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Dec 17, 2018 7:46 AM

Jan 2013
AudioTsunami said:
2. One of the best changes Shey and Tsuyo made was to give participants a pre-made sheet this year. My personal preference is DO NOT MAKE CHANGES TO THE SHEET WE GIVE YOU. That's why we gave it to you. Changing the color key is fine(I like using green for complete instead of watching), outside of that I'm immediately annoyed when I'm looking over a form.
At first they made it sound like using the generated form was optional. The generator wasn't even working properly for some time when they started the challenge. I didn't use it also because it was forcing you to choose items instead of being able to generate the full list with all items - I was doing the hardcore level so it was more convenient for me to have all the items and then after finishing 100 requirements just remove the remaining 8 I didn't complete.

Note: We are currently trying to make the inspection process a faster one. It will help greatly if you keep the provided format for the challenge list. If you have items that require extra info, please display that info in a new line, separated from the item + anime's title.
I'm 99% sure this line was added later, not in January. By the end of Januray I was already almost 1/4 done with the challenge, with my own list and not the generated one I didn't know I was supposed to use. Also, this info was added in the "Turning In" section. When people are starting the challenge, I'm pretty sure most won't read this part because this is what you do after you finish the whole thing, not when you start.

I hope people organizing the AWC will avoid stupid mistakes like that the next year and make everything more clear.
Dec 17, 2018 8:05 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
First, you should know this... but oh well. Please don't quadruple post, just edit your first post @AudioTsunami

AudioTsunami said:
I understand the process because I've helped inspect forms on the Manga side for 2 years.
You can inspect forms without being a tool. You can also hold people accountable without being a tool.
An example of what I mean by semantics is the "completed anime" items. If you start them as they are airing, they do not count, despite them being completed at time of turn-in. Nowhere is it explicitly stated you must start the anime after it is completed for it to be a completed anime and not just one that is no longer airing. But hey, I've already said everything in the mod discord several times and have been ignored.
My message to people who don't like the way the challenge is being run: use the survey. Say you don't like how the challenge is run. And if it stays the same, don't participate next year. The only thing that the mods look at is participation numbers as to whether or not it was successful.
AudioTsunami said:
It was an example. The point was more that it was unclear and unexplained. Each item having a paragraph of fine print is a different but also incredibly silly feature of the challenge that creates unnecessary confusion. [...]

(@beanchagbear @mozgow)
Now now Audio, allow me to point out several things:
- Regarding completed anime. You would expect users to notice and understand the word "completed" and avoid the use of airings, considering they aren't "completed" anime
- Knowing that many would miss it or understand it in a different manner than intended, it is explicitly stated in the "Challenge List with Explanations" post the following:
Completed anime = anime that already finished airing

- It's a shame, but as you demonstrated, there are many that don't bother to read or check those post, just because there's a lot of text. I do try each year to make it less and less but it's a bit hard
- Yes, I admit that we have disagreed a lot and I find it easier to ignore you than deal with you

And yes! Finally something we can agree on! It would be so good if the people that have some discontent with the challenge used the survey and express their discomfort. If no one points out wrong things, we can't change for the better.

For the just in case, survey link is in my signature

As for the fine print, it has helped most challengers (that read) understand what was expected to do with that item. So I will have to disagree with the "silly" and "unnecessary" part

mozgow said:
Well, I agree with this one. Way too often I find participants watching seasonal anime for those items. I think it should be changed to "Watch an anime that has already finished airing ...". I will suggest (and support) the change once I get home from work (unless someone else suggests it first :-P).

Do remind me to just simplify it all and make it easier to understand to others

AudioTsunami said:
1. Yes. You can even use airing anime for the "completed" items as long as you start it *after* it's completed airing. This was not explained and it was a change from the previous 3 years. For example, if you want to use Asobi Asobase for "Watch a completed anime with a score of or above 8.00", you'd had to have waited until September 23rd to start it. If you started it September 22nd, you didn't apparently adhere to the rule's and needed to use a different series for that item. For the years prior, as long as it was completed by turn-in, it was fine. So basically all the word completed meant was "not eligible for the submit while it''s airing rules". It's just little stuff like that which makes it feel unnecessarily bureaucratic. More like work than fun. Etc.

2. One of the best changes Shey and Tsuyo made was to give participants a pre-made sheet this year. My personal preference is DO NOT MAKE CHANGES TO THE SHEET WE GIVE YOU. That's why we gave it to you. Changing the color key is fine(I like using green for complete instead of watching), outside of that I'm immediately annoyed when I'm looking over a form.

