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Oct 24, 2019 7:14 AM
May 2019
veteran weebs bullying other weebs, especially newbies, because they think their tastes of anime is far more superior than anyone. can it happen?
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Oct 24, 2019 3:38 PM

Jun 2017
Just go back to r/Animemes dude. MAL isn't like that
Oct 24, 2019 3:42 PM

Nov 2008
There's no such thing as a "veteran weeb".

Everyone who fits the description of "weeb" is between 11-17 years of age, cosplays in public, and speaks Japanese...poorly.

Veteran anime fans are too mature to do those things.

Oct 24, 2019 4:09 PM

Apr 2012
Don't think I've ever bullied anyone (especially over something as shallow as taste), but I have often called out newbies that were obnoxious even when they clearly misunderstood something about the anime they were watching and/or J-culture.

It's probably due to the "anime, lol", "Japan, lol" attitude some normies have, it contaminates newbies sometimes.
Oct 24, 2019 4:21 PM

Jun 2019
Not that I've ever seen. I'm a veteran anime fan but new to mal so I haven't been here that long, but everyone I've met and interacted with has been really positive and friendly (apart from the odd person, forgot about a certain twit who didn't agree with my subjective interpretation on a touchy issue re best girl/waifu's and proceeded to blast off at me for no discernible reason that I could tell, other than they didn't agree with me, but that was a one-off).
23feanorOct 25, 2019 11:54 AM
Oct 24, 2019 4:26 PM
Sep 2019
Yes! It can and does happen all the time and it's obnoxious. Animemes and even MAL have tons of "veterans" who hate on "newbies"/"normies" just for stating that they they enjoyed some recently released title.
Oct 24, 2019 4:29 PM

Aug 2018
I hate when new weebs say things like "Wow, this is the best anime ever made in the history of humankind" - Anime watched: 32 shows of 12 episodes length... that is triggering imo.

It's like considering yourself a doctor because you did 1 year in the university... dumb af. (And yes, I know it's a extreme comparison)
Oct 24, 2019 4:36 PM
Dec 2010
Clearly, the veteran weebs come from a horror house named elitism zombie. Their tastes mimic the like of each other and they look to convert the innocent by-passers into one of their superior kind. Once they open their mouth, you will never forget the stench of their words. Such is the fate waiting those who seeks the infinite wisdom known as anime.

Oct 24, 2019 4:38 PM

Oct 2013
I didn't know you could be a veteran of being obsessed with everything Japanese.
Oct 24, 2019 4:38 PM
May 2019
DaCraziGuy said:
I hate when new weebs say things like "Wow, this is the best anime ever made in the history of humankind" - Anime watched: 32 shows of 12 episodes length... that is triggering imo.

It's like considering yourself a doctor because you did 1 year in the university... dumb af. (And yes, I know it's a extreme comparison)
new weebs are normally teenagers that are easily exaggerated and gets really defensive when someone nitpicking their favorite anime. do you agree with that?
Oct 24, 2019 4:38 PM

Jan 2018
That's a pretty pathetic reason to bully someone. In fact, any reason for bullying is pathetic. I prefer to welcome newcomers to the scene and help them with recommendations and shit. I don't gain anything from acting like a dick (I'm not 12, after all).

"I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the
people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.
― Jorge Luis Borges
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Oct 24, 2019 4:41 PM
May 2019
Setsuei said:
I didn't know you could be a veteran of being obsessed with everything Japanese.
i've seen someone proclaiming themselves as a veteran—say it like an elitist—when it comes to being a weeb
Oct 24, 2019 4:42 PM
May 2019
bobbybinby said:
Yes! It can and does happen all the time and it's obnoxious. Animemes and even MAL have tons of "veterans" who hate on "newbies"/"normies" just for stating that they they enjoyed some recently released title.
is it possible that you've experienced this first hand?
Oct 24, 2019 4:51 PM

Oct 2013
ramdit said:
Setsuei said:
I didn't know you could be a veteran of being obsessed with everything Japanese.
i've seen someone proclaiming themselves as a veteran—say it like an elitist—when it comes to being a weeb

Not sure why anyone would be proud of that. I'd claim veteran anime fan, but I'd never proudly declare myself a veteran weeb.
Oct 24, 2019 4:51 PM

Oct 2016
Chiibi said:
There's no such thing as a "veteran weeb".

Everyone who fits the description of "weeb" is between 11-17 years of age, cosplays in public, and speaks Japanese...poorly.

