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Kakegurui - Compulsive Gambler -
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Jul 2, 2017 1:43 PM

Jun 2015
Runningman0301 said:
any romance in this ?

Not really, but to be fair Suzui does care about Yumeko and has shown that in the latest chapters, but it's far from being the main focus of the manga
Jul 2, 2017 1:47 PM

Mar 2013
SoraSenpai said:
They nailed the feeling of gambling down PERFECTLY. Being someone who has gambled in Public and Private places there is seriously no better feeling then a crazy bet. They freaking nailed it. The animation was flawless, and god Saori was beyond flawless, she was PERFECT!

The MC is kind of trash but hopefully he gets better. My god though what a great first episode.

Again Yumeko is the MC protag of the series he is just a MC on paper he is more of a supporting character that is more of a narrator to the story.
Jul 2, 2017 2:00 PM

Apr 2013
They did a great job with the adaptation... It really reminds me of Prison School and a bit of nostalgia from One Outs/Ultimate Survivor Kaiji.

This is the perfect anime adaptation that I had imagined.

Jul 2, 2017 2:15 PM

Jan 2010
ShadowMonkey said:
Runningman0301 said:
any romance in this ?

Not really, but to be fair Suzui does care about Yumeko and has shown that in the latest chapters, but it's far from being the main focus of the manga

meari have a little crush on suzui too.
Jul 2, 2017 2:16 PM

Jun 2015
That OP is delicious and stylish, first OP I might actually watch before each episode in a while.

I'm enjoying the show more than I thought I would so far, though I would've preferred a bit more in the way of what each character is thinking during the gambling (a la Kaiji). Surprised (but not disappointed) at the level of ecchi, I actually wasn't expecting any. Character designs are pretty and MC (Yumeko) is fun, so I'm interested to see where this goes!
Jul 2, 2017 2:46 PM

Mar 2013
Grecefar said:
ShadowMonkey said:

Not really, but to be fair Suzui does care about Yumeko and has shown that in the latest chapters, but it's far from being the main focus of the manga

meari have a little crush on suzui too.

No that was just out of embarrassment because of her pride. she is more into Yumeko with you can see when she gets all dere when Yumeko starts to flirt with her.
Gala_LionJul 2, 2017 3:13 PM
Jul 2, 2017 2:50 PM
Jun 2017
Nice start. I did not know the manga, but it caught my attention by the synopsis. Nice surprise.
Jul 2, 2017 3:05 PM
Oct 2015
The OP is really well done. It pays great homage to the manga and everyone who gets the details in the op knows what I am talking about. Please, look at the spoiler if you finished volume 6 in the manga.
Jul 2, 2017 3:14 PM

Mar 2013
YayaChibi said:
Maeri and Yumeko from my first impressions reminded me off Clarine and Tharja from FE until I saw the first episode....Until I realized they're all fucking psycho like Tharja lol.
I love the detail put into the artwork in this anime lol Its really pretty and pretty promising for a first episode. Yumeko seems like a new potential waifu lol
I love how the characters have such exaggerated and detailed expressions honestly; I find that hella pretty in anime lol
The OST is really catchy too. The OP and ED are already stuck in my head, and the tracks played throughout the episode really helped the moment convey it's craziness and relevance lol Defiantly gonna continue watching.
And I'm definitely gonna pick up the manga again. I first I was iffy about the manga, but after seeing the first ep I'll read it again. Plus the OP's symbolizem....and ecchi lol I luv it lol
Gala_Lion said:

But that what made the manga so popular in Japan so the anime did need it for it to be a perfect adaption.

and the girls are psychopath's and sociopaths addicted to gambling :D

The expressions look so good in the anime, but I don't remember them being that detailed in the manga....IDK its been a bit since I've read it.

