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Jun 9, 2015 6:21 PM

Aug 2013
Grey-Zone said:
DrGeroCreation said:
Ah I forgot about Kazuya's freezing ability. It doesn't provide healing to my recollection though.

It's not the same, but it's still clearly divided into "main fighter = female, support = male".
Yeah I see your point. Witch Craft Works is also like that. Ayaka being offense and Honoka being support.
Jun 9, 2015 6:28 PM
Nov 2013
men and women aren't the same, so naturally being a man and being a woman are two different things.
Jun 9, 2015 7:22 PM
May 2014
It's a thing that's present in many cultures. Bros and hos, chicks and *icks, whatever. The debate over its prevalence and effect on society is also present in many cultures.

I can't say that it affects me very much as I'm not completely against gender roles. My personal opinion is that too many times, the extremes are used for examples against and that the reasoning behind it usually gets corrupted by simplification and misusage. Ex: why should we perpetuate the belief that people should fit into their gender roles? Conversely, why do we perpetuate fitting into gender roles as inherently wrong? etc, etc.
Jun 9, 2015 7:27 PM

Feb 2008
Grey-Zone said:
ZetaZaku said:
Guess this gives me a good enough reason to post this webm


Pomf has been shut down, you can

I see that now. It still worked for me thanks to cache from yesterday I guess. This should work then

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Jun 9, 2015 7:39 PM

Mar 2015
DrGeroCreation said:
AttackOnTetris said:
I actually think that anime easily offers the most hope compared to live action TV and [b]Western cartoons [/b]. Where else can you find a story supposedly for a teenage boy demographic which deconstructs gender role enforcement more cleverly than Hunter x Hunter? And it still manages to be successful.
In Steven Universe the male mc has only defensive and healing abilities while the females have all the offensive abilities. I haven't see that type of gender role reversal in anime yet.

Well that's why I said clever. I have not watched Steven Universe but simply reversing roles isn't exactly clever. Even Mikasa basically does that with her overprotective "white knight" tendencies toward Eren. HxH toys with them in ways I haven't seen in other medias. There's a lot of "female acts like gender-normative male" stuff in Western media which I got nothing against in principle, but I haven't seen much of subtly blurring/erasing the lines, and toying with gender expectations outside of sexual conduct.
Jun 9, 2015 7:47 PM

Mar 2015
jpenobagel said:
It's a thing that's present in many cultures. Bros and hos, chicks and *icks, whatever. The debate over its prevalence and effect on society is also present in many cultures.

I can't say that it affects me very much as I'm not completely against gender roles. My personal opinion is that too many times, the extremes are used for examples against and that the reasoning behind it usually gets corrupted by simplification and misusage. Ex: why should we perpetuate the belief that people should fit into their gender roles? Conversely, why do we perpetuate fitting into gender roles as inherently wrong? etc, etc.

Ideally, everyone should freely and comfortably be able to express their feelings as they see fit without having to worry about social pressure. There's an unbelievable amount of social pressure forcing people inside of the "gender norms" boxes. At least lately, other boxes have become increasingly more and more acceptable, but you're still a societal outcast outside of those boxes, and often within them as well.

Think of it like this - everyone is their own unique color. There are no two people in the world with the exact same color, and we should not have to cover up our true colors. That's where the rainbow symbolism originally came from.
HalkenburgJun 9, 2015 7:51 PM
Jun 9, 2015 7:52 PM
Jul 2018
AttackOnTetris said:
Well that's why I said clever. I have not watched Steven Universe but simply reversing roles isn't exactly clever. Even Mikasa basically does that with her overprotective "white knight" tendencies toward Eren. HxH toys with them in ways I haven't seen in other medias. There's a lot of "female acts like gender-normative male" stuff in Western media which I got nothing against in principle, but I haven't seen much of subtly blurring/erasing the lines, and toying with gender expectations outside of sexual conduct.