Everything is a test tho, but yeah. Some of those requiring completed anime will change.
Quoting to keep it in mind to do

AudioTsunami said:
Why does difficulty matter? Firstly, many of the items that have that unexplained clause in it are in the "Level 1 - Casual" section. Secondly, making the challenge as arduous as possible goes against the original and advertised spirit of the event. It's advertised in the announcements by Kineta as a fun community event to bring people together and broaden people's horizons of stuff they watch. The culture of making it unnecessarily difficult and a chore to turn in came after that; mostly due to it being connect with the Anime Watching Challenge Club. If the intended goal is to be fun and inclusive, I would say that the mark has been well and truly missed

Difficulty matters cause not everyone wants the same challenge. Some want it harder, some want it easier. There's no point in releasing a general challenge if it's not much of a challenge.
And as I have said to others. If you have any ideas to make this a better challenge, please share them. We do strive to make it fun and community oriented —even if you think otherwise.
The club doesn't really have any part on the challenge seeming more hard this year.

AudioTsunami said:
Also more on formatting/nitpicking before I forget. Complaining about it is not because I disagree that it makes it much easier to check sheets. I'd actually think it made sense if you had clear format guidelines and did not look over forms until they adhered to them. The issue is that the team looks over the poorly formatted form, confirms each item is completed, then sends back a detailed response saying that I need to make 15-20 minutes worth of formatting changes to be accepted, when after its been checked, the formatting is no longer important because nobody is going to look at it again. And it's all in the name of "saving time", when really you wasted it by checking the items in the bad formatting then wasted my time to change the formatting that is now irrelevant, than wasted more of your own time re-checking my re-formatted sheet that didn't need to be re-formatted in the first place because you already verified that easy item was correctly completed and after that point, the formatting is unnecessary.

Well, would you rather get your form back, without checking before making the changes? We have been tempted to do that many times, seems it's about time to start rejecting those that don't read and don't care about it if they think like you.
And if changes are requested, the form is verified again to see it's implemented, ofc. Tho I do agree it's a complete waste of time. Which is why the above mentioned has been considered. Thanks for reminding me.

AudioTsunami said:
The tl;Dr of my posts.
1. Items should be worded better and clarified if you're bound and determined to putting fine print on each item. This goes double on items that's conditions change in a given year
2. Needless overpolicing and obsession with difficulty is at odds with the original and advertised goal of this site-wide challenge. One of few community wide events, for that matter.
3. The things that are being done in the name of efficiency are done in a way that actually makes the entire process both exponentially less efficient and contributes to point 2.

1. the "fine print" was to avoid having a too long of an item, but measures are being considered for next year
2. I have already express my disagreement with you regarding difficulties
3. this has been considered as well and measures are being considered

Any other thing you wish to express, please go ahead.
If you have something else to point out, please do and please provide any way you think would help to make it better.
It would help greatly if with any miss we have that you point out, you could say a way we can make it better.


fuyuki said:
I hope people organizing the AWC will avoid stupid mistakes like that the next year and make everything more clear.

It's true that during this year we had many mistakes that could have been avoided, so we will try to avoid them. We are not perfect, so I'm sure that at least a few will be noticed, like always.

mFoxRU said:
For #58, is "middle aged" (中年) character description enough to be considered adult?

should be
SheyCroixDec 17, 2018 8:12 AM




Dec 17, 2018 8:52 AM

Mar 2013
SheyCroix said:

- Regarding completed anime. You would expect users to notice and understand the word "completed" and avoid the use of airings, considering they aren't "completed" anime
- Knowing that many would miss it or understand it in a different manner than intended, it is explicitly stated in the "Challenge List with Explanations" post the following:
Completed anime = anime that already finished airing

Once it is done airing, it is completed. It does not state anywhere that you must start the series AFTER it has ran to completion. So one can infer that you can start it whenever, as long as your turn-in date is AFTER it is been completed - as it was in the 3 years prior. That's why I said it's semantics, because it can be seen either way. It's unclear, it has nothing to do with people "being too lazy to read". I read it. It's unclear. Mozgow said many people found it unclear. There are countless examples in this thread that ANY NUMBER of the items are unclear, which is due to them being poorly written. That's also why they need a paragraph of fine print, because the items are poorly written.

And yeah, it's easier to ignore me than actually fix the problem because this is the way you like it and until people stop participating you'll never get it, which is why I implored people to do so.

