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Sep 26, 2016 2:57 PM

Sep 2013
Oooooo Too much maleovalence in this thread!!!!!!!

The ep felt weak and kind of boring. Sorey surely have the hots for Alisha, atleast it made that clear.
Not sure why Rose was so buddy-buddy with Alisha all of a sudden, and why Lord of Calamity did a cameo. Also how is a human, Rose, able to converse with Seraph (hat dude)???
Sep 26, 2016 3:44 PM

Jul 2009
FrozenSheep said:

While I do not wish for her death, it certainly would have been an impactful end to this season.

No Waifu is safe from despair :(

Fai said:
Inugirlz said:
She should have died, just saying.

You DO realize that Alisha is pretty much the only character Zestiria players genuinely like, right?

Sorey has his fans ans fujos love him but he is generally regarded as the WORST Tales MC and one of the most genuinely derivative characters.
Rose is pretty much universally hated by the fandom as it should be.
Other party members are just jrpg tropes.

While one of the most frequent complaints about Zestiria game is that it shelves Alisha and did not give her attention her character deserves, essentially trading a more interesting character for a mary sue.

Removing or altering shitty scenes and giving more screentime and characterization for Alisha is the easy way to improve upon first half of Zestiria's very faulty story. Alas that won't be enough for second half. The development of Zestiria was a complete mess with last minute rewrites, changes in game dev staff and the like and it REALLY shows

Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike her nor did I wish for her death. But they played that up so much its a little annoying that she just suddenly ends up ok and even sits up like her back doesn't have a stab wound in it. When her master was looking really worried when the blood continued to spread it really looked like she was a goner. And then when Sorey comes and all you see is him sitting there and it doesn't show her body properly for the longest time.

There would've been some real feels if she had actually died. If they weren't gonna kill her they should've have played it like that.
InugirlzSep 26, 2016 3:47 PM
Sep 26, 2016 4:04 PM
Mar 2015
Kamiyan3991 said:
Kirie-san said:
We can't really say about the production team (why they decided to remove Alisha) but I don't think it's because of the voice actor, otherwise they could have choose another one...

That surely wasn't the case. Japan just loves conspiracy theories like this.

Kirie-san said:
- characters : we barely see them since they only focus on Alisha

Rose barely got some screen time...

Kirie-san said:
- pacing : too slow, I find the show really boring...

Yep, second cour will be way faster, but the damage has already been done. I feel sorry for Dezel. Now, he will barely get any screen time. And he has amazing seiyuu... what a waste, man.

Lets not jump to any conclusions. We dont know shit about cour 2 and for all we know it could an entirely different beast
Sep 26, 2016 4:21 PM

Jul 2013
It had been an okaish show with moments of greatness in between but these last eps have been weak. I would have given it a 6 but now its a 5.
WolfsbaneSep 26, 2016 4:26 PM
Sep 26, 2016 8:34 PM

Feb 2010
I used to joke about how funny these SorAli moments are because it totally gets no hetero'd later on but at this rate it looks like that's going to be retconned and it'll be endgame, Baba flip floppin on me again

At least I have Edna and Symonne to be excited for♥
Sep 26, 2016 8:41 PM

Jan 2008
To take him back and have the court treat him justly, as Alicia said....I certainly hope so, because everyone deserves a fair trial--until they are publicly executed at the gallows for high treason and attempted murder of a royal family member. I don't care if they do it off screen or just even mention it, but scum like that guy cannot be allowed to live for what he's done, especially in a medieval fantasy world of swords and magic no less. I'm surprised Sorey managed to contain himself from killing him right then and there. But then again, Sorey is your usual pure protagonist that hasn't lived in the filth of the world long enough to become jaded, which going by his personality I doubt he ever will. I welcome to be proven wrong though about him, and he may show other sides of him never before seen sometime in the future. Maybe a major main character close to him will have to die for good for that to happen.