I think perhaps sometimes authors might get caught up too much in being politically aware and end up doing very obvious reversals as a way of showing just how feminist they are. Really, what they should be doing should just be writing good characters, both male and female. Authors who build characters around their fear of being normative or somehow enforcing gender roles won't ever make great characters.

There a lot of anime though that I can think of that do good characters that don't follow gender roles so I don't feel like anime is lacking. It could be improved in some areas, perhaps, but it's in fairly good shape.
Jun 9, 2015 7:54 PM

May 2014
ichii_1 said:
Men are better than women in everything but child birth, so women should do their roles and support men in their endeavors.

Fuckin troll bait

Jun 9, 2015 8:01 PM

Oct 2014
There are two mindsets that should be avoided, IMO:

1. "Gender roles fit well for some people, therefore all people have to follow them, and no one is allowed to step outside their specific role!". This is one side of the extreme. It's the reason why feminism, as a movement, appeard in the first place, which was, and still is, to counter this mindset. The mindset is extremely self-limiting and it's inducing it's foundation based on a not representative amount of "samples" just from the "some people where gender roles fit well". So it appears that the whole limitation of freedom does not even have a reliable foundation...

2. "Gender roles are absolutely, without exception bad, and if you follow them you are doing it wrong". That's something that comes up only recently and it's the other side of the extreme. Nowadays gender roles are viewed like an evil demon by many "feminists" and if those are ever used in fiction, they will supposedly without any doubt prove that the fiction's story is supposedly "sexist". But would you call a woman who takes the role of a housewife who cooks and cleans the house because she loves her husband as "letting herself be oppressed"? Would you call her husband "sexist" because he does not go full SJW to refuse her to to take the role? Or do you think both of them are "doing it wrong"? I certainly only see a couple that chose to use the "typical" gender roles in this case.

Just let people do what they want to as long as no one is being forced to live their whole life completely against their own will.
Jun 9, 2015 8:04 PM

Sep 2012
Grey-Zone said:
2. "Gender roles are absolutely, without exception bad, and if you follow them you are doing it wrong".
^ If you don't hold this mindset, then this mindset becomes impossible v
Grey-Zone said:
Just let people do what they want to as long as no one is being forced to live their whole life completely against their own will.
Jun 9, 2015 8:05 PM
Sep 2014
shounenotaku said:
arthurhahm said:
This may or may not be significant to others, but I often notice that phrases like "you're a man, aren't you," are often used within anime. Even more than that, I hear a lot of stuff relating to masculinity and femininity. Should a man always be excessively strong and bulky, eat a lot, be assertive, and "man up?" Should a female always be passive, weak, wear frilly clothing, and be domineered over by men? What are you thoughts?

I don't find it offensive to the point where I stop watching the animation, but I really wonder if it's okay to place gender roles on individuals, who are and will be, inherently different, despite sexual orientation. I would be happy to see, in the years to come, more animations that break patriarchal beliefs and social norms, and even further, but slightly unrelated, challenge society to push for egalitarianism among all walks of life.

Edit: Nisekoi is one of those anime that heavily utilize "gender roles." (I did thoroughly enjoy this anime, but I was bothered quite a bit)

Seriously American Progressiveness is really bugging me and I'm Korean-American too. It's like you want to FIX anime even though Japan is the one making the anime. The reason why I love anime is because it isn't hindered by the likes of American progressiveness and Japan makes anime with the content with whatever the hell they want.

Of course it's ok. The people who work on Anime shouldn't be bugged by the idea of gender stereotypes. That kind of thinking is why Anime fans in America watch Anime in the first place. Anime gets away with a lot more things than in America and that's why we love it.

