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Aug 21, 2014 6:54 AM

Nov 2011
Well, this episode calmed down a bit. I don't think the future will come true although Touko seems to get even more visions..

This felt more like a built-up episode except at the end there. It looks like Touko knew what was coming so she tried to avoid it from David. Oh boy..

Stark700Aug 21, 2014 7:18 AM
Aug 21, 2014 8:21 AM
May 2011
This episode confirmed once again that Sachi indeed is a lesbian and was jealous of Davd.
I respect how Hiro doesn't give a shit about Sachi now. It is time for her to realize that her "dreams" over Touko won't ever be real and try to become at least for once not a bitch!
Aug 21, 2014 8:26 AM

Sep 2012
i really don't understand what is going on anymore...... i really feel like touko is more confused about she feels, than anything thing and these fragments are confusing her more and more and everything is falling apart ..............i feel like the climax will be david deciding to leave or something of the sort because everyone will catch on to the idea that all the fragments and weird behavior started when he showed up ...............I like david a lot but i fee like he need to put some distance between him and touko to see what she really feels and thinks....because she is just so blah and i hope sacchi does teh rigt thing and make up with her 'man' ahahaha
"Romance can strengthen people, but it can also make them useless."

Deishu Kaiki
Aug 21, 2014 8:32 AM

May 2013
Man Hiro is totally ignoring Sachi now. More visions are being seen from Touko. I hope this doesn't become too overwhelming for her.
Aug 21, 2014 8:36 AM
Jan 2014
Yay, more chickens. In all seriousness, I'm glad they got their well-deserved screentime.

Both Yuki and Hiro are doing what they enjoy and ignoring their problems. I have to give them some props for that.

I don't like how they keep using those future fragments at the end of every episode, to keep us "excited" for the next one. Only to find out that nothing really happens.

The pacing is slower than ever now, it really needs to pick up.
Aug 21, 2014 8:42 AM

Dec 2011
Wow, what a pointless episode.

Yanagi was reduced to being a fanservice character. Srsly, why the hell is she walking around the house naked.

-Resident- said:
I don't like how they keep using those future fragments at the end of every episode, to keep us "excited" for the next one. Only to find out that nothing really happens.

Aug 21, 2014 8:42 AM

Apr 2014
I hate Sachi
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Aug 21, 2014 8:43 AM

Dec 2011
Ah, Sachi, the diabolical mastermind that used poor Hiro to get to Kakeru and Touko...

Walking around your house naked, right Yanagi... seems legit B|

Ah, so Yanagi decided to start running the route that Yukinari usually ran.

So Touko saw that windows breaking hm.

Touko saw Kakeru grabbing and kissing her huh, it seems the scale of her vision keeps growing.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Aug 21, 2014 8:50 AM

Apr 2014
EDIT: nevermind, I guess it was the dark side of david.
AttackOnWaifuAug 21, 2014 9:23 AM
Aug 21, 2014 8:59 AM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Yuki goes back to the track club to regain his old form again, but seems like he's not doing good at all.. Hopefully, he'll pick up his pace soon (and so this show).

Yanagi is quite sharp, as she figures that Touko can possibly see future. Sachi's explanation probably didn't add much to it.

That Yanagi fanservice.. Not bad though! If Yuki saw her like this, I bet he'd consider Yanagi's proposal. :p
Oh, so she's taking Yuki's place now? I doubt she can become an idolfigure to those swimming club girls.

Touko needs to stop seeing false fragments of future. Recently, most things she sees, doesn't come true at all. Are they really fragments of future?
I don't see Okikura being that aggressive for kissing Touko.

Hiro is falling out of love from Sachi? He didn't even text back and just kept walking his way!

Meh episode. Nothing much is happening and it's episode 8 already. Hopefully, something big happens soon.

Aug 21, 2014 9:01 AM

Feb 2014
This anime is getting strange. I didn't understand what happened at the end.
Well, anyways, it looks like we will have a kiss. With who? is my question, I have a feeling it will be with David though.
Aug 21, 2014 9:03 AM

Apr 2013
AttackOnWaifu said:
I think it's ambiguous who was kissing her hence they kept the upper head dark. I'm guessing it wont be David.

