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Calling women "honey" and "sweetheart" is now harassment

Jan 6, 2018 2:23 PM

Aug 2009

Why am I not surprised. I keep saying the laws are getting worse. The goal posts are being moved. They will never be happy until its illegal to even look at a woman the wrong way, let alone talk to her. This #Metoo shit has made the situation even worse for men as it is now trickling down into the workplace. Honestly the hypocrisy is disgusting here. I have no idea how many female co-workers or random waitresses or female cashiers have called me honey, sweetheart or darling. These bitches are just hateful thots and looking for even the most minor of excuses to bring down men. Of course this is only men they don't like or they feel are beneath them. If fucking Chris Hemsworth called them honey or sweetheart they would have no problem, but because its a regular joe not worthy of m'lady they get fucked.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
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Jan 6, 2018 2:31 PM

Jun 2014
People who are my Grandparents age are going to find this weird, because they have a habit of saying these things to young female employees when they go to stores, but they don't mean anything negative about it.

Despite the fact that I don't use these words, it's useless to bring this into law if it doesn't apply to calling guys the same.

Jan 6, 2018 2:33 PM

Jan 2009
wait for quality sex dolls to get cheaper while the future generations awaits for sex bots
Jan 6, 2018 2:48 PM

Jul 2012
The #Metoo movement is quite interesting, as I believe it is both a good and a bad thing. I believe some women really do deserve to get attention for being sexually harassed and such but like if someone in 1994 was hit on and such and they were treated a certain way you know things were different, some people even let it happen or were looking for attention and they just joined the movement in 2017-2018 becuase they wanted to be part of something.

I get where a lot of these things are coming from but Not everyone that says honey has the intent of dominating a women with their masculinity.
Instead of arresting people and such for saying sweetheart they should just educate people on what these words mean to people.

Men actually say things like pussy and such to other men or call them girls and such I believe it should go both ways if its going to go at all.
Jan 6, 2018 2:57 PM

Apr 2014
US service members are held to a much higher standard, especially officers.
oh snap
Jan 6, 2018 2:59 PM

Aug 2013
Poor grandparents and old people, lol.
Jan 6, 2018 3:06 PM

May 2016

Those SJW's cannot be helped....

We know need to resort to inventing and using brainwashing machines on every women. Or we have to do bang bang or something
~ Nas, The "OG Bulgarian"~
Formerly known as:
~ Gokuvich, The "OG Bulgarian"~
Jan 6, 2018 3:09 PM

Apr 2016
I honestly don't know if to laugh or to cry.
Jan 6, 2018 3:12 PM

May 2012
how about bitch? is that harassment or nah?
Jan 6, 2018 3:15 PM

Sep 2016
Everything you do to us women is harassment. You better know your place!
Jan 6, 2018 3:19 PM

Oct 2010
Getting called "sweetheart" by a middle aged man is really creepy. I don't find it weird when an older person says it to me, though.
Jan 6, 2018 3:20 PM

Sep 2014
Let's be real here, the bitches that wanted to make this shit illegal are probably not getting any compliments like "sweetheart" and "honey" in the first place, they most common greeting for them is probably "fat," "whale," and "ugly."
Jan 6, 2018 3:28 PM

Sep 2008
Elegade said:
Let's be real here, the bitches that wanted to make this shit illegal are probably not getting any compliments like "sweetheart" and "honey" in the first place, they most common greeting for them is probably "fat," "whale," and "ugly."

2 thumbs a politically correct world where people have to watch what they say if you don't like me calling you sweetie, hon(or hun) or any nice word I would normally call my other half or mom, than be prepared to be called every derogatory word under the bitchie...or a garden tool
Jan 6, 2018 3:29 PM
Jul 2018
I am actually just baffled. Shit is so ridiculous.
Jan 6, 2018 3:37 PM
Jul 2014
Forgive me if I'm wrong but in English (not my native language) aren't those names stuff you call to people who mean something to you?

