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Do you think it's wrong to love someone of the same sex?
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Jan 16, 2010 2:00 PM

Feb 2008
Hate the sin, not the person if you're religious.

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Jan 16, 2010 2:14 PM
Jul 2018
As I've probably said before, they're just ordinary people!

When all homo/bi people combine together and try to destroy the world, then I may have a problem :)
Jan 16, 2010 2:44 PM

Nov 2008
Rage-The-Dragoon said:
let people do what they want aslong as it doesnt harm the people around them.

OK, so what about gay couple who want to adopt a child. What would become of kid raised by SUCH parents? Huh? - another gay...

You might call me racist/****/whatever suits you to use but I'm totally against gays/lesbians. This is not how the world is working.
Web developers answer to pretty much any request: You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be...
Jan 16, 2010 3:23 PM

Jan 2010
i have no problems with any sexuality but your always going to run into rude stupid people no matter their sexual preference.

Jan 16, 2010 4:13 PM

Mar 2009
Well.I've had girlfriend so I suppose I'm Bi
but it's not like I run around saying it to everyone I met.
Plus I'm Christian so I have no idea where I stand.
Jan 16, 2010 5:30 PM

Aug 2007
Kamiiru_sempai said:
Rage-The-Dragoon said:
let people do what they want aslong as it doesnt harm the people around them.

OK, so what about gay couple who want to adopt a child. What would become of kid raised by SUCH parents? Huh? - another gay...

You might call me racist/****/whatever suits you to use but I'm totally against gays/lesbians. This is not how the world is working.

Put down your bible and think for yourself. Homophobes are scum.
Jan 16, 2010 7:08 PM

Mar 2008
I don't get how you can hate gays. I mean they're usually really nice. The people I dislike in society are the ones that cause problems for me, not the ones that don't do anything wrong.

Sonic_Moronic said:
feder said:

God created men to be with women and vice versa. Men and women were created to have a relationship with each other and to take care of each other, as well as balance each other out. That's difficult to do in a homosexual relationship since men and women have different roles and abilities. God blessed marriage between man and woman and told them to be fruitful and multiply, which is a bit hard to do if you're with someone of your own gender.

Haha, what a pile of bullshit. In case you haven't noticed, PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT. Setting roles based on gender is ridiculous and will soon be completely absent.

Did someone say gender roles?

Jan 16, 2010 7:38 PM

Mar 2009
Honestly.., I'm Christian myself and i dont see anything wrong with it or have anything against people who are. I think Love is Love and if someone is in love with another person of the same sex then that's their decision. and it kinda hurts me to see other people around the world insult and lower someone because of who they are. So no i don't think it's wrong, i think its wrong how other people do treat "Homo/Bisexuals" but i dont think it's wrong for them to love who they want and to be themselves.

Jan 16, 2010 7:42 PM

Dec 2009
no it doesnt matter. this is your choice and yours alone, no one has the right to decide whether or not this is right or wrong for you. every one has their own preferances, likes and dislikes, and it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks as long as you are happy.
Jan 16, 2010 8:00 PM

May 2008
monoOchrome said:
i dont like gays

A question for all of those who don't like us, gays and/or bisexuals, as a bisexual male, would rather me
a: Direct my sexuality toward tall, hairy, flat chested, muscular, masculine dressing, masculine acting, and elsewise masculine women? The opposite sex but who satisfy a homosexual urge?
b: Direct my sexuality toward short, hairless, skinny, feminine dressing, feminine acting, and otherwise feminine men? The same sex but would fit a more heterosexual looking urge?

Do I HAVE to become attracted to boobs? And if so, how to I make myself become attracted to feminine breasts? Do I have to prefer people who are shorter than me? And if so, how do I develop that preference? Do I have to become attracted to hairless women? And if so, how do I become preferring hairless women? Should I stop liking Female Body Builders and start liking un-athletic builds? How do I stop liking muscular women and start liking more "feminine" builds? Should I start finding make-up more attractive on the face? How do I find make-up more attractive on a woman's face? Should I find thin shoulders attractive? How do I find broad shoulders less attractive and thin shoulders more attractive? Should I find long hair more attractive? How do I find long hair more attractive and short hair less attractive? Should I find wide hips more attractive? How do I find wide hips more attractive?