What do you mean by "American progressiveness" is really bugging you? I honestly don't understand that statement at all. So essentially you're saying that it's okay that there are extremely poor folks and extremely rich folks who continue to get richer ( It's okay that Detroit is a ghost town and ordinary citizens are getting their water shut off? It's okay that people aren't being provided with fair and equal opportunity? It's okay that education is being cut? It's okay that we incarcerate communities rather than working to rehabilitate them? It's okay that the USA supports terrorism around the globe, most undeniably in the Gaza Strip ( It's okay that America is a prison-industrial complex AND a military-industrial complex? It's okay that America exploits foreign labor and utilizes sweatshops around the globe? It's okay that the CIA tortures people without proper trial? It's okay that the United States is utterly falling apart as a country? Is that what you're trying to say? What, exactly, do you mean when you say "American progressiveness" is bugging you?
Jun 9, 2015 8:07 PM

Oct 2014
Red_Keys said:
Grey-Zone said:
2. "Gender roles are absolutely, without exception bad, and if you follow them you are doing it wrong".
^ If you don't hold this mindset, then this mindset becomes impossible v
Grey-Zone said:
Just let people do what they want to as long as no one is being forced to live their whole life completely against their own will.

No. Believe it or not. There are people who actually naturally fit the gender roles without even being forced into them. If someone chooses to step into a gender role themselves, then it's neither "forced", nor "against their will".
Jun 9, 2015 8:09 PM
Jul 2018
Red_Keys said:
Grey-Zone said:
2. "Gender roles are absolutely, without exception bad, and if you follow them you are doing it wrong".
^ If you don't hold this mindset, then this mindset becomes impossible v
Grey-Zone said:
Just let people do what they want to as long as no one is being forced to live their whole life completely against their own will.

What he meant was that fitting inside a gender stereotype isn't necessarily wrong, so long as it's who you really are. That becomes obvious if you actually read the rest of his post which provides context for his sentence. It might be badly-worded, but context makes the actual meaning clear. I would agree with him that some feminists do in fact tend to push the subversion of gender roles too much. There's a reason I felt uncomfortable in skirts for a while and it wasn't sexism.
Jun 9, 2015 8:11 PM

Sep 2012
Grey-Zone said:
Red_Keys said:
^ If you don't hold this mindset, then this mindset becomes impossible v

No. Believe it or not. There are people who actually naturally fit the gender roles without even being forced into them. If someone chooses to step into a gender role themselves, then it's neither "forced", nor "against their will".
If they do something because they want to, then it isn't a "role" for them to fulfill.

If Steph wants to be a housewife outside of all external influence (which is literally impossible, but we can ignore that), then that isn't anything to do with a "gender role". That's a "Steph role". When people have free will, there are no such things as gender roles.
Jun 9, 2015 8:12 PM

Nov 2011
At the most basic physiological level, men's bodies are geared more toward "providing" (men gain muscles easier) and women's bodies are more geared toward child-rearing (the womb, feeding organs). Because of this, I don't think gender roles at their core are wrong. It's only in their more extreme forms that it becomes problematic: There's no reason to say women have to marry or that they can't take care of themselves, or further, if the man wants to take care of the kids and the woman is in love with her job, then there's no problem with that either. Contrariwise, men don't need to act "macho" (which generally just translates to obnoxiousness) or turn themselves into a hulk to "be a man". Still, I would say that in a basic sense, yes, "the man protects and the woman rears" holds true (and should), especially when it comes to a child's development. Both roles are important and necessary for a stable childhood.

However, saying that men are better than women (in general), smarter than women, and similar claims are where it crosses into sexism. (Vice versa too.) Women do not exist just to serve or pleasure men. They do not exist "just" to raise children. They are human beings just like men, and while (as a man) I do think that women tend to receive less fair treatment then men, the downside to this is that when men aren't treated fairly, it tends to be overlooked more. How often do you hear about men getting raped or assaulted by women? It's not that it doesn't happen. Don't get me started on psychological pressure either; "control freaks" are bad on both sides of gender.

All of that is to say I don't think it's so bad in anime. In fact, there are cases where the reverse is true, such as women beating men up "because it's funny" whereas it wouldn't be viewed the same by many if the genders were flipped. This doesn't really bother me, but to say it's one-sided is a bit much imo.

Also, strength of character is something spread equally between men and women in anime from what I've seen. For as many weak-spirited women as there are in the medium, there are tons of weak-spirited men as well, and there are many cases of strong-spirited men and women also.

