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The Seven Deadly Sins
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May 20, 2018 9:06 AM

Jul 2013
This episode is fun and all but I was really hoping to see Escanor in his other form. I hope daytime comes in the next episode.
May 20, 2018 7:38 PM

May 2014
Alright action. It was more funny ep. than serious. I didn't take it as a surprise that Elaine and Elisabeth got along so well. Their lovers are so alike they don't realize it theirselves lol. Damn, Elaine is strong. She is probably stronger than Elisabeth, though she can maybe last longer because of her healing abilities. I find it nice that they make the women strong and independent in this series. I am glad the women aren't underrated so much like many other shounen series.

I knew that creepy orange hair commandment were a man. His appearance is so like a women. First King of fairies and legendary giant have turned evil. I wonder what happened. Pretty interesting to know what happened in the war 3000 years ago.

Overall, an ok ep. It had it's funny moment, like King being between Diane's oppai, but it wasn't that good either. 4/5 from me. The animation was good, so it's a fair scoring.
mangalicker94May 20, 2018 7:42 PM
May 20, 2018 7:40 PM

May 2014
MissPsychoholic said:
I don't get Meliodas. "Don't worry Elisabeth, you fought well" so she shouldn't worry about two humans she tried to save seconds ago, that just fell to their death? People who Elaine could have easily saved with her wind magic btw. And why does nobody give a fuck about all the dead people in the labyrinth? At least Houser and Gil could have shown a bit of shock or anger. Also, that little girly giggle talk felt extremely out of place. This anime feels like Samurai Flamenco all over again, a great start, good characters, than suddenly, they only show emotion if the story needs them to, the humor gets worse over time and supposed to be heroes don't give a fuck if people die right in front of them. Anime fans would spit on shows like Fairy Tail or Black Clover if they did something stupid like this :/

Well, this show and FT is almost identical. I see so similarities I think I watch the same show. At least in FT Natsu cares for people beside his friends. ^^
May 20, 2018 7:42 PM

May 2014
ibraheem234 said:
okay so why has the most powerful beings are the ten commandments in the first place.... they got the fairy .. the giant... the demon and what not

They only a miss a druid and a human. Then they would have one of each clan. :P
May 20, 2018 7:46 PM

May 2014
NovaLord said:
I had a bad feeling a couple days ago and I think this episode all but confirmed my worst fears. The anime staff fucked up, again. This fuck up though might be the worst. The pace the anime went in was too fast and adapted too many chapters too quickly. And its not like there wasn't enough material, the idiots skipped a lot of important dialogue. The end of this tournament arc was the perfect ending to the season. It would've perfectly sets up the next season by ending in such a great cliff hanger. After that cliff hanger its basically a whole new arc with no good ending point in sight. How do they even expect to end it then? This entire season is mainly set up for what comes next.

I'm amazed they could screw up this badly, I have no clue how they're gonna end it but I know it'll be disappointing. Maybe they might add Vampires of Edinburgh (which is actually important plot wise) to extend this arc but I have no clue how they're gonna fit it in. It's such a shame to see such a great manga ruined by such an incompetent anime staff.

Please don't mention any manga content before it's shown in the anime. At least mark it with spoiler tags. ^^
May 20, 2018 7:48 PM

May 2014
tsubasalover said:
First fairy king is one of the enemies?!

lol @ Pink hair guy and Sugita-san's character. That ex-fairy guy attacked Sugita-san's character when he's weak and cured him...

The girls got alone. The opponents attacked, but princess cured them because of history.

lol @ KajiKaji's character x Sugita-san's character pair while their flying opponents. They got defeated while they fight over their girls.

FukuJun's character getting damaged in because he's protected by titan girl's breast, so he got "damaged". Confession while fighting vs. their opponents, who seems like copies of one of fairies and OnoD's character?

Their fight continues.

