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The Heroic Legend of Arslan
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Jun 29, 2015 1:08 AM

Apr 2013
this was by far the worst episode yet.. awful animation and art, meh comedy, nonsensical fight.
Jun 29, 2015 1:11 AM

Sep 2009
Actually animation was decent but drawing was terrible in some scenes. Probably they just couldn't catch up with schedule so it's a good idea to air recap next week. Let's hope they'll recover.
Jun 29, 2015 2:09 AM

Feb 2013
Stark700 said:
Damn, I like this guy:

I think this episode had the first well...more evident scenes of fan service. Hello Farangis. I'm not sure I like that Alfred girl though. She seems to rely a bit too much on Narsus as if she owes him a life debt. Nice buildup episode though.

Silvermask still shows some of his ruthlessness although facing off against Arslan is kinda refreshing to watch with their conflicting ideologies imo.

No new OP song. I think maybe next time..

"Damn, I like this guy." was precisely my reaction! I liked him even more after seeing his double wielding style! *o/*

Ahhh Farangis is so beautiful and strong. Watching her craft her arrows... *swoon* Gieve was so funny in the bath. XD I really love his character! annoying tbh. I hope her character improves somehow...although that might be impossible. I loved when Elam said she didn't even know his favorite foods, hahaaa! Narsus belongs to Elam. XD

I was so proud of Arslan for not losing any hands, feet, limbs, or his life in his solo fight with Silver Mask. That was intense. When I saw the title of this episode I got really excited and hoped they would somehow meet. Expectations met and exceeded. I can't help but feel sympathy for Silver Mask. His back story is incredibly tragic. Really excited for the next ep!
Jun 29, 2015 2:11 AM

May 2012
Best episode so far

jadedashi said:
Did anyone notice the animation/art kinda dropped this episode. Some of the faces and mouths looked a bit weird. Still enjoyed the episode overall though.

Do you guys concentrate too much on how the anime look instead of enjoying it ?!
I'm can not even tell the difference between good and bad animation. I did not notice anything different compared to previous episodes.

Also, why the hell people care that much about this animation thing. In every discussion thread I see people talking about this sh*t. I care about story, characters, fight, enjoyment. Animation has almost zero impact on my enjoyment unless I was watching something that has outdated visuals from 90's
Jun 29, 2015 3:47 AM

Apr 2014
Arslan's group arrive in Peshawa and Arslan meets old friends. The group also get to know Alfreed. And finally the first clash between Hermes and Arslan! Good episode.
Jun 29, 2015 4:40 AM

Apr 2013
It's finally has been confirmed that Arslan doesn't have the rightful claim to the throne. It explains why his parents were so cold to him and why he didnt grow up in the court as a young kid. It's going to be interesting to see how the generals will react to this. Knowing Narsus, Daryun,falangis etc they eon't abandon him.

I hope Arslan grows a backbone soon. I know he is only a kid but it's annoying to see him relying so much on everyone else.
Jun 29, 2015 7:43 AM

Mar 2014
Araneae said:
Did you watch english sub? Because I can't find it this time. O.o
Jun 29, 2015 7:54 AM

Nov 2014
That was one hell of an episode.
Now we are 100% sure Arslan doesn't have the king's bloodline, I really wanted to know more.
I kept looking at the episode's timebar when Bahman was nearly dying, hoping that he will be able to tell the secret before the episode finishes and he dies, but NO :(

At least he managed to say that Arslan is not Andorogus son, this much is good so far. I am also glad that everyone knows the identity of the silver masked guy now. I bet next episode will be brilliant.

thepath said:
Best episode so far

Do you guys concentrate too much on how the anime look instead of enjoying it ?!
I'm can not even tell the difference between good and bad animation. I did not notice anything different compared to previous episodes.

Also, why the hell people care that much about this animation thing. In every discussion thread I see people talking about this sh*t. I care about story, characters, fight, enjoyment. Animation has almost zero impact on my enjoyment unless I was watching something that has outdated visuals from 90's

These stuff always annoyed me in discussions, but then I thought maybe it me who doesn't care to critic stuff and fuss much about art, music. Just like you, I only care about personal enjoyment and good story and character development.
HakayaJun 29, 2015 7:59 AM
Jun 29, 2015 9:37 AM

Feb 2011
Even I noticed the sucky animation quality and normally I'm oblivious to stuff like that.

Loved the moment between Gieve and Arslan. Elam is jealous of Alfreed. xD I saw a few people saying they couldn't wait for Alfreed, so I thought I'd like her, but...nope. I liked the conversation between her and Farangis though, I respect Farangis.