Anyway, I don't think it's a problem in anime overall. I actually ended up saying I lot more than I planned on, so I'll cut myself off there. :x
Jun 9, 2015 8:21 PM
May 2014
Red_Keys said:
Grey-Zone said:

No. Believe it or not. There are people who actually naturally fit the gender roles without even being forced into them. If someone chooses to step into a gender role themselves, then it's neither "forced", nor "against their will".
If they do something because they want to, then it isn't a "role" for them to fulfill.

If Steph wants to be a housewife outside of all external influence (which is literally impossible, but we can ignore that), then that isn't anything to do with a "gender role". That's a "Steph role". When people have free will, there are no such things as gender roles.

That's exactly the point though. Looking at it from an individual perspective, there is no "gender role" occurring. The problem is when others interpret it and label it as a form of "gender role." The issue isn't with the semantics of it but with the agenda of others.
Jun 9, 2015 8:22 PM
Feb 2014
If this thread were posted on a Japanese site I'd love to read 95% of the responses to OP, lmao.

Western Anime Fans = Beta Cucks who are upset that the creators of anime troll them routinely if they think everything is shit.
Jun 9, 2015 8:26 PM

Feb 2015
There are no gender roles, it's all pretty much pure fiction. In Japan, the U.S., or anywhere.

There is common kinds of personalities in males and females you see frequently, and less common ones, that's it.
Jun 9, 2015 8:26 PM
Sep 2014
TripleSRank said:
At the most basic physiological level, men's bodies are geared more toward "providing" (men gain muscles easier) and women's bodies are more geared toward child-rearing (the womb, feeding organs).

Very true, and something a lot of people tend to miss. Men and women are naturally different anatomically. The biggest problem is that treatment is different. Females are paid less than males due to pregnancy, which would result in paid leave. Is it right or wrong?
It's more about expectation of males or females to act a certain way or do a certain thing - on both sides of the spectrum. I just see, from a few animes I have seen, that these kinds of shows subconsciously throw out a mental image of how a woman or man should be. Just like a barbie doll. Sure, on the surface it isn't much beyond a toy. But look deeper and you see it leaves little girls growing up playing and seeing this "perfect body" - waist, breasts, ass, long blond hair, etc. It gives this image of the expected "beauty" and puts standards way too high on very young individuals. On the male side, you have these macho, macho toys.
Edit: Of course, as I said in an earlier post, that Western shows and shows all over do, in fact, do the same thing, in very insidious, parochial ways.
HighKeyWeebJun 9, 2015 8:33 PM
Jun 9, 2015 8:29 PM
Sep 2014
Kefka1134 said:
There are no gender roles, it's all pretty much pure fiction. In Japan, the U.S., or anywhere.

Not sure if trolling or..?
Jun 9, 2015 8:33 PM
Feb 2014
Kefka1134 said:
There are no gender roles, it's all pretty much pure fiction. In Japan, the U.S., or anywhere.

There is common kinds of personalities in males and females you see frequently, and less common ones, that's it.

Jun 9, 2015 8:42 PM

Oct 2014
Red_Keys said:
If they do something because they want to, then it isn't a "role" for them to fulfill.

If Steph wants to be a housewife outside of all external influence (which is literally impossible, but we can ignore that), then that isn't anything to do with a "gender role". That's a "Steph role". When people have free will, there are no such things as gender roles.

I see what you mean and as DrCoppelius mentioned, I probably worded that badly. I was talking less about "adapting to a role", but more about "a person's way of life coincidently being very similar to the gender role and being perceived by others (mistakenly) as a gender role". I mean people usually don't have perfect information and could come to false conclusions easily, like someone whose true nature is only "similar" to a gender role, but is being perceived as being formed by a gender role without any own input.
Grey-ZoneJun 9, 2015 8:46 PM
Jun 9, 2015 8:44 PM

Aug 2013
AttackOnTetris said:
DrGeroCreation said:
In Steven Universe the male mc has only defensive and healing abilities while the females have all the offensive abilities. I haven't see that type of gender role reversal in anime yet.

