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What do you think of the police?
Bunch of pussies
Bunch of pansies
Bunch of clowns
Bunch of arseholes
Bunch of morons
Bunch of heroes
Bunch of bullies
Bunch of dickheads
98 votes
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Oct 31, 2020 7:06 AM

Jan 2020
BannedAkko said:
And when we need them for something they aren’t very helpful. When my sister was raped we were supposed to get moved out of the area but it never happened. They liked to target me a lot to search me for whatever reason or because I fit some profile or description.

I'm so sorry, I hope your sister and you as well are doing fine :(

Back to the OT
The police can be extremes, to be honest. Some are bad and some are good. I'm not too sure about the American police though.
You jump to the right and you shake that hand

You jump to the left and you shake that hand

Meet new friends

Tie that yarn

And that's how you do the Scarn

Oct 31, 2020 8:10 AM
Jul 2018
I think they're doing a good job in my country, for the most part, and personally I've never had any problems with the police. According to my brother (a policeman) they're understaffed in some places and a lot of administrative duties get pawned off on them by other departments. I'm inclined to believe him. They're just regular people doing their jobs and these poll options actually trigger me a little. Is this supposed to be funny?
Oct 31, 2020 8:55 AM

May 2018

I would also like to add: If there is no policce then there wont be justice and people breaking the law

Chizuru_Mizuhara said:
To be fair, Police are human beings and different minds of thinking.

Some could be okay and some can act like ***hles.

In general, when we think of police as the justice to prevent crime and catching the bad guys. Times have changed and some police can be racist or bias in some way

"Don't give up after failing just twice.
We'll be able to do it next time.
Failure is the stepping stone to success."

Oct 31, 2020 1:07 PM

Jul 2016
RunescapeIsGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

Sure people have the choice to not riot and you know where that got protester, no where. The government didn't fucking listen. Plus anyways most of the riots were again peaceful. That's why you have stopped hearing about them in the news.

Well what is a democratic way to change people? Since about half and maybe a little more support blm, isn't it the will of the people then?

Society doesn't revolve around protestors.
That is not how the Government works, first of all the Federal gov't doesn't have control over State laws and Policing, and the elected government in the States and Federal government serve their voters. Multiple cities were significantly affected by the riots, so arguing that the riots have stopped, doesn't undo the problems caused by the protestors.
Well democracy is about representing the many interests in society, so the idea that everyone people will agree with a specific idea is unlikely, however the party that gets the most supporters win elections and put their own elected officials into office, to do the policy of their voters.

Sure society doesn't revolve around protests but it can be molded by protests. How do you think any minority got some kind of rights around here? Protests, voting people in is part of it yes but protests are another way to change our society

The federal government did come actually to help the states combat the riots actually. The federal government has power just they don't often use it for things that matter

Thing is the whole election is rigged, no left leaning person wants Biden. That's why settling for Biden is a thing. People are just voting for who they think who has a chance at winning. Plus the electoral college is also a scam, as it's the only way Republicans are still in as much power as they are.

This is why we need protests and further riots. People don't want to riot most of the time, but people need to listen to these protesters. As nothing they have done, doesn't that show that the people in power aren't representing the people of this country?
Oct 31, 2020 5:53 PM

Jul 2016
Theonewhorules said:
RunescapeIsGreat said:

Society doesn't revolve around protestors.
That is not how the Government works, first of all the Federal gov't doesn't have control over State laws and Policing, and the elected government in the States and Federal government serve their voters. Multiple cities were significantly affected by the riots, so arguing that the riots have stopped, doesn't undo the problems caused by the protestors.
Well democracy is about representing the many interests in society, so the idea that everyone people will agree with a specific idea is unlikely, however the party that gets the most supporters win elections and put their own elected officials into office, to do the policy of their voters.

Sure society doesn't revolve around protests but it can be molded by protests. How do you think any minority got some kind of rights around here? Protests, voting people in is part of it yes but protests are another way to change our society

The federal government did come actually to help the states combat the riots actually. The federal government has power just they don't often use it for things that matter

Thing is the whole election is rigged, no left leaning person wants Biden. That's why settling for Biden is a thing. People are just voting for who they think who has a chance at winning. Plus the electoral college is also a scam, as it's the only way Republicans are still in as much power as they are.

This is why we need protests and further riots. People don't want to riot most of the time, but people need to listen to these protesters. As nothing they have done, doesn't that show that the people in power aren't representing the people of this country?

"Sure society doesn't revolve around protests but it can be molded by protests."
Such as great model for society...

"How do you think any minority got some kind of rights around here?"
Important rights such as Affirmative Action, oh wait, that is a Privilege.

"The federal government did come actually to help the states combat the riots actually. The federal government has power just they don't often use it for things that matter"

While I am not very knowledgeable on Federal powers, they are were very limited during the riots, such as just some Federal agents, whereas the Governor needed to call for the National Guard, and the Federal Government wasn't willing to call on the military. These riots happened during a Pandemic, and the fact that the US government just let that happen, shows how weak they are.

"Thing is the whole election is rigged, no left leaning person wants Biden."

Biden will still do more of the Leftist agenda, than Trump did for his supporters.

"Plus the electoral college is also a scam, as it's the only way Republicans are still in as much power as they are."

This is a misunderstanding of how American Democracy works, the electoral college is about State representation, and is completely fair.

"but people need to listen to these protesters."

No they don't.
RuneRemNov 1, 2020 2:59 AM
Oct 31, 2020 6:35 PM

Aug 2013
FUCK the Police. They never did anything when I reported that my cousin stole my stuff.

Oct 31, 2020 6:55 PM

May 2016
They'd be cooler if they didn't shoot before asking, or if they didn't strangle people unable to escape upon arrest.
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Oct 31, 2020 9:49 PM

Jul 2016
RunescapeIsGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

Sure society doesn't revolve around protests but it can be molded by protests. How do you think any minority got some kind of rights around here? Protests, voting people in is part of it yes but protests are another way to change our society

The federal government did come actually to help the states combat the riots actually. The federal government has power just they don't often use it for things that matter

Thing is the whole election is rigged, no left leaning person wants Biden. That's why settling for Biden is a thing. People are just voting for who they think who has a chance at winning. Plus the electoral college is also a scam, as it's the only way Republicans are still in as much power as they are.

This is why we need protests and further riots. People don't want to riot most of the time, but people need to listen to these protesters. As nothing they have done, doesn't that show that the people in power aren't representing the people of this country?

"Sure society doesn't revolve around protests but it can be molded by protests."
Such as great model for society...

