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Apr 29, 2008 8:25 PM

Oct 2007
It'll be interesting to see if anything comes of that Real Money Trading.

May 3, 2008 9:40 AM
Mar 2008
Nothing good ever comes from selling your soul to games like WoW. Hahah.
May 27, 2008 2:15 PM
May 2008
Online games can be a lot of fun, but don't lost track of real life... Geez Satou...
Sep 5, 2008 7:25 PM

Jun 2008
decent episode
Oct 7, 2008 5:32 PM

May 2008
I love this episode.

Nov 29, 2008 11:33 PM
Mar 2008
Cool cliffhanger ending. Nice that hes trying to not be a shut in and the gamer kid encourages it. Seems no matter what hes trying to do the reverse happens. hahaha.
Dec 7, 2008 10:20 PM

Jan 2008
when that old guy's kid came to him and told him he's there to start over and all , it was too much of happy ending cliche' all of a sudden! Other than that it was a very good episode.
Dec 14, 2008 4:27 PM

Nov 2008
Wow, a WoW episode. It'll be like that ep of Chobits where they played that adventure game together. Yay. It was good, but I still can't believe how cold he's being to Misaki.
Get a life and stop reading my signature...
Jan 21, 2009 2:02 AM

Sep 2007
Aw looks like Misaki had child abuse or something, or at least she's hiding something there. Anyways now I feel bad for saying she sucks lol. Who knows, maybe she's just a sook.

Anways the end was great. He's gonna die with his allowance cut in half ;D

Jan 22, 2009 6:33 AM

Oct 2008
When all get going and Satou-kun was alone again...i felt kinda depressed .__.
Maybe he should have a speakout with Misaki to go on...
Feb 16, 2009 1:01 AM

Jan 2008
No wai...
Mar 16, 2009 2:09 PM

Oct 2008
This episode pretty much settled everything in the offline meeting arc, and yeah, from the looks of the ending, it looks like one of his fellow pact members is setting him up for something else with this online game thing. It’s really weird what’s going on between Satou and Misaki right now, I can’t tell if she’s afraid of him, or guilty, or upset, or everything at the same time. I hope their relationship can be salvaged.
Mar 29, 2009 6:30 AM

May 2008
the romance is getting kinda cheesy though it would be nice if they start to show some development instead of Satou taking out his fist all the time lol

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Apr 8, 2009 10:24 PM

Mar 2009
You would think that the last episode would make a person emotional but for me it really hit with this one. It’s just a person goes through all of that, and everyone else there has a support network of some sort to fall back on, to give them reason to go on but all Satou has to go back to is a friend that bitches at him and a girl that proclaims need for him for no other reason to make her feel reasserted about the comparative crappyness of her life. I think it makes things worse for him by that fact that he is falling in love with her, in spite of the fact that he fights it as much as he can. It just becomes a fuel source for his paranoia and his overwhelming sense of enviable failure. Then the last part is just the cherry on top with his mother.

I guess what comes next is the retreat in to the fantasy world of online gaming, oh joy. This guy better fix himself by the end of the show or I’m going to knife someone btw
Apr 13, 2009 7:24 PM

Jun 2008
Lol this is getting harder and harder to watch (not the content, the pacing). It's a fine show really but it's really getting tired at this point. I don't blame them though. They had to do 24 episodes so they did...

Just overall boring me though...would be nice if he punched the girl. Or if he'd fallen on the last episode. I'd give it a 10 if that happened - would have been very original...Either way they take a depressing subject matter like this and somehow portray it in a notso super-disgusting way. I like it but I liked Genshiken more (regardless of how "deep" or "touching" this may be to some of you...).
hznuApr 13, 2009 7:33 PM
Jul 4, 2009 6:11 AM

Jul 2008
Pretty stale. What exactly is going on, I can't really think about what Misaki is thinking nor is my interest piqued enough to want to understand what is going on. So-so episode.
Jul 20, 2009 1:55 AM

Jan 2009
Misaki is such a sweet girl. T_T

I really hope that whatever happened to satou isn't too bad.
Oct 11, 2009 9:52 AM

Jul 2009
frog8986 said:
You would think that the last episode would make a person emotional but for me it really hit with this one. It’s just a person goes through all of that, and everyone else there has a support network of some sort to fall back on, to give them reason to go on but all Satou has to go back to is a friend that bitches at him and a girl that proclaims need for him for no other reason to make her feel reasserted about the comparative crappyness of her life. I think it makes things worse for him by that fact that he is falling in love with her, in spite of the fact that he fights it as much as he can. It just becomes a fuel source for his paranoia and his overwhelming sense of enviable failure.

