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Which anime fandom has put you off from checking their show?

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May 4, 2020 6:53 PM

Jul 2013
Y'all let other people affect your decisions?
May 4, 2020 7:01 PM

Mar 2018
oguba said:
Why should someone effect what I or you watch? If I want to watch something, I'll watch it. What kind of pathetic excuse is that?

I can't speak for everyone here, in my own personal case, I've noticed that rabid fans aren't able to see the flaws in the thing they like. It can mean that their favorite thing isn't as good as they say it is, and non-fans trynna get into it can be let down by lofty expectations.

It's also common for blind fans of a series to recommend their favorite show to anyone and everyone, regardless if they think others will like it. This is the reason I don't let random people suggest me shows, most of the time.

Personally, I just don't like fandom culture to begin with. I've mentioned this a few times on the forums, but I've had people scream in my face for not liking their favorite show. This has happened a lot with FLCL, Haikyuu, and Psycho-Pass specifically. Folks are so defensive over their favorite products and I just don't see a point in it. The same can be said if you like something that someone adamantly hates. I just dislike the culture around hardcore anime fans.

EDIT: To actually answer the question of this thread tho lmao oops? I'm of the mindset of like. I'll give anything a shot. Even if I hate the culture around it, even if I know I'll dislike it, unless the show will be detrimental to my mental health (serial experiments lain is one that comes to mind :x ), I'll watch a few episodes of any show. Maybe I'll even finish it, who knows.
May 4, 2020 7:03 PM

Aug 2018
This has never happened to me, I don't understand this way of thinking at all. I have a friend who refuses to watch Attack on Titan because of memes... Does he think by watching AoT he will be infected with unfunny meme disease or something?
May 4, 2020 7:13 PM
Jan 2020
None, Watch what you enjoy. Who cares who else likes it.
May 4, 2020 7:29 PM
Dec 2018
Tenjoin said:
Nuggey said:
I honestly think that refusing to watch a show or disliking a show because of the fan base is really stupid. The show doesn’t belong to them and you have no obligation to interact with them at all. There’s always a shitty side to most fan bases and some have bigger and more shittier sides than others, but I don’t see how that impacts your own viewing of the show.

For example, I think the JoJo fandom is one of the most obnoxious fan bases out there but I still really enjoy the show and the manga. A lot Hunter x Hunter and One Piece fans (and most Shounen fan bases) think their shows are the greatest things in existence yet I can enjoy both of these things without having to interact with the brain dead “fan base.” It’s not hard in anyway to avoid these annoying fan bases and still enjoy the anime.

I do agree. But it becomes a problem when you interact with the general anime community and they lump you together with a specific fandom just because you like the show.

Also as you mention Jojo. One of the reasons I kinda don't enjoy Jojo as much is duo to interacting with its fanbase as well. Despite still liking parts of it, some fans really put me off from the franchise.

Ugh. People who stereotype you to a fandom cause you like a certain fandom, I would argue is worse than any fandom could be. I just hate people who generalized a group of people.
May 4, 2020 7:32 PM

Aug 2018
This is a curious case. I think it's definitely my story with Neon Genesis Evangelion. Normally, as a fan of the Psychological genre, I would have a great interest in watching the anime. However, having seen a good number of people who behave extremely elitist and, at the same time, this anime as a favorite, I sincerely "marked" the anime with great anger. It seems that every time I hear about the anime, it reminds me of toxic people who like to boast about the complexity of the anime and point out their IQ as "super high", feeling superior because of their "" superior taste " "and hammering in your head like that show is" objectively the best ".

Usually, anyone who points out their preference as absolute truth irritates me, and I usually ignore it. However, not only with Evangelion, but with the vast majority of animes that lead to the fame of complexes like Serial Experiments Lain, Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, Texhnolyze, among others, my experience in interacting with someone from the fandom, or simply watching someone, no it was nothing good. It became something that was stigmatized, even though I always tried to ignore it. And I think it doesn't just happen to me, since I have already seen troll profiles that built exactly that image, put these animes in favorites and created topics satirizing this same behavior.

