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Aug 21, 2019 8:13 AM

Oct 2012
Can be a big thing or a little thing, but it should be something that you either want/try to skip or what bothers you enough to make you not want to watch further.

Crying babies and extremely short haired girls (Railgun that lvl 1 girl) for me.
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Aug 21, 2019 8:15 AM

Jul 2019
dense characters or very under-developed cookie-cutter characters. also filler lol
Aug 21, 2019 8:15 AM

Sep 2018
Pathetic characters really REALLY infuriate me. It's a completely new type of anger to me.

I am talking about charaters like Yuki from Mirai Nikki. Yuki has all these people working there asses off and dying for him and what does he do. He lets his pathetic side take over or something. Yuki just start crying and collapses, my FUCKING god! It's not neccesarily because others are helping him it's just, someone is trying to kill you get the fuck up and do something. You fucking loser!

After looking for some memes I found that for Yuki's sake it was really part of the character, but nonetheless I don't mind these type of charaters dying. This shit ruins shows for me so I am trying to brush it off or get used to it but it's damn hard.

I am convinced there is some personal shit behind this anger, but I am yet to find what it is.
Aug 21, 2019 8:21 AM

Sep 2018
Underdeveloped generic copy and paste Characters, or underdeveloped in general.

Fantasy with shit Worldbuilding.

Romance shows that are only...will they...nah...10 episode later...still not....24 episode oh finally some development, of course if they have a reason for not doing it its fine but stuff like Nisekoi makes me angry.

Shows that undercut dramatic moments with comedy.

Shows that treat their audience like some idiot.
Aug 21, 2019 8:21 AM

Oct 2010
Straight in your face incest, nisemonogatari is a great example, I watched it gritting my teeth. I just don't like it.
Aug 21, 2019 8:24 AM

Apr 2014
Mediocrity, extremely bad shows are memorable, but mediocrity, that is what you don't remember.
Aug 21, 2019 8:24 AM

Apr 2018
Shitty animation and shitty characters.
Aug 21, 2019 8:26 AM

Feb 2019
1. Garbage Characters - 98% isekai and light novel adaptations
2. isekai
3. pretentious plot - many LN adaptations
4. fantasy with garbage world building - Made in abyss and again most isekai
5. Lolis and "cute" anime girls
6. unnecessary fanservice

Mullerio_ said:

Fantasy with shit Worldbuilding.

We think alike
Johan__Liebert_Aug 21, 2019 8:30 AM
Aug 21, 2019 8:27 AM

Oct 2016
Really good shows that started out great and have good potentials then the budgeting thing happened, usually around episode 3, and the animation turns really cheap and bad.
Aug 21, 2019 8:30 AM
Sep 2018
Childhood friend always losing to the main girl and when she wins, the main girl dies.

Anime is fucked up, ya know.
Aug 21, 2019 8:46 AM
Jul 2018
Bad writing

Cg crowds

Ugly art

Mediocre animation

Bad color choices

Trashy fanservice in shows that is unnecessary

Generic done wrong

Most isekai

Second guy syndrome in shoujo anime or manga.

Characters dying after they were finally going to be happy

Endings where everyone ends up married with children
Aug 21, 2019 8:49 AM

Jan 2019
When a character won't kill no matter what ( I don't care if it's a shounen or it's because the morals of the character, it's just ridiculous given the situations that those characters are in, Trigun as an example, a master gunman that is fighting for his life everyday)

And this is even worse, when someone is fighting and he/she/them don't stop shouting ''AAAAAAAAAAAA'' most likely to happen in shounens and the most recent example for this is Gintoki vs Shinsuke, I was liking the shogun assesination arc so far and had watched all the previews chapters of gintamaº within a week, but that fucking fight had me to stop watching that season for a while

Aug 21, 2019 8:53 AM

Feb 2014
- Eye patch girls, and worse, anime girls that have one of their eyes closed all the time. I don't know why, but it "triggers" me to no end. Like this thing from Girls und Panzer.

- Characters falling sick the very next day after getting wet in rain.

- Male characters that speak like a girl and have effeminate body language and even facial expressions. Not sure if it's because the animators are just used to drawing female characters, or because the writers themselves are women, but it really annoys me when that happens.

