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Score Rating: Alternative Score Rating System (1-5, 1-100, etc.) [Closed]

Do you want to add another decimal place for better scoring anime?
It doesn't really matter...
462 votes
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Apr 19, 2008 7:21 AM

Nov 2007
I'm not for decimals at all, I like 1-10 as it stands. I'm just saying that 1-5 shouldn't be used as often as some people, like yourself, seem to think. I rabidly disagree that half of a user's list should be sub-5. That's all I was getting at.
Apr 19, 2008 7:29 AM

Nov 2007
Asako said:
I'm not for decimals at all, I like 1-10 as it stands. I'm just saying that 1-5 shouldn't be used as often as some people, like yourself, seem to think. I rabidly disagree that half of a user's list should be sub-5. That's all I was getting at.

Oh, well then you missed the point of my post entirely...I was probably unclear, sorry about that :P

I don't by any means suggest we be forced into a new system. Certainly no, and I don't use anything under 5 either. I was just offering up a potential example of what might work better than this decimal idea to solve the intended problem...
Apr 19, 2008 7:46 AM

Apr 2007
I don't think using a 0.5 increment would be a bad idea, but I'm not militantly for it either. Right now, if you view the overall scale as a linear increase in quality (I don't), the average is a theoretical 5.5 anyway since there's no zero.

hybridkiller said:

You suggest a system where we have a decimal. Same system, just with more options between each number. That's like a bandaid. Soon, the same issue will come up once again when people have exhausted all the available ratings. What will seperate 9.5s from each other? What will seperate 9.3s from each other? And so on.

Even worse, until you've watched 50 or so anime, every anime will probably have their own rating. It would be horribly messy.

I used to do this decimal rating in Excel for my own purposes. The difference was there was only one "10" and everything else was based on that. What it ended up being was me making a "Top 100" favorite list (or something in that range) and then giving them an almost arbitrary score which placed them in a predetermined position so that you could easily see a descending list. In other words, a very precise score derived from relative ranking, and not the other way around. In hindsight, that was a rather silly thing to do and the absurdities became apparent when I had triangular paradoxes (I liked show A slightly more than B, B slightly more than C, but somehow C slightly more than A -- how do I rate them?) Precision can be overrated sometimes.

But I'll go with whatever. Just as long as we don't use irrational numbers.
Apr 19, 2008 9:54 AM

Dec 2007
Iri said:
But I'll go with whatever. Just as long as we don't use irrational numbers.

I swear I was going to joke about this XD

"I liked anime "x" a lot, but I don't feel like giving a 10. I think a 10 - (c/100) = 9.998899989999... or maybe pi^9/e^8 = 9.999838... will suffice" lol

My post in a nutshell (for those who might tl;dr it - long version below): Scoring is difficult. It involves many hard-to-quantify factors, most of which we probably don't realize exist. For someone to honestly think that making it ten times more refined will do any good, they must first make a ten times more strict analysis of the scoring method, which is something I highly doubt will be practised by most. Therefore, to the vast majority, the decimal value will just be the result of guesswork, not having any actual meaning.

But seriously, I also don't see the point in refining scores further. First, who is going to take the time to accurately define a method to score anime and manga up to the decimals? It must take at least five times less time to judge between a 8 and a 9 than to judge between a 8.7 and a 8.8, not to mention that the refined score would only be marginally more useful to anybody. Honestly, if this is implemented, I'd be surprised to see any score with a decimal value different from 0 or 5. If there happens to be anyone scoring with 7.3s, 5.8s, 9.2s or whatever (consciously, that is; being able to argument why it wasn't 0.1 higher or lower), I will sincerely congratulate such a person, because I can barely come up with a rational method to score as it is, let alone with decimal significance. Therefore, allowing such precise scoring will probably not mean it'll be used to it's full extent.

One could still argument, however, that decimals should be implemented not because of the full precision available, but because of the possibility to rate something "in between", sort of as the arithmetic mean of two consecutive scores. Even if you absolutely CANNOT give and integer score, it is still an unnecessary modification, however, because there are certainly other ways to differentiate equal scores using presently available methods. One example would be to make two special tags meant for refined scoring. As an example, consider making the tags "plus" and "minus" to be used as if they had a value 0 ~ +0.5 and -0.5 ~ 0, respectively, to be summed to the integer score. Therefore, a few examples of scoring would be:

7.4 -> 7 "plus" | 6.8 -> 7 "minus" | 8.1 -> 8 "plus" | 3.6 -> 4 "minus" | 9.0 -> 9 | 7.5 -> 7 "plus" or 8 "minus" (if you're a freak for strictness, make a goddamned third tag "mid", define it to be either +0.5 or -0.5, and shut up =p)