I wonder if anyone understands your comments. :P
May 21, 2018 7:47 AM

Jul 2013
mangalicker94 said:

Well, this show and FT is almost identical. I see so similarities I think I watch the same show. At least in FT Natsu cares for people beside his friends. ^^

Yes it actually is very similar. The writing for the first arc was really good, just like the first few arcs of Fairy Tail (imo every arc before they resurrected Natsu's childhood friend, can't remember her name). But in The Seven Deadly Sins, you can already see that it's getting bad. And we are only in the second big story arc :/

+ what you wrote about Natsu is also true, if you look at him, it's nice to see that he "stayed" good and had his morals right till the end. The "heroism" of the Sins starts to feel like a joke compared to MHA, Fairy Tail or even, like I wrote before, Black Clover. The characters of this anime act very selfish compared to other shounen shows (minus Elisabeth, she's a good girl), which makes them less likable imo.

/rant over lol
May 21, 2018 11:39 AM

Jul 2016
MissPsychoholic said:
mangalicker94 said:

Well, this show and FT is almost identical. I see so similarities I think I watch the same show. At least in FT Natsu cares for people beside his friends. ^^

Yes it actually is very similar. The writing for the first arc was really good, just like the first few arcs of Fairy Tail (imo every arc before they resurrected Natsu's childhood friend, can't remember her name). But in The Seven Deadly Sins, you can already see that it's getting bad. And we are only in the second big story arc :/

+ what you wrote about Natsu is also true, if you look at him, it's nice to see that he "stayed" good and had his morals right till the end. The "heroism" of the Sins starts to feel like a joke compared to MHA, Fairy Tail or even, like I wrote before, Black Clover. The characters of this anime act very selfish compared to other shounen shows (minus Elisabeth, she's a good girl), which makes them less likable imo.

/rant over lol
all shounen anime feels like that.

May 23, 2018 8:55 AM

Dec 2008
Meliodus and Ban = Best Tag Team EVER!!
May 26, 2018 5:09 PM

Aug 2011
mangalicker94 said:
NovaLord said:
I had a bad feeling a couple days ago and I think this episode all but confirmed my worst fears. The anime staff fucked up, again. This fuck up though might be the worst. The pace the anime went in was too fast and adapted too many chapters too quickly. And its not like there wasn't enough material, the idiots skipped a lot of important dialogue. The end of this tournament arc was the perfect ending to the season. It would've perfectly sets up the next season by ending in such a great cliff hanger. After that cliff hanger its basically a whole new arc with no good ending point in sight. How do they even expect to end it then? This entire season is mainly set up for what comes next.

I'm amazed they could screw up this badly, I have no clue how they're gonna end it but I know it'll be disappointing. Maybe they might add Vampires of Edinburgh (which is actually important plot wise) to extend this arc but I have no clue how they're gonna fit it in. It's such a shame to see such a great manga ruined by such an incompetent anime staff.

Please don't mention any manga content before it's shown in the anime. At least mark it with spoiler tags. ^^

Besides mentioning a cliff hanger I didn't really spoil anything... If you mean Vampires of Edinburgh that was a special that already happened in the manga at this point. Heck they even mentioned it in the first season.

But well I'll try and refrain either way, sorry.
Aug 9, 2018 8:49 PM

May 2012
These battles are really getting good! Really do wonder how the fight will continue, let's see what's next.
Aug 15, 2018 3:14 PM

Feb 2014
why.. all of this is happening... combat event? when you do not have more ideas, let's do a combat event! *sigh*
Sep 30, 2018 7:46 AM

Apr 2009
This tournament arc is horrible.
Series had a promising start tho.
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Nov 30, 2018 9:14 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
I love how Ban and Meliodas aren't even trying to defeat their opponent. Those blue demons are no match for them!

Well, it's time for King to say goodbye to his life due to excessive blood loss, the moment he's 'kept safe' between Diane's oppai.

We know that Drole is supposed to be a member of the giant clan, but now he's a part of the demon clan. Now it's revealed that Gloxinia turns out to be the first
Fairy King. Wow, damn... From now on, I won't be surprised to hear that other members of the 10 commandments were used to be a part of another being such as a former human or a former angel.
Jan 1, 2019 12:09 AM

May 2016
Escanor getting lethally stabbed sure was a scare. To think that one of the most powerful characters in the show almost got killed off like that. Good thing Gloxinia realized how uncool it would be to replace someone who legitimately found their way into tournament grounds with a clay stand-in. His pair-up with Hawk out of everyone who's in the tournament was pretty funny.

