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Do you think it's wrong to love someone of the same sex?
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Feb 19, 2009 2:28 AM

Aug 2008
I am kind of against it but I don't care anymore, people don't make a choice whether to be gay or not, its just happens to them, so you must support them.

By nature i don't think it is right, how else would we reproduce? There is a male/female for a reason, it is about survival. Two members of the same sex cannot reproduce without medical help. Thats why it is considered "wrong" by many people, mainly back years and years ago. Not just humans are gay, animals are also. By the eyes of god, I'd say it is wrong. Its like almost saying its a defect.

But like I said, I support the way they are but i'm against it by nature.

not sure whether i'm making sense...
Feb 19, 2009 2:53 AM

Mar 2008
Homos? I love 'em.
Lesbians are cute, gays are cute. But I'm straight.
Feb 19, 2009 3:07 AM

Oct 2007
traed said:
Bere said:
I have a question here.
How come straight guys actually like lesbians ? Think of it that way; every lesbian pair equals 2 girls less you could be dating with . Does it sound that cool right now ? I'm bisexual with a preference of girls over guys and I'm ok with it right now, but I can recall when such a pair made me RAGE inside. I dunno, maybe I'm (was ?) just too selfish...

We dont like all lesbians... i would rather see an ugly straight couple rather than two ugly lesbians. Now if your talking two attractive girls well the point is its twice the number of girls and no guy to get jealous over saying we are better that him and we should be there with the girl or we arent as good as him and could not be with the girl or we are just as good as him and should be there. A lot of the times guys wish they could be the guy that could be the acceptation to a lesbian or lesbian couple, kind of a way of thinking for some guys like if they can do that it means they are irresistible. The idea of a girl being with some other guy is kind of gross to a lot of guys, which is why they like virgins. Lesbians are like virgins that have had sex but with other girls and that idea is just awesome. Funny thing is, guys forget about bisexuals, but thats because bisexuals like both sexes meaning in theory they have twice the options so thats kind of intimidating having to compete with both guys and girls.

This isnt really how i think necisarily, just trying to give a summary of how any guy might think. Correct me if im wrong guys.

So it turns out that straight guys liking lesbians are complex ridden people with a low self-esteem if they assume they normally wouldn't have a chance. When I see such a couple I think any of the two could be mine, if they only weren't gay. Which is annoying.
BereFeb 19, 2009 3:11 AM
Feb 19, 2009 5:26 AM

Dec 2008
I love'em.
Feb 19, 2009 10:22 AM

Aug 2007
I'm surprised none of the actual homophobes posted in here. All we got were 2 trolls.
Feb 19, 2009 12:01 PM

Feb 2009
I've been bisexual for as long as I can remember. :J Which means no, I have no problems with same sex relationships.
Feb 19, 2009 12:49 PM

Mar 2008
-eWf said:

nope your not making total sense because the world population is huge and getting crowded. A few homosexuals here and there is helpful. Not like everyone is gay, that then would be a bad thing, but they arent so its fine.

arteria said:
Homos? I love 'em.
Lesbians are cute, gays are cute. But I'm straight.

well they CAN be cute...... but the gay guys.....weeeell theres too much of those obnoxious rude crude ones -_-; but that doesnt have anything to do with them being gay, its just an annoying personality.

Bere said:
So it turns out that straight guys liking lesbians are complex ridden people with a low self-esteem if they assume they normally wouldn't have a chance. When I see such a couple I think any of the two could be mine, if they only weren't gay. Which is annoying.

wellllll no, not totally, it can also be good self esteem thinking that even a lesbian could like them. They dont even have to want a lesbian to like them, it could just be a fantasy thing to them with two girls together being twice the girls in there mind. I mean theres no or less jealousy is all i meant. It would vary person to person though.

Drunk_Samurai said:
I'm surprised none of the actual homophobes posted in here. All we got were 2 trolls.

The real homophobes are afraid to click a topic titled "homo/bisexuals" could be a picture gallery for all they know lol

Lux-tan said:
I've been bisexual for as long as I can remember. :J Which means no, I have no problems with same sex relationships.

