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Jun 13, 2011 1:51 PM

Jan 2011
I feel bad for Ohana, being hit by different sides :c
well good episode c:
Jun 13, 2011 2:00 PM

Nov 2008
Lulexiaa said:
Anyway, near the end when everything was going wrong I was telling my self "o gosh, whose gonna save her? ;___; It would be a miracle if Tooru came... but probably not"

Then when he showed up (with Minko), I was just YESSSS THANK GOD!!! ;____;

Fantastic episode!

I really do ship Ohana and Tooru! ;___;
But are Tooru and Minko having a date next ep? D;

I really hope its just a date on her part. I also hope that when Ohana asks Tooru if he's ever had a girlfriend its at the end of all that drama and hopefully it'll be the start of something between them two. I'm so happy just thinking about it. Hopefully they don't burst my bubble. I just can't stomach Tooru and Minchi, but I'm o.k with Ohana and Kou, still my preference is Ohana and Tooru. I confuse myself sometimes.

Anyways this episode was great!!
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Jun 13, 2011 2:32 PM

Feb 2009
Ah jeez this episode HAD SO MANY UPS AND DOWNS it was SO untrue. o_o One minute I was happy with how it was turning out, the next depressed, then annoyed, then even more annoyed. xD
Mostly at Ohana's behaviour.. but I suppose it can't be helped since she has such an awful mother and upbringing >:
...I feel like the only shipper of KouXOhana out there xD And it's going to the dumps. ._.^
I really don't know anymore though -headdesk-.
Jun 13, 2011 2:49 PM

May 2011
Snowflakes said:
Ah jeez this episode HAD SO MANY UPS AND DOWNS it was SO untrue. o_o One minute I was happy with how it was turning out, the next depressed, then annoyed, then even more annoyed. xD
Mostly at Ohana's behaviour.. but I suppose it can't be helped since she has such an awful mother and upbringing >:
...I feel like the only shipper of KouXOhana out there xD And it's going to the dumps. ._.^
I really don't know anymore though -headdesk-.

Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see Ko and Ohana together myself. I just get the vibe that it's not meant to be. Ohana and Ko's progression in this series seems to be following the same path to a dead end as many of Mari Okada's potential ships have gone before.

Tohru and Ohana just doesn't seem to fit. I think Ohana cares too much about Minko to let it happen. Ohana hasn't shown any desire towards Tohru anyways. It's Tohru that seems fixated on her.
Jun 13, 2011 2:56 PM

Aug 2009
Snowflakes said:
Ah jeez this episode HAD SO MANY UPS AND DOWNS it was SO untrue. o_o One minute I was happy with how it was turning out, the next depressed, then annoyed, then even more annoyed. xD
Mostly at Ohana's behaviour.. but I suppose it can't be helped since she has such an awful mother and upbringing >:
...I feel like the only shipper of KouXOhana out there xD And it's going to the dumps. ._.^
I really don't know anymore though -headdesk-.

Don't worry, you're not the only Kou x Ohana shipper. I know it's not looking great, but the way I see it, it's actually dealing with the confusions and ups and downs of young romance in a semi-realistic way. Being honest with yourself is lot easier said than done.

Also, major points to Kou-chan for not jumping the glasses-wearing cutie just 'cause he could. Ohana seriously needs to realize how much he cares about her.
Jun 13, 2011 3:03 PM

Dec 2010
The mother is so unrealistic and flat as a character that I can't even become annoyed at her unreasanable behaviour anymore. Yet another missed opportunity to get an interesting relationship going between Ohana, her mother and grandmother. Instead more contrived melodrama. At this point I don't care who gets whom as long as it won't be dragged out to the very last episode, which it probably will.
Jun 13, 2011 3:10 PM

Oct 2010
Snowflakes said:
...I feel like the only shipper of KouXOhana out there xD And it's going to the dumps. ._.^
Nah, I am also with you on that one.