Was not expecting that confrontation between Hermes and Arslan, yikes! Did Bahman keep the letter from Vahriz? Maybe they can find and read it.
Jun 29, 2015 10:18 AM

Aug 2014
Amazing episode. I really liked the fight scene it's self and the animation was handled well (didn't say it was good) but yeah the drawings where really off in the initial battle. This episode had so many oh shit moments. I personally find this show incredibly exciting.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Jun 29, 2015 10:37 AM

May 2010
Omg is that Guan Yu??
Jun 29, 2015 10:39 AM

Dec 2013
ichii_1 said:
The face of absolute desperation and fear XD
This will probably lead to some morale issues too.

I swear this face was epic XD

I'm kind of on the fence about what exactly it was that Bahman found out about Arslan.
If it was the true secret to Arslan's origins, then that would mean that Vahriz had already known about this before the war, and yet considering this origin, I see no reason why Bahman would actually choose to fulfill Vahriz's wish after finding out. And yet in the end Bahman's final request was for Arslan to become a fine King, meaning that he accepted Arslan's origins and still considered him fit to be King.

Also, if he had already known the true identity of Hermes/Silvermask, as shown when he prevented Daryun from killing him, then why did he not actually switch sides to help Hermes instead? According to him, Hermes is the "Rightful bloodline of the Royal Family of Pars", and was his mentee (as much as Arslan was to Vahriz). I would think that he would feel more affinity to Hermes than to Arlsan, no?

Anyway, I figure the rest of the cast will find out the contents of Bahman's letter soon enough. All they have to do is to look into his effects after the battle.

Overall the episode was alright, but there were definitely issues with the animation, specifically during the fights and sometimes with the character's when they're holding group discussions. It was nice to see character development from Gieves and Arslan, and Alfreed really doesn't get any better than she is now, until later that is... but that's what makes her so interesting :P

Can't believe we're getting a mid season recap next week.... seriously not liking a waste of 25 minutes.
Jun 29, 2015 12:35 PM

Nov 2012
I just can't support Arslan, if he isn't rightful King it should be Silver Mask, and if we're going on pure merit it should be the painter dude.
Jun 29, 2015 12:41 PM

Dec 2014
That torch being there was a little too convenient, but i guess it sorta makes sense. Good episode overall, even though another character died.
Jun 29, 2015 1:06 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Ugh. Why is it that a series with such an interesting story has such a small budget and any slice of life or harem creap can have killer animation. It's a friggin shame.

Arslan keeping up the freedom for slaves policy will hurt him. Before the end, a lot of Pars soldiers and captains will rally to Hermes' side. The civil war resulting from that will be glorious.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jun 29, 2015 1:34 PM

Aug 2014
L-Ryoshi said:
ichii_1 said:
The face of absolute desperation and fear XD
This will probably lead to some morale issues too.

I swear this face was epic XD

I'm kind of on the fence about what exactly it was that Bahman found out about Arslan.
If it was the true secret to Arslan's origins, then that would mean that Vahriz had already known about this before the war, and yet considering this origin, I see no reason why Bahman would actually choose to fulfill Vahriz's wish after finding out. And yet in the end Bahman's final request was for Arslan to become a fine King, meaning that he accepted Arslan's origins and still considered him fit to be King.

Also, if he had already known the true identity of Hermes/Silvermask, as shown when he prevented Daryun from killing him, then why did he not actually switch sides to help Hermes instead? According to him, Hermes is the "Rightful bloodline of the Royal Family of Pars", and was his mentee (as much as Arslan was to Vahriz). I would think that he would feel more affinity to Hermes than to Arlsan, no?

Anyway, I figure the rest of the cast will find out the contents of Bahman's letter soon enough. All they have to do is to look into his effects after the battle.

Overall the episode was alright, but there were definitely issues with the animation, specifically during the fights and sometimes with the character's when they're holding group discussions. It was nice to see character development from Gieves and Arslan, and Alfreed really doesn't get any better than she is now, until later that is... but that's what makes her so interesting :P

Can't believe we're getting a mid season recap next week.... seriously not liking a waste of 25 minutes.

Would you like the art to get worse? i actually really liked the bad animation in the 2nd fight scene (the battle at the start was shit). It added a surreal look and feeling and it felt like what it would be like if you where one of the characters fighting for a bit. The bit with the fire was really good.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Jun 29, 2015 1:41 PM

Jan 2013
Hajime Isayama's illustration at the end :D
Hm does that mean that Arslan isn't the legitimate prince? I mean he has white hair like his mother, but still....there must be some secret behind it.

Jun 29, 2015 3:36 PM

Oct 2013
I loved the conversation between Falangies and Alfreed. Falangies would make a great onee-chan. ♡ Oh, Elam was also adorable in this episode!