*points* OMG a Bi-guy lol Im under the assumption that theres a lot less bisexual males than there are females or you guys have the tendency to hide it more. All the bi-girls ive known tell everyone they are bisexual without asking them but ive never heard a bi-guy say anything XD
Feb 19, 2009 1:37 PM

Feb 2005
naikou said:
They are still free choices. Nothing forced you to make them. You made them entirely on your own.

Think of it like this: because we are trapped into following time linearly, we have to worry about things like "whether the universe was determined first, or we made the choice first." If the universe came first, then obviously the universe controlled the choice, right? But that's just an illusion that goes along with being 3-dimensional beings. If you think more along the lines of everything happening simultaneously, then there is no conflict between the current state of the universe and our ability to choose. The other possibilities that we might have chosen are simply tangents to our own universe.

Feel free to mostly ignore that paragraph, though, as I'm not an expert in that subject. And we're still waiting on a "theory of everything" while String Theory hasn't been proven.
I think I'm seeing your point there. I guess it all depends a bit on one's perspective and how one defines a "free" choice.
naikou said:
Believe it or not, I think emotions are also a rational choice. What I'm saying is that if you could somehow kill the chemical formula for happiness in your brain, you could still generate that happiness on your own, because it is a choice.
Not sure if I'm following this one though. It is a known fact that one loose specific emotions as well as various other cognitive abilities completely if the brain areas that control them are destroyed, as shown in well known cases like Phinneas Gage, H.M and various studies conducted on the same topic. We even have a fairly decent understanding of the particularities in emotions such as anger, fright and anxiety, even in which brain area they originate.
Also, emotional responses (The physiological parts) happen even before we are entirely aware of the reason behind them, as the cognitive perception of the emotion is not prioritized as highly as the physiological one, thus, all emotions are basically instinctual abilities that are expanded upon by cognition.
So emotions are not something we inherently control, we can make ourselves pissed or happy by actively seeking stimuli or recalling memories we know produce this effect, but for the most part, they are mechanistic abilities, and can not be classified as rational choices.
Feb 19, 2009 2:00 PM

Apr 2007
naikou said:

Believe it or not, I think emotions are also a rational choice. What I'm saying is that if you could somehow kill the chemical formula for happiness in your brain, you could still generate that happiness on your own, because it is a choice.

Good lord, are you kidding me. You've been watching too much sugary fantasy anime bullshit or something.
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Feb 19, 2009 2:16 PM

Mar 2008
-eWf said:
I am kind of against it but I don't care anymore, people don't make a choice whether to be gay or not, its just happens to them, so you must support them.

By nature i don't think it is right, how else would we reproduce? There is a male/female for a reason, it is about survival. Two members of the same sex cannot reproduce without medical help. Thats why it is considered "wrong" by many people, mainly back years and years ago. Not just humans are gay, animals are also. By the eyes of god, I'd say it is wrong. Its like almost saying its a defect.

But like I said, I support the way they are but i'm against it by nature.

not sure whether i'm making sense...

Heh, I fail to see where not being able to reproduce is a downfall. There needs to be LESS of it I think, so I say go gays!
Sometimes you have to lose yourself, before you can find anything-Burt reynolds: Deliverence
Feb 19, 2009 2:51 PM

Sep 2007
Neverender said:
naikou said:

Believe it or not, I think emotions are also a rational choice. What I'm saying is that if you could somehow kill the chemical formula for happiness in your brain, you could still generate that happiness on your own, because it is a choice.

Good lord, are you kidding me. You've been watching too much sugary fantasy anime bullshit or something.

Maybe so. I mean, essentially, happiness is a chemical reaction, but supposing you could inject the chemicals into your brain at the perfect place in order to produce the same brain state as "happiness" - would we call that the same thing as happiness itself? I don't think so. So in other words, there must be more to it than the flood of dopamine, or whatever other neurotransmitters are involved.

