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Pages (5) « 1 2 [3] 4 5 »
Oct 17, 2017 9:21 PM

Jul 2017
So they will gonna die in order the flashback of what happened to their past
Still enjoy this quite a lot

Next victim, Monkey's death in proper XD
Oct 17, 2017 9:37 PM

Apr 2016
Past = Character is gonna die , i hope they wont make it more predictable
Oct 17, 2017 9:49 PM

Jul 2017
That monkey is scary af. Did anyone noticed too?
Oct 17, 2017 10:16 PM
Jan 2016
Tenth said:
*sigh* Wish this anime would just drop the predictable "whoever gets the focus/background this episode dies in the same episode" aspect of this show already...

The cynic in me says they will probably do that around episode 11, after they've introduced and killed every character before resurrecting them for the second season.

The cynical optimist in me says they'll do it in the next few episodes, presumably because the idea is to saddle viewers with low expectations so when they break the pattern, it'll seem like some profound twist.

Either way, they should have a splash for a new warrior:

Juuni Taisen
Killing with Boring Predictability
Oct 17, 2017 10:41 PM

Nov 2016
what point is there in watching this when you know whats going to happen based on the ep titles
Oct 17, 2017 11:03 PM
Feb 2017
I'm seeing a pattern here. First, the boar died then the dog. And i said to myself, if the chicken died next, i would be laughing so hard. Now granted there are others who died off screen like horse and snake. But if we are going by Zodiac order for the main focus, this might suggest the monkey is next. ^_^
Oct 17, 2017 11:08 PM

Jan 2017
People are dying real quick, something is telling me rat has an ability to reverse the time back to start. That may be why everyone felt like they seen him. That can also prove why rat is asleep all the time because boredom (seeing the same type of thing all over again). AND the fact that he knows about the sewers mean he has been to this place many times!!!
Oct 17, 2017 11:08 PM

Mar 2010
this is an "Action" anime right?

if so then why do the fights always last 3-10 seconds and always end up with one character not even trying, the deaths are too sudden with no real buildup (probably due to the pathetic fights) and the episode format is repetitive and dull, it's trying to be Magical Girl Raising project but making the mistake of being predictable as fuck.

It's been 3 eps and although mildly frustrating to watch it's not shit enough to warrant dropping >.>
Oct 18, 2017 12:02 AM

Aug 2015
Waifu material is ded x_x
So they're probably just make the death order exactly like what's shown in the ending song(?) That's interesting yet disappointing at the same time.. Also whoever will die gets some perspective / background which kinda reminds me of Danganronpa 3 future arc lol. Next episode still makes me curious tho. Who's going to kill the monkey? Nezumi? Usagi? or maybe the Goat? can't wait for it!
renzosparkOct 18, 2017 12:13 AM
Oct 18, 2017 12:08 AM

Feb 2011
Just a thought, but is it possible that the reason why Niwatori was unable to stop herself from protecting Sharyu is because of some ability that Sharyu has, or the tea? Maybe I'm overthinking it though
Oct 18, 2017 12:08 AM

Oct 2008
The chicken has fallen!
So Niwatori is a spy huh!
Poor Zombie Boar pecked and totally eaten by birds up to the very bone?
What happened to the Ironclad guy? did the ox beat him already!?
wow Niwatori didn't even noticed the presence of Nezumi!
The One-Man Army affected her mental emotions huh...
Ox is really one powerful opponent and the favourite of the people to be the winning candidate.

Oct 18, 2017 12:15 AM

Dec 2016
I mean, with the ED and the previews I really don't think this show is or was ever going for the "unpredictable" factor with the order of the killing game.

Yeah it's more than likely going to end with rat winning and the others dying in the speculated order but I think the anime's focus has been on developing these characters. Who they are, how they got to this point in their life and the moments leading up to their deaths. It might be somewhat tiresome or even lazy to do the backstory=death thing but I can't say I haven't been enjoying these characters. If anything their backstories have been unpredictable than the battle itself. Looking forward to knowing more about Monkey and her ability.

That being said 0/5 not enough best girl Usagi.

Anime was the catalyst of my life's downward spiral.
Joining MAL was the nail in my coffin.

Every day I keep screaming into the void,
but god just tells me to shut up.
Oct 18, 2017 12:27 AM

Dec 2014
I'm having a lot of fun with this show, but like everyone else I'm worried it will get stale due to the backstory followed by death set-up we've gotten thus far.