"How do you think any minority got some kind of rights around here?"
Important rights such as Affirmative Action, oh wait, that is a Privilege.

"The federal government did come actually to help the states combat the riots actually. The federal government has power just they don't often use it for things that matter"

While I am not very knowledgeable on Federal powers, they are were very limited during the riots, such as just some Federal agents, whereas the Governor needed to call for the National Guard, and the Federal Government wasn't willing to call on the military. These riots happened during a Pandemic, and the fact that the US government just let that happen, shows how weak they are.

"Thing is the whole election is rigged, no left leaning person wants Biden."

Biden will still do more of the Leftist agenda, than Trump did for his supporters.

"Plus the electoral college is also a scam, as it's the only way Republicans are still in as much power as they are."

This is a misunderstanding of how American Democracy works, the electoral college is about State representation, and is completely fair.

This is why we need protests and further riots.

The very fact you can say this, shows the privilege you have, any right wing person saying that would be arrested.

"but people need to listen to these protesters."

No they don't.

um, okay?

Rights isn't privilege umm wtf

Biden is more of a centrist than anything, the left agenda. You mean believing climate change is real lol

But the american democracy is ruled by small states that making it not really a democracy. Why shouldn't the most popular person win? Wouldn't that be more fair?

SargonTheGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

Sure society doesn't revolve around protests but it can be molded by protests. How do you think any minority got some kind of rights around here? Protests, voting people in is part of it yes but protests are another way to change our society

The federal government did come actually to help the states combat the riots actually. The federal government has power just they don't often use it for things that matter

Thing is the whole election is rigged, no left leaning person wants Biden. That's why settling for Biden is a thing. People are just voting for who they think who has a chance at winning. Plus the electoral college is also a scam, as it's the only way Republicans are still in as much power as they are.

This is why we need protests and further riots. People don't want to riot most of the time, but people need to listen to these protesters. As nothing they have done, doesn't that show that the people in power aren't representing the people of this country?
This is why we need protests and further riots

Lmao imagine having the privilege to not worry about your business being burned down or your employers business being burned down, also insurance companies drag out the payment process for a very very long time which usually ends up in the owner losing their livelihood for a pretty long time so "they have insurance" doesn't justify burning down someones business. Nobody else cares about change hence why the two party system still exists, why should the majority of people who like the status quo be forced to submit to rioters and protesters with unreasonable demands?

I worked for a small business actually so yes it was a concern.

Lots of people really hate the two party system actually. So I think it's strange you would say otherwise
Oct 31, 2020 10:13 PM

Apr 2016
I think police are like any other occupation out there, people want to do their jobs and go home to their families at the end of the day. That's the undeniable truth. And just like any other occupation in the world, we have people that are not good at their jobs and in this case it involves the lively hood of other people, and in some cases it's a life or death situation. The thing we're seeing with police in America is that the people are choosing two sides. It's either the "FUCK THE POLICE" side which is taking into their hands the destruction of property AND death of cops in some cases, to the extreme. Then the other side is the side that hates that, so they retaliate by fighting the protestors and causing even more violence and uproar. Both sides are honestly dumb as shit and they're allowing the media and news outlets to control their head, they're planting narratives into these people's minds. Bottom line is, we as Americans, do not need to burn down buildings or whatever else, we need to demand better and for those bad cops to be held accountable. We don't need the right to suck the cops dicks, and we don't need the left to burn some random person's business. There's just too many people dying to cop related incidents in America, regardless of race. America is just the most divisive country out there, that's america's narrative. And we as the people are allowing it to be that way. It shouldn't be about BLM or cops lives matter. It's an american issue, and we need to hold people accountable for the death of innocent people that are sworn to protect us.
Oct 31, 2020 10:18 PM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

um, okay?

Rights isn't privilege umm wtf

Biden is more of a centrist than anything, the left agenda. You mean believing climate change is real lol

But the american democracy is ruled by small states that making it not really a democracy. Why shouldn't the most popular person win? Wouldn't that be more fair?

I worked for a small business actually so yes it was a concern.

Lots of people really hate the two party system actually. So I think it's strange you would say otherwise
If so many people supposedly hate the two party system why do they keep playing into it? Its not hard to vote third party like the Libertarian party or whatever left wing party there is instead of the Republicans or Democrats. There is a clear alternative and people dont take it this doesn't mean protesters get to go apeshit and break everything. Imo its a vocal minority that dislikes the 2 party system and most people are just "grilling" so they could care less and the status quo works for them.

people always want to vote for the person they think will win. I'm not saying people are like a third party. Just people want to not only really have a choice of two parties. The idea of a third party winning is crazy since most people vote and don't think too hard about it

and just cause something is the status quo doesn't mean it can't hurt people
Oct 31, 2020 10:22 PM

Jul 2016
Theonewhorules said:
RunescapeIsGreat said:

"Sure society doesn't revolve around protests but it can be molded by protests."
Such as great model for society...

"How do you think any minority got some kind of rights around here?"
Important rights such as Affirmative Action, oh wait, that is a Privilege.

"The federal government did come actually to help the states combat the riots actually. The federal government has power just they don't often use it for things that matter"

While I am not very knowledgeable on Federal powers, they are were very limited during the riots, such as just some Federal agents, whereas the Governor needed to call for the National Guard, and the Federal Government wasn't willing to call on the military. These riots happened during a Pandemic, and the fact that the US government just let that happen, shows how weak they are.

"Thing is the whole election is rigged, no left leaning person wants Biden."

Biden will still do more of the Leftist agenda, than Trump did for his supporters.

"Plus the electoral college is also a scam, as it's the only way Republicans are still in as much power as they are."

This is a misunderstanding of how American Democracy works, the electoral college is about State representation, and is completely fair.

The very fact you can say this, shows the privilege you have, any right wing person saying that would be arrested.

"but people need to listen to these protesters."

No they don't.

um, okay?

Rights isn't privilege umm wtf

Biden is more of a centrist than anything, the left agenda. You mean believing climate change is real lol

But the american democracy is ruled by small states that making it not really a democracy. Why shouldn't the most popular person win? Wouldn't that be more fair?

SargonTheGreat said:

Lmao imagine having the privilege to not worry about your business being burned down or your employers business being burned down, also insurance companies drag out the payment process for a very very long time which usually ends up in the owner losing their livelihood for a pretty long time so "they have insurance" doesn't justify burning down someones business. Nobody else cares about change hence why the two party system still exists, why should the majority of people who like the status quo be forced to submit to rioters and protesters with unreasonable demands?