Don't worry everyone else, I'm not trying to change my sexuality. I think this statement and question makes a great point of it's own. And any person who is against gay male sexuality should be able to answer these questions, or the inverse for lesbian female sexuality.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jan 16, 2010 11:49 PM
Jan 2010
I don't pretend to judge anyone. However, from a biological standpoint homosexuality is unnatural. Simply put, sex's purpose is to reproduce. Because of the time in which we live, where we are past a rural society and people don't have to continue their line if they don't wish to, it has become more socially acceptable for these sexual anomalies to come about.
Also, if we are going to let homosexuals practice what they do, what right do we have from stopping all the other weird things from going on such as, polygamy, bigamy, incest, animals etc etc.
Basically homosexuals say because they get their jollies from someone of the same sex they should be allowed to do it. What about all those others that get their jollies from the outlawed above practices. We don't allow it because some things are inherently wrong in a society.
I covered too many points to do so completely, but I hope some of it got across.
I am not going to harm or judge someone's worth because of certain actions but I will do what I can to keep society as strong as possible.
Jan 16, 2010 11:55 PM

Aug 2008
im fine with it.
people have the freedom to choose
their sexuailty and whatever makes them
Jan 17, 2010 1:37 AM

Mar 2009
edgeofeternity said:
I don't pretend to judge anyone. However, from a biological standpoint homosexuality is unnatural.

Natural != Moral; naturalistic fallacy

Simply put, sex's purpose is to reproduce.

You're confusing result with intention. If a rock falls, was that its purpose? No, not necessarily. Nature cannot intention. Furthermore, given the overpopulation, not reproducing can be seen as a good thing,

it has become more socially acceptable for these sexual anomalies to come about.

By your definition (activities that don't cause reproduction), birth control and condoms and masturbation are all "sexual anomalies".

Also, if we are going to let homosexuals practice what they do, what right do we have from stopping all the other weird things from going on such as, polygamy, bigamy, incest, animals etc etc.

None. I say we legalize them all.

Basically homosexuals say because they get their jollies from someone of the same sex they should be allowed to do it. What about all those others that get their jollies from the outlawed above practices.

They should be allowed too. And at any rate, slippery slope fallacy.

We don't allow it because some things are inherently wrong in a society.

1. Argument from assertion
2. There have been societies where homosexuality is accepted (Sparta and ancient Japan come to mind), meaning that it isn't inherent in society, but rather specific to culture (i.e., subjective).
"When he will, the weary world
Of the senses closely curled
Like a serpent round his heart
Shakes herself and stands apart."
- A.C., Equinox I/I
Jan 17, 2010 1:51 AM

Jul 2009
rTz said:
Also, if we are going to let homosexuals practice what they do, what right do we have from stopping all the other weird things from going on such as, polygamy, bigamy, incest, animals etc etc.

None. I say we legalize them all.

Well about having sex with animals... Is the animal consenting? Rape is another discussion, not this one. Yet I do think that rape is an invasion of someone's space/life and is emotionally harmful/physically harmful. Similar to how forcibly cutting off someone's arm affects them in a way they didn't want.

So we do not know if the cat someone is having sex with is "consenting." A cat is also about as important as a human in my standpoint, just in case you were wondering. Being unable to understand if the cat consents, in my opinion, means we should not just randomly make up what we want it to be thinking. Also, it is very possible that having sex with a cat would cause the cat great physical harm. it just doesn't fit.

If cats and humans can communicate, and wish to enter in relationships, they can do what they like. At this point that is not possible, and should not force sex on each other.

