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Jun 28, 2019 6:45 PM
Jul 2018
This thread was inspired by the thread, "the BEST part of an anime you hate!" by @Dolabella
What is the worst thing of your favorite anime? For me:

Monster: the slow pacing

Jojo: the lack of a focus on plot and character development, in favor of fights.

Natsume's Book of Friends: never really switches up the formula.

Kaiji: too much focus on the gambles, instead of character development.

Konosuba: not enough plot, and the humor can get repetitive.

In This Corner of the World: other characters don't get development.

Mushishi: never changes up the formula. Also, aside from Ginko, the characters are bland.

I can't think of any flaws for Baccano!, Durarara, and Kill la Kill

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Jun 28, 2019 6:49 PM

Jan 2018
The last season of Yu Yu Hakusho will always be an understandable sore spot for me. I'm kinda glad Togashi did finish it though, because I really wouldn't wanted to have it get the Hunter x Hunter treatment.

Another series I love: The CG in the first two seasons of Initial D are absolute dog shit
What a beautiful Duwang
Jun 28, 2019 6:55 PM

May 2018
Mo Dao Zu Shi: Not enough female

Digimon Adventure: All other Digimon should get Mega evolution during this season.

Zombieland Saga: No season 2 yet

Magi: The Kingdom of Magic,Ghost Hunt, Juuni Kokuki: No complete adaptations

Darker than Black: Hei x Misaki Kirihara did not happen

Saki: A bit too much yuri

Papa_ScorchJun 28, 2019 9:30 PM
Jun 28, 2019 6:58 PM

Jan 2018
Cowboy Bebop: Some episodes just weren't that great (Toys in the Attic is a good example).

Kaleido Star: A little too over-the-top in some parts and the animation fell flat in a few episodes.

Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica: Lack of development for Mami and Kyoko; rushed ending (a thirteenth episode would've done wonders for the pacing imo).

Kemono no Souja Erin: The comic relief characters were awful and there were too many recaps throughout the series.

NHK ni Youkoso!: Mediocre ending and some episodes felt extremely rushed for production (ie. choppy art).

Steins;Gate: The resolution could've honestly been better. Felt like they tried too hard to deliver a happy ending.

Can't think of anything negative to say about Aria, Ping Pong, Tatami or Perfect Blue. The only reason the latter three are scored at a 9 and not 10 is because they frankly don't compare to Aria for me, on a more personal level at least.
GreyleafJun 28, 2019 7:15 PM

"I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the
people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.
― Jorge Luis Borges
[url=]Goodreads[/url] | [url=]Letterboxd[/url]

Jun 28, 2019 6:58 PM

Jan 2009
i cannot find any major ones on Gurren Lagann but maybe the romance part since the hero choose to be lonely instead of being a little selfish with being with his lover after he saves the fucking universe (you are like a fucking god so choose both your romantic lover and saving the world)
Jun 28, 2019 7:32 PM

Dec 2018
Cardcaptor Sakura Kero-chan can get on my nerves sometimes. never been a fan of the magical creature guiding the Mahou Shoujo trope anyway though
K-On! Yui's borderline Autistic personality sometimes clashes with the very realistic art style (ie she would fit better in a more cartoonish setting)
HunterxHunter 2011 the art style's only noteworthy quality is that it's consistently fine. it would have been nice if they tried giving the show a visual identity
Neon Genesis Evangelion the technobabble gets pretty dense at times

the last two I've always known had these problems but I really had to think about the first two
Jun 28, 2019 7:33 PM

Jul 2017
Well you could say Baccano was kinda confusing in the early stages

but anywho:

Tamako Love Story - No post-confession scenes, no kiss no nothing

Initial D - 2nd and 3rd season's weren't that great cause Takumi became some angsty whiner and the whole THOT plot

Working!! - Didn't really like how Souma kept preventing Aoi from reuniting with her brother (even though she didn't want to iirc)

Hanasaku Iroha - Similar to TLS, no post-confession scenes or no kissing. Hell it wasn't even entirely clear if the main couple goes out at the end. Also, side couple didn't really get a satisfying conclusion to it

Gekkan Shoujo- idk honestly, maybe some parts weren't all that funny I guess

Parasyte - Didn't really enjoy some of the stuff towards the end

Gintama - Arcs while albeit well done, repeated the same formula way too much. Also the characters Shimura Tae and to a lesser extent Kyubei weren't that fun to watch

Monogatari Series - Plot can be a bit confusing to understand at times, especially with Monogatari SS where episodes take place before and after the 'sequels/prequels'

Sword Art Online - After the Aincrad arc it never really was that enjoyable anymore. Alicization kinda brought it back up, but by then Kirito had become full 'have to save everyone' type character whereas at least in Aincrad he wasn't entirely able to do so

Clannad: AS - The arc with Youhei and his sister wasn't the most entertaining of arcs
Jun 28, 2019 7:47 PM
Dec 2017
Bungou Stray Dogs: The first season showed the same clips of Atsushi's backstory so much that it became repetitive.

Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin: A certain scene that was supposed to be serious became slightly ridiculous.

Tokyo Ghoul: It wasn't long enough and the last season isn't as good as the first or second. Also, it should've been done by another studio.

Banana Fish: The only thing I can think of is the fact that one of the villains was bland. He wasn't very interesting but I spent so much time being upset about what he did that I didn't notice it at first.

Dororo: Sometimes, the animation was bad or meh.
Jun 28, 2019 7:49 PM

Jan 2018
The first few episodes of Haikyuu was not as interesting so its why most people drop it because it was too slow to catch on.

Jun 28, 2019 7:52 PM

Jul 2013
Konohana Kitan - The voice acting can go a long way. Not to say they're bad, but they sound kind of bland and generic.

Steins;Gate - The character expression couldn't keep up with the voice acting sometimes. It can feel a bit jarring and disconnected.

Clannad: After Story - You first have to get through the first season which was 6/10 at best.

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's - The spirit world subplot just felt totally out of place and clash with the overall tone of the story. It also ended way too quickly for me to actually care.

Aria - It can get way too cheesy at times.
Jun 28, 2019 8:01 PM

Apr 2015
Mawaru Penguindrum: At times it just uses abstract imagery for the heck of it and it serves no thematic purpose.

Hunter x Hunter: Alluka is frankly, cheap writing on Togashi's park she can effectively break the universe with, in context of this universe, a relatively lost cost (a few people die--the horror!)

Berserk: First episode is literally pointless.

Wolf's Rain: Pacing a little eh at first.

Rurouni Kenshin Trust & Betrayal: I can think of quite literally nothing.
Jun 28, 2019 8:05 PM

Feb 2019
Steins;Gate: Faris's constant nyaning was annoying to listen to, but that's about it. I can't think of any other noteworthy flaws.

Hyouka: The non-existent conclusion was a letdown. I was hoping for something a little more definitive, but it was completely open-ended with no real resolution.

Your Lie in April: The comedic timing was utterly awful and felt completely out of place. Whenever they tried to lighten the mood with a joke, it ruined all the dramatic build up and emotional tension.

Mushishi: The animation and soundtrack in season 2 are a downgrade in every respect. I have no problems with season 1 though.

Clannad: Similar to YLiA; humor is used to lighten the mood when it's not appropriate to do so. This really only happens in the first season though, thankfully.
When you stand at the cliff's edge, staring into the darkness below, the most horrifying realization is not that you might slip, but that you could leap.
Jun 28, 2019 8:05 PM

Jan 2011
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - the terraist plot

Saint Seiya Lost Canvas - it only got 2 seasons
Jun 28, 2019 8:13 PM

Apr 2018
Monogatari series: Loli fanservice was annoying

Kara no Kyoukai: Dialogue sometimes drags on a bit too long (particularly in the 1st movie). Movie 6 is also whack

Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal - Enishi should've had a bigger role tbh

Jojo - Part 1 is pretty meh

Houseki no Kuni - Ending felt a bit abrupt

Psycho-Pass - Tried a little bit too hard to be cool with all the quoting. Also the engrish is really cringy at times

Tatami Galaxy - The first arc dragged on a little bit

Gintama - Drops in quality during Rakuyo arc

Haruhi movie - The fact that you have to watch the anime

Texhnolyze - The first half can be physically painful to watch
Imperio_nJun 28, 2019 8:18 PM
Jun 28, 2019 8:15 PM

May 2016
Zankyou no Terror: not enough explanation.
Noragami: Yukine wasn't grateful.
Death Note: the second half was a cop-out.
Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season: Stain could've been more fleshed-out.
Shiki: slow paced, obvious twist.
Jun 28, 2019 8:24 PM

Jun 2019
Inuyasha - Some of the comedy from side and supporting characters that mainly function as comic relief can be annoying if they feature in too many episodes in a row and start to detract from the main plot and time alone with our main characters.