I worked for a small business actually so yes it was a concern.

Lots of people really hate the two party system actually. So I think it's strange you would say otherwise

People being hired not based on merit, but because of their group is a Privilege.

Calling Biden a centrist is just untrue, the reason why Leftists don't like him, is because he isn't as far left as them.

So you are saying those backwater, provincial small states shouldn't get representation.

The US is a federal country, that means the states get representation. If you think those small states are preventing your side from getting power, it just shows how unpopular your ideology is.
Oct 31, 2020 10:49 PM
Jul 2018
katsucats said:
The thing is, competence is defined on the bad days, not the good days. If you don't fail the good days, then that is just the bare minimum. But on the bad days, being in a position of authority requires you to do the right thing. And if, as a cop, you never violate anyone's rights normally, but you don't step up when you're partner does or the department is standing up for the bad apples in the thin line of blue, and you're just there because everyone else is there, then you are still part of the problem.

I don't know why no one understands this. Who cares how good the economy was before the pandemic? What's important is how the leaders respond in times of trouble that defines their mettle. And cops are no exception.

Now we've all run into cops that are nice people, probably let you off with a warning, but when something goes wrong, we find that none of them stand up for you. That's what we find in the news with BLM. Probably none of the other 3 cops in the George Floyd incident would have caused a problem on their own, but what was important is that none of them stood up to Derek Chauvin. Just like none of the Buffalo police stood up to the police that shoved an old man; in fact, they all quit the team to stand in solidarity. Just like none of the police in Atlanta, Georgia defended Rayshard Brooks when he was shot in the back. Instead, they defended the actions of the "bad apples" every time.

How can you call yourself one of the good guys if you stand up for the bad guys? Think back in high school, if a kid was rooting on the school bully but didn't beat anyone up himself, is he a good kid? No. He didn't cause the incident but he was an accomplice. He didn't report the bullying he covered for the bully. He didn't stop the bully, he cheered him on. Because it was the easy thing for him to do. These are not good apples.

The full quote: A rotten apple spoils the bunch.

*sniff* That was beautiful man!

Bloomberry said:
Where's the none of the above choice?

Police were made to PROTECT us. Without them, you'd be wondering daily if that day's your last. Delusional af if you think that police should be defunded, too. BLM is just as equally as violent. If a few police are gonna represent the whole police force, why can't the BLM riots (which are 95% of all riots btw) represent the group itself?

You're right. Police are needed for sure. Its the way that policing is done that needs to change.

Darkraii said:
I like cops. They saved me and my family multiple times. I respect them for keeping the peace and getting rid of criminals. I'm African american (mixed) but I've never been discriminated against by police.

You are yet young. I hope that you never experience bad encounters with the police. Also please don't be like some black people who don't care because it hasn't happened to them personally. It happens to our kinfolk so we should care (not saying that you don't care). I'm glad that the police did actiually help your family in times of need.

OtakuCakes said:
BannedAkko said:
And when we need them for something they aren’t very helpful. When my sister was raped we were supposed to get moved out of the area but it never happened. They liked to target me a lot to search me for whatever reason or because I fit some profile or description.

I'm so sorry, I hope your sister and you as well are doing fine :(

Back to the OT
The police can be extremes, to be honest. Some are bad and some are good. I'm not too sure about the American police though.

What happened with my sister was in our teens. I got hit by a car when I was 16 and she was swapping numbers with some guy as I was being loaded into an ambulance. Turns out that guy was a member of the local gang. At some point she was raped and because she reported it the gang began to target me and my friends. My friend was hit on the head with a hammer. They tried to kill him. We got chased out the the park fair on another occasion and one of the gang members put a knife to my throat.

At some point we got revenge and beat up the guy that allegedly raped my sister. Then we had to lay low and from that point I became focused on self preservation and began to pick up more introverted hobbies and plan how I would navigate the neighbourhood to avoid the gangs as best I could. Couldn't always avoid them though so sometimes I had to run for my life or stand and fight. This moments have made me the person that I am today. I am someone who stands up for what I l]believe in and someone who isn't afraid to get into a fight. Thats why I come across as angry, defensive and aloof to people who don't really know or understand me.

i never forgave my sister for what she brought upon us. Even though many years have passed I still keep her at a distance. She has never apologised. She is fine now though she has a husband and three kids. Well it was four but one died soon after birth. Thanks for asking.
removed-userOct 31, 2020 10:57 PM
Oct 31, 2020 11:36 PM
Jul 2018
BannedAkko said:
You are yet young. I hope that you never experience bad encounters with the police. Also please don't be like some black people who don't care because it hasn't happened to them personally. It happens to our kinfolk so we should care (not saying that you don't care). I'm glad that the police did actiually help your family in times of need.

worst i had to deal with was dipshit 911 operators haha

but yes hopefully we don't have to deal with shit cops.
Oct 31, 2020 11:52 PM
Jul 2018
asynchronicity said:
I think they're doing a good job in my country, for the most part, and personally I've never had any problems with the police. According to my brother (a policeman) they're understaffed in some places and a lot of administrative duties get pawned off on them by other departments. I'm inclined to believe him. They're just regular people doing their jobs and these poll options actually trigger me a little. Is this supposed to be funny?

Well I was in the military and I can tell you that even though we were just doing our jobs I got triggered alot too by the comments of my co workers. Regardless of rank people have personal views and they say alot of things about people that they feel that they are better than. They constantly make fun of countries that they think are shitholes and people that they think they are better than just because they are from 'the third world' or because their skin is darker and the culture is different and their values are different. And whenever I called it out they always turned on me and made me out to be the trouble maker. And when people threatened violence against me and I stood up for myself I was unfairly transferred to another department.

I have heard stories of police and former police who are not white saying that they had to endure years of listening to their coworkers talk shit about the civilian population and how they were forced to do atrocious things and cover for their coworkers.

Check out some of these videos. Might be an eye opener. Its real out here. This is real life. This is what people who look like me go through. This is what I've gone through. Let me know if you still think my poll options are me joking.

Cops Come Forward & Speak On Injustice, Admit To Corruption In The System!

Black Men Are 3 Times More Likely To Be Killed By Police Over Their Lifetime Than White Men!

Florida Police Use Black Criminal Mugshots As Shooting Targets!

"I Am Afraid I Will Be Killed By Police!"

Black Men's First Thought When Hearing The Word "Police"!

"I'm Black Lives Matter Before Blue Lives Matter" Alabama Female Officer In Tears After Being Racially Profiled By Police While In Uniform!