I knew that Gloxinia was a dude because his voice really bugged me with his appearance and all. And he's the first Fairy King too! Those wings are so mesmerizing to look at. He seems to have a connection to Gerheade too and the stand-in having legs as opposed to the current adviser's weird stump might imply that she got some kind of punishment after Gloxinia's supposed death. Dhole's name also rang a bell for Matrona so he might be some primordial being of their race too. It's also weird that they pretty much got the highest body count so far with the villages ravaged during the maze's construction and the overall clean-up operation before the fights start. That's some serious damage and I hope that they'll wish for them to revive and be okay.

Elizabeth and Elaine were talking about their boyfriends and were handling themselves well in battle good enough to even consider giving them mercy right until their opponents' untimely demises. Melodias and Ban were discussing which of their girlfriend's chest sizes are superior while hilariously beating down on the demon birds by complete accident. They had nothing on King though. He got to experience the pleasure of being nestled between Diane's gigantic knockers like tiny Elizabeth did and that even led to his spiritual power-up~

Mar 9, 2019 10:35 PM

Apr 2009
seeing Elizabeth and Elaine ending up on the same team, a very loud "sh*t" erupted from my mouth _XD
I like to comment Episodes as i Watch them.
Mar 16, 2019 11:47 PM

Nov 2013
Can't be a battle shounen without a tournament arc!

Wtf Gloxinia is a dude. It's a trap!

Poor Escanor got paired with Hawk. Dude is fucked unless he can stall the battle until daytime.

I felt bad for those assassins. Hopefully, the fall didn't kill them.

Ban and Meliodas are such a great pair. Those demon birds were so easy for them, they inadvertently killed them while arguing about their waifus.

I lol'd at King resting on Diane's boobs.

A bit of a sillier episode, but still great as always.

LonsolMar 16, 2019 11:51 PM

Jul 8, 2019 8:30 AM

Mar 2015
Wow these two Commandments are a revered Fairy and Giant? Should be interesting!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Aug 15, 2019 1:33 AM

Dec 2012
Elaine cant even look at Ban.
Fairy magic?
First Fairy King Gloxinia.
Escanor was saved.
Gilthunder and Gilfrost. lol
Erizabesu and Elaine.
They won.
Diane oppai.
Dat ending.

Molest? Elaine please.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Aug 20, 2019 5:01 PM
Feb 2009
the dynamic between Meliodas and Ban is fantastic fighting which is the best waifu lol
Jan 22, 2020 10:17 AM

Apr 2013
I don't quite understand why they're following the rules of those demons, shouldn't they just gang up and kill them? Or are they waiting for the sunshine and let Escanor handle it? I only know that King had the time of his life in his match so far lol
Apr 8, 2020 6:22 AM

May 2018
I agree. It is really difficult to choose between Elaine and Elizabeth.
May 5, 2020 7:40 PM

Feb 2018
Elizabeth and Eleine ia so beautiful.
Mar 3, 2021 9:47 AM

Nov 2019
King went like super saiyan mode!

I like how Elizabeth is getting more and more confident as character.
Jul 22, 2021 9:10 PM
Aug 2020
Elizabeth and Elaine were having girl talk in the middle of a death match like wyd
Jan 5, 2023 11:22 AM

Mar 2010
Lots of smol time fights. But its always great to see diane fat ass haha

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jul 31, 2023 2:29 PM
Apr 2023
Definitely better then the episode beforehand. I really like Gloxinia so seeing him in action again was really enjoyable. Elaine and Elizabeth’s fight against the Assassins was very fun, just as Meliodas’ and Bans fight against the birds, although I feel really bad for the birds lol. But then the scene with Diane again, I still really do not like her in this state. She’s too stupid lol, which makes it not fun to watch.
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