At a first glance, this seems a rather complex way to adjust the scores, but believe me, it'll save you time compared to choosing a decimal digit simply because you don't have to waste time pondering between a 9.1 or a 9.4; it's all 9 "plus" the same. You could even abuse this to score over 10 for something you really really REALLY liked, giving it a 10 "plus" =p

None of this should actually be necessary, though >_> C'mon, just suck it in and select a score, there's really no need to whine.
SakinhoApr 19, 2008 10:13 AM

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Apr 19, 2008 11:29 PM

Oct 2007
How about this? Instead of all this debating, why not just have the system implemented on trial? If people don't like it, you can round all their scores down to an integer, and get rid of it. Of course, that's if Xinil wants to.
Apr 20, 2008 12:21 AM

Nov 2007
Implemented on trial would still mean Xinil has to code it. Which means time will be taken away from other things he might be working on. Seriously, this is unnecessary. :\
Apr 20, 2008 1:37 AM

Oct 2007
It shouldn't be too hard. Just add an extra drop-down list like so(the bolded portion being the added list):

<select name="score" class="inputtext"><option value="0.00">Select score<option value="10">(10) Masterpiece<option value="9">(9) Great<option value="8">(8) Very Good<option selected value="7">(7) Good<option value="6">(6) Fine<option value="5">(5) Average<option value="4">(4) Bad<option value="3">(3) Very Bad<option value="2">(2) Horrible<option value="1">(1) Unwatchable</select>.<select name="score2" class="inputtext"><option value="0.00">Select score<option value="10">(10) Masterpiece<option value="9">(9) Great<option value="8">(8) Very Good<option selected value="7">(7) Good<option value="6">(6) Fine<option value="5">(5) Average<option value="4">(4) Bad<option value="3">(3) Very Bad<option value="2">(2) Horrible<option value="1">(1) Unwatchable</select>

Then modify the php a bit to write the $score variable into the SQL database instead of just $_POST['score']:


And to return it to the way it was before, just run ceil() or floor() on all the scores. It isn't too hard, and should only take a few minutes of Xinil's time.
Apr 20, 2008 1:45 AM

Jan 2008
kei-clone said:
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.
I agree, because of this rating system, i've got a lot of shows rated 8 but it doesn't mean that not all of the "8"s are equal.
Apr 20, 2008 2:16 AM

Nov 2007
aero said:
kei-clone said:
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.
I agree, because of this rating system, i've got a lot of shows rated 8 but it doesn't mean that not all of the "8"s are equal.

But having two 8.4s is the same as having two 8s.

People need to realize that adding decimals won't solve the issue. It makes no difference.
Apr 20, 2008 2:24 AM

Jan 2008
hybridkiller said:
aero said:
kei-clone said:
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.
I agree, because of this rating system, i've got a lot of shows rated 8 but it doesn't mean that not all of the "8"s are equal.

But having two 8.4s is the same as having two 8s.

People need to realize that adding decimals won't solve the issue. It makes no difference.

and also triangle paradox Iri is speaking about will be seen more often.
Apr 20, 2008 2:27 AM

Jan 2008
hybridkiller said:
aero said:
kei-clone said:
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.
I agree, because of this rating system, i've got a lot of shows rated 8 but it doesn't mean that not all of the "8"s are equal.

But having two 8.4s is the same as having two 8s.

People need to realize that adding decimals won't solve the issue. It makes no difference.

and also triangle paradox Iri is speaking about will be seen more often.
Having decimal places will increase the range thus reducing the likelihood of having repatative ratings. It just gives us MAL uses more choice, why is it so bad?
Apr 20, 2008 2:28 AM

Mar 2007
This crap is still goin on after a year? Guh ill put in my 2 cents again :)

a 10 pt score is more than sufficient

just think of it as a 5star system with 1/2 capabilities

if u liked an anime with 4 stars but had 5 star tendencies then rate it a 9 or just round up or down i dont really see why this is even a discussion.

EDIT: Oh and repetitive ratings? thats because people dont know how to rate things other than 7,8,9,10 or 1 if u look around you'll be hard pressed to see people rating anime anyting between 2 - 6 "stars" because people dont know how to rate things low. And again its just a matter of opinion so why does making it more difficult for users by adding more numbers to the mix?