I am just not with the shippers of Tooru x Ohana.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 13, 2011 3:27 PM

Aug 2008
I kinda hope Kou and Ohana don't end their "relationship" and their feeling. I actually hope they end up together in the end, and Minchi will end up with Tooru, just as she wants it to be.

From the previous episode I thought it was kinda unfair for everyone when Ohana gets everything (Tooru having feelings for her), but after this episode I see how wrong things have gone with her.

And whats up with Ohana's mom? She returned to the city and didn't even try to contact Ohana at all. And in general she has been a really bad parent from the events in the first episode and from all the stuff Ohana confesses in this episode.
Jun 13, 2011 4:43 PM

Apr 2011
Great (but sad) episode...

I hate Kou since the first episode... now i hate him more!!

Jun 13, 2011 4:48 PM

Feb 2008
haha so she was the one to see him with another girl.

that is youth for ya.
Jun 13, 2011 5:14 PM

Mar 2011
docchama said:
"I've never been moved in so many ways in one day before" - this last sentence said by Ohana-chan perfectly fits the whole episode.

I could be wrong but it sounds too similar to what she said at the end of the first episode.

Kou has a right to move on, after Ohana basically did not respond to him for way too long. I guess its her fault for not even mustering up the courage in the first place. But I get the hint that since he didnt really respond to the other girl's confession, he probably still has feelings for Ohana.

All that aside, the ending almost brought me to tears. :D
Jun 13, 2011 8:06 PM

Jun 2010
OMG.. this episode is so sad..
and what will happen to Ko and Ohana? and "Bye" for the preview? Oh please bring me the next episode!!!
Jun 13, 2011 8:29 PM

Nov 2008
Did Ohana cry at the end because she hit her face on the post or was it something else... I didn't understand why she cried or even why she ran...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jun 13, 2011 8:38 PM

Jul 2010
Most dramatic episode so far in the series. So aching to see what goes down next episode.
Jun 13, 2011 9:05 PM

Aug 2008
nznznz said:
The mother is so unrealistic and flat as a character that I can't even become annoyed at her unreasanable behaviour anymore. Yet another missed opportunity to get an interesting relationship going between Ohana, her mother and grandmother. Instead more contrived melodrama. At this point I don't care who gets whom as long as it won't be dragged out to the very last episode, which it probably will.

I swear I am going to be soooo freaking pissed if there isn't come kind of explanation as to why Ohana's mom is such a mega-bitch. I don't get it at all either. It makes no sense that we haven't gotten even a tiny bit of development from her. She's a whore and I honestly hope she dies a painful death somehow with Ohana sniffing without a care in the world. That's how much I hate this character. And not in the love-to-hate way either. I seriously wish she'd never been written.
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Jun 13, 2011 10:13 PM

Oct 2010
DenjaX said:
Did Ohana cry at the end because she hit her face on the post or was it something else... I didn't understand why she cried or even why she ran...
She ran for sure from those perverted young boys in that car and she though the van was the same car. That's why.

She cried not because she hit the pole but because the emotional pile up was too much for her despite letting most of the ones from the past.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 14, 2011 12:00 AM

Aug 2010
Favorite episode so far, I'm really curious to see where they will go with this, especially the romance, seems like Ohana does feel something about Ko that is more than mere friendship 5/5. Worst parent in my book is Gendo from NGE, but I still wish someone would slap Ohana's mom a few times. She had like one sympathetic gesture (giving some food to Ohana while she was protesting) throughout the entire series.
Jun 14, 2011 2:23 AM

Aug 2008
I would have liked it if Ohana gave Ko a reply. Or at least asking him for more time to think about her answer. Running away after realizing she's doing the same thing to him is... not nice.
Jun 14, 2011 4:28 AM

Jan 2011
Best episode evar!
It's not easy being Ohana. But it's probably even less easy being Ko.
Now he understands what it's like for Ohana, and he can sympathize with Namiko because he's in the same situation himself. I think Ko is being very mature and Ohana really isn't, but she's 16 so you can't really expect a lot.