Former Police Officer Speaks Out About The Problem With Police Today! "They Want To Be Call Of Duty"

Kentucky Assistant Police Chief Told His Officers To Shoot Innocent Black Teens! "If They're Black Shoot Them"

Boston Police Harassing Black Man As He's Going To The Barbershop! "What Are You Doing For Work, Anything?"

Tennessee Authorities Release Video Of A Police Officer Shooting A 25-Year-Old Black Man In The Back!

British Police Randomly Stop Black Man At A Train Station And Demand He Explain His Presence!

Police Arrive To Shooting Scene At A Bar & Kill Black Security Guard By Mistake!

In 1985 Philadelphia Police Literally Dropped A Bomb On A Black Neighborhood, Killing 11 People Including 5 Children!

Video Shows UK Police Officer Telling Driver "I Stopped You Because No Offense You’re A Black Male"

Black Cop Who Spoke Out & Defended George Floyd... Just Got Fired From Police Department!

80% Of Police & City Officials Resign After A Black Woman Is Elected Mayor In A Small Missouri Town!

Disturbing Reality? How Police Treat Black Man vs. White Man With Open Carry Law!

Wrongly Arrested Black Lives Matter Activist "Sandra Bland" Is Found Dead In Her Jail Cell 2 Days Later! (Police Claim She Committed Suicide)

Former Nixon Adviser Admits The War On Drugs Was A Plot To Destroy Black People!

This Police Officer Was Reportedly Fired For Speaking Out Against Tyrannical Law Enforcement!

Police Brutality: LAPD Beats Protesters Who Have Their Hands Up!

Illinois Man Receives $1.25 Million In Police Brutality Case After Karen Called Cops On Him For Driving A Nice Car!

Lousiana Police Fatally Shoot A Black Man As He Walks Away From Them!
Nov 1, 2020 12:59 AM

Jul 2016
RunescapeIsGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

um, okay?

Rights isn't privilege umm wtf

Biden is more of a centrist than anything, the left agenda. You mean believing climate change is real lol

But the american democracy is ruled by small states that making it not really a democracy. Why shouldn't the most popular person win? Wouldn't that be more fair?

I worked for a small business actually so yes it was a concern.

Lots of people really hate the two party system actually. So I think it's strange you would say otherwise

People being hired not based on merit, but because of their group is a Privilege.

Calling Biden a centrist is just untrue, the reason why Leftists don't like him, is because he isn't as far left as them.

So you are saying those backwater, provincial small states shouldn't get representation.

The US is a federal country, that means the states get representation. If you think those small states are preventing your side from getting power, it just shows how unpopular your ideology is.

It's not a privilege, white people given jobs way more over poc and if we don't give them jobs they'll never get out of the poverty we put them in. White people aren't losing jobs over poc. This just isn't happening

Yes, I think you just proved my point about Biden lol

No I'm saying that the electoral vote doesn't work for the country. Most people hated Trump. Then why did he win? So strange :/

I live in Wisconsin, I am the small states. The left has won the popular vote for the last few elections yet republicans are still in power. Something about that sits wrong with me
SargonTheGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

people always want to vote for the person they think will win. I'm not saying people are like a third party. Just people want to not only really have a choice of two parties. The idea of a third party winning is crazy since most people vote and don't think too hard about it

and just cause something is the status quo doesn't mean it can't hurt people

just cause something is the status quo doesn't mean it can't hurt people

I never suggested anything like that, im just saying people seem relatively content with the status quo outside of a vocal minority. If people want to have more choices they have to take the action to back other parties, looting and burning doesn't bring about that third or 4th option it just cements the current two options which are our guy vs their guy.
The idea of a third party winning is crazy since most people vote and don't think too hard about it

This is what I mean, the reason why they just vote and dont think too hard about it is because they are for the most part satisfied with the current status quo and the majority of americans do this, to them politics is like this big game of red vs blue based purely on entertainment.

Thing is, people hate politics. They hate talking about them. They thing both the far right and far left are crazy. I don't think that means they are satisfied by the two party system, more if they don't want deal with it because their rights aren't up in the air every 4 years
Nov 1, 2020 1:29 AM

Jul 2016
Theonewhorules said:
RunescapeIsGreat said:

People being hired not based on merit, but because of their group is a Privilege.

Calling Biden a centrist is just untrue, the reason why Leftists don't like him, is because he isn't as far left as them.

So you are saying those backwater, provincial small states shouldn't get representation.

The US is a federal country, that means the states get representation. If you think those small states are preventing your side from getting power, it just shows how unpopular your ideology is.

It's not a privilege, white people given jobs way more over poc and if we don't give them jobs they'll never get out of the poverty we put them in. White people aren't losing jobs over poc. This just isn't happening

Yes, I think you just proved my point about Biden lol

No I'm saying that the electoral vote doesn't work for the country. Most people hated Trump. Then why did he win? So strange :/

I live in Wisconsin, I am the small states. The left has won the popular vote for the last few elections yet republicans are still in power. Something about that sits wrong with me
SargonTheGreat said:

I never suggested anything like that, im just saying people seem relatively content with the status quo outside of a vocal minority. If people want to have more choices they have to take the action to back other parties, looting and burning doesn't bring about that third or 4th option it just cements the current two options which are our guy vs their guy.

This is what I mean, the reason why they just vote and dont think too hard about it is because they are for the most part satisfied with the current status quo and the majority of americans do this, to them politics is like this big game of red vs blue based purely on entertainment.

Thing is, people hate politics. They hate talking about them. They thing both the far right and far left are crazy. I don't think that means they are satisfied by the two party system, more if they don't want deal with it because their rights aren't up in the air every 4 years

"It's not a privilege, white people given jobs way more over poc and if we don't give them jobs they'll never get out of the poverty we put them in. White people aren't losing jobs over poc. This just isn't happening"

Your bigoted and prejudiced views are the opposite of liberalism, you are preaching for certain segments of the population to have Privileges, that the rest of the population do not have. You are supporting systemic discrimination and collective guilt.

"Yes, I think you just proved my point about Biden lol"

The common man can understand Biden, they couldn't care whatsoever for leftist protests, lol.

"No I'm saying that the electoral vote doesn't work for the country. Most people hated Trump. Then why did he win? So strange :/"

Hillary got 2 million more votes, so to say most people hated Trump is untrue, as not everyone votes, and the people who did vote, it was only a small majority of the electorate that did not vote for him.

"The left has won the popular vote for the last few elections yet republicans are still in power."