Powered by hinatachan - TaigaForum
Jan 17, 2010 2:07 AM

Oct 2008
I'm bisexual myself, and I'm a strong atheist now, although I was raised and still live in a very "religious" Catholic country. I was baptized as a Roman Catholic but as time passed by, I began forming my own opinions and when I realized that I was attracted to the same sex as well, I was completely against the Catholic Church - but I don't hate Catholics. All I wish for is acceptance.

Just this morning on a local newspaper an ignorant person wrote that homosexual are bad to humanity and if homosexuals are left to "win" the future generations will be infertile. This person wrote to a priest who writes articles in this newspaper that he must join the people against homosexuals to eliminate all homosexuals. On the other hand the priest wrote that he is not against homosexuals, nor is the church and nor is the bible. This is of course a huge lie - the current pope more than the previous one, hates us...

I never had a relationship in my life but I feel more comfortable with the same sex. Sometimes the idea of having sex with the opposite sex horrifies me. I still haven't told my friends or relatives that I'm bi though when I hinted it, I was laughed at and I was told that it's just a phase. How the heck is 8 years a phase? And even before that, I was never 100% attracted to the opposite sex. When I like someone of the same sex I feel so sad because I can't show my feelings. I had a huge crush and obsession on one of my friends about a year and a half ago. I hinted that I liked him and nowadays I don't have any contact with him. Just because I'm attracted to this friend, it doesn't mean I want to make him mine by force. I would have loved to be just friends with him, but the opposite happened. Why all this hate?

To all homophobics: Try to put yourself in our situation. Would you like to be hated for what you are and for what you can't change? Would you like to be prohibited (if that's the word) to love? Let's see what would happen if straight marriage was to be made illegal...(although that it never can be made illegal because god made it that way according to Catholics).

Sorry for the long post but I'm very pissed off...
Jan 17, 2010 2:15 AM

May 2009
It's not wrong. If somebody love guy who is same sex, it's okay.

I don't understand them, who say it is wrong, gross and that and that...

Jan 17, 2010 7:05 AM

Feb 2008
edgeofeternity said:

Also, if we are going to let homosexuals practice what they do, what right do we have from stopping all the other weird things from going on such as, polygamy, bigamy, incest, animals etc etc.

And all of these things you've just said go back to being illegal due to people's religious and moral views. While I'm not so sure about animals, all the rest you listed, including homosexuality, where legal at one point and people had no problem with it. It changes with the times. Who gets hurt by letting same sex marry? The only reason it's wrong is because a mass of people say it is and it's based off their own moral and religious views, nothing more. In 20 years if everyone changes their views and see it to be right, could your argument still hold? A moral belief is not a fact, nor has it ever been. The better question is, who are we to base a law stopping someone from enjoying the pleasure of being with who they want to be with based off our own selfish views?

I am not going to harm or judge someone's worth because of certain actions but I will do what I can to keep society as strong as possible.

How would this weaken society? If you legalize same sex then eventually people will just take it for your everyday norm, just like any new law implemented.

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Jan 17, 2010 7:57 AM

Jan 2010
I have no problem. They can be extremely kind.
Bi/Gays are pretty much like any other normal person in real life.

Although I'am slightly disturbed as you can say homophobic when certain ones do dress in extremely absurd and tight clothing. Not that im stereotyping that but I've met directly one with my own two eyes.
Its my own personal conscious anyway.

Jan 17, 2010 9:10 AM

Nov 2008
Drunk_Samurai said:
Kamiiru_sempai said:

OK, so what about gay couple who want to adopt a child. What would become of kid raised by SUCH parents? Huh? - another gay...

You might call me racist/****/whatever suits you to use but I'm totally against gays/lesbians. This is not how the world is working.

Put down your bible and think for yourself. Homophobes are scum.

I DO think for myself... and btw - I'm a atheist...
Web developers answer to pretty much any request: You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be...
Jan 17, 2010 9:44 AM

Jan 2009
@ shadowsowrd, I like some of my dude friends, that doesn't mean I want to hump them ..there's a difference between liking someone and being sexually attracted to them.

my general attitude is live & let live for the record.
Jan 17, 2010 10:15 AM

Oct 2008
alcurad said:
@ shadowsowrd, I like some of my dude friends, that doesn't mean I want to hump them ..there's a difference between liking someone and being sexually attracted to them.

my general attitude is live & let live for the record.