Baman said:
Also, emotional responses (The physiological parts) happen even before we are entirely aware of the reason behind them, as the cognitive perception of the emotion is not prioritized as highly as the physiological one, thus, all emotions are basically instinctual abilities that are expanded upon by cognition.

There's some debate to that, actually. For example - suppose I see a spider and become afraid. I must have processed this information (seeing the spider) before I felt the emotion (fear), or else the emotion would not have happened (how could I be afraid of the spider if I didn't know it was there?). The only way for this not to happen would be if there was a direct link between your eyes and your "emotion sensor" or whatever, and nothing like that exists, as far as I know.
Feb 19, 2009 3:47 PM

Jan 2008
naikou said:
Maybe so. I mean, essentially, happiness is a chemical reaction, but supposing you could inject the chemicals into your brain at the perfect place in order to produce the same brain state as "happiness" - would we call that the same thing as happiness itself? I don't think so. So in other words, there must be more to it than the flood of dopamine, or whatever other neurotransmitters are involved.

I would call it happiness, though.

There's no good reason not to. And my semantic gut feeling says "yes". It is the same brainstate as "natural" happiness, it presumably has the same qualia, so yeah, can't agree with you there, hypothetical situation it may be. It'd be helpful if you could bring out some phenomena which would invariably be lacking.
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Feb 19, 2009 4:41 PM

Sep 2007
I suppose I'm just caught up on the fact that I'm not sure I'd even consider happiness an emotion. But that's an entirely different point from what I was trying to argue in the first place, and sort of undermines my first argument anyway. Plus, it just comes down to semantics, and how far you want to stretch the definition of "happiness". So yeah, way to go me, for defeating my own argument. >.>
Feb 19, 2009 4:44 PM

Mar 2008
how did the conversation go from gay(homosexual) to gay(happy)? lol
Feb 19, 2009 5:01 PM

Sep 2007
It was a convoluted process. And also inevitable.
Feb 19, 2009 5:29 PM

Feb 2009
traed said:
*points* OMG a Bi-guy lol Im under the assumption that theres a lot less bisexual males than there are females or you guys have the tendency to hide it more. All the bi-girls ive known tell everyone they are bisexual without asking them but ive never heard a bi-guy say anything XD

It seems like guys have a tendency to hide everything more. :J I don't want this to spiral into a flame debate, but it seems to me like female same-sex relationships are a lot more easily accepted in society than male ones are.

I was wondering how you knew I was a boy, but then I remembered the profiles. And now I feel incredibly stupid. ]:

(Edited for quote malfunction.)
Feb 19, 2009 7:29 PM

Mar 2008
haha I guess any guy does =P

Yeah, thats mostly true. Wouldnt say its easier for you than it is for a female but for them its somewhat more accepted in some ways as far as general society goes.

yes profiles help, I looked to make sure before i said anything so i wouldnt look dumb X] Dont feel bad D=
Dec 13, 2009 7:10 AM
Nov 2009
I don't have a problem with bi/homosexuality. Affection is affection :)

On it not being natural: Lol, of all the random arguments in the world, what on earth does it matter how natural it is? ^_^ In order to avoid hypocrisy, anyone who uses this argument must wear only natural fibre clothing, eat only organic foods, and never be vaccinated.

Dec 13, 2009 8:35 AM

Dec 2009
Do I think it's wrong? Yup. Do I think it's evil? Nope. Do I judge people based on their sexuality? Nope. Do I think people have the right to be openly gay? Yeah, I do.

That's about all I got ta say about it.
Dec 13, 2009 9:15 AM

Dec 2007
Monad said:
Baman said:
Even animals display homosexuality, so I'd hardly consider it a question of being natural or not.