Time to go out and buy the game then, to hold me off until next year's season 2, though I may stop at this point to not spoil myself from season 2, just because I want to see the anime version first. I've heard of some pretty bad reviews just as much as good ones, so I guess it's a hit or miss with people with different tastes.
Estoy_GordoSep 26, 2016 8:48 PM
Sep 26, 2016 10:00 PM
Sep 2016
I love alisha x sorey scene!!! And in the anime rose so kind!! I love them, i love the anime than the game hahahah.. i cant wait any longger for season 2 :(
Sep 26, 2016 10:00 PM
Sep 2016
I love alisha x sorey scene!!! And in the anime rose so kind!! I love them, i love the anime than the game hahahah.. i cant wait any longger for season 2 :(
Sep 27, 2016 1:29 AM

Jul 2007
Kirie-san said:
I'm just saying that because of people who didn't like the game we're getting this adaptation. These people keep saying that the game's story is trash but if it was really trash it wouldn't be saled out of Japan. And no, Zestiria is not the worst Tales of.

The only reasons zestiria exists are:
- Berseria needed an advertisment
- Somebody on ufotable literally thought they can fix Zestiria's nonsensical writing.

With this anime, Alisha's fans sure are happy, but what about who those wanted to see a good action/fantasy anime ? According to me, a good anime has to got a good story, good characters, good visuals, good musics, good pacing.

Zestiria would NEVER have good story or good characters. At most it can be made bearable and they succeeded at that by focusing on Zestiria's strengths and downplaying the weaknesses. That won't work in second half which is 100% just weaknesses.

Pacing and visuals and music could be better but that is just because the production team of this is mediocre and the director has absolutely zero experience.

But it is still enjoyable popcorn even if it won't set the world on fire. And that's frankly the most Zestiria can ever be.
Inugirlz said:

Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike her nor did I wish for her death. But they played that up so much its a little annoying that she just suddenly ends up ok and even sits up like her back doesn't have a stab wound in it. When her master was looking really worried when the blood continued to spread it really looked like she was a goner. And then when Sorey comes and all you see is him sitting there and it doesn't show her body properly for the longest time.

There would've been some real feels if she had actually died. If they weren't gonna kill her they should've have played it like that.

Well killing her would just piss people off for reasons I already explained.
Especially since the show actually went through the trouble of properly characterizing her and giving her dozens of additional scenes that help fleshing out her(albeit simplistic and typical) motivation, unlike the game.

The alternative to this would be Alisha literally disappearing for most of this cour, reappearing in this episode and randomly stating she is gonna gtfo to do random stuff and majority of this episode being Rose solving ALLL the problems by asspulling nonsense out of nowhere and the show literally singing hymns of praise to her every move.
Sep 27, 2016 2:31 AM
Sep 2016
Kamiyan3991 said:
Fai said:
You DO realize that Alisha is pretty much the only character Zestiria players genuinely like, right?

Dafuq did i just read? Tales of fanbase is a cancer.
Well, it's hella funny how they suddenly started to praise Xilia... Because we hate Zestiria now, right?

Average player doesn't give a damn about Alisha. Hell, I was so happy when that naive bitch finally left my party. She was useless even in combat (I finished DLC with Rose, since I couldn't do anything with Alisha's lame skills, lol).

I bet that normal people just like Rose/Edna and hate Alisha. Hell, people who like Alisha probably didn't even finish that game.

Emirius said:
No thx. Fuck Rose´s asspull armatize. Glad they didnt include that

How is that an asspull? Everything makes sense. They even hinted it properly.

THIS. So much truth in one comment.

Fai said:
Kamiyan3991 said:
Well, it's hella funny how they suddenly started to praise Xilia... Because we hate Zestiria now, right?

Xilia was always good. Not the best Tales game but at least it excelled in likeable characters(something even worst tales games managed to do till Zestiria hit...) and had decent gameplay. The things that Zestiria lacks.