Well that's why I said clever. I have not watched Steven Universe but simply reversing roles isn't exactly clever. Even Mikasa basically does that with her overprotective "white knight" tendencies toward Eren. HxH toys with them in ways I haven't seen in other medias. There's a lot of "female acts like gender-normative male" stuff in Western media which I got nothing against in principle, but I haven't seen much of subtly blurring/erasing the lines, and toying with gender expectations outside of sexual conduct.
It's not just reversing roles. The female alien characters of the show are considered to be from a gender less society although they look female . They can shape shift so they can take on male forms as well. Only one has been shown doing this however.
Jun 9, 2015 8:58 PM
Jul 2018
DrGeroCreation said:
It's not just reversing roles. The female alien characters of the show are considered to be from a gender less society although they look female . They can shape shift so they can take on male forms as well. Only one has been shown doing this however.

That's rather neat. I watched a few episodes a while back but I don't think it was ever brought up in the ones I watched. Is this explored more or is it just a background thing that affects the story here and there but never gets a more indepth exploration?
Jun 9, 2015 9:08 PM

Aug 2013
DrCoppelius said:
DrGeroCreation said:
It's not just reversing roles. The female alien characters of the show are considered to be from a gender less society although they look female . They can shape shift so they can take on male forms as well. Only one has been shown doing this however.

That's rather neat. I watched a few episodes a while back but I don't think it was ever brought up in the ones I watched. Is this explored more or is it just a background thing that affects the story here and there but never gets a more indepth exploration?
The creator of the show confirmed them as being genderless but it has never really been a main plot point or explored in depth.
Jun 9, 2015 9:25 PM

Mar 2015
TripleSRank said:
At the most basic physiological level, men's bodies are geared more toward "providing" (men gain muscles easier)

True, in the third world. There is study about the differences between the male and female brain which concludes that females can do certain things better on average, and vice versa. Thus being not only great, but ideal, providers in the first world.
and women's bodies are more geared toward child-rearing (the womb, feeding organs)

Not all women want to have children, much less take the housewife role.

The human genome did much of its evolution in the hunter-gatherer times where yes gender roles had a distinct purpose. This gives both males and females traits and abilities which serve no real purpose in a modernized world. The best we can try to do is let everyone pursue the life they wish to pursue, while allowing our greatest minds of all gender identities to keep innovating.
Jun 9, 2015 9:28 PM

Mar 2015
DrGeroCreation said:
The creator of the show confirmed them as being genderless but it has never really been a main plot point or explored in depth.

I can't add much more to this discussion but that is interesting even in the background. Especially considering it's a very mainstream show.
Jun 9, 2015 9:43 PM

Aug 2013
AttackOnTetris said:
DrGeroCreation said:
The creator of the show confirmed them as being genderless but it has never really been a main plot point or explored in depth.

I can't add much more to this discussion but that is interesting even in the background. Especially considering it's a very mainstream show.
In the show also there was an episode where the male mc temporarily fused with his female friend to become a new being. The new being although had a female shape and look had combined physical features and personality traits from the both of them.
Jun 9, 2015 9:44 PM

Nov 2011
AttackOnTetris said:
Not all women want to have children, much less take the housewife role.

Okay. Fess up.

You only skimmed my post before replying, didn't you?

I addressed that specifically twice.
Jun 9, 2015 10:08 PM

Oct 2014
AttackOnTetris said:
Mikasa's portrayal isn't sexist at all though imo, because it actually puts her in a role typically played by males, both in actions and emotions.

I never understood why this was ever some sort of rationalisation. You are against gender stereotypes, yet by placing female character X in a male stereotype it's something positive? You don't see the same people who make this kind of statement say they loved how male character Y was placed in a female stereotype. The latter of which I could name a few, Kimi to Boku's Shun, Ryuuji from Toradora, even Raku from Nisekoi.