The Democrats were in power for the last 8 years prior to 2016.
RuneRemNov 1, 2020 1:49 AM
Nov 1, 2020 6:53 AM

Jul 2016
RunescapeIsGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

It's not a privilege, white people given jobs way more over poc and if we don't give them jobs they'll never get out of the poverty we put them in. White people aren't losing jobs over poc. This just isn't happening

Yes, I think you just proved my point about Biden lol

No I'm saying that the electoral vote doesn't work for the country. Most people hated Trump. Then why did he win? So strange :/

I live in Wisconsin, I am the small states. The left has won the popular vote for the last few elections yet republicans are still in power. Something about that sits wrong with me

Thing is, people hate politics. They hate talking about them. They thing both the far right and far left are crazy. I don't think that means they are satisfied by the two party system, more if they don't want deal with it because their rights aren't up in the air every 4 years

"It's not a privilege, white people given jobs way more over poc and if we don't give them jobs they'll never get out of the poverty we put them in. White people aren't losing jobs over poc. This just isn't happening"

Your bigoted and prejudiced views are the opposite of liberalism, you are preaching for certain segments of the population to have Privileges, that the rest of the population do not have. You are supporting systemic discrimination and collective guilt.

"Yes, I think you just proved my point about Biden lol"

The common man can understand Biden, they couldn't care whatsoever for leftist protests, lol.

"No I'm saying that the electoral vote doesn't work for the country. Most people hated Trump. Then why did he win? So strange :/"

Hillary got 2 million more votes, so to say most people hated Trump is untrue, as not everyone votes, and the people who did vote, it was only a small majority of the electorate that did not vote for him.

"The left has won the popular vote for the last few elections yet republicans are still in power."

The Democrats were in power for the last 8 years prior to 2016.

huh, collective guilt. If you mean feeling guilty about slaves, I don't, and my relatives were slave owners and I don't feel guilty. But I do understand that poc are disadvatanged and starting at a different place than me. This is why affirmative action exists

leftist protests...

no but people general don't wanna vote cause they don't wanna cloud their moral vote. To many people they want the better person in power, not someone who has better policies. They just vote for the nicer person. My point is about the popular vote being a thing, not the elector vote

Yes but there still are people as corrupt as Trump in office. Men who didn't even win the popular vote.
Nov 1, 2020 8:57 AM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

It's not a privilege, white people given jobs way more over poc and if we don't give them jobs they'll never get out of the poverty we put them in. White people aren't losing jobs over poc. This just isn't happening

Yes, I think you just proved my point about Biden lol

No I'm saying that the electoral vote doesn't work for the country. Most people hated Trump. Then why did he win? So strange :/

I live in Wisconsin, I am the small states. The left has won the popular vote for the last few elections yet republicans are still in power. Something about that sits wrong with me

Thing is, people hate politics. They hate talking about them. They thing both the far right and far left are crazy. I don't think that means they are satisfied by the two party system, more if they don't want deal with it because their rights aren't up in the air every 4 years
Doesn't this mean they truly dont care? If they did care wouldn't they be voting third party? Even if they weren't satisfied burning down buildings isnt acceptable behavior considering there is a simple alternative right there for those who dont feel represented by republicans or democrats.

People do vote a third party still. But people want to vote fro someone who they think will win, like either of the two candidates. And rioters aren't all the libtards or voting third party. Really there's no correlation with either
Nov 1, 2020 9:13 AM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

People do vote a third party still. But people want to vote fro someone who they think will win, like either of the two candidates. And rioters aren't all the libtards or voting third party. Really there's no correlation with either
This just means that they are voluntarily trapping themselves in the 2 party system so they cant just trap themselves and then turn around and play the victim. Most if not all rioters are left wing though considering all the riots have occurred at left wing protests and the riots usually result in violence against police and business owners both of which aren't things that centrists or right wingers would commit violence against.

Well don't you think the two party system traps them? Like you have no choice and saying ig most leftists vote third party it'll fix it won't. While lots of people don't care for the two party system, people also think anything else sucks.

Right wing people can commit violence against business owners just like left wing people do. I think it's also interesting how you point out that right wing extremist wouldn't hurt officers. Maybe because the officers are working in a right leaning direction. Hence why the left would "attack" them, not like police attacked first ever
Nov 1, 2020 9:24 AM

Mar 2011
Badly managed, horribly cuts-corners, justice-excused, overused for things they are not needed for and could be generally done better. There may be a majority of the forces that are individually decent for the job, but the fact majority could be 51-48.. those 48 still carry weapons designed to kill, so are more of a danger.
I come from a police family and I feel really comfortable saying they can definitely do better and have better outcomes.
"In the end the World really doesn't need a Superman. Just a Brave one"
Nov 1, 2020 10:11 AM

Apr 2020
Cops are just stupid but in my country they are pretty fine but still don't know that much because I haven't interacted with cops that much.
Wanna play 8-ball?
Nov 1, 2020 10:21 AM
Nov 1, 2020 10:33 AM

May 2020
They just want to touch some winkies Lmfao
Nov 1, 2020 10:46 AM

May 2013
They're full on gay. The police have the worst hardon in town.

Here in the south we really see them acting like they're from the Empire with their fancy cars and shit.

I definitely think they should be like in England with funny cars and hats. They need to know their place as public servants, because as of now they're the biggest gang in town.
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Nov 1, 2020 11:10 AM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

Well don't you think the two party system traps them? Like you have no choice and saying ig most leftists vote third party it'll fix it won't. While lots of people don't care for the two party system, people also think anything else sucks.

Right wing people can commit violence against business owners just like left wing people do. I think it's also interesting how you point out that right wing extremist wouldn't hurt officers. Maybe because the officers are working in a right leaning direction. Hence why the left would "attack" them, not like police attacked first ever
Business owners are admired by the right wing so they wouldn't be attacked by right wingers, nah right wing people just respect law and order so they are way less likely to commit violence against cops or business owners or innocent bystanders even, why do you think the riot police always have their backs to trump supporters when they try to break up a conflict? its because they know that nobody on that side is going to try to harm them. No it doesn't trap them because they aren't being held at gunpoint or being forced to only vote red or blue, they choose to vote for dems so they get what they vote for, they dont get to waste their own votes and limit their choices and then throw a tantrum and burn everything down. If they dont like any of the options they have the option to start their own political party and build support with other disenfranchised voters, rioting just further enforces the two party system with "their guy vs our guy" politics.

Respect law and order, lol. They do that because it benefits them, laws are catered to please the right. Only in recent years were the left able to get pro-lgbt laws. White people don't have to worry about being hated for being white, poc do thou. The right isn't protesting things that would move our society forward, they're moving society back. (fighting against abortion, rights for lgbt people, justice for poc ect.)