Pretty sure they were going for the dark side effect, eg: Dark David.
Aug 21, 2014 9:12 AM

Jan 2014
So sachi really was into yuri....

Yanagi fanservice :I

And i think i understood where Kakeru's lively personality comes from...He has such caring parents...
Aug 21, 2014 9:12 AM

Jan 2013
They keep showing fragments of the future that never happen...
So... yeah...

Hiro's ignoring Sachi, great guy, you have my respect.
Yanagi walking around naked in her house, of course everybody does that.
And Yuki's still not at his best strenght.

Those are the only characters I care now on the show.
Aug 21, 2014 9:23 AM

Mar 2014
That look on Yuki, he can now focus on running and possibly forget his love Touko.
Yanagi tries even harder to reach Yuki by becoming 5:30 running girl. Very cool.
Yuki x Yanagi ending rate is very high from now on.

Kakeru dude... needs to hold back doing your skin-ship, the girl's creeping out.
Future vision special relationship between them is like having sex before going out. Now they will have to deal with their true feelings to become a real couple.
Aug 21, 2014 9:23 AM

Apr 2014
Jaythor said:
AttackOnWaifu said:
I think it's ambiguous who was kissing her hence they kept the upper head dark. I'm guessing it wont be David.

Pretty sure they were going for the dark side effect, eg: Dark David.

Alright. I mean, plus the guy was wearing his same shirt. I just didn't get why they had his entire head covered in black. But if they are doing the "dark side" of David..okay. Makes sense. So..are these even future fragments.
Aug 21, 2014 9:26 AM
Jan 2014
I still don't understand what Kouko's and Kakeru but I guess that just means I'll have to keep watching until the end. Because I'm sure she likes him and he likes her..? Also the visions are getting annoying now lol, none of them have come true so far so I don't understand the point of them.

As for the Yanagi fan service, I'm surely not going to complain :P. Hehe.

I feel sorry for Hiro, he's the best character in the show but he got the crappy end of the stick. I hope things work out with him in the end.
Burgerboner69Aug 21, 2014 9:30 AM
Aug 21, 2014 9:29 AM

Jan 2014
Yana fan-service...

the vision are getting scarry...but the part where Okikura kissed her i'm not surprise..cause I think they are the official couple in here the series...
Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender,
A warrior of youth,
I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order
I Am Bulletproof. . .

Aug 21, 2014 9:35 AM

Sep 2008
I can't stop thinking that...
Yuki name means "snow"

Maybe there is some hint, hidden meaning of this?
Just like these crows for Yanagi?
Aug 21, 2014 9:44 AM

Oct 2013
Now Touko has attained the power to shatter glass by staring at it!!!! SUGOOOIIIIIIIII Can't wait to see what other powers she will get.
Aug 21, 2014 9:44 AM
Dec 2008
Damn this show is unpredictable. These recent visions has been honestly off-putting and creepy, that fucking SFX just explodes in your ears. I don't what to expect anymore. Glad everyone seems to be moving on though particularly Yuki, Yana and Hiro.
Aug 21, 2014 9:45 AM

Aug 2009
Good that Yana fanservice fitted her character and was more mature than the typical "oops i tRIPpED AnD THE Wind revealed my panties and my boobs are bouncy!!1'' stuff. It was nice :D

The anime really should pick up soon, because it's getting slowly more and more boring with each episode somehow...
Aug 21, 2014 9:45 AM

Jul 2013
i get 2nd hand embarrassment from watching this show but since i've come this far i might as well continue.

we get more scenes in which we watch characters we don't care about do pointless things.

the future fragments are the most interesting thing about this show which isn't saying much but they only appear at the ends of episodes and aren't elaborated on in the next episode because the characters themselves have no idea what's going on.

i get the feeling that touko is either going to end up in a mental facility or is gonna commit suicide.

best character is hiro right now. he has a good head on his shoulders
Aug 21, 2014 9:56 AM

Sep 2010
That was just kind of boring. I'm really only still watching this show because 1) I enjoy reading the post-airing discussions of everyone's bafflement at what the hell is supposed to be going on and 2) I'm allowing myself an incy bit of hope that there'll be some kind of School Days level unexpected ending.