I have heard this before that some animals display such behavior in rare situations but even if it's truth it is nothing more than the exception than verifies the rule. It does not make it natural. Some people actually like to do it with animals or dead people, that's not natural ether no matter if there is an animal out there who did it with another species also. We can't say it's natural just because there are a lot of gay people. If you use simple logic you can see that it's not natural. We have sexual urges so we can have intercourse with the other sex and continue our species so it's only logical that is unnatural.
Masturbation is natural by logic also because when we have sexual urges and we can't find at that moment a member of the opposite sex to release them we use that as a way so we can free are selfs of the desire and be able to concentrate on our work at hand or else we wouldn't be able to function properly. .
Anyway i don't understand why people get so upset when we say it's unnatural. It isn't, just accept it and continue doing what you like. It doesn't mean it's wrong or bad or anything. It's just not natural. Humans do lot's of other unnatural things also, there is nothing wrong with it. But don't try to convince us that it's natural. Not being natural is not an accusation it's just a fact. Nothing more.

You have proven nothing. Just because a man and a woman are needed to achieve sexual production, it does not mean we are ALL meant to sexually produce, nor does it mean it's natural to be attracted to women any more than being attracted to men.

You are not using logic, just presumptions. A large number of humans are NATURALLY attracted to their gender, therefore it is NATURAL. It would only be unnatural to have sex with your gender if NO ONE was attracted to their gender, therefore doing so would serve no purpose at all.
Dec 13, 2009 9:32 AM

Nov 2009
I don't think there is anything wrong with as long as it doesn't harm others. As people mentioned earlier I think things like the gay pride and such are quite overdone. Is not like straight people get on parade and show off that way. I find it quite pointless really.
Dec 13, 2009 9:54 AM

Dec 2007
KuroiNoUsagi said:
I don't think there is anything wrong with as long as it doesn't harm others. As people mentioned earlier I think things like the gay pride and such are quite overdone. Is not like straight people get on parade and show off that way. I find it quite pointless really.

Jesus Christ, I cannot phantom WHY, why can't people understand THE SIMPLE LOGIC.

Straight people don't go on parades and show off because they're ACCEPTED. It is not considered morally wrong anywhere to be straight. Homo/bi people are NOT accepted, therefore they have every right to go on parades. When they are accepted, there WON'T be any need or purpose for the parades. Until then, I support them fully.

It's simple, the fact that you're annoyed by gay prides just shows why they're needed.

Dec 13, 2009 10:52 AM

Aug 2007
Sonic_Moronic said:
KuroiNoUsagi said:
I don't think there is anything wrong with as long as it doesn't harm others. As people mentioned earlier I think things like the gay pride and such are quite overdone. Is not like straight people get on parade and show off that way. I find it quite pointless really.

Jesus Christ, I cannot phantom WHY, why can't people understand THE SIMPLE LOGIC.

Straight people don't go on parades and show off because they're ACCEPTED. It is not considered morally wrong anywhere to be straight. Homo/bi people are NOT accepted, therefore they have every right to go on parades. When they are accepted, there WON'T be any need or purpose for the parades. Until then, I support them fully.

It's simple, the fact that you're annoyed by gay prides just shows why they're needed.


I would be annoyed only if the parade got in the way of me getting to work/school/whatever else. There really is nothing wrong with those parades anyway. There are far too many homophobes in the world and on MAL.
Dec 13, 2009 12:15 PM

Aug 2009
I sure hope I wouldn't have a problem with it... I might have to explain some things to my girlfriend then...

Fifteen, a girl, and bisexual. Got a problem with it, then suck it.
Dec 13, 2009 12:15 PM

Jul 2009
why was this topic revived????

Powered by hinatachan - TaigaForum
Dec 13, 2009 12:29 PM

Aug 2009
Choosy_Green said:
why was this topic revived????

I don't know... Might as well cause more drama on the site. No such thing as too much.
Dec 13, 2009 1:15 PM

Sep 2009
I don't think there's anything particularly wrong about it.
Then again, I go to an all girls school, so being homo-phobic is a no-no unless you want a lot of lesbians to hate you.

Dec 13, 2009 1:24 PM

Sep 2008
I'm fine with it, I just hate the poser teen aged boys who pretend/think they're bi to get attention. I always ask them have you fucked a guy? and 99% of the time they go "ew no" yea your not Bi go get a girl friend Skippy.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Dec 13, 2009 2:13 PM

Jul 2009
Jigero said:
I'm fine with it, I just hate the poser teen aged boys who pretend/think they're bi to get attention. I always ask them have you fucked a guy? and 99% of the time they go "ew no" yea your not Bi go get a girl friend Skippy.