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Apr 20, 2008 2:29 AM

Oct 2007
So I guess no one is up for my idea, huh?
Apr 20, 2008 2:29 AM

Mar 2007
If people are just going to discuss this for the sake of the argument....I guess I'll join in for a sec.

Hybridkiller's suggestion for a change of usage of the current scoring method is interesting, revolutionary even. But with every revolution comes hardship. There are a number of problems I see with this idea:

- Just because a select amount of people/majority of the users are going to use this new scoring system, doesn't mean everyone will. To begin with, on lists you can just type in your score instead of seeing a list with the descriptions of each individual grade. If not EVERYONE is going to use it, the ratings will become seriously confusing. Not to mention that the rankings will become highly inaccurate.

- If you're going to change the meaning of scoring, it would mean that not only the future scores will be changed, but people will need to change all their past scores. I know people who were too lazy to even rate in the first place, let alone that you're asking people to change all their ratings..........
........I feel sorry for Faust already. o.O

- Even if the ratings 2-4 are hardly ever used, they do have meaning for just being there. Just because they're there, the 1 gets more impact. Just like why you can score between 6-10, it's desirable to be able to rate the severity of how an anime sucks.
Just to illustrate this, think about what impact 1s have in calculating avarage scores. Just imagine what would happen if all the ratings of 4 and lower will be changed to 5s. You'll get entirely different ratings. Do you feel that's a more fair rating? I'll leave the answer up to you.

Now as for adding the decimal to the rating, this quote basically summerizes the reason:
kei-clone said:
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.
To see what the use of this extra decimal is, you need to wonder how it will be used.

Yes, when you start rating normally, you'd just pick a number based on your personal definition of what each rating means to you and project your feelings on the specific anime in the form of the rating you deem appropriate.
But after a while when you've rated quite a number of shows, a new factor enters your rating decision process: you'll start to compare shows. Whether you do this subconsiously or intentional, you'll start to compare your shows (obviously you'll filter these comparisons, so that you won't compare, for instance, hentai and "normal anime").

Now how will this extra decimal be used normally/most likely? It's the most effective when you've watched a substantial amount of anime. If you've watched a mere 10 anime, I doubt you'll start rating with a 7.7 (not that I say that's impossible, just inlikely). When you start comparing shows, you'll get to feel the need to show people the differences between the 50 different shows you've rated an 8.

To say that you wouldn't want this change, because next time we'll want to add yet another decimal is a rather weird thing to say. Aside from imagining the amount of anime one would need to see in order to deem the single decimal insufficient (I don't even think Faust would need it :P ), can you even start to imagine anyone who would use 2 (or more? o.O ) decimals?
Using time as a reason is a non-argument, since there's obviously nothing keeping you from using the rating system as we have it now. Heck, you can even abstain from rating to begin with. :P

Adding a decimal isn't a "bandaid", it's an added functionality you can choose to use. It's called a work-around when it's a temporary solution to a problem. This isn't -really- a problem, nothing needs to be fixed. You can keep using the current system and never have anything to do with this extra decimal (until you vist other people's lists).

Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading. ^_^
Apr 20, 2008 2:32 AM

Oct 2007
Boursk said:
If people are just going to discuss this for the sake of the argument....I guess I'll join in for a sec.

Hybridkiller's suggestion for a change of usage of the current scoring method is interesting, revolutionary even. But with every revolution comes hardship. There are a number of problems I see with this idea:

- Just because a select amount of people/majority of the users are going to use this new scoring system, doesn't mean everyone will. To begin with, on lists you can just type in your score instead of seeing a list with the descriptions of each individual grade. If not EVERYONE is going to use it, the ratings will become seriously confusing. Not to mention that the rankings will become highly inaccurate.

- If you're going to change the meaning of scoring, it would mean that not only the future scores will be changed, but people will need to change all their past scores. I know people who were too lazy to even rate in the first place, let alone that you're asking people to change all their ratings..........
........I feel sorry for Faust already. o.O

- Even if the ratings 2-4 are hardly ever used, they do have meaning for just being there. Just because they're there, the 1 gets more impact. Just like why you can score between 6-10, it's desirable to be able to rate the severity of how an anime sucks.
Just to illustrate this, think about what impact 1s have in calculating avarage scores. Just imagine what would happen if all the ratings of 4 and lower will be changed to 5s. You'll get entirely different ratings. Do you feel that's a more fair rating? I'll leave the answer up to you.

Now as for adding the decimal to the rating, this quote basically summerizes the reason:
kei-clone said:
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.
To see what the use of this extra decimal is, you need to wonder how it will be used.

