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Feb 24, 2022 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
I like the style of that underworld world tbh as it gives a mysterious vibe.

Meanwhile, we got some fighting between the humans and Ouken in that underworld but it was also a sad sight to see. In fact, this episode felt depressing imo. Ouken is a monster when he gets serious though.
Feb 24, 2022 8:25 AM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverFeb 24, 2022 10:49 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 24, 2022 8:33 AM
Sep 2021
Damn this episode..... A lot happened and not only good things... I think it's the begining of the end, I feel it coming..

Yet, so good !!!!

Amazing episode !
Feb 24, 2022 9:57 AM
May 2020
Kage almost died dang, also our main healer is out for the count. Wonder what we can do to save all these people that are close to death.

Miranjo is now facing her mother and Sheena in the afterworld, wonder what’s gonna be said.

I would be pretty pissed to if I was Bosse( probably not to the same extent of killing an entire Village though ).

Big four vs Ouken is pretty fun, but let’s be honest; what can they do against an immortal?
Feb 24, 2022 9:58 AM
Sep 2015
This episode does what this anime is specialized about again
1. Keep me guessing who's good and bad, who's "villain of this story", and I still don't know the answer
2. Make me feel like only ten minutes have passed, now I'm kinda envious those who'll binge watch this
Feb 24, 2022 10:05 AM
Oct 2016
This is one of the few shows that can have me going from bawling my eyes out ugly crying at the beginning to hyper and cheering by the end of an episode. That was a masterpiece in storytelling I don't know how this quality is being sustained over multiple episodes. Every single thing hits to make this work so well. The beginning of this episode tore my heart out seeing Kage have to leave his mother again. It tore me up during his initial backstory and again now seeing Kage remember Bojji and how he wants to help Bojji succeed. Their bond together is the heart of this story and it was highlighted greatly in this episode. Bojji calling out to Kage and Kage running back to Bojji.

Getting more added to Miranjo backstory after all we got last episode. Seeing how Bosse returned to find her horribly tortured, those people deserved to get squashed by a giant. Miranjo herself helping Kage is very interesting, she's definitely the most complex character of this show. In her heart she knows helping these people is right but she owes Bosse so much for saving her and wants to help Him achieve his long-standing goal.

The big four jumping Ouken has been something I've anticipated waiting to see this episode. The animation turned to hell up I loved seeing how dynamic and cool is looked. I was so hyped seeing them all gang up on Ouken. Who's still keeping them at bay even with them four having the numbers. Even getting his with Ouken tiny rock stuns they all four still pressing on to fight. Mitsumata, Despa, Bojji and Kage are all down so there four really are the last line of defense.
Feb 24, 2022 10:07 AM

Jan 2021
Another great episode!! I'm actually happy bosse killed those people.. And miranjo, I'm really starting to like her, I really hope she would get happiness, in the end of this series...

Not gonna lie they made ouken so op, that I can't see them defeating ouken without it being an ass-pull, the only chance is if bojji got his original strength back..

I really can't wait to see how they would defeat Ouken
Feb 24, 2022 10:11 AM
Oct 2016
Greatness, this is what i love to see. Now let's hope the remainder of the season keeps up this quality.
Feb 24, 2022 10:12 AM

Jan 2009
this episode has great animation and direction comparable to the first cour damn

is that the father of Despa, Ouken and Desha? a god with 3rd eye? he is right that humans due to knowledge like science can surpass gods

nice to see the purgatory world there like Kage almost cross the afterlife to die for good but good thing Miranjo saves her so whats Miranjos motive in all of this anyway, will Miranjo cross the afterlife too since she saw her mother and the mother of Boji well not obviously

and damn the sakuga on the battle of the Big 4 is awesome
Feb 24, 2022 10:13 AM
Dec 2018
i think from backstory they setted the part of gods that are controlling humans with the ranking system so this season is a prequel to the real story maybe around the world and find the truth behind all. I hope will be a long term anime/manga
Feb 24, 2022 10:17 AM
Sep 2021
Pretty sure Miranjo will save everyone in the coming episodes. Her humanity is back it seems, so she'll be the one to defeat Ouken and heal Bojji.
Feb 24, 2022 10:20 AM

Jul 2017
Boy they REALLY tried all things, and in the end, not even Kage's sudden infestation could bring the immortal down.

