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Sep 23, 2017 4:13 AM

Nov 2012
There are things I still don't get about episode 20.

1. If Sirius was shown in anime movie prequel to Elimination Chamber Festival then why didn't Altair's squad know about her? She could see into the future but couldn't watch the anime? What were they doing all this time? Sleeping? I don't get it. Audience knew and they didn't? Or maybe it was only for the show. An act for the audience's acceptance. Maybe Altair (and Blitz) knew about Sirius and Altair only behaved as surprised in front of "cameras". Maybe it was planned all along and she purposefully was "defeated" by Sirius and took over. Meteora is episode 16 says "The secret weapon will be revealed during the final stages". Was Sirius shown only just before they started fighting? That could explain the situation.
2. What about Setsuna? It was mentioned that she was shown in the anime for a short time. Why didn't the "bad guys" know about that scene? Strange. Maybe she also was shown only just before the livestream has begun. Or Altair saw her in the anime but didn't expect her to actually show up as she was dead.
3. Did Blitz really believe he can win with Altair or just didn't want to upset the "good guys" so he went into the birdcage to fight, knowing Altair won't kill him.
Sep 23, 2017 5:06 AM
Jan 2017
Mozek said:
There are things I still don't get about episode 20.

1. If Sirius was shown in anime movie prequel to Elimination Chamber Festival then why didn't Altair's squad know about her? She could see into the future but couldn't watch the anime? What were they doing all this time? Sleeping? I don't get it. Audience knew and they didn't? Or maybe it was only for the show. An act for the audience's acceptance. Maybe Altair (and Blitz) knew about Sirius and Altair only behaved as surprised in front of "cameras". Maybe it was planned all along and she purposefully was "defeated" by Sirius and took over. Meteora is episode 16 says "The secret weapon will be revealed during the final stages". Was Sirius shown only just before they started fighting? That could explain the situation.
2. What about Setsuna? It was mentioned that she was shown in the anime for a short time. Why didn't the "bad guys" know about that scene? Strange. Maybe she also was shown only just before the livestream has begun. Or Altair saw her in the anime but didn't expect her to actually show up as she was dead.
3. Did Blitz really believe he can win with Altair or just didn't want to upset the "good guys" so he went into the birdcage to fight, knowing Altair won't kill him.

1. Meteora calls Sirius the dawn of Holopsicon, meaning Sirius is foreshadowed as the original user of Holopsicon for the audience. She is part of the ECF lore as someone relevant but not characterized enough to have her own agenda other than defeating Altair in Meteora's name. Altair probably overlooked it since there was so little information about her. Sirius definitely gave her a harder time than anyone could in the end. Altair is not all-knowing, but she clearly got Charon ready against the golden bullet
2. Setsuna was in the prologue, just like in Re:Creators itself. So you can watch episode 1 and disregard Souta's flashback in episode 11 to get a good sense on how the audience saw Setsuna and why they would never accept her.
3. Blitz went in there to try his best for his daughter.
Cour_VictorSep 23, 2017 5:13 AM
Sep 23, 2017 12:09 PM

Jul 2009
Altair is really over cheated, there is no limit to her power! And to be able to beat it, only her creator...
Sep 26, 2017 5:32 AM

Jun 2008
A character that has no personality and you expected her to win? I thought you creators had a mind. How can an empty character like that absorbs a character that not only has fans threw doujins and fan art etc but also got a lot of personality built-up in the cage you created by showing her to people.

Many people watching didn't even know what that character was. We knew because we heard you talking about her but the people in the anime watching the event probably didn't even knew she was like an alter Altair(pun indented). If you creators had some smarts you would have at least made your other heroes still there comment on her and shout at her being Altair herself without the hate etc as to make people hear what she is and establish her more while fighting and maybe make the people accept her more and her possibilities of absorbing Altair.
God dammit creators, you are supposed to be people with inspired ideas and you couldn't even think of that much?

ZBlastHistory said:
Just how Altair become the most popular here? if she don't belong anywhere and she just like original fan art upload to internet and somehow get popular?

Is there a character like that somewhere? i don 't bealive a original character from nobody can become more popular than other character from popular people's work

Black Rock Shooter is an exact example of Altair.
Altair is based on another character remember. Is an alternative version of a character that became her own character.
Black Rock shooter is the same exact thing in our world since she is a more powerful fighting capable alternative of Hatsune Miku that was created threw fan-arts and clips.
After that it became so popular it got it's own anime etc.
MonadSep 26, 2017 5:41 AM
Sep 27, 2017 11:00 PM

Dec 2015
It's baffling to watch the (fictional) audience simply swallow up everything about this story of colliding stories like it was well build. Unless the fictional cross-over big story is better composed than the actual fiction the real life audience is being served with Re:Creators.

2/5 My level of acceptance is dangerously bordering the zero thanks to how incongruous this all seems.
Sep 29, 2017 10:44 PM
Jan 2016
Damn, I got goosebumps when Shimazaki Setsuna appears....
Oct 1, 2017 8:35 AM

Oct 2015
Sota sucked throughout this series at least its his time to shine on this episode. The appearance of Shimazaki was obvious his doing and was a surprising one and brought this once was dead series back to life.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Oct 18, 2017 7:42 AM

Feb 2012
predictable :/
this is going the wrong way

「 To other people, I might not have changed at all, but I feel like I was able to change... 」

Feb 10, 2018 12:36 PM

Dec 2016
Bruh what the FUCK!! This shit is getting fookin crazyyy
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Feb 23, 2018 12:11 AM

Mar 2015
Each episode keeps giving a goosebump! Really loved this series with its take on the story.

Like seriously, it's crazy to think that they'd revive Setsuna to give Altair closure by using MAGANE's power. I mean come on, can't believe Magane saved the world.