Average player doesn't give a damn about Alisha. Hell, I was so happy when that naive bitch finally left my party. She was useless even in combat (I finished DLC with Rose, since I couldn't do anything with Alisha's lame skills, lol).

Yes, people who like Mary Sues are bound to prefer Rose over proper characters. "She is just so good at EVERYTHING and pulls powers out of her ass, y'all".

Otherwise both in critical reviews and overall opinions you can see that most people think Alisha was treated unfairly in the game and Rose was written horribly and shoehorned as a replacement. You will also note that mediocre gameplay, mediocre characters and braindead forgettable story are the main things most of critical reviews single out as bad for Zestiria.
Reviewers can praise customization and some of gameplay features but most of reviews mention bland story and characters, which is a deal breaker for an rpg.
it would be just an average rpg with mediocre mechanics but the story breaks even that.

And the most common complaint you will find online is the Rose Sue and the way the whole story just makes no effort to make any sense. Most people agree that Alisha held more promise as a character and had a more interesting fighting style while Rose felt like a HUGE downgrade compared to her. Hell even now its clear to see that Zestiria game's story was affected by the personal bias of certain people in production team. Mid-production the some people in production team had a huge feud with Alisha's VA which makes people speculate that the story was intentionally changed entirely mid-production resulting in the mess we got.

Kirie-san said:

Yep, the "fans" they're talking about are not "real fans" since they only like Alisha and not the game itself. People can't say they are fans of Tales of Zestiria if they didn't like the game, and how the story was handled. I can tell that people who really enjoyed the game didn't care about Alisha since she's not always there.

There's no such thing as A "real" fan. Being a "fan" of something does not mean you become blind to negatives of that something. Zestiria is worst Tales game and there's nothing wrong in recognizing that. The devs fucked up. They admitted fucking up. Zestiria was a narrative trainwreck and a production trainwreck. Hopefully a trainwreck on this scale wont ever happen again.

hell Berseria feels like a direct response to Zestiria's trashy screw up - Berseria actually has an interesting and complex cast and a more interesting story than "this chaste knight guy is saving the world from hate, y'all!". Its a love letter to tales fans who were so disappointed by Zestiria's mess.

Even UFO of all things feels embarassed in adapting Zestiria and does as many changes as possible to try to make it more bearable. Hopefully the Berseria episodes indicate that we will get to see a transition into anime original material that draws from Berseria and improves the complete mess that this game's endgame is. I honestly can't see Ufo managing to fix Zestiria's last half without doing that. All the seraphim and malevolence nonsense sounds like shakespeare compared to Zestiria's endgame.

Your comments made me laugh. You didn't understand nothing about the game if you think that Alisha is the only decent character. Ok, you didn't appreciate the game but that's just YOUR opinion and not the absolute reality. What you say is just rubbish for me, and for the others who loved the game, the characters (ALL of them, including the stupidly hated Rose, and not only the almost useless Alisha), and their interactions.
Mediocre gameplay and mediocre characters? Bland story? For you, maybe (and for other Zestiria haters). I enjoyed the game, despite its flaws. And I'm not the only one, that's for sure.

P.S. Rose isn't horribly written at all. She received so much hate only for one stupid reason: the Alisha replacement. Alisha fans hate her because she replaced their beloved waifu. Only for THAT reason. So sad.
And stop with that Mary Sue thing. It's ridicolous.

P. P. S. #teamRose 4ever, she's far better than Alisha, mostly under the personality aspect.
Sep 27, 2016 3:16 AM
Aug 2015
Kamiyan3991 said:
That surely wasn't the case. Japan just loves conspiracy theories like this.
Rose barely got some screen time...
Yep, second cour will be way faster, but the damage has already been done. I feel sorry for Dezel. Now, he will barely get any screen time. And he has amazing seiyuu... what a waste, man.