The Houma-Gyakuza kingdoms' backstory of the humans and gods continue, and it brings into thought that "who are the actual baddie bads", much less Bosse's attempt to fix the young Miranjo. The joys of killing beings for Ouken pretty much ended when he laid his final strike on Bojji and Kage...but Miranjo shifting to another body to inject her mind to both of them to show Kage's memories, boy is this a hard decision to really decide if "the grass is greener on the other side". In any case, still a great depth of character is shown here, especially for Kage and his mother.

And slowly but surely, Miranjo has also taken shape with Daida and the doll he's been taking care of all this time, finally released from its chains of captivity when she faces Bojji's and her mother to face her real sentence. But let's be honest, NOTHING can easily take over Ouken's immortality, even when the Big Four (Apeas, Bebin, Domas, Dorshe) whom are once either or for against Bojji all combine together to tie him down.

To think that Despa has trained him for such an occasion as this, the immortal "sensation" is one that will take the Big Four for a ride as the Last Bastion to finish him for real. Just simply ethereal for excel.
Feb 24, 2022 10:27 AM

Jan 2009
i just read that Imai directed this episode (he directed an awesome episode in the first cour too), he is becoming a great director too eh like soon he will not just be known for his sakuga on Attack on Titan
Feb 24, 2022 10:28 AM

Jun 2019
That was a great episode. The first half was very painful and emotional with Kage's mum and everything and the second half was action-packed. Imai was directing this episode, so, it was bound to be a beautifully animated action-filled episode. Really enjoyed it but one thing is still very problematic and that is Ouken who is not going down at all. Also, little Miranjo is so adorable. :3
Pre_YumFeb 24, 2022 10:31 AM
Feb 24, 2022 10:30 AM
Mar 2021
At this point I really can’t tell who is good or bad and I just wish Boji, Kaji, and Despa are ok.

When Kaji saw his mom I lost it in tears and have to decide whether to stay with Boji or cross over to be with his mother. I’m glad he is still with Boji and he will see his mother soon.

The Big Four is a great name for them and I hope they take this psycho down. I don’t think they can restrain him but hopefully they come up with a plan to stop him in some sort of way.
Feb 24, 2022 10:34 AM

Jul 2011
Was good see Bosse annihilating all villagers, killed the Miranjo's mother who was a truly good person,and did that to a kid Miranjo, not counting betraying Houma people.Is good to know that the country was erased.

Was hardcore and interesting use the dead bodies as healing objects.

Kage's mother is an awesome mother.

Miranjo's mother have the expression that if you love your mother, you will never want to see that expression.
Feb 24, 2022 10:59 AM
Nov 2020
OMGG this episode had me on the tip of my chair all the time
wow so far they managed to not let the hype go down a bit, they increased itt
the story and the way the story is being made (animation, music etc) are greatt
I can't think of a single thing to pick on or criticize.
Feb 24, 2022 10:59 AM
Sep 2021
It was a good episode the fights scene were awesome. Miranjo working through her trauma, and seeing her mom and Bosse in the underworld.
Feb 24, 2022 11:16 AM
Aug 2014
Best episode so far. Holy wtf. Can I give it 11/10?

One thing I'm loving is that they are depicting the difficulty of dealing with an immortal so well. I think the only one to be able to stop him is Miranjo though ehh she's not on their side exactly.
LockHowlFeb 24, 2022 11:29 AM
Feb 24, 2022 11:31 AM
Aug 2014
deg said:

is that the father of Despa, Ouken and Desha? a god with 3rd eye? he is right that humans due to knowledge like science can surpass gods

Are you seriously asking this question? When there is a fking half episode of their backstory..
Feb 24, 2022 11:33 AM

Jul 2019
What a ride! I loved the fact this episode delivered both emotional impact and action, plus, the plot got moved on.

