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Why so many good anime are relegated to the 6 rating now?

Mar 8, 2:23 PM
Oct 2017
I used to skip 6 rated anime because they were boring, but I've noticed that since the pandemic many good anime are getting a 6 overall rating now. So now I'm watching 6 anime too.

Of course, by "good" I mean entertaining and not boring to watch. I don't care much about the rest, that's all I'm looking for in a show.

And actually, the opposite is also true most of the times. Anime with a rating of 8 were always interesting to watch until few years ago, but now is a bet. Sometimes they are interesting to watch, sometimes they are boring. I don't know why this changed? Is it because of the increasing number of normie on this site? For something else? Have you also noticed this trend? Let's talk about it
Mar 8, 2:28 PM

May 2019
Tastes shifts and change with newer demographics and older demographics leaving, what i may find groundbreaking and enjoyable others may find boring and mediocre, so it depends.
Mar 8, 2:28 PM

Aug 2018
when "entertaining and not boring to watch" is the best thing I can say about a show, I'm slapping a 6/10 on that bitch.
Mar 8, 2:32 PM
Jan 2024
Majority of anime get in average 6.5. There was a statistic from a Redditor that post that in r/anime.

The link is not working for some reason. Here is direct link.
unknown_user__Mar 8, 2:36 PM
Mar 8, 2:47 PM

Oct 2013
There's tons of stuff I think is entertaining that has low ratings. There's tons of things I found entertaining but still gave it a low rating. I think the thing people need to remember is, ratings really only mean anything to the person that's giving them. Even professional ratings. In your head, it makes sense, but someone else might think you're a complete idiot for rating the way you did.
Mar 8, 3:18 PM

Feb 2020
Don't trust MAL scores, reviews, top lists, etc.
Mar 8, 3:45 PM

Sep 2018
Animation and controversial themes are the main differences between lowly and highly rated anime, but not every 6.xx anime is an underrated gem ignored by the masses just because it's a bit ugly or too extreme.

The anime rated 6.xx are 8 times more than the 8.xx. Did you actually find 8x more good anime rated 6.xx than 8.xx in the last few years?
Mar 8, 5:12 PM

Feb 2021
That's fair. Never paid attention to rating (unless it's to take the piss out of someone). If a show is boring then it can't be good for me.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Mar 8, 5:25 PM

Jan 2021
Anything over a 6.5 is probably good to watch without doing too much research, and you can decide if you continue it or not. A lot of good/decent anime can get lower ratings on any reviewing/rating site, as most things without a ton of fights or sasuga are always rated lower due to the popularity and intentional/unintentional bias of viewers. This also applies to anything with crazy good animation, and I've found that of the few shoujo anime, especially those focused on romance, that come out, anything that's even decently talked about will have a higher rating, whether it's actually worthy of said rating or not.

Mar 8, 7:35 PM

Feb 2016
I've enjoyed several anime with low scores, but they're all obscure titles nobody has seen. Most were made before I was even born.
Mar 8, 8:30 PM

Apr 2010
I mean, you've kinda answered your own question, haven't you.

Anime's been more mainstream than ever since the pandemic, which means like with every other form of media whose consumer base grows large enough, the products which are popular and therefore highly rated are those that are best at pandering to generic predispositions and emotional proclivities of the largest portion of its target demographics.

And since we're talking about an intended audience of children and youth, an ideal show for people with barely any notion of coherent taste and atrophied attention spans would be something which is low commitment, has high production quality, exaggerated emotions, and delivers its content in a way that's accessible to people who just want to glance at the screen occasionally and ascertain that something is still happening up there without being inconvenienced by the necessity of keeping up with complex plot or nuanced character subtleties.
Mar 8, 8:31 PM

Jul 2021
that means that anime is simple jjust "watchable" and nothing else. seems likr a 6 or 7 to me.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Mar 9, 2:22 AM

Feb 2015
Rating is mostly unreliable on MAL and similar websites. Some masterpieces are set at 7. Some really good works at 6. And a lot of normie slop based on the most common denominators (don't offend anyone, appeal to everyone) is at 8 or even 9.