Yes, when you start rating normally, you'd just pick a number based on your personal definition of what each rating means to you and project your feelings on the specific anime in the form of the rating you deem appropriate.
But after a while when you've rated quite a number of shows, a new factor enters your rating decision process: you'll start to compare shows. Whether you do this subconsiously or intentional, you'll start to compare your shows (obviously you'll filter these comparisons, so that you won't compare, for instance, hentai and "normal anime").

Now how will this extra decimal be used normally/most likely? It's the most effective when you've watched a substantial amount of anime. If you've watched a mere 10 anime, I doubt you'll start rating with a 7.7 (not that I say that's impossible, just inlikely). When you start comparing shows, you'll get to feel the need to show people the differences between the 50 different shows you've rated an 8.

To say that you wouldn't want this change, because next time we'll want to add yet another decimal is a rather weird thing to say. Aside from imagining the amount of anime one would need to see in order to deem the single decimal insufficient (I don't even think Faust would need it :P ), can you even start to imagine anyone who would use 2 (or more? o.O ) decimals?
Using time as a reason is a non-argument, since there's obviously nothing keeping you from using the rating system as we have it now. Heck, you can even abstain from rating to begin with. :P

Adding a decimal isn't a "bandaid", it's an added functionality you can choose to use. It's called a work-around when it's a temporary solution to a problem. This isn't -really- a problem, nothing needs to be fixed. You can keep using the current system and never have anything to do with this extra decimal (until you vist other people's lists).

Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading. ^_^
So what exactly is your stance in this debate?
Apr 20, 2008 3:21 AM

Jan 2008

aero said:
hybridkiller said:
aero said:
kei-clone said:
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.
I agree, because of this rating system, i've got a lot of shows rated 8 but it doesn't mean that not all of the "8"s are equal.

But having two 8.4s is the same as having two 8s.

People need to realize that adding decimals won't solve the issue. It makes no difference.

and also triangle paradox Iri is speaking about will be seen more often.
Having decimal places will increase the range thus reducing the likelihood of having repatative ratings. It just gives us MAL uses more choice, why is it so bad?

Where to stop? The model is always a simplification of reality. The current rating is a model. You might go to even more choice by giving an option to place animes on a certain position in your list (moving them up und down). Then you just needed to place where 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 begins. Still you will have a problem comparing shows (different genre, triangle paradox).
Apr 20, 2008 3:27 AM

Jan 2008
@Sakinho, hybridkiller, Asako

I partially agree with all of you.

Let me try to put it in my words, how I understand it.

What we have now (problem now): some users say they would like to have more ratings to differentiate better between any two animes. [For others it is enough what we have now.]
Do those who suggest a change see what new problems would it bring (at least for others if those who suggest could deal with it)?

1. You need to spend more time thinking about which score to give.

2. We could go to extreme solution for comparison: produce a list where you move anime’s up and down in your list. [Additionally, the one on top can be automatically given 10 and the lowest at bottom 1. Here we have a problem, though, that you say that you rarely rate something bellow 5. To this a bit later.]

3. Making a scale 1-100 could be also an option and for some people more preferable to 1-10 with decimals. (The most preferable option still could be 1-10 without decimals).

4. The wider scale of rating you have the more often will you would have a triangular paradoxes Iri is speaking about (I liked show A slightly more than B, B slightly more than C, but somehow C slightly more than A -- how do I rate them?)

5. What is the difference between 8.1, 8.3 and 8.7? I would simply rate it as 8,8 and 9 respectively.
Why? Because you can not truly compare any animes. You definitely watched animes in a different moment of time. This implies: different moods, different thoughts etc. If you watched the same anime at different times you would probably rate it differently. Even now when I think of some anime, I would have change the score I gave it before.

6. How do the people rate? The question is would be a new system (any one, in this case – 1-10 with decimals) better for comparison? Do we actually can compare animes easily (triangle paradox, different genres, different strong points).

Let me devide the users in 2 groups:

a) Tend to rate animes RELATIVELY (comparing, this one is better than another). In this case they should really have an equal number of animes they rate above and below average.

b) Tend to rate animes by FEELING/EMOTION – you GROUP them in “feeling groups” described by words (as it is now). [that is why you couldn’t rate many bellow 5].

Here we come to question do you make a comparison between animes or you score them by the feeling of emotions you’ve got when watching.
If you rate it by comparing to each other, than it is true that the number of animes placed above and below average (currently 5) should be the same. (The case about which hybridkiller speaks). If you rate anime by feeling/emotion you had while watching, you could rate all 10 animes you ever watched as 8s (Asako was speaking about it).