I'm now curious if Miranjo will join her mother on the other side...then again, Bojji's mother is too... And what did her words to Daida mean? Possible implication Bosse will soon leave to the afterlife and give his son's body back to his son? If so, I suppose the 'happy ending' for Miranjo would be that she would go to the afterlife...though, she will have some mending to do.

I loved the fact Despa despaired over the fact he would die before he could use all the money he had earned and then more when he was all 'all the handsome ones survive'! Lol. xD

I hope Despa, Bojji, and Kage will be alright and manage to get out of that waiting realm there at the moment.

Is Ouken perhaps coming to his senses or was it just an instinct at the end when he remembered Despa's words? I can't really see Big Four being a match to Ouken as he is immortal and now that he is running along with his newfound'll be tricky to bring him down.
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Feb 24, 2022 11:53 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Was also very emotional seeing Kage having to turn away from his mother as he can't die right now! And the Big Four will go up on a final stand against the immortal Ouken!

Looking forward to the next episode!
Feb 24, 2022 12:04 PM

Feb 2019
This show should’ve finished way higher in the anime of the year rankings. Full stop.
Feb 24, 2022 12:08 PM

Jan 2009
LockHowl said:
deg said:

is that the father of Despa, Ouken and Desha? a god with 3rd eye? he is right that humans due to knowledge like science can surpass gods

Are you seriously asking this question? When there is a fking half episode of their backstory..

why so mad on a harmless question? did he look like Satun? because the old episode showed him in old age already and this one is his suppose younger form
Feb 24, 2022 12:09 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
This Big 4 team-up was hype as hell!!!!! Man I loved every second of seeing these guys fight Ouken

But as for the flashback, I don't even mind that Bosse killed those villagers because honestly they deserved it, and as for the stuff in the Underworld, the feels had me crying lol....I even kinda have a warm spot for Miranjo now too TwT

Great episode once again this week but that beginning part with the god/demon guy had me confused, so I wanna learn more about that person and what's going on with that stuff he talked about
Feb 24, 2022 12:20 PM

Apr 2018
The world between life and death is just so beautiful. That part of the episode really hit me, great stuff. The fight was amazing, really fluid.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Feb 24, 2022 12:24 PM
Aug 2014
deg said:
LockHowl said:

Are you seriously asking this question? When there is a fking half episode of their backstory..

why so mad on a harmless question? did he look like Satun? because the old episode showed him in old age already and this one is his suppose younger form

Sorry I'm not trying to be mad at you rather just the question is actually super dumb cause there was quite deep and recent exposure on this. It literally says word for word their back story with absolutely zero ambiguity. It sounds like you skipped it entirely or just didn't pay any attention asking if some random ass dude who's got nothing to do with them being their father lmao.
Feb 24, 2022 12:29 PM

Jan 2009
LockHowl said:
deg said:

why so mad on a harmless question? did he look like Satun? because the old episode showed him in old age already and this one is his suppose younger form

Sorry I'm not trying to be mad at you rather just the question is actually super dumb cause there was quite deep and recent exposure on this. It literally says word for word their back story with absolutely zero ambiguity. It sounds like you skipped it entirely or just didn't pay any attention asking if some random ass dude who's got nothing to do with them being their father lmao.

im not sure if that is Satun since they are different in looks the old and young one heck the young one got a 3rd eye
Feb 24, 2022 12:32 PM

Jul 2021
That little bit of fighting at the end of the episode was AMAZING, it was really good and really well done. I am very much looking forward to the continuation of this fight in the next episode.
Feb 24, 2022 12:42 PM
Jul 2016
How could they hurt my son!!!!