Yes, I know that not all members of the fandom do this and I am aware that this part represents a minority. My intention is not to generalize. I also know that the show and the fandom are completely different things. In some distant future, I might decide to watch, but the fact that the anime, at that moment, reminds me of that part of the fandom, would make me misjudge, or watch it grudgingly or in anger. And, by no means, do I want to watch something without there being a climate for it. It does not work. I would just be wasting a series with which I can entertain myself, elaborate theories, interpret, discuss about, learn, since I would not have the will to do that.

I think the topic of this topic is interesting for that very reason. Don't be an annoying fan, and I don't say about wanting to show how good your favorite anime is, since there's nothing wrong with that, but about annoying people with this, insulting, declaring your superior taste, among other things. Discussing a series is interesting, but when the fandom makes a bad impression on you, the experience of talking about the show becomes disposable or negative.
MaranderMay 4, 2020 7:37 PM
May 4, 2020 7:37 PM
Dec 2018
AnimeSuckABit said:
My Hero Acadamia. I don't know why exactly but something doesn't feel right.

I like the show, but I think I know what you are talking about. My friends who are more openly weeb than I am tend to put me off on some points. ESPECIALLY WITH SHIPPING. I never got how they are so into shipping and when I try to talk about the show with them it’s either “Who the traitor” or “shipping”. Like why? And when I’m on YouTube and just strolling though videos I sometimes see this ship/cosplay thing and I just don’t get it. The only part of the fandom I like is the Reddit community but I think I can thank their “No shipping” rule for that, but it’s full of manga reader so I can’t participate in most of the discussions there. Honestly shipping is the worst part of any fan base
May 4, 2020 9:47 PM

Oct 2019
I try not to let the fans of a series ruin that series for me. Though I do have to admit, Jojo fans and HxH fans really annoy me sometimes, despite those series being among my favourites.

I don't think I even have to explain Jojo fans, many people have already spoken about that. To sum it up, i'd say that I hate how they have to spread Jojo everywhere, and have to find a way to make everything about Jojo. Also the memes and references get old really fast.

HxH fans are just really elitist sometimes, also I hate how many of them constantly praise Togashi like he's a god who can do no wrong. Don't get me wrong, I heavily respect Togashi, but he's not perfect.

Of course this is not all of the fans of these series, just the really loud and obnoxious ones. I'm just glad I watched and read both of these before I knew how bad the fanbases could get.
May 4, 2020 10:07 PM

Jul 2015
None. Like others have said, groups surrounding different series whether they are fans, critics, trolls etc. don't have any impact on the quality of the series. Using that as a reason not to watch/read it is silly and can be avoided by doing so at your own leisure without getting involved with groups surrounding the series. If it's good it shouldn't matter if the fandom is terrible or not, just check out the series for yourself and make your decision afterwards.
May 4, 2020 10:46 PM

Mar 2017
Not sure if it really counts, but JoJo’s, kinda. My friends who love it constantly pester me about watching it every chance they get, and I DO intend on watching it eventually, but the constant pressure makes the idea of finally watching it sound like a chore rather than an enjoyable experience. So in that way “a JoJo’s fandom” of sorts has put me off the show.
May 5, 2020 2:15 AM

Jan 2020
AlexThePotato said:
AnimeSuckABit said:
My Hero Acadamia. I don't know why exactly but something doesn't feel right.

I like the show, but I think I know what you are talking about. My friends who are more openly weeb than I am tend to put me off on some points. ESPECIALLY WITH SHIPPING. I never got how they are so into shipping and when I try to talk about the show with them it’s either “Who the traitor” or “shipping”. Like why? And when I’m on YouTube and just strolling though videos I sometimes see this ship/cosplay thing and I just don’t get it. The only part of the fandom I like is the Reddit community but I think I can thank their “No shipping” rule for that, but it’s full of manga reader so I can’t participate in most of the discussions there. Honestly shipping is the worst part of any fan base

Yeah, I agree with you. I don't have anything against shipping but sometimes it's out of control.
My youtube channel about music and anime :
May 5, 2020 4:48 AM
Dec 2018
AnimeSuckABit said:
AlexThePotato said:

I like the show, but I think I know what you are talking about. My friends who are more openly weeb than I am tend to put me off on some points. ESPECIALLY WITH SHIPPING. I never got how they are so into shipping and when I try to talk about the show with them it’s either “Who the traitor” or “shipping”. Like why? And when I’m on YouTube and just strolling though videos I sometimes see this ship/cosplay thing and I just don’t get it. The only part of the fandom I like is the Reddit community but I think I can thank their “No shipping” rule for that, but it’s full of manga reader so I can’t participate in most of the discussions there. Honestly shipping is the worst part of any fan base

Yeah, I agree with you. I don't have anything against shipping but sometimes it's out of control.