exactly what you said
Nov 7, 2009 12:02 AM
Jan 2009
Okay, this whole suicide arc has just pissed me right off. When someone wants to kill themselves so much that they make a commitment to it, you're not gonna turn them around just by being all like "Oh, but you have loved ones!" Maybe - MAYBE - one person, but sure as hell not FIVE of them. More than likely, if you've decided to kill yourself you don't give a flying fuck about your so-called "loved ones" - in fact, a lot of people want them to suffer as much as possible, for neglecting them or ignoring their feelings when they were alive. And I hate how it's basically all like "Well, you didn't kill yourself. Congratulations! Now your family accepts you again." It's not fucking like that. You may get a brief period of coddling if you try something like that, but before long everyone will be treating you like shit just like they were before - maybe even worse. This whole deal has been just a maddening cop-out from the writer. It would've been far more effective if even one person had actually gone through with it and the other characters had been forced to observe or deal with the ramifications. As it is, it's hard to take it seriously when its portrayal of the suicidal mindset is so inaccurate.

However, I did like the unreveal (not the right term for it, but whatever) at the end. The buildup suggesting that Sato's mom would reveal something tragic or shocking... only to find out at the last second that it's about his allowance. That was amusing. Hopefully this series gets back on track before the end.
Dec 25, 2009 5:35 AM

Nov 2009
I felt sorry for satou the most out of all the suicidals..He's basically a loner while everyone had someone to go to etc...i mean c'mon hitomi was proposed to even...=\
Feb 14, 2010 2:57 AM

Jul 2009
olmecalmighty said:
This episode pretty much settled everything in the offline meeting arc, and yeah, from the looks of the ending, it looks like one of his fellow pact members is setting him up for something else with this online game thing. It’s really weird what’s going on between Satou and Misaki right now, I can’t tell if she’s afraid of him, or guilty, or upset, or everything at the same time. I hope their relationship can be salvaged.

I agree. About Misaki though, i think she was previously abused by a man. each time he yells or raises his hands at her she cowers, so i don't think she's really scared of him except for when he behaves the same as the man who did that to her...maybe it was her father and thats why she doesn't live with them anymore...I hope they patch things up, they're terrific.

I was wondering when his allowance would dry up.
JoquishaJoestarFeb 14, 2010 3:12 AM
Mar 11, 2010 11:17 AM

May 2008
I really want to know what that phone call was about. Not sure if his mom commited suicide while on the phone (after calling an ambulance first), or if something happened to his dad... In either of these cases, maybe he's escaping into the fantasy of the game? Other possibility of course being that his dad lost his job, thus the admonition for him to work.
I do agree that the suicide arc would have been much better if at least one person had committed suicide. I was actually expecting the one who lost his wife and son (or was it daughter?) to proceed with the suicide, considering his comments about how he doesn't have anyone who cares for him.
I feel like they keep setting us up for an interesting regression, but they keep not doing so for the sake of making it to the end of the series.
May 30, 2010 2:33 AM

Feb 2010
So? Final Fantasy ~ Ultimate Fantasy?
The Knights on the Handout look like the Judges from FFXII xD

I thought the pace was alright, you can't rush things after such a near-death episode.
May 31, 2010 9:24 PM
Feb 2009
k wow every episode i feel more dead inside me
Jul 15, 2010 6:55 PM
Nov 2009
gatotsu911 said:
Okay, this whole suicide arc has just pissed me right off. When someone wants to kill themselves so much that they make a commitment to it, you're not gonna turn them around just by being all like "Oh, but you have loved ones!" Maybe - MAYBE - one person, but sure as hell not FIVE of them. More than likely, if you've decided to kill yourself you don't give a flying fuck about your so-called "loved ones" - in fact, a lot of people want them to suffer as much as possible, for neglecting them or ignoring their feelings when they were alive. And I hate how it's basically all like "Well, you didn't kill yourself. Congratulations! Now your family accepts you again." It's not fucking like that. You may get a brief period of coddling if you try something like that, but before long everyone will be treating you like shit just like they were before - maybe even worse. This whole deal has been just a maddening cop-out from the writer. It would've been far more effective if even one person had actually gone through with it and the other characters had been forced to observe or deal with the ramifications. As it is, it's hard to take it seriously when its portrayal of the suicidal mindset is so inaccurate.