Also, I'm of the opinion that Monkey's ability is what influenced Niwatori in the end. It would cast a shadow over Monkey's character in general, but it seems more likely than Niwatori's mental state arising from the drug or herself.

Rat though... he certainly has my interest.
Oct 18, 2017 12:55 AM
May 2015
Horse,one of my favourites got killed off screen? (;A;) Since Ox had bloodstains all over him and he's one of the favourites to win,I guess,yeah... Horse is dead. Mehh. I don't really care about the winner anymore,because Nezumi gives me a strong mc/winner/survivorwhatever vibe and he's shown as the last one in the ED,which would mean we have a reversed zodiac order...
Oct 18, 2017 1:05 AM
Jan 2016
Nike said:
Just a thought, but is it possible that the reason why Niwatori was unable to stop herself from protecting Sharyu is because of some ability that Sharyu has, or the tea? Maybe I'm overthinking it though

Pretty much guaranteed it is her ability. "Killing peacefully" likely refers to her ability to manipulate people into becoming unable to attack or defend, which is why Niwatori wasn't able to stab Sharyu in the back or even defend herself against Ushii's attack despite being able to see it coming.

It would explain why she's famous for negotiating peace treaties and is counted amongst the deadliest warriors: she forces armies to stop by crippling all their soldiers with pacifism, but also causes staggering numbers of deaths in the process by robbing them of their ability to protect themselves.
Oct 18, 2017 1:36 AM

Nov 2007
I think it is about time to drop the scheme of killing the one episode focuses on. It is the time for some change. Despite the predictability so far, it is one of the most enjoyable shows this season.

Such a shame Cock died. She got a lot of fans and was in centre for one and half episode. It is really weird she refused to join Monkey. She could completely take advantage on the game, especially having the Dog's buff.

I'm curious where was our necromancer when his minion was being pecked to death. I supposed he is nearby and had everything under control. Seems like I was wrong.

Monkey get all the information she wanted from Cock. She was surprised on honesty she was answering them with. That has to be Monkey's way to work. Information first.

Nice episode, I wait for more, 4/5.
Oct 18, 2017 2:43 AM

Jul 2013
Scarlett_ryuken said:
Illyricus said:
Now that you have brought that point to the table... you may be right. It's very weird that just a single person managed to convince entire countries to stop their wars that easily, it wouldn't be surprising if she has an ability able to control (or at least influence) people like she wants.

The drug thing sounds convincing enough. I will take that theory then.

or you know, people dont actually die when they are killed and shiro is wrong
Holy fuck, now everything has sense now!
Oct 18, 2017 2:49 AM

Jun 2016
I guess there's no way to revive Boar anymore since Niwatori's crows ate her. Holy crap. Nothing left, I bet. Jesus. I was actually hoping that it's still possible to save her. :/ RIP, Boar aka Inounoshishi.

So, Niwatori unknowingly murdered her parents for abusing her for years and she's like 'Fuck this. I'm so done with your bullshits!' then killed them then amnesia. Haha.

Heck, she really killed Dotsuku just like that. Dotsuku was awesome, though. And now she's dead for she was killed by Ushii (Ox). How kind of her for not killing Shuryuu (Monkey), though. Bye, Niwatori, the walking fanservice of this show.

Nezumi is by far my fave in this anime. He's like me who just loves sleeping all the time. Haha.

And Ushii (Ox) killed Uuma (Horse), too. Uuma looks like a kind person, though. Such a waste of character. Poor him. :/

Holy shit. Niwatori was eaten by the birds since she told them that they can eat her. Fucking sugoi. Haha.

I honestly love the dialogues in this show. As expected by Nisio-sensei. <3

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Oct 18, 2017 3:10 AM
Apr 2016
The ox guy is the epitome of a badass...
Oct 18, 2017 3:16 AM

Jul 2016
Loving the story but is clear Rat will win at the end by tricking Boar.

Great adaptation of the original zodiac story so far.

Monkey next.
Oct 18, 2017 3:17 AM

Jul 2016
Hagorama said:
Tenth said:
*sigh* Wish this anime would just drop the predictable "whoever gets the focus/background this episode dies in the same episode" aspect of this show already...

I think this was the last episode with that format, cause I don't see them killing monkey so soon.