Your guess about normies is correct. Anime went mainstream over the last decade, globally. Ratings and even popularity are unreliable markers for quality. It's like asking random people on the street for their opinion. You will get mostly dreck and nonsense. Welcome to anime in 2024.
Mar 9, 3:23 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Nirinbo
Animation and controversial themes are the main differences between lowly and highly rated anime, but not every 6.xx anime is an underrated gem ignored by the masses just because it's a bit ugly or too extreme.

The anime rated 6.xx are 8 times more than the 8.xx. Did you actually find 8x more good anime rated 6.xx than 8.xx in the last few years?
@Nirinbo Tis time for Torture Princess has Great Art style and animation, and premise is unique and its a wholesome anime (No controversy what so ever) BUT its only a 6.7 here on mal!
Mar 9, 3:40 AM

Dec 2014
If an anime looks and sounds interesting I will give it at least one episode regardless of it is score on MAL.
Mar 9, 3:55 AM

Mar 2021
Dije said:
I used to skip 6 rated anime because they were boring, but I've noticed that since the pandemic many good anime are getting a 6 overall rating now. So now I'm watching 6 anime too.

Of course, by "good" I mean entertaining and not boring to watch. I don't care much about the rest, that's all I'm looking for in a show.

And actually, the opposite is also true most of the times. Anime with a rating of 8 were always interesting to watch until few years ago, but now is a bet. Sometimes they are interesting to watch, sometimes they are boring. I don't know why this changed? Is it because of the increasing number of normie on this site? For something else? Have you also noticed this trend? Let's talk about it

It's because ratings are extremely arbitrary to begin with and most MAL Users who do take the time to score Anime likely over think it in the 1st place and try to mentally act like some "Siskel and Ebert". Where entertain is not a paramount factor for something that is suppose to be inherent entertaining by nature when one is trying to act like some critic mentally dissecting something just to give it a number. This is not even diving into the possibility that Users do not use or follow a uniformed standard for scoring in the 1st place.

As a hypothetical example one User could simply give an Anime a Score of 10 simply because they got to see a lot of animated panties and uncensored boobs in it. While another User could have given an Anime a 10 because they just liked a certain character in it. It could even be possible someone scores an Anime a 10 just for the hell of giving an Anime a 10 because something in their list needs a 10 right? lol

Same thing applies with low scores too where Users feel the need to simply just give a lot of Anime low scores now based on the Anime they have already scored the highest using their own list as a way to measure and justify their own scoring basically cementing their own standard.

Simply MAL scoring is an inherent flawed system and wildly inconsistent. There is basically no uniform standard that everyone follows.
ColourWheelMar 9, 5:51 AM
Mar 9, 4:14 AM

Sep 2018
Reply to RjtheGreat14
@Nirinbo Tis time for Torture Princess has Great Art style and animation, and premise is unique and its a wholesome anime (No controversy what so ever) BUT its only a 6.7 here on mal!
@RjtheGreat14 Animation and controversies are the main factors, but not the only ones. I like Himesama Goumon too but the lack of stakes and the lack of comedy (people are enjoying it for the wholesomeness, not for the one joke repeated over and over) will prevent it from being rated much higher; considering the good animation I'd have expected a bit more, like 7.1-7.2, but maybe it will get there once it finishes airing.
Mar 9, 6:29 AM

Aug 2020
6 isn't bad tbh everybody is always rating stuff highly That's why they don't search enough.

Mar 9, 6:39 AM

Apr 2011
You gave 1/10 to Bocchi the Rock and Carole and Tuesday so I don't think you can question anyone's ratings.
Mar 9, 3:57 PM
Jul 2018
Why do you care so much about the general consensus? I never considered the score as a criterion when it comes to which anime to watch.
Mar 9, 4:09 PM

Nov 2015

Personally, they mean absolute diddly-squat.
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night

Removes the colours from our sight

Red is grey and yellow white

But we decide which is right

And which is an illusion.
Mar 9, 4:10 PM
May 2020
the scores dont really matter just watch what you want to watch i have been watching stuff fron the 70's so i just ignore the scores as not many people watch them anyway
Mar 9, 6:02 PM

Aug 2022
For some shows, probably it has to do with lack of exposure with its presumed target demographic. Or that it was seen primarily by a demographic that wasn't its intended audience.
Mar 9, 6:18 PM

Oct 2021
Might just be your tastes.

some shows are for specific demographics, if you're not in that demographic then it's not as appealing.

