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Apr 22, 9:52 PM

Jul 2016
I'm 29 years old and have these credentials for this.

Never had a job. Live with my parents. I've been casually working on a programming project since 2017. Only set foot beyond my backyard / front yard 3 times(?) since 2020. Didn't take college courses. I've spent more than $800 on Nintendo Switch games. I've online dated three MAL users.

I've been obsessed with comparing people to fictional characters since I was 7 years old and don't want to date anyone IRL unless they remind me of characters I like.

I'm on 100 Discord servers + have more than 100 tabs open in my internet browser.
Apr 22, 9:55 PM

Sep 2018
I wish I had neet bux. I got to work to live. I do regret getting a degree with all the student loan debt I pay each month.
Apr 22, 9:57 PM

Jan 2009
im part of the workforce for a total of 8 years jumping from one dead end job to the next and now im a NEET ever since the year 2012 due to schizophrenia and now diabetes, my brother is also schizophrenic (family history of ours) but he can do some freelance jobs from time to time unlike me, never had a long lasting romance and got my virginity taken away on a nearby brothel where i live back when i was still working in a shipyard so my coworkers influences me to go there
Apr 22, 9:59 PM

Oct 2022
I'm sick right now so I'm living the neet lifestyle to the fullest.
-Login to mal
-Looks at notifications
-Three messages deleted
"Oh no"
Apr 22, 10:43 PM

Dec 2016
I work. I get paid. I am comfortable. I don't have anxiety attacks when I go to the big box store. I can cook. I bathe (new soap btw
I am only hikkimori in that I refuse to participate in normie society in my free time.

Apr 23, 12:10 AM
Oct 2019
Have a stable job for the last 14 years. Don't have a social circle because I work nights shift. I am strained with my family one because of abuse and the other because we live on opposite sides of the country. So I don't think I qualify for any of the three.
Apr 23, 1:25 AM

Dec 2015

I'm 25 years old.

I was a volunteer twice for a longer time, I was once a volunteer for one day event, had practical studies [1 month of job but not paid - archaeology], I will have another practical studies [2 weeks of job but not paid - museum]. I studied History for 3 years, I've been studying Archaeology for almost 2 years. In a span of 2-4 months I will be searching for a job in my profession to begin my career. I set my foot beyond my flat/yard few times a day. I am in process of P1CMAS course - Beginner/1st level scubadiving course. I am planning in near future to make the Advanced P2CMAS course + 3 little courses which are required for P2. I also plan to do somewhere in near future Underwater Archaeology Postgraduate studies which are external and requires a Master Degree of Archaeology and P2CMAS licence. I've spent way too much on gaming. I've dated online 0 girls. I've dated offline several girls.

I've never compared anyone to fictional character, I don't think I would be able to "date" online.

I have 72 internet tabs opened right now, and I am on 49 discord servers.
Apr 23, 1:26 AM

Jul 2014
I've been unemployed for long stretches of time after graduating college but got my first part time job in 2021. Been working full time in an office since last year though.

With that said, I haven't been on a date in over a year and have only ever been in one relationship.
Take care of yourself

Apr 23, 1:51 AM

Feb 2020
I probably don't qualify so much as a NEET anymore (I definitely don't fit the other definitions).

I have my own home and have a job as co-landlord. But I really don't do much, as I'm pretty inexperienced and my sis usually deals with most stuff (my sis is the other landlord). I obviously have to pay my half of the bills if it's empty, and I do work on the place if & when I can, but I guess I'm effectively being paid to do very little. And along with the rest of the income I get from savings bonds & accounts, it's not bad at all, gonna have to start paying income tax now though 😩 but I have as much free time as I always had.

Before that though I didn't really have a job, just helped maintain my parent's properties and lived with them until they both passed away. Definitely don't think I should have stayed at home for as long as I did, but I really did not have any other options and my parents didn't prepare me well for life without them, my mother especially would give me scares about how much I needed her, so felt a little trapped. Probably sounds worse than it was though.
Apr 23, 2:00 AM

Sep 2016
I'm a financially secure NEET right now, had a few jobs in the past and now looking for the next one.

Not interested in relationships because they are too exhausting and time consuming.

Just slightly obsessed with fiction created by others, but much obsessed with personal fiction in my mind, and disappointed by reality not matching up to it.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Apr 23, 4:38 AM

Jan 2023
Don't take the question the wrong way, but how are you 29 years old, you never worked, and you still live with your parents.
They don't tell you anything? Not because you live with them, but because they constantly support you. You even say that you spent 800 dollars on video games but, in reality, your parents spent it.

Doesn't it matter to you to live "from them" rather than "with them"?

Or do you come from a wealthy family where that doesn't really affect you or your family?