Edit: And on the bits about not checking the form before we get it back. Yes, that's what you should do if you're already doubling down on making it user unfriendly, because at least it's truly to serve the gods of efficiency instead of just being done because that's the way you like it. No point in being annoying and inefficient because then you're unhappy, the participant is unhappy, and the inspector is unhappy. At least if you force the formatting before the inspection, the inspection is a fucking breeze, and you'd cut the return DMs in half. If turning in the challenge is going to be as daunting as going to the DMV, at least keep the people checking the sheets happy and cut the process down.

fuyuki said:
AudioTsunami said:
2. One of the best changes Shey and Tsuyo made was to give participants a pre-made sheet this year. My personal preference is DO NOT MAKE CHANGES TO THE SHEET WE GIVE YOU. That's why we gave it to you. Changing the color key is fine(I like using green for complete instead of watching), outside of that I'm immediately annoyed when I'm looking over a form.
At first they made it sound like using the generated form was optional. The generator wasn't even working properly for some time when they started the challenge. I didn't use it also because it was forcing you to choose items instead of being able to generate the full list with all items - I was doing the hardcore level so it was more convenient for me to have all the items and then after finishing 100 requirements just remove the remaining 8 I didn't complete.

Note: We are currently trying to make the inspection process a faster one. It will help greatly if you keep the provided format for the challenge list. If you have items that require extra info, please display that info in a new line, separated from the item + anime's title.
I'm 99% sure this line was added later, not in January. By the end of Januray I was already almost 1/4 done with the challenge, with my own list and not the generated one I didn't know I was supposed to use. Also, this info was added in the "Turning In" section. When people are starting the challenge, I'm pretty sure most won't read this part because this is what you do after you finish the whole thing, not when you start.

I hope people organizing the AWC will avoid stupid mistakes like that the next year and make everything more clear.

A lot of things were added after January, but it'll be denied. Don't worry about it. I've already fought that fight.
AudioTsunamiDec 17, 2018 9:03 AM
Dec 17, 2018 9:34 AM

Aug 2017
Hi, I'm almost finished with the challenge (98/100) can I get help cheking it so that I don't have trouble once I send the turn-in form?
Dec 17, 2018 12:57 PM

Apr 2014
Gonaiorica said:
Hi, I'm almost finished with the challenge (98/100) can I get help cheking it so that I don't have trouble once I send the turn-in form?

Sure, I'll shoot you a message. That way I'm not putting you on blast in front of others but at first glace you form looks really nice.

Good Lord, BeanChagBear just walked through the clubhouse walking perfectly normally.
He said he had “no time” to talk.
Too busy watching anime, evidently.
Dec 17, 2018 2:25 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
1. Yes. You can even use airing anime for the "completed" items as long as you start it *after* it's completed airing. This was not explained and it was a change from the previous 3 years. For example, if you want to use Asobi Asobase for "Watch a completed anime with a score of or above 8.00", you'd had to have waited until September 23rd to start it. If you started it September 22nd, you didn't apparently adhere to the rule's and needed to use a different series for that item. For the years prior, as long as it was completed by turn-in, it was fine. So basically all the word completed meant was "not eligible for the submit while it''s airing rules". It's just little stuff like that which makes it feel unnecessarily bureaucratic. More like work than fun. Etc.

2. One of the best changes Shey and Tsuyo made was to give participants a pre-made sheet this year. My personal preference is DO NOT MAKE CHANGES TO THE SHEET WE GIVE YOU. That's why we gave it to you. Changing the color key is fine(I like using green for complete instead of watching), outside of that I'm immediately annoyed when I'm looking over a form.

Thank you
I looked over "my" completed entries and they seem to all be from prior years (lucky coincidence) so I believe I'm safe regarding #1

As for #2 I made a handful of minor alterations for my own convenience (based on a form linked earlier in the thread), as I sometimes found it difficult to find certain specific entries in the sized batch of "code".
I agree with you on the color tags. Thank you for allowing change of color. This also immediately removes the need for most of my previously mentioned edits which I made to compensate for the bad readability of the bluish purple color.
RanacchiDec 17, 2018 2:53 PM
Dec 17, 2018 5:26 PM
Mikuru Beam!

Apr 2011
Hey everybody, can anyone recommend anything for item #101 -- watch an anime tagged with 7 or more genres? (I'm hoping my screenshot will be valid but just in case it's not, lol). Obviously I'd prefer that it be short at this point, if possible. Thank you!

Dec 17, 2018 5:33 PM

May 2009
battlewaitress said:
Hey everybody, can anyone recommend anything for item #101 -- watch an anime tagged with 7 or more genres? (I'm hoping my screenshot will be valid but just in case it's not, lol). Obviously I'd prefer that it be short at this point, if possible. Thank you!