Koi Kaze - There could have been one more episode at the end to provide some more exposition on the fallout and ramifications of the conclusion, but the ending is already clear enough for many viewers and it does have artistic merit, so this is almost a non-existent quibble. It's the only series that's perfect to me.

Haibane Renmei - Too many unanswered questions. The world-building of asking fascinating, mysterious, philosophical questions and questions about just how basic things transpire in the world of Glie is great, but then not enough is delivered upon at the end. Too many loose ends for such a great premise. Yes, some of it you can read in-between the lines and interpret yourself, but some really has no answer. Some people enjoy this type of storytelling where "not everything is spelled out for you" and "insert your own ending", but I really truly don't. Even if not every single facet could be explored, more could have than were.

Also, the short length leads to uneven character development that makes the last few episodes feel rushed and slightly disappointing/underwhelming because of it.

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - While I loved watching most of the first season, unlike many who seem to be in it only for the horror elements, I vastly prefer the second season that actually gets into the meat of the plot and is more of a sci-fi/supernatural thriller. After watching some of the arcs of the first season it can get a bit repetitive (especially if binging because you're pulled in by the premise) and an entire season of 26 episodes is a lot to ask someone to watch while being left in the dark and waiting for a delivery.

Amazing premise but it can be said you almost need to watch all 50 episodes to make the viewing experience worth it at all. Not only can you not watch a single episode, but even a few episodes or an entire season is too little to have a clue of the scale of anything that's going on. Great if you're binging and onboard for the concept, but will alienate a lot of potential viewers.

Berserk (1997) - Ending on a cliffhanger rather than just conferring with the mangaka and writing more seasons, even if they had to be delayed with a hiatus. Really no excuse for it 21 years on.

Kaiba - Story is told in a very confusing manner, some of which is deliberate (but still not my preference) for artistic reasons, but some of which is just haphazard and a clear error. Story is told out of order, story is told episodically in the first half of series and then packs a mind-bending narrative in a very frenzied and fast-paced fashion into the back half leaving the last few episodes like a rollercoaster but one in which you're not sure who was who, what exactly happened when, or what the hell was going on in portions without thinking long and hard or revisiting it again.

Serial Experiments Lain - One of, if not perhaps the best collection of ideas ever put to screen, but then the story is told narratively in a way that goes out of its way to make it extra confusing. The subject matter itself is already challenging enough for 99.999% of people. The story doesn't need to be told like a puzzle or labyrinth on top of that. Yes, it makes it brilliant, but it detracts from its entertainment value a smidge; at least for me.

One of the only series or films ever that actually requires a rewatch to process everything in the moment it's being said and appreciate its relevance to the story, but a show shouldn't need to be watched twice to be enjoyed. Bottom line - very inaccesible, even for many of those of us out there who love weird shit and think about the topics covered all the time. Could have been covered in a more engaging way.

Noragami - The show gets a little unfocused at times when it comes to integrating different plotlines and characters. All the characters are great, but some are under-developed by this juggling. In particular I feel like Hiyori's school life scenes are kind of just there, generic, and not well integrated with the main plot as her friends/family aren't really given any characterization beyond the basic.

Angel Cop - Six episodes is always almost without exception going to be too short for anything. Let alone as complex a plot as one involving terrorists being used in proxy wars and false flag terrorist campaigns as part of an international conspiracy, cybernetics, psychics, etc. Results in just way too much exposition in the last episode. Plot and premise are great; writing is thin and shallow for character dialogue. Also, low production value affects animation quality.
WatchTillTandavaJul 4, 2019 9:41 PM
Jun 28, 2019 8:29 PM

Nov 2018
one punch man s1: it ends right before it gets even better
(idk if I wanna explain my feelings about S2 so lets pretend it doesn't exist)

made in abyss: it ends right before it gets even better

hunter x hunter: it ends right before it gets even better

Madoka Magica: Madoka is my least favorite character in the show so you can see why that'd be bad right? Love the world they built and the experience I had watching enough to cover that up

Clannad Afterstory: I wish i had a chronic disease that would keep me from graduating out of school as well. Sadly too late for that now
Jun 28, 2019 8:33 PM

Oct 2018
Hellsing Ultimate: The show simply forgets about some people for 2,3 episodes. Understandable in most cases but each episode is 50 minutes lmao really wanted to see how characters like Seras, Alexander, and Pip develop.

Kill la Kill: Mako is just so god damn annoying lmao.

Tekkon Kinkreet: Lack of explanation on majorish plot points like the Minotaur

Steins Gate: World building is a bit too complex, I had a good grasp of what was happening until Moeka and Mr. Brawns arc came into play.