I am the complete opposite. I have been working since I was 19 years old (I´m 36), I have a son, a girlfriend, two cats, I go out every weekend, I go to concerts, movies, theater, to soccer stadiums, play soccer, and I am good at interacting with acquaintances of friends/girlfriends. I'm kind of moody but outgoing. Always open to doing things with people.
In short, 0% neet or something like that.
Apr 23, 5:43 AM

Jul 2016
juanlqr said:
Don't take the question the wrong way, but how are you 29 years old, you never worked, and you still live with your parents.
They don't tell you anything? Not because you live with them, but because they constantly support you. You even say that you spent 800 dollars on video games but, in reality, your parents spent it.

Doesn't it matter to you to live "from them" rather than "with them"?

Or do you come from a wealthy family where that doesn't really affect you or your family?

Enough money to do that kind of thing.

All I need to be happy is for my penis to be happy desuwu.
Apr 23, 6:41 AM

Feb 2018
That's quite the resume :)

Well i am not even half of that i suppose. I am working most of the day at my family shop, taking to customers, closing deals, arranging deliveries, accounting, etc. And i am just getting started with my plans for my career. But it's a very chill work right now. Low stress level work. Sometimes i get breaks to browse mal. It's been a couple months since i have watched anything. Just get tried at end of day. Eventually my work load will increase dramatically. I already have to shedule my time a lot for eveything lol.
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Apr 23, 10:43 AM

Jul 2013
Normies suck. So I won't make any further comments on this subject manner.
Apr 23, 10:50 AM

Jul 2013
A smart Internet user would NOT have 100 tabs of Discord simultenouly open. That is just an epic fail.
Apr 23, 10:57 AM

Jul 2016
Reply to DesuMaiden
A smart Internet user would NOT have 100 tabs of Discord simultenouly open. That is just an epic fail.
@DesuMaiden 100 servers in the Discord app.

100 tabs of other websites in the internet browser.
Apr 23, 11:06 AM

Oct 2009
@ IpreferEcchi First of all, I commend you for your honesty and transparency. I bet you there are many hikiokomoris on this forum but most of them are not as forthcoming as you. Important thing is you are happy with the situation you are in. Honestly, I wouldn't place your self-worth on what job you hold. You are worth as much in job as you are outside of one. I have been long-term unemployed in the past and didn't see myself as being a worse person just because I held no job. The opposite is also true; my promotions did not increase my self-worth either because at the end of the day... You can lose a job at the drop of a hat. Similarly I wouldn't consider it a blotch to live with your parents.

Biggest thing is to consider if your lifestyle is sustainable and be mindful of having a plan b if life decides to throw you a curve-ball. Otherwise try and enjoy life as much as you can. We are all given a bunch of cards in life and we just have to make the most of what we are dealt. As for me, I am currently working but work situation is not great.
Apr 23, 11:47 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to IpreferEcchi
@DesuMaiden 100 servers in the Discord app.

100 tabs of other websites in the internet browser.
@IpreferEcchi that is still very bad from a cyber security standpoint. Any intelligent NEET would NOT do that. I certainly do not. Or any intelligent Internet user would not have more than 5 to 10 tabs open at once.
Apr 24, 2:50 PM

Jun 2022
Made $7000 last year doing Doordash deliveries. Worked 7 days a week and all public holidays.

Enjoyed the job. Was like a video game. But I was in Canada where there was minimal risk of being shot for delivering to the wrong house.

Spent $2000 on gas.

Car depreciated a lot due to how many miles I added.

Got really sick the day after Christmas and quit working.

NEET since the start of this year.

Lots of free time but I guess I'm never going to move away from my parents.
Apr 24, 6:30 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to rohan121
I wish I had neet bux. I got to work to live. I do regret getting a degree with all the student loan debt I pay each month.
@rohan121 i really wanna get neet bux. i probably have some kind of adhd because i struggle in daily situations, so i totally could. just gotta get that diagnosis. its not going well since i got send some quizzes by the doctors, left them for half a month, they expired and i havent been able to request any more because what if they judge me, yknow

Apr 25, 12:52 PM

Jun 2019
I do go to work, but that's pretty much the only time I leave the house. Like once a month I'll go drinking with friends, but that's the only time I'll ever see them. Mainly, I just rot in my room. So more a recluse than any of the above.
Apr 25, 1:01 PM
Jul 2018
27/ never had a gf / NEET
I worked many jobs but never stuck to one
Apr 25, 1:11 PM

Aug 2021
i go in and out kinda
for a period of time i stay in my room and read manga all day and only go out to do whats necessary like school and im really depressed and cant really do any homework or nothing
other times i have some sort of mania, like right now, i cant even focus on reading manga cuz i just not only turn up at school but also catch up on homework and i also go out to hang couple times a week, i usually do that until my body and mind breaks and i coop up in my room again for some time and cant really do anything

my cycle recently was november-december hyperactive social and school, january-february bed bound pretty much, and now ever since march started i be on that grind and also partying a lot until i absolutely break fr (too bad i cant really break now cuz i gotta survive until the end of this semester idk how i survive im a little scared that i run out of my mania or whatever)
Apr 25, 2:15 PM

Aug 2012
I went to college, got a degree, have been working for the past 8 years, have a gf and a house of our own.