The system of decimals will allow to go in direction of comparing animes and not just placing in some “emotional category”. Currently we have more feeling/emotion based rating because there is a word description for each level of the score.
I have been having a trouble lately with this as well. But not because 1-10 is not enough. Just the wording for lower rated animes 1-4 is too strong (as I feel it). After 5 (average) it comes 4 (bad). It is a huge gap between 5 and 4 for me emotionally. So even choosing 5 I am very careful, because it is so close to this gap.
This is what hybridkiller is actually suggesting - to rethink the wording, which might “widen” existing scale.
Btw I always thought that “Fine” is better than “Good”. Maybe it is different in different parts of the world (UK, US, Australia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)

hybridkiller , Asako You do not put many animes under 5 and bellow because there are words there, which describe your emotions about watched anime. You attached to this words.

Now, with 1-10 scale with decimals some users want more comparison between anime than attachment to feelings/emotions about some anime (or just to refine the scale how you measure your feelings). The decimal will not have word description of emotions, thus more appropriate for comparison of animes.

However, sometimes it is very difficult to compare, since 2 animes could have different strong points. One be a great piece of a historical genre other a hilarious comedy. How do you compare what is better? You might like some genre more. Would it mean that we need to implement some system which accounts for your genre preference (hm, that’s a good idea actually, but even comedy genre would have so many different directions. It is not realistic to make such a system because it would be based on some rules and models. And any model is a simplification of a reality. What we actually are doing with the current scoring as well – it is a rating model.)

People who suggest to have the refined rating system want more comparison then grouping by feeling/emotion. [Group a)]

The solution for both preferences (group [Group a)] and [Group b)]could be a rating scale with word description just for top and lowest rated:

……........ (10) Masterpiece
……........ (9)
……........ (8)
……........ (7)
……........ (6)
……........ (5)
……........ (4)
……........ (3)
……........ (2)
……........ (1) Horrible

In this system people could associate their emotions with each number, while allowing a better “wider” comparison. By removing predefined emotion (word) attached to each score we would give a freedom to evaluate it themselves.
It might take a bit longer rating a first dozen animes. But than you will have your own wording for each one, relatively smooth connection between them, without jumps (as I had a feeling for 4 and 5).
I am sure that looking at this scale now, you feel already that this scale is “refined” and extended/”widened” and that you have more choice to rate.

[If you comment on this please keep in mind that first thing is not about agreeing or not but understanding.]

BTW, a short story. There was a test done by some professor on how people assess their driving skills. The choice was
……........ -above average
……........ -average
……........ -below average

You might have guessed already that the first group was significantly larger than the third.

GDL-URAHARAApr 20, 2008 3:32 AM
Apr 20, 2008 5:42 AM

Apr 2007
The score system now is great as it is, it doesn't have to be changed.

Though i admit i would like a .5 or 9.9, as there are quite a few series in my 7's, 8's, 9's and 10's that don't completely fall into those scores.

In any case, i voted it doesn't really matter...

edit: oh kow i only read the first post in the thread and nothing else, now my post really does look.... ah screw it.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 20, 2008 7:07 AM

Mar 2007
I'll just say here I'm commenting on GDL-URAHARA post, instead of quoting the entire text. ^_^;;

You have an interesting view, which may be true for some, but not quite so for everyone.
But let's start off with the beginning.

I don't agree with your list of problems the suggested rating system (1-10 + 1 decimal) would supposedly give. I'll run them down with you.

I already commented on the time issue in point 1 on which I said: "Using time as a reason is a non-argument, since there's obviously nothing keeping you from using the rating system as we have it now. Heck, you can even abstain from rating to begin with. :P"

Point 2 and 3 are alternate suggestions, and not actual problems the suggested system would create.

Point 4 is about triangular paradoxes, which is an interesting thing on its own, but imho not a problem the suggested system would create or enlarge. The problem exists now and will exist in any kind of model, because anime are different just like that. In some cases they just aren't comparable in any way. But that's rating stuff for ya. In case of anime, we rate based on our enjoyment. And that's a broad and complicated subject. It's just pure feeling. And feeling can be influenced in a lot of ways. Even the enjoyment of an anime can differ from day to day. Anyway, the point is, having an extra decimal doesn't change anything about this fact. If you have trouble with triangular paradoxes when rating anime now, you'll have them when an extra decimal is added and vice versa.