Mushishi: I wish there was another main character, sometimes gets boring hearing Gin monologue for a couple minutes or listen to a static character explain their predicament
73 6f 6d 65 74 68 69 6e 67 73 20 6f 64 64 20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 6d 79 20 70 72 6f 66 69 6c 65 0d 0a
Jun 28, 2019 8:37 PM

Nov 2008

Full Moon wo Sagashite-Mitsuki's obsession over Eichi -_-

Princess Tutu

Satsuriku No Tenshi-DANNY. JUST DANNY. xD nobody likes Danny.

Ano Hana-Jintan and Menma can't stay together ;(

Kami-sama No Inai Nichiyoubi

No Game No Life-Shiro's panty shots. We do not need those. She's 11. Come on.

Inuyasha-The flashbacks. But hey, I can just hit FF button so it's not that bad.

Sword Art Online-Suguha and Sugou. Just chuck the Alfheim arc in the trash. It sucked.


Jun 28, 2019 8:38 PM

Oct 2017
HopefulNihilist said:
This thread was inspired by the thread, "the BEST part of an anime you hate!" by @Dolabella
What is the worst thing of your favorite anime?

As someone who doesn't "hate" any anime, this is much more my style. Now for my list:

Clannad: After Story: Obviously the weak soccer/gang arcs at the start. Then as soon as gaduation comes around it's like a different show. It's shame newcomer to Clannad have to watch all of season 1 and then two of the worst arcs in the entire thing before the double-plus-masterpiece-tier drama starts around S2E9. Not that season 1 is bad, it's just a bit misleading for what you end up getting later on.

Non Non Biyori + Repeat: The God-tier iyashikei tilts a little too much in the direction of a more comedic SOL sometimes. NNB is at it's best when it slows right down and just breathes in the Japanese countryside.

Fate/Zero: Saber's character is a big step down from the VN. I know, I know, it's mainly about Kiritsugu. But she was changed in to this very stereotypical emtionless 'strong female character'(tm) when she is actually much more complex than that. And she is supposed to be incredibly beautiful. The VN makes the point regularly that her beauty is stunning, but I don't think anyone other than Gil in Fate/Zero even mentions her beauty. And when they put her in a bloody pantsuit for most of it, basically hiding away her feminine side, well...

Kizumonogatari III: Not sure how legit this criticisms really is, but it relies on build up from two previous movies to be so good. If I were someone who rated things without consideration of prequels / related works, then I don't know where I would place Kizu III...
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Jun 28, 2019 8:42 PM
Jul 2018
Akage no Anne - Maybe the last 14 episodes were a touch too fast in pace. There was a part nearing the end revolving around backstory that I felt was unneeded. Still the least flaws to length ratio roughly for me. I adore this anime.

Happy Birthday - Admittedly cliche aspects and there might not have been enough breathing room though I think it was done the best it could. Still, I loved it

Texhnolyze - Salvation Union was left with barely any focus and I wish Kano's purpose was more clear or coherent. Shinji and Hal subplot wasn't focused on enough. Still, I loved it.

Yorimoi - Hinata wasn't developed or fleshed out enough. Tamaki could have gotten more focus. Still, the pacing was incredible except maybe only 2 episodes in antartica was too little. Still, the anime was executed very well. I loved it.

I wrote a review on School Days so no need to restate the flaws of that one. Relatively minor compared to how strong I felt it was considering the genre. Still, very effective imo.
removed-userJun 29, 2019 7:55 AM
Jun 28, 2019 8:53 PM

Mar 2012
Nagi no Asukara: The ending is just not that good because you know the drill when best girl just straight up didn't win.

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha: Despite it adapting 6,5 volume the pacing is quite good but it just ended before thing start getting to the meat of the story. Also it is rather slow paced series so that it will only reward that only patient. Everything else is good but as it adapt 6,5 volume unfortunately some event are just skipped. Understandably even though it is quite important event that's not something really impactful to skip if there are no second season. Though the problem can be solved just by showing it as a flashback if there is a second season.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Jun 28, 2019 8:56 PM
Jul 2018
Violet Evergarden: Can't think of one.

Fruits Basket: The first series ended quite suddenly (also some filler-ish episodes). When it comes FB in general, I guess Yuki and Kyo's behavior towards each other feels a bit repetitive.

Haruhi Suzumiya: An obvious answer to this one is Endless Eight. Other than that, Haruhi's attitude can be quite questionable (especially in the 2nd "chronological" episode). Also, no new season.