About Satsuki I can understand why she acts the way she does. The world isn't an ideal place, and she's very pragmatic, almost to a fault.
It's not a matter of who's wrong or right, that's just how it is.
> The Fellow MAL Users Social Link has reached level 6!
> Your power to create Forum Posts of the Anime Arcana has grown!
Jun 14, 2011 6:19 AM

May 2009
Just because "it is how it is" doesn't meen it's me a dreamer, but if a human can make it "how it is' then a human can change it aswell, only we have our own fate in our hands ^^

loved the episode though <3 all those emotions in one episode could be maybe too much but it was told perfectly in my eyes and those emotions came at the right time at the right place, loved it :D
Jun 14, 2011 6:47 AM

Jul 2010
Norbiej said:
Just because "it is how it is" doesn't meen it's me a dreamer, but if a human can make it "how it is' then a human can change it aswell, only we have our own fate in our hands ^^

Dreamer. XP Not everyone can change their fate just like that.

I think this is my favourite ep this far. Especially the second part. I think Ohana has feelings for Ko, but she doesn't realise this..I feel bad for Ko lol.
Jun 14, 2011 8:57 AM

Jan 2011
Norbiej said:
Just because "it is how it is" doesn't meen it's me a dreamer, but if a human can make it "how it is' then a human can change it aswell, only we have our own fate in our hands ^^

loved the episode though <3 all those emotions in one episode could be maybe too much but it was told perfectly in my eyes and those emotions came at the right time at the right place, loved it :D

Sure, you can do a Ghandi and "Be the change you want to see in the world." but honestly. What would Satsuki accomplish by refusing to do what her boss wants?
She'd get fired, and when you have a child, sometimes you need to sacrifice your own values and beliefs to protect what's important.
> The Fellow MAL Users Social Link has reached level 6!
> Your power to create Forum Posts of the Anime Arcana has grown!
Jun 14, 2011 11:08 AM

Jul 2009
Wow, I thought this was a GREAT episode! O_O
Poor review and written by her mom but I can see where she's coming from, I mean there's really not much you can do if that's what your boss wants. I thought they were both pretty honest in the restaurant and stuff (plus I bet Okami is what's keeping her away from the inn probably). Poor Ohana though, with all those things she kept from saying D;
PLUS, KO AND THE BOOKSTORE GIRL OMG ...! I KNEW she was gonna run away but still T_T Tohru found her as well, guhhhh, what is this love pentagon madness?! There are TOO MANY PEOPLES! D; Well at least Ohana realized what she was doing ...? I don't really blame her for running like that lol X_X
I really liked the ED this episode lol :3
Jun 14, 2011 1:54 PM

Dec 2010
Vinter said:
Sure, you can do a Ghandi and "Be the change you want to see in the world." but honestly. What would Satsuki accomplish by refusing to do what her boss wants?
She'd get fired, and when you have a child, sometimes you need to sacrifice your own values and beliefs to protect what's important.

Well Ghandi is one extreme, but being absolutly lethargic is the other (maybe Japanese standards are much lower in this regard). You say you understand her because she has to earn a living for her child, yet she also has no problem to get rid of Ohana whenever she becomes a burden and doesn't even bother to contact her when back home. What kind of mother doesn't even call? Or leaves her daughter in the rain, alone in Tokyo at night?

Her behaviour doesn't add up. She's just a flat cardboard character so we can feel bad for Ohana going through all the hardship, obvious contrived melodrama so Minchi can pick her up all in tears. That's downright wasted potential in a show primarily about characters. There's no consistent development, the writers go whatever shortcut is needed at the moment: "Quickly, we need another tearjerker! Here you go!"
Someone already listed all the unbelievable coincidences happening this episode. I wouldn't mind if the rest is good, but apparently the whole show is build that way.
Jun 14, 2011 2:53 PM

Oct 2007
nznznz said:
Vinter said:
Sure, you can do a Ghandi and "Be the change you want to see in the world." but honestly. What would Satsuki accomplish by refusing to do what her boss wants?
She'd get fired, and when you have a child, sometimes you need to sacrifice your own values and beliefs to protect what's important.