Veteran anime fans are too mature to do those things.
As a proud veteran weeb I question your authority on the matter. I'm 30, speak Japanese poorly, and will fight to the death for Japan's right to rule all humanity. That said, any good veteran should be looking to recruit newbies into the weeb ranks so we can overwhelm our enemies. Only light bullying of cute newbies for the purpose of mutual pleasure should be allowed.
Oct 24, 2019 4:56 PM
Jul 2018
Chiibi said:
There's no such thing as a "veteran weeb".

Everyone who fits the description of "weeb" is between 11-17 years of age, cosplays in public, and speaks Japanese...poorly.

Veteran anime fans are too mature to do those things.

But tell me, how should I get from my flat to a con? Changing clothes and doing make-up at the con? I'm too lazy for that.
Okay yes, other people would use a car, we don't. I imagine getting in a police control while you are cosplaying and driving. That could be really funny too.
Oct 24, 2019 5:00 PM

Nov 2008
Maneki-Mew said:
Chiibi said:
There's no such thing as a "veteran weeb".

Everyone who fits the description of "weeb" is between 11-17 years of age, cosplays in public, and speaks Japanese...poorly.

Veteran anime fans are too mature to do those things.

But tell me, how should I get from my flat to a con? Changing clothes and doing make-up at the con? I'm too lazy for that.
Okay yes, other people would use a car, we don't. I imagine getting in a police control while you are cosplaying and driving. That could be really funny too.

No, no, I'm talking about those goofs who cosplay when there's no convention going on. The ones who dress up like Naruto and play-attack people in the ramen aisle at a supermarket.

yes, I've heard people actually do that.

Oct 24, 2019 5:03 PM

Oct 2016
Chiibi said:
yes, I've heard people actually do that.
I've heard lots of lies too. Separate the online joking from reality before you become one of those opinionated internet people detached from reality.
Oct 24, 2019 5:10 PM

Nov 2008
SillySlySy said:
Chiibi said:
yes, I've heard people actually do that.
I've heard lots of lies too. Separate the online joking from reality before you become one of those opinionated internet people detached from reality.

Er...I heard it from a person IRL I actually talked to. Not the internet. Come on, there are absolutely teenagers out there immature enough to do things like that. It's not an unbelievable thing. People are jackasses.

Hell, ADULTS are jackasses. Greg Ayres got banned from my hometown's con because he'd always get drunk and do things that pissed off the staff.

How do I know? I talk to the con staff. Some of my friends are even con staff.
ChiibiOct 24, 2019 5:16 PM

Oct 24, 2019 5:16 PM
Jul 2018
Murphy's law my dude, so yeah it can happen. Honestly though I rarely see it. I'm sure if there was a sarcasm font a bunch of things could be cleared up.
Oct 24, 2019 5:20 PM

Dec 2018
ima just say that veterans weebs are people who developed a taste and can differ between anime they like and dislkike
Oct 24, 2019 5:28 PM

Dec 2018
mhkr said:
Just go back to r/Animemes dude. MAL isn't like that

Actually r/animemems is way better coz people, in general, just joke around. This is where true toxicity derives from, sadly.
. . .
Oct 24, 2019 5:31 PM
May 2019
Preachee said:
mhkr said:
Just go back to r/Animemes dude. MAL isn't like that

Actually r/animemems is way better coz people, in general, just joke around. This is where true toxicity derives from, sadly.
i've never heard about r/animemems. is that a forum from reddit?
Oct 24, 2019 5:34 PM

Nov 2017
i honestly see more posts claiming elitists do this than actual elitists judging other people on anime taste. this isn't /a/, people are a lot more chill here
Oct 24, 2019 5:39 PM

Aug 2011
It can happen and I have seen it, mostly on chatting feature. It feels like the newb is spouting his newb opinion and this old timer feela is pissed off so he is just go on bitch slaying mode. It is a bit sad tho bc I get the feeling the old timer is too obsessed

Oct 24, 2019 5:40 PM

Dec 2018
ramdit said:
Preachee said:

Actually r/animemems is way better coz people, in general, just joke around. This is where true toxicity derives from, sadly.
i've never heard about r/animemems. is that a forum from reddit?

Yea, that's a subreddit. I'm sure you'll find yourself more welcome, not because people on there are less toxic, but because no one really brings up the topic of "taste" to be toxic. It's just memes.
. . .
Oct 24, 2019 5:42 PM

Mar 2018
I do that myself so your question is answered.