Code Geass: Basically, people like Nina Einstein and the Emperor. Also, I'm not sure if Akito the Exiled counts because that movie series was an absolute shithole. I also haven't seen the new movie yet so no thoughts on that.

The World God Only Knows: Again. No new season. On the other hand, I felt that the first 2 seasons were divided on what kind of show TWGOK wants to be (either parody-based or romance-based). Some of the filler episodes as well.

Princess Tutu: The art style really did not age well.

Baccano: Yet again, no new season. And because if that, I felt that some of the characters didn't really have enough time to shine as much as other characters did. Plus, it also ended way too soon.
Jun 28, 2019 9:29 PM

Oct 2017
ms. kobayashi's dragon maid: a ton of jokes were recycled without a fresh spin on them, with lucoa boob humor being a big culprit of this

cowboy bebop: character interaction felt lacking at certain points, like the bebop crew never really seems to get to know each other apart from spike and jet

golden kamuy: rough animation with some disgusting cgi and way-too-long still frames
Jun 28, 2019 9:31 PM

Dec 2016
Dragon Ball Z: Piccolo's two bullshit power-ups

Digimon Adventure: Metaletemon's inclusion in the 4th arc (completely unneeded)

Saint Seiya: all the Black Saints, that was dumb

Hunter x Hunter (1999): Greed Island arc ovas

Sailor Moon: Chibiusa's annoying behavior in R

Jun 28, 2019 9:37 PM
Jul 2018
Fullmetal Alchemist: It ends XD
Fate/Zero: Saber sucks.
Cardcaptor Sakura: Pedophilic relationship between student and teacher.
NGE/EoE: It sucks in every sense of the word. But it is enjoyable and has Asuka.
Kara no Kyoukai: Pretentious-y, bland MC, too dark at times.
Monster: Slow pacing.
Chihayafuru: Love triangle (aka a cliché).
Monogatari Series: Pedo/Pervert MC, incest, loli fanservice, main female lead is the living definition of the C-word.
Gurren Laggan: Killed off the best character.
Jun 28, 2019 9:40 PM
Aug 2011
Gorochu said:
Mo Dao Zu Shi: Not enough female

don't need no females when your mans is that pretty

On the real though for my answer- Ikuhara's repetition of scenes is not necessarily easy to stomach.
Jun 28, 2019 10:14 PM

Jan 2018
Zankyou no Terror - Five

Hyouka - It's lack of a proper conclusion. Irisu

Tsuki ga Kirei - Crappy 3D Animation

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 - Crappy Animation of some parts.

Gintama - Ending.
Jun 28, 2019 10:49 PM

Sep 2014
Legend of the Galactc Heroes - The way it handles religion. Every believer is a freaking lunatic.

Monster - The slow pacing during the first half.

Hunter x Hunter 2011 - The NGL part of the Chimera Ant arc was the weakest part of the series.

Gintama - Takes a while to get actually good.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1 is mediocre at best and Part 3 was dragged out too much.

Cowboy Bebop - Some episodes felt really off like the ones with the blob and the mushrooms.

Mob Psycho 100 - The MC's crush.

Mushishi - Some side characters should have appeared and contributed more in some episodes instead of just having Ginko.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - The rushed beginning and lack of world-building like visiting other nations.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - The last two episodes.
Jun 28, 2019 10:50 PM

Oct 2013
The sequels. The Darker Than Black sequel was unnecessary and not nearly as good as the first and the Gundam 00 sequel movie felt the same way. Steins;Gate 0,while not really a sequel,also felt underwhelming compared to the original.
Jun 28, 2019 11:08 PM

Jun 2015
Chiibi said:

Full Moon wo Sagashite-Mitsuki's obsession over Eichi -_-

Literally never thought I would see Full Moon wo Sagashite mentioned on a MAL forum ever. I've been on this site for 4 years and this is a first.

On topic though, I think Mitsuki's obsession with Eichi was necessary. It was a reasonable driving force to her becoming a singer and Eichi's death arc near the end of the series wouldn't have been as impactful as it was if he wasn't so important to Mitsuki.
My own ratings...

Attack on Titan: At times, rough pacing. Lots of character development but it's handled in a very subtle manner for most characters.
Akatsuki no Yona: Lots of awkward switches between comedic and serious scenes, idk kind of a mood killer
Violet Evergarden: Slow, didn't adapt the best part of the LN (yet)
Romeo x Juliet: The overarching plot of the show is really confusing since it's spread out over multiple episodes. Everything is connected and explained in the end but it can still be a "wtf" moment for some viewers if they weren't paying close attention.
Jun 28, 2019 11:18 PM

Dec 2016
MonkeyDHunter said:

Gintama - Takes a while to get actually good.