However, I did like the unreveal (not the right term for it, but whatever) at the end. The buildup suggesting that Sato's mom would reveal something tragic or shocking... only to find out at the last second that it's about his allowance. That was amusing. Hopefully this series gets back on track before the end.

this srsly my thoughts exactly.
Aug 8, 2010 1:52 PM
Mar 2008
This episode was fantastic, a roller coaster of emotions, but yeah, how they changed their mind about killing themselves was a bit stupid and unrealistic.
I was also hoping for a Satou x senpai ending, but I guess it won't happen.
Aug 31, 2010 5:53 PM

Feb 2010
To be honest I'm glad he didn't couple with that senpai. She annoys me. But anyways: Cliffhanger with Satous mother. I don't even know exactly on which side the siren was, but I guess it's most likely at Satous mother. Maybe she killed someone (whyever) o.o?
Mar 8, 2011 3:21 PM

Jul 2010
"you must be lying mom!"
welcome to reality
i feel like thats a bigger punch to the face than the previous one with them crying and than going "welcome to heaven"

Apr 2, 2011 3:18 PM

Aug 2010
At least they are back to there right mind but sato's allowance cut in half is sure to bring trouble
Aug 24, 2011 2:33 PM

Jul 2009
Pretty nice end to that arc IMO. He's gonna start playing an MMORPG? Lol :P Don't become some gold farmer, Satou! Haha XD Next episode looks interesting though :O
Why does Hitomi like Jou guy anyways? It doesn't seem like she's happy with him ... bah!
Still don't like Misaki >_<
Wow, what happened to his mom?! D: At first I thought it was going to be someone got sick ... she didn't kill herself, right?! >_<
Aug 24, 2011 6:57 PM
Feb 2011
This episode sucked almost as much as the 13th. I REALLY don't think someone could move on from someone they have pretty much loved for over 4 years that fast.
And even more so with someone like Misaki,

Show just keeps going downhill for me.

Sep 20, 2011 7:28 PM

Jun 2007
When I first watched NHK a good few years ago, this episode was the one that ALMOST made me cry. Ironically, not because of how well I can relate to Satou's struggles, or even because of how he had no-one come to see him, happy that he was still alive, in contrast to the others around him. It was Satou's failure to turn back the hands of time and hook-up with Hitomi that made me emotional.

Ever since Hitomi was first shown, it was made clear how much Satou regretted spending three years alone in a clubroom with her and not doing anything; only getting to sleep with her on her last day as a thank you for putting up with all of her craziness. Hitomi mentioned in passing, when they first met again, how their lives may have gone in different directions, had they gotten together, and I can't help but see how true that statement is. Satou thought he'd gotten a second chance when Hitomi turned up on his doorstep drunk, talking about a vacation, but I'm sure he knew in the back of his mind that it was too late: he missed his chance when he failed to comfort her, after her high school boyfriend dumped her--which Satou himself highlighted.

In the present of the story, Hitomi had found herself a new, rich lover, while poor Satou had become a recluse with no income. There was never a realistic chance of them getting together, once their lives went in the differing directions they did. But the romantic in me was still hoping for them to make up for lost time. I probably ended up liking NHK more because it was so true to reality that it was painful, but I still wouldn't have minded an ending for Hitomi where she didn't end up with a rich but seemingly dull guy...

The part where Satou said no to Hitomi and her boyfriend giving him a lift home and the older guy came and put his hand on his shoulder, before offering him a lift (which he accepted), spoke volumes about how Satou felt without any words. And the vocal track that played right after is the one most depressed individuals automatically link to NHK becauseof how well it conveyed Satou's complete despair as he was left to walk home alone, well aware he was trash without anyone to turn to.

As for the whole anti-climatic lack of suicides thing, when re-watching it did strike me as mighty fake how everyone so easily changed their minds. Hitomi was simply hoping that her knight in shining armour would turn up and save her - which he did - but the other underdeveloped characters' actions were very fake. It did kind of ruin the arc, for me.
Nov 28, 2011 2:43 AM

Sep 2011
Probably the best ep I've seen :P When that old guy's kid showed up I was a bit teary eyed lol but then all of a sudden his mother called and shizz happened :( Liking this anime so far :3
Feb 6, 2012 12:51 AM

Sep 2011
Hm... what was the phone call about? Who died!? Mom? Dad? Misaki? O_O
Feb 10, 2012 9:25 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, that was depressing, everyone is ok, except Satou. Meh.
Mar 24, 2012 9:17 AM

Oct 2010
It somehow gives me that explainable feeling
Jun 26, 2012 8:41 PM

Oct 2011
in half!? ugh this anime is adicting!
Jul 14, 2012 7:54 AM

Jan 2011
Great episode, I got emotional when that old man was reunited with his child.
I'm looking forward to the next episode, I wonder how Satou will get his money...
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Aug 6, 2012 5:16 PM

Nov 2011
Wow...this anime has taken such a serious turn. I'm not sure how I feel about the comedy at the end. I couldn't laugh after all that had just happened. Yikes.

