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Oct 23, 2012 8:56 PM

Sep 2012
My mom just called me to tell how manly i have become and i was like wtf?

I have been living on my apartment for few months, saving money for "something big", got out of the army, taking responsibility of my own life, but i think this doesnt really make you a man.

I really think its your own perspective how you see yourself and i see myself as kid still because i still dont know what i want to be, whats important for me and stuff like that.

Right now, its pretty much enjoying music, anime, games, random little things of daily life and doing anything i would like to do.

Seeing people at their 30-40's, having families, paying house debts, voting etc makes me wonder will i ever become like them and why?
Marza92Oct 23, 2012 9:01 PM
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Oct 23, 2012 9:05 PM

Aug 2012
Manhood is defined by how large your penis is.
كنت تهدر وقتك عن طريق ترجمة هذه.

mattbenz99 said:
Christians and Satanists are technically the same thing
Oct 23, 2012 9:05 PM

Mar 2008
A delusion composed of stereotypes that are constantly changing
Oct 23, 2012 9:06 PM
Sep 2012
I'd define "Manhood" as a stage of becoming an independent adult.
Most people see Manhood as able to take right decisions in their lives after they've grown up and able to financially support their families independently.
Oct 23, 2012 9:09 PM

Mar 2008
In your case it certainly seems manhood is defined by independence. This seems to be a common definition as well, as children are defined by their dependence.
Oct 23, 2012 9:10 PM

Mar 2012
Unless it's referring to the period during which your voice, among other things, drop, it's a bunch of gender roles bullshit. This is a good way of putting it:
traed said:
A delusion composed of stereotypes that are constantly changing
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Oct 23, 2012 9:14 PM

Feb 2012
I went to this wedding last summer and saw many relatives I haven't seen in a long time. They said that I've grown more manly for some reason. I don't really feel that way at all, but maybe it is because I simply got fatter.

Reading Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa had some kind of idea of what being a man is really about. I recommend reading it.
Oct 23, 2012 9:17 PM

Jun 2009
mecharobot said:
Reading Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa had some kind of idea of what being a man is really about.

"Having a penis. The end"
Oct 23, 2012 9:24 PM

Aug 2012
Trapalicious said:
mecharobot said:
Reading Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa had some kind of idea of what being a man is really about.

"Having a large penis. The end"

Fixed that for ya
كنت تهدر وقتك عن طريق ترجمة هذه.

mattbenz99 said:
Christians and Satanists are technically the same thing
Oct 23, 2012 9:24 PM

Jun 2008
Goryo said:
Manhood is defined by how large your penis is.

My manhood is this big:

Oct 23, 2012 9:28 PM

Oct 2012
Good question. For the better part of the 20th century, most of America would define it with: a full time job, married, and with children. However due to social developments like an emphasis on a college education, this has delayed marriage and subsequently child rearing (which you are also likely to have a smaller family unit compared to say, 100 years ago). Every so often I read an article lamenting the loss of "real men". CNN even ran a story laying the blame on porn and video games. A lot of people claim that we now foster a culture of prolonged boyhood and that its destroying our very society (cue melodramtic pipe organ). In short, its subjective and thus infinitely frustrating to those who desire objective truths to life.

I'll leave you with a quote from the Goo Goo Dolls of their song Slide, "I guess I'll never know, what it means to be a man. It's something I can't change. I'll live around it."
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Oct 23, 2012 9:33 PM

Jun 2011
I think it depends on what decade you're living in.

The closer we get to gender equality, the less it really matters, because now more women are independent too.
Oct 23, 2012 9:41 PM

Apr 2012
Your dick.
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Oct 23, 2012 9:49 PM

Nov 2011
Penis + 18 years of age.
The Art of Eight
Oct 23, 2012 10:01 PM

Aug 2012
Man the fuck up OP.

Oct 23, 2012 10:05 PM

Jun 2011
Necro-sama said:
Man the fuck up OP.

She knows she liked it.
tfw no gf
tfw i keep getting the banhammer on here
tfw Koleare keeps banning me every other day
tfw I'm misunderstood by le mod
Oct 23, 2012 10:11 PM

Sep 2011
JustALEX said:
Goryo said:
Manhood is defined by how large your penis is.

My manhood is this big:


Only that big?

But seriously.

Narmy said:
I think it depends on what decade you're living in.

The closer we get to gender equality, the less it really matters, because now more women are independent too.

But even more seriously.

Oct 24, 2012 12:39 AM

Apr 2012
"To be a man you must have honor and a penis".
Oct 24, 2012 1:49 AM
Jul 2018
Marza92 said:

Seeing people at their 30-40's, having families, paying house debts, voting etc makes me wonder will i ever become like them and why?

Ik what you mean, right now I'm studying in college, I just can't imagine myself in my own home. Well, with this economy, even with a good job I'm not going anywhere for a long time.
Oct 24, 2012 1:50 AM

Jun 2007
Manhood is your DICK.

Manliness is another thing all together based around masculinity.

