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What is the mindset of not watching longer shows?

Mar 17, 2021 5:01 PM

Oct 2019
The thought was spurned on from seeing someone say they didn't want to watch 100 episodes of samurai x, which I haven't seen, but in what is the mindset behind not wanting to watch 100 episodes of an amazing show, but willing to watch 9 different mediocre or bad, with maybe a good show or two mixed in shows? Maybe there's something obvious or simple I'm missing, and obviously people like what they like and they can do what they want, I'm just trying to understand the thought process I guess.
Hi :)
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Mar 17, 2021 5:06 PM

Feb 2021
Fear of missing out on other shows you could’ve watched while your stuck watching a 100 episode anime.
Mar 17, 2021 5:08 PM

Jan 2021
because not everyone can dedicate themselves to stick to one long running show, when there are so many other shows out there that can be watched in a few hours.
"不幸だ!" - Kamijou Touma
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Mar 17, 2021 5:09 PM

Nov 2008
I really think it's a commitment thing. Plus people have short attention spans so it's easier for them to watch a completely new short show right after another.

In Kenshin's case (as you mentioned), once you get past the Kyoto Arc, it's filler...but I forget how many episodes that is...I know it's way before the 100 mark though...maybe like 60-some...

Mar 17, 2021 5:10 PM

Jan 2016
They'll watch 100 episodes if you pretend it's five different seasons instead of one thing.
Mar 17, 2021 5:13 PM

Jan 2021
It's all about time, if you have time and are committed to watching it then great but some people doesn't have anough time to watch long shows.

I'm currently watching Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters since it's my fav as a child and it's fucking amazing.
Sore wa chigau yo! - Junko Enoshima, probably
Mar 17, 2021 5:15 PM

Dec 2016
I will never get this attitude either. "I don't have the time for a 200 episodes series, but I do have time for 8 25 episodes ones". There's technically no difference at all in terms of time spent. If you can watch 8 2-cour series, you can watch a 200 episodes long-runner too.
Mar 17, 2021 5:20 PM

Aug 2020
With every show i've watched that has over 50 episodes, I find that I get bored of the cast at some point. Also not many super long shows interest me compared to the vast amount of shorter shows that look super cool.

Has a 8.60 mean score
Akasaka > Other Mangakas

Mar 17, 2021 5:24 PM

Mar 2019
I could watch a few dozen shows in the time it takes to watch all of Naruto/Shippuden.

That would be more valuable to me, personally.

As such, something that long will have to wait.
Mar 17, 2021 5:24 PM

Aug 2018
As well as not having the commitment to watch 100 episodes of one show, people like variety. I wouldn't want to eat my favourite food 10 times a day over a bunch of different foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Mar 17, 2021 6:51 PM

Sep 2018
1) People wanting more variety.

2) Starting a long running show is risky for those who follow the no-drop policy, if they end up not liking it. Guys, don't be afraid to drop.
Mar 17, 2021 6:54 PM
Mar 2021
Most of the shows over 100 eps are boring as hell. I’d gladly watch 300 eps of something actually worth watching, assuming they managed to keep it fun to watch through the show’s entirety.
Mar 17, 2021 6:59 PM

Aug 2019
for me I just rather spend that time watching shorter series, also a good amount of shows with more than 100 episodes tend to have pretty bad pacing at least from the ones I’ve seen and the worst thing a show can have is bad pacing in my opinion
Mar 17, 2021 7:00 PM

Jan 2020
They are really missing out lol. They probably don't have the time to do so or are intimidated by long numbers

Mar 17, 2021 7:16 PM

Sep 2020
I guess it kinda depends, if they dont have a lot of free time it is much easier to finish a couple short animes then watch hundreds of episodes such as one piece or naruto. Also for me I have only ever dropped one show and hate doing it so it is the whole commit or quit mentality of watching a long show and then if you don't like it you still have to keep watching, like evangelion i hated from like episode 2 but luckily it was a relatively short anime so i did not have to endure it for that long compared to longer shows.
Mar 17, 2021 7:21 PM

Apr 2020
Even if a show is average or bad, watching weekly is easier than binge watching. When I pick a completed anime to watch I like to think I would finish it in 2 or 3 days maximum.
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Mar 17, 2021 7:21 PM

Mar 2018
Unless the show really appeals I’m not wasting time watching 100 episodes over 55 is where it gets to be a long show for me.
Mar 17, 2021 7:22 PM