Well Ghandi is one extreme, but being absolutly lethargic is the other (maybe Japanese standards are much lower in this regard). You say you understand her because she has to earn a living for her child, yet she also has no problem to get rid of Ohana whenever she becomes a burden and doesn't even bother to contact her when back home. What kind of mother doesn't even call? Or leaves her daughter in the rain, alone in Tokyo at night?

Her behaviour doesn't add up. She's just a flat cardboard character so we can feel bad for Ohana going through all the hardship, obvious contrived melodrama so Minchi can pick her up all in tears. That's downright wasted potential in a show primarily about characters. There's no consistent development, the writers go whatever shortcut is needed at the moment: "Quickly, we need another tearjerker! Here you go!"
Someone already listed all the unbelievable coincidences happening this episode. I wouldn't mind if the rest is good, but apparently the whole show is build that way.
Her mother is a great and best character on her own. Yes she is not the best mother in the world or maybe she doesn't even deserved to be called one either. She did what she could for Ohana but she won't go out of her way to do what she doesn't want to. Ohana is stubborn person and the show is revolve around her but why people still think that she should act like a perfect main character?

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jun 14, 2011 3:56 PM

Jan 2011
nznznz said:
Vinter said:
Sure, you can do a Ghandi and "Be the change you want to see in the world." but honestly. What would Satsuki accomplish by refusing to do what her boss wants?
She'd get fired, and when you have a child, sometimes you need to sacrifice your own values and beliefs to protect what's important.

Well Ghandi is one extreme, but being absolutly lethargic is the other (maybe Japanese standards are much lower in this regard). You say you understand her because she has to earn a living for her child, yet she also has no problem to get rid of Ohana whenever she becomes a burden and doesn't even bother to contact her when back home. What kind of mother doesn't even call? Or leaves her daughter in the rain, alone in Tokyo at night?

Her behaviour doesn't add up. She's just a flat cardboard character so we can feel bad for Ohana going through all the hardship, obvious contrived melodrama so Minchi can pick her up all in tears. That's downright wasted potential in a show primarily about characters. There's no consistent development, the writers go whatever shortcut is needed at the moment: "Quickly, we need another tearjerker! Here you go!"
Someone already listed all the unbelievable coincidences happening this episode. I wouldn't mind if the rest is good, but apparently the whole show is build that way.

With that first part I was referring to when Ohana was young.

The way I see it Satsuki views Ohana as an equal, not as her child. And if Ohana wants to run off into the rain, in Tokyo, at night, then that's her decision, and Satsuki won't stop her.
And as it is now Satsuki is just trying to earn money, and she doesn't pretend to care about who she affects in doing that. It's like she's saying: "I just do what I'm told so I get my paycheck, and if I end up hurting others because of that, then it sucks to be them." She isn't the one making the decisions, so she views herself merely as the messenger.
She hasn't succumb to the "shikata ga nai" mentality, she really just doesn't give a shit about anyone else.
> The Fellow MAL Users Social Link has reached level 6!
> Your power to create Forum Posts of the Anime Arcana has grown!
Jun 14, 2011 4:04 PM

Dec 2010
Siva said:
Her mother is a great and best character on her own. Yes she is not the best mother in the world or maybe she doesn't even deserved to be called one either. She did what she could for Ohana but she won't go out of her way to do what she doesn't want to. Ohana is stubborn person and the show is revolve around her but why people still think that she should act like a perfect main character?
I never said I want her to be mother of the year. She could be the worst mother in all entertainment history for all I care. The problem is that I can't see her motivations, why she behaves like that. Basically what defines a character.