The manga did a better job on that but still MAPPA did great :D
Jul 2, 2017 3:34 PM

Jan 2017
the concept of this series is quite new and interesting to me but what is with the MC giving fcuk face?
thought it was based on LN
Jul 2, 2017 3:36 PM

Mar 2016
Well, compared to the manga felt a little bit rushed! But is understandable. The first chapter as 85 pages so I guess it was a good adaptation...

But I'll wait for more to give my opinion!
Jul 2, 2017 3:55 PM
May 2015
The 1st episode was a bit predictable.
Jul 2, 2017 4:08 PM

Jun 2009
watched for the troll faces
stayed for the gambling
now we just need some ZAWAZAWA
Jul 2, 2017 4:14 PM

Jul 2013
ep 1 is a solid 8 for me but it does get a -1 for all the stupid fanservice... (i don't mind fanservice i just hate how it's usually reserved for teenagers -_- i'm a grown ass adult bruh. but i know i'm not the target demographic so what can ya do e_e)

this show feels like it's going to be a wild ride, which i'm looking forward to! the character designs are nice and i'm looooving the crazy facial expressions lol. mappa's quickly becoming one of my fave studios.

i think it's super unlikely but for me it'd be really interesting if milktoast mc ends up clawing his reputation back, but ends up on top and becomes "corrupted" (egotistical and mean etc like blondie) and main girl ends up having to take him down... or even vice versa, if he ends up having to take her down

as another aside, i do wonder if she's actually a baby-faced adult working with the police or something lol. what with the student prez calling her a "snake in their paradise"

edit: ok for some reason i thought this was an original series??? but it's based on a manga so lol both^ those end up being SUPER unlikely i guess

well whatever as i said this seems like a fun ride to be on!!! next 12 weeks are gonna be a blast :)
fishpunJul 2, 2017 4:18 PM
Jul 2, 2017 4:17 PM

Mar 2013
fishpun said:
ep 1 is a solid 8 for me but it does get a -1 for all the stupid fanservice... (i don't mind fanservice i just hate how it's usually reserved for teenagers -_- i'm a grown ass adult bruh. but i know i'm not the target demographic so what can ya do e_e)

this show feels like it's going to be a wild ride, which i'm looking forward to! the character designs are nice and i'm looooving the crazy facial expressions lol. mappa's quickly becoming one of my fave studios.

i think it's super unlikely but for me it'd be really interesting if milktoast mc ends up clawing his reputation back, but ends up on top and becomes "corrupted" (egotistical and mean etc like blondie) and main girl ends up having to take him down... or even vice versa, if he ends up having to take her down

as another aside, i do wonder if she's actually a baby-faced adult working with the police or something lol. what with the student prez calling her a "snake in their paradise"

Her last name Jabami means Snake :P
Jul 2, 2017 4:19 PM

Jul 2013
Gala_Lion said:
Her last name Jabami means Snake :P

OOHHHHHH!! psht, me and my overactive imagination.. :P thanks for letting me know, though! <3 i love knowing little facts like this ^_^
Jul 2, 2017 4:24 PM
Feb 2012
op and ed visuals are great
i'm surprised that this and Prison School don't share the same character designer
Jul 2, 2017 4:28 PM

May 2012
It was really good first episode. I was already interested in reading the manga, but maybe i will wait to read it after the anime ends.

Hayami Saori voice acting was amazing. I love her voice and she did an awesome job here.
KaeUBWJul 2, 2017 4:33 PM
I despise woke people.
Jul 2, 2017 4:47 PM

Jun 2015
Grecefar said:

meari have a little crush on suzui too.

hmm I see where you're coming from but I can't say I'm really feeling it idk
Jul 2, 2017 4:50 PM

Feb 2015
God, I love the ED - such a good song o.o
Pretty promising so far, I'm looking foward to episode 2.
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Jul 2, 2017 4:56 PM

Dec 2010
This is like the gambling version of Shokugeki no Soma...! Loved the crazy faces, looking forward to more.
Jul 2, 2017 5:28 PM
Mar 2017
Disliked the forced in fanservice quite a bit, but it wasn't distracting me from enjoying the anime like the fanservice in Shokugeki no Souma did. The concept is new and I like the psychological side to it, although those maniac faces are cringey af XD Definitely gonna keep watching it, as I think this will be big this season
Jul 2, 2017 5:46 PM

Jun 2012
pgmhecateii said:
For some reason this anime reminded me of Prison School even though I haven't seen it yet.