Nov 2020
Yeah there probably are missing out but watching a long show takes time and sometimes watching the same thing for a week just doesn’t always bring enjoyment. Plus watching 9-10 short shows you have more variety. It’s why I take breaks from binging long running show if it takes me 2 week or longer to complete it.
If there's a hole there's a goal-Master Oogway
Mar 17, 2021 8:31 PM

Feb 2021
It's because people are trained to binge shows. They know no other way of viewing a series, so if they can't finish it in a weekend (which you can do with a 13/26 episode anime series) then they can't wrap their head around how they can go about completing it.
Mar 17, 2021 9:17 PM

Jul 2014
sasukerr14 said:
The thought was spurned on from seeing someone say they didn't want to watch 100 episodes of samurai x, which I haven't seen, but in what is the mindset behind not wanting to watch 100 episodes of an amazing show, but willing to watch 9 different mediocre or bad, with maybe a good show or two mixed in shows? Maybe there's something obvious or simple I'm missing, and obviously people like what they like and they can do what they want, I'm just trying to understand the thought process I guess.

You're assuming that most people will sit through nine shows they don't like. I don't think most people would do that. I certainly wouldn't. Not only that, but "amazing show" is a matter of personal opinion. I wouldn't want to sit through 20 episodes of some show that I ended up not liking. Let alone 100. That's just lunacy!
Mar 17, 2021 9:35 PM

Mar 2020
It is no mindset.
I used to watch a lot of long series, now I just don't have time and energy to do so.
I prefer long series split into seasons like BNHA much more now.
Mar 17, 2021 9:42 PM

Jan 2020
It takes commitment, man. A lot of commitment.
Mar 17, 2021 9:44 PM

Aug 2016
I'm too lazy and long shows tend to have a lot of ups and downs.
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Mar 17, 2021 9:45 PM

Mar 2020
I have watched a few long ago.

The main reasons I dont anymore really....

They are generally fighting shounen which are not my thing especially for 500+ episodes, I got roped into them early on. They are okay but I find them quite boring, even more so as I have become older. Not all of them are but many.

Variety is the spice of life. Would I rather watch One Piece with my time? Or 50-60 other separate anime seasons. Averaging 1 and 2 cour seasons out around 18ep per season that is. For me its an easy decision.

As for longer shows in the lets say 50-100 episodes. I watch them I prefer them to be shows with multiple seasons so I have a place to stop go watch something else and come back.
Mar 17, 2021 9:49 PM
Jul 2018
I don't understand it well either, but I guess for many people variety is everything, and that's completely fine. It takes a lot of time and commitment to step into and finish a 100+ episode series, and some might lack one of the two or both.
Mar 17, 2021 9:49 PM
May 2020
It's hard to keep sticking to one story, especially a story you haven't know yet how it will go. Who wants to watch a hundred episodes of a long show just because a certain statement saying "oh trust me it's really good"? Not me though.

And for separated seasons, they're meant to be splitted in that spesific part, which means you could stop it right at the end of the season if you're not that into it. While dropping in the middle of the show is quite unsatisfying for some people.

Just imagine something like studying. You're smart in math, but anything other than math. Then it's better to have a decent skill in every subject as possible. At least, for me.
Mar 17, 2021 9:53 PM

Jun 2010
Personally I find long series and big franchises rather daunting. It's just such a big commitment and therefore a bigger hurdle to have the necessary motivation to start such a title.

I tend to select the next series I'm watching based on what I'm currently in the mood for. And my mood tends to change. With a short series I know I can knock it out in a couple of days and be ready for something new, something maybe completely different to mix things up and keep it fresh.

With a long series on the other hand you know you'll be sitting there for months watching the same thing. That's kinda a motivational hurdle.
Mar 17, 2021 9:55 PM

Apr 2017
It's mostly older shows that can span 50+ episodes in 1 season. Some people say no because it's old and they think it won't be hip. Others just say no because its long and that in itself isn't familiar to the recent year's of making 12-13 episodes with a few making it to 24.
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so.
Mar 17, 2021 9:56 PM

Feb 2019
ManWild said:
They are really missing out lol.

Btw, long running series is great
Mar 17, 2021 10:03 PM

Apr 2012
When there are increasingly more options available, and not just for anime - but for entertainment in general, it becomes harder to commit to a single series for an extended period of time.