Point 5 is rather peculiar (the first sentence didn't exactly make much sense to me tbh, sorry :( ). But yes, truth be told you can't compare anime perfectly.........the point being? If you're able to rate anime now, it shouldn't be too much trouble rating them with an extra decimal. I can understand that people might think the extra decimal would seem a little too......precise, as if though it were fact and an exact representation of what you thought of that series. Though as I see it, deciding the decimal is based on initial feeling (this anime feels like a 7) and gets slightly adjusted based on comparisons here and there (hmmmm both anime A and B don't deserve an 8, but a 6 is too much as well.....but I liked A more than B). So it's basically just making use of the good old rating system, but giving the ability to basically make a small ranking within each rating (which is OPTIONAL to use).

Point 6 seems to be strangly worded..........I'm guessing you're wondering if adding a decimal would make rating easier. Which basically isn't a problem either. But to answer the might or might not. It just depends on how you want to use it. Even if you don't like it, you can just stick to using only whole numbers. That's what your anime/manga list is about anyway. You can micromanage practically anything about each entry, but I doubt everyone uses every little thing in here (I know I'm not).

.........unfortunately I got interrupted while typing this post. -_-;
I'll continue this some other time......
Apr 20, 2008 10:15 AM

Jan 2008
Boursk said:

Point 2 and 3 are alternate suggestions, and not actual problems the suggested system would create.

Please read somewhere what opportunity cost is. You might realize then better ;)
Boursk said:

If you have trouble with triangular paradoxes when rating anime now, you'll have them when an extra decimal is added and vice versa.

Sorry, you didn’t get the point. There will be MORE such paradoxes. Just think again why…

Looking forward to your comments.
Apr 21, 2008 5:17 AM

Aug 2007
I would use a .5 precision of the rating system.

As i don't watch series i dont like, my ratings go from 5 till 10. Needless to say that like other people most of my ratings are 7,8 or 9.
when you look at every serie on itself, i stand by my ratings,
but when i start comparing, not all 7's are on the same level, as are the 8's ...
so as my armies of 7, 8 and 9's are growing, i would use some refinement if it were there.

but i dont like full decimal options.
It's way too scientific for all the the reasons that were stated in this topic.
personal subjective rating
uncomparable genres etc
Apr 21, 2008 8:49 AM

Jun 2007
I use the .5 system, but I just put the score in my tags.
May 29, 2008 1:15 PM
Jan 2008
I would love this feature, it really annoys me to give inaccurate ratings, like for some anime.

For example; I would never really rate Code Geass a 10, but I really thinks it deserves a +-9.4, but a 9 is to low imho. And there are many examples of this in my and many peoples lists. Frankly, I don't understand the people who definitely don't want this feature, for being to "complicated" ect.

You wouldn't have to use it. Whoever wants to use it can, whoever doesn't, won't. It should work fine.
May 29, 2008 1:44 PM

Jan 2008
The following scale is “refined” and extended/”widened” and that you have more choice to rate (you have such feeling, don't you):

……........ (10) Masterpiece
……........ (9)
……........ (8)
……........ (7)
……........ (6)
……........ (5)
……........ (4)
……........ (3)
……........ (2)
……........ (1) Horrible

Pre-written definitions in words limits your choice of a number by the emotional perception of words. (Even if you with decimals you would not have been able to determine each quality (assigned to number) in words, why to do it now?).
May 29, 2008 4:29 PM

Jun 2007
hybridkiller said:
I'm against it. It's rather useless in the first place.

I think 99.9% of the people here consider 7 or 8 to be the "average" score for a show. The issue here isn't that there are not enough ratings, it's that we don't use the right words to describe each rating.

The typical 1-10 scale would suggest 5 is the average anime. 50% of all shows would be rated equal to or higher than 5, and 50% would be equal to or less than 5. The vast majority of everything you rate would be either a score of a 4 or a 6. How many people on this website ever rate any series below 5? Very few.

We ignore 2s, 3s, 4s and sometimes 5s. So, we've effectively got this current rating system:

1 - Absolutely Terrible
6 - Not very good
7 - Decent
8 - Great
9 - Loved it
10 - Favorite thing ever.

And that's why you guys are having a problem. You're ignoring half the ratings (2, 3, 4 and sometimes 5) and asking for even more ratings?

Just seems...unnecessary, you know?


So instead of asking for more potential ratings...why not ask for a revamp of the system? Make it cleaner by keeping the lower ratings usable.

Something to the effect of:
1 - Not watchable
2 - Tolerable
3 - Watchable
4 - Decent
5 - Average
6 - Better than normal
7 - Highly enjoyable
8 - Amazing
9 - Phenomenal
10 - Best Show Ever

Wouldn't this solve the problem without making the rating system too messy?