Porco Rosso?
Dec 17, 2018 5:41 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
battlewaitress said:
Hey everybody, can anyone recommend anything for item #101 -- watch an anime tagged with 7 or more genres?

I found harems to work quite well with this one
To Love ru, Sora no Otoshimono, Yamada-kun and the 7 Witches, just to name a few.

Dec 18, 2018 2:57 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
AudioTsunami said:
SheyCroix said:
- Regarding completed anime. You would expect users to notice and understand the word "completed" and avoid the use of airings, considering they aren't "completed" anime
- Knowing that many would miss it or understand it in a different manner than intended, it is explicitly stated in the "Challenge List with Explanations" post the following:
Once it is done airing, it is completed. It does not state anywhere that you must start the series AFTER it has ran to completion. So one can infer that you can start it whenever, as long as your turn-in date is AFTER it is been completed - as it was in the 3 years prior. That's why I said it's semantics, because it can be seen either way. It's unclear, it has nothing to do with people "being too lazy to read". I read it. It's unclear. Mozgow said many people found it unclear. There are countless examples in this thread that ANY NUMBER of the items are unclear, which is due to them being poorly written. That's also why they need a paragraph of fine print, because the items are poorly written.
And yeah, it's easier to ignore me than actually fix the problem because this is the way you like it and until people stop participating you'll never get it, which is why I implored people to do so.
Edit: And on the bits about not checking the form before we get it back. Yes, that's what you should do if you're already doubling down on making it user unfriendly, because at least it's truly to serve the gods of efficiency instead of just being done because that's the way you like it. No point in being annoying and inefficient because then you're unhappy, the participant is unhappy, and the inspector is unhappy. At least if you force the formatting before the inspection, the inspection is a fucking breeze, and you'd cut the return DMs in half. If turning in the challenge is going to be as daunting as going to the DMV, at least keep the people checking the sheets happy and cut the process down.

Alright, thanks for your opinion.

AudioTsunami said:
A lot of things were added after January, but it'll be denied. Don't worry about it. I've already fought that fight.

Not that many.




Dec 18, 2018 2:59 AM

Jan 2017

Hello Everyone!

We will be taking suggestions regarding the 2019 MAL Anime/Manga Challenge. The suggestions are for either new items for the challenge list or removal of existing ones, plus a few extra things. If you would like to make any, please complete this form.

Dec 19, 2018 8:39 AM

Nov 2016
mozgow said:
toxif said:
Hello, can I get some recommendations for "(102) Watch an anime recommended to you by a challenge staff member" please. :)
Video Girl Ai
Iria: Zeiram The Animation
Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster
Sakurada Reset

Thank you! :)

Dec 20, 2018 8:49 AM

Dec 2015
Hello o/

#86 Watch a related anime that aired at least 15 years before/after a previously completed series

Can I use Baki: Most Evil Death Row Convicts Special Anime for this item ?

I have watched Grappler Baki (TV), or do I have to watch Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen for that to be acceptable ?
Dec 20, 2018 1:50 PM
King of Justice

Mar 2017
SukiiFu said:
Hello o/

#86 Watch a related anime that aired at least 15 years before/after a previously completed series

Can I use Baki: Most Evil Death Row Convicts Special Anime for this item ?

I have watched Grappler Baki (TV), or do I have to watch Grappler Baki: Saidai Tournament-hen for that to be acceptable ?

I believe that it should count as valid. Just in case, be sure to state that the relation comes from the previously watched Grappler Baki (TV), seeing as the item you want to use doesn't have the relation back. The way that the item is worded implies that the previously watched needs to have the relation for it to count, so I'd give it to you.
Dec 20, 2018 2:09 PM

Dec 2015
@bigdud24 Yeah I didn't notice they are not mentioned in the special OVA (as prequel's), but the special is mentioned in them (as sequel), I really hope it's accepted, as I crossed out 3 items (#78, #84, #100) & can't cross more ^^
Thank you for trying to help :)
Dec 20, 2018 6:30 PM
Feb 2018
Hey, looking for recommendations concerning item (27) and (102).
Dec 20, 2018 7:44 PM
Feb 2010
Can I get some help? I can't find anything for #103 (an anime that hasn't been reviewed and is at least 16 minutes long). Any reccomendations?
<img src="" alt="Uf8aS4v.gif (292×150)"/>
Dec 21, 2018 5:19 AM

Apr 2011
Skuf said:
Hey, looking for recommendations concerning item (27) and (102).

