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What is an anime you are oddly defensive about?

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Dec 7, 2019 9:18 AM

Aug 2016
I personally feel that Zetsuen no tempest is a bit underrated. I truly enjoyed the story of aika and all the literature that was incorporated into this anime.
Dec 7, 2019 10:05 AM

Jun 2016
For me ,it's samurai x trust and betrayal, I am extremely defensive when it comes to this anime ,it's like tribialism.
Dec 7, 2019 10:16 AM

Apr 2016
SAO. I myself understand why the show is hated by various people but since it's one of the shows that got me into anime, along with No Game No Life and kaichou wa Maid-sama, I can't help but get defensive when it is attacked. Yes, the story might be some bs plot armor, harem, dumpster fire of a mess, however when you're a child looking only for something amazingly enjoyable to watch, bottom line is that something like that will be what you're looking for despite you not knowing. So when SAO gets this giant surge of people every season waiting to just pounce and say that SAO has trash story after the FIRST EPISODE when Alicization is a soft reset to the series kinda, just kinda, hurts.
Dec 7, 2019 12:01 PM

Oct 2015
Typically older anime all the way up till the 00's. I get sad when people don't wanna watch things just because it looks "old" to them, a lot of people don't even give them a chance.
OkalluDec 8, 2019 7:04 AM
Dec 7, 2019 2:22 PM
Mar 2018
I'd like to think I'm not too defensive about the shows I like anymore. Back then (I.E when I was 14-15), I probably would've been super defensive about a lot of the stuff that I like. These days though, 2 of my MAL friends who I talk to on a somewhat frequent basis have greatly differing opinions from my own when it comes to some of my favorites, yet I still get along with them very well & have a good conversation.
Dec 7, 2019 2:28 PM

Jul 2017
original dragon ball
monogatari series
zankyou no terror

Dec 7, 2019 4:20 PM

Jun 2016
oof definitively noragami, it's the number one thing in the world to me and I will defend it ti'll I die
Help the industry and buy Blu-rays and DVD's.
Noragami is the best anime ever.
Dec 7, 2019 7:24 PM

Aug 2009
I guess Boku no Pico. I'm not really into shota these days. I get taat some people really can't get into shota. But I don't see the point in getting so mad at something that's just living its best life. ...A life of a grown man having sex with an adolescent and androgynous boy.

...Okay, when I actually say it out loud/type it, it sounds/looks morally bad. But I still don't see the point in being so mad about it and giving it a low score. It's not like the penises are going to magically enter your mouth or asshole.

Dec 8, 2019 12:16 AM

Feb 2019
JRads47 said:
The Akame ga Kill manga is trash but it clicked with 15-year old me

what does that really have to do with the topic?
Setsuei said:
I would have to say SAO. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge SAO fan or anything, but I feel the hate it gets is grossly over exaggerated.
I mean really, I know this is completely subjective, but I can name at least 30 anime if not more that I'd consider much much worse.

The funniest thing is SAO is consistently one of the highest ranked anime each season in JP and it's one of the biggest franchises. That hate really comes from a vocal minority in the west who just want to fit in.

YossaRedMage said:
I haven't even seen SAO but the hate directed towards it bothers me immensely. Like, if people have concerns about the direction of anime as a whole then sure there might be a conversation there. But specifically attacking an anime which is loved by so many of our fellow anime fans is a really toxic attitude to have from a fandom perspective. I love anime, and SAO is important to tons of anime fans, many of whom like the same stuff I do in addition to SAO, so I think SAO is important to anime.

I don't know, I just feel the hate towards SAO is indicative of a greater problem in the community where there isn't a sense of unity. No matter what ones reasons for not liking a specific anime, there is never, in my opinion, good cause to direct the kind of hate circle-jerking towards a show to the level that SAO receives.

People loving SAO doesn't take away from other shows getting recognition. But people hating on it and creating this division between x type of fan and "elitists"... that's when fans are going to return that hate ten-fold to the shows the haters like. Then no one wins. Then there is the "popular trash" and the "elitist pretentious garbage", and we can't just celebrate all of anime anymore.