The animation quality is starting to drop, though. Or is it just me? O.o

Alas, Silvermask and Arslan finally meet! I would like to Arslan's development soon. Being saved/protected every single time something's getting boring. .-.

Last but not least are Bahman's words about the royal family's bloodline. I think we all know what he meant when he said that.

Well, I can't wait for the next episode. ^.^
AliceInOtakulandJun 29, 2015 3:39 PM
Jun 29, 2015 6:29 PM

Oct 2011
Bahmn trained Hermses

Valvriz trained Arslan

Poor Bahmn T___T

Now they are under attack OMG

Recap next time : 0
Jun 29, 2015 10:35 PM
Sep 2014
Well, the animation quality sucked again and it was very distracting. I can't believe they're releasing episodes like this. It's awful.
The story is what makes everything interesting, though, so I'll keep watching.
It seems next week we'll get a recap episode. Oh, well... I'm already putting up with the eye cancer that this animation is, so waiting another week can't hurt so much, right?
Oh... I had higher expectations. Maybe I shouldn't expect too much from watching trailers and stuff.

Jun 30, 2015 2:51 AM

Nov 2010
The way Bahman took one for the team felt so cheesy
Jun 30, 2015 7:02 AM

Sep 2014
This was a pretty intense episode. Hermes was pretty close to killing off Arslan. The battle was flashy and great!
Jun 30, 2015 9:54 AM

Apr 2011
Great episode!!

And LOL! Seems like Elam is jealous XD

The next episode will be a recap, apparently :v

Jun 30, 2015 11:29 AM

Feb 2014
Pretty intesne episode. So now it's confirmed that Arslan isn't legitimate child of Andragoras and now another state attacks. Is it just me or their leader looks similar to Grieve?
Between the adult world and the world of kids,

there, Holyland exists.
Jun 30, 2015 11:34 AM

Aug 2014
Pretty obvious at this point that the other country will join Arslan or something.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Jun 30, 2015 11:37 AM

Apr 2013
Hermes should've just cut off his right hand. Would've added more to this "heroic legend" of Arslan to have his hand cut off by his half-brother--which was a reveal they should've kept for this moment.
Jun 30, 2015 1:58 PM

Apr 2014
Kind of confuse on this episode.
Bahman say that if they kill Hermes, the royal blood line will end meaning Arslan is not a royal blood?
That many people and still can't land a hit on Hermes at all...just how OP can Hermes gets.
Bahman seem to know fully well about the accident that kill Hermes's father...too bad he is dead and we don't have a clue anymore.
Too many questions still needed to be answer...looking forward to the 2nd half of the series.
Jul 1, 2015 2:10 AM

Feb 2015
next episode is a recap right ?

Jul 1, 2015 4:28 AM
Jul 2018
Animation was kind of bad in some parts in this episode but overall it was awesome as usual. I really want them to read Vahriz's letter!! And finally Farangis was epic this episode!

Looks like next time will be a recap episode.
Jul 1, 2015 4:30 AM
Feb 2015
TBH this is by far the most promising anime this season. While its success may partially have something to do with the fact that it already have an established story that is pretty solid (novel, hint hint). But the studio also have a very competent team. Animation quality is okayish, but there are also some golden moments like the sword fights. The episodes are drawn out quite nicely, it does not feel too rush nor too tedious. Every episode has something that draws our interest.

Next episode we see the recap, then after that we will see how Arslan and his group deals with the invading army. They can't bleed out too much here as it they still have to fight the lutsininans later.
Jul 1, 2015 4:30 AM
Feb 2015
hlubkoj2020 said:
Kind of confuse on this episode.
Bahman say that if they kill Hermes, the royal blood line will end meaning Arslan is not a royal blood?
That many people and still can't land a hit on Hermes at all...just how OP can Hermes gets.
Bahman seem to know fully well about the accident that kill Hermes's father...too bad he is dead and we don't have a clue anymore.
Too many questions still needed to be answer...looking forward to the 2nd half of the series.

I can probably tell you but it did be a mega spoiler..........
Jul 1, 2015 5:40 AM

Apr 2010
Geez, I love this show so much! It gets better with every episode. I like how they took time to adapt small trivial moments that are important for character's interaction like for instance the Alfreed/Farangies or the Gieve/Arslan scenes.

