
Where's Baman to seal the deal for this show when you need him...?
Jun 29, 2009 5:09 AM

Nov 2008
Implying that something s overhyped before it really starts is very bad idea. Just as accusing it's fans of arrogance...
LoGH becomes really interesting around 10-12 episode, it's brilliance can be first seen around 20 :P
Jun 29, 2009 5:50 AM

Jan 2008
Try watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars first. I think it is better than the first few episodes of the OVA. (Or maybe it's just the BGM that captured me in the movie)
Jun 29, 2009 6:28 AM
Jun 2009
From what I've heard, not everybody will enjoy it. It's supposedly has a well written plot along with some good characters. It won't appeal to everybody, but then again rarely does anything really good become very popular.
Jun 29, 2009 8:22 AM

Feb 2005
tehnominator said:
Where's Batman to seal the deal for this show when you need him...?

Someone called?

But, yes, this series is the greatest piece of anime I have watched, nothing comes close, no other story I have digested, movie or book alike, comes close.

I watched Code Geass before I saw this, and I really liked the first season, gave it a quite high score even. But after watching LoGH, Geass, as well as most other series on my list, was given much lower ratings, as I saw how ridiculously poor these sereies were in comparison.
Geass is one of those series that pounds the viewer with melodrama and inchoerent plot twists at an insane pace to try to cover up for all its plot holes, shallow story and terrible character writing. The majority of series rely on peripheral persuasion, emotions, explosions, moe and boobs to grip its viewers, all shallow and cheap tactics to sell a story. LotGH on the other hand, puts forth a grand and epic tale that is remarkable for its use of primary persuasion, winning the viewers over with brilliant characters and deep and reflective writing. It also has some of the easily most emotional and tragic moments I have ever seen in anime, but these are so because the characters and their grief are portrayed so realistically without the use of exaggerated melodrama one usually see in other series.
arcspartan said:
It won't appeal to everybody, but then again rarely does anything really good become very popular.
This is quite true, some people are not as analytical minded, and prefer fast paced actions, melodrama and explosions rather than deep analytical plots, I dare say that the majority of people prefer peripheral persuasion, at least this is clearly what the MAL top anime list seems to suggest.
And those who are of this category is probably better off ignoring LotGH and see a series that is easier to watch instead.
Jun 29, 2009 10:53 AM
Jun 2008
Baman said:
tehnominator said:
Where's Batman to seal the deal for this show when you need him...?

Someone called?

Holy semantically perspicuous explanations, Baman! You've just given LotGH a due recommendation!
Jun 29, 2009 12:01 PM

Jan 2009
The question you should be asking is, "what isn't so great about this anime?". The question is unanswerable. Even more so if you have never seen it. In short, this is why.
Jun 30, 2009 3:12 AM

Jan 2007
If you have read the reviews and still are not convinced to continue watching it then i really don't know what you expect from this thread,you really have not come up with any logical arguments why you don't like this anime,actually you have no arguments at all.

lately there's been more and more of this kind of threads on MAL,soon it will be like i am on imdb.
Jul 23, 2009 4:33 AM

Jun 2009
Well, I think i'm gonna try it out. I just found it on Veoh, and i've heard pretty much all positive feedback on it. Also, I like space opera's like banner of the stars and such. So, why not?
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 25, 2009 1:29 AM

Jan 2008
usasoldiern said:
Well, I think i'm gonna try it out. I just found it on Veoh, and i've heard pretty much all positive feedback on it. Also, I like space opera's like banner of the stars and such. So, why not?

PLEASE make sure you are using Central Anime's subs. YES IT DOES make a huge difference. And if for some reason, you're not sure, CA used plain yellow subtitles. Your entire enjoyment of the show can hinge on something like this.
Jul 25, 2009 2:10 AM

Feb 2005
BluMeino said:
PLEASE make sure you are using Central Anime's subs. YES IT DOES make a huge difference. And if for some reason, you're not sure, CA used plain yellow subtitles. Your entire enjoyment of the show can hinge on something like this.
Hoho, watching the Gaiden series with those crappy subs sure was an experience >__>

Some of the scenes were pure disasters, whether they were poorly synced or just poorly translated.
Jul 25, 2009 4:03 AM

Jun 2009
BluMeino said:
usasoldiern said:
Well, I think i'm gonna try it out. I just found it on Veoh, and i've heard pretty much all positive feedback on it. Also, I like space opera's like banner of the stars and such. So, why not?