Anyway it's stupid if it's a crime but I don't see why call people you don't know those "sweet" adjectives.
Jan 6, 2018 3:41 PM

Sep 2008
In my country(Australia), most of the older Aussie women I call sweetie, babes or hon is my way of being nice and personal even if I'm not close to them relationship-wise
Jan 6, 2018 3:52 PM
Jul 2018
Oh, my God. This is so ludicrous. I wish they were joking.
Jan 6, 2018 3:54 PM

Jul 2012
TMW you live in the northeast part of the US so this is a non-issue because nobody uses those terms to talk to people since we don't live in a 1960s sitcom.
Jan 6, 2018 3:55 PM

Dec 2016
The complaint cited accusations that Gonsalves took issue with the female congressional staffer’s youth, and that the general said she should take detailed notes on why the military needed funding “since she was a Democrat and did not believe in funding the military,” the IG report stated.

Multiple members of the congressional delegation described Gonsalves’ remarks during the meeting as “sarcastic and unprofessional,” the report states. Another male staffer described the remarks as “sexist, inappropriate and unprofessional,” according to the report.

At one point during the meeting, the female staffer passed a note to a colleague that read: “Did this guy really just call me sweetheart?,” the report states.

Accounts of the meeting differed, however. Some people in attendance defended Gonsalves, saying he acted professionally, though their names and positions were redacted from the report.

The IG report cites another allegation that Gonsalves asked the staffer her age. When she responded, Gonsalves spoke about his time as a young Army officer serving along the Fulda Gap during the Cold War. Gonsalves is then accused of telling the staffer to take notes so her “Democratic boss” would understand the military’s needs, according to the report.

LMFAO! Oh no he didn't!

Private Military Company Pay
Private military companies are as hesitant about providing information about their payroll as they are about naming their clients. The individual contractors who worked for PMCs rarely speak of it because their clients include organizations such as the CIA, and their contracts require silence. Their pay, according to CNN, ranges between $500 per day and $750 per day or between $15,000 and $22,500 per month.

Army Pay
U.S. Army pay depends on an individual’s rank. The higher the rank, the greater the responsibility and the corresponding pay. A private, entering advanced individual training earns $1,468 per month. A sergeant with five years experience, possibly including combat, earns a base pay of $2,448 per month. A master sergeant with 20 years of experience may be only 38 years old and earns $4,189 per month in base pay. An infantry officer, after five years of service, probably has combat leadership experience and -- if a first lieutenant -- earns $4,349 per month. If that same officer holds the rank of captain, he earns $4,952 per month in base pay.

Just join a PMC and make more. Much more. Of course you might get contracted to work for one of those types. Ugh.
Jan 6, 2018 4:07 PM

Jun 2014
GamerDLM said:
TMW you live in the northeast part of the US so this is a non-issue because nobody uses those terms to talk to people since we don't live in a 1960s sitcom.

Do you accompany your Grandparents to the supermarket?

Just because people your age don't use those terms, doesn't mean that old people don't.

Jan 6, 2018 4:28 PM

Jul 2012
Seiya said:
GamerDLM said:
TMW you live in the northeast part of the US so this is a non-issue because nobody uses those terms to talk to people since we don't live in a 1960s sitcom.

Do you accompany your Grandparents to the supermarket?

Just because people your age don't use those terms, doesn't mean that old people don't.

They don't either, granted the male half of most of my grandparents live really far away or are dead but I have never heard them or their siblings use those terms in reference to strangers. I also regularly have dinner with my grandmother and have never heard her call somebody at say a restaurant either of those terms.

Like sweetheart specifically is almost exclusively used on young kids in our family, nobody says honey.
Jan 6, 2018 4:31 PM

Oct 2007
Try telling that to the hoards of women who call literally everyone they meet "hun", "love", "chick", etc.
Jan 6, 2018 4:33 PM

Oct 2010
GamerDLM said:
TMW you live in the northeast part of the US so this is a non-issue because nobody uses those terms to talk to people since we don't live in a 1960s sitcom.