Yeah I know that there is a difference but I have no contact with this guy at all now. I mean he was a good friend but I never thought he would act this way after he knew I was attracted to him. I would have loved to stay friends with him, that's all...
Jan 17, 2010 10:23 AM

Sep 2009
ukonkivi said:
monoOchrome said:
i dont like gays

A question for all of those who don't like us, gays and/or bisexuals, as a bisexual male, would rather me
a: Direct my sexuality toward tall, hairy, flat chested, muscular, masculine dressing, masculine acting, and elsewise masculine women? The opposite sex but who satisfy a homosexual urge?
b: Direct my sexuality toward short, hairless, skinny, feminine dressing, feminine acting, and otherwise feminine men? The same sex but would fit a more heterosexual looking urge?

Do I HAVE to become attracted to boobs? And if so, how to I make myself become attracted to feminine breasts? Do I have to prefer people who are shorter than me? And if so, how do I develop that preference? Do I have to become attracted to hairless women? And if so, how do I become preferring hairless women? Should I stop liking Female Body Builders and start liking un-athletic builds? How do I stop liking muscular women and start liking more "feminine" builds? Should I start finding make-up more attractive on the face? How do I find make-up more attractive on a woman's face? Should I find thin shoulders attractive? How do I find broad shoulders less attractive and thin shoulders more attractive? Should I find long hair more attractive? How do I find long hair more attractive and short hair less attractive? Should I find wide hips more attractive? How do I find wide hips more attractive?

Don't worry everyone else, I'm not trying to change my sexuality. I think this statement and question makes a great point of it's own. And any person who is against gay male sexuality should be able to answer these questions, or the inverse for lesbian female sexuality.

first of all Im not the person who may say what people should be attracted by, it would be ridiculous if I did but there are some scientific views about homosexuality

1- According to Sigmund Freud, for boys carrying a torch for his mother in childhood blocks the think of being attracted by girls and boy wants to take of the place of his mother and develops his feminine characteristics instead of masculine ones

2- you might not believe in God or religions its ok, so then the other view is Darwin's Theory of Evolution. in nature there is no animal copulating with same sex so we might say that is natural.

3- some doctors say that hormons effect the brain, brain effects behaviours and some others say its not about hormons, just all about psychological, we mustnt make light of these views because doctors educate for this, right !?

I dont care people's sexual choises, as a woman I just dont like the image of 2 guys kissing each other, it seems to me not natural and nobody makes me believe its natural, I respect but dont approve

ps : sorry for my low grammer if it is
monoOchromeJan 17, 2010 10:30 AM
Jan 17, 2010 10:42 AM

Mar 2009
ESSWHY said:
rTz said:
Also, if we are going to let homosexuals practice what they do, what right do we have from stopping all the other weird things from going on such as, polygamy, bigamy, incest, animals etc etc.

None. I say we legalize them all.

Well about having sex with animals... Is the animal consenting? Rape is another discussion, not this one. Yet I do think that rape is an invasion of someone's space/life and is emotionally harmful/physically harmful. Similar to how forcibly cutting off someone's arm affects them in a way they didn't want.

Its an interesting question, but ask yourself this: given the choice, would an animal prefer:

1. Being put to sleep
2. Having sex

Being that we can, at whim, put animals to sleep, it seems that anything else we do to them (assuming it doesn't constitute animal cruelty--cats are probably thus off limits, but horses are fine) is validated based on the presupposition that killing them is. Not to mention that breeders don't ask a horse for their consent.

monoOchrome said:

2- you might not believe in God or religions its ok, so then the other view is Darwin's Theory of Evolution. in nature there is no animal copulating with same sex so we might say that is natural.