Lol I agree. And I hope so for the second cour but it’s difficult to think they will do something great since the first cour was a complete mess according to me… Yep, that’s sad for Dezel (and Daisuke Ono). =/

Fai said:
The only reasons zestiria exists are:
- Berseria needed an advertisment
- Somebody on ufotable literally thought they can fix Zestiria's nonsensical writing.
Zestiria would NEVER have good story or good characters. At most it can be made bearable and they succeeded at that by focusing on Zestiria's strengths and downplaying the weaknesses. That won't work in second half which is 100% just weaknesses.
Pacing and visuals and music could be better but that is just because the production team of this is mediocre and the director has absolutely zero experience.
But it is still enjoyable popcorn even if it won't set the world on fire. And that's frankly the most Zestiria can ever be.

They should have made a special episode for Berseria (like Tales of Zestiria – Doushi no Yoake) instead of putting two episodes here. What was the point to put two episodes here (although it was interesting) since they didn’t show the link between the two series ?
That somebody on ufotable literally messed up.
That’s your point of view, but think about people who enjoyed the game, its story and its characters. There were some flaws I agree, but I enjoyed it, and I’m really disappointed that the anime is different and most likely made for Alisha’s fans (those who didn’t appreciate the game). That’s a shame.

Hayner said:
Your comments made me laugh. You didn't understand nothing about the game if you think that Alisha is the only decent character. Ok, you didn't appreciate the game but that's just YOUR opinion and not the absolute reality. What you say is just rubbish for me, and for the others who loved the game, the characters (ALL of them, including the stupidly hated Rose, and not only the almost useless Alisha), and their interactions.
Mediocre gameplay and mediocre characters? Bland story? For you, maybe (and for other Zestiria haters). I enjoyed the game, despite its flaws. And I'm not the only one, that's for sure.
P.S. Rose isn't horribly written at all. She received so much hate only for one stupid reason: the Alisha replacement. Alisha fans hate her because she replaced their beloved waifu. Only for THAT reason. So sad.
And stop with that Mary Sue thing. It's ridicolous.
P. P. S. #teamRose 4ever, she's far better than Alisha, mostly under the personality aspect.

Thanks ! You said exactly what I think. Even with its flaws, Zestiria game has some good moments and an interesting story :

I agree with you, Rose is not horribly written, it’s just that people who liked Alisha couldn’t bare the fact that she left. But they don’t think about the rest. What would Alisha give to group ? Nothing, she can’t see seraphims and she has duties as a princess, she can’t just go around and skip her duties. While Rose knows that

Moreover, she kinda reminds me of Leia in Tales of Xillia, they needed someone with a good mood like her. =) If only Alisha was there instead of Rose and Dezel, it wouldn't have been funny (think about the skits and victory quotes).
Sep 27, 2016 3:17 AM

Mar 2016
rinneganfire4u said:
Oooooo Too much maleovalence in this thread!!!!!!!

The ep felt weak and kind of boring. Sorey surely have the hots for Alisha, atleast it made that clear.
Not sure why Rose was so buddy-buddy with Alisha all of a sudden, and why Lord of Calamity did a cameo. Also how is a human, Rose, able to converse with Seraph (hat dude)???

Salt is equivalent of malevolence in mal
Sep 27, 2016 3:26 AM

Mar 2016

Ok now you guys are throwing assumptions too. Rose isn't hated only for the replacement . I'm sure many people have other reasons too. Also the assumption that those who didn't appreciate the game just because of the alisha replacement is pretty laughable .
Shishou_23Sep 27, 2016 3:41 AM
Sep 27, 2016 3:47 AM

Jul 2007
"oh you just did not like it because of lack of Alisha" is such a hilarious logical fallacy retort, considering the SHITLOADS of problems Zestiria has even without Alisha. Even the developers themselves admitted to it being a mess.
Sep 27, 2016 3:57 AM

Sep 2016
Fai said:
"oh you just did not like it because of lack of Alisha" is such a hilarious logical fallacy retort, considering the SHITLOADS of problems Zestiria has even without Alisha. Even the developers themselves admitted to it being a mess.
yea zestiria still has shitton of problem even if you ignore all the gameplay problems (and alisha)

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Sep 27, 2016 5:12 AM
Sep 2016
Fai said:
"oh you just did not like it because of lack of Alisha" is such a hilarious logical fallacy retort, considering the SHITLOADS of problems Zestiria has even without Alisha. Even the developers themselves admitted to it being a mess.