I also live in the northeast part of the US, and I occasionally hear "honey" and "sweetheart" used either by old people or creepy middled aged men riding the public transportation.
Jan 6, 2018 4:35 PM

Jan 2013
I dont want to live in this planet. NASA weeaboo astronauts should see this post and recruit me
Jan 6, 2018 4:46 PM

Apr 2014
Maybe the army general looking at her with rape eyes as he said it.
Jan 6, 2018 4:46 PM

Dec 2016
Klad said:
I dont want to live in this planet. NASA weeaboo astronauts should see this post and recruit me

I just don't want to live on this planet. When we are finally able to escape this planet, we should certainly nuke it from orbit to make sure it doesn't spread. It is the only way to be sure.

Also, I regularly get called sugar by women. ;_;
Jan 6, 2018 4:49 PM

Feb 2016
Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down.

This is just an extension of anti sexual harassment movements. None of this is new. People are just bringing more attention to other forms of harassment that women experience in the workplace. That doesn't mean that being called "sweetheart" in a normal flow of conversation means that it's harassment.

If you notice, these incidents are accompanied by other condescending and disrespectful behaviors. There are clearly instances where someone is being rude, unprofessional, and disrespectful. I doubt that any reasonable woman would be offended if someone casually or endearingly calls her "sweetheart" or "darling" when they're being pleasant to her.

In UK, it's pretty common to tag "love" when talking to women. The problem, in most Western countries, is when people do it condescendingly or disrespectfully. It's not much different from if you're male, a woman calling you "boy" as she condescends you. I hardly think most men would find that "endearing."

Context is the big player here. You cannot just say that women can't call you "hun" no matter what if they want to complain about being called "sweetheart." If the tone is endearing or casual, it's fine. In a public setting between strangers, it's bound to be misinterpreted by some, in which case you should maybe reserve it for people you know well or if they ask you to stop, actually stop. I'm sure there are overly sensitive people out there who will get outraged at being called "sweetheart" in any context by anyone, but it's important to be reasonable. If the person isn't being disrespectful, maybe lay off the outrage.

This is a real problem that many women face in the workplace and it spans months if not years. I don't see why it's a problem to call attention to it, especially when people actually ARE being disrespectful and condescending in these cases.

Jan 6, 2018 4:50 PM

Jun 2014
Soverign said:
Klad said:
I dont want to live in this planet. NASA weeaboo astronauts should see this post and recruit me

I just don't want to live on this planet. When we are finally able to escape this planet, we should certainly nuke it from orbit to make sure it doesn't spread. It is the only way to be sure.

Also, I regularly get called sugar by women. ;_;

Are these women named "Mouse" by any chance?

Jan 6, 2018 5:03 PM

Dec 2016
Seiya said:
Soverign said:

I just don't want to live on this planet. When we are finally able to escape this planet, we should certainly nuke it from orbit to make sure it doesn't spread. It is the only way to be sure.

Also, I regularly get called sugar by women. ;_;

Are these women named "Mouse" by any chance?

No. They are screeching misandrists! Shuggah should become a sexist epitaph!
Jan 6, 2018 5:54 PM

Mar 2008
When you condecendingly call someone "sweetheart" or "honey" it is harassment and that applies to both genders. They weren't. necisarily saying it sincerely. You're blowing it way out of proportion.
traedJan 6, 2018 6:08 PM
Jan 6, 2018 6:39 PM

Apr 2014
Chewing with your mouth open should be a harrasment, not this one.

Being called honey and sweetheart is like a hospitality to me.
Signature of three years-or-so was removed

here's my new one


Thank you and have a nice day, everyone.
Jan 6, 2018 6:40 PM
Jul 2018
You know who mostly calls me “sweetheart” and “honey”?
Old women.

If you live in the southern US, the context of those terms isn’t really that big an issue. It only starts to become an issue when it actually extends to harassment. But those aren’t even common condescending or misused terms when compared to other words and other contexts.