I'm kind of surprised people are discussing who they ship and the like, I don't know where you get the incentive/motivation to care about these characters at all!
Aug 21, 2014 9:58 AM

Jan 2008
I think Yukinari x Yanagi happening is becoming more likely now that it seems Yukinari is moving on from Tohko and he seems to be conscious of Yanagi. I still don't like this pairing but I think it will happen.

I still want Yukinari x Tohko to happen but I don't think there's a chance of it happening anymore unless there will be a surprise at the end.

I'm still not sure what Sachi is feeling for Tohko. I mean, does she really have feelings for her? I can't imagine it but it's possible.

What are the chances of Tohko's sister ending up with Yukinari? I think slim but it could happen.
Aug 21, 2014 10:01 AM

Aug 2009
y123y said:
fanshii said:
Good that Yana fanservice fitted her character and was more mature than the typical "oops i tRIPpED AnD THE Wind revealed my panties and my boobs are bouncy!!1'' stuff. It was nice :D

The anime really should pick up soon, because it's getting slowly more and more boring with each episode somehow...

You mean like the Rail Wars fanservice?

Yeah, something like that. There's plenty of such fanservice around
Aug 21, 2014 10:01 AM

Aug 2011
ChessKitty said:
I don't know where you get the incentive/motivation to care about these characters at all!

Their incentive comes from their impossibly low standards.

This episode has slower panning around frames than One Piece.
Holy crap P.A Works, it actually takes skill to outdo Toei in that aspect.

At one point was hoping that David would lapse into a murderous rage but I guess that would be too good to be true.
standAug 21, 2014 10:05 AM
Aug 21, 2014 10:02 AM

Jul 2010
This episode did nothing more than give more questions than answers not only is everybody doing nothing to come back to what it used to be but they just are scatter everywhere and each of them seem to be dealing with their problems more or less
at the beginning touko keeps having bad visions of anger or danger and fear
yanagi get a little suspicious of them wich at some point it had to happen
she going to see sacchi wasn't unexpected she was looking for answers so I think we get more out of this because Yana sees that sacchi loves touko and she doesn't want her to be with kakeru so she's jelly and Yuri for toujo which at this point just add to the mix of feels
I guess they show some fanservice to get us out of the drama for bit but I still think she would have done that if yuiki was there just to see his reaction
hiro is still mad but I can't blame him nobody likes being used like that so maybe he will go and straight things with sacchi at some point
it seems yuiki wanted to get back in the game thanks to hinas encouragement
nothing like the loli medicine 8) but he's still not up to full recovery so I guess he has to keep trying
touko had a lot of bad visions which seem like bad things may unfold soon
and the snow could mean they will become closer in winter maybe its hard to say at this point but she seems afraid to be near him because it triggers her visions
I have a feeling bad things will happen to her or one of the group what do u all think
Aug 21, 2014 10:13 AM

Oct 2012
every fucking glasslip ep confuses me.. it makes me want to watch more.. but leavesme soo confused and frustrated :P

lol i cant tell what touko's feelings are anymore.. does she like kakeru or yuki? she made a match glass for kakeru its in the opening does it symbolize anything at this point? O.O

also are these visions just peoples emotions at the moment or are tehy indeed future fragments of what ( touko believes) will happen. cuz none of her visions have come to frutition so far...

are all her visions gonna happen last ep? .>,

PA.. Plz.. be kind to us

9, 10, 11, 12, 13..

5 more eps. okay. lets do this I can be pateint til the end. Q_Q

i can wait til the middle of sept for this tear jerker/ heart ache of an anime to end :P

assuming it has no week breaks :O
Aug 21, 2014 10:21 AM

Oct 2012
That was weird. Soon, we'll be mindfucked even more.
Aren't those sinister black flakes and ravens before sign of the future Touko shouldn't chose?
I don't trust Kakeru, everything bad that's happening is somehow tied to him.