Nobody says that Zestiria hasn't problems, but the majority of the fanbase tends to make them appear worse than they actually are. There are many people who have enjoyed the game (characters, story and gameplay mechanics) for what it is, even with its undeniable flaws.

DragonSlayer_19 said:
Ok now you guys are throwing assumptions too. Rose isn't hated only for the replacement . I'm sure many people have other reasons too. Also the assumption that those who didn't appreciate the game just because of the alisha replacement is pretty laughable .

Other reasons for the fans hating Rose? For example? I don't accept the Mary Sue rubbish. That's not a concrete reason.

Kirie-san said:
Moreover, she kinda reminds me of Leia in Tales of Xillia, they needed someone with a good mood like her. =) If only Alisha was there instead of Rose and Dezel, it wouldn't have been funny (think about the skits and victory quotes).

Nevertheless Leia was one of my favorite characters in Xillia, although she was a bit too obsessed by Jude in the first game xD
HaynerSep 27, 2016 5:32 AM
Sep 27, 2016 5:26 AM
Aug 2015
DragonSlayer_19 said:
Ok now you guys are throwing assumptions too. Rose isn't hated only for the replacement . I'm sure many people have other reasons too. Also the assumption that those who didn't appreciate the game just because of the alisha replacement is pretty laughable .

That’s a point but what’s funny is the fact that in Japan, people thought that Alisha was the heroine, and then, there were more complains about her minor role and the fact that she was replaced by Rose than the issues about the game. While after the game came in Europe, these issues have been pointed out but most of the people who played it enjoyed it and didn’t care about who was the real heroine (although in fact there isn’t a true heroine like other Tales of).

Fai said:
"oh you just did not like it because of lack of Alisha" is such a hilarious logical fallacy retort, considering the SHITLOADS of problems Zestiria has even without Alisha. Even the developers themselves admitted to it being a mess.

The problems about the game have been pointed about soon after its release if I remember. So if you didn’t read about it that’s your problem. But considering the fact that Xillia 2 came out in Japan in the end of 2012 (November I think), maybe they rushed the production of Zestiria (who came out in January 2015). Maybe they think that they couldn’t make people wait more. Because if there was a delay, some of them would get angry (like what happened with the delay of season 2 of Shingeki no Kyojin). That’s just suppositions but the problems have been pointed out, you were not aware of that before buying the game ? Or you didn’t wait for echos before buying it ? That’s your problem.

GangsterCat said:
yea zestiria still has shitton of problem even if you ignore all the gameplay problems (and alisha)

Which problems are talking about (since you’re saying "if you ignore all the game problems (and Alisha)" ? About the story you mean ? I’m sorry but I can’t see how the anime’s story is better than the one of the game since nothing happened in the first cour. Even the funny moments have been cut… (because no, the scene with Ian and her chest is not funny at all, it’s just useless fan service).
Sep 27, 2016 5:29 AM

Mar 2016
Hayner said:
Fai said:
"oh you just did not like it because of lack of Alisha" is such a hilarious logical fallacy retort, considering the SHITLOADS of problems Zestiria has even without Alisha. Even the developers themselves admitted to it being a mess.

Nobody says that Zestiria hasn't problems, but the majority of the fanbase tends to make them appear worse than they actually are. There are many people who have enjoyed the game (characters, story and gameplay mechanics) for what it is, even with its undeniable flaws.