For 27, some short goodies:

» "You've fought a valiant duel, my friend..." «


inspector @ MAL's anime watching challenge
Dec 22, 2018 5:18 AM
Feb 2018
Mikasa_Ackerman said:
Can I get some help? I can't find anything for #103 (an anime that hasn't been reviewed and is at least 16 minutes long). Any reccomendations?

I used Sougen no Ko Tenguri, it's available on youtube if you can stand the wierd dual subtitles.
Dec 22, 2018 5:47 AM

Jan 2014
For challenge: Watch a completed anime that doesn't have forum discussion threads. I finished my selection Love Position: Halley Densetsu starting on 1/12/2018 and ending on 1/13/2018 however, a discussion was made on 2/18/2018 does my choice still count or do I need another title?

The reason I ask is because the previous challenge: Watch a completed anime that hasn't been reviewed - needs a total duration of 16 minutes or more; means that there are no reviews when you start watching it, doesn't matter if it gets one while watching or after you finish.

I was wondering if the same applies for this one as well as long as you watch it beforehand? Any help would be greatly appreciated ^-^

Dec 22, 2018 9:20 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
Phlippy said:
It says the challenge runs until 24th
But is it until or including that day? So latest turn-in at 23:59 on the 23rd or 24th?

Including that day. So it closes on the 25, or when the thread gets locked.... tho please don't wait till the last day ^^'

Animated_Amateur said:
For challenge: Watch a completed anime that doesn't have forum discussion threads. I finished my selection Love Position: Halley Densetsu starting on 1/12/2018 and ending on 1/13/2018 however, a discussion was made on 2/18/2018 does my choice still count or do I need another title?

The reason I ask is because the previous challenge: Watch a completed anime that hasn't been reviewed - needs a total duration of 16 minutes or more; means that there are no reviews when you start watching it, doesn't matter if it gets one while watching or after you finish.

I was wondering if the same applies for this one as well as long as you watch it beforehand? Any help would be greatly appreciated ^-^

The same applies, but you will be asked for evidence to prove this. I suggest including a screenshot if you have it. If not, add a screenshot your episode history for the title, for us to confirm it was watched before that thread.




Dec 22, 2018 10:19 AM

Dec 2009
So I got my review back and I'm going over what needs to be fixed and I'm a little confused with this one.

[Started: 02-02-18] [Finished: 09-07-18] (86) Watch a related anime that aired at least 15 years before/after a previously completed series: Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen
(Jan 7, 2018 to Jun 10, 2018) - Cardcaptor Sakura (Apr 7, 1998 to Mar 21, 2000)

(86) Watch a related anime that aired at least 15 years before/after a previously completed series: Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen
--- Invalid - There's no relation listed between the two anime stated.

How does a sequel not have any relation? How is a well known anime like this being reviewed like this? I mean I understand to a point but at the same time there is something called being to picky about certain things. I know there is an OVA sequel before the actual TV series but the two are still related.

There is a point where you have to think about if everyone is still having fun. This year feels like a chore and I'm disappointed, and before anyone points it out I have already done the survey.

Second thing confusing me
[98] (106) Watch the Top anime recommended to your Favorite Anime: xxxHOLiC
*** Valid, but please state the previously completed anime listed before this show on the recommendation page.
but I did list the anime . . . like so

[Started: 11-04-18] [Finished: 11-24-18] (106) Watch the Top anime recommended to your Favorite Anime: xxxHOLiC
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou

I'm so confused, I don't understand how this is wrong
breathesunshineDec 22, 2018 11:39 AM

Dec 22, 2018 1:33 PM

Dec 2015
(27) Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread:

Please, someone, recommend me an Anime, preferably a short one, or at least something I'm able to finish until the 24th.

Thanks in advance
Dec 22, 2018 1:42 PM

Jan 2013
The_White_Wolf said:
(27) Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread:

Please, someone, recommend me an Anime, preferably a short one, or at least something I'm able to finish until the 24th.

Thanks in advance

Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows
Devilman: Crybaby
Kyuuketsuhime Miyu (OVA)
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-hen
Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome
Dec 22, 2018 1:51 PM

Dec 2015
fuyuki said:
The_White_Wolf said:
(27) Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread:

Please, someone, recommend me an Anime, preferably a short one, or at least something I'm able to finish until the 24th.