Also, what was the reason for having that out of place scene where Yanagi was walking naked?

And really, they are overdoing it with those stills and vignette screen filters.
Aug 21, 2014 10:24 AM

Aug 2009
Touko is one of the STUPIDEST main characters ever!!!!! God... Im only watching this show for everyone else BESIDES her!

Does anyone notice she runs away from every problem!?! She feels a little nervous or shocked just the TINIEST BIT and she will run away!! OMFGHGUAGHFDUAGO SO ANNOYING.

Every time she meets with David, and he takes the effort to see her, Toukou always cuts the meeting short because she RUNS AWAY!!!!!She is such a coward. //SCREAMING INTERNALLY
Aug 21, 2014 10:29 AM
Dec 2008
ss4chris said:

lol i cant tell what touko's feelings are anymore.. does she like kakeru or yuki? she made a match glass for kakeru its in the opening does it symbolize anything at this point? O.O

Right. They're totally toying with us. It doesn't help that Touko is oblivious to her own feelings. She even needed to be told by Yuki that she likes Kakeru. Now they're pulling this crap. It's frustrating really, at this later part of the series too.

I'm honestly just waiting for all the visions to come together and make me go 'OOHHHH' or in this case 'EEEEHHHHH?'
Aug 21, 2014 10:40 AM

Aug 2013
They just keep showing random scenes of characters doing random things. Case in point Touko leaves the glassworks, stops, then comes back and says nothing and leaves again. What the actual fuck! Also Yanagi is running Yukinari's route now, that's text worthy stuff if ever I saw it. Kakaru's mom asking Kakeru if he's happy randomly in a scene that last 5 seconds, sure why not. Anything that isn't random is likely to be confusing and incoherent. At this rate the writers are gonna have to pull something out of the bag to pull this story together. Need to explain the visions which are largely irrelevant as the majority have not even featured!
Aug 21, 2014 10:41 AM

Jul 2013
can someone tell me why yanagi lives with yuki?
Aug 21, 2014 10:44 AM

Jul 2013
y123y said:
retepeters said:
can someone tell me why yanagi lives with yuki?

Step siblings.

ok good to know xD step incest ftw
Aug 21, 2014 10:44 AM

Oct 2012
gnodab said:
ss4chris said:

lol i cant tell what touko's feelings are anymore.. does she like kakeru or yuki? she made a match glass for kakeru its in the opening does it symbolize anything at this point? O.O

Right. They're totally toying with us. It doesn't help that Touko is oblivious to her own feelings. She even needed to be told by Yuki that she likes Kakeru. Now they're pulling this crap. It's frustrating really, at this later part of the series too.

I'm honestly just waiting for all the visions to come together and make me go 'OOHHHH' or in this case 'EEEEHHHHH?'

QQ T_T ya

and then kakeru notices shes hesitating when she brings up that moment with yuki and mentions his name twice then apologizes.. what kind of girl is she? Q_Q

( why arent i getting notifications on my yahoo Q_Q i toggled watching :()
Aug 21, 2014 10:51 AM

Feb 2013
Everyone became crazy.
This is just becoming a mess.
Aug 21, 2014 10:51 AM

May 2014

Blatant padding: The anime

So Sachi and Yana have a pointless conversation about Touka seeing the future. Yana has a complete, pointless fanservice bath scene. Hina(Touka's imouto) and Touka have another pointless conversation about Yuki being "cool and attractive"(oh god, another ship!)

Hiro goes on a hike for no reason. Yuki's in training camp to practice his running(and fail at it).

Touka's illusions are becoming trippier and trippier, I want what you're smokin' lass! NOW!
She and David have more conversations about their superpowers, until she finally loses it, well... kinda... OK, not really(find out what happens next week!)