I am totally oblivious to the bad quality of animation/drawing that most people are mentioning so for me it's just pure enjoyment. Am I the only one who thinks it is actually Andragoras that isn't the legitimate King and therefore making Arslan not the legitimate Prince either? Everyone seems to think Arslan is not the rightful one just because he isn't truly Andragoras' son but idk, previous scenes in earlier episodes made me think that the problem lie with Andragoras instead.
Jul 1, 2015 8:16 AM

Nov 2011
In the end this episode proves more fruitful than expected. The narrative is not that m'abbia made a miracle, but a few things have been clarified and now you can go ahead with the story; the final then gave the positive shock, thanks to the fact that it has fielded more characters and new situations. As usual, the most beautiful part of the story is ruined by drawings and animations really bad. Hirmes is a champion, no one stops him; soundtrack really nice to listen to, the same for the sets, well designed.
Jul 1, 2015 11:06 PM

Dec 2012
To be quite frank, this anime has drifted from an epic colossal anime to a quite generic adventure. And the character interaction is so different compared to the early episodes. Nevertheless, I still have faith in this anime show & still enjoying it so far.
I like anime.
Jul 2, 2015 9:42 AM

Jun 2008
Hakaya said:

thepath said:
Best episode so far

Do you guys concentrate too much on how the anime look instead of enjoying it ?!
I'm can not even tell the difference between good and bad animation. I did not notice anything different compared to previous episodes.

Also, why the hell people care that much about this animation thing. In every discussion thread I see people talking about this sh*t. I care about story, characters, fight, enjoyment. Animation has almost zero impact on my enjoyment unless I was watching something that has outdated visuals from 90's

These stuff always annoyed me in discussions, but then I thought maybe it me who doesn't care to critic stuff and fuss much about art, music. Just like you, I only care about personal enjoyment and good story and character development.

Are you guys for real?
No we don't concentrate on how it looks. Obvious shit is obvious. You just see it because anime it's actually a viewing medium you know. It's not our fault you people are blind.

VenVen said:

I am totally oblivious to the bad quality of animation/drawing that most people are mentioning so for me it's just pure enjoyment. Am I the only one who thinks it is actually Andragoras that isn't the legitimate King and therefore making Arslan not the legitimate Prince either? Everyone seems to think Arslan is not the rightful one just because he isn't truly Andragoras' son but idk, previous scenes in earlier episodes made me think that the problem lie with Andragoras instead.

Andragoras still is from the royal family though. The king was his brother. His brother got the right to be king simply because he was born first.
Anyway i guess the show is trying to show us that it's doesn't matter who you are but what you can do and how you do things by using Arslan. A boy that probably has nothing to do with royalty.
MonadJul 2, 2015 9:47 AM
Jul 2, 2015 6:51 PM

Jul 2012
The animation was definitely disjointed this episode, which is disappointing.
Hopefully it's just this episode though.
dolly94 said:
Bad-ass Gieve end card by Isayama Hajime ^_^


Falangies was awesome the whole episode, though.
Jul 4, 2015 1:17 AM

Sep 2012
dolly94 said:
If only the budget was higher.... it would've been perfect.

Wait, the budget isn't high? This anime seems like it's pretty high quality to me so far. That's interesting. I'm not that good at noticing that sort of thing. Except for Owari no Seraph. That was pretty obvious even for me.

FatefulLove said:
Bahman that knows about Arslan's background has to die :/

Saying that Arslan does not have the Pars blood in him. Makes me think Andragoras is sterile.

I've been thinking about it as well. Could it be that Arslan is not of royal blood? But if so, why are they trying to make him king even so? Hmm... I hope we find out before the end of the season.

Besides that, I think that the addition of Alfreed could have been better. Not my favorite so far. But whatever. She's not an awful character at least.

"It's a conversation through instruments. A miracle that creates harmony. In that moment, music transcends words." - Miyazono Kaori
"Laziness is the mother of all bad habits. But ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her." - Nara Shikamaru
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things... Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest." - Orihara Izaya
Jul 4, 2015 5:14 AM

Aug 2014
PetalBlizzard said:
The animation was definitely disjointed this episode, which is disappointing.
Hopefully it's just this episode though.
dolly94 said:
Bad-ass Gieve end card by Isayama Hajime ^_^


Falangies was awesome the whole episode, though.

don't you mean Gieren?

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Jul 4, 2015 12:48 PM

Jun 2010
I think Arslan father cant have children so he adopted Arslan so the royal family name doesn't disappear ....especially after he killed his brother and nephew
overall it was a good ep the death scene was really touching ...
Jul 4, 2015 1:28 PM

May 2014
Wonderful episode. It was very strong, so it seems Hermes' and Arslan's past were very alike. And I finally catched up, yay ^$^

thepath said:

Do you guys concentrate too much on how the anime look instead of enjoying it ?!
I'm can not even tell the difference between good and bad animation. I did not notice anything different compared to previous episodes.