You're acting like cities are being burnt everyday with these protests. They aren't, most protests are peaceful. And even with the peaceful protests, no one was listening. That's why people are rioting, not because they just wanna burn shit for kicks. I mean sure you can say rioting furthers the two party system but at the end of the day rioting is the means to an end. If the left didn't have to riot for justice, they wouldn't. People don't want to be violent because it will make them look bad

Yeah but the thing about this guy or this guy is that is how it is. People don't know more. They think any further left politics is just crazy talk. So they vote democrat thou they want just the less crazy candidate. People just vote for the nicer person even if their policy sucks. Which is why the campaigns are always putting down the other candidate, calling them crazy and such.

The two party system destroys democracy, people only have two choices. Well there yes is other options them winning is impossible for tons of fucking reasons I've said before. Voting has no choice really because of stuff like the electoral college
Nov 1, 2020 11:12 AM

Dec 2013
Wow, the reply's here are what I thought they would be. But all that being said, if someone is robbing my house I call them. Nothing more or less.
Nov 1, 2020 11:39 AM

Jun 2020
I simply think that some of them are racist but they're necessary because crime will never stop EVEN if more money is put into education/therapy. So I think the idea of defunding the police is kinda stupid & idealistic.

HOWEVER, I don't know anything about how much money the Gov puts into the police BUT whatever it is I will probably think that more money should be put into education/therapy.

Also, one other thing, WHY ON EARTH does the police have to have guns in America???!!! Stun guns/tasers should be MORE THAN ENOUGH since they don't primarily kill & EVEN then it should be the last option.
Hydre_ItoNov 1, 2020 11:45 AM
Nov 1, 2020 11:58 AM

Jun 2020
SargonTheGreat said:
You also have to have both prongs hit the guy in the flesh for the tazer to even do anything.

Well, police should be trained better then/better devices should be invented, its 2020!! I'm sure we can come up with better devices that aren't lethal if more people ACTUALLY cared & weren't so heartless...

Also, you would have to tell me if you've worked in poilce/an expert/used a taser before or are studying ANYTHING which allows you to have a good judgement about tasers not working well before I even begin to trust your words, so do any of these apply to u?

Also, I don't think you would like to be killed by police for commiting crimes due to mental-illness/other uncontrollable circumstances OR JUST because of you race EVEN THOUGH it could've been avoided/they could've AT LEAST tried to avoid it, HECK I don't think you would want that EVEN if you planned your crimes, would you now?...
Hydre_ItoNov 18, 2020 3:35 AM
Nov 1, 2020 1:17 PM
Jul 2018
As long as you ain't black or vato mexican they are cool
Nov 1, 2020 2:17 PM
Jul 2018
Necessary but problematic in many cases.
Nov 1, 2020 2:42 PM
YouTuber / VA

Aug 2017
Obviously there are some bad apples in the police force whether it be the occasional racist or the occasional asshole high on authority, and there are definitely a lot of policies I think need to be changed to better the police force, however you'd have to be fucking delusional to think we could get by without police force.

We saw how that experiment went with Chaz in Portland and immediately people started raping and murdering and assaulting and stealing from each other. You cannot have a properly functioning society without the police. All these places that have restricted and cut funding to their police have seen massive spikes in crime. All these major cities in Democrat run states have become fucking shitholes and people are leaving in droves because the state governments are refusing to let the police do their jobs. The answer isn't less police, it's MORE. All these Antifa assholes are bunch of dumb rich fucking white kids speaking on behalf of black people despite the fact they've literally never even gone to class with any lol. In reality if you look at the polls more than 80% of black people don't want a cut to the police but in fact a lot want more police support. Now don't get me wrong, as mentioned I think the police have their fair share of bullshit of policies like as you mentioned racial profiling; the way they constantly stop and man handle innocent black man and it's just not fair. But at the same time this claim that police are explicitly going out and killing black people everyday is total bullshit. Around 15 unarmed black men get shot and killed by police each year, and obviously that number should be zero, but considering there are almost FOUR HUNDRED MILLION POLICE INTERACTIONS A YEAR that 15 deaths is actually a fucking insanely low number. But guess what? You really want to the police force to change for the better? You know what the best way to do that is? Sign up and become a police officer, be the kind of cop you want to see the police force filled with.

Although frankly I'm amazed anybody even signs up for the job. Like seriously, why the fuck would you want to put your life on the line everyday for a bunch of assholes who hate your guts and police departments that will throw you under the bus in a moment's notice to same themselves. Not to mention you're going through all of this for shit pay. Plus now there's an entire political movement and media campaign currently going on about how evil you are, if I were a police officer I'd immediately be like "fuck that" and retire. And that's what happening, if I recall correctly since 2016 the amount of applications to become a police officer have fallen more than 50% and more than 25% of the police force across America has quit. There are so many great cops out there, so many great or at worst neutral/annoying interactions, yet all the media ever focuses on are the bad ones and they have drummed up so much hate for police officers in doing so that we're not going to have a functioning police force anymore and we are going to be completely fucked because of it.

There are plenty of changes I'd like to see to improve our police force, hell I've had a pretty awful interaction with the police myself (they threw me in holding against my will for more than 24 hours based off a false report by an internet troll then realized they made a mistake said oops released me and had the fucking gaul to try to send me a $16,000 bill for the stay which I of course refused to pay) but to claim they're an overall negative force in this country is not only completely detatched reality but borderline evil. Hopefully people see how awful it is without the police and change their minds, however I'm not too optimistic. It seems most of these assholes instead just leave the cities they destroy and vote to do the exact same thing to the new cities they move, what a bunch of fucking human garbage. You reap what you sow, have fun with no police everybody.
KyotosomoNov 1, 2020 2:48 PM
Nov 1, 2020 3:20 PM
Sep 2020
Tbh, Instead of them being pussies, I'd say they're clowns. I don't know If I should like or hate the police. I'd get in trouble if I chose either. I'm on no ones side.
Nov 1, 2020 3:33 PM

May 2020
Before i already liked them but now because of BLM i like them even more
k1rbNov 1, 2020 4:01 PM

Nov 1, 2020 5:32 PM

Jun 2016
Voted for bunch of bullies, because the police as an institution are riducuously prone to abuse of power. A lot of people really wouldn't believe the stuff police do and get away with.

Kyotosomo said:
You know what the best way to do that is? Sign up and become a police officer, be the kind of cop you want to see the police force filled with.