I also find it stupid that people think anything that puts female characters in the spotlight is somehow "empowering" to women. It's people who make comments like that which ironically intensifies the stereotype, making people think that it's out of the ordinary for a female character to do something significant/out of stereotype. Sure there are plenty of stereotypical portrayals in anime, but most of them are very soft stereotypes and they aren't offensively sexist. They are no worse than racial stereotypes which are rampant in American TV dramas (which are all soft stereotypes most of the time and not offensive, if anything funny).
Jun 9, 2015 10:33 PM
Jun 2015
Its Ironic that the OP is complaining about gender roles and stereotypes, then immediately stereotypes "right wing" america.

For myself I like strong, assertive women, and imo they are represented plenty in anime, just like passive women are.
Jun 9, 2015 10:35 PM

Mar 2015
MintPanda said:
I never understood why this was ever some sort of rationalisation. You are against gender stereotypes, yet by placing female character X in a male stereotype it's something positive? You don't see the same people who make this kind of statement say they loved how male character Y was placed in a female stereotype. The latter of which I could name a few, Kimi to Boku's Shun, Ryuuji from Toradora, even Raku from Nisekoi.

I just said it wasn't sexist, and by that I meant it wasn't enforcing gender roles. She chose to be who she was out of her own free will. I haven't watched any of those shows you mentioned, but Armin is more or less the "female" and he's my favorite character in SnK.
I also find it stupid that people think anything that puts female characters in the spotlight is somehow "empowering" to women. It's people who make comments like that which ironically intensifies the stereotype, making people think that it's out of the ordinary for a female character to do something significant/out of stereotype.

And if it wasn't in the ordinary for anime females to all act like pathetic wimps, this problem wouldn't exist in the first place.
Sure there are plenty of stereotypical portrayals in anime, but most of them are very soft stereotypes and they aren't offensively sexist.

Tell that to those who are offended by the stereotypes. It is not your place to say what is and isn't "offensive".
They are no worse than racial stereotypes which are rampant in American TV dramas (which are all soft stereotypes most of the time and not offensive, if anything funny).

See comment above.
Jun 9, 2015 10:39 PM

Sep 2014
AttackOnTetris said:

Sure there are plenty of stereotypical portrayals in anime, but most of them are very soft stereotypes and they aren't offensively sexist.

Tell that to those who are offended by the stereotypes. It is not your place to say what is and isn't "offensive".

By this logic, every fucking thing is offensive, because you can always find a person that in some way feels offended by it.
Jun 9, 2015 10:41 PM

Mar 2015
TripleSRank said:
AttackOnTetris said:
Not all women want to have children, much less take the housewife role.

Okay. Fess up.

You only skimmed my post before replying, didn't you?

I addressed that specifically twice.

Regardless of how many times you addressed it, the fact remains that physiology means very little in this modern world. There is no reason to tell people what role they should take in life when they can choose themselves out of free will.
Jun 9, 2015 10:48 PM

Mar 2015
Imaishi said:
AttackOnTetris said:

Tell that to those who are offended by the stereotypes. It is not your place to say what is and isn't "offensive".

By this logic, every fucking thing is offensive, because you can always find a person that in some way feels offended by it.

More like you just shouldn't make generalized statements about things being offensive or not offensive, because it is individuals getting offended.
Jun 9, 2015 10:51 PM

Oct 2014
AttackOnTetris said:
Armin is more or less the "female" and he's my favorite character in SnK.

Armin is female? HAHAHA.

AttackOnTetris said:

Tell that to those who are offended by the stereotypes. It is not your place to say what is and isn't "offensive".

Then who's job is it? Anita Sarkeesian? Are you one of those people who condone the ostracizing of that NASA scientist who wore an "offensive" shirt? Just stop your white knight charade, it's embarassing.

AttackOnTetris said:

Regardless of how many times you addressed it, the fact remains that physiology means very little in this modern world. There is no reason to tell people what role they should take in life when they can choose themselves out of free will.

