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Jul 26, 2016 2:06 PM
Oct 2013
It´s a good and fun Movie for One Piece.

The plot was really terrible at times but redeems itself by the end.
If you expect a fun adventure with the Strawhats keep waiting. They made a mixture of an Action/Comedy Movie with little adventure in it and a story that seemed to be influenced by Oda but written by people who couldn´t fully copy his writing style and ended up with something half assed.

The saving grace however is the beautiful animation and the music. It´s baffling that Toei actually can produce such quality after witnessing their reset TV animations. Some CGI is used and when it´s on screen it sticks out like a sore thumb, but the director did incorperate it most of the time gracefully so it´s not terrible to look at. Everything else ranges from decent too magnificent, only one sequence stood out to me as terrible.
Overall, I´d recommend it to all One Piece fans.
IsterioJul 26, 2016 2:13 PM
Jul 26, 2016 2:13 PM
Feb 2014
Might be my favorite One Piece Movie so far, even though that doesn't mean much considering the other movies aren't that great. A few eye rolls here and there but overall entertaining.
Jul 26, 2016 2:29 PM
Oct 2013
Raheb-kun said:
A few eye rolls here and there but overall entertaining.

When Nami said "how could you" I facepalmed internally.
Jul 26, 2016 2:50 PM

Sep 2012
So finally I got to watch this. I really liked the whole idea of the island and the theme of the movie.
I enjoyed the appearance of Carina, Rob lucci and Sabo, that really was great. I wish they would have exaggerated a bit more on the past of tesoro. Personally I would be interested how the island was made over the time.

My favourite moment was when nami and co imitated the Tenryuubito, especially Usopps character was so funny xD Also the Usoppu-Sprint was a good laugh.

Overall I enjoyed the movie, but it was nothing special. 7.8/10 from me.
Trying to watch all available anime series so you won't have to anymore, the list of anime I can recommend is still in progress, tho
Jul 26, 2016 9:48 PM

Sep 2014
Comedy was GOLD, watched yesterday at the cinema xD
Was really funny and entertaining, in some fighting moments had goosebumps, especially the end, and it was a really great experience ^^

I loved the opening scene, the Music, Animation, cameos, Action and the story were lovely :D
Lel, the Long Long pirates were hilarious during their short screen time, their captain's long, long name cracked me up.

I liked Tesoro more than Shiki and can't decide whether I like Zephyr more or not. Zephyr is the better character in general, however I felt like Tesoro Gild was the better movie villian. His entertainment theme is just perfect for a movie, he had me with the first line being "showtime".

Overall it was really entertaining and enjoyable, still liked Z more but this movie was pure... ENTERTAINMENT xD
TaichouSenpaiJul 26, 2016 10:01 PM

Jul 26, 2016 10:45 PM

Nov 2008
The movie was indeed ENTERTAIIINING. I was really surprised how good it was. The soundtrack was just awesome. Howver, the animations of many background scenes were not that good. FOr a film being released in a cinema I would expect better.
Jul 27, 2016 12:12 PM

Jan 2008
Great entertainment! There were many hilarious scenes, like how Sanji got his luck stolen xD
Tesoro had an interesting and sad past, which makes him more likable than Shiki for me, but Zephyr is the better villain.

Not a top movie, but definitely entertaining and worth to rewatch, when the blu-ray comes out
Jul 28, 2016 5:12 PM

Mar 2014
nice movie, loved the Lucci vs Sabo teaser.
Jul 29, 2016 2:59 AM

Oct 2009

Great stuff! Really funny moments that I`ve been missing lately from OP. The animation was the best yet, but the plot was almost non-existent tbh.

No sense of danger like in Strong World which IMO is the best OP movie yet.

Nice to see Sabo as well even though he felt shoehorned.

Another solid movie from Oda-sensei!