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Oct 24, 2019 5:43 PM

Sep 2017
Rather than getting angry that they have shit taste and bullying them, I just talk to my friends (newb weebs) and see why they have shit taste and what led them down the road to such terrible opinions and then bully them for a more personal reason. Much more effective that way.
Oct 24, 2019 5:49 PM

Sep 2015
Unless you think that somebody like me, who has the breadth of 3 entire Shouji Ai/Yuri anime on my list via fucking happenstance, should be treated as if my opinion on that type of anime is as weighty as somebody who's watched over a hundred and actively keeps up with and discusses that genre frequently, then there's a large sect of the newbie gatekeeping stuff that shouldn't be seen as an issue that does get bundled up with the DURRRRR NORMIES INVADING ANIME KEEP EVERYONE OUT REEE sect of that whole discourse far more often than it fucking should.

From my understanding, a larger part than people would give credit for about veteran gatekeeping does indeed from that sentiment. And that's fair in my book. If you've seen 4 ecchi, your opinion simply isn't capable of holding the breadth of perspective that somebody who's seen hundreds of them is capable of maintaining. Even people who are anti-gatekeeping as fuck on this forum still have the common sense to not walk into a territory they don't have a lot of experience with and start trying to posture at being an authority on it. There's a lot of people on this board that *do* exactly that, mind you, and that is because they are stupid. People who aren't wasting everybody's time, however, at least tend to understand what they know and understand what they don't know and can approach the topics without the bravado or posturing inherent to the opposite end of things.

And I know and am well aware there's a lot of bullshit sentiment associated with pro-gatekeeping sentiment that I do not approve of whatsoever, but there's some stuff that should just be common sense that never gets fucking addressed. And that's not even a new thing, that's something you see from people all of the fucking time on this board and have for years. And it's not even some "Well things are like this and they have to be like this," it's just basic fucking communication ability on the topic that you're talking about and not being so insecure as to recognize that "Hey, maybe this person who's seen a lot more of this than I have and actively and avidly keeps up with it has a more weight-y opinion than me and my I've-seen-6-whole-anime-including-every-season-of-Attack-on-Titan ass."

It's incredibly fucking irritating when you've actually invested yourself in trying to understand something over a long period of time and some dipshit with a hot take with the depth of a kiddie pool wants to play pretend at his opinion even being remotely capable of upholding the same merit as yours is. That in of itself is not a new problem, but it should be pretty easy to see how it's related to this topic.
ManabanOct 24, 2019 6:25 PM

Oct 24, 2019 5:59 PM

Jul 2019
whaaaa? noooo, that never happens here ever.

(disclaimer.. don't open any thread here that remotely mentions any anime made within the last decade, or you will discover that i am lying. and for the love of god, don't mention anything about sao or demon slayer)
Oct 24, 2019 6:08 PM
Jul 2019
Yes. Cause they want respect, but they're doing it the wrong way. You'll find it everywhere, especially in video games. So it will happen here as well.
Oct 24, 2019 6:09 PM
Jul 2018
It happens. But mostly it dues to provocative threads. It' just, there are the type of people who like to see the city burnt by applying devide et impera.
Oct 24, 2019 6:13 PM

Jul 2019
There are many variables that go into what you consider a newbie weeb or vet weeb (how many anime shows you have watched, amount of years you have been watching, knowledge on anime, etc)
Swagernator said:
God damn, another gay thread upon us.
Oct 24, 2019 6:18 PM

Jul 2019
I haven't seen anything like that with what I viewed on the site. I'm sure that will change eventually but as of right now my opinion on everyone is they're nice. : )

Oct 24, 2019 6:19 PM

Sep 2015
Endust said:
as of right now my opinion on everyone is they're nice. : )


But seriously, tell us about your experience on this site

Oct 24, 2019 6:20 PM
May 2019
Iyya said:
It happens. But mostly it dues to provocative threads. It' just, there are the type of people who like to see the city burnt by applying devide et impera.
i think this might be the right answer haha
Oct 24, 2019 6:25 PM
May 2019
Manaban said:
Unless you think that somebody like me, who has the breadth of 3 entire Shouji Ai/Yuri anime on my list via fucking happenstance, should be treated as if my opinion on that type of anime is as weighty as somebody who's watched over a hundred and actively keeps up with and discusses that genre frequently, then there's a large sect of the newbie gatekeeping stuff that shouldn't be seen as an issue that does get bundled up with the DURRRRR NORMIES INVADING ANIME KEEP EVERYONE OUT REEE sect of that whole discourse far more often than it fucking should.