I never got shipping personally. Maybe it’s cause I don’t understand relationships, but it always feel like it’s a ship because two characters show signs of friendship.
May 5, 2020 2:56 PM

Jan 2020
My Hero Academia. I have heard so many good things about it and I kind of do want to watch it. The fanbase is so toxic though so I have stayed away. I don't want to associate with them.
May 5, 2020 3:02 PM

May 2015
None of them because I don't care about fandoms but years ago I ended up dropping several anime because of their fandoms such as Naruto (my favorite at the time) Fairy Tail and temporally One Punch Man.
May 5, 2020 3:05 PM
Jul 2018
Jojo's. Memes are fun but it's all they talk about and I'm TIRED.
May 5, 2020 3:09 PM

Jan 2020
Starlight said:
Jojo's. Memes are fun but it's all they talk about and I'm TIRED.

Believe it or not, there are a few Jojo fans that don't constantly quote memes. I am one among the bunch. Jojo is a great show you should definitely watch it. Just ignore the fanbase because the story and characters are actually amazing. If you need to talk about Jojo to someone who won't constantly make stupid references, just talk to me or someone else on MAL. There are several users that I know of on here that are Jojo fans and are actually really chill.
May 5, 2020 3:17 PM

Mar 2015
100% JoJo. The first time i heard of JoJo was in an anime, a girl was talking to the MC "HUH YOU DONT KNOW JOJO ? YOU POOR SHIT YOU MUST READ IT" it put me off instantly lmao

i forgot about it but years later the JoJo craze began and it was too much for me.
I already knew i wouldn't watch it because the premise and art style don't interest me at all but damn the fanbase annoys me to no end sometimes.
At least they started shutting up a bit so it's better now. But a year or so ago you couldn't go a link away that a jojo fan was waiting in the corner to scream at your face that it's the best anime ever, or "ORAORAORA" or "JoJo POSE !!!" or .. well there's a lot. Those were dark days.

I don't think there's any fandom that bothered me other than that.
May 5, 2020 3:51 PM
Apr 2020
My Hero Academia. The fandom is just so toxic.
May 5, 2020 3:55 PM

Dec 2008
Death Note, but I ended up watching it years later.

Also Evangelion. Thought about picking it up again but never have.
May 5, 2020 4:28 PM

Oct 2019
2013 aot fandom, jojo, bnha.

May 5, 2020 4:34 PM
Jul 2018
None, the fandom doesn't really actively affect the actual show, so it doesn't make sense to avoid a show based on its fandom imo.
May 5, 2020 4:38 PM

Apr 2011
Peaceful_Critic said:
None, the fandom doesn't really actively affect the actual show, so it doesn't make sense to avoid a show based on its fandom imo.

This. Not watching something based on its fanbase seems pretty stupid.
May 5, 2020 4:41 PM

Dec 2008
In this thread, I think people are kind of missing the point that the fandom isn't preventing you from watching the show, the fandom's just not promoting the show in a way that makes you want to watch it. Maybe it even makes it seem annoying and pretentious. It may or may not be true, but it makes you not watch it.

Death Note fandom was super annoying, but when I read the manga once out of boredom I realized I really liked it.

There's also fandoms I avoid because it might affect my enjoyment of the show, but that's another topic there.
May 5, 2020 4:46 PM

Jan 2020
Currently, none. But for a long time Hiatus x Hiatus fanbase

May 5, 2020 4:50 PM
Apr 2020
One piece because many people are saying its bad and many are saying its good and i just don't want be in the middle of it sooo ...
May 5, 2020 4:59 PM
Feb 2020
My hero, all day long. I watched the first season but the fans are the worst and I just lost interest..
May 5, 2020 5:21 PM
Jul 2018
ramenandramune said:
Starlight said:
Jojo's. Memes are fun but it's all they talk about and I'm TIRED.

Believe it or not, there are a few Jojo fans that don't constantly quote memes. I am one among the bunch. Jojo is a great show you should definitely watch it. Just ignore the fanbase because the story and characters are actually amazing. If you need to talk about Jojo to someone who won't constantly make stupid references, just talk to me or someone else on MAL. There are several users that I know of on here that are Jojo fans and are actually really chill.