At least by modern uses of the terms.
Oct 24, 2012 1:56 AM

Oct 2012
Manhood = penis
Man hood = foreskin
Oct 24, 2012 2:05 AM

Jul 2012
Only if you have Leaf this big can you call yourself a man

Click Here for Sig source
Oct 24, 2012 2:17 AM

Oct 2012
I think manhood defines maturity so forth ..

and the length of your cock.
Oct 24, 2012 2:25 AM

Dec 2011
When you truly understand and accept your destiny, you've become a man.
Oct 24, 2012 3:29 AM

Feb 2011
Necro-sama said:
Man the fuck up OP.

The way he said "hora" is just cracking me up.
Oct 24, 2012 4:20 AM

Sep 2008
I'm not sure but a beard is clearly a very important part of it. At least when discussing manliness.

Shakespeare said:
He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man.
Oct 24, 2012 4:23 AM

Sep 2012
BlueOni said:
I'm not sure but a beard is clearly a very important part of it. At least when discussing manliness.

Shakespeare said:
He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man.

By that logic, I've seen women with more manhood than some men.

Also this.
Goryo said:
Manhood is defined by how large your penis is.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Praise the Oppai ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Oct 24, 2012 5:07 AM

Sep 2008
Shiveron said:
BlueOni said:
I'm not sure but a beard is clearly a very important part of it. At least when discussing manliness.

Shakespeare said:
He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man.

By that logic, I've seen women with more manhood than some men.

The kind of feathery nonsense found on some unfortunate females you're talking about has no bearing on anything. If a man doesn't even have that then he's clearly either actually a woman or he has yet to grow up.

Oct 24, 2012 6:58 AM

Jul 2011
Meh, I don't understand.

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Oct 24, 2012 7:00 AM

May 2012
yeah what everyone said about having a large penis. so if you have a tiny penis, you're not a man.
Oct 24, 2012 7:35 AM
Jul 2012
this turned into a penis thread quite fast
Oct 24, 2012 7:36 AM
Feb 2012
To me, it's just not being a coward of small things and treating others with respect.
Oct 24, 2012 7:41 AM

Apr 2012
JavierR said:
this turned into a penis thread quite fast

It escalated quickly. If you know what I mean.
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Oct 24, 2012 7:44 AM

Mar 2008
JavierR said:
this turned into a penis thread quite fast

And this is clearly what the OP's mother meant by telling his son how manly he had become. Suppose one can't expect much else from a public forum.
Oct 24, 2012 7:49 AM
Feb 2012
Welcome to the Perv generation, man.
Oct 24, 2012 10:32 AM

Dec 2009
like you said "its your own perspective"

for someone it could be getting an apartment, for another it could be losing their v-card, for another it could be paying their parents a resto with their first job pay check.

Its really from your own perspective and what you feel for yourself until the day you finally are able to say (I've become independant, mature and I've accomplished what I wanted to do, so that means... "I'm a man!"
Oct 24, 2012 10:49 AM

Jun 2012
Our little Marza is now a man!
Oct 24, 2012 12:30 PM

Mar 2009
smoothly said:
yeah what everyone said about having a large penis. so if you have a tiny penis, you're not a man.

Well, even a boy can have a large penis but that doesn't make a man of him.
Oct 24, 2012 12:40 PM
Jul 2018
waalex11 said:
like you said "its your own perspective"

for someone it could be getting an apartment, for another it could be losing their v-card, for another it could be paying their parents a resto with their first job pay check.

Its really from your own perspective and what you feel for yourself until the day you finally are able to say (I've become independant, mature and I've accomplished what I wanted to do, so that means... "I'm a man!"

I agree with this one,
its actually serious unlike most of the others and answers your question.
Oct 24, 2012 12:47 PM

Sep 2012
To me it has to do with maturity, being able to make your own decisions without your parents holding your hand, and being someone that others can look up to.
A match made in heaven set the fires in hell
Oct 24, 2012 1:08 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
What comes after puberty.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Oct 24, 2012 3:40 PM

Dec 2011
This tells you everything you need to know about being a man.
Oct 24, 2012 4:52 PM

Jan 2012
means that she see you as a man who is a member of the society now, not her little baby boy anymore.
its a compliment, just take it.
My Guitar Covers:

Oct 24, 2012 5:10 PM

Mar 2011
That thing you find on your man-hoody.
Oct 25, 2012 1:23 PM

Feb 2012
Manhood is when you have three women in bed at once, two in their mid 20's, while you're only 19, in bed. Until that happens you haven't reached manhood. If that doesn't happen before you pass the age of 26, you will never achieve manhood.
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Oct 25, 2012 2:05 PM

Jul 2011

jiinn said:
I guess it's two-spirit gender neutral pansexual asexual.
Oct 25, 2012 2:07 PM

Apr 2012
Sephiex said:
In your case it certainly seems manhood is defined by independence. This seems to be a common definition as well, as children are defined by their dependence.

Completely agree with your point.
Dies Irae! :)
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