Problem with this is that these good cops get treated like crap by the fellow officers and their superiors.
Nov 1, 2020 7:34 PM
Jul 2020
personally i believe that the police consist of either the cops who truly know how to properly handle situations or those that do not know how to do their job in a manner where someone is not injured.
i feel as though most police officers sometimes are not trained properly for certain situations or do not handle them well.
it also seems like most police officers are narcissistic which doesnt help, leading to the mistreatment of power theyre given due to having a badge.
Nov 1, 2020 10:58 PM

Jan 2019
they're professional, trained professionally to get the license, but they're a bit of dickheads.
I still respect them
Nov 1, 2020 11:23 PM
May 2018
When I was a little kid and didnt even know anything I still didnt like the police. I've been singled out alot as I've grown up to for no real reason. I know people who've become cops and their story is never "I wanted to help people". Its always been "I could get the job without some expensive degree" or just for the power. And they say yeah they like to mess with people and scare them over nothing. Even on their cop shows where they should be advertising their best they're showboating, breaking protocol, and abusing their power. So while I'm sure there are good cops out there, in general I hate them and have had bad experiences.
Nov 2, 2020 12:35 AM

Aug 2016
I mean here in Chicago the police are corrupt af and I think they are well known around the country for being that way, even aside from that I do appreciate the police being around and even though there are bad cops, they aren't all bad and I'm not going to condemn them all for the actions of a few.

I've had a few run ins with the cops but always ended in me being in a misunderstanding and I end up having really nice conversations with them, I've never felt fear in dealing with cops or anything even in the shitty neighborhood I live in.
Nov 2, 2020 2:00 AM

Aug 2018
Most police officers in Singapore are admirable and respectable people. I'd like to think so.
Nov 2, 2020 2:01 AM

Mar 2019
most of the police I've met are really great upstanding people. Maybe its because I grew up around a lot of police and criminologists but most of them are really great people, sure you could say that some police abuse there power and some do, but most of the people who sign up for the police force are really great people, there doing there country a great service, just like people who sign up for the military police men are great people. I can't stress enough about how they put their lives at risk to help others, it's one of the most noble causes anyone can ever partake in. Call me biased but I genuinely believe that most if not all police officers have noble intentions.

Power can be abused, the tools that are given to the police are ones that can be used for good and for evil, but all the ones I have met are ones that use it for good, and thats convincing enough for me that they are heroes.

I also want to add that you shouldn't generalise people based off of their job, you can't dictate character based of someones job. And dude wtf all the other options are bad, there's only one good option.
SynthwaveCrusadeNov 2, 2020 2:10 AM
Nov 2, 2020 3:38 AM

Jan 2016
I dont think there is a single job I respect less than cops besides maybe prostitution. Of course for entirely different reasons than left wingers espouse.
Nov 2, 2020 4:35 AM

Sep 2017
They deserve way more recognition, more rights and more respect because they're doing a pretty good job but the governement kowtow way too much in front of some syndicates and associations that pretty much defend criminals
(at least that's the case in my country, can't say the same thing for the USA where the situation seems to be...complicated)
Nov 2, 2020 6:48 AM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

Respect law and order, lol. They do that because it benefits them, laws are catered to please the right. Only in recent years were the left able to get pro-lgbt laws. White people don't have to worry about being hated for being white, poc do thou. The right isn't protesting things that would move our society forward, they're moving society back. (fighting against abortion, rights for lgbt people, justice for poc ect.)

You're acting like cities are being burnt everyday with these protests. They aren't, most protests are peaceful. And even with the peaceful protests, no one was listening. That's why people are rioting, not because they just wanna burn shit for kicks. I mean sure you can say rioting furthers the two party system but at the end of the day rioting is the means to an end. If the left didn't have to riot for justice, they wouldn't. People don't want to be violent because it will make them look bad

Yeah but the thing about this guy or this guy is that is how it is. People don't know more. They think any further left politics is just crazy talk. So they vote democrat thou they want just the less crazy candidate. People just vote for the nicer person even if their policy sucks. Which is why the campaigns are always putting down the other candidate, calling them crazy and such.

The two party system destroys democracy, people only have two choices. Well there yes is other options them winning is impossible for tons of fucking reasons I've said before. Voting has no choice really because of stuff like the electoral college

People don't know more. They think any further left politics is just crazy talk.

Ah I see the problem now,I might be getting this wrong but since your favored ideology isnt accepted by people you think rioting and forcing it on them is somehow good and moral?
were the left able to get pro-lgbt laws. White people don't have to worry about being hated for being white, poc do thou.

Have you heard of critical race theory? More than 70% of the population supports LGBT people in the US just because the right wing boogeyman gets power doesn't mean that the LGBT community is going to get nuked with gay marriage being repealed.
That's why people are rioting, not because they just wanna burn shit for kicks. I mean sure you can say rioting furthers the two party system but at the end of the day rioting is the means to an end.

This doesn't justify rioting though, there is another alternative called voting for who you like or starting your own party, Canada is pretty far left but you dont see the Canadian right burning stuff down because the centrist conservative party doesn't represent them, they started their own party called the PPC and they vote for that party instead of throwing a temper tantrum in the streets and burning everything down. Abortion doesn't move a society forward though it moves it back, it moves us back to the time where Aztecs were like sacrificing children in temples.
Well there yes is other options them winning is impossible for tons of fucking reasons I've said before. Voting has no choice really because of stuff like the electoral college

It seems like you just want to force left wing policy onto others lmao, you can start your own party and gain support or vote third party you aren't entitled to the privilege of having your ideology adopted by the state unless you win a presidential election.

That is wrong. I know plenty of people aren't going to become leftist anytime soon. I get it, but I don't want to encourage violence. I am only understanding of why the rioters did what they did.

I mean yes ofc most people do support lgbt, good but there was in the supreme court talk of getting rid gay marriage laws since it goes against their freedom of religion. (source:

Again acting like it's burning down cities every day. Most blm protest are peaceful. I don't know too much about Canada's voting system but the thing is I know America had the electoral college is the only way Republicans are still getting into office as the popular vote has dyed out. And I don't even wanna try and debate you on abortion cause that just won't work.