Thanks in advance

Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows
Devilman: Crybaby
Kyuuketsuhime Miyu (OVA)
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-Hen
Yoru was Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome

Thanks very kind off you and have a nice evening.
Dec 22, 2018 2:00 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017

I have a couple guesses, but before I state them I would like to have you know that I have ABSOLUTELY NO AFFILIATION with staff whatsoever.
I understand that you are upset about this, but I am a fellow regular MAL user just like yourself.

First of all, let's start with Sakura.
The easy one.

The prequel for "Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen", is listed as "Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Prologue - Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma". NOT the original Cardcaptor Sakura.
Cardcaptor Sakura is the prequel for "Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Prologue - Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma", I believe.

Therefore using the regular Clear Card series is most likely deemed invalid.

As for xxxHolic, regular "Natsume Yuujinchou" is listed as TOP recommendation to that show. (If you want to I could screenshot it as proof but I'm feeling lazy atm so I'm not doing it unless asked to)
What they most likely mean is that you have to list the recommended anime listed ABOVE "Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou" so they can cross-reference that you've watched them.
Dec 22, 2018 2:05 PM

Jan 2013
The_White_Wolf said:
fuyuki said:

Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows
Devilman: Crybaby
Kyuuketsuhime Miyu (OVA)
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-Hen
Yoru was Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome

Thanks very kind off you and have a nice evening.
No problem, have a nice evening too ^^
Dec 22, 2018 2:22 PM
Feb 2018
Any staff that can give me something for 102?
Dec 22, 2018 3:53 PM

Jan 2014
SheyCroix said:
Phlippy said:
It says the challenge runs until 24th
But is it until or including that day? So latest turn-in at 23:59 on the 23rd or 24th?

Including that day. So it closes on the 25, or when the thread gets locked.... tho please don't wait till the last day ^^'

Animated_Amateur said:
For challenge: Watch a completed anime that doesn't have forum discussion threads. I finished my selection Love Position: Halley Densetsu starting on 1/12/2018 and ending on 1/13/2018 however, a discussion was made on 2/18/2018 does my choice still count or do I need another title?

The reason I ask is because the previous challenge: Watch a completed anime that hasn't been reviewed - needs a total duration of 16 minutes or more; means that there are no reviews when you start watching it, doesn't matter if it gets one while watching or after you finish.

I was wondering if the same applies for this one as well as long as you watch it beforehand? Any help would be greatly appreciated ^-^

The same applies, but you will be asked for evidence to prove this. I suggest including a screenshot if you have it. If not, add a screenshot your episode history for the title, for us to confirm it was watched before that thread.

Thank you very much for that confirmation I will add them right away ^-^

Dec 23, 2018 2:27 AM

Jul 2014
Skuf said:
Any staff that can give me something for 102?
Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Seirei no Moribito
Skip Beat!
Dec 23, 2018 5:08 AM

May 2013

I think @Ranacchi is correct (I am also not staff but have completed the challenge)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen & Cardcaptor Sakura do not have a direct link/relation on MAL so therefore not valid.

As for Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou, I think you've done everything correct when I compare my (106) task to yours. Maybe when you submit again, change the text to: "My favourite anime is Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou and xxxHOLiC is the top recommended anime" just to be on the safe side? This one could be a mistake by the reviewing staff.
RiezeDec 23, 2018 5:35 AM
Dec 23, 2018 5:24 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017

Do you have a link to your sign up post? I would like to cross-reference mine with yours to see if I can make improvements to mine to make it easier digestible for staff.
Dec 23, 2018 6:38 PM
Mar 2015

About this item :

> (97) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character

Does qualify?

A little confused about this one.
Dec 23, 2018 10:10 PM

Dec 2009

Thank you for trying to answer my question.

I am very aware as to why they are saying not valid. I just strongly disagree with it and I'm asking why that it as to only be directly linked. I can also argue that while the ova is called a 'sequel' that really it's just an alternate ending to S1 of CS.

I'd really like a staff mem to talk with me about it, but again thanks for trying to help.

As for the Natsume one, I watched the S2 and that is the season that is on my favorites. In fact it is my top favorite and I have it on my completed list with a score of ten. So yes I can say that I am confused and no the S1 is not listed in my favorites so that isn't the season that I'm referencing to.
breathesunshineDec 23, 2018 10:14 PM

Dec 25, 2018 3:59 AM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
breathesunshine said:
@Ranacchi Thank you for trying to answer my question.
I am very aware as to why they are saying not valid. I just strongly disagree with it and I'm asking why that it as to only be directly linked. I can also argue that while the ova is called a 'sequel' that really it's just an alternate ending to S1 of CS.
I'd really like a staff mem to talk with me about it, but again thanks for trying to help.
As for the Natsume one, I watched the S2 and that is the season that is on my favorites. In fact it is my top favorite and I have it on my completed list with a score of ten. So yes I can say that I am confused and no the S1 is not listed in my favorites so that isn't the season that I'm referencing to.