Now that you mention it, when would you say it "actually gets good"?

Bc I'm at episode 26 by now, and while I've been fairly entertained so far, still, nothing in the series makes me genuinely say "yeah, I want to watch next episode" after finishing one.... it still doesn't give me strong reasons to make me want to continue it...
Jun 28, 2019 11:28 PM

Sep 2014
Arkab said:
MonkeyDHunter said:

Gintama - Takes a while to get actually good.

Now that you mention it, when would you say it "actually gets good"?

Bc I'm at episode 26 by now, and while I've been fairly entertained so far, still, nothing in the series makes me genuinely say "yeah, I want to watch next episode" after finishing one.... it still doesn't give me strong reasons to make me want to continue it...

For me, it was from episode 58 onwards. It had the first story arc of the series and then when the series went back to comedy, I found the next arcs much more enjoyable and funnier.
Jun 28, 2019 11:34 PM

Jan 2018
Attack on Titan - Season 1 wasn't the best anime of all time.

Berserk - no good adaptation of anything after the golden age.

Mo Dao Zu Shi - The novel is BL.

Death Note - Everything after episode 25 excluding the last two episodes weren't as good.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Some episodes were repetitive.

Terror in Resonance - Honestly, even though it's not my favourite anime, I can't think of a single problem I had with it. Guess I'll have to move this up to top 5.
Jun 28, 2019 11:45 PM

Feb 2018
The ending of Saiki Kusuo no psi nan isn’t all that great, and my ship doesn’t sail.
Jun 28, 2019 11:50 PM

Jan 2016
All of them: everything were so short, i wish they were longer.
Jun 28, 2019 11:50 PM

Jul 2015
HopefulNihilist said:

Kaiji: too much focus on the gambles, instead of character development.

I think watching/reading kaiji for character development is a fundamental misunderstanding of the series. The point is to challenge kaiji, not develop him. He's essentially been the same character for the entire series' run, the interest is seeing how his ideals shine through the gambles.
oyabuntaroJun 28, 2019 11:57 PM
Jun 29, 2019 12:37 AM

Jul 2016
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - A lot of really interesting secondary characters and minor villains are quickly forgotten once the arcs they have a major role in come to a close.

Golden Boy - Despite the last episode was top tier, it lacks a proper conclusion, which I was hoping for. The way it ends is too open, feels like it's the kickstart for a second season, but Golden Boy was meant to be just those six episodes, so why not give it a real conclusion?
Your favorite anime is cringe. My favorite anime is a masterpiece.

Jun 29, 2019 12:52 AM

Nov 2014
Most of the things i would call flaws in the anime i love the most i don't tend to see them as flaws because they don't bother me, despite i can admit it can bother other people. Like, for example, @HopefulNihilist said about Monster and it's supposed "slow pacing", despite it keeps you engaged all the way through, and it's never rushed, or Mushishi and the fact it never changes the formula. Yes, it's always a mushi, but the episodes are never truly repetitive, unlike other shows *cough*Jigoku Shoujo*cough*

If i want to search for flaws in the shows i like i'll need to go for the shows I rated between 8 and 6, like Steins;Gate, which it sometimes has too much otaku pandering.

Setsuei said:
The sequels. The Darker Than Black sequel was unnecessary and not nearly as good as the first and the Gundam 00 sequel movie felt the same way. Steins;Gate 0,while not really a sequel,also felt underwhelming compared to the original.

I don't tend to count sequels as the same, specially if they've been made by a different studio. But yeah, the Darker than Black sequel was kinda of a letdown. Not completely awful to me, at least, but inferior to the first season nonetheless.

MonkeyDHunter said:
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - The way it handles religion. Every believer is a freaking lunatic.
I still haven't watched LotGH, but I'm pretty sure It probably does it with more subtlety than Hellsing Ultimate.

MonkeyDHunter said:
Gintama - Takes a while to get actually good.
That's what everybody always said, but it never actually happens *runs away sobbing*.

MonkeyDHunter said:
Neon Genesis Evangelion - The last two episodes.
Really, because i think is one of the best parts of the show.

Nick-Knight said:

Cardcaptor Sakura: Pedophilic relationship between student and teacher.
Why, CLAMP, just why?