I also get defensive when people shit on classics for bad reasons. Especially when it's classics that are already underrated by MAL score. At least when someone complains in a toxic way about Clannad's art style, I can point to the score and remind them it was once top of MAL. Something like Non Non Biyori - which is THE iyashikei SOL anime to many people, and without a doubt a classic - is actually under 8.00 right now, so it grinds my gears even more when stuff like that receives toxic critique.

Someone is going to make the "critique isn't toxicity" argument, so I should add that I do understand the difference, unlike most people that use that defense when they want to be toxic.

You're a really nice person, I'd love to be your friend, honestly. Could not agree more with your take. The bigger something gets the more hate it gets.
FREETIME008 said:
I get that people didn't like the fillers or the final villain(I am not a fan of these either),but still I will always defend this show. For me , it had some of the most amazing fighting scenes(Kakashi vs Obito), great supporting characters(Jiraiya,Iruka,Shikamaru etc), badass antagonists (Akatsuki,Madara), heartwarming moments (a lot of them, even the first episode is full of emotions), character development(just look at Sasuke, he went from awkward emo to awkward dad), likeable main character(not every shoonen has it) and valuable life lessons.

I may be TOO defensive because this series was one of my favorites during my childhood though :)

That kakashi obito fight is a meme at this point because of how much anitwitter pushes it on us lol, but I do feel you 100 percent. It depends where you're at with the Naruto hate. MAL and reddit are harsh on Naruto but average anime fans are very much still positive about Naruto.

Kruszer said:
Sword Art Online, Fairy Gone, and The Irregular at Magic High School are seemingly universally panned by the vocal minority and I generally don't agree with the reasons given.

Fairy Gone and SAO? A fellow cultured individual. I appreciate the sentiment.

Dec 8, 2019 12:37 AM

Feb 2019
@Stygian_Prisoner Agreed, the thing is the things that people say about EVA are just so blatantly false. The overall message of the series is just combatting otaku escapism, the Christian stuff is just there to look cool.

@-Aincrad- ngl, I'm one of those people. I just hate how mainstream it's got now, to the point where every anitwt user has a KNY avi.

W3lkin830 said:
Little Witch Academia because people tend to say its shit just because its trigger, and mech category because lots of people hate on mech but dont even try to watch a good mech show

wouldn't people compliment it because it's trigger?

@Haunt-bot agree 100 percent!

@FlowersInTheRain "make a blog post" lmaooooooo the shade. But if you had a strong argument you should bring it to r/anime, make sure it's a strong argument tho.

@RedVelvet930 SAO is your favourite? Shouko profile picture? Please be friends with me lol. You have amazing tastes. I agree with DITF receiving unnecessary hate, I would not say it's better than Evangelion by any stretch. DITF if it had stopped at ep 14 could have certainly been up there, but most of the character progress was thrown out the window

Dec 8, 2019 1:28 AM

Mar 2019
W3lkin830 said:
Little Witch Academia because people tend to say its shit just because its trigger, and mech category because lots of people hate on mech but dont even try to watch a good mech show

wouldn't people compliment it because it's trigger?

You clearly dont realize the hate trigger studio gets,just go on posts ,mal discord ,r/anime discord ect talk good about trigger anime and people will just say its shit, even tho they probably didnt watch lwa.
Dec 8, 2019 5:09 AM

Aug 2018
For me, it's gotta be Yuri Kuma Arashi. A lot of people have dismissed it as Ikuhara at his worst, but I loved it for those very same themes that people seem to take issue with and I felt it had a message that was actually really needed for the yuri genre at the time.
Dec 8, 2019 5:22 AM
Nov 2018
I agree with most people in this forum. The amount of criticism Sao receives, is way over the top.
Dec 8, 2019 5:29 AM

Jul 2017
I'll say one that came out this year: Shield Hero. Despite the hate, i loved it, and that's all that matters to me.