Mar 8, 2018 5:44 AM

Mar 2015
And the cracks start to show on Altair! Glad she isn't so invincible
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Mar 31, 2018 10:20 AM

May 2012
Oh boy so much is happening and changing! That ending really blew my mind! And well I really do wonder what they'll do now. But my best bet is that this ending of this anime will be epic af!
Apr 28, 2018 3:02 AM
Feb 2018
Ooooh Dramaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2018 11:35 PM

Jan 2013
I'm getting really tired of the Mary Sue villain.
Lots of wasted potential because the villain is so monotonous and boring.
Jun 3, 2019 6:29 PM

Jul 2009
Damn, Sirius does look like Hatsune Miku version of Altair.

I thought the final character would be some rejected character that MC created, but I guess that's what Sirius is for.

Lol, too many trump cards. I thought Sirius was the last secret weapon they have and now this douche bag MC gets to draw one more?

Last two episodes!
Jul 25, 2020 10:51 AM

Jan 2010
Now we're in Medaka Box territory of plot-manipulation powers. Re:Creators uses idea of designating a main character for the audience to support, but without redesignating the title of villain, making a villain protagonist possible in this case. It also uses the idea of creating a fiction from reality, where it appears that Setsuna was recreated as a fictional character, despite being real.
Jan 31, 2021 10:35 AM

Nov 2019
"A lie about a lie will turn inside out."

Mar 4, 2021 12:11 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Just realized that Altair basically gilgamesh lol, the most op character with unlimited swords!!

Forgot to mention this earlier but I was afraid that magane was going to fuck with sota’s mind when they were talking there overlooking the stadium, and that sota would be gullible and cave in to her taunts and somehow mess up their plan while everything was going smoothly. Basically I was afraid that sota would go from just an insignificant background character (while he’s like supposed to be the main character..?) to a star lord character in avengers infinity war, where they were so close to victory and then his own feelings get in the way and then as a result we get another movie LOL

thankfully that wasn’t the case, magane just sort of chatted with him, and then left, and actually left an impression on him that looks like is going to be what, saves the day?? Idk somewhere deep down I actually wanted Altair to absolutely wreck everyone (I mean, which she did), and then have magane ex machina just show up out of nowhere and wipe the floor with her for, reasons..? XD but no looks like Altair gonna get some feels with this flashback and that’s how they defeat her. That’s fine too, I guess....

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jul 7, 2023 7:02 AM

Nov 2021
Magane coming in clutch at the last minute 😩

Nov 3, 2023 7:48 PM

Nov 2022
Man I didn't even think about that part, this whole birdcage showdown is Altair's story, she finally became the protagonist in a story that was viewed by all of the people.
Nov 10, 2023 10:16 PM

Nov 2013
Honestly this is so dragged out and just bullshit asspull after asspull at this point. It's totally lost me, I almost wanna drop it.
LOL, your opinion is wrong!
Jan 8, 2024 1:36 AM

Aug 2019
Ngl a lot to digest in a single ep, a lot of twist and turns and the what seems to be the final stage being set at the last few minutes. Action this ep was again good, Altair soloing in the fights were cool to watch.

So turns out Altair turned Meteora's birdcage on her, and changed the influence of the audience to aid them, to change the influence of the audience to aid her instead? Holy shit what a power move, i mean they never explained how she did it besides i guess her infinite power scaling, but man is she so entertaining to watch rn. Her speeches to the crowd and creations always feel powerful and intimidating.

Huh so Sirius wasn't the original Altair or the first design, but a whole new character created by the creator as a last ditch trump card? What i understood was, she's suppose to be a copy of Altair but on the good side, was also rushed so no personality was written for her and was suppose to fuse with Altair? So i'm guessing because she is a copy of Altair, the influence of the birdcage and audience that was powering Altair, indirectly also powered Sirius at the time, making her on par with Altair. I'm guessing only because of the surprise attack and lack of info Altair had, was Sirius able to quickly beat Altair.
In the end because of Sirius's lack of personality Altair took over her and fused herself with her, but what i found weird was how Altair commented how both Sirius and herself had no personality, which thinking about it is true, since Altair is kinda an OC and Setsuna didn't give her any personality, so how did Altair still take control if both of them had no "real personality"? Right now all i can think of is Altair is just still that much stronger, which in that case, common Altair W.

Once again, really enjoyed the expressions and focus on Altair. "You're trying to take over who i am, You're trying to become me." holy shit the raw emotions in those lines, genuinely felt shivers hearing those words. Really well delivered by the VA, the mix of realisation, fear and hate was amazing.

The ending, i don't have a reaction for anymore. I heavily guessed that Souta's creation might of been Setsuna herself, Altair was now in control of the bird cage thus it's her story now and Setsuna was indefinitely an important of Altair's story and second was how the possibility of it working was close to 0 since again, for a creation to materialise / exist is heavily reliant on audience influence / popularity, and Setsuna was not popular, well depending on how you view her "popularity".
So from this and Magane's ability kicking in, I'm kinda expecting the ending to write itself.

Damn i actually called two points that would happen down the road way early on. First was Altair's vision of a "beautiful world" was to destroy it, i called that way back in the first few episodes when she was first recruiting creations under the pre-text of making a "beautiful world" or something along those lines, linking Setsuna's fate and Altair's role and opinion on the world, i kinda chalked it down to Altair's twisted side mixing words and meanings.
Second was Magane cementing the ending for Souta's side. That one ngl was really foreseeable and all i can say to that is "Magane got the last laugh" and although i really wish Altair won, Magane will stay one of my favourite characters from the show besides Altair.
Code0018Jan 8, 2024 1:53 AM
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