Jul 30, 2016 6:05 PM

Sep 2014
First anime movie seen on a theater and all I can say is that it was a great experience to see an animated movie where I live and to see a One Piece movie. The movie itself was really entertaining, the soundtrack was surprisingly good and the story was enjoyable. I'd greatly recommend this anime to all One Piece fans.
Aug 2, 2016 1:35 AM

Nov 2013
Average movie 5/10..
The theme was interesting though. Why didn' t Oda use something like this For Doffy?
Would have fit more him with and had been a much better arc than awful Dressrosa.
Aug 7, 2016 8:59 AM
Mar 2016
dressrosa arc was aweful????
you my friend then don't understand then what awesome is...
Aug 7, 2016 1:31 PM
Oct 2013
Sadaf_Khan said:
dressrosa arc was aweful????
you my friend then don't understand then what awesome is...

Dressrosa had huge parts that were absolute garbage, awesome was what came from Shabody to timeskip.
Aug 7, 2016 9:48 PM

Jan 2011
Just watched this movie. First half was meh to me. Got better later. Cool fights. Had some genuine laughs from me. Laughed pretty hard when luffy didn't recognize spandam.
Aug 7, 2016 10:03 PM
Mar 2016
Isterio said:
Sadaf_Khan said:
dressrosa arc was aweful????
you my friend then don't understand then what awesome is...

Dressrosa had huge parts that were absolute garbage, awesome was what came from Shabody to timeskip.

well i agree with u but i won't call it garbage. yeah it was dragged and it could cut down 4 or 5 episodes worth material. but most of the scenes which are being called garbage were pretty important. if we consider the fact that one piece made a huge turn in story after dressrosa and the concept of"mugiwara fleet" it was necessary to introduce many characters. so many things were revealed and many knobes were tied up together in this single arc. it wasn't all about doflamingo. thats why i thing it was pretty good arc. and i really enjoyed it. sorry for the long comment.
Aug 8, 2016 2:12 PM
Oct 2013
Sadaf_Khan said:
Isterio said:

Dressrosa had huge parts that were absolute garbage, awesome was what came from Shabody to timeskip.

well i agree with u but i won't call it garbage. yeah it was dragged and it could cut down 4 or 5 episodes worth material. but most of the scenes which are being called garbage were pretty important. if we consider the fact that one piece made a huge turn in story after dressrosa and the concept of"mugiwara fleet" it was necessary to introduce many characters. so many things were revealed and many knobes were tied up together in this single arc. it wasn't all about doflamingo. thats why i thing it was pretty good arc. and i really enjoyed it. sorry for the long comment.

Conquerers Haki and OPness make an army of soldiers wothless. You can send 7000 Yamcha into the fight the guy who´ll win will still be Goku. By that I don´t say that Yamcha is weak he probably could solo many other verses (no bias here).
Same applies to Luffy and his grand fleet.
IsterioJan 7, 2017 5:26 AM
Sep 4, 2016 4:37 AM

Jul 2014
First One Piece Film that I've seen but I really enjoyed it. Watched it at the Madman Anime Festival screening in Melbourne last night.
The truth is best told straight.
Sep 4, 2016 11:59 PM

Jun 2015
A good blend of action and comedy, though too predictable at times.
I found the antagonists and their powers to be somewhat interesting, though the forced backstory of the main baddie felt forced and pointless.
The appearances of Sabo and Lucci were hyped, but then when they didn't really do anything, it felt really disappointing.
The final fight with Luffy was a little underwhelming, but it was still enjoyable to watch.
The best part though was the soundtrack, an absolute treat to listen to.

Overall this movie was good if you're after nothing but pure entertainment, a solid film and one I'm glad I watched.
"Hurry up with my damn croissants."
Sep 17, 2016 10:13 AM
Jul 2016
After watching this Anime, my impression on those shithead Celestial Dragon went from loathe to extreme loathe
Oct 28, 2016 3:59 AM
Dec 2014
Even though the animation and pacing for the first 30 minutes were wonky.....the rest made up for it in spades. Best One Piece film in my opinion. I loved the spectacle and grand scope of this film in comparison with the others.
Dec 14, 2016 12:15 AM

Oct 2015
This was the best movie i have watched so far this year. The plot was great, but i wish to have seen the duel between Rob Lucci and Sabo further. I wonder who would have won between those two strong guys?
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Dec 31, 2016 8:01 AM

Apr 2015
I got mixed by watching this movie. There are good and bad aspects about this movie.