I'm glad to hear that. Thanks

May 5, 2020 5:44 PM

Oct 2012
I always check out the show from the most annoying fandom. It will either prove why they're annoying, or prove that they are in fact annoying.
My subjective reviews:
May 5, 2020 6:14 PM

Oct 2010
Satyr_icon said:
Gintama. Not because they're annoying or anything but because each fan has a different idea of when it "gets good". Some tell you by the second episode, others by episode 20, some even by episode 50, so...I just gave up trying altogether. My patience for a show to get good is near zero, and Gintama has way too many "get goods" surrounding it. I can't understand someone watching 20~50 episodes of a show they don't think it's that good.

This is a bit of a misunderstanding because people do not typically mean that the show gets good at certain episode, but rather that it gets consistently good. I agree it's a terrible way to sell a show that to a point you have to get used to, like any character-based comedy with a large cast you don't start right at the beginning loving all the characters. 20 episodes more or less is the time it takes to introduce its major recurring characters, for instance, while 50 episodes would refer to the first serious arc that is universally liked. I'd say it's good from episode 1, but it's better at episode 25 than at episode 10, and at episode 100 than at episode 25.

The only thing you need to know and take into account about Gintama is that it is super easy to pace yourself watching it due to its structure of standalone episodes and short arcs, and you can take advantage of that. It's actually pretty relaxing to watch so you shouldn't think of a goal.
May 5, 2020 10:50 PM
Jul 2016
Anime ain’t kpop. So none😍 we just love the anime culture F the fan base
May 5, 2020 11:11 PM

Aug 2017
All Fandom sucks, they all make me want to not watch the Anime they like. The worst , which I constantly see everywhere, are (some are dead at this point, but they are still worth mentioning) : Jojo, AOT, Demon slayer, MHA, Eva, Monogatari, Tokyo ghoul, Haikyuu. In fact most of the Anime I like, I watched them before they got popular and people started ruining their reputation.
However I would like to bring up that I think even not-so large fandoms of not-so popular Anime are annoying. Only because they make not loud as much as the others means they are better.
MucosaMay 5, 2020 11:31 PM
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May 5, 2020 11:20 PM
Jul 2018
Fma:b. I'd rate it 1/10 and aot 10/10 just out of spite
May 6, 2020 12:31 AM

Aug 2016
None and never will, makes absolutely no sense to refuse to watch a series based on obnoxious fandoms, as if people that have nothing to do with the anime magically makes a creative work worse.
May 6, 2020 1:23 AM
Jul 2018
bnha. ive watched like three seasons and i really enjoyed them, but then i met the fandom and bc of it i literally started to hate most of the characters in the show and the show itself
they basically turned deku into "uwu kawaii pure boi", bakugo into a tsundere who secretly loves deku even tho he hates him in the show and wants him to die, and todoroki into handsome guy who also loves deku. and they hate uraraka only bc she disturbs their gay ships that dont make any sense
i know that not the entire fandom is like that but the fujoshi fangirls side is too big. theyre literally everywhere
the kny fandom is also pretty cringy which made me pretty much lost interest in the movie thats going to come out
May 6, 2020 1:27 AM
Apr 2016
One hip hip hooray for the departed les miserables.
May 6, 2020 1:56 AM
Jul 2018
None. I can always choose to not interact with the fans.
May 6, 2020 2:05 AM
Jul 2018
i feel like i'm the only person who knows next to nothing about fandoms until i get into the franchise.

there is one though: haikyū

now, i've watched it and really enjoyed it. but before & currently, the fandom is just so gross about these TEENAGERS who are their uwu gay bois and they even talk about who would top during sex. it's disgusting so i just avoid the fandom completely at this point
May 6, 2020 2:48 AM

Mar 2019
Unironically not watching a show b/c the fans is too much. Sometimes I can't understand waifu shows (there's one every season?) and if fans have a type, but I also just very rarely watch waifu shows. Even if I think the dere types are entertaining sometimes. Shipping doesn't bother me, I like romance and can just choose not to ship something especially if it's not canon... And if it's canon? I can ignore it, write a fix-it fanfic something lol.
May 6, 2020 3:29 AM