I thought this too might be thew facial expressions or the detailed animation, oh and the sadism of the girls.
Jul 2, 2017 6:12 PM
Jul 2016
omg them eyes and that ending had me hooked on the fan service and the 1st ep is a all good oner from me
Jul 2, 2017 6:13 PM
Jul 2016
omg them eyes and that ending had me hooked on the fan service and the 1st ep is a all good oner from me
Jul 2, 2017 6:15 PM

Jul 2012
4th season of Jigoku Shoujo sure is different :O

Really enjoyable episode, the fanservice sometimes was kinda forced, but nothing too distracting. The visuals are too weird sometimes...the lips were too big I guess, again nothing too bad.
Great start
Love the nails

Jul 2, 2017 6:22 PM
May 2017
I honestly thought that it was a fulfilling first episode and I really love that op, very nice and visually appealing in my opinion, can't wait to see what else Kakegurui has to offer
Jul 2, 2017 7:08 PM

Jun 2017
OMG This was much better than I thought.

This might become my AOTS.
Jul 2, 2017 7:40 PM

Jul 2017
_Kumasan_ said:
Dreamz-kun said:
Ok I guess. But the Opening was a bit random.

Well by the end of the series, you will understand that it is not random at all!! (READ THE MANGA!!)

I have read the manga lol
Jul 2, 2017 8:18 PM

Jul 2012
I really like the OP for this one.

Saori Hayami's performance was great, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of Jabami in the rest of the episodes.

I know the crazy faces are distinctive points in this show, but I can't help but find them unappealing. Maybe I'll get used to them though; we'll see.

There are plenty of stories like this where characters use their smarts and wits to out-do the other, so I'm interested to see how this show can differentiate itself from the rest.
Jul 2, 2017 8:45 PM

Apr 2016
The ecchi is real in this. I absolutely love the facial expressions and the eyes are down right stunning! I'm expecting a lot from MAPPA on this and I hope they deliver.
In the OP I love the animation, but I dislike the song.
In the ED I love the song and can't say I hate seeing ass and tities ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sugasinnerJul 2, 2017 8:48 PM
Jul 2, 2017 9:01 PM
Sep 2013
That's so funny because I thought the same thing and didnt watch Prison School hahahah
pgmhecateii said:
For some reason this anime reminded me of Prison School even though I haven't seen it yet.
Jul 2, 2017 9:12 PM

Oct 2016
Decaboyz said:
Why did Mary owe 8.8 million? Doesn't she got 2.4 million before the last draw? So shouldn't it be 7.6 million? (Sorry, my maths sucks...)

they both had 120 chips at start.

Saotome got all chip before the final game, so she had 240/2.4 mil, but the real money she got is 120 chip/1.2 mil because half of the chips/money is her chips/money form start.

Jabami won back 10 mil, so 10 mil -1.2 mil = 8.8 mil.
Jul 2, 2017 9:14 PM
Jul 2018
I liked the first episode and can't wait for more crazy gambling shenanigans to happen! :D

Both the OP/ED and facial expressions threw me off at first, to be quite honest...but I'm sure I'll get used to them in time. Heh.

Also, Yumeko is pretty damn hot in a weird kind of way. :o
Jul 2, 2017 9:21 PM

Dec 2009
Good episode for the most part, but the revelation part was a bit weak.