Nick-Knight said:
Gurren Laggan: Killed off the best character.
I hope you're not talking about Kamina, right? Shit, you're talking about Kamina.

ixaa said:
Chiibi said:

Full Moon wo Sagashite-Mitsuki's obsession over Eichi -_-

Literally never thought I would see Full Moon wo Sagashite mentioned on a MAL forum ever. I've been on this site for 4 years and this is a first.
You mean in this forums people usually just talked about the anime from the last 5-10 years, and the higest rated/most popular ones, and then to forget and overlook literally fucking everything else? Color me shocked.

Nainu_ said:
Zankyou no Terror - Five
I never thought Five screw ZnT up, mostly because there wasn't anything to screw up to beging with.
ObscureObsidianJun 29, 2019 2:13 AM
Jun 29, 2019 12:54 AM

Jul 2013

Carnival Phantasm: Season 4 never. Although, considering they may include FGO jokes in the case its made, suddenly the thought of the show never getting a sequel sounds better.

D-Frag!: Will probably never have a sequel.

D.Gray-man: The filler arc of Lulubell felt like I was watching Pokemon instead of D.Gray Man (the arc was still entertaining at some points, though) and it received a mediocre sequel (that also changed all of the previous voice actors for mediocre replacements for the most part). Also, with the cancellation of the Blu-rays of Hallow and the current pace of the manga, the anime will probably never have a continuation.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: The first part of the series (beginning to Greed arc), felt rushed at some points. Even if I prefer Brotherhood much more, the old FMA anime adapted the part where Ed spares the Slicer Brothers and the "One is All, All is One" moment way better.

JoJo: With so many fights, some of them are bound to be less impressive than others (examples: Janken Kid, Sun, Devil...).


Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas: Will never receive a sequel.
IllyricusJun 29, 2019 1:22 AM
Jun 29, 2019 12:57 AM

Nov 2014
Illyricus said:
Actually i was never bothered by that, mainly because what we saw instead was much better.
Illyricus said:
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas: Will never receive a sequel.

Jun 29, 2019 1:09 AM

Jun 2015
BlancaXLobo said:

ixaa said:

Literally never thought I would see Full Moon wo Sagashite mentioned on a MAL forum ever. I've been on this site for 4 years and this is a first.
You mean in this forums people usually just talked about the anime from the last 5-10 years, and the higest rated/most popular ones, and then to forget and overlook literally fucking everything else? Color me shocked.

I mean, to be completely fair, there are other reasons why Full Moon wo Sagashite is 100% overlooked in the anime community. For an honestly decent anime released 16 years ago, it's been viewed and added by barely 77 thousand members. Even the most mediocre anime nowadays can rack up 77k in 6 months. Not only that but it's a show that appeals to preteen and young teenage girls, i.e the exact opposite of MAL's vocal demographic. And people often overlook it as a kid's show, despite some of the main themes being suicide and depression. That combined with everything you just said.... well, yeah. I am very, very surprised somebody mentioned it on here.
Jun 29, 2019 1:14 AM

Jul 2013
BlancaXLobo said:
Illyricus said:
Actually i was never bothered by that, mainly because what we saw instead was much better.
I completely agree, don't get me wrong, it's just that I wanted to see that battle.
Jun 29, 2019 1:21 AM

Dec 2016
MonkeyDHunter said:

For me, it was from episode 58 onwards. It had the first story arc of the series and then when the series went back to comedy, I found the next arcs much more enjoyable and funnier.

Thanks for your answer, I'll have it in mind.
Jun 29, 2019 1:23 AM

Aug 2018
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica: I don't feel this as a fault, but I understand that the artstyle and the ending(s) cannot appeal to anyone. Plus, this anime belongs to these that definetely requir a rewatch to tap into their full potential.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: honestly, I feel like this is the more balanced and complete shonen out there, but many seem to not like its comedic relief and the ending.

3-gatsu no Lion: needs its sweet time to shine, its alternance between wholesome, mature and comedic moments might not be for everyone.

Perfect Blue: cannot think of something, other than the shock value not being some people's cup of tea.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: some episodes have appaling quality compared to others, the first arc has weak parts. Fights are rather asspulish, if entertaining.

Mononoke Hime: quite a slow-paced movie, and the ending can feel anticlimactic.

Shinsekai yori: a magnificent plot with layers of fine worldbuilding, that is undermined by its often poor production (seriously A1, CGI BOULDERS AND CROWDS) and the fact it requires much patience and attention.

Ping Pong the Animation: off-putting artstyle that can really bring down people unaccustomed to unorthodox art.