Am I too slow to finally understand the puzzle piece-theme with the opening? A piece that doesn't fit with the whole as it should...
Sep 28, 2012 3:09 PM

May 2012
What a stupid follow-up episode.

"we should be grateful to him."

Why? He didn't do anything other than cheer you on and start a fire!

Why are you threatening to hit the girl? Just ask the question you should've done a long time ago "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" - She should be able to answer that after what just happened... Plus she just tried to save your ass. She failed miserably of course, but at least she tried which is more than i can say for you who would probably just tell people it's okay to jump as long as they dont get mad at you.

Are we supposed to care about these new characters? Even though it's been 3 episodes i have no idea who they are or why i should care. Just because they all magically survived suicide? Yeah right.

Oh yes, finally, Senpai leaves?! Thank god, i hope we never see her again! lol

I really cant stand this "suicide arc" and i hope this is the last we'll see of it!
who_dat_ninjaSep 28, 2012 3:17 PM
Oct 27, 2012 6:00 AM

Jan 2012
Not the most well done part of the show but it made me wonder about Misaki-chan and the whole fear thing. Was she abused or something? She's the character I want to know most about since she's the most mysterious of them all
Nov 12, 2012 12:36 PM

May 2012
Dramatic episode but really great one, everyone got a good ending though in this lil side arc, I do wonder what that ending was all about, I'm assuming to the sound effects of the ambulance that his father died or something like that...
Nov 12, 2012 2:38 PM

Sep 2011
I hope we won't see Hitomi ever again. It's not gonna be like though... one can only hope.

I wonder what happened to Misaki. Probably child abuse, maybe that's why she is living with her aunt. I'm sad for her anyway, it was so sad to see her scared of Satou hitting her. That fool had to continue the fist raising on the island... :(

I think the call was either someone dying (father maybe) due to the ambulance sound or his allowance was cut or something like that :/
Jun 15, 2013 12:26 AM

Nov 2012
in the beginning, hmm.. looks like misaki kind of have some traumatic of something.. I'm kinda suprised when seeing this scene (when sato like want to punch misaki, and then misaki getting really scare)

then in the middle.. they are all in onsen -_- hyaa~~ how good is that :3 yesterday they are trying to suicide and now they are in onsen like they are really in vacation.. it is just like they are all have dead and now they are in heaven lol XD

in the end what the hell is happening? sato's father dead? :3
Jul 25, 2013 12:36 PM

Aug 2012
I'm glad for the 3 other guys, that everything's okay .

And what a cliffhanger at the end.
Sep 22, 2013 9:11 AM

Aug 2009
Aww, what was up with Misaki? It was sad seeing her cringe up like that. Poor girl.
Oct 19, 2013 5:35 PM

Apr 2013
misaki is just to cute x.x , huge cliffhanger hgnggggggghhhh
Nov 2, 2013 2:17 PM

Jan 2013
Oh god, seeing how everybody had someone to fall back to while Satou had no one to rely on really got me. He's a true loner and this anime is showing it.
Jan 9, 2014 3:14 PM

Aug 2013
This episode was really depressing. Satou got his heart broken by the two girl he loved. He though that Hitomi had feeling for him, but she only wanted attention from his boyfriend and the girl he thought that she wanted to heal him from his hikimori state just approched him because she saw in him someone more pathetic than her.

Misaki seem to have experienced some violence, maybe she was beaten by her dad or something like this... I really fell bad for her, she seem to be someone so weak, I guess something important happened in her life that made her believe that she was worthless.

Of course, Yamazaki got laughed at, it was pretty obvious that their demo would fail.

I really wonder what her mom called for. We heard sirens, so either her house burned (seem like the most possible option) or either an accident happened to someone related. The problem I have with the second option is that there isn't really anyone that is related to her mom that an accident could have a good impact on Satou. We never heard about his father and he didn't seem to care about him.

Next episode, Satou fall even lower by surely get addicted to MMORPG xD
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
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