If you’ve got an abusive supervisor or something else similar, they’ll usually be “condescending” in much nastier ways, especially if they feel like they’re the top of the food chain.
Jan 6, 2018 6:43 PM

Sep 2009
.... I just don't see it. Sure, you can use it condescendingly, but that's just being rude, it's not sexism.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Jan 6, 2018 6:54 PM

Dec 2010
Eeehhhhhhh... It really depends on context. Being called "honey" or "sweetheart" can be endearing when coming from someone I'm close with but it can also be very condescending or creepy. It really depends. Also, saying something like "s/he's a sweetheart" isn't something I see as a problem either. But if my boss calls me one of those in either a condescending tone or while giving me creepy looks or making other comments that make me uncomfortable, yeah that can be harassment.

The #metoo movement is pretty important. Not just for women but for men as well. For a long time people have turned a blind eye to rape and sexual harassment and for a long time people were scared to come forward with their stories. It's important to know how big this problem is so we can do better to try and solve it. This movement is also important for male victims because male victims still have a very hard time with getting anyone to believe what happened to them. I understand that some men are worried that this makes all men look bad. Maybe it's just me but I don't think this makes all men look bad. Just because most rapists are men(as far as we know but due to male victims having a problem with making their case believable there's a chance the real statistic is 50/50 or closer to that. But who knows?) doesn't mean most men are rapists. I think most women know this. Yeah, man-haters might take the #metoo thing and run with it as "proof" that all men are evil but who actually listens to man-haters other than other man-haters?
Jan 6, 2018 6:57 PM

Dec 2010
MortalMelancholy said:
.... I just don't see it. Sure, you can use it condescendingly, but that's just being rude, it's not sexism.
It can be sexism. If someone only uses those words in a condescending manner towards people of only one gender and uses the words in that way because of gender. That's sexism. It's not sexism every single time it's used in a condescending way but it is sexism if the motivation behind using the words in the condescending manner is sexist.
Jan 6, 2018 6:58 PM

Mar 2008
MortalMelancholy said:
.... I just don't see it. Sure, you can use it condescendingly, but that's just being rude, it's not sexism.

If the motive is sexism it is sexism.
Jan 6, 2018 7:01 PM

Dec 2016
Zakuro-Hime said:

The #metoo movement is pretty important. Not just for women but for men as well. For a long time people have turned a blind eye to rape and sexual harassment and for a long time people were scared to come forward with their stories. It's important to know how big this problem is so we can do better to try and solve it. This movement is also important for male victims because male victims still have a very hard time with getting anyone to believe what happened to them. I understand that some men are worried that this makes all men look bad. Maybe it's just me but I don't think this makes all men look bad. Just because most rapists are men(as far as we know but due to male victims having a problem with making their case believable there's a chance the real statistic is 50/50 or closer to that. But who knows?) doesn't mean most men are rapists. I think most women know this. Yeah, man-haters might take the #metoo thing and run with it as "proof" that all men are evil but who actually listens to man-haters other than other man-haters?

But men are all evil. You should definitely stay away from us. Especially if you are a white woman. You should build a completely separate society from men. Especially white men. We are just dragging you down and holding you back. We will be sad, but we understand that you must leave to make us better people. Look, don't feel bad for doing what you need to do alright? That isn't me doing a cartwheel of joy, that was a cartwheel of sadness! Also, we are all raging homosexuals, all of us. Anybody who says otherwise is just in denial, don't believe him. Stay away!
Jan 6, 2018 7:02 PM

Apr 2017
It's about the money, and sexism is used to obtain it. Wasn't there that woman that Bill O'Reilly called hot chocolate and she sued him for bazillion bucks? I wish I could make money off of being randomly groped by a girl lol

But that's just how the world is, no need to be bitter about it
Jan 6, 2018 7:06 PM

Dec 2010
Soverign said:
Zakuro-Hime said:

The #metoo movement is pretty important. Not just for women but for men as well. For a long time people have turned a blind eye to rape and sexual harassment and for a long time people were scared to come forward with their stories. It's important to know how big this problem is so we can do better to try and solve it. This movement is also important for male victims because male victims still have a very hard time with getting anyone to believe what happened to them. I understand that some men are worried that this makes all men look bad. Maybe it's just me but I don't think this makes all men look bad. Just because most rapists are men(as far as we know but due to male victims having a problem with making their case believable there's a chance the real statistic is 50/50 or closer to that. But who knows?) doesn't mean most men are rapists. I think most women know this. Yeah, man-haters might take the #metoo thing and run with it as "proof" that all men are evil but who actually listens to man-haters other than other man-haters?