Dec 2018
Sometimes when you watching a Yuri/CGDCT and those people comments sounds like

"Hehehe they should have a males in this so they can romance with the girls, Or make it a harem hehehe"

That kind of annoys me a bit because then its not a CGDCT any more.Those shows are suppose to be about cute girls, not irritating males trying to mount the cute girls . Then its a harem or a romance. And if they want that well please go and watch it but leave MY cute girls alone Lol =P

So people insisting on putting males in those females only anime's kind of put me off a little bit. But on the other hand its just their opinions and even if i disagree with them they have the rights to wish for whatever they want. And I respect others even if we disagree, as long they treat me the same way

And Its not going to effect me or what I think or my experience of the anime in the whole,Or stop me from watching it. Its just different opinions nothing to get so riled up over

Yuri-CrusaderMay 6, 2020 3:45 AM
May 6, 2020 5:07 AM

Jul 2019
HxH and MHA, never gave it a try. And I do not have one little bit of motivation to change this right now.

Jojo's would have been on this list as well but I gave it a try for 3 episodes and it was not my cup of tea.
May 6, 2020 6:45 AM

Oct 2017
The Monogatari fanbase, actually.
All they seem to talk about are fetishes they have towards the females, that it seems like there's no story and only fanservice. Any image I'd search is literally just a cgdct. It makes it out to be that's all it is.

The Osomatsu-san fanbase didn't put me off from watching it, but there's a lot of fetishising with the fans.

I haven't checked other fanbases or seen others in public, but there's fetishising in a lot of fandoms and it sickens me.
May 6, 2020 6:53 AM
Jul 2019
Definitely Jojo. Fandom is so obnoxious that I can't bring myself to read/watch it cause I might become one of them. I'll definitely watch/read it, but not right now.
May 6, 2020 12:09 PM
Jul 2018
There isn't one that immediately comes to my mind. I don't like interacting with most of the fan discussion around Evangelion, but I like the show and have recommended it to people before.

Probably the hardest thing for me is to convince myself to just read or watch the series rather than even bother looking at what other people are saying about it. That way I can enjoy the thing in a way I want, rather than constantly being frustrated by the social pressure of thinking that I'm being classified online or irl because I'm into show X or whatever.

That said, it can be hard. But I think it's more important to like what you like.
May 6, 2020 1:36 PM

Aug 2018
From personal experience, Evangelion for sure, most of the annoying Eva fans could be summed up with the rick and morty copypasta.

And it's really annoying that it's as if you're not allowed to criticize the show since the only reply you're gonna get is that "you just don't understand it"

Actually now that I think of it, that's their reply to anything you throw at them. Guess that's what happens when your fanbase has the average iq that rivals Albert Einstein himself, we just cannot comprehend them

Also I noticed that a lot of people who worship eva are "hipsters" who want to be unique for liking old anime instead of the popular new things, which doesn't make much sense considering how much of a classic eva is, if you wanna be special for watching old anime then go watch all episodes of astro boy or something to prove us all how anime is shit now compared to what it used to be
May 6, 2020 1:59 PM

Jan 2018
no I don't put fandom as a factor when deciding to watch a show unless they throw spoilers at me lol
May 6, 2020 4:49 PM

Jan 2020
the fairy tale community is just too much for me to handle sometimes...
May 6, 2020 6:14 PM
Apr 2020
No. I don't pay attention to fandom. It stupid to not watch something just because that fandom is problematic. They just a bunch of random people that you don't know and they don't even matter.
May 6, 2020 7:28 PM

Jan 2019
HunterxHunter because of how split it is between people who worship it and people who hate it
Jojo's bizarre adventure because of the memes and people who spout quotes and crap about the show day and night
Tokyo Ghoul because of people talking about how some things are important in the manga and weirdly covered in the anime (Don't know much about that) The show didn't really hook me in the first place anyways
May 6, 2020 7:29 PM
Jul 2019
I expected jojo lol and damn it was here. Ngl I would've still watched jojo even if i got into the fandom in the beginning. But um, I'd say MHA. Do not wanna watch it because of their fandom
May 6, 2020 11:19 PM
Jul 2018
It's never really happened to me, and it doesn't seem like it'll be easy to put me off since I don't care or pay attention to any sort of fandom (for now.)

How can someone be put off a show because of annoying memes?!
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