And i'll also say SAO. It was one of the first anime i've watched when i was starting to enter the anime world seriously, so it will always have a soft spot on my heart despite all of the flaws it obviously has. The nonsensical criticism it gets many times, without any viable arguments to back up those statements, it scrambles my brain, the amount of hipocrisy i see is too much
WaterLordDec 8, 2019 5:33 AM
Dec 8, 2019 5:32 AM
May 2019
prisma illya or working because they are like the best shows ever
Dec 8, 2019 5:39 AM
Jan 2019
operationvalkyri said:
SNK when people say it has no character development.
but its the truth tho? all the characters are boring
Dec 8, 2019 5:44 AM
Feb 2017
Seijatachiiii said:
Banana Fish, when people call it a yaoi or boys love when it is so much more than that. Fuck, it definitely isnt a yaoi and people who call it that are retards.

Also Attack On Titan, I understand that the first season isnt the best but after when season 2 starts its gets really good. I mean, really fucking good. Watch Gigguks video about it if you haven't, "Attack On Titan Is Incredible Now"

Didn’t they advertise BF as a yaoi by giving it that tag on some sites?
Dec 8, 2019 6:35 AM

Jan 2018
Cevoy said:
I swear to god i get pissed when people say shit like "Kuroko no Basuke is so unrealistic". It's an anime, of course it's over the top. And it's not like Fujimaki went for realism anyways.

Ya the series is clearly meant to be over the top, it's basically Jojo had a basketball kid for a series. These kind of people need to just stick with Slam Dunk.
What a beautiful Duwang
Dec 8, 2019 6:40 AM

Jan 2018
lapontantot said:
operationvalkyri said:
SNK when people say it has no character development.
but its the truth tho? all the characters are boring

I mean that's literally not true, if you think current Eren is the same as he was in season 1 you're daft.
What a beautiful Duwang
Dec 8, 2019 7:04 AM

Apr 2019
operationvalkyri said:
SNK when people say it has no character development.

thats like saying Utena has less Symbolism than SAO

people really say that? xD
You son of a .. turtle

Dec 8, 2019 7:14 AM

May 2016
WataMote, Hibike! Euphonium, Shin Sekai Yori, and Fruits Basket 2001.

Talk shit, get hit.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Dec 8, 2019 7:16 AM

May 2018
BlakexEkalb said:
Seijatachiiii said:
Banana Fish, when people call it a yaoi or boys love when it is so much more than that. Fuck, it definitely isnt a yaoi and people who call it that are retards.

Also Attack On Titan, I understand that the first season isnt the best but after when season 2 starts its gets really good. I mean, really fucking good. Watch Gigguks video about it if you haven't, "Attack On Titan Is Incredible Now"

Didn’t they advertise BF as a yaoi by giving it that tag on some sites?

Exactly, its that kinda stuff that annoys me because then it means some people wont watch it because they think it is a yaoi when it really is not. Meaning they miss out on Banana Fish which is a shame because it is a pretty good show.
Dec 8, 2019 7:26 AM
Feb 2017
Seijatachiiii said:
BlakexEkalb said:

Didn’t they advertise BF as a yaoi by giving it that tag on some sites?

Exactly, its that kinda stuff that annoys me because then it means some people wont watch it because they think it is a yaoi when it really is not. Meaning they miss out on Banana Fish which is a shame because it is a pretty good show.

I don’t think you should call people who call it a yaoi retards then, as their perception of it was a result of the streaming services adding certain tags.
Dec 8, 2019 7:30 AM

Mar 2018
This thread reminds me SAO and its fans deserve all the hate they get.

Appealing to rankings in JP, whining about the mainstream, popularity and MAL ratings, portraying 'haters' as wannabes who want to fit in, the fake 'love all anime or you're a bad person', y'all have huge inferiority complexes and I fail to see how this side of the community deserves anything but hate.

Clearly it has come to a point where more people whine about haters than there are haters attacking the series.

OT: Any anime I like that gets false criticism
Dec 8, 2019 7:38 AM

May 2018
BlakexEkalb said:
Seijatachiiii said:

Exactly, its that kinda stuff that annoys me because then it means some people wont watch it because they think it is a yaoi when it really is not. Meaning they miss out on Banana Fish which is a shame because it is a pretty good show.