Also great sakuga.
Feb 24, 2022 1:32 PM
Feb 2022
That was some of the beautiful animation we can expect from Wit, we owe them a lot
Feb 24, 2022 1:33 PM

Mar 2010
Bitchajoni is finally coming back to her senses.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Feb 24, 2022 2:18 PM
Dec 2020
Will there be season 2?
Feb 24, 2022 3:05 PM
Sep 2018
Omfg mannnnn it’s so emotional seeing Kage saying goodbye to his mum and Bojji getting hurt!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Btw I think the showdown at the end between the four and Ouken was lit, love all their enthusiasm working together!
Feb 24, 2022 3:42 PM

Aug 2020
Miranjo is saved. I'm surprised to see her blushing >< The big four vs Ouken is exciting.

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Feb 24, 2022 4:24 PM

Sep 2018
That Kage and his Mom scene was so dumb lol, Kage's Mum shouting "Your life is over, come over here", which completely goes against what she did when she was alive, sacrificing herself so that Kage can live. I thought it had to be a mirage or something of the sort, maybe a shapeshifter thing, but then she does the complete 180 when Kage realizes he doesn't want to cross over (river styx) lol.
Feb 24, 2022 4:41 PM

Sep 2020
I can't wait to fully hear what's the deal with Miranjo and that devil.
deg said:
is that the father of Despa, Ouken and Desha? a god with 3rd eye? he is right that humans due to knowledge like science can surpass gods

Their father looks like this:

Feb 24, 2022 5:00 PM

Jan 2009
Avvenirista said:
I can't wait to fully hear what's the deal with Miranjo and that devil.
deg said:
is that the father of Despa, Ouken and Desha? a god with 3rd eye? he is right that humans due to knowledge like science can surpass gods

Their father looks like this:

ye i know but they are both gods and the god this episode morph his face to look like Satun and Desha but one difference is that this god in this episode got a 3rd eye so im kinda confuse

so the god this episode its either Satun or a new character
Feb 24, 2022 5:24 PM

Sep 2020
deg said:
Avvenirista said:
I can't wait to fully hear what's the deal with Miranjo and that devil.

Their father looks like this:

ye i know but they are both gods and the god this episode morph his face to look like Satun and Desha but one difference is that this god in this episode got a 3rd eye so im kinda confuse

so the god this episode its either Satun or a new character

As seen in the previous episode there are (or better were) plenty of gods hanging around in the world so I don't understand why you would specifically draw a connection between this random god fighting on the surface and Satun, a god dwelling in the underground, just because the former can morph his face into a creepy grin paired with a third eye to scare shitless some peasants.
Feb 24, 2022 5:31 PM

Jan 2009
Avvenirista said:
deg said:

ye i know but they are both gods and the god this episode morph his face to look like Satun and Desha but one difference is that this god in this episode got a 3rd eye so im kinda confuse

so the god this episode its either Satun or a new character

As seen in the previous episode there are (or better were) plenty of gods hanging around in the world so I don't understand why you would specifically draw a connection between this random god fighting on the surface and Satun, a god dwelling in the underground, just because the former can morph his face into a creepy grin paired with a third eye to scare shitless some peasants.

because the rule of thumb in anime stories is everything connects so i got my suspicion anyway its not that important its just slight doubt of mine
Feb 24, 2022 5:41 PM

Jul 2016
Never thought a Shadow talking with his mother could make me feel this emotional. Damn...

Excellent episode. Lots of feels in the first half and lots of action in the second one.
Big Four vs Ouken was pretty hype to see and it seems there will be even more of that next week.
Feb 24, 2022 6:30 PM

May 2021
Representing Miranjo bringing Kage back from death by 'crossing the river' was brilliant. I am a bit confused as to what Kage's mother represented; was it death or was it really just his mother?

Miranjo's backstory with Bosse was finally completed and we learnt a bit more about the Gods, which I assume might be a plot point for the second part.

The Elite Four VS Ouken was a dope-ass fight. I didn't want it to end; I wanted it to continue, for 10 years at least. What a fight it was!