Tomoe got a nice episode fleshing her character out. I want at least something like that for her mother and grandmother. This show is screaming for a mother-daughter drama.

Vinter said:
With that first part I was referring to when Ohana was young.

The way I see it Satsuki views Ohana as an equal, not as her child. And if Ohana wants to run off into the rain, in Tokyo, at night, then that's her decision, and Satsuki won't stop her.
And as it is now Satsuki is just trying to earn money, and she doesn't pretend to care about who she affects in doing that. It's like she's saying: "I just do what I'm told so I get my paycheck, and if I end up hurting others because of that, then it sucks to be them." She isn't the one making the decisions, so she views herself merely as the messenger.
She hasn't succumb to the "shikata ga nai" mentality, she really just doesn't give a shit about anyone else.
The situations when Ohana was young hasn't realy changed now. She worked her ass off to get both of them through, yet she apparently doesn't care for Ohana.

That she sees her daughter as equal is actually something I liked from the beginning. I think that's something not to uncommon for single mums. Yet that doesn't justify her behaviour. Would you treat a friend like that, a family member? Even as an equal you're not that cold. But it would be ok if we at least got some half-assed explanation why she turned out that way. I can only judge from what I saw till now. It's time that they show us what happend between Satsuki and her own mother.
sakaJun 15, 2011 12:22 AM
Jun 14, 2011 5:57 PM

Oct 2008
I definitely teared up during the last 5 minutes.

Next episode preview looks really good ><
Jun 14, 2011 6:20 PM

Jul 2010
What a wonderful episode.
Jun 14, 2011 8:37 PM

Oct 2007
amazing episode, i cried so much at the end :( she had such a crappy day.
Jun 14, 2011 10:49 PM
Feb 2007
And its back. I fell in love with HanaIro all over again. Splendid. And yes I agree with most of everyone; this is probably the best episode yet of HanaIro, closely followed by the pilot episode.

Damn I just loved that Minko/Ohana moment at the end. I'm just wondering how their relationship will end; will it be "your worst enemy might just be your best friend" or "your best friend might just be your worst enemy when Tohru's in the picture anyway"

Oh and I just lol'd at the slogans. Its so Ohana-ish. She's probably the only one who can do that; solo protest and stuff. D: Way to go girl. XD

As always, looking forward to the next episode. :3

EDIT: I can only perceive the preview as Ohana coming back to Kissuiso because she belongs there, probably a flashback why Tohru and Minko was in Tokyo (and eventually found where Ohana was) or it could possibly be a date? Nah.. I dunno, and that "Ja ne" from Ko to Ohana is something like "Ok.. so you're going back to Kissuiso.. so I guess I still won't be getting an answer from you, but still I'll wait for you."

Bleh. I suck at analyzing previews. XD
RusetteJun 14, 2011 11:03 PM
Jun 14, 2011 11:15 PM
May 2009
Great episode! Now I want to watch more. Dx
Jun 14, 2011 11:37 PM

Nov 2008
What a fantastic episode! So much emotion and resolve.
And made me remember why I love Ohana so much. The building tension at the end, And the way the episode ended were superb. even if my inner fangirl wanted Tohru to do the comfort hugging I'm glad that Minko and Tohru came for Ohana atr the end. Thhe poor girl needed a break.

Can't wait for the next episode :3
Jun 15, 2011 10:18 AM
Dec 2007
Dear producers of Hanasaku Iroha, where are you taking us? After episodes 9 and 10 I thought about dropping the series but then you managed to convince me to continue the series with a very well executed episode 11. It's funny things got interesting the moment Ohana returned to Tokyo, the events at Kissuiso in the past few episodes somehow weren't very gripping (I blame you, Jiromarou, with your fanservice scenes!).