I don’t think you should call people who call it a yaoi retards then, as their perception of it was a result of the streaming services adding certain tags.

I guess so, but my insult is more aimed towards people who watch it that and call it a yaoi anyway, these people are mainly toxic fujoshis who want the main characters to have a sexual relationship when it has been said by the author many times that the characters felt a more platonic love that was innocent or that was one sided. This is worse when one of the characters is still a minor and the other is technically an adult.

By forcing the show to just be a yaoi and nothing else it takes away from the other parts of the story that in my opinion are far more interesting than if two boys are fucking behind the scenes. Like the mafia, an unique setting for an anime (New York City), drugs, life in prison, child rape and other parts that happen. By labelling it as a yaoi I feel like people just think of it as another "Yuri On Ice" or "No. 6", when it is obviously more of a detailed and intricate story that is more grim.
Dec 8, 2019 7:44 AM
Feb 2017
Seijatachiiii said:
BlakexEkalb said:

I don’t think you should call people who call it a yaoi retards then, as their perception of it was a result of the streaming services adding certain tags.

I guess so, but my insult is more aimed towards people who watch it that and call it a yaoi anyway, these people are mainly toxic fujoshis who want the main characters to have a sexual relationship when it has been said by the author many times that the characters felt a more platonic love that was innocent or that was one sided. This is worse when one of the characters is still a minor and the other is technically an adult.

By forcing the show to just be a yaoi and nothing else it takes away from the other parts of the story that in my opinion are far more interesting than if two boys are fucking behind the scenes. Like the mafia, an unique setting for an anime (New York City), drugs, life in prison, child rape and other parts that happen. By labelling it as a yaoi I feel like people just think of it as another "Yuri On Ice" or "No. 6", when it is obviously more of a detailed and intricate story that is more grim.

Well yeah in that case those people are just retarded lol.
Dec 8, 2019 7:54 AM
Jul 2018
SrPlatin_ said:
operationvalkyri said:
SNK when people say it has no character development.
who the fuck says that? never heard of it before

Nim0174 said:
operationvalkyri said:
SNK when people say it has no character development.

thats like saying Utena has less Symbolism than SAO

people really say that? xD

It's the most common criticism of the show I've come across.

lapontantot said:
operationvalkyri said:
SNK when people say it has no character development.
but its the truth tho? all the characters are boring
Nah, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Dec 8, 2019 11:34 AM

Mar 2015
Akame Ga Kill, while the show doens't get ilogical hate such as SAO and some others I get defensive on the fact that AGK had so much potential to become an iconic anime/manga but manga plot writting fucked it so hard.
Dec 8, 2019 1:26 PM
Jul 2013
no.6! first watched it when i was 13 (i'm turning 22 on dec 17th, yeesh) and i will admit the original no.6 novels and the manga are much stronger versions of the story due to pacing, stronger emotional impact, etc BUT i still think the no.6 anime is quite good in its own right, and i watched it at a time in my life where i was seeing almost 0 LGBT+ characters in animation outside of (most cliche) boys love/girls love series. seeing that representation, that someone like me could be the protagonist in a dystopian sci-fi, was CRUCIAL in helping me understand and accept myself as i was coming out, and i'll forever be grateful that the no.6 anime helped me so much with that :^D
Dec 8, 2019 4:09 PM

Sep 2010
Gundam AGE when people hate on it solely for its character designs if they actually sat down and watched it compared to Build Fighters and Build Divers (which are geared toward kids and people who build models) its far more mature and dark than what it lets on. It does have people who worked on kids shows, but its a lot darker than the other works they have made by far while it was tending for younger audiences than other Gundams series out there they think its a show for little kids and the artwork proves it. The funniest part about all of this was a brony was making fun of it with an MLP profile. I'm like dude wtf?

The plot does weaken a lot in the third arc, but dang it the first two arcs were lit af.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Dec 11, 2019 5:51 AM

Feb 2019
@WaterLord Just a heads up, Tate No Yuusha has an 8.12 on here which is the same score as Norigami.