Literally the chances of a third party winning are impossible, it's just not happening. And like I said again and again, the electoral college makes it so two parties are the only two options for most American citizens
Nov 2, 2020 7:45 AM

Dec 2018
I think whatever I say will always be met with criticism regarding this topic so I figure since I've retracted to becoming much lazier, unenthusiastic in debating on politics and friendlier, I should just shut up. But then there will be no point in leaving a comment here. So I'll try to say something. Here's the most virtuous, morally fitting and universally least controversial answer:

"I think the police in general handled things well. Take Floyd case for instance. While I dearly feel for such a young soul, I think a crime committed is a crime regardless. And looking at the full video, the INITIAL reaction of the police makes sense to me. They were doing a great job, calmly and rightfully UNTIL they appeared more imposing and decided to, either out of ignorance or spite, end up killing the man. So no matter what, they are still on the wrong and they should be punished. But I don't think it's good to go all ah-hoo-fuck-police with the crowd either. That's just my stance. Also, killing animal is wrong but most of you need meat to survive, and centralists are good."
. . .
Nov 2, 2020 4:52 PM

Oct 2019
Every breath you take, Every move you make
Oh wait wrong police
Nov 3, 2020 6:05 AM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

That is wrong. I know plenty of people aren't going to become leftist anytime soon. I get it, but I don't want to encourage violence. I am only understanding of why the rioters did what they did.

I mean yes ofc most people do support lgbt, good but there was in the supreme court talk of getting rid gay marriage laws since it goes against their freedom of religion. (source:

Again acting like it's burning down cities every day. Most blm protest are peaceful. I don't know too much about Canada's voting system but the thing is I know America had the electoral college is the only way Republicans are still getting into office as the popular vote has dyed out. And I don't even wanna try and debate you on abortion cause that just won't work.

Literally the chances of a third party winning are impossible, it's just not happening. And like I said again and again, the electoral college makes it so two parties are the only two options for most American citizens
It doesn't matter if a third party isn't going to win, in a democratic system you aren't supposed to riot because you dont get your way you are supposed to start your own party its irrelevant whether or not you win. Like I said there is no right wing representation in canada but you dont see us burning stuff down, we have our own new political party and we build on it instead of throwing a temper tantrum in the streets.

People are protesting because there is no representation for them in office. And people are dying, cops are killing people.

The right is a lot of white men, this is a fact not to like insult you or something. If white men were being killed like poc were by cops the right wouldn't riot because they think any criminal deserved their death. Which is not true.

People are dying more from police than these protests as again most are peaceful. Calling the biggest civil rights movements in history a riots just looks bad because one it's not true and I don't think you mean what I'm taking it as.
Nov 3, 2020 8:51 AM

Jul 2016
SargonTheGreat said:
Theonewhorules said:

People are protesting because there is no representation for them in office. And people are dying, cops are killing people.

The right is a lot of white men, this is a fact not to like insult you or something. If white men were being killed like poc were by cops the right wouldn't riot because they think any criminal deserved their death. Which is not true.

People are dying more from police than these protests as again most are peaceful. Calling the biggest civil rights movements in history a riots just looks bad because one it's not true and I don't think you mean what I'm taking it as.
If theres no representation in office for them thats where they can make their own political party. For the most part when someone is killed by the cops its usually because they had a weapon and were threatening the officers life, movements like blm have interfered with policing so much that police officers are now afraid to shoot someone rushing at them with a machete because of the color of their skin
People are dying more from police than these protests as again most are peacefu

The George Floyd protests alone killed like 30 people (They have since dropped this number to 19+ and removed it from google so you actually have to read the wikipedia page instead of it popping up right away but other sources say atleast 26 have died), if you look at where the "mostly peaceful" comes from and look at the methodology used in mapping the protests you can see its total bs and a fake number, it counts someone waving a sign on a street corner as a protest and doesn't take into account the size of a protest, without fail every single protest has turned into a riot.

Well I cannot see the video you put I will take on everything else you said.

Are there times cops need to kill people in self defense? Yes ofc. But cops are killing innocent people like Brennona Taylor who wasn't even the person they were after, and also wasn't holding the weapon. Cops are trained to shoot people to not kill yet they are killing people. People who don't have weapons. Cops are meant to bring people into custody, not kill people since they are judges or juries.

Plus cops are not being charged like they should. As lot of cops are told to not tell on each other so it creates a circle of bad behavior. The people who are getting killed don't get a trial as they are sentenced to death, but cops are getting off so easy unlike the people they killed.

Actually I went to a blm protest, no riot happened just people in the streets walking. It was my whole city fucking out there plus I live close to all the protests. Sure this is my own experience so it might not mean much to you but tell me why blm protester want to be violent? People have been protesting police violence peacefully for a bit but the thing is, they got fired from their job. Plus peaceful looks better fro the movement, so it's not riots for random reasons.

That is a protest, few people holding up signs is a protest It doesn't need a certain number of people to be one

Police violence is so much higher, which is why you aren't seeing results for it. Since deaths from protests are so much lower than police violence
Nov 3, 2020 2:43 PM

Jun 2020

I guess you had no valid response to my comment init (btw this dosen't have to be a win or loose discussion, so if you have the guts just accept you're wrong if you know you are, don't lie to youreself)
Nov 3, 2020 2:50 PM

Jun 2020
SargonTheGreat said:
Idania said:

I guess you had no valid response to my comment init
Nah after reading that I figured you already had a solid image of law enforcement ingrained into your brain so there would be no point in continuing.

No need to be sarcastic, you can still explain....(btw this dosen't have to be a win or loose discussion, so if you have the guts just accept you're wrong if you know you are, don't lie to youreself)
And let me just add that that shows that you're just here for win/loose discussions & nothing more
Hydre_ItoNov 3, 2020 2:53 PM
Nov 3, 2020 2:50 PM

Apr 2010
Like anyone else, some can be good, some can be bad. I overall don't have a problem with the Police. I've had some good experiences and some kind of crappy ones(like being racially profiled) but I didn't escalate the situation and was fine. A little secret to having more luck than bad when dealing with police is being compliant and doing what's asked of you. You're not a lawyer, don't argue with them about what's legal and what isn't. If you truly know or feel like you have been treated badly, lawyer up and deal with it in a court room. Getting your ass kicked and getting forcefully detained is easily avoidable in most cases as long as you follow the golden rule. Comply


but @SargonTheGreat isn't wrong. Cops are literally trained to shoot to kill. They even train them to aim for the torso cause it's the easiest part of the body to hit without missing. I have had police training partners in the past and they told me this time and time again. If they shoot it's to seriously hurt/kill you. You guys make it seem like aiming at someones leg or arm is an easy thing to do. Especially in a high stress situation. You can easily miss, and even if you do hit the leg you could hit an artery and they have high chance of bleeding out anyway.
ZeroflamezNov 3, 2020 2:57 PM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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