But men are all evil. You should definitely stay away from us. Especially if you are a white woman. You should build a completely separate society from men. Especially white men. We are just dragging you down and holding you back. We will be sad, but we understand that you must leave to make us better people. Look, don't feel bad for doing what you need to do alright? That isn't me doing a cartwheel of joy, that was a cartwheel of sadness! Also, we are all raging homosexuals, all of us. Anybody who says otherwise is just in denial, don't believe him. Stay away!
LOLOLOLOL! Best response I've seen/heard when discussing this kind of topic.
Jan 6, 2018 7:08 PM

Aug 2007
I don't see the issue. It's condescending and creepy.

You're making a big deal out of nothing.

Saucy said:
Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down.

This is just an extension of anti sexual harassment movements. None of this is new. People are just bringing more attention to other forms of harassment that women experience in the workplace. That doesn't mean that being called "sweetheart" in a normal flow of conversation means that it's harassment.

If you notice, these incidents are accompanied by other condescending and disrespectful behaviors. There are clearly instances where someone is being rude, unprofessional, and disrespectful. I doubt that any reasonable woman would be offended if someone casually or endearingly calls her "sweetheart" or "darling" when they're being pleasant to her.

In UK, it's pretty common to tag "love" when talking to women. The problem, in most Western countries, is when people do it condescendingly or disrespectfully. It's not much different from if you're male, a woman calling you "boy" as she condescends you. I hardly think most men would find that "endearing."

Context is the big player here. You cannot just say that women can't call you "hun" no matter what if they want to complain about being called "sweetheart." If the tone is endearing or casual, it's fine. In a public setting between strangers, it's bound to be misinterpreted by some, in which case you should maybe reserve it for people you know well or if they ask you to stop, actually stop. I'm sure there are overly sensitive people out there who will get outraged at being called "sweetheart" in any context by anyone, but it's important to be reasonable. If the person isn't being disrespectful, maybe lay off the outrage.

This is a real problem that many women face in the workplace and it spans months if not years. I don't see why it's a problem to call attention to it, especially when people actually ARE being disrespectful and condescending in these cases.


Jan 6, 2018 7:16 PM

Dec 2016
Zakuro-Hime said:
Soverign said:

But men are all evil. You should definitely stay away from us. Especially if you are a white woman. You should build a completely separate society from men. Especially white men. We are just dragging you down and holding you back. We will be sad, but we understand that you must leave to make us better people. Look, don't feel bad for doing what you need to do alright? That isn't me doing a cartwheel of joy, that was a cartwheel of sadness! Also, we are all raging homosexuals, all of us. Anybody who says otherwise is just in denial, don't believe him. Stay away!
LOLOLOLOL! Best response I've seen/heard when discussing this kind of topic.


Jan 6, 2018 7:22 PM

Dec 2010
Soverign said:
Zakuro-Hime said:
LOLOLOLOL! Best response I've seen/heard when discussing this kind of topic.


I am certainly not an angel. I may have the aura, good looks and charm(lolno) of one but appearances can be deceiving.
Jan 6, 2018 7:38 PM

Dec 2016
Zakuro-Hime said:
Soverign said:


I am certainly not an angel. I may have the aura, good looks and charm(lolno) of one but appearances can be deceiving.

Look, I believe you okay. But as I am a man and you are a woman, we are just far too different biologically and emotionally. We just cannot see eye to eye. It just wasn't meant to be, C'est la vie. You know? Therefore you must save you self from me, I am barely restraining myself right now as it is. GO! DON"T LOOK BACK!
Jan 6, 2018 7:53 PM
otp haver πŸ€ͺ

Jul 2017
There was an old case in New York of a woman clerk doing this with her store patrons and getting a lawsuit against her so any bs on the sexist from can just stop.