DragonSlayer_19 said:
Ok now you guys are throwing assumptions too. Rose isn't hated only for the replacement . I'm sure many people have other reasons too. Also the assumption that those who didn't appreciate the game just because of the alisha replacement is pretty laughable .

Other reasons for the fans hating Rose? For example? I don't accept the Mary Sue rubbish. That's not a concrete reason.

Lol You refuse to listen to an argument calling it rubbish according to you yet you want people to give you more examples or arguments . Also those who hate alisha are no better than those who hate rose . I don't hate rose and alisha . I like both . And even IF i didn't like one of them, I won't talk shit about one of them or be salty over one of them for being replaced . I have better things to do than that lol . But all i say don't throw assumptions . I don't want to give examples cause i don't hate rose in the first place to say examples . But I'm sure many people have other reasons and you're just assuming it's all about replacement which is a big generalization.
Shishou_23Sep 27, 2016 5:52 AM
Sep 27, 2016 6:09 AM

Dec 2013
I really enjoyed the different route the anime took! I'm looking forward to seeing S2 :)

9/10 for me
Sep 27, 2016 7:21 AM
Apr 2016
I... Did not like this episode. I mean, i know they're not exactly following the game's storyline much but.. Seriously? I'm disappointed with how they ended the first season. Also, I never hated Alisha, in fact I'm totally fine with her but I absolutely hated the Sorali moments. Well, I ship SureMiku so obviously I won't like it but I kinda hoped they would follow the game more? Like what others have stated about the lord of calamity just appearing like that and all. The soymilk moments had also been gradually decreasing.. I dont like that. I do love toz but I think this episode was upsetting to me :/
Sep 27, 2016 8:44 AM
Sep 2016
DragonSlayer_19 said:
Lol You refuse to listen to an argument calling it rubbish according to you yet you want people to give you more examples or arguments . Also those who hate alisha are no better than those who hate rose . I don't hate rose and alisha . I like both . And even IF i didn't like one of them, I won't talk shit about one of them or be salty over one of them for being replaced . I have better things to do than that lol . But all i say don't throw assumptions . I don't want to give examples cause i don't hate rose in the first place to say examples . But I'm sure many people have other reasons and you're just assuming it's all about replacement which is a big generalization.

I call it rubbish because it isn't a valid reason, but just an excuse to hate her due to the replacement. I almost never saw so much unjustified hate for a character, even for worst characters who actually deserved it. I'd be curious to hear these "other reasons" (from the people who hate her as a character, not from you).
Sep 27, 2016 8:56 AM

Jan 2016
Interesting ending! and quite Satisfying!
Really like Soreys,the fighting was really eyecandy, i mean just look at the animation o.O and lord Calamity (more like lord kittycatbeard xD) wow that was a incredible looking design. way excited for the next season.
The scene with Alisha and Sorey and soon after made a pact,but it was very beautiful to watch. (seriously needed to look up it to understand anything what just happened xD)

Overall tbh i really loved this story /anime, and can wait for the next season :3 might even wanna play the game itself, but for now im just gonna enjoy the anime..
9.2/10 (9/10)
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
Sep 27, 2016 9:15 AM

Apr 2016
not bad or boring, but nothing special. I hope the second season
remains entertaining, maybe a little more exciting. (7/10)
Sep 27, 2016 9:19 AM

Jun 2015
Wow that was really something
Overall an amazing episode that ended with a happy ending

I knew that Rose was an assassin but man she was fast.

As expected the lord of calamity is large and looks more like a titan
and man its so overpowering

Combat scenes as always is top notch in this episode

The hatred of men is always going to be a terrifying force

Sorey is some conviction and belief and that makes him such a great

Teamwork is a beautiful thing
and no Shepard was ever truly alone because he has
his seraphs with him

In a way perhaps Sorey and Alisha were fated to meet each other
and there were plenty of good moments between them in this episode

And now Alisha is sorey's squire so they will always be together
and she also gains a nice name lol
and finally she can see Seraphs as well
i really feel for her for she is finally able to see them now

Well i guess that general was too bloodthirsty to stay a human
But im glad that Sorey did not give in to anger and kill him
even though that guy so deserved to be.