PLEASE make sure you are using Central Anime's subs. YES IT DOES make a huge difference. And if for some reason, you're not sure, CA used plain yellow subtitles. Your entire enjoyment of the show can hinge on something like this.

Yeah, I'm downloading the first 28 episodes from Central Anime. This shows pretty much a lock, because i'm having a hard time finding something to watch.

Would I be able to find the prequel movie there?
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 25, 2009 4:35 AM

Apr 2009
Oh god damnit you guys. I have this entire show saved on my laptop and have promised myself to keep it for when I have to go somewhere without internet for a while/internet dies.

I might have to watch it now, can someone reccomend me something equally long and really, really good before I watch this?
Jul 25, 2009 5:05 AM

Feb 2005
Haylias said:
I might have to watch it now, can someone reccomend me something equally long and really, really good before I watch this?
Monster is supposed to be great as well, although it's a bit shorter. Haven't seen/read it yet myself though.
Jul 25, 2009 5:23 AM

Jun 2009
Baman said:
Haylias said:
I might have to watch it now, can someone reccomend me something equally long and really, really good before I watch this?
Monster is supposed to be great as well, although it's a bit shorter. Haven't seen/read it yet myself though.

Yeah, i've seen 5 episodes of monster and it was fantastic. So, it's a good bet. But, one thing led to another and it got pushed to the wayside for now.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 25, 2009 10:42 PM

Apr 2009
Ah yeah, Monster, been meaning to watch that.

Saw the 1st episode of LotGH. Feels gooood man.
Jul 25, 2009 10:47 PM

Jun 2009
Haylias said:
Ah yeah, Monster, been meaning to watch that.

Saw the 1st episode of LotGH. Feels gooood man.

Yeah, it does. it's taking sooo damn long to download, though.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 25, 2009 10:55 PM

Apr 2009
usasoldiern said:
Haylias said:
Ah yeah, Monster, been meaning to watch that.

Saw the 1st episode of LotGH. Feels gooood man.

Yeah, it does. it's taking sooo damn long to download, though.

Jul 26, 2009 2:28 AM

Jun 2009
I've watched the first 3 episodes. It's pretty good so far.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 26, 2009 2:40 AM

Aug 2008
Aokaado said:
i hear it's cos its smart military strategy
Yeah I've seen it in first episode. "Oh noes they're attacking us! So let's sit and wait till the destroy our whole fleet. Prince you're a genius, you managed to destroy whole fleet of idiots waiting for that". So yeah. I was also curious about this "logh fever" but I doubt I'll watch another episode anytime soon.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Jul 26, 2009 2:52 AM
Mar 2008
LoGH does not have smart military strategy. I've heard the author called a bit of an armchair general on a few occasions. No, the real draw of LoGH is it's cast of characters and the drama that plays out between them all.
Jul 26, 2009 3:23 AM

Jun 2009
Antanaru said:
Aokaado said:
i hear it's cos its smart military strategy
Yeah I've seen it in first episode. "Oh noes they're attacking us! So let's sit and wait till the destroy our whole fleet. Prince you're a genius, you managed to destroy whole fleet of idiots waiting for that". So yeah. I was also curious about this "logh fever" but I doubt I'll watch another episode anytime soon.

I've seen the first 4 episodes, and to be honest... i'm impressed. So, if you don't want to watch it. It's your loss.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 26, 2009 5:12 AM

Jun 2008
I gotta agree though, the first mission, it wasn't such 'smart military strategy'. The three Alliance forces were scattered (by surrounding the Imperials), their total number outnumbered the Imperials, but if the Imperials focused on one of them, then they would outnumber them. There really wasn't any choice of retreating, since they were basically surrounded by the Alliance. After defeating one portion, the other two would charge in and try to save the defeated portion, again, another easy victory, when they should have teamed up and went against the Imperials together. It didn't seem to me a smart maneuver on the Imperial's part, but more like an idiocy from the Alliance's part. It did show, however, that Reinhard can stay cool under a seemingly overwhelming situation and Yang who can think quickly and improvise on how to regain his losses. Thus the first few episodes didn't seem to me to signify the two military geniuses' intelligence, but rather some of their other useful characteristics. But one can argue that some of these characteristics are intelligence in another form.
Jul 26, 2009 5:37 AM