I do agree, that is horrible. Pseudo-bi-angsty-teens are just irritating. Then again, it is no reason to write off every teen's sexuality. I don't like people who think bi/gay/lesbian teens are just always an experiment.

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Dec 13, 2009 3:09 PM

Sep 2008
Choosy_Green said:
Jigero said:
I'm fine with it, I just hate the poser teen aged boys who pretend/think they're bi to get attention. I always ask them have you fucked a guy? and 99% of the time they go "ew no" yea your not Bi go get a girl friend Skippy.

I do agree, that is horrible. Pseudo-bi-angsty-teens are just irritating. Then again, it is no reason to write off every teen's sexuality. I don't like people who think bi/gay/lesbian teens are just always an experiment.

well yea but there is always the people who are just confused or use it to get attention. Also there is just infatuation too.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Dec 13, 2009 3:23 PM

May 2009
i don't really give a damn. i just don't get when someone shouts out loud that he/she is bi or hi/she is straight. who cares be what you want, fuck who you want, and get fucked by who you want.
Dec 13, 2009 3:27 PM

Feb 2009
I define a person as being comfortable with their sexuality, when they can enjoy their sexuality, even in the presence of others of differing sexuality, and not be uncomfortable being themselves or the others being themselves.

For instance, at a party, could you enjoy stripping naked, with your significant other, and going at it as you would if at home alone, while others of the other variations got naked and did what they like to do, knowing full well you might be getting looked at by portions of the other couples, that might be looking at you in other than the way you are used to being looked at.

Example, you're a guy, and screwing a girl, could you enjoy being with your girl, if you know a homosexual male was enjoying looking at your cock as you enjoy yourself using it on your girl?

It wouldn't bother me if my gear was getting off the same gender. We all know homosexual men get off looking at other men. Doesn't mean I have to be annoyed that one is looking at me appreciatively so long as they are comfortable knowing I am not homosexual and not interested in directly assisting them in getting off.

I guess bi sexuals would have to be the most comfortable, as you basically have no particular preference for what goes where in whom.
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Dec 13, 2009 3:35 PM
Jul 2009
London is pretty much liberal and each to their own. So there's no real "problem" about mine and other's sexuality over here. so you can be as open as you like about it and of course you'll get the oddball who gives out opinions like a garbage chute.

Just be you. fuck who like and love who you like. in the end of the day thats what counts.
Dec 13, 2009 3:44 PM

Jul 2008
Sukunai said:

Example, you're a guy, and screwing a girl, could you enjoy being with your girl, if you know a homosexual male was enjoying looking at your cock as you enjoy yourself using it on your girl?

It wouldn't bother me if my gear was getting off the same gender. We all know homosexual men get off looking at other men. Doesn't mean I have to be annoyed that one is looking at me appreciatively so long as they are comfortable knowing I am not homosexual and not interested in directly assisting them in getting off.

I guess bi sexuals would have to be the most comfortable, as you basically have no particular preference for what goes where in whom.

I wish you were my dad.

I'm more disgusted by fake biosexuals than actual homosexuals. If you're holding hands and kissing just to get attention from a group of people across from you, then I fucking hate you. If you just happen to like getting porked in the ass, that's cool with me. Just don't tell me about it.
Dec 13, 2009 4:02 PM

Mar 2009
Judging by sexuality is incredibly stupid. It's literally people getting worked up over who puts their fleshy veiny appendage into which hole of a person with which chromosome... You don't see animals getting worked up over whether or not they're a "real" bisexual, or homosexual, etc, so why should we?
"When he will, the weary world
Of the senses closely curled
Like a serpent round his heart
Shakes herself and stands apart."
- A.C., Equinox I/I
Dec 13, 2009 5:35 PM

Feb 2009
Lots of posers in the world out there, not normally used to dealing with fake bi sexuals though.