There are a number of different things at work. You can have a sense of "fear of missing out" - that by committing yourself to series A, you can't join in on the hype for series B, C, and D. There's also an illusion that I experience where watching 1 episode of a shorter series feels like I have "accomplished" more than watching 1 episode of a longer series.

Now, I still enjoy watching longer series (some of my favorite series are quite long) but it does feel like more of a hurdle to motivate myself to watch that first episode.
Mar 17, 2021 10:06 PM

Aug 2018
dont long running shounens just milk an idea until the author completely loses steam and the property becomes a shell of its former self? I prefer stories that are planned in advance to have a definitive ending.
Mar 17, 2021 10:09 PM

Dec 2018
epidemia78 said:
dont long running shounens just milk an idea until the author completely loses steam and the property becomes a shell of its former self? I prefer stories that are planned in advance to have a definitive ending.

THIS. (character limit suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Mar 17, 2021 10:27 PM
Jul 2018
It's hard to stay committed to long running shows when there are shorter stories that are better or just as worthwhile as the former. Although long running shows provide a very pleasing sense of achievement, the latter can also be achieve in shorter stories. Also, sometimes when you start watching a long running series it makes u feel like you're stuck in the past, which makes you feel weird.

At the end of the day, people just watch what interest them the most anyway. Although I finished all short running series that I was interested first before I dedicated myself to Detective Conan.
removed-userMar 17, 2021 10:31 PM
Mar 17, 2021 10:33 PM

Dec 2019
epidemia78 said:
dont long running shounens just milk an idea until the author completely loses steam and the property becomes a shell of its former self? I prefer stories that are planned in advance to have a definitive ending.
so fucking true i love the idea of a complete and satisfying resolution with no unnecessary 40 episode drags
Mar 17, 2021 10:41 PM
Jul 2018
If the show is that long but it's really good then I just read the manga. So I won't miss out on other shows.
Mar 17, 2021 10:44 PM
Jan 2018
It's pretty simple atleast in my personal case. The feelings u can get from a 12 episode show, are much "larger" since if the show is just 12 episodes, things will get to the point very quick. There are just too many short and good shows, so with myself having barely any free time, its just easy to start one, maybe even binge it and move on. However, if you do have alot of time in your hands, long shows are pretty good. You get personally attached to the characters of the show and stuff, thing is authors start running out of ideas and just stretch the show and make it a shadow of its former self. Probably because they also get attached to the characters, but it could also be the fact that they want to make money. Sometimes even both I guess
Mar 17, 2021 10:51 PM

Jul 2019
sasukerr14 said:
The thought was spurned on from seeing someone say they didn't want to watch 100 episodes of samurai x, which I haven't seen, but in what is the mindset behind not wanting to watch 100 episodes of an amazing show, but willing to watch 9 different mediocre or bad, with maybe a good show or two mixed in shows? Maybe there's something obvious or simple I'm missing, and obviously people like what they like and they can do what they want, I'm just trying to understand the thought process I guess.

Because shorter shows are usually much more pleasantly paced. In 4 hours you can complete a great single cour show. Meanwhile if you were watching something like One Piece or whatever, then a single fight can take more than 4 hours to conclude. So you need a much bigger commitment to get into a longer show than you would a shorter. Also, if you watch a short bad show, you'd only be wasting 4 hours at most. But for a longer show, you'd have to watch more than 4 hours of content before you can decide whether it's good or bad. Because they usually take quite a while before they get going.

There's also the fact that you'd be watching the same exact show for 100+ episodes. No matter how great it is, most people want some variety. Sure you could take a break from it and watch other stuff alongside it, which many people do. But since the pacing of longer shows is so slow, it is usually not enough to just watch 1 episode here and there, because then it will feel like nothing is happening.
AvicebronsMar 17, 2021 10:56 PM
Mar 17, 2021 10:52 PM

Nov 2018
People often don’t want to commit to one series for too long, maybe it becomes a drag for them and ends up becoming a chore, or they don’t want to end up feeling disappointed and felt that they’ve wasted their time on a series they end up hating (which is no different to watching a 1-cour series really).

I feel like (some) longer series have the potential to end up being more satisfying than shorter series when done right (like when One Piece will end in the future), so I often take the risk and watch them.

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Mar 17, 2021 10:56 PM

Aug 2017
Well, I started watching the Gundam franchise. I've watched 2 Gundam with many episodes -+40 episodes- and its not a problem, now I'm watching Gundam ZZ (47 episodes) and its still fun. Old shows -at least from what I'm watching- tends to have several useless episodes and almost no flasbacks. Depends of my mood, sometimes I cannot watch longer shows and I prefer to watch 1-cour anime. Sometimes I want to watch Gundam all the day lol.