Feb 2005
PlatinumHawke said:
LoGH does not have smart military strategy. I've heard the author called a bit of an armchair general on a few occasions. No, the real draw of LoGH is it's cast of characters and the drama that plays out between them all.
Most of the tactics is pretty much something you'd expect from 16th century line infantry battles, so as far as believable scifi battles goes, it completely misses it's mark.
But then again, that's a problem with a whole lot of scifi, just look at the ridiculous battles in Star Wars. It's a recurring problem within the genre, and so is the unrealistic portrayal of technology and society in the future.
But as you say, it's the characters that really make LoGH shine, and if I could not suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy the rather unlikely battles, I would not be watching anime at all.
Jul 27, 2009 2:23 AM

Jun 2009
I've got to say, the more I get into this Anime the better it gets. I just finished episode 8, it was impressive. I'm glad I started watching this show, just because it's an anime history lesson.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 27, 2009 2:26 AM

Apr 2008
Antanaru said:
I was also curious about this "logh fever" but I doubt I'll watch another episode anytime soon.

It's a terrible anime you're better off rewatching Clannad.
Jul 27, 2009 2:53 AM

Apr 2007
Baman said:
But as you say, it's the characters that really make LoGH shine, and if I could not suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy the rather unlikely battles, I would not be watching anime at all.
My favorite space battle moments are whenever von Eisenach was on screen and he was able to coordinate and manipulate 5000-ship motions through three dimensions with just a few simple hand motions.

As suggested by others, in my mind it's somewhat of a disservice to this anime to suggest that it's a war story, or even an anti-war story. I prefer to see it as a series of character expositions that happen to be within a war/political setting. The whole war was, in a way, just a plot device to show off these characters rather than being the point of the show itself.
Jul 27, 2009 4:36 AM

Jun 2009
Plate said:
Antanaru said:
I was also curious about this "logh fever" but I doubt I'll watch another episode anytime soon.

It's a terrible anime you're better off rewatching Clannad.

I don't see why you have to knock Clannad. That wasn't in very good taste, if you ask me.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 27, 2009 4:38 AM

Apr 2008
usasoldiern said:
Plate said:
Antanaru said:
I was also curious about this "logh fever" but I doubt I'll watch another episode anytime soon.

It's a terrible anime you're better off rewatching Clannad.

I don't see why you have to knock Clannad. That wasn't in very good taste, if you ask me.

I'm not knocking Clannad per se, I am however suggesting Antanaru would be better off watching it again instead.

>good taste
Jul 27, 2009 5:03 AM

Jun 2009
So, I guess that means according to you I have bad taste? Seeing as how After Story is the ONLY show i've given a 10?

Well, whatever.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 27, 2009 5:16 AM

Apr 2008
...Didn't I just say I wasn't saying anything bad about Clannad?
Jul 28, 2009 5:51 PM
Mar 2008
I believe he's poking fun at himself. I mean, really, LoGH and MD Geist as faves? Nearly did a spit take there.
Jul 29, 2009 1:06 AM
Nov 2007
this anime is good because you will get piss at certain character haha, emotion is good i guess....I wanna cry :(, oh well..........
Aug 21, 2009 6:09 AM

Feb 2009
I picked up this anime and started watching it with a couple of friends a month back. We have now seen 62 episodes and so far it probably is the best show I have ever seen.

It's true that the first 10+ episodes are pretty boring, but man does it get epic with time, and yes, like many already said, EPIC, in its true meaning.

I don't really get why this show is so overlooked, maybe it's just a bit too much of a niche show.
Aug 22, 2009 2:38 AM

Jul 2009
To me it sounds like the The Wheel of Time of Anime. Is that far from the truth?
Aug 22, 2009 6:25 AM

Jan 2008
Lemurian said:
To me it sounds like the The Wheel of Time of Anime. Is that far from the truth?

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