- Characters rambling exposition at each other, when everyone present there already knows what they're talking about.

- Bland directing and cinematography. I can't stand anime that tell their story through just boring rambling dialogue and expositions, with next to nothing interesting going on visually.
Aug 21, 2019 8:57 AM

Oct 2017
Cheesy characters that fall in love with another character way too easily. And they're not afraid to show it.
Aug 21, 2019 9:01 AM
Sep 2018
Irritating characters that are rather clingy, annoying and boring

Storyline being unoriginal, dull and dragging on

The art being disgusting and in your face
Aug 21, 2019 9:01 AM

Jul 2013
Overly naïve/dense protags, they're everywhere and they're such unrealistic characters, like Touma from A Certain Magical Index
Aug 21, 2019 9:04 AM

Aug 2013
3D, western-pandering direction, action & battle shounen stories, "experimental" and "super-original" character design, gore and overedginess.
rsc-plAug 21, 2019 9:07 AM
Dub = fake crap. Always.
Aug 21, 2019 9:07 AM

Jun 2015
More prevalent in manga I guess, but sex scenes. I hate Western media for the need to shove sex and sexual stuff into everything that's not for kids, so when Japanese things do it as well I'm like no thanks
Aug 21, 2019 9:09 AM

Jun 2014
When hot guys end up being straight. All guys are supposed to be gay.

ShadowMonkey said:
More prevalent in manga I guess, but sex scenes. I hate Western media for the need to shove sex and sexual stuff into everything that's not for kids, so when Japanese things do it as well I'm like no thanks

I agree. I make it a rule to avoid stuff with sex in it.

Aug 21, 2019 9:16 AM

Jun 2017
shows with characters i don't care about
if i literally could not care less if the characters died or ceased to appear, that's a bad sign

(on the other hand, some bad animes would be slightly more interesting if you just killed off a character, like imagine killing off sagiri in ermomanga sensei lmao)
Aug 21, 2019 9:21 AM

Jul 2016
Generic-ness, just like as a concept. I feel like I've seen this exact show three times before, then just, like, what's the point in watching it?
Aug 21, 2019 9:21 AM

Apr 2015
FloodBasalt said:
- anime girls that have one of their eyes closed all the time. I don't know why, but it "triggers" me to no end. Like this thing from Girls und Panzer.

I get this isn't a discussion thread, but I just wanted to point it she does to mimic Japanese samurai stereotypes with having one eye closed.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
-Tobiichi Origami 
"Are you trying to turn the dormitory into a strip club!?!
-Atena Saotome 
Aug 21, 2019 9:25 AM
May 2016
Fake Parody series

One punch man
Aug 21, 2019 9:25 AM
Jan 2016
The high pitch voice girl kawaii desu etc girl, the dumb loli with a cute voice.

That type of character makes me want to quit some anime, and evn more when they get sexualized.

Loli are the cancer of anime ! I said it !
Aug 21, 2019 9:26 AM
May 2018
Anime fights where it's 99% staring and talking and 1% fighting. I've watched too much Naruto and Bleach...
Aug 21, 2019 9:28 AM

Mar 2017
-whiny MC
-rules>everything else (looking at you, suzaku)
-bad animation
-smiling evil people who are bad
-dense MC
-sad for the sake of being sad

I think I could go on but whatever
GIF signatures are annoying.
Aug 21, 2019 9:32 AM

Jun 2015
Yuri/Shoujo-ai with a male gaze that's creepy and often nonconsensual. Women/girls being sexualized/brutalized/killed senselessly. Weak-ass male characters that are boring as hell and have a big breasted harem that loves him for no reason. Anime that has all its female characters looking the same.