I agree, the lower numbers are almost never used. 1 and 2 are probably the most popular lowest numbers used.

I think the whole voting system needs to be re-looked at and changed. At least the wording next to each number should be rethought about since almost everyone that watches anime sees a show as better then good and if they done then its a horrible show. I see more 7's and 8's then I do any other number. It's probably better just to remove the number score system completely and replace it with a three or four rank system (ie. (1-4)Horrible,(5-6)Was ok (7-8)Enjoyable, (9-10)The Best ). But then again the top lists would all be pointless since they're based on the number score system.

Personally, I think some other factors should determine the score of a show. For example review scores, number of people that have favorite the show, number of people that have dropped the show...etc. This way its not just based on faulty votes.
Jun 22, 2008 7:18 AM

May 2008

Why not give users a choice on what rating system to use? I'm not a big fan of numbers, I prefer grade style like they do over at Animenewsnetwork.Wouldn't be that hard to implement an alternative way to rate anime/manga right?

Mod Edit: Modified title for clarity and/or easier searching.
_Ghost_Jan 7, 2016 8:37 AM
Jul 2, 2008 10:21 AM

Jul 2007
I don't see much of a difference between the two rating systems besides the fact that MAL's ratings range from 1 to 10 while ANN's is from 0 to 10.
Jul 2, 2008 10:33 AM

Jan 2008
Gimme out of 5. OUT OF 5!!!
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Jul 2, 2008 10:53 AM

May 2008
I like this system just fine, its easier to average out the scores of scored animes that way ^_^
Jul 2, 2008 12:36 PM

Oct 2007
Cihan said:
Gimme out of 5. OUT OF 5!!!
This. Ten is just too much for some of us.
Jul 2, 2008 5:29 PM
Is a Hidden Gem

Aug 2007
Considering that changed the scoring system would effect the whole "compatibility" systems so I highly doubt that it will ever change from the 1 to 10 system it is on now.
Jul 2, 2008 8:12 PM
Dec 2007
1 to 9 please
Jul 2, 2008 8:40 PM

May 2008
llxwarbirdxll said:
Cihan said:
Gimme out of 5. OUT OF 5!!!
This. Ten is just too much for some of us.

OMG yes please.

For me I don't really ever give anything lower than a 4. And I mean, honestly, whats the difference between a six and a seven? I just think 10 is a bit much. Move it down to 1 - 5?
Jul 2, 2008 8:41 PM

Nov 2007
I like the 10 point system. Even though I only use 4-10. I'd hate to have to rerate everything for a 1-5 scale. D:
Jul 2, 2008 8:45 PM
Nov 2007
for you 5-point fanatics, youd end up rating everything 3-5 anyways, just like how most people only use 5-10. it just feels a little more precise by having 10 points. 5 always makes me feel like im being too lenient. cuz a 4 is like. a B, and a 3 is an F. D:
Jul 2, 2008 8:52 PM

Nov 2007
I like 1-10, it lets me be more diverse in my scoring.


for my breakdown of scores as of a few days ago (now out of date since I've completed a few more series, gonna update it again at 400) -- the wider range allows for more leeway in scoring, which is nice. 1-5 is far too limiting as I'd have to condense too many series together in to the same rank. >.<

My 1 would remain a 1, 2-4 would probably be 2, 5-6 3, 7-8 4 and 9-10 5. ;.; that's crap.
Jul 2, 2008 8:56 PM

Feb 2008
While I like the 10 point scale, I wouldn't mind being able to use decimals. I have to round my scores off all the time.
Jul 2, 2008 9:00 PM

Feb 2008
I can see how some people might prefer that (though last time I checked ANN user ratings were numerical like ours), but while it would probably work on the side of personal scores, wouldn't it make it difficult to determine the average score of an anime/manga?
Jul 2, 2008 9:01 PM

Nov 2007
Asako said:
I like 1-10, it lets me be more diverse in my scoring.


for my breakdown of scores as of a few days ago (now out of date since I've completed a few more series, gonna update it again at 400) -- the wider range allows for more leeway in scoring, which is nice. 1-5 is far too limiting as I'd have to condense too many series together in to the same rank. >.<

My 1 would remain a 1, 2-4 would probably be 2, 5-6 3, 7-8 4 and 9-10 5. ;.; that's crap.

How did you get the graph? Is that function hiding on MAL where I haven't noticed it?
Jul 2, 2008 9:02 PM

Nov 2007
kasumisama said:

How did you get the graph? Is that function hiding on MAL where I haven't noticed it?