Actually, there are numerous examples of homosexual, and even trans-species mating in the animal kingdom.

to me not natural and nobody

For the Nth, time, NATURAL != MORAL. They are completely different, and have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
rTzJan 17, 2010 10:47 AM
"When he will, the weary world
Of the senses closely curled
Like a serpent round his heart
Shakes herself and stands apart."
- A.C., Equinox I/I
Jan 17, 2010 10:50 AM

Jul 2008
Kamiiru_sempai said:
Rage-The-Dragoon said:
let people do what they want aslong as it doesnt harm the people around them.

OK, so what about gay couple who want to adopt a child. What would become of kid raised by SUCH parents? Huh? - another gay...

You might call me racist/****/whatever suits you to use but I'm totally against gays/lesbians. This is not how the world is working.

First of all: what would be wrong with the child becoming gay?'s not a death sentence.

But suppose your argument is that eventually, if enough gay couples adopt, we will have too many gay people and not enough people making babies?

Well, let's think about it: Here's the places that allow such adoption: But gays occur in parts of the world that doesn't allow it and a lot of them are born to families with a heterosexual couple as parents! Why? People aren't sure yet what causes one to become homosexual. It's probably some combination of your upbringing, as well some kind if physiological factors, such as hormones. Pretty sure that's still under debate.

Either way, research has shown that when a child is brought up in a single parent home, and therefore lacking either a male or female role model, they will find someone else to take that spot, like a teacher, a coach, older if two effeminate gays adopt a boy he can still have a "traditionally masculine" person to look up to if he finds that it's right.

Oh and yes, then you forget about the fact that not all gays act "gay" or effeminate or whatever, and not all lesbians are butch, etc. :/ And furthermore, even though the child will be exposed to seeing two men in a relationship they will probably be exposed to a lot of heterosexual couples as well, in the media, in books, in the world in general.

So no I don't think the child will necessary become gay. It's not quite that straightforward.

I am the senpai that notices you.

Jan 17, 2010 2:15 PM

Aug 2009
I don't even get why there has to be a distinction between gay and straight. People are people, I think anyone could be capable of getting attracted to the same sex if they met the right person. I think in the future when it is more accepted, way more people will date within their sex, at the very least when they are young and 'experimenting'. I have never seen the need for a defined like between "gay people" and "straight people". Sure people can be attracted to one sex wayy more often than the other, but I like to see it as a spectrum and not as set categories.
Jan 17, 2010 3:05 PM

Feb 2005
tizara said:
I don't even get why there has to be a distinction between gay and straight.
Dating sites and that shit would be a lot more chaotic I'd wager, if it wasn't for those categories.
People are people, I think anyone could be capable of getting attracted to the same sex if they met the right person.
But actual physical attraction is not that easy to change around. It's not like most people can meet a same sex person who they really like and then suddenly decide to be gay.
Sure, if you show a straight dude enough SM porn, he might eventually start liking it even if he didn't do so before, but that's merely a small change, the core of it all is still female bodies. Good old conditioning can work rather easily like this, but you'd have a much harder time conditioning someone to be physically attracted to whatever sex they aren't already attracted too.
Could have been interesting to try though.
Jan 17, 2010 3:22 PM

Jun 2008
tizara said:
I don't even get why there has to be a distinction between gay and straight.
The distinction is there because heterosexuals do not want to have sex with homosexuals. Nor, apparently, the other way around, unless they're bi. Is that a good enough explanation?
Jan 17, 2010 3:36 PM

Oct 2009
I don't think its wrong to be gay or bi at all but drag queens freak me out. other than that i'm completley fine with them:)
Jan 17, 2010 6:35 PM

May 2008
monoOchrome said:
1- According to Sigmund Freud, for boys carrying a torch for his mother in childhood blocks the think of being attracted by girls and boy wants to take of the place of his mother and develops his feminine characteristics instead of masculine ones

Sigmund Freud founded a great field of understand, but he was full of the biases and lack of understanding of his day. Just like many geocentrics who believed everything revolved around the earth laid foundations for our current science.