My favorite anime: Sailor Moon, Noragami, Kamisama Kiss, Carole & Tuesday, HunterxHunter, & Little Witch Academia.
Aug 21, 2019 9:42 AM

Apr 2019
ShadowMonkey said:
More prevalent in manga I guess, but sex scenes. I hate Western media for the need to shove sex and sexual stuff into everything that's not for kids, so when Japanese things do it as well I'm like no thanks

Fully agreed. The problem is that sex sells, so some artists just shove fan service into their pieces. That is unfortunate, I'd say. Surely there is a public for that, though it shouldn't necessarely be an inclusion.
Aug 21, 2019 9:47 AM

Mar 2015
Loli fanservice is a big no no for me.
Aug 21, 2019 9:48 AM

Mar 2012
1. When MC starts falling in love with the person who abuses/harasses/rapes him/her. That's my biggest turn off.

2. Basically this:
ShadowMonkey said:
More prevalent in manga I guess, but sex scenes. I hate Western media for the need to shove sex and sexual stuff into everything that's not for kids, so when Japanese things do it as well I'm like no thanks

3. When a fujoshi character shows up, even worse if she happens to be the MC or a part of the main cast.
Aug 21, 2019 9:50 AM

Jul 2019
SharK974 said:
The high pitch voice girl kawaii desu etc girl, the dumb loli with a cute voice.

That type of character makes me want to quit some anime, and evn more when they get sexualized.

Loli are the cancer of anime ! I said it !

you read my mind there is nothing worse
Aug 21, 2019 10:11 AM
Shattered Angel

Mar 2015
Aug 21, 2019 10:37 AM

Nov 2018


Aug 21, 2019 10:42 AM

Sep 2018
Terrible CGI
Generic plots that try to take themselves seriously
Incest (Not the jokingly implied type that we often see)
Asshole MC who's just an Asshole for the sake of being one
Over utilization of Ecchi solely for the purpose of fan-service --> Just takes away from shows
Actually lewding lolis
Surprise Yaoi; I don't care if they joke about, but if it's full on Yaoi without warning it's just not for me
Hardcore Tsundere's to the point where they are completely unlikeable
Any Yandere
Harems with bad writing that try to take themselves seriously
Shounen with garbage animation

I don't know, there's a lot
Aug 21, 2019 10:47 AM
May 2016
Aerchan said:
Yuri/Shoujo-ai with a male gaze that's creepy and often nonconsensual. Women/girls being sexualized/

But it’s ok when male characters are over sexualised

Double standard much
Aug 21, 2019 10:52 AM
Jul 2018
Nerdanimefan1992 said:
Aerchan said:
Yuri/Shoujo-ai with a male gaze that's creepy and often nonconsensual. Women/girls being sexualized/

But it’s ok when male characters are over sexualised

Double standard much
obviously you have double standards too since in every thread you make the same comment.
Aug 21, 2019 10:56 AM

Sep 2014
-visual novel adaptations. that is not to say i never enjoyed any, but they are mostly garbage
-generic shitty character designs. nothing unique going on, mass produced garbage (a1 is most often guilty of this) revolting
-a lot of early-mid 2000 artstyle (stuff like kanon, onegai teacher or gundam seed)
BallisticRiot said:

Harems with bad writing that try to take themselves seriously

what makes oregairu your favourite when it's exactly that?
Aug 21, 2019 11:03 AM
Jul 2019
Unnecessary fanservice
Dense main characters
Annoying side characters like Bakugou and Zenitsu
Aug 21, 2019 11:03 AM

Sep 2018
Imaishi said:
-visual novel adaptations. that is not to say i never enjoyed any, but they are mostly garbage
-generic shitty character designs. nothing unique going on, mass produced garbage (a1 is most often guilty of this) revolting
-a lot of early-mid 2000 artstyle (stuff like kanon, onegai teacher or gundam seed)
BallisticRiot said:

Harems with bad writing that try to take themselves seriously

what makes oregairu your favourite when it's exactly that?

Because OreGairu isn't a Harem when there is only one real girl Isshiki Iroha and then other side characters :P

But in actuality, I quite like the writing and relate a lot Hachiman as a character as well because people thought I was a pessimist in high school for having a similar outlook on life as Hachiman, but I always just thought I was being realistic. Also, Yui and Yukino both have their own backstories and reasons, they don't just like Hachiman because "OMG HE'S SO HOT! HE'S AN ATHELETE! HE'S SO COOL!"