The expressions that the seraphs made as Rose made her request
though was hillarious

At least there was a happy ending and no one died

can't wait to see the next season where Sorey will finally
slay the lord of despair .
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 27, 2016 10:30 AM

Apr 2014
really enjoyed the first half it was alot better than the game imo and now looking forward to the second half in 2017 so much stuff to look forward to

also looking forward to see what changes they do in the second half cant wait!
"one step at a time"
Sep 27, 2016 12:09 PM

Aug 2015
Enjoyed the first half more than the end, but it wasn't bad at all. Alisha is a great character and the scene together with Sorey was handled really well.
Looking forward to Season 2.
Sep 27, 2016 12:27 PM

Sep 2014
What a train wreck of a story, it's such a pity they wasted so much money on this.
Sep 27, 2016 1:44 PM

May 2010
Ok I really like Rose.

Alisha scenes were nice, she's his squire now and can finally see the seraphim.

Pretty good finale for now. Can't wait for s2!
Sep 27, 2016 6:41 PM
Jan 2015
Seeing people saying that annoying Alisha is the best ToZ character is really painful LUL, is more painful than the changes that Ufotable makes, but they're doing all they can since the game is really bad at all.

5/10 to me.
Sep 27, 2016 10:33 PM

Oct 2011
Can't wait for season 2 yay
Sep 29, 2016 8:37 AM

May 2014
Sergei seems like he's hiding a beautiful bara body under that armor ;)

Lol, I like his design.
Looking forward to S2.
Felt like being generous and this is by ufo, going with 8/10

Sep 29, 2016 2:08 PM

Jan 2013
Better than God eater but not by much.....6/10
The anime is pretty much an advertisement for a mediocre JRPG game.
UFO go back to animating type moon stuff and stay away from animating japanese games.
oh shit, I forgot Type moon stuff are Japanese visual novel games.....-_-
Just animate type moon UFO =D
BornWithCHeeSeSep 30, 2016 3:32 AM
Sep 30, 2016 12:54 AM

Oct 2015
The series eh for me but the background in the animation was out of this world. Now Alisha has become Sorey's squire that was not cool and the appearance of the lord of calamity was cool. No season 2 for me please.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Sep 30, 2016 8:32 AM

Apr 2014
Well, this anime was simply one of the good shows this summer season.
And I really enjoyed it as a whole. And I can't wait for the second season.
Anyway, I'm gonna rate this anime an 8 out of 10 score over all.
Haters always gonna hate.
Sep 30, 2016 3:44 PM

Jan 2014
This was a pretty interesting series to watch.

But I FREAKING LOVE the character designs, all of them, really. ESPECIALLY Sorey's, he looks freaking epic with a cape and the orange earrings. Beautiful. And animation in general.
Oct 1, 2016 8:16 AM

Dec 2012
The Lord of Calamity part was not so impressive, I was sure nothing would happen. But the last scene between Sorey and Alisha was beautifully done, once again Ufotable is the god of the animation.
This first season is a nice sequel to the OVA, that I loved, I am looking forward to watch a second season :D.
Oct 1, 2016 10:13 AM

Jan 2013
Oh my ... for a second i thought that Alisha died.
I enjoyed this anime, i probably would have rated it higher if they didn't show those few episodes about Tales of Berseria.
So Alisha did a pact with Sorey too, their squad is complete xD
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Oct 1, 2016 4:02 PM

Jul 2015
And thus this series comes to an end... for now.