Overall, a fantastic episode and brilliant use of that Greek/Roman mythology thing of Charon/Pluto crossing the river to ferry the dead. 5/5

Side note; Despa's one-liners are the best.

"Have I died? After all that effort I put into saving money? I can't spend it?! No! I have quite a bit of money saved up, you know!"
"The handsome really don't die."

Just some of the lines in his THICC and vast inventory.
RioFSFeb 24, 2022 6:37 PM

Feb 24, 2022 7:54 PM
Feb 2021
fire episode 🔥 🔥 🔥
Feb 24, 2022 8:08 PM
Jan 2021
The animation and direction for this episode was amazing
Feb 24, 2022 8:43 PM

Oct 2017
Can't tell my thoughts cause I'm only at episode 12

Feb 24, 2022 9:29 PM

Jun 2019
Hey, nice to get a great episode again.

It looks this is where a lot of time and budget went. The big 4 vs Ouken was dope and Miranjo’s turn toward good was done well enough.

Ouken may have regained his mind, so that would leave just Bojji vs Bosse for this season.
Blue_MaroonFeb 24, 2022 9:33 PM
Feb 24, 2022 9:41 PM

Sep 2020
That small fight scene at the end was well animated. I think this episode wasted too much time in showing kage and his mother interaction that scene doesn't contribute anything to the overall story arc. 4/5
Feb 24, 2022 11:41 PM

Feb 2020
Kage desperation eating Ouken alive not met all the expectation. He just be slayed by the Ouken. Afterall, its time for Miranjo to got her justification. So the world on the last sequence of op actually the world between life and death. As always, Despa still hilarious as i know. Kage remembering Bojji and decided to return back to living world after having the little emotional conversation with her mommy. Man, who the hell put the onion in front of my face? But its not truly the end there.

Back to another story of Miranjo. Bosse feels its his mistake to left Miranjo alone then causing her mother to died. So he ended up taking the responsibility to always be on her side. Understandable. Also, Miranjo mask be broken and its sure become the beginning of her justification. Perhaps....

Look how Saitama as a god there, had a third eye and scare the heck out of people with that grimmy grin. So after those event, seems like the gods decided to return to their realm, because its not really their era to enslave human, and might be the reason and origin behind the ranking of kings.

For Ouken case, the big four of the kingdom, the last bastion finally united to try to put an end to the king of sword. Bebin even arrive to make the four men formation completed. But, its not like they are having an easy battle even with 4 versus 1. Ouken, with the guidance of Despa, he had more effort to fight and easily overcome the last bastion siege.

I feel like the only way to stop Ouken is Miranjo. Lets see if its actually right....
badabassFeb 24, 2022 11:45 PM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Feb 24, 2022 11:48 PM
Sep 2021
ZXEAN said:
That small fight scene at the end was well animated. I think this episode wasted too much time in showing kage and his mother interaction that scene doesn't contribute anything to the overall story arc. 4/5

You're saying that cause you basically got no heart. Also, you're wrong.

It contributed to the overall story arc as the "Thanks" he gave to Miranjo, healed her humanity that lied with Daida, but also added a little emotion touch by letting Kage see and talk to his mother one last time, and get comfort in knowing she's doing fine.

Now that Miranjo's not just darkness and turned the page on her sad story, she should be the key to both getting Ouken back on track (immunity lifted) and healing everyone (as we saw, she's the only one there that can heal atm as Hilling is out). We'll probably even see her smile again, as that's what Bosse wanted.

So please, don't say stupid things like this again, just think before commenting.
Feb 24, 2022 11:54 PM
Jul 2018
I expected Kage to powerup and cause major havoc but what happened in the episode is even better. Kage highlighting his strong resolve for Bojji's sake was super wholesome. 💪🏾

Interesting theme of mothers also going on in the episode despite not a single second of screentime for Queen Hiling. 👀

Poor Daida being all alone in the dark though. 😆
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