If you think OreGairu has bad writing then that's just a matter of opinion, everything is subjective and I, on the other hand, happen to like it quite a lot!
Aug 21, 2019 11:17 AM

Sep 2014
BallisticRiot said:
Imaishi said:
-visual novel adaptations. that is not to say i never enjoyed any, but they are mostly garbage
-generic shitty character designs. nothing unique going on, mass produced garbage (a1 is most often guilty of this) revolting
-a lot of early-mid 2000 artstyle (stuff like kanon, onegai teacher or gundam seed)

what makes oregairu your favourite when it's exactly that?

Because OreGairu isn't a Harem when there is only one real girl Isshiki Iroha and then other side characters :P

But in actuality, I quite like the writing and relate a lot Hachiman as a character as well because people thought I was a pessimist in high school for having a similar outlook on life as Hachiman, but I always just thought I was being realistic. Also, Yui and Yukino both have their own backstories and reasons, they don't just like Hachiman because "OMG HE'S SO HOT! HE'S AN ATHELETE! HE'S SO COOL!"

If you think OreGairu has bad writing then that's just a matter of opinion, everything is subjective and I, on the other hand, happen to like it quite a lot!

yah, that was mostly in jest, I don't hate the show even though I don't paricularly like it (at least not the second season), but I would definitely label it as a harem that takes itself seriously and that's why I couldn't stop myself from making that comment :P
won't comment on its writing, I don't particularly mind it, I just dislike the characters and the heavy drama it became in second season.
Aug 21, 2019 1:15 PM
Jul 2018
Nerdanimefan1992 said:
Aerchan said:
Yuri/Shoujo-ai with a male gaze that's creepy and often nonconsensual. Women/girls being sexualized/

But it’s ok when male characters are over sexualised

Double standard much

You're one to talk considering having double standards is one of your defining traits. You're the one who has boobies all over your profile but get butthurt when men are treated the same way. Or even if an attractive male character or female targeted work even exists, period. If you yourself didn't have double standards, you would either be fine with both existing even if one isn't to your taste, or hate both.

OT: CGI, modern isekai, little girls with smug, punchable faces, mecha.
removed-userAug 21, 2019 7:44 PM
Aug 21, 2019 1:38 PM
Dec 2018
- bad storytelling.
- +18 scenes.
- bad drawing.
- when alot of scenes apperes in like so many animes, this sometimes makes me predict what's coming next which is so annoying!
- stalling the events.
- fillers.
Aug 21, 2019 1:47 PM

Dec 2016
The artstyle and character designs mainly.
Aug 21, 2019 1:48 PM
Nov 2016
Voice actors that talk whispering. Like the one who made Johann's voice. I really like his impact on the plot and all the mind games, but the voice almost made me drop the show. I dropped so many shows by this "voice thing" to the point i didnt even added them to the list.
Aug 21, 2019 1:57 PM

Oct 2017
can't stand it when the characters never face any consequences for their actions (gag anime can get away with this bc they're attempting a serious or realistic tone)

that feeling i've seen this exact same character before multiple times (i know that generic =/= bad, but it definitely hurts a show in terms of identity)

those guys that just yell all the damn time

the yandere trope
Aug 21, 2019 2:05 PM

Sep 2012
Mundane high school bs makes me lose almost all interest in whatever anime I find it in.
Aug 21, 2019 2:41 PM

Jul 2014
CGI>Tsundere>Pussy male main character.
Aug 21, 2019 2:47 PM

Sep 2017
CGI, useless fanservice/ecchi scenes and annoying characters (the generic ones and the dumb ones especially)
Aug 21, 2019 3:01 PM

Dec 2016
Fanservice, no/repetitive/overused plot, dere characters, dumb MCs, almost chibi character designs.
I have much more turn offs but those are some of my main ones. I'm terribly picky with anime
Aug 21, 2019 3:05 PM

May 2019
- Very childish-looking main characters that are smaller than everyone else (basically Meliodas, wtf is that design)
- Lolis
- Too much ecchi
- Generic story and characters
- Non-existent character development
- Instant power-ups
- Bad and overused CGI (I'm okay with bad animation -I survived Dressrossa- unless it's very very bad)
If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend.
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