This anime was absolutely gorgeous, one of the best looking things ever, and the soundtrack and action were just as great for the most part. But the story itself and the characters were... nothing special to me, in fact, it was pretty uninteresting, and if it wasn't for it's looks, I probably wouldn't have made it this far into the anime. The biggest surprise was probably episode 0, and the princess fainting twice in like the first episode. 7/10.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Oct 2, 2016 9:22 AM

Oct 2013
And so it ends on a fairly decent note with the last eps focusing on the war & Alishia's struggles - she was one of the more interesting characters of the anime. Overall though, let's be honest, take away Ufo's animation and you're left with a pretty boring cookie cutter "hero saves the world" story that even some of the other cookie cutter stories might surpass due to some much needed comedic moments - which Zestiria was completely devoid of.

And while it looked gorgeous, there's the meh feeling that all this budged is wasted on such lackluster source material.

Oct 4, 2016 9:27 AM

May 2016
Either the source already have this problem or Ufotable fucked up the characterization, because after 12 episodes, there is zero interesting character still, most serve only as mouth piece info dumping shit and nothing more.
Oct 4, 2016 12:12 PM

Jul 2009
I am glad Alisha is alive, it was enjoyable to watch, I will still say that the 2 episodes of Velvet Crowe was better than the whole thing... 6/10
Oct 6, 2016 11:08 AM

Dec 2009
Pretty solid first half. Never playing the game, I found myself nevertheless enjoying the anime. Will be excited to see what season 2 has in store.
Oct 7, 2016 12:46 PM

Aug 2014
So Alisha's finally able to see the seraphims but she decides to leave? Alright then lol.

This started off pretty interesting but I quickly lost interest as it went on. I guess I got spoiled too much with the Berseria episodes and wanted more of that.

Hopefully things starts to pick up in the next season.
KashKetchumOct 7, 2016 12:50 PM
Oct 7, 2016 3:45 PM

Jan 2016
Kamiyan3991 said:
Plz, no more Alisha on the screen. She is retarded as heck, and she can't even compare to Rose.

I totally agree, I'm triggered every time I see Alisha. Hopefully, if they make a season two it's mostly Rose, she's my favorite!
TatyonnaDec 27, 2016 12:16 AM
Oct 7, 2016 10:54 PM

Oct 2008
Just finished this.
Alisha can now see clearly the Seraphims.
Rose also has her own wind dude seraphim!
That ED classical OST was astonishing!

Oct 9, 2016 1:38 AM

Aug 2009
Hyped for Season 2, again as a person that has not played the games, all my expectations have not been mismanaged for once. I loved the visuals, Ufotable did a wonderful job. Season 1 was like watching someone else play the game. Total immersion, great world building, super great.

Oct 9, 2016 10:29 AM

Jan 2014
I thought Sorey gonna made a squire pact with Rose and a Sub-Lord pact with that wind element guy in the end of the episode. I guess it would happened in the next season.

also I'm hyped for 2nd season since I like the story and the animation really pleased my eyes.
Oct 10, 2016 10:33 PM

Jan 2011
Kryptiq said:
So Alisha's finally able to see the seraphims but she decides to leave? Alright then lol.

This started off pretty interesting but I quickly lost interest as it went on. I guess I got spoiled too much with the Berseria episodes and wanted more of that.

Hopefully things starts to pick up in the next season.

same thoughts here, except i may not watch the next season

the transform with different seraphims is fine in a game but not in anime
Oct 10, 2016 11:42 PM

Apr 2016
Horrible last episode..appear Lodr Calamity...appear another Angel... Alisha don´t dead... Alisha y Sorey don´t have a romance... the battle finished in a instant... More minutes, but nothing of a new plot :(

Bet: The Pastor is future Lord Calamity, a circle of the life!!!!

The season was great, with nice moments, and beatiful characters....8/10.
Oct 13, 2016 6:08 AM

Sep 2009
I'm just glad that Alisha didn't die and she can see Seraphims now. That's all I care about. :)

But it's so sad she won't travel with Sorey. ;/
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