And as someone whose been called both those things in really creepy manors, I can see how some woman aren't fond of it at all, guys claiming they were polite to you and you should be grateful, yeah fuck off.
Jan 6, 2018 8:04 PM

Feb 2016
It's funny how people talk about "SJWs" overreacting to trivial things and yet the same people overreact to trivial things. It's almost like some of you have more in common with the people you violently despise than you think...

These are not hard issues to parse if you slow down, use your brain, and stop being emotional. Nobody is claiming that all men are creepy rapists. Nobody is saying that men can never call women "darling" or "sweetheart."

It's about disrespecting women in a way that is somehow seen defensible because apparently people want all or nothing. Either you can call all women "sweetheart" without repercussions, or you can't use the word at all. Why is this a dichotomy in play here. How about we just don't condescend women and pretend like using these nicknames is not condescending because they're nice words in some contexts. Yeah, no shit. They are nice words in some contexts. That doesn't mean they're nice words in all contexts.

If you lack the reasoning ability to discern between when someone is being nice or condescending, then you have bigger problems.

Ugh. It's like people just want to comment on things without actually using their brain to think. Just don't be a god damn dick.

Jan 6, 2018 8:18 PM
Jul 2018
Just because you can’t get the opposite sex to date you doesn’t mean you have to take it out on the entirety of women/men in general. That’s the problem I have with modern “feminists/men’s rights activists”, they’re wanting to literally squander the opposite sex for all the wrong reasons. And this occurs among both sexes, don’t try and pretend feminists and MRAs are not two sides of the same coin.

Anyway, I faced harassment from a male work supervisor beforehand, and it was nastier than just being “condescendingly” called “sweetie” or “hun”, it was a lot nastier than that in fact. And no, it wasn’t sexual, workplace bullying is far more common on a general or specific level not just pertaining to gender; women shit on other women, and men will shit on other men, and not all workplace harassment is based on gender or going to be sexually based, quite the contrary. Workplace bullying occurs indiscrimately as well, in the form of rumor. If you think juvenility was dead in high school, sadly anyone who has had an hourly wage job can tell you otherwise.
removed-userJan 6, 2018 8:26 PM
Jan 6, 2018 8:22 PM

Apr 2017
I thot that those things were only said by married couples or people in long-term relationships

seems a bit creepy for a random person to just say it

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Jan 6, 2018 8:22 PM

Dec 2012
Both of those terms are about as creepy as when a girl calls her man "daddy."
Jan 7, 2018 1:15 AM

Oct 2012
LoneWolf said:

Why am I not surprised. I keep saying the laws are getting worse. The goal posts are being moved. They will never be happy until its illegal to even look at a woman the wrong way, let alone talk to her. This #Metoo shit has made the situation even worse for men as it is now trickling down into the workplace. Honestly the hypocrisy is disgusting here. I have no idea how many female co-workers or random waitresses or female cashiers have called me honey, sweetheart or darling. These bitches are just hateful thots and looking for even the most minor of excuses to bring down men. Of course this is only men they don't like or they feel are beneath them. If fucking Chris Hemsworth called them honey or sweetheart they would have no problem, but because its a regular joe not worthy of m'lady they get fucked.
"Would you prefer a pet name or love name next time?" is incredibly patronizing, unprofessional, and yes, even sexist. This isn't your average Joe saying it. It's a company in the service industry.

Sometimes women do take it out of hand, but it's people like you that twist news to your agenda that's fucking disgusting and a black sheep to our cause. People like you justify radical feminism. So you might as well just get a room with them and leave the rest of us out of it.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 7, 2018 1:20 AM
Jul 2018
nicethings said:
If you think juvenility was dead in high school, sadly anyone who has had an hourly wage job can tell you otherwise.

Yeah, the problem is that so many adults stay in the same mindset as when they were 14-15.
And these people are supposed to raise kids, vote and so on. It's just mindboggling how does this work.
Immature parents are hell, I know that from experience.

On topic tho, I don't see anything wrong with it as long as it's between close people rather than adressing sb like that casualy.
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