I would call it stupid but that would be borderline of a fallacy and he wasn't any worse than a lot of the people of his day in terms of views on sex. Incorrect is true though. There is a lot that can be salvaged taken from him, but modern psychology is about as Freudian as Science is Mythological. Planets named after gods doesn't imply a belief in polytheism, and a minor salvaging of Freudian terms does not mean Freudian ideas of gender have survived the test of progress. The penis envy Freud spoke of was largely incorrect and when true, women didn't have a "castration complex" but a downtrodden envy of the sexism men did not face. It's completely natural to envy men in a time when women are essentially considered subhuman.

Aside from that, penis envy is about equal to vaginal envy and is about on the same scale of commonality. And is a transsexual feeling that can exist in some humans from the very light to the very strong.

People largely learn gender roles because of childhood teaching. Sexuality has nature play a role as much as nurture. And neither of each part are fully understood at this current time. Much less are properly explained by outdated Freudian ideas.

My own sexuality has little to nothing to do with my views on gender roles. Gay is not feminine and Lesbian is not butch. The two are very different things and the effeminate gay man is a stereotype that attempts to bring together two unrelated things. I personally fight gender roles out of a personal belief and not a sexuality. For instance feminism is something that fuels a desire for normalizing feminine behavior in men and masculine behavior in women, not my sexuality. I fight gender roles for feminism, not at all bisexuality.

monoOchrome said:
2- you might not believe in God or religions its ok, so then the other view is Darwin's Theory of Evolution. in nature there is no animal copulating with same sex so we might say that is natural.

You contradicted yourself, so I am going to assume that you meant to say that homosexuality is not natural to go with your false claim that other animals are not homosexual. There are many homosexual animals.

monoOchrome said:

I dont care people's sexual choises, as a woman I just dont like the image of 2 guys kissing each other, it seems to me not natural and nobody makes me believe its natural, I respect but dont approve

Respect but don't approve? I don't understand this.
ukonkiviJan 17, 2010 8:14 PM

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jan 17, 2010 8:01 PM

Jul 2009
ukonkivi, I am not sure if you should continue to argue with someone who probably uses google translate to make their posts... Reading such "low grammar" is horrible. I am not sure he understand English well enough to really know what you are saying.

rTz said:
ESSWHY said:
rTz said:
Also, if we are going to let homosexuals practice what they do, what right do we have from stopping all the other weird things from going on such as, polygamy, bigamy, incest, animals etc etc.

None. I say we legalize them all.

Well about having sex with animals... Is the animal consenting? Rape is another discussion, not this one. Yet I do think that rape is an invasion of someone's space/life and is emotionally harmful/physically harmful. Similar to how forcibly cutting off someone's arm affects them in a way they didn't want.

Its an interesting question, but ask yourself this: given the choice, would an animal prefer:

1. Being put to sleep
2. Having sex

Being that we can, at whim, put animals to sleep, it seems that anything else we do to them (assuming it doesn't constitute animal cruelty--cats are probably thus off limits, but horses are fine) is validated based on the presupposition that killing them is. Not to mention that breeders don't ask a horse for their consent.

Well usually animals are not put to sleep on a whim (It has no where to go, has cancer). Though I know what you are saying and that is an interesting point. Maybe we shouldn't put animals to sleep, or maybe we shouldn't have them as pets in the first place.. I'm not sure. There is also a lot of scientific research being done about animal diseases, and when we can't really cure an animal and it is going to die soon, or believed to be in pain we put it to sleep. There isn't much research into topics like "does a dog want to suck my dick????" or "If I put my penis into a cat's anus, will it kill the cat???"

I still don't think people should be having sex with animals when it injures the animal. Hm..

I'm just not sure. I guess I will think about this.