12: Pig
11: Dog
10. Rooster
9. Monkey

Sorry, reckon she is next mate.
Oct 18, 2017 3:27 AM

May 2017
Vindicater said:

12: Pig
11: Dog
10. Rooster
9. Monkey

Sorry, reckon she is next mate.

Monkey seems like a major character so I don't think they would kill her this early,
And there is no reason to believe that they will follow that order.

We can only wait for the next episode to see what really happens.
You can't say for sure that she will get killed next or she will survive.
Oct 18, 2017 4:44 AM
May 2015
From now on,I'll avoid all the places with a lot of birds btw. Damn it.
Oct 18, 2017 6:45 AM
Nov 2013
Mal Should remove the 'Action' tag... How is this even called action? It all ended so anti-climatically.
Oct 18, 2017 6:57 AM

Aug 2015
Monkey see monkey do. Shuuya's power has to be the casting version of this mimicry. In other words how she feels or what she does is invoked by the victim. That is why Tori's fighting will left her. This power gave her empathy yet at the same time made her a pacifist. That's why she didn't even fight back. That has to be the Monkey's power. It probably doesn't affect Ratpier because of his laid back lazy personality. So he is already peaceful.
"I -AM- ELECTRICITY." -Gunvolt
Oct 18, 2017 7:05 AM

Aug 2015
So according to legend, the rat wins by tricking the ox. Because during the zodiac race, the runners come across a river that they can't cross. However, the ox can swim. The rat being the smallest had zero chances of winning, but he deceived the ox by pretending to drown and gain his pity and service as a result.

If the story continues down this path, Ratpier is going to trick ox to lower his guard. It could also end with him faking his death and right as ox tries to cut up his stomach, he makes his move.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if they take the story in another way.
"I -AM- ELECTRICITY." -Gunvolt
Oct 18, 2017 7:19 AM
Jul 2016
ArondightDestiny said:
So according to legend, the rat wins by tricking the ox. Because during the zodiac race, the runners come across a river that they can't cross. However, the ox can swim. The rat being the smallest had zero chances of winning, but he deceived the ox by pretending to drown and gain his pity and service as a result.

If the story continues down this path, Ratpier is going to trick ox to lower his guard. It could also end with him faking his death and right as ox tries to cut up his stomach, he makes his move.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if they take the story in another way.

To be honest, according to the legend

the strongest was the dragon, he can fly and did not need to swim and can reach first place very fast , but he have kind heart and helping others so that's why he late at race

Oct 18, 2017 8:07 AM

Aug 2015
Pringer-x said:
ArondightDestiny said:
So according to legend, the rat wins by tricking the ox. Because during the zodiac race, the runners come across a river that they can't cross. However, the ox can swim. The rat being the smallest had zero chances of winning, but he deceived the ox by pretending to drown and gain his pity and service as a result.

If the story continues down this path, Ratpier is going to trick ox to lower his guard. It could also end with him faking his death and right as ox tries to cut up his stomach, he makes his move.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if they take the story in another way.

To be honest, according to the legend

the strongest was the dragon, he can fly and did not need to swim and can reach first place very fast , but he have kind heart and helping others so that's why he late at race

So far the dragon doesn't care about anything. Not even for his dead brother. But I feel like he thinks his brother is still alive somehow. His power could be even be that even if decaptitated he still lives. Or the she'd skin theory.
"I -AM- ELECTRICITY." -Gunvolt
Oct 18, 2017 9:19 AM

Jan 2012
Im not LOVING this anime but I am liking it.
Entertaining enough to keep watching at least.

It's interesting because I was thinking after the second episode that each episode will be the perspective of someone dying, but I dont think they'll keep doing that forever tbh.

Niwatori was definitely going to die. Her personality was too destructive and I thought at least before they revealed how cunning she was she would live, but after she killed The Dog I knew she wouldn't last.

The main thing irking me right now is we DONT KNOW why they're fighting (aside from the "wish") and what the world is like.

Why do civilians let these people fight. Do other civilians have powers?
How did they just wipe a city out that fast?
Are the people dead or just relocated?

Doesn't make sense to me.

Its a short anime so the twist that will inevitably happen will either happen soon or last minute.