This is another "build up" episode and they're becoming more and more desperate to pad out everything until the end, which has some glimpses of being the ONLY thing they put thought in and even then, it's not much.
Aug 21, 2014 10:57 AM

Dec 2012
I dislike every character,except Hiro and David because Hiro has balls and David is the type I like.
Sachi getting what she deserves,Hiro is my man.
P.S. I wonder how Touko would react if she would have an illusion with David trying to fuck her.
Aug 21, 2014 10:58 AM

Oct 2012
y123y said:
T3hSource said:

Blatant padding: The anime

So Sachi and Yana have a pointless conversation about Touka seeing the future. Yana has a complete, pointless fanservice bath scene. Hina(Touka's imouto) and Touka have another pointless conversation about Yuki being "cool and attractive"(oh god, another ship!)

Hiro goes on a hike for no reason. Yuki's in training camp to practice his running(and fail at it).

Touka's illusions are becoming trippier and trippier, I want what you're smokin' lass! NOW!
She and David have more conversations about their superpowers, until she finally loses it, well... kinda... OK, not really(find out what happens next week!)

This is another "build up" episode and they're becoming more and more desperate to pad out everything until the end, which has some glimpses of being the ONLY thing they put thought in and even then, it's not much.

I think Yuki will give up running (at least professionally, not as a hobby) just like he gave up on Touko, and move on.

I think he'll keep pushing his limits and never give up... til the end of the series idk.

maybe he will bounce back and will be successful
Aug 21, 2014 10:58 AM

Oct 2012
kawaii-despair said:
I dislike every character,except Hiro and David because Hiro has balls and David is the type I like.
Sachi getting what she deserves,Hiro is my man.
P.S. I wonder how Touko would react if she would have an illusion with David trying to fuck her.

lol wow. your english lmao.
Aug 21, 2014 11:03 AM

Aug 2011
ss4chris said:
kawaii-despair said:
I dislike every character,except Hiro and David because Hiro has balls and David is the type I like.
Sachi getting what she deserves,Hiro is my man.
P.S. I wonder how Touko would react if she would have an illusion with David trying to fuck her.

lol wow. your english lmao.

lol wow. your comment lmao.
Aug 21, 2014 11:05 AM

Jul 2014
one question for this episode: why does yanagi run in place for yukinari?
a dual-sword wielder, fire element in right arm and ice element in left arm
Aug 21, 2014 11:09 AM

Oct 2012
novian14 said:
one question for this episode: why does yanagi run in place for yukinari?

we don't know >.< lol.

maybe shes trying to get closer to yuki but putting herself in his shoes.
Aug 21, 2014 11:18 AM
Jul 2018
God,this was terrible.
Aug 21, 2014 11:21 AM

Oct 2012
DejWoSWK said:
God,this was terrible.

why? :(
Aug 21, 2014 11:25 AM

May 2013
I haven't been this annoyed by a show in a while.

The only character who had been given room for development was given a measly 10 seconds of screen time at the end of the episode. David is still being overly dramatic. Touko is still being a little drama queen, which would be fine if they bothered detailing her thoughts and making the audience understand her thinking. Instead we're just left with "she's feeling angst" and shown a whole bunch of nothing the entire episode.
Aug 21, 2014 11:28 AM
Jul 2012
i think yuki will end with touko, btw, this anime is very bad until now, nothing happened.
Aug 21, 2014 11:35 AM

Oct 2012
Cazzoe said:
I haven't been this annoyed by a show in a while.

The only character who had been given room for development was given a measly 10 seconds of screen time at the end of the episode. David is still being overly dramatic. Touko is still being a little drama queen, which would be fine if they bothered detailing her thoughts and making the audience understand her thinking. Instead we're just left with "she's feeling angst" and shown a whole bunch of nothing the entire episode.

how is kakeru being over dramatic if he really hasn't done much to be?
Aug 21, 2014 11:36 AM

Dec 2013
kawaii-despair said:

P.S. I wonder how Touko would react if she would have an illusion with David trying to fuck her.

I would like to see that :D!

But in all seriousness, I hope this show will have an unexpected ending.

So Sachi is really in love with Touko? I hope so. Hiro is too good for her and I don't want them to end up together.
Days need to be longer. 24 hours isn't enough ...
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