First of all, Gild Tesoro is a great villain. His motive is very clear and justify. The others are great too but not quiet as charm as him.

The animation is a bit let down for me since One Piece Z was way better than this, but not bad. It is ok for movie standard. The battle also not that much, only Zoro and Luffy have the best battle, the other meh.

Story, it's an OK. I can't help but to compare it with Z since the villain has a little similarity, especially about their past life.

Music wise, is not that good for me, I think this is not their best effort.

Moral value, 9/10. Yeah not everyday you see an anime with a moral value on it. This one piece gold gives a good message to the audience.

Overall 7/10 for me. It is a good entertainment with a decent plot but with some flaws. As one piece fan, I enjoyed this movie.
DebaskyDec 31, 2016 8:05 AM
4th times getting signature banned wtf
Dec 31, 2016 9:48 AM

Dec 2011
Bluray is out. Was kind of hoping to watch it today for new years but it doesn't look like a good Engsub version will be available. >_<

And 0 screeners out so far this season too. Pretty lame.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 2, 2017 8:02 AM

Dec 2012
is that you absalom? :D
Jan 3, 2017 11:50 AM

Aug 2013
Fine movie, but it makes no sense timeline wise, Sabo has the Mera Mera no mi, so it is after the Dressrosa arc, but that can´t be because all the crewmembers are gathered.

Jan 5, 2017 3:25 AM

Aug 2011
Grate movie and I only wish we get more Carina and all the other movie characters some day

Jan 5, 2017 4:00 AM
Oct 2013
daime17 said:
Grate movie and I only wish we get more Carina and all the other movie characters some day

They are Movie characters all of them are worthless and their sole purpose is to play their respective roles and never be seen again. Shikki or Wapol are exceptions, but those were in canon cahracters before their Movies.

So you´re out of luck on this one.
Jan 5, 2017 2:19 PM
Jul 2013
this movie reminds me to "now you see me?"
Jan 5, 2017 4:12 PM

Mar 2013
I cracked up when nami said it was obvious that luffy didn't knew anything about the plan, Classic Mugiwaras. Felt a little bad about tesoro, shame we didn't see more about his past, tenryubitos are just the worst!
Jan 6, 2017 5:26 PM

Apr 2014
Does anyone know what the letter said that Carina gave to Nami at the end? My subs didn't tell me.

Definitely a great movie, really enjoyed that one, and glad to see Lucci back in action.
Jan 6, 2017 6:25 PM
Oct 2013
Milk_is_Special said:
Does anyone know what the letter said that Carina gave to Nami at the end? My subs didn't tell me.

Definitely a great movie, really enjoyed that one, and glad to see Lucci back in action.

It´s some bs about her taking the money like she did last time ending with an old friend comment.
Jan 6, 2017 8:03 PM
Dec 2014
Another great entry into my yearly dose of the One Piece anime.
Props to GoldenUmi for the translations.
Really enjoyed Once Piece's version of an Ocean's movie.
Jan 7, 2017 4:18 AM
Dec 2009
Decent as a One Piece movie. They make no attempt to explain any of the One Piece characters at the beginning aside from brief shots with their names so obviously it was made for One Piece fans. As a fun little extended One Piece anime episode, it's entertaining. The plot and message of the film are nothing unique or astounding but it's fun to watch.

I'm surprised they went with a casino theme though, since casinos are still "illegal" in Japan. I wonder if any parents thought the gambling theme was bad for children. I suppose the pirate crew does enough fighting and other "bad" things regularly anyway it's not a big deal.

valoon said:
I wish they would have exaggerated a bit more on the past of tesoro. Personally I would be interested how the island was made over the time.

I second this. The whole thing reminded me of Monaco, how it's recognized as a country and all. It would have been interesting to see a little more of why and how he built it, they mentioned he gathered gold from all around the world yet really skimmed over his backstory.

Isterio said:
It´s a good and fun Movie for One Piece.

This pretty much sums up my feelings. If you are a moderate to serious fan of One Piece, I think you will enjoy it. I wouldn't recommend it to people who are new to the series, who do not know the characters well, or don't really enjoy the normal One Piece anime.

smackells said:
Really enjoyed Once Piece's version of an Ocean's movie.