I do watch a ton of anime and have a big display case that's full of figures I spent quite a lot on. But I guess I'm just a geek instead of a no lifer/NEET/hikkkimori. I'm not a super social person but a lot more so than when I was a teen.
Apr 27, 2:43 AM

Jun 2021

NEET - this, at least, not anymore for now. It happened only from the summer of 2005 (straight out of high school graduation) until september of 2006 and from march of 2011 to mid july of 2012. Considering that piece of paper had no real value and avoided university to keep myself from wasting even more money and time, i got off that bad choice easily.

Hikikomori... sort of. Barely leave the house since months and months except for work (luckily i don't even need the car to reach it, and don't even actually own it myself any more at this point), some rare basketball matches of the team i played for when i was a teen, and anime conventions.

NoLifer... yes. Too afraid of socializing with people in the current state of the world, always had a pathetic, almost non-existent social life even before to begin with, just stick to the very few friends left that always had the patience to deal with me and forgive when i acted like a tool, and here i am at almost 40 years old barely hanging on, too tired in every aspect, no motivations and pessimistic about everything for the future.
Apr 27, 3:21 AM

Jun 2019
Level minus infinity, for I have never been a NEET and reached complete financial independence at age 21 (and worked during Summers between 18 and 21).
Apr 27, 4:15 AM

Nov 2015
I’m 27, flunked out of college, and I have a job. I wouldn’t be able to stand living and not being able to support myself personally. But I still live with my family, have never dated, have had no social life since college, and really only leave the house for groceries and commuting. I’m basically in limbo
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night

Removes the colours from our sight

Red is grey and yellow white

But we decide which is right

And which is an illusion.
Apr 27, 11:57 AM

May 2013
29 now, yeesh. Oh well I can be 29 for like 3 or 4 more years. Anyway.

I wish I had more time for frivolities. I havent had a day where I could do nothing in over a month now. I usually have some sort of obligation, even on my days off from work.

I'm actually very tired lol.

Like c'mon man I just got back into FFXIV and am having so much fun dawg but I dont have as much free time as I would like and now with car troubles that is more stuff to do. Lame.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Apr 27, 12:37 PM
Grave of Flowers

Dec 2012
The longest time I've ever been unemployed is February 2019 to July 2019.

Funny because I also quit the second job on February 2023 and started this current one on June 2023.

It's because I can't risk being unemployed during the holidays
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Apr 27, 12:45 PM

Jun 2015
creepylurker said:
Made $7000 last year doing Doordash deliveries. Worked 7 days a week and all public holidays.
how did you make so little working 7 days a week doordashing? i worked a few days a week and made like 3 times that in a moderate sized town

oh wait, i probably misunderstood and assumed you meant 7000 for a whole year's work

Apr 27, 12:48 PM

Jun 2015
im not a neet or anything, i socialize and work and go to school, so all three boxes are checked
i do get the temptation to withdraw sometimes, im very introverted. but if you can i do encourage slowly exercising your social skills in the real world. life feels so small when youre trapped in a single space 24/7

Apr 29, 11:37 AM

Feb 2015
I'm on the 10/10 NEET scale which I'm quite frankly proud of.

>I've online dated three MAL users

ok now this is some next level shit, holy fuck you are the chosen one IPE, teach me how to be not a virgin
Apr 29, 11:41 AM

Jul 2013
I don't have a job. But I would like one.
Apr 29, 4:57 PM

Jul 2013
I have 5 to 10 tabs open at the same time. At most. Opening too many tabs at the same thing is bad for your Internet security (for obvious reasons).
Apr 29, 9:32 PM

Aug 2014
I'm a pretty neet guy, or so they tell me.
Apr 30, 7:50 AM

Nov 2019
Used to be in the same position few yrs ago but decided to get life back on track starting with diet and exercise, part time job, then degree.
Honestly the shut-in/NEET behavior can be broken if you have a 6 pack of abs and broad boulder shoulders and V taper physique.
I've never seen a ripped and wealthy NEET before, this is my ultimate end goal - being a wealthy and ripped NEET.
Apr 30, 7:56 AM

Aug 2012
Aight, here goes.

Live with parents.
MBA graduate.
Go out everyday cuz of family business.
Go out with friends every week.
Currently engaged.
27 years old.
Haven't used Discord for a few months.
Have over 700 tabs open on Android Chrome and 87 Incognito, 97 on Samsung Browser, 50 on iPad, 300 on iPhone and 250 inognito.
Very very very VERY stingy.

I don't think I'm that much of a NEET.

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