RitsuMania said:
Akame Ga Kill, while the show doens't get ilogical hate such as SAO and some others I get defensive on the fact that AGK had so much potential to become an iconic anime/manga but manga plot writting fucked it so hard.

IIRC correctly, the manga didn't fuck it. The anime was made before the manga finished, like FMA 03.

Esquirtit said:
This thread reminds me SAO and its fans deserve all the hate they get.

Appealing to rankings in JP, whining about the mainstream, popularity and MAL ratings, portraying 'haters' as wannabes who want to fit in, the fake 'love all anime or you're a bad person', y'all have huge inferiority complexes and I fail to see how this side of the community deserves anything but hate.

Clearly it has come to a point where more people whine about haters than there are haters attacking the series.

OT: Any anime I like that gets false criticism

Ok, boomer.Thanks for your substantive contribution to the discussion.

Zelkiiro said:
WataMote, Hibike! Euphonium, Shin Sekai Yori, and Fruits Basket 2001.

Talk shit, get hit.

is Hibike not one of the most popular series? I only hear good things about it.

@grbkey THANK YOU. I will always defend Prisma Illya. The issue is that the ecchi loli bait is a turn off to many and it's understandable really. But, if you can get past that, Illya actually has one of the best written plots of the series. Especially oath under snow. The manga is great
Dec 11, 2019 6:10 AM

Oct 2010
Blue Gender, but the thing is, you can pick on it for it has a ton of problems (animation, dumb character decisions which make no sense, inconsistences in the military and other stuff). I try to come with sound arguments but when you talk smack about Marlene, you're gonna get it.
Dec 11, 2019 6:10 AM

Jul 2017
@Superns18 idk why you did that comparison with Noragami, but, ik it has a high score, but the amount of hate Shield Hero got was a lot, and that's a fact, despite its score. So, yeah.
Dec 11, 2019 6:13 AM
Dec 2018
i know its Not Perfect, And Fillers are Really Annoying but when someone Says Its Trash or Something like, i always defend Naruto (not on the Internet)
Dec 11, 2019 7:34 AM

Jul 2014
If I had to choose, it would probably be School Days, but only insofar as I don't really talk about anime in my everyday life.
Dec 11, 2019 9:56 AM

Mar 2015
Superns18 said:

RitsuMania said:
Akame Ga Kill, while the show doens't get ilogical hate such as SAO and some others I get defensive on the fact that AGK had so much potential to become an iconic anime/manga but manga plot writting fucked it so hard.

IIRC correctly, the manga didn't fuck it. The anime was made before the manga finished, like FMA 03.

I mean, the manga fucked the chance of the serie's plot being actually good. When I noticed the anime route changed from the manga's, I stopped giving a shit about it but the manga was a blast on naruto forums and 4chan, I enjoyed every single thread of it but when Mine didn't actually die but killed Budo, then everything went downhill. The few that stayed, stayed for Kurome and Wave. lol

My point when I get defensive is that AGK certainly was your common edgy series but the moments it shined, it could have been something.
Dec 11, 2019 10:02 AM

Feb 2015
I can already sense myself getting seriously defensive about Magia Record, since it features best anime girl Iroha. I'll be here to defend it, when it comes out, from people who got bad things to say about it (unless it's actually a trainwreck (unlikely...)) I can't let anyone who doesn't understand the perfection that is Iroha insult her wholesome adventure.
Dec 11, 2019 10:26 AM

Jul 2017
if I have to name one it would be mahou shoujo site
I defend its edginess as an enhancer to viewing experience
Jan 5, 2020 11:59 PM

Oct 2019
I mean, I get a little defensive about High school DxD. Its by far not the best anime but it certainly is not a shitty anime. I found it comical and nostalgic. I understand those that do not like tits shoved in their face in every scene. I just get agitated when people compare it to worse ecchi/harem anime that get about one season.
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"

Jan 6, 2020 12:18 AM
Nov 2019
It kind of annoys me when people call Free! a Yaoi. I watched all of Free and there wasn't one time where there was even a sign of BL. I think that making fun of it and putting it in the Yaoi category makes people not want to watch it. I obviously wouldn't call it the best anime ever but i think anyone who plays a sport can relate to the hard work, competition, and rivalry this show has to offer. :(
Jan 6, 2020 12:35 AM
Jul 2017
One Piece,