Kill la Kill: outside battles, its animation is way too limited (though understandably, given the budget), and can feel too chaotic in the second part. For me however its weakest part is its "Gainax-Trigger to space" anticlimactic ending.

Hunter x Hunter (2011): the Greed Island arc feels rather underwhelming in comparison to the ones it is sandwiched between.
Jun 29, 2019 2:00 AM

Dec 2018
Mahoutsukai Precure!,,, One of the best magical girls show i have seen , Its gay and freaking fabulous on all front,,But males also exist in their world!!! I don't like that!!!!!!!!!,,, And it is a kids anime!!! That is what holds it back most in the end and no lesbian kiss,,,

Candy Boy,,,,,, Omg twin sister lesbian couple ,,,,,Yes,,,,,,Noting are more grand in anime then when sisters are kissing!!!!!! YES,,,,,,, But sadly they don't kiss very often,,,They could kiss more!!!! ,, C'mon girls kiss!!!!!!

Kanamemo,,,,, Love that one!!! It have a open lesbian couple and a lot of kissing,,Even sex!!,,,,Only small thing is that my wonderful lesbian waifus don't get married!!! they should!!!!! I wanted a lesbian wedding goddammit!!!

BanG Dream!,,Love it,,, Especially that my band waifus are so fucking loyal and are there for each other,,, But no lesbians kissing why not!!! I wanna see my girls kiss each other in season 3 =)

Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic,,,, Again more lesbians kissing and couples!! Love it,,, only complain is the fighting bullshit they have in the anime,,It should be a Pure cute girl show but they insist to have action and fighting in it,,,,Its not much ,,but its still there and its no reason for it,,,,

Yagate Kimi ni Naru,,,,,A male dared to express his love to my waifu and he survived?????,,,,,,That anime should consider it self extremely lucky ,,, didn't have my Yuri rules in placed and it was one of the first Yuri i saw ,,, Today a male cant even look at my waifu funny in my anime without receiving a massive point loss or be dropped as a result

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru,,,,,The one that sold the magical girl concept to me,,, but no lesbian kiss,, why not you stupid little fools,,,

There it is,,, and you see the fucking pattern,, I whine and complain until i get kissing lesbian, then i whine and bitch some more until they become a couple,,, and then i even cry some fucking more until they get married!!! All anime i see today have the same problem,,, And they all need more lesbians and no disgusting males ,,,,That's my concept for the best anime's i have a very refined taste and only accept my lesbians!!!

Yuri-CrusaderJun 29, 2019 2:32 AM
Jun 29, 2019 2:03 AM

Mar 2012
its an OVA seies... so there's only 12 episodes despite technically 3 seasons
Jun 29, 2019 2:20 AM

Mar 2019
Lain: Criminal lack of loli, trap, and/or incest fan-service.

It is obvious that "obscenity" is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the courts, it means "anything that shocks the magistrate".

— Bertrand Russell
Jun 29, 2019 2:58 AM
Nov 2017
Mushishi - besides from Ginko, the other character didn't get much development.

Steins Gate - I hate the way they turn Ruka, because

Steins Gate 0 - too many party. I player the VN, and it's a lot better because they didn't focus on the Slice Of Life, but they made the character more and more great.

Hunter X Hunter - Gon, the MC is only a medium kind of Shonen character until chimera ant arc, and while Chimera ant arc is the best arc, it has too much dialogue from a narrator.

Gintama - sometimes they did the same dirty jokes over and over.

Made In Abyss - the MC just isn't that great.

Monster - it's so boring until I hit like 30-40 episodes.

Mahou shoujo madoka magica - the ending is just a little bit too rush, and I don't really like Madoka. She seems like just kind of a good girl that got carried into a dark situation.

Jojo (all of the part) - besides from Kira, they didn't really make an actual character development.

Death Note - I hate the anime because they must makes my boy, Near
Jun 29, 2019 3:03 AM
Nov 2017
Arkab said:
MonkeyDHunter said:

Gintama - Takes a while to get actually good.

Now that you mention it, when would you say it "actually gets good"?

Bc I'm at episode 26 by now, and while I've been fairly entertained so far, still, nothing in the series makes me genuinely say "yeah, I want to watch next episode" after finishing one.... it still doesn't give me strong reasons to make me want to continue it...

If you watch the second movie, you will love Gintama. Just watch it, even though you're only 10 episodes or something. Because the important thing in the movie is only Yorozuya and Joui war. The minor character didn't really played too much, and didn't really that important, so you will get it. I'm into Gintama because the movie too.
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