I'm hoping soon because I don't want The Monkey to die, but I'm sure The Rat has some power to reverse things. Everyone has talked about Deja Vu about him and he never seems scared or interested in the potential aspect of another Zodiac killing him.

I think its nice we get to learn about a character before they die. Gives us some type of attachment instead of just killing off random characters we couldn't care less about.
Oct 18, 2017 9:27 AM

Dec 2015
Oct 18, 2017 10:43 AM

Jun 2015
So Niwa was just faking at how useless she was when she was actually very capable at combat then. Buts its how each character has a vastly different side to them that makes them more unpredictable as Dog discovered. Niwa's childhood though was quite sad though. Though it seems that loyalty to others is not something that she values when she's better at being more loyal to herself. Being pecked to death man Boar really has it tough being killed twice though. It seems that Niwa's beliefs clash a lot with Monkeys though. Its odd seeing Niwa be put off by Monkey's kindness though. Hmm that poison from Dog sure is having some interesting effects on Niwa. If she was her normal self then she might have avoided death for the time being. But another one falls it seems. Interesting episode that did well to show the origin story for Niwatori and establish the type of character she was.
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Oct 18, 2017 11:03 AM
⚧ | 愛と平和

Oct 2010

She said "Amai". It was translated as "It's sweet." But "amai" has two meanings. First, "it's sweet" as it was translated, but also "you're naive" or "that's wishful thinking" -- which would also apply here, since Monkey had just finished explaining part of her plan. I love it when they use double entendre in anime. I wish my Japanese was better so I could catch all of them -- but also I wish that the translators would actually point them the fuck out! >:-(
✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
“The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected
from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”
  — Ashcroft v.Free Speech Coalition,
✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
Oct 18, 2017 11:11 AM

Aug 2015
kyoudai said:

She said "Amai". It was translated as "It's sweet." But "amai" has two meanings. First, "it's sweet" as it was translated, but also "you're naive" or "that's wishful thinking" -- which would also apply here, since Monkey had just finished explaining part of her plan. I love it when they use double entendre in anime. I wish my Japanese was better so I could catch all of them -- but also I wish that the translators would actually point them the fuck out! >:-(

I suppose they could have left that on the top using the subs. Oh well. Nice catch!
"I -AM- ELECTRICITY." -Gunvolt
Oct 18, 2017 11:13 AM
Sep 2015
Idk.... but so far the Opening (which is quite cool) is the best of this show imo.
Oct 18, 2017 11:19 AM
⚧ | 愛と平和

Oct 2010
ArondightDestiny said:
kyoudai said:

She said "Amai". It was translated as "It's sweet." But "amai" has two meanings. First, "it's sweet" as it was translated, but also "you're naive" or "that's wishful thinking" -- which would also apply here, since Monkey had just finished explaining part of her plan. I love it when they use double entendre in anime. I wish my Japanese was better so I could catch all of them -- but also I wish that the translators would actually point them the fuck out! >:-(

I suppose they could have left that on the top using the subs. Oh well. Nice catch!

Yeah, something like that would be good. Occasionally, translators will add a note here and there, but not a much as I think they should.

Anyway, it seems pretty obvious from this episode (and I'm sure we'll learn more next week) that Monkey's ability is to force others to be an ally. Either that or to protect her. "Killing peacefully" indeed. Niwatori went down thinking that One Man Army is what is controlling her, but she didn't realize that Sharyu's ability was also working on her.
✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
“The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected
from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”
  — Ashcroft v.Free Speech Coalition,
✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
Oct 18, 2017 11:49 AM

May 2017
Well shit. Next episode HYPE.

Ox knows about monkey's hideout.
Horse might be dead. (99.9% sure)
Rabbit might join the fight because Zombified Boar died.
Oct 18, 2017 11:53 AM

May 2017
AbhayDX said:
The ox guy is the epitome of a badass...

He's too op. He has 3/4 (not sure if Horse died) crystals.
Oct 18, 2017 1:15 PM
Mar 2016
Welp, it looks like the horse has ran his last race and has been retired, Chicken just got shish kebab , so Niwatori is supposed to this deceptive bitch who kills people behind their backs, so why didn't she forked the Monkey and the Rat???????????

So, will the monkey be next to die????????