I also got serious Oceans vibes, also the scene when Luffy is infiltrating the security room from above reminded me of Mission Impossible, haha.
Jan 7, 2017 5:19 AM

May 2016
Damn!! This navies are useless. Luffy did all the things that they must do. Luffy accept all the troubles but the World Government did not do anything. That's very comparable to our world and Luffy is a sign of freedom and peace xD.

Overall: A perfect,absolute, complete, total, real, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, downright, utter, sheer, arrant, unmitigated, unqualified, veritable, score of 10/10.
TheOtaku_LuffyJan 7, 2017 5:24 AM
Jan 7, 2017 6:05 AM

Apr 2014
Isterio said:
Milk_is_Special said:
Does anyone know what the letter said that Carina gave to Nami at the end? My subs didn't tell me.

Definitely a great movie, really enjoyed that one, and glad to see Lucci back in action.

It´s some bs about her taking the money like she did last time ending with an old friend comment.
Ahh I see, so nothing really useful xD
Jan 7, 2017 7:55 AM

Jan 2011
great movie but not perfect .
whe didnt saw lucci vs sabo.
cant wati for another one piece movie maybe we will see dragon there
Jan 7, 2017 2:28 PM
Nov 2010
I have heard about this movie everywhere. While it was on cinemas everyone was "Ooooh it was such a great movie" but it was like any other one piece movie.

I guess that the whole Las Vegas theme was a bit more original, I especially liked the opening of the movie. But then it fell flat the moment they made Zoro the damsel in distress.

Seriously Zoro mostly one-shots everyone ever since the timeskip but he is easily taken down by a filler character? And he was sitting there, tied down all "Ugh I am so powerless". No man he slashes everything and gets his shit done.
I get that the creators were trying to make some kind of reverse damsel but don't do that to a character that is really popular and whom people expect to have at least some screentime. Which really reminds me of Strong World, where even though Nami was the kidnapped one, she was still given a lot of screentime.

I also did not appreciate the lack of Zoro/Sanji interactions. They were literally fighting in every movie.

There's also the appearance of Spandam and Lucci.
Why advertise your product with characters that appear one minute and then that's it? Lucci was all badass and "I got more guts than Akainu *insert very intense scene where they stare at eachother as to give the illusion that he will be relevant later on*" and then he is shown right at the end after an offscreen battle. Horrible.

Also the burglar girl and her triple agent thing going on was pretty weak.

But what I do like about the movie was the soundtrack and the joke with the bananna peels where they were immediately tripping on one of them and then doing a tripple axel in the air.

I still think Baron Omatsuri was the best one piece film.
Jan 7, 2017 10:32 PM

May 2015
Did anyone catch a glimpse of Master Roshi at 1:54:50 running at the back as well as Arsene Lupin III(?) at at 1:55:00? Man, there where cameos like the Thriller Bark guy in the restaurant, Heracles walking in the back and others characters that I didn’t expected to see…
Jan 8, 2017 2:25 AM

Jul 2016
Even in such a short time, they still managed to make us hate Celestial Dragon even more. Good job.
Jan 8, 2017 10:35 AM

Jan 2010
That ending song, holy shit that woman's got some strong voice! Glim Spanky is awesome. I thought the movie was pretty good overall. I'd put it on par with the Z movie. They put a bit too much stuff in it and there was some glaring CGI at the beginning, which surprised me, because in Z they managed to blend it in nicely (and actually most modern productions have nice textures painted over).
BoltzJan 8, 2017 10:53 AM
(|__/) Never give up, aim for the top!
(='.'=) Top wo nerae!
o(")(") Anime music:
Jan 8, 2017 11:54 AM