The part where the male MC(?) made the scissor sign. I get the overall idea of the scheme, but wasn't it the case of TWO cards being massively voted on, so that Mary knew which card to play for win or draw? So why would the guy raise one specific card sign only? If only scissors got voted on by 21/30 people, then Mary couldn't possibly have relied on the luck (and somehow succeed at) drawing two rocks during the first 50 chip gamble. Perhaps it's supposed to be the other way around and the guy was showing the sign of the card they didn't have to vote on, cause that would be in line with how the last game had rocks and paper voted on, with scissors omitted. Why not point that out to the viewer though?

Thinking back, even if the guy used his two hands to show both rock and paper, how would those 21 people even know the balance of who votes for which one of the two in the first place? It's a small plot hole in general, I think. The rest of the episode was surely entertaining and I'm definitely watching this, but for such a simple gambling game, the actual trick itself fell a tad short for me.

Those facial expressions though!
Jul 2, 2017 9:33 PM

Jun 2013
Sometimes you can just tell right away a show is going to be interesting. This is one of those shows.

Dat OP is crazy, man. Like it a lot.
Jul 2, 2017 9:42 PM

Oct 2016
Nuky93 said:
Good episode for the most part, but the revelation part was a bit weak.

The part where the male MC(?) made the scissor sign. I get the overall idea of the scheme, but wasn't it the case of TWO cards being massively voted on, so that Mary knew which card to play for win or draw? So why would the guy raise one specific card sign only? If only scissors got voted on by 21/30 people, then Mary couldn't possibly have relied on the luck (and somehow succeed at) drawing two rocks during the first 50 chip gamble. Perhaps it's supposed to be the other way around and the guy was showing the sign of the card they didn't have to vote on, cause that would be in line with how the last game had rocks and paper voted on, with scissors omitted. Why not point that out to the viewer though?

Thinking back, even if the guy used his two hands to show both rock and paper, how would those 21 people even know the balance of who votes for which one of the two in the first place? It's a small plot hole in general, I think. The rest of the episode was surely entertaining and I'm definitely watching this, but for such a simple gambling game, the actual trick itself fell a tad short for me.

Those facial expressions though!

the sign is the one which 21 people WON'T vote for, so the poll will have the massive number of 2 other sign.

Mary clearly thought that she will only have problem if she don't draw a paper, and be happy when she drew two papers. (you can see that when she is thinking)

The plan is not 100% perfect because Jabaime can draw and randomly deal scissor and paper card too (if she don't realize the trick), or Mary can't draw the paper by really bad luck, but is the one who can see the sign which is used by suzui and knows paper will be the best card to use, so her chance to win will be raised very high.

That's all, I think so.
Jul 2, 2017 10:12 PM

Apr 2011
Feels like watching Kaiji LUL

Jul 2, 2017 10:35 PM

Feb 2013
Not sure which faces are creepier; Kakegurui or Attack on Titan.
Freaking nightmare fuel.
Jul 2, 2017 10:53 PM
Jun 2011
LoneWolf said:
So pretty much it's Kaiji, but without the things that made Kaiji unique.

MC is a limp dick doormat. Generic character designs that makes it look like every other anime. To be fair they do have slightly more detail than the typical blobs that pass for character models nowadays. Set in highschool... because of every anime needs to be set in highschool, gotta confirm that those girls are indeed underage and of course the "main character" who is actually just a projection of the emasculated yet horny viewer base takes a back seat to kawai animu grilz... with really creepy facial expressions.

Sounds like a pretty good time. Also the music isn't bad.
the male character in almost every anime i watched is a doormat i dont know why you suprised
Jul 2, 2017 10:59 PM

Oct 2016
Very prison school like, hot face making, gambling, amazing opening and main girl. Starting off strong.

Have heard great things. Hopefully the anime reflects upon that! Thoroughly hyped for the next episode.