Let's Clap your hands!!!!!!!
Oct 18, 2017 1:16 PM

May 2015
Imo the rat has time power or something like that, that's why everyone thinks that they know him from somewhere.
Oct 18, 2017 1:22 PM

Jul 2009
Seems like our death pattern is becoming pretty clear. I liked Niwatori's backstory and her cunning plans, it was pretty interesting. Plus it seems as though other people's powers are becoming clearer - like Monkey probably gets people to act on her behalf, and Rat ... clearly seems "familiar" to everyone for some reason. Did Ox really kill Horse already?! Offscreen?! Maybe he ran away or something. Monkey's up next and I wouldn't mind if she died tbh, but I'm curious to see whether we'll break from the pattern or not. Also these deaths are pretty quick huh? :P Seems like Ox is crazy strong even with Niwatori having the drug :O
Oct 18, 2017 1:30 PM
May 2014
So, three episodes in, I think this will be one of those animes to which you look back to and think that they weren't master pieces but still had something charming about them. I'll keep watching for sure and I wouldn't be suprised if the series pulls some ace in the hole move. :)
And the OP is great!
Oct 18, 2017 2:13 PM

Aug 2010
It was a great episode.

I really feel that Niwatori's conduct wasn't from the One Man Army drug, but really from Monkey's kindness. I have a feel that "her way" is indeed not to kill with her own hands, but with some other ways, not sure how yet though.

I'm still pretty sad the dog died so fast...but I'm really excited to see the next episode!
Oct 18, 2017 4:46 PM

Jan 2010
Tite Kubo feels

This formula is not new, it is used in many manga and novels, I do not know why they complain

It would not make sense to show everyone a flashback and then follow the current story, it would be cool if they first released a movie with everyone's story, then focus only on the battle royale, or an anime with 12 eps from everyone's story and a movie with fights
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Oct 18, 2017 6:30 PM

Sep 2012
akiraic said:
That monkey is scary af. Did anyone noticed too?
What do you mean? What part made her scary?
Oct 18, 2017 7:47 PM
Jul 2017
I feel like all of the emotional stuff that Niwatori thought was because of One Man Army was actually because of the Monkey's power.
Oct 18, 2017 8:00 PM
Dec 2016
My theory is that Niwatori was neither manipulated by Monkey nor did it have anything to do with one man army. I think that she was just confused by someone showing her legitimate kindness. She didn't understand why, but she couldn't bring herself to hurt someone who actually seemed to be kind. When she fought Ox, she was unconsciously trying to emulate and protect the kindness that she just experienced for the first time. This is also evidenced by how she didn't seem very upset by the deaths of many of her birds before she met Monkey. After she meets Monkey, however, she suddenly cares enough about them to feed herself to them. I doubt that Monkey would brainwash her to care more about her birds.

I also don't think that one man army was a factor. I think that it was very short acting. At the beginning of the episode, Niwatori's eyes were red-tinged. Later in the episode, her eyes were normal. Also, at the beginning of the episode, she was able to crush a metal bar by barely squeezing. Right before she encounters Ox, however, she punched a pillar and it only made a small indentation. It may have still been affecting her, but it was definitely not fully affecting her.
Rubby_PerezOct 18, 2017 9:15 PM
Oct 18, 2017 8:29 PM

May 2017
a few bones and a skull doesn't fool me, Boar is still alive and will be back, I'm calling it

This show will most likely pull a Akuma no Riddle lol
Oct 18, 2017 8:29 PM

Jun 2016
I'm glad that the Rabbit didn't get Chicken and her power. He would have been pretty OP if he had her with his crew.

Vindicater said:
Hagorama said:

I think this was the last episode with that format, cause I don't see them killing monkey so soon.

12: Pig
11: Dog
10. Rooster
9. Monkey

Sorry, reckon she is next mate.

It seems like this is the way it's going, but Snake was the first one to die. Unless he's faking it somehow and can regrow it, like a hydra, or can reattach his head whenever his brother gets the chance to. Plus, they're making it seem like Ox killed Horse offscreen, so that throws it off too.

I really like Monkey, so I hope she lives. It looked like she did something to Niwatori, which kind of makes her scary but also a useful ally in creating peace.

Oct 18, 2017 9:12 PM

Jan 2013
Strange she thought she could win but still died so suddenly. Like she saw things in slow motion but still couldn't move.
Oct 18, 2017 10:42 PM

Jun 2013
the Chicken backstory is messed up also the boss have a Galaxy S5 I think
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