I have dedicated 118 episodes to Gundam (not counting Gundam ZZ).
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Mar 17, 2021 10:56 PM
Jul 2018
Why spend time on some shitty boring slow paced 200 episodes when I can just finish 16 different animes that have variety to offer instead?
Mar 17, 2021 10:58 PM
Jul 2018
I have this mindset myself, even though I at one point was caught up with One Piece, and have watched a few longer shows myself. I've recently been trying to be more open about it, and to me, it's the fact that I'm scared I'll get burnt out while watching the show and never get back to it, or only get back once I've forgotten enough to where it would be more enjoyable to simply restart.
Mar 17, 2021 11:23 PM

Apr 2019
For the fact that most 100+ episodic series tend to have pacing issues and get dragged on forever.

The reason for this is those 100 episode shows usually airs the same time while the manga is still ongoing, so to for it to not catch up with the manga, they either do fillers in-between or drag on the episodes with unnecessary wasted moments. "Adapting 1 chapter per episode"

While seasonals tend to "have great pacing and no wasted moments-- because they have limited episodes to use.

They tend to adapt 2-3 chapters per episode.
Whenever they catch up to the manga, they would take a break for sometime (BNHA) until there's enough materials again to adapt.

An example to this would be Dia No Ace. I binged the whole 75 episodes in 4 days, it had no wasted moments.
Yet if this aired the same time as the manga-- those 75 episodes would get dragged to 150 episodes, becoming dull.

Mar 17, 2021 11:25 PM

Mar 2021
Because people have busy lives and they probably can't spend that much time on a single show . I'd rather watch 50 12 ep shows rather than a very long show like One Piece .
Mar 17, 2021 11:29 PM
Jan 2012
Commitment, I mean something like Rurouni Kenshin has characters you're going to be dealing with and having personal feelings for as you go on that long journey through the show. Not everyone has the emotional capacity to do that whenever they'd like, a lot of us are no longer capable of being as emotionally invested in characters as much as we used to without becoming mentally exhausted. This causes actual anxiety in people, some people like myself might even have trouble starting two cour shows because of this, so it definitely feels more daunting when you have to do it with a long running show. There are also people that will stop an anime before it finishes, which is somewhat in the same vein because they do that so they don't have to consider the show completed, thus not having to say goodbye and making it so the journey isn't over.

I've never actually typed this out, but now that I have, this feels pretty grim actually.
Mar 17, 2021 11:55 PM
Aug 2018
maybe some people don't have the time and/or interest to watch 100+ episodes of the same anime
Mar 17, 2021 11:57 PM

Oct 2008
Anime for people that don't want to watch over 100 episodes is still a hobby.

If they start watching anime with over 100 ep, then for those people anime turns in to an obsession.
Mar 18, 2021 12:07 AM
Feb 2021
Personally, I think its very hard for an anime to maintain the same quality from start to end. This is even more true for longer shows. So for a 100 episode anime, its like for every 50 episodes you enjoy you end up having to put up with 30 meh + 20 bad episodes.
Mar 18, 2021 3:41 AM

Feb 2019
Several reasons.

  • Variety. 8+ different casts, in different worlds, telling different stories is more interesting than just 1 of each.
  • The Telenovela Effect. After a certain point, a long show will have exhausted every possible thread of interest.
  • Good storytelling relies on Brevity. Ideally, a work should only consist of pertinent content, and have nothing in the way of indulgences or digressions.

That and most long shows are just awful to begin with. I maintain that the basis of the weekly-shounen format is that "being currently airing" is the only thing keeping them afloat.
Well I for one already loved Lain.
Mar 18, 2021 3:52 AM
Jul 2018
I don't mind shows that are 100 episodes long. But shows like One Piece, Bleach, and Detective Conan have been difficult for me to watch since they're hundreds of episodes long. Bleach is a little less intimidating than One Piece and Detective Conan I will admit. But I've been trying to find the motivation to finish it. Shows like One Piece and Detective can Conan be a huge investment since they're close to 1000 episodes long.
Mar 18, 2021 4:04 AM

Apr 2019
I don't usually watch long anime, because I am afraid that the time invested in it will not be rewarded.

which is the most common case
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