No. But it'd be sweet if MAL did have a function to do it automatically. :D
Jul 3, 2008 4:28 AM

Jun 2007
The score system, the way it is, works but the way people use it is very different. Everyone sees the numbers in a different way. Some disregard the numbers completely and and go by the words and some have their on scoring system they go by. For example some give a good show a 7 because a 7 has the word "good" next to it in the drop down list. Others that think the show is good may end up giving it a 5 because that's what they consider good should be in the number system.

Generally speaking 9-5 are used the most. So a 5 numbered scoring system would work. Personally though, I think if they just removed the numbers and left the words in the drop down list it would help a bit. That way people see the words and all have a clear definition of what good is. We will no longer have people picking 5 or 6 because thats their representation of good. The good thing about that is the only thing being changed is the drop down list text and not the scoring system.

Also the real problem with switching to a 5 number system is it would mess up the stats already accumulated on MAL and sadly Xinil and the mods have already shot the idea of any alternative rating system down countless times :(. Boo to them.
Jul 3, 2008 6:20 AM

Jan 2008
5: Classic.
4: Excellent.
3: Good.
2: Mediocre.
1: Shit.

Unremorseful, blunt, effective.

10 is for pansies.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Jul 3, 2008 7:09 AM

Feb 2007
Cihan said:

5: Classic.
4: Excellent.
3: Good.
2: Mediocre.
1: Shit.

Unremorseful, blunt, effective.

10 is for pansies.

Well, on the 10-point system, it's still something like:

10. Absolutely perfect
9. Perfect
8. Excellent
7. Very good
6. Good
4. Not very good
3. Poor
2. Worthless
1. Don't even bother looking

The 10-points offer more options, but I kind of agree that it's a bit too much options. Cihan's suggestion is ok imho.
Jul 3, 2008 7:15 AM

Jan 2008
Sure 10 offers more variation than 5, but we're not a critic site or anything, we're not analysing the anime, we're giving it an overall rating, and those 5 definitions I mentioned are enough criteria to judge any form of media by.

Like a lot of people say, 4 to 1 on the 10 scale basically all mean the same thing: crap.

I'm so confused as to how to rate anime these days, 5 would clear everything up and make my life easier, lol.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Jul 3, 2008 7:18 AM

Nov 2007
Cihan said:

Like a lot of people say, 4 to 1 on the 10 scale basically all mean the same thing: crap.

But it doesn't. That's the point. There are some 4s and 3s on my list I'd recommend to people if they're looking for certain genres or situations. One is drastically different to a four. At least the way I rate. I know a lot of people use anything under 5 to mean crap, but there are some of us who are a bit more diverse in our scoring deviation.

So really. It's not broken. There's no need to fix it.
Jul 3, 2008 7:28 AM

Jan 2008
If I see anything below a 5 I pretty much know what you think of it.

How does a 4 or 3 relate to genre?
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Jul 3, 2008 7:31 AM

Nov 2007
Cihan said:
If I see anything below a 5 I pretty much know what you think of it.

How does a 4 or 3 relate to genre?

I rate pretty much all hentai as 3 or 4, because it has crappy animation and piss poor stories. Though I have one or two rated higher, the majority of H as a whole is sub-par quality, in the 3-4 range.

Also a few other titles in my very low rating may appeal to people looking for something in a specific genre, for instance Kannazuki no Miko. I thought it was total trash, but some people after mindless shoujo-ai with bullshit mecha elements might like it, so I'd still let them know about it.

1's are the only thing I'd ever tell people to avoid at all costs. 2-4s might be passable depending what people are after.
Jul 3, 2008 7:52 AM

Jan 2008
If I wanted to know what you thought of anime, I'd simply click on 'score' and take note of the order your anime descends in, as well as any tags you may have attached (this is the feature that should be used for helping people looking for whatever appeals to them)

1's are the only thing I'd ever tell people to avoid at all costs. 2-4s might be passable depending what people are after.

Well on the 5 scale, your 1 would remain 1 and your 2-4 would be a 2. I mean it would be a hassle for you to re-rate I guess, but the 5 system works just as well as the 10 system. But with less useless numbers.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Jul 3, 2008 11:29 AM

May 2008
LDK said:
1 to 9 please

Jul 3, 2008 1:11 PM
Sep 2007
there is really no need to change the current rating system, if someone want to rate in 1-5 (6-10) scale - just do so, you can always explain it in your profile, like some people already do. one or two members rating like that won't affect stats drastically.
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