Also, why the hell people care that much about this animation thing. In every discussion thread I see people talking about this sh*t.

hahah precisely my thoughts!! Most of the people here always whine about it, I really can't notice any difference in the scenes though.
KamSungJul 4, 2015 1:34 PM
Jul 4, 2015 10:22 PM

Apr 2009
anime deserves such higher then rating 7

Epicenter said:
I just can't support Arslan, if he isn't rightful King it should be Silver Mask, and if we're going on pure merit it should be the painter dude.

he may not be the rightful king but a royal blood line starts from somewhere
AForgottenSoulJul 4, 2015 10:52 PM
Jul 5, 2015 9:28 AM
May 2015
When I heard something being mentioned about losing, I immediately though "full metal alchemist".
Jul 5, 2015 10:16 AM

Jan 2013
No strategy m8, why would they attack them? That's stupid. Wouldn't it be smarter to wait for them to launch an attack on the capital, and then attack whoever wins?
Jul 5, 2015 12:51 PM

Sep 2014
thepath said:
Best episode so far

jadedashi said:
Did anyone notice the animation/art kinda dropped this episode. Some of the faces and mouths looked a bit weird. Still enjoyed the episode overall though.

Do you guys concentrate too much on how the anime look instead of enjoying it ?!
I'm can not even tell the difference between good and bad animation. I did not notice anything different compared to previous episodes.

Also, why the hell people care that much about this animation thing. In every discussion thread I see people talking about this sh*t. I care about story, characters, fight, enjoyment. Animation has almost zero impact on my enjoyment unless I was watching something that has outdated visuals from 90's

Agreed. I never really notice or pay attention to drops in animation quality, since I'm usually focused on the story of the show.
Jul 5, 2015 2:04 PM

May 2013
Animation's a bit wonky, but hey, we have Elam vs Alfreed for Narsus.
Hermes is pretty OP, taking on that many people.
Bahman decides to take one for the team because he knows the truth.
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Jul 5, 2015 4:26 PM
Jul 2014
Holmes15 said:
It's finally has been confirmed that Arslan doesn't have the rightful claim to the throne. It explains why his parents were so cold to him and why he didnt grow up in the court as a young kid. It's going to be interesting to see how the generals will react to this. Knowing Narsus, Daryun,falangis etc they eon't abandon him.

I hope Arslan grows a backbone soon. I know he is only a kid but it's annoying to see him relying so much on everyone else.

Well, to be fair, Arslan did rescue Elam while killing a few soldiers. It's not much, but he's not entirely useless.
Jul 6, 2015 2:32 AM

Oct 2007
Farabeuf said:
Ugh. Why is it that a series with such an interesting story has such a small budget and any slice of life or harem creap can have killer animation. It's a friggin shame.

Arslan keeping up the freedom for slaves policy will hurt him. Before the end, a lot of Pars soldiers and captains will rally to Hermes' side. The civil war resulting from that will be glorious.

It really does suck and would be frustrating if I wasn't just used to it at this point and accept it as the trade off, but really I grow tired of it and would sooner turn back to Western productions where I can at least usually have both. It kind of represents the contradictory state that the industry is in that this is almost always the case now though. Either you get something generic and ill-conceived in story and plotting with a solid budget and production values or something genuinely interesting and not as commonplace for TV anime that is inconsistent and generally poor in terms of quality control.
PeacingOutJul 6, 2015 2:36 AM
Jul 8, 2015 4:47 AM

Aug 2014
I wish I had the cash to support this series. Even though the animation wasn't great, the fight dealt with the limitations quite well. It's nowhere near the level of shit looks of chaos dragon so don't worry XD.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Jul 9, 2015 2:53 PM
Apr 2015
Aaaaggh I had the feeling that Arslan isn't the rightful heir.. and know I'm soooo anxious to see what comes up!

Is Arslan even a son of Andragoras, because he doesn't look like Andragoras at all, he looks just a bit like Tahamine. What if he is somehow related with Hermes but they just don' know it yet? What if Andragoras and Tahamine just used Arslan because neither of them doesn't look like loving their "son" too much, I think.

Aaaagh I can't wait, I want to know... especially how Arslan will react that information. Also, Alfreed feels a bit rushed character, but maybe she has her own reason to be in this anime, maybe later? I loved Elam's reactions. xD

Ps. Art really was weird betweentimes..
Jul 11, 2015 11:21 PM

May 2012
spring 2015 AOTS, just saiyan, kekkai sensen can go fuck itself lol

glad i got behind on this cause i dont think i would have been able to wait 2 weeks for the next episode lol
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