Powered by hinatachan - TaigaForum
Jan 17, 2010 8:14 PM

Jun 2008
There honestly needs more research done on homosexual behaviors in animals. This same point keeps on being used (on both sides) without sufficient knowledge for why it is so.
Jan 18, 2010 12:46 PM

Sep 2009
when we talk about evolution of animals or human, propagation would be our main subject and propagation doesnt include homosexuality, if it did, human world wouldnt be exist today thats why I said its not natural, seeing that humans have evolved for thousand years, gays will always be on the outside of propagation, its nature's rule not mine
at least I respect every choice about everything.. sexuality, religion, politics, I never humiliate or put down anyone
but if I had a child and someday this child said "im gay", I couldnt approve I guess this situation would be so hard for me
Jan 18, 2010 12:51 PM

Jan 2008
monoOchrome said:
when we talk about evolution of animals or human, propagation would be our main subject and propagation doesnt include homosexuality, if it did, human world wouldnt be exist today thats why I said its not natural, seeing that humans have evolved for thousand years, gays will always be on the outside of propagation, its nature's rule not mine
at least I respect every choice about everything.. sexuality, religion, politics, I never humiliate or put down anyone
but if I had a child and someday this child said "im gay", I couldnt approve I guess this situation would be so hard for me

So in other words, whatever isn't propagation, isn't natural? You know, like abstract thinking, protons and bark?

To be sterile isn't natural?

To be asexual isn't natural?

That sounds rather bizarre.
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Jan 18, 2010 2:07 PM

Jun 2008
Kaiserpingvin said:
monoOchrome said:
when we talk about evolution of animals or human, propagation would be our main subject and propagation doesnt include homosexuality, if it did, human world wouldnt be exist today thats why I said its not natural, seeing that humans have evolved for thousand years, gays will always be on the outside of propagation, its nature's rule not mine
at least I respect every choice about everything.. sexuality, religion, politics, I never humiliate or put down anyone
but if I had a child and someday this child said "im gay", I couldnt approve I guess this situation would be so hard for me

So in other words, whatever isn't propagation, isn't natural? You know, like abstract thinking, protons and bark?

To be sterile isn't natural?

To be asexual isn't natural?

That sounds rather bizarre.
There's also like, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, and various other natural disasters that destroy millions of lives and apparently that isn't "natural" either. "What's natural is always good." Some people should seriously stop thinking like this.
Jan 20, 2010 8:56 AM

Sep 2009
you are saying earthquakes, disasters destroy lives and Im saying the same, why are people afraid of contagious diseases like swine flu if I generalise there is the fear of human destruction so when the subject is a disease, we try to stop it but when the subject is homosexuality we become emotional though we know that propagation is so important for human lives
Jan 20, 2010 9:17 AM

Feb 2005
monoOchrome said:
you are saying earthquakes, disasters destroy lives and Im saying the same, why are people afraid of contagious diseases like swine flu if I generalise there is the fear of human destruction so when the subject is a disease, we try to stop it but when the subject is homosexuality we become emotional though we know that propagation is so important for human lives
Sure, survival and propagation are the natural goals for every being.

But let's consider for a minute what happens if every human on the planet start getting offspring. No it's not a pretty picture. Some places, like Japan, might benefit from it, but other places like India would certainly not gain much from having even more heads around.
The thing is, we no longer follow the natural laws either way, so why do we care if propagation is one of our original natural goals? We can choose to ignore it.

And either way, it's not as if homosexuality is some spreading disease that will wipe out the human race. It has worked in the past anyways, the Spartans were all more or less bumchums, but usually knocked up a woman every now and then so the future conscripts wouldn't be a problem.
Jan 20, 2010 9:19 AM

Nov 2009
It's not like it is something you just wake up one day and think "Yeah Im going to be gay now!" it's something you are. So basicly saying it's wrong to be gay is saying that a person who is homosexual is a broken human being, and I for one doesn't agree with this one bit. You are who you are period, although I have a hard time seeing two guys make out for instance but I still it's wrong to judge people the way some do. At least this is my opinion in the matter.