Myself, I often wonder about my preferences. Often wished I could spend maybe one year as a female. Go through the entire experience. Even go through the entire process of getting pregnant and child birth.
But I have zero interest in males (which would mean getting pregnant likely would be less than 100% amusing, as I would prefer to get that way the ordinary way too).

I guess I am just hopelessly curious :)
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Dec 13, 2009 5:38 PM
Oct 2009
im not bothered about it (im bisexual myself), but people who are "in your face" about it all the time piss me off.
Dec 13, 2009 5:46 PM

Oct 2009
EternalSnowXx said:
I don't think there's anything particularly wrong about it.
Then again, I go to an all girls school, so being homo-phobic is a no-no unless you want a lot of lesbians to hate you.

Same situation for me. I don't think anything is wrong with it though.. It's their choice for their sexual orientation. However, my school is a catholic all girls, so I've never run into any lesbians. I have a couple of gay guy friends, who I think are pretty awesome.

" ... carpenters fashion wood; wise people fashion themselves" - Buddhism
Dec 13, 2009 5:58 PM

Apr 2009
I dont really think its wrong to be homo/bisexual.
As long as your happy with that life. :D
In my school, theres alot of people who are and they seem like normal people.
So I think its fine..
Dec 13, 2009 6:05 PM
Oct 2009
The world isn't black and white you can love a member of the same sex and not be gay. It only means that the person is dissevering of your love.
Dec 13, 2009 11:50 PM

Jan 2009
im against male to male relationships as im a male but i find yuri female to female sex attractive and well sex is for pleasure and/or reproduction for us humans and dolphins as ive read somewhere so i guess it only natural for me to like yuri stuff but im not hating those gays i just avoid them because my automatic thinking or intuition wants to avoid them mainly because us males are sex thinkers all the time so like me i tend to be slightly paranoid (but not hating) about gays
Dec 14, 2009 9:00 AM

Apr 2009
They're evil.
This is a serious post. You're not allowed to delete it.
Dec 14, 2009 9:02 AM

Aug 2009
i hate it when people bash others because of this
its there own damn choice people leave them the fuck alone you douchebags
Sig deleted for being too large.
Dec 14, 2009 9:04 AM

Apr 2009
chidoriblitz said:
i hate it when people bash others because of this
its there own damn choice people leave them the fuck alone you douchebags
Use proper spelling and punctuation and we might take you seriously.
This is a serious post. You're not allowed to delete it.
Dec 14, 2009 9:17 AM
Aug 2009
As long as they're not heterophobic... seen too many of those cases, unfortunately.
Dec 14, 2009 9:19 AM

Oct 2009
I don't mind theese people but I couldn't be bi.
If it's true love rest of the people shouldn't have any problem, I think.
Dec 14, 2009 9:20 AM

Aug 2009
CDRW said:
chidoriblitz said:
i hate it when people bash others because of this
its there own damn choice people leave them the fuck alone you douchebags
Use proper spelling and punctuation and we might take you seriously.

fuck you i had Eglish 1st this is 3rd
Sig deleted for being too large.
Dec 14, 2009 9:21 AM

Apr 2009
chidoriblitz said:
CDRW said:
chidoriblitz said:
i hate it when people bash others because of this
its there own damn choice people leave them the fuck alone you douchebags
Use proper spelling and punctuation and we might take you seriously.

fuck you i had Eglish 1st this is 3rd
Oh wait, you live in the South AND were born in the 90's. I guess you're excused.
This is a serious post. You're not allowed to delete it.
Dec 14, 2009 9:25 AM

Aug 2009
fuck you i had Eglish 1st this is 3rdOh wait, you live in the South AND were born in the 90's. I guess you're excused.

just because i live in the south does't mean i'm a red-neck you son of a bitch and what does the 90's have to do with the way i type
Sig deleted for being too large.
Dec 14, 2009 9:25 AM

Aug 2007
This thread is about homophobes and their stupidity not spelling and grammar.
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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