About #106, it's most likely that you didn't use the Top recommendation for your favorite, so you have to list any anime before the one used and that you watched previously.
But checking the favorite listed, the one used is already the first one, so that's most likely a mistake by your inspector.... my apologies on that. No need to do anything about it. Just say "hey, that's your mistake" >_>

As for #86, the item ask for related anime, as in the relation as listed by MAL. If there's no relation listed between them by MAL, then it will be invalid.
I do agree I have been a tad strict with it this year and that's one of the many I plan to change for next one.




Dec 26, 2018 3:01 PM
Cineman Role

Jun 2016
Did not realize the challenge was only running thru Xmas Eve. Any specific reason for that?
Also, even though I finished it today, does that still disqualify me from the challenge proper?
Dec 26, 2018 3:08 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
2Trace-Rail9 said:
Did not realize the challenge was only running thru Xmas Eve. Any specific reason for that?
Also, even though I finished it today, does that still disqualify me from the challenge proper?

I suppose so. It's impossible to turn it in as the thread's been closed since the deadline passed.
Dec 26, 2018 3:13 PM
Cineman Role

Jun 2016
Ranacchi said:
2Trace-Rail9 said:
Did not realize the challenge was only running thru Xmas Eve. Any specific reason for that?
Also, even though I finished it today, does that still disqualify me from the challenge proper?

I suppose so. It's impossible to turn it in as the thread's been closed since the deadline passed.

D'aw rats. Oh well, I know I completed it personally, and that's all that matters.
I'm-a reward myself with a Decim banner.
Dec 26, 2018 3:24 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
2Trace-Rail9 said:

D'aw rats. Oh well, I know I completed it personally, and that's all that matters.
I'm-a reward myself with a Decim banner.

....thank you for reminding me
With all the holiday madness I forgot to make myself a "completed" one
Dec 27, 2018 1:55 AM
Jul 2014
Well, I'm depressed that I missed the turn in day, so I'm gonna post here and then go drown or something.

🎧 Challenge Start Date: 01/01/2018
🎤 Challenge Finish Date: 12/27/2018
🎖️ Link to your completed anime list:
🔗 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 141
🗿 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 247

🔒 Link to your sign-up form:
🔺 Difficulty: Hardcore
🔻 Restriction: Randomized
Dec 27, 2018 7:29 PM

May 2009
Unbehrable said:
Well, I'm depressed that I missed the turn in day, so I'm gonna post here and then go drown or something.

Not being able to turn it in doesn't change the fact that this year you challenged yourself and watched a shitton of anime. Congrats.
Dec 28, 2018 6:59 AM
Cineman Role

Jun 2016
protoplasm said:
Not being able to turn it in doesn't change the fact that this year you challenged yourself and watched a shitton of anime. Congrats.

You are a kind and noble son of a gun. Many thanks.
Dec 28, 2018 8:52 AM

May 2009
2Trace-Rail9 said:
protoplasm said:
Not being able to turn it in doesn't change the fact that this year you challenged yourself and watched a shitton of anime. Congrats.

You are a kind and noble son of a gun. Many thanks.

lol np <3
Dec 28, 2018 11:28 AM
Treasure Hunter

Feb 2014
So... I handed in my turn-in form in time - unlike last year - and it was said on the first page that I shouldn't wonder about people posting their turn-in post after mine getting approved and shouldn't ask whether my form has gotten checked yet, but I am getting a little nervous.

If something was wrong with my items, would I get a notification and a chance to fix it?
Or would it just be considered a "Failed attempt" ?

I'm not asking when they'll be done since I have no idea how long it would take to check on one, just whether or not I would be told if I failed.
There is nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost, so long as that feeling precedes some plan on your part to actually do something about it. Too often a person grows complacent with their disillusionment, wearing their discomfort like a favorite shirt - Johnny C.

Dec 28, 2018 11:53 AM
Apr 2017
Man I am salty that I didn't realize the deadline was Christmas Eve. I wonder why the last week of December doesn't count. Doing what that other guy did and posting my completion form here because I still finished this thing in 2018, deadline or not.