A simple feeling that I can't seem to shake
Oh my love, you drive me crazy in the loveliest way
I stay up, all night just thinking bout' the things that you say
I call your phone and hope to hear your voice and all over again

I am in love...
Make me fall in love why don't you
Just make me fall in love again
I can't deny it I'm in love
In love... in love... in love... ♪

Jul 2, 2017 11:02 PM
Jun 2011
VanishingKira said:
Honestly I think the facial expressions look fucking hideous. I imagine in the manga they look more lewd or like ahegao but in the anime they just look ugly.

Not too interested this anime tbh,but I'll probably stick with it cause MAPPA. I just hope this become somewhat decent by the end or the games atleast become more engaging or interesting to watch.
the facial expressions in the manga in the same level as the anime
Jul 2, 2017 11:04 PM
Jun 2011
FireFistYamaan said:
Imma be honest, it was good but not as good as I hoped it would be. I'm reading the manga so I know how this was this is supposed to be. It was a good adaptation of chapter 1 but the problem I had with this was that the character designs that MAPPA made didn't have the same feel as the art in the manga.

That was pretty much my only problem yet it was a quiet big disappointment
well as you know sometimes art not distract the audience from the enjoyment of the show
Jul 2, 2017 11:17 PM

Jul 2009
Great first episode! I too read the manga last year and was hook! I knew I found a hidden gem back then!

Tbh, I wanted Yumi Hara to voiced Jabami and Kana Hanazawa as the President. Jabami really looks like Yuuko from Tasogare Otome x Amnesia and the president really look like Hana from Prison School when I first saw her(in terms of personality and even hair color).

But Hayami Saori is really impressing me in this show. Miyuki Sawashiro is great as well for the president.

I have to be honest that the animation kinda looks cheap. The manga was really stylized. They did got the faces and expression right, but in terms of normal 3rd person characters. It looks generic and disjointed. I like the music, it does feel like your at a casino.

Lol I forgot how useless the MC is even at the manga. Always bitching and all, but you'll see an improvement on the later battles.
Jul 3, 2017 12:47 AM

Jan 2014
SomaHeir said:
Lol I forgot how useless the MC is even at the manga. Always bitching and all, but you'll see an improvement on the later battles.

Typical male MC, but at least I like how direct his interactions are. If he's curious, he asks, he apologizes for backing Mary, and he recognizes Jabami tipped him because she genuinely wanted to thank him.
"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Jul 3, 2017 12:53 AM
Jul 2009
Laionidas said:
SomaHeir said:
Lol I forgot how useless the MC is even at the manga. Always bitching and all, but you'll see an improvement on the later battles.

Typical male MC, but at least I like how direct his interactions are. If he's curious, he asks, he apologizes for backing Mary, and he recognizes Jabami tipped him because she genuinely wanted to thank him.

And more importantly, he's not really the MC, so we don't have to worry about him stealing the spot light from Yumeko. That's the best part about him.
Jul 3, 2017 1:00 AM
May 2015
reading the manga and started the anime today, I enjoyed the OP but the anime seems to be taking things so quickly though as expected for an anime with only 12 episodes
Jul 3, 2017 1:01 AM

May 2014
I had low expectations for this anime. Not into the premise all that much so I thought I wouldn't like it. Boy was I wrong. This had my heart pumping by the end. I knew the MC girl was gonna win but it still had my heart racing.
"I lost all of what you could call feelings of love. They weren't sealed, so they can't be released. They weren't broken, so they can't be fixed. That which is lost, cannot be recovered." Shiba Tatsuya
"There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance." Saber
"No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance." Korra
"It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly." Baatar Jr
"Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." Zaheer
"Partner in crime, partner in time" Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
Jul 3, 2017 1:04 AM
Jul 2018
I thought i would drop this anime, but i was amazed with this anime. Unique story/setting, different art/design (especially the OP) and made good first impression.
Jul 3, 2017 1:38 AM

Apr 2016
It's still only episode 1 so I hope there's gonna be more character development for Ryouta.
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