Older shows can age badly if the artstyle becomes to dated or if the show doesn't go anywhere and anime in general is bad at storytelling. It's hard for me to give a good rating if the show is just an advertising for the manga or if the parts that made it popular become more industry norms and it loses what made it unique. Like elfen lied, it was often rated much higher because it was one of the few "adult" anime and anime in general was much harder to come by, so people would value it more.

or like love hina, it becomes outdated as newer shows do it better
Mar 11, 6:43 AM

May 2018
"Why so many good anime are relegated to the 6 rating now?"

6/10 is good, even 5/10 is good.
alshuMar 12, 2:59 AM
Mar 11, 7:54 AM
Jun 2021
Congratulations, you just realized ratings actually mean nothing on this website.
Truth is, the anime fandom currently listens way too much to YouTube shills who corral sheeple into wherever Kadokawa wants them. Want proof? Look up GeeXPlus - it's literally owned by Kadokawa.
Hot Blood saves lives.
Mar 11, 8:30 AM
Jul 2021
A wise donkey once said "7,8,9 mean the same thing". anime with high 6 rating will have more 7s
Mar 11, 11:15 AM

Apr 2020
Like a few others said, 6 isn't bad.
If anything, a lot of shows must be enjoyable for a lot of people since they've received enough 7-10 to bump from 6.00 to 6.54 or something like that.
ow + nw = 90-2000s

Mar 11, 1:06 PM

Jul 2010
Dunno, still I watch them and I even score them 8-9. Probably people are comparing them with top-tier titles or it's just a small sample of votes, especially when anime doesn't target specific type of public (when that happens we actually see scores like 8-9).
Mar 13, 7:55 PM

May 2022
It seems like it just depends on taste, whenever I watch an anime rated a 6 it seems like the anime will either be terrible, surprisingly good, or a mix of both. Sometimes an anime that a lot of people don't like/thought was mediocre might actually be good depending on your taste and what you like in an anime. There's also a chance it is as bad as people say, but again, really depends on what you enjoy in anime.
▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣

Mar 13, 9:04 PM

Jan 2013
MAL scores are already inflated as it is, there may be some exceptions, but the majority of shows under 7 are trash.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 13, 9:18 PM

Jun 2020
Imo I avoid rating something 7-10 unless it's really good. If I genuinely like something a lot, it'll be a 7 at least, and a higher rating depending on how much I like it and just how good of a show it is both objectively and subjectively. For anything that's just "entertaining and not boring to watch," I'll give it a 6. Sometimes even a 5. I don't really think it's a bad rating.

It could also be because of how other people vote. If a bunch of people only vote at extremes (1 for "bad", 4 or so for "mid", 8 or so for "good"), it'll generally start to even out at around a 6.
Mar 13, 9:51 PM

May 2018
Well, even one of my favorite anime has 6,95 for the rating (as I make this reply)
Some 6 rating anime is good for me, and some of 8 or even 9 isn't my type

In my opinion, many people think that 6 is already trash, but some people like me could find treasure from anime with rating below 7
Even spam rating 1 or 10 is a thing now👀
Nanami Hiromachi  Anna Mochizuki 
Mar 13, 10:00 PM

Dec 2022
6 isn't a bad score. 6 itself is an "okay" score, and you could possibly classify a score of 6.5 as "decent" too. Either way, it's still positive reception.

Weighted scores here are dictated by hype and mass appeal, not a balanced evaluation of all the elements that compose a series. I'm as skeptical of anything rated 8.00 or above as I am anything rated 6.00 or below.