Why? It's okay to completely ignore factual biology? Damn, this is a new level of ignorance. Not only did you not even take 30 seconds to read his post which wasn't even that long, you continued to assume he was being some sexist poster even after he blatantly pointed out you didn't read.
Jun 9, 2015 11:02 PM
Feb 2014
MeteorBear said:
Its Ironic that the OP is complaining about gender roles and stereotypes, then immediately stereotypes "right wing" america.

People who think social justice should only apply to anime and be completely mocked in real life are the worst of the worst.
Jun 9, 2015 11:04 PM

Mar 2015
AttackOnTetris said:

Tell that to those who are offended by the stereotypes. It is not your place to say what is and isn't "offensive".

Then who's job is it? Anita Sarkeesian? Are you one of those people who condone the ostracizing of that NASA scientist who wore an "offensive" shirt?

The people getting offended, obviously.
"This offends me"
"This does not offend me"

The above statements are valid.
Just stop your white knight charade, it's embarassing.

Lol what? I'm curious. What gender do you think I am? Let's say I was a male. Who would I be "white knighting" here on a forum of other guys? Lol. You're ridiculous.
AttackOnTetris said:

Regardless of how many times you addressed it, the fact remains that physiology means very little in this modern world. There is no reason to tell people what role they should take in life when they can choose themselves out of free will.

Why? It's okay to completely ignore factual biology? Damn, this is a new level of ignorance. Not only did you not even take 30 seconds to read his post which wasn't even that long, you continued to assume he was being some sexist poster even after he blatantly pointed out you didn't read.

Learn to read context. Obviously physiology mentioned by the other poster is uncontroversial science, but the conclusions that gender-role-enforcers draw from it are bogus and unscientifically derived, so I am saying it doesn't matter in that context. Engineering society from premature airheaded conclusions (jumping from point A(science) to point B (supposed knowledge of ideal gender roles)) these gender enforcers are the anti-science ones.
Jun 9, 2015 11:10 PM

Feb 2015
AttackOnTetris said:

Then who's job is it? Anita Sarkeesian? Are you one of those people who condone the ostracizing of that NASA scientist who wore an "offensive" shirt?

The people getting offended, obviously.
"This offends me"
"This does not offend me"

THAT offends me deeply. What you just said. Right there.

Are you going to shut the fuck up, or is freedom of speech suddenly important to you?
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
Jun 9, 2015 11:22 PM

Oct 2013
This is the type of thread I try my best to not get involved with. The tension is so high.
Jun 9, 2015 11:24 PM

Dec 2012
DrCoppelius said:
AttackOnTetris said:
I actually think that anime easily offers the most hope compared to live action TV and Western cartoons. Where else can you find a story supposedly for a teenage boy demographic which deconstructs gender role enforcement more cleverly than Hunter x Hunter? And it still manages to be successful.

Despite criticizing Hunter x Hunter in a previous thread, I would like to take all of it back and agree with you that it's great in the gender department.


Do people just drop common sense when it comes to HxH?

Any other shounen thats popular with low female number would have been called sexist and shit. Whatever..
Jun 9, 2015 11:25 PM
Feb 2014
keragamming said:
This is the type of thread I try my best to not get involved with. The tension is so high.

I wonder why some people even bothered coming here in the first place such as Mr. Devil's Advocate and Feminazi Fred.
Jun 9, 2015 11:26 PM

Mar 2015
icirate said:
THAT offends me deeply. What you just said. Right there.

Are you going to shut the fuck up, or is freedom of speech suddenly important to you?

Straw man alert.

Freedom of speech / open exchange of ideas is one of my most important values.
Jun 9, 2015 11:27 PM
Feb 2014
AttackOnTetris said:
icirate said:
THAT offends me deeply. What you just said. Right there.

Are you going to shut the fuck up, or is freedom of speech suddenly important to you?

Straw man alert.

Freedom of speech / open exchange of ideas is one of my most important values.

Don't bite his bait. I already regret biting it in the past, it has not served me right.
Jun 9, 2015 11:29 PM

Feb 2015
AttackOnTetris said:
icirate said:
THAT offends me deeply. What you just said. Right there.