From my understanding, a lot of it comes from that sentiment. And that's fair in my book. If you've seen 4 ecchi, your opinion simply isn't capable of holding the breadth of perspective that somebody who's seen hundreds of them is capable of maintaining. Even people who are anti-gatekeeping as fuck on this forum still have the common sense to not walk into a territory they don't have a lot of experience with and start trying to posture at being an authority on it. There's a lot of people on this board that *do* exactly that, mind you, and that is because they are stupid. People who aren't wasting everybody's time, however, at least tend to understand what they know and understand what they don't know and can approach the topics without the bravado or posturing inherent to the opposite end of things.

And I know and am well aware there's a lot of bullshit sentiment associated with pro-gatekeeping sentiment that I do not approve of whatsoever, but there's some stuff that should just be common sense that never gets fucking addressed. And that's not even a new thing, that's something you see from people all of the fucking time on this board and have for years.

It's incredibly fucking irritating when you've actually invested yourself in trying to understand something over a long period of time and some dipshit with a hot take with the depth of a kiddie pool wants to play pretend at his opinion even being remotely capable of upholding the same merit as yours is. That in of itself is not a new problem, but it should be pretty easy to see how it's related to this topic.
well tbh i'm kinda new in this, but seeing other newbie weebs act like they know everything irritates me too
Oct 24, 2019 6:27 PM
May 2019
Preachee said:
ramdit said:
i've never heard about r/animemems. is that a forum from reddit?

Yea, that's a subreddit. I'm sure you'll find yourself more welcome, not because people on there are less toxic, but because no one really brings up the topic of "taste" to be toxic. It's just memes.
unfortunately reddit in my country is banned, so i'm pretty sad
Oct 24, 2019 6:29 PM

Sep 2015
ramdit said:
well tbh i'm kinda new in this, but seeing other newbie weebs act like they know everything irritates me too

Yeah, but it's not really a new people thing by itself. It's easier for it to manifest there because new people are (obviously) going to have much less experience with every facet of this medium, but it's not exclusive to them. I think it is currently a relevant part of this topic in the anime community or whatever, this weird First Reich of anime fandoms we tend to view as a unitary entity for some reason, but I do want to stress that it's not inherent or exclusive to new people all the same.

A lot of people keep up that exact behavior later down the line - discounting how their hundreds of completions are almost entirely battle shounen and thrillers and how that doesn't suddenly mean that they have a lot of authority in the realm of discussion Slice of Life or Mecha or whatever. It's not like every genre has the same codes and the same rulesets and the parameters, and it's not like having a lot of experience with one type of anime or a few types of anime suddenly translates into having a lot of experience with anime as a whole. I have a lot of experience with Harem&Ecchi anime, personally, and I can proudly say that knowing it's true. Other types of anime I've got markedly less experience in, however. I cannot speak with the same level of understanding.

I definitely don't want maintaining basic fucking communication skills to the get lost in the fray of GATEKEEPING BAD WE SHOULD WANT ANIME TO GROW MKAY bleeding heart responses. It's not like I want to prevent people from getting into the medium and discussing it and enjoying how they see fit, I just don't want to normalize stupid bullshit.
ManabanOct 24, 2019 6:33 PM

Oct 24, 2019 6:35 PM

Dec 2018
ramdit said:
Preachee said:

Yea, that's a subreddit. I'm sure you'll find yourself more welcome, not because people on there are less toxic, but because no one really brings up the topic of "taste" to be toxic. It's just memes.
unfortunately reddit in my country is banned, so i'm pretty sad

I recommend you trying Nord VPN and other alter-IP devices. With that you can technically browse anything.
. . .
Oct 24, 2019 6:36 PM

Jul 2016
I'll be a veteran after I publish all of my (female-only) character personality analyses with MAL's blog feature.
Oct 24, 2019 6:57 PM

Jan 2015
DaCraziGuy said:
I hate when new weebs say things like "Wow, this is the best anime ever made in the history of humankind" - Anime watched: 32 shows of 12 episodes length... that is triggering imo.

It's like considering yourself a doctor because you did 1 year in the university... dumb af. (And yes, I know it's a extreme comparison)

i agree with you but there could be exceptions like he had a good senpai to guide him towards only the good stuff.

Oct 24, 2019 7:00 PM

May 2019
ramdit said:
veteran weebs bullying other weebs, especially newbies, because they think their tastes of anime is far more superior than anyone. can it happen?