Jan 20, 2010 9:29 AM

Jan 2010
I don't mind, you're free to do whatever you want.
But things like the gay parade in Amsterdam, which was already mentioned on the first page, are in my opinion overdone and only conforming to the gay stereotype. If you flaunt it in other people's faces you know there's going to be trouble.

I'm personally bi-curious.
Jan 20, 2010 10:16 AM

Aug 2007
monoOchrome said:
you are saying earthquakes, disasters destroy lives and Im saying the same, why are people afraid of contagious diseases like swine flu if I generalise there is the fear of human destruction so when the subject is a disease, we try to stop it but when the subject is homosexuality we become emotional though we know that propagation is so important for human lives

Homophobia is a mental illness.
Jan 20, 2010 10:28 AM

Sep 2009
Baman said:
But let's consider for a minute what happens if every human on the planet start getting offspring. No it's not a pretty picture. Some places, like Japan, might benefit from it, but other places like India would certainly not gain much from having even more heads around.

getting lots of offspring would be disaster too but I didnt mention that of course =)
I think family planning can solve this problem

Baman said:
The thing is, we no longer follow the natural laws either way, so why do we care if propagation is one of our original natural goals? We can choose to ignore it

I agree that people dont care propagation today cause of modern technology, changing requirements but when human existence is under threat (or animal existence) people understand what we really need to survive
Jan 20, 2010 10:36 AM

Jan 2010
I respect them.

I have a friend who is homosexual.
Jan 20, 2010 10:40 AM

Apr 2009
I am not gay. I am not gay and I never will be and you can't make me be gay no matter how much pro-gay legislation you put into effect. So there.
This is a serious post. You're not allowed to delete it.
Jan 20, 2010 10:41 AM

Apr 2009
monoOchrome said:
Baman said:
The thing is, we no longer follow the natural laws either way, so why do we care if propagation is one of our original natural goals? We can choose to ignore it

I agree that people dont care propagation today cause of modern technology, changing requirements but when human existence is under threat (or animal existence) people understand what we really need to survive
So suddenly everyone is going to turn gay and the birth rate of humans is going to drop to zero. Then we'll all be sorry. Suuuuuuuure.
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Jan 20, 2010 11:00 AM

Sep 2009
Mawootad said:
So suddenly everyone is going to turn gay and the birth rate of humans is going to drop to zero. Then we'll all be sorry. Suuuuuuuure.

haha its also a different perspective but I dont know whats going to be or we'll be sorry or not and I dont care =) I've just said what I see
Jan 20, 2010 11:02 AM

Nov 2008
Aaaarrr were's CitizenGeek for this thread
Jan 20, 2010 11:10 AM

Jul 2008
monoOchrome said:
you are saying earthquakes, disasters destroy lives and Im saying the same, why are people afraid of contagious diseases like swine flu if I generalise there is the fear of human destruction so when the subject is a disease, we try to stop it but when the subject is homosexuality we become emotional though we know that propagation is so important for human lives

Homosexuality is not contagious. We don't know for sure what causes it yet, but it is neither 100% genetics nor 100% the way you are brought up.

So basically, we will never, ever, ever arrive at the point where heterosexual behaviour becomes extinct.

Furthermore, more than anything, I'd say our race is more likely to suffer from overpopulation rather than dying out, generally speaking. There are places where people are having less babies (Like Japan!) but I doubt homosexuality is the cause. >.>

I am the senpai that notices you.

Jan 20, 2010 11:59 AM

Sep 2009
what !?
Nika-senpai you understand me wrong completly, I've never said that homosexuality is contagious
oh my god I think I should stop its getting worse
Jan 20, 2010 12:09 PM

Aug 2007
monoOchrome said:
what !?
Nika-senpai you understand me wrong completly, I've never said that homosexuality is contagious
oh my god I think I should stop its getting worse

You said it was a disease. Therefore if homosexuality is a disease then homophobia is a much worse disease.
Jan 20, 2010 12:21 PM

Dec 2008
Jan 20, 2010 12:25 PM

Sep 2009
Im not homophobic sorry to disappoint you
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