Are you going to shut the fuck up, or is freedom of speech suddenly important to you?

Straw man alert.

Freedom of speech / open exchange of ideas is one of my most important values.

Sorry, I had you confused for someone that cared about not offending people more than they cared about being able to discuss ideas openly. Carry on.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
Jun 9, 2015 11:33 PM

Jul 2012
I think that gender stereotypes/roles/expectations are total bullshit, and that particular traits/values/etc don't really define gender identity or representation as a whole.
All of these ideas are social concepts, and social concepts and ideas and always changing/evolving.

Being aware of these instances is important, discussing is just as important.
I'm the same, I'm an optimistic person, and hold too much faith in anime so I'm always trying to find other reasons to like an adaption, but I will never excuse/defend obvious stereotypes and binary mentality. Same with gender roles and expectations in all mediums.

Nice post, OP.
Jun 10, 2015 12:29 AM
Sep 2014
MeteorBear said:
Its Ironic that the OP is complaining about gender roles and stereotypes, then immediately stereotypes "right wing" america.

Is it a stereotype, or is it a fact? It's not a stereotype because an individual can be economically conservative and socially liberal (highly unlikely, but possible), or vice versa, therefore, as I stated in that very comment "typical right wing American," I am combining the archetypal beliefs of prominent conservative politicians and thinkers in modern America. If you still think it's a stereotype then I'll go more into depth.
Also, I've noticed that you and others like yourself will say that I am complaining. Complaining and questioning are two entirely different concepts. Reread the post and see if you think I'm complaining, or merely asking for opinion.
On another note, gender roles and expectations are almost completely different from political roles. Politics are transient and people's opinions can change over time. An individual's gender cannot be changed so easily. Nor can the affects of a society that tells them what they are "supposed to be/do" and how they should "look/feel."
Jun 10, 2015 12:35 AM

Feb 2015
arthurhahm said:
I really wonder if it's okay to place gender roles on individuals, who are and will be, inherently different, despite sexual orientation.

arthurhahm said:
I would be happy to see, in the years to come, more animations that break patriarchal beliefs and social norms, and even further, but slightly unrelated, challenge society to push for egalitarianism among all walks of life.

So you are okay with placing gender roles on individuals - as long as they're ones that you approve of. In this case ones that ignore sexual dimorphism.

You aren't not pushing gender roles on people. You're just pushing for more monotonous ones.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
Jun 10, 2015 12:47 AM
Sep 2014
icirate said:
arthurhahm said:
I really wonder if it's okay to place gender roles on individuals, who are and will be, inherently different, despite sexual orientation.

arthurhahm said:
I would be happy to see, in the years to come, more animations that break patriarchal beliefs and social norms, and even further, but slightly unrelated, challenge society to push for egalitarianism among all walks of life.

So you are okay with placing gender roles on individuals - as long as they're ones that you approve of. In this case ones that ignore sexual dimorphism.

You aren't not pushing gender roles on people. You're just pushing for more monotonous ones.

You're misreading that first section, and I just deleted my explanation of it on accident, so I'll try to quickly break it down. The beginning is referencing females, and "despite sexual orientation" is added to include males. So what I'm saying, in simpler terms, is that females are inherently different from other females (due to different DNA and humanity's inability to understand another's consciousness) and vice versa.
Jun 10, 2015 1:15 AM

Feb 2015
arthurhahm said:
So what I'm saying, in simpler terms, is that females are inherently different from other females (due to different DNA and humanity's inability to understand another's consciousness) and vice versa.

Well, obviously, but that doesn't address my response. My point was that you have taken on a facade of being against pushing gender roles onto people,
but then in the next sentence advocate for pushing (egalitarian) gender roles onto people.

People are all inherently different - which has little to do with that. Gender roles are societal ideals that people work towards. Pretending sexual dimorphism doesn't exist when constructing such gender roles (which you will always inevitably do anyway) is nothing short of an attempt at cultural anarchy.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
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