Maybe but I won't call them veteran. Just weeb pretending to be veteran. True Veteran know that people have different opinions etc... In short they don't give a shit about what you like.
Don't be a self pretentious that is the most gayest thing ever
English Dubs are better than subs
You all have anime profile pic so you opinion doesn't count
Your Waifu is trash
Cory in the house is the best anime
Japanese are one of the most xenophobic nations
My Anime List looks like a website from 1990s
Oct 24, 2019 7:10 PM

Feb 2015
a lot of people have said my sentiments already but i mean stuff like this happens all the time in terms of "taste", where new ppl are easily impressed and praise what veterans would recognize as generic. happens for other stuff im interested in, and it gets irritating of course, just as it does for anyone who knows something at a deeper level. just try and encourage them to go beyond and explore a bit. chances are you'll develop their taste and their interest at the same time :p
Oct 25, 2019 2:50 AM

Aug 2018
Yes it happens, the web is full of bullying it happens more often than in real life. Best choice is to deal with it in clever ways.
Oct 25, 2019 11:50 AM
Mar 2018
I've been watching since I left school like 2008/2009 and was a big fan of dragon ball even before that, I mostly looked for mid 2000's at the time and I've been supporting through blu ray and manga since I've had my job that's lasted me a few years now, so I'll wear that veteran badge

I'd an analysis of the different behaviours between noobs and vets would be better, I mean, what counts as bullying?

Newbs are really more likely to defend a new show and take the critics way too seriously, they've only just got into something they like, while vets have seen their favourites so much they know where the faults are and may know why people don't like them, they also tend to like jokes made about a series.

There is the vet elitist though, who kind of acts like the younger noobs defending their series but with some of the older "legacy" franchises, vets in the EVA fandom are particularly notable
Oct 25, 2019 12:08 PM

May 2009
ramdit said:
veteran weebs bullying other weebs, especially newbies, because they think their tastes of anime is far more superior than anyone. can it happen?

There are some jerks who will flame newbies for only liking whatever shows happen to be popular (e.g. "you've only seen SAO and Attack on Titan; you're not a real anime fan"), to the point where this is a consistent meme, but thankfully it's not a prevalent meme to the point where I can point to specific instances of bullying.

It does throw cold water on some people's enthusiasm/enjoyment though. I leave it up to you to decide whether that's a good or a bad thing.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Oct 25, 2019 12:23 PM

Apr 2017
mhkr said:
Just go back to r/Animemes dude. MAL isn't like that

lmao the funny thing is that in r/Animemes everyone is basically a normie which like to be called weeb.

They are all "Huh git gud n00b" but then if you mention a "classic" like Suzumiya Haruhi they don't know a shit since they just follow recent seasonal and popular anime.
Oct 25, 2019 4:11 PM

May 2018
GlennMagusHarvey said:
e.g. "you've only seen SAO and Attack on Titan; you're not a real anime fan"

Isn't this stretching the term bullying a bit?
Is every negative statement bullying?

Like if someone says "You have watched only limited variety of shows, how could you think that you have some sort of authority over me, just because you are fan of something more popular than my choices?" is this seeking to harm or a form of coercing?

By the way exactly some fans of AOT like to act all high and mighty because it's a very popular show and because they are under the delusion that its a serious title (for being a bit darker than your usual anime crop).

GlennMagusHarvey said:
It does throw cold water on some people's enthusiasm/enjoyment though.

Are really people that sensitive? I don't think so.
Acting like primadonnas for something they should do for personal enjoyment and by their own choice.
Why some newbies are expecting to be pampered and wheedled?
alshuOct 25, 2019 4:15 PM
Oct 25, 2019 4:17 PM

May 2009
alshu said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:
e.g. "you've only seen SAO and Attack on Titan; you're not a real anime fan"

Isn't this stretching the term bullying a bit?
Is every negative statement bullying?

Like if someone says "You have watched only limited variety of shows, how could you think that you have some sort of authority over me, just because you are fan of something more popular than my choices?" is this seeking to harm or a form of coercing?

By the way exactly some fans of AOT like to act all high and mighty because it's a very popular show and because they are under the delusion that its a serious title (for being a bit darker than your usual anime crop).

GlennMagusHarvey said:
It does throw cold water on some people's enthusiasm/enjoyment though.

Are really people that sensitive? I don't think so.
Acting like primadonnas for something they should do for personal enjoyment and by their own choice. Why the newbies are expecting to be pampered?
I guess I didn't really make it clear in my earlier post, but I wouldn't consider general statements like this "bullying". It'd only be "bullying" if someone tried to hound someone over this.

And it's completely fair to say "you've watched fewer shows" or "you've watched few shows in X genre" as justification for pointing out that someone is less experienced with the medium or some part of it. (Though, as always, there are polite and impolite ways to say this.)

And yeah, some newbie fans can be annoying, though the problem there is, again, the way they present their opinions, not their opinions (i.e. the shows they like) themselves. So targeting the shows isn't really accurate.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
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