Ohana is still the stubborn and spontaneous girl who, upon reading a bad review about Kissuiso, decides to take a day off to find out who the writer of the review is. She returns to Tokyo where she threatens the magazine's editor (or whoever it is that's in charge of the matter) with her loud voice and hurt sense of justice. In real life, you'd get kicked out in no time, but since this is an anime, Ohana of course gets the information she wants no matter how bad her method is.

And that's when things get interesting.
Satsuki, recently broken up with her boyfriend and happy-go-lucky as ever, wrote the review for her (corrupt?) higher-ups without even visiting Kissuiso. It's her job and as a grown-up she is part of a world that Ohana's youthful idealism cannot accept. Ohana tries to make Satsuki go to Kissuiso so that she can properly experience the inn's services herself and apologize afterwards. It is a surprisingly diplomatic offer Ohana comes up with; I was surprised Satsuki turned it down without thinking. I'm guessing that Satsuki still has a lot of unresolved problems with the grandmother because there was no harm in accepting Ohana's offer. We've seen several childhood flashbacks by now and while Satsuki has always been a crappy parent, she's always acknowledged Ohana's anger and her small gestures (like eating Ohana's meal in episode 2 or giving Ohana a bag with food) indicate that she at least cares about what her daughter thinks of her (as long as it doesn't collide with her own beliefs).

As you may guess, I'm not one of the Satsuki-haters out there. I don't find her loveable and she's clearly a failure as a mom, but she is very interesting as an individual, probably because right now, she's a mystery and no one understands her erratic actions. In a certain sense, Ohana is just like her. They both do whatever they want and don't really think about possible side effects. It is therefore only logical that Ohana's rash actions should fail when confronted with someone who is just like her. I've always been surprised about how the series promotes Ohana's inconsiderate/rash behavior, so I'm glad she finally met a worthy opponent. Satsuki is like the other side of the coin: The irresponsible adult provides a contrast to the" morally superior" (mark the quotation marks) heroine, but their personalities have the same root. I do not know what Satsuki's character holds in store for us - right now she is the flippant character who brings Ohana's inner turmoil to the surface but I hope that we'll get to know her as an individual soon. I'm not saying the series should suddenly come up with a redeeming background story, I just wish to get to know her true thoughts and intentions (whether they're good or bad) that are usually hidden behind that careless face.

Apart from Satsuki, there is another character who made this episode memorable: Kou. He's being nice and understanding as usual but his niceness is almost bordering on "kakkoii". It requires a lot of nerves to talk normally to someone who refuses to tell you their feelings even after almost six months. Kou doesn't chicken out but doesn't try to impose on Ohana either. He's just being the supportive friend she needs. Ohana on the other hand, finally realizes her own shortcomings and while still wanting to rely on Kou she also knows that she's being selfish and hypocritical. There are a lot of unspoken emotions in her monologues which she herself can't define yet and I think the episode ended very nicely with an Ohana and Minchi bonding moment (who just so HAPPENS to be in Tokyo - yeah, yeah, the writers lack creativity but it was nonetheless nice!). I'm looking forward to the new episodes - it's been a while since I last had that sort of feeling.

Overall, the episode deserves a 4/5. The only thing that substantially bothered me was that they made the love polygon even more complicated. I seriously don't like the potential misunderstandings and jealousy hidden in there, it's an awful thought. I hope they'll subdue the "romance" (for me it's more like "ship tease") a little.
Jun 15, 2011 11:30 AM

Oct 2010
This IS my favorite anime this season.