Shaded Horizon

Mar 14, 3:23 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Nirinbo
@RjtheGreat14 Animation and controversies are the main factors, but not the only ones. I like Himesama Goumon too but the lack of stakes and the lack of comedy (people are enjoying it for the wholesomeness, not for the one joke repeated over and over) will prevent it from being rated much higher; considering the good animation I'd have expected a bit more, like 7.1-7.2, but maybe it will get there once it finishes airing.
@Nirinbo its a comedy show, so expect a high stakes story is kinda dumb. Heck Bocchi the rock has no stakes what so ever and story is very predictable and and characters is one dimensional, and its premise is not very original BUT people gaving it a 9/10 or 10/10! while Tis time for torture Princes arguably have a unique premise and its mal score is a 6.7/10. It definitely not smart phone isekai level! Anime fans right now have really questionable taste!
Mar 14, 4:07 AM

Sep 2018
Reply to RjtheGreat14
@Nirinbo its a comedy show, so expect a high stakes story is kinda dumb. Heck Bocchi the rock has no stakes what so ever and story is very predictable and and characters is one dimensional, and its premise is not very original BUT people gaving it a 9/10 or 10/10! while Tis time for torture Princes arguably have a unique premise and its mal score is a 6.7/10. It definitely not smart phone isekai level! Anime fans right now have really questionable taste!
@RjtheGreat14 You made a good example to prove my point. Bocchi the Rock! became the highest rated CGDCT of all time because people adore the comedy and laugh out loud at every scene (not the funniest anime for me but still above average considering that the comedy in anime is usually abysmal). If BtR were a iyashikei (I mean keeping the same plot and characters but removing almost all the comedy), it would be rated much lower.

On the other hand, Himesama Goumon is not funny; the one joke became stale after one episode. If you enjoy this anime it's because of the wholesomeness, but wholesomeness alone is not something that makes an anime rated higher (= the average MAL user doesn't care about it). I repeat, I am liking it way more than the three non-sequel 8+ anime that started airing this season, but I'm not surprised it's rated lower.
NirinboMar 14, 4:53 AM
Mar 14, 4:25 AM

Nov 2019
It's the top rankings that hold my distrust, but 90% of those you mentioned are mediocre at best.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Mar 14, 4:51 AM

Jan 2023
Ratings are subjective. It's not very useful.
For example, in the Top10 you have Hunter x Hunter and FMB. I saw both, I gave the first a 4 and the second a 5. Most people liked it, I thought they were bad.
Well, the same with the animes you watch.
Mar 14, 6:48 AM

Mar 2023
MAL scores is a joke anyway. I never look at them because of that. Especially on a anime that i plan to watch.
Mar 14, 7:22 AM
Jul 2018
I like heavy metal, if I got 100 people to listen to my music over 90 would hate it and I would hate Taylor Swift which the majority would love. I also like a lot of cult films.

A high score does not equate to how good it is but how popular it is.
Mar 14, 8:07 AM
Aug 2013
Some of my most favorite shows are in the 6.xx range. It just means that the show doesn't have universal appeal. And frankly, most of the universal appeal shows are boring to me because they play it very safe and don't try to be edgy at all.

However, 6.00 is the baseline, and I haven't seen a single non-meme show below that MAL score that I've found to be actually good.
Mar 14, 5:09 PM

Jul 2019
You'll realize soon enough that many of these low-rated shows aren't watched by many people. People who do get to it have already completed a good amount of anime to know what's considered "good" and "bad". Thus, they give a low score that accumulates to the overall score.

Just a theory.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Mar 15, 8:54 PM
Sep 2021
ratings are irrelevant now, yeah, nowaday i saw many 'good' romcom having huge 8.5 while their plot just generic. instead of rating, better check the synopsis before watching, or you could check the staff.
Mar 15, 9:11 PM
Jul 2018
If you've been enough time on this website and paid enough attention to the ratings, you'd know that the ratings better explain quality differences between groups of anime than between individual anime. A sufficiently large group of randomly picked 6/10 shows is not going to be as good as a group of randomly picked 8/10 shows of similar size. Despite the fact that many people complain how ratings mean nothing, even the most demanding and selective users have more favorites among higher-rated shows than among lower-rated. Ratings make actual sense, most people just don't want or simply can't understand how they work, although it is only basic statistics.

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