🎧 Challenge Start Date: 01/15/2018
🎤 Challenge Finish Date: 12/28/2018
🎖️ Link to your completed anime list:
🔗 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 92
🗿 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 154

🔒 Link to your sign-up form:
🔺 Difficulty: Marquis
Dec 28, 2018 12:51 PM

May 2009
Natsuaki said:
So... I handed in my turn-in form in time - unlike last year - and it was said on the first page that I shouldn't wonder about people posting their turn-in post after mine getting approved and shouldn't ask whether my form has gotten checked yet, but I am getting a little nervous.

If something was wrong with my items, would I get a notification and a chance to fix it?
Or would it just be considered a "Failed attempt" ?

I'm not asking when they'll be done since I have no idea how long it would take to check on one, just whether or not I would be told if I failed.

you will get a PM

51thegreatsurf said:
Man I am salty that I didn't realize the deadline was Christmas Eve. I wonder why the last week of December doesn't count. Doing what that other guy did and posting my completion form here because I still finished this thing in 2018, deadline or not.

because it gives time for staff to check forms & for people to correct their entries [if theres anything to be corrected]
if they let til december 31st for turn-in, then everything would collide with next year's anime watching challenge which starts early january
or at least I suppose that's the form took more than 10 days to get I wonder if people who submitted on the last day will get an answer before the year ends...
When I got mine back with corrections to be made I just couldn't bother anymore... I already did the most important part anyways lol
deimoscodeDec 28, 2018 1:02 PM
Dec 28, 2018 2:42 PM
Treasure Hunter

Feb 2014
protoplasm said:
Natsuaki said:
So... I handed in my turn-in form in time - unlike last year - and it was said on the first page that I shouldn't wonder about people posting their turn-in post after mine getting approved and shouldn't ask whether my form has gotten checked yet, but I am getting a little nervous.

If something was wrong with my items, would I get a notification and a chance to fix it?
Or would it just be considered a "Failed attempt" ?

I'm not asking when they'll be done since I have no idea how long it would take to check on one, just whether or not I would be told if I failed.

you will get a PM

51thegreatsurf said:
Man I am salty that I didn't realize the deadline was Christmas Eve. I wonder why the last week of December doesn't count. Doing what that other guy did and posting my completion form here because I still finished this thing in 2018, deadline or not.

because it gives time for staff to check forms & for people to correct their entries [if theres anything to be corrected]
if they let til december 31st for turn-in, then everything would collide with next year's anime watching challenge which starts early january
or at least I suppose that's the form took more than 10 days to get I wonder if people who submitted on the last day will get an answer before the year ends...
When I got mine back with corrections to be made I just couldn't bother anymore... I already did the most important part anyways lol

Whew, that's a relief, thank you.
There is nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost, so long as that feeling precedes some plan on your part to actually do something about it. Too often a person grows complacent with their disillusionment, wearing their discomfort like a favorite shirt - Johnny C.

Dec 29, 2018 5:37 AM

Apr 2011
There's a certain amount of nitpicking in the revising of the forms this year that I just cannot stand. The tiniest affairs, ranging from spelling errors to things like "you used a full stop instead of a comma here, your entry is invalid". I understand that all the examiners need to be on the same level of analyzing, but this is just becoming more and more of a drag that takes the fun out of the challenge.

» "You've fought a valiant duel, my friend..." «


inspector @ MAL's anime watching challenge
Dec 29, 2018 6:17 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Lestat- said:
The tiniest affairs, ranging from spelling errors to things like "you used a full stop instead of a comma here, your entry is invalid".

Sounds very foreigner unfriendly to me.

I vaguely remember reading somewhere to not submit on the final day. Perhaps this is our punishment for not submitting at least a week in advance. (That is, assuming you also submitted it sometime after the 17th.)
Dec 29, 2018 8:24 AM

Apr 2011
Ranacchi said:
Lestat- said:
The tiniest affairs, ranging from spelling errors to things like "you used a full stop instead of a comma here, your entry is invalid".

Sounds very foreigner unfriendly to me.

I vaguely remember reading somewhere to not submit on the final day. Perhaps this is our punishment for not submitting at least a week in advance. (That is, assuming you also submitted it sometime after the 17th.)

I thought there was a lot of nitpicking this year, too, like having to write out certain numbers even though I provided a screenshot where the numbers were included. I mean, even if they use a bot or something to help check some items on the forms, they need to check the screenshots themselves anyway, so yeah...

But I don't just want to complain, I'll say something positive, too:
I think the explanations for the items were all understandable and where it could've been misunderstood, they showed an example or something. And stuff like what age still counts as a child and so on was clearly defined. So that was a bit better than the last years, didn't understand the people who asked for help here instead of just reading the explanations to the items.
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