1. Luffy is not a 'generic dumb protagonist'. He's definitely not the most complex character, but he's fairly well written and developed (unlike most shounen protags who undergo rapid unreakistic changes in personality).
2. The ridiculous length isn't a money making scheme, each arc affects the overall story in some way (infact, the current arc features quite a few of the previous islands as they still are relevant to the plot).
Jan 6, 2020 12:44 AM
Jul 2017
Esquirtit said:
This thread reminds me SAO and its fans deserve all the hate they get.

Appealing to rankings in JP, whining about the mainstream, popularity and MAL ratings, portraying 'haters' as wannabes who want to fit in, the fake 'love all anime or you're a bad person', y'all have huge inferiority complexes and I fail to see how this side of the community deserves anything but hate.

Clearly it has come to a point where more people whine about haters than there are haters attacking the series.

OT: Any anime I like that gets false criticism

Agreed. Most of the criticism it recieves in discussion forums is pretty valid imo. Of course there are gonna be some people who go overboard with it, but literally every anime/manga (or any fictional work for that matter) has haters.

There was a time when hating it was considered to be cool, but that was a while ago, now there are way more people defending it and barely any haters who go out of their way to criticise it.
Berserk_monkEJan 6, 2020 12:50 AM
Jan 6, 2020 2:19 AM

Jan 2016
I'm not oddly defensive about any anime since anime are cartoons.
The word elitist is stupid since it's just used by people who can't defend their favorite shows and use it on people who criticize their favorite shows.
Jan 6, 2020 2:55 AM
Oct 2019
Fairy tail for sure. There was times that i used to defend it like a crazy fan boy, now i still defend it but without the cringe. XD
Jan 6, 2020 5:07 AM

Feb 2017
Kuzu no Honkai. I don't think it was anywhere near as bad as a lot of people claim. A lot of people hate on it simply because it had a lot of sex scenes. Yeah, I get some people don't like that, but I still think it had a good story and I like that it didn't portray relationships in a fairy tail type of way.
Jan 6, 2020 5:10 AM
Apr 2016
Now, Sword Art Online. It always seemed to be something more than a glorified trend in the Japanese entertainment industry. Each time it proves and disproves this assumption. Lacking in one direction, gaining on the other. Ultimately, if I was to talk about it I would be positive and praise its strong points which bring it to that title of "art". But when someone mentions the rest of it, I will just have to close my eyes and nod slowly.
Jan 6, 2020 5:35 AM

Nov 2014
I also feel like I gotta defend School Days often even though it has some very obvious flaws. Specifically, the two common detractions I hear are that Makoto is the worst character ever and that the dark turn was jarring and/or unexpected. For the first, I'm just like: Duh, he's supposed to be comically terrible. He's essentially an extreme caricature of the lusty, male-fantasy mentality born from dating sims. If you're trying to analyze him as an empathetic or realistic character, you're reading the show all wrong. As for the second, I'm just here pointing at all the weird angles, muted palettes, and sound choices throughout, wondering how you couldn't pick up on the fact that it was gonna go dark.

Though, if you get past those two points of argument and come at me with more of the technical flaws or call it needlessly edgy/melodramatic, it becomes much more of a struggle to defend, lol.
Jan 6, 2020 6:00 AM
Sep 2018
Domestic Girlfriend 100% my guilty pleasure
Jan 7, 2020 8:21 PM
Jul 2018
Fairy Tail. The power of friendship is BS, but that's literally the point. It's not plot armor, it's the message of the show.
Jan 7, 2020 8:25 PM

Jul 2007
Dragon Ball Super and Super Dragon Ball Heroes, because a chunk of the DB fandom is full of shit and don't know what they are talking about.
"There's a huge difference between one and infinity.
However, compared to the difference between
existence and non-existence, one and infinite are
nearly the same. I am the child destined to become
the best witch... no... The greatest Creator in the world...!"
-Maria Ushiromiya

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