Animation has been consistently perfect throughout, I like the story and Oha-cchi is just freakin' adorable.
Jun 15, 2011 3:24 PM

Nov 2007
Now this was a very good episode. Felt bad for Ohana. But she is at fault too for not answering to Kou. Well the boy should already get the clue that Ohana wants him to be with her. :/
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 15, 2011 3:53 PM

Jan 2011
I think with this episode HanaIro has become my favorite series of the season. I was really excited last week when the preview showed Satsuki, and she didn't disappoint with her usual "mom of the year" behavior. I hope there are more Ohana-Ko focused episodes coming up.
Jun 15, 2011 9:46 PM

Jul 2009
My interest in this show has been cranked up
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Jun 15, 2011 10:20 PM

Aug 2010
Great episode, I just have a feeling it's going to get worse between Ko and Ohana before it gets better...
Jun 16, 2011 1:31 AM

Oct 2010
Loved this episode! My favorite anime of this season :D looking forward to the next episode but i hope it continues..
Jun 16, 2011 4:58 AM

Dec 2010
i want ohana/toru or ohana/minko lol... for some reason, ko makes me wanna punch him really bad :P
Jun 16, 2011 4:23 PM
Apr 2011
Episode was really great! You could feel Ohanas emotions really good (towards her mother and Ko)

Don't know why but i don't really like Ko, he doesn't suit Ohana

Never mixed coke with tea i NEED TO TRY IT!!! :333

Jun 17, 2011 8:09 AM

Jun 2009
For some reason this episode makes me want to cry. Maybe because Ohana ran away from Koichi again. I want them to end up together but now I'm starting to doubt about that.
Jun 17, 2011 10:38 AM
Apr 2011
I don't get the preview @.@

I cried a lot this episode.. most likely because I can relate a LOT to that situation..
I still prefer Tooru to be with Ohana..
Ko is just well... boring to be honest. Also, they don't fit that well imo.. He's more suited to be her best friend - unlike Tooru, he's more the "boyfriend"-type ^^
Jun 17, 2011 6:14 PM
Sep 2009
Wow, that was intense. I'm guessing it was Ohana's time of the month? haha.

Great episode nevertheless, really loving Ohana's character.
Jun 18, 2011 3:48 PM

Oct 2010
Best episode in weeks; nice change of pace. Really left an impact on me.

I hope Ohana will find the courage to tell Ko that she likes him! He really does care about her. :)

Jun 18, 2011 8:08 PM

Nov 2006
satsuki never should have had a daughter.

going to try mixing coke with tea now.
Jun 19, 2011 1:32 AM

Jan 2011
This anime has almost gotten back up to the level it had in episode one, which may well mean it becomes the second best this season (AnoHana has deservedly moved into first place and is about to end up with a six hanky final episode). I don't think we've finished with Ko yet, because he is an essential part of the problems Ohana needs to resolve.

Someone has already said that Ohana is a lot like her mother and I totally agree. Her mother runs away from problems, acts irresponsibly to those who love her, and elevates work and duty above caring for your family and loved ones. Of course grandma also seems a bit lacking in the "display affection" category as well. So for all of you ko/ohana and tooru/ohana shippers out there, it's not going to happen until and unless ohana breaks out of her family's history of messing up relationships--grandmother/mother, mother/daughter in particular. Hell, even Ohana's uncle is engaged in that rather destructive relationship with the bossy management consultant (just as tyrannical as his mother with a tenth of the management ability).

At this point Ohana isn't ready to love anyone. And considering just how often she's been betrayed by her mother, can you blame her? The usual trope in anime is for the betrayed child to turn into the tsundere character (remember Taiga in Toradora), Ohana's method of coping is to remain oblivious to the romance and seek approval by working herself to exhaustion (the episode at the inn is very like what she was doing at home before her mother's moonlight flit). One reason that this series is longer is that it's going to take time for Ohana to resolve all this and be ready for the romantic ending (hopefully a lot quicker than Kimi ni Todoke although the resolution at the end of the second season was awesome). This is a very good show and may develop into a great show, but this is a year with KnT, Madoka, and AnoHana so I don't think it will be show of the year.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jun 20, 2011 2:08 PM

Oct 2010
a nice episode, but god damn do i hate the music in this anime :/
and please excuse my blaspemy (and my spelling?)
Jun 23, 2011 10:41 AM

May 2010
I thought it started out weird and a little boring but around one quarter to one third of the way in, I was really enjoying it.
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