Oct 2015
Finally they released the movie. I've been waiting for months, since only a few countries premiere these movies in cinemas. That opening scene was like really hype, but afterwards it became kind of mediocre. The soundtrack was just simply awesome, and the graphic was kind of good too, as we could expect it from a movie.
That double-betrayal from the thief-girl was a really cheap solution in my opinion. Everyone could expect who didn't hope for something better, which didn't happen.
I just hope CP0 will be relevant in the manga soon, otherwise these characters in the movie are just "decoration" to get more people to watch it...
Also we had the chance to see the straw-hats in like 4-5 different clothes, which mostly looks nice, but Brook's weird make-up + costume looks just weird.
Jan 8, 2017 12:11 PM

Jan 2008
I have only one question - what was the point of Nami wearing this ridiculous cat-like get-up? And please don't say fanservice, because I can't imagine anyone looking at this abomination and say "wow, this is hot". I also don't really understand WHY they had an urge to prepare clothes for that portion - it's not like there was even one scene in which it proved useful for Robin or Sanji pretending to be someone from cleaning staff.

Overally it was the worst movie from this trilogy made with Oda. There was a lot of going on here, but at the same time it felt like nothing really happened. Giving Nami another highlight was a complete miss for me - she is one of more prominent members of the crew with lots of scenes dedicated to her and she got her five minutes already in Strong World. Give this time to Brook or Franky, they are in desperate need of it. Carina was totally boring, altough it's not only her - this whole movie felt like a one big cliche. Okay, it's not like I was expecting some eponymous plot twists - it's a One Piece movie for crying out loud - but I blame the pacing and the story-telling mess for making it more glaring. It's a shame because Grand Tesoro looked awesome and Tesoro's flashback could make him one sympathethic villian, too bad they went typical last boss route. Waiting for another year and hopefully for a better movie.
Jan 8, 2017 12:15 PM
Dec 2011
This movie was basically just fan service. Which I guess most OP movies are, but this one relied on it heavily. Of course they always bill the next movie as the strongest opponent yet, but these guys were super weak. If they weren't fighting on Gran Tesoro even the leader would have been far more pitiful than he was. The executives really didn't do much real fighting and when they did it wasn't very good. Yea of course this is OP so the Strawhats get knocked back, but when they got even the slightest bit serious it was over in an instant, even the leader Gild Tesoro. The animation is what you would expect a OP feature film would have. Overall it's a fun little distraction with tons of fanservice, but very little substance.
Jan 8, 2017 12:47 PM

Aug 2009
I prefer some of the other One Piece movies, but this one's pretty good. If this were to fit in the timeline, it'd probably be after the Big Mama arc, even though it's still going.

Jan 8, 2017 12:59 PM

Dec 2008
"One Piece: Ocean Eleven Film" should have been the tittle. :V
Jan 8, 2017 1:49 PM
Oct 2013
robertomelchor said:
"One Piece: Ocean Eleven Film" should have been the tittle. :V

There was never a Heist, it all played out in regular One Piece formula.
Luffy beats the final boss after nearly two hours of filler bullshit and the comedy that makes up for it.

1. This Movies story was horseshit.

2. How are the Tenryubito more hateful through this piece of shit forced last second drama? Tesoro, became the same level piece of shit they are.
The Tenryubito are already the lowest of the low in terms of morality. With exceptions like Doffy´s parents, all of them could give Hitler a run for his money.
IsterioJan 11, 2017 5:54 AM
Jan 10, 2017 7:52 PM
Sep 2012
Loved the movie, the villain was better than I thought he would be, like him much better than Doflamingo.

But anyone else felt this movie was like Dressrosa: the movie, maybe all One Piece story have similar story structure. A lot of stuff felt like Dressrosa, turn the whole ship to gold was birdcage, and those kids looked kind of like tontatas.
Jan 10, 2017 8:45 PM

Dec 2009
Just got back from the theater

loved it
Jan 11, 2017 1:09 AM
Nov 2013
Not bad. This movie pretty much felt like filler. It was pretty entertaining though, I liked the Vegas theme. I wanted to see them actually go through with the heist, it would have been great if they left the ship rich instead of with nothing. I don't get why they threw Sabo vs Lucci in there for fan service lol. Definitely some face palm moments, but overall I enjoyed it. Second best OP movie right under Strong World. 7/10
Jan 11, 2017 8:58 AM

Dec 2014
well an awesome film... I liked the overall film and really enjoyed it all
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