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Mar 23, 2014 8:01 PM
May 2012
Janoski said:


Which is a PATHETIC & UNACCEPTABLE EXCUSE for people who never cared about plot holes, bad writing instead of dumb characters!!!! GGRRR!!!!
Mar 27, 2014 12:23 AM

Feb 2012
A lot of plot holes in this series that was left unanswered.

1. Who the hell is that kid in the future?

2. It seems that Shouko obtained Unit 1 for quite a while, then why hasn't her memories disappear? Also why do Akira and Saki, who piloted other units, still have their memories intact?

3. How come Akira, Saki, Yamada and Inuzuka didn't go vampire crazy like Haruto? The Valvraves are powered by Runes, I thought that if they jack people or bite their skin, they would obtain runes. So why is Unit 1 still eating memories for Runes?

Still enjoyed the show despite being confused! I wished Shouko would have died though for being a b*tch to Haruto and calling him a monster without hearing his explanation. Saki is still my girl here!! Glad she's still alive and with memories intact (even though I don't know why that is so). Lol

You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Mar 28, 2014 11:38 AM

Feb 2008
This show was mediocre (at best). The cast size was a little too large, and the story was littered with plot holes. The pacing wasn't as good either. The potential was there, but the execution left a lot to be desired.

Ones of those "watch and forget" anime.
In sterquiliniis invenitur.
Mar 29, 2014 2:26 AM

Jan 2013
Ending was Darker than Black 2 level BS.

Apr 3, 2014 6:05 PM

Sep 2013
Wow people how dense are all of you??
The reason for Haruto and Marie losing their memories and only Haruto's vampirism attacks was because of Pino in Unit 1, not the Valvrave itself. It wasnt a trait inherent to all the Valvraves. Thats why in season 1, I believe, all the Valvraves regain power after only Haruto consumes (L-elf's) Runes.

The kid in the future is irrelevant as well.

This was a sad ending no doubt and damn do I wish they wouldve simply ended the season midfight, angering us all with a cliffhanger for another couple months, but it was a good ending nonetheless. An OVA sure would be welcomed though!
Old_RavenApr 3, 2014 6:09 PM
Apr 3, 2014 9:41 PM
May 2012
^You know what? Let us be. Which it's just unacceptable & unfair. we don't care we wanna say & overreact what we want despite we've been such ruthless & stupid these days. Hell, we seen Guilty Crown & so many rinse & repeat happens all the time. And I never cared about that show anymore which it's like 'whatever, tough shit'.


Axiaz said:

Emotional breakdown much?!
JafriZinApr 6, 2014 6:42 AM
Apr 5, 2014 8:43 PM

Nov 2013
Old_raven said basically what I thought when it comes to why Haruto was the only one who went thru the crazy vampire and memory loss stuff. Besides, at the end, it seems like the Valvrave's are powered by a new source, hence the gold armor change instead of black change from the depowered white.

Still wish They got rid of a few of the earth episodes to fulfill more of the season.
Apr 12, 2014 3:46 AM

Nov 2011

He was charged with expectation watching this episode, in a way, leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
Anyway nice ending, perhaps too hastily and with many question marks, but I have not found it too mushy.
Graphically it is very good and the OST is good.
Characters that could have more room for further characterizations. Mecha cute design, compared to the last work of Sunrise, is that these are the mecha fucksters.
I wonder if there will be another sequel or OVA to explain obscure points.
Final rating that goes from 6/10 to 8/10!

Shoko with pilot suit VVV, is odious. After all that has combined, it allows you to wear something for which many are dead, that sacrilege! ^ ^ "
Apr 15, 2014 9:47 PM
☆A-Qing's hair☆

Jun 2008
ekushiria said:
Does anyone know what this picture says???

Thats the default picture you get when you hotlink 4chan images...

The original image is gone, anyway.
quercifoliaApr 15, 2014 9:51 PM

Apr 15, 2014 10:06 PM

Feb 2012
Best part of this series is defiantly the opening, past that not much to say.
Apr 19, 2014 4:56 AM
May 2012
God, I hate my life..

This anime really gets me emotional all the time.

This is just unfair. NO one really cares about whatever I just saying. FML...
Apr 20, 2014 10:59 AM

Jul 2011
This show was a mess, some of the stuff that happened was pure arbitrary and some didn't even have to happen. BUT that's what this show is about, to get some small connection to people but that's it. It's supposed to be braindead entertainment.
The chip in my mind, it summons me.
I gave my life to your machines.
Apr 21, 2014 2:10 AM
Jan 2014
I fucking cried!
I was hoping that he would at the very least lose his memories and continue his life with one of the 2 girls.
If there isn't a season 3 to fix this I will go crazy!!!!!!!!
Apr 22, 2014 7:01 AM
May 2012
People always demand for season 3. Seriously guys, IT'S OVER.


TheLocalHentai said:
This show was a mess, some of the stuff that happened was pure arbitrary and some didn't even have to happen. BUT that's what this show is about, to get some small connection to people but that's it. It's supposed to be braindead entertainment.

Unless SUNRISE/Code geass/Guilty Crown fanboys always makin an excuses over this one.
Apr 24, 2014 11:40 PM
May 2012
I can't believe I am the only person who went nuts over this one all the time. Well, every episode had a same thing like this.
Apr 26, 2014 6:09 PM

Mar 2013
Well now I'm depressed. Haruto... I cried. Sad too for X-Eins, but glad that little psycho Q-Vier was finally put down. *sigh* Aahhh... I'm just sad now, I don't like this feeling...
90s J-rock was our aesthetic peak.
Apr 28, 2014 11:35 AM
Feb 2013
the ending for me is ma-ma(so-so), the ony thing thats bugging me is whose child is it, who's his grandparent, for a second I thought that it was the child of rukino and A-drei (correct me if I'm wrong) that almost left a bad taste in my mouth but after reviewing the series:
from episode 3 of the second season of valvrave it is said that the grandmother is a renbokoji (fyi means related to the student council president or akira o.O ) yipee its not rukino 's son (yokata)
damn I still ship rukinoxharuto, who knows maybe there's an after story xD jk
May 1, 2014 8:56 AM
Mar 2013
What pissed me off the most is that they basically told us Haruto is going to die back in season one, in the first flashforward. What else could mean when you see her looking at a pendant with a sad face and saying, "A promise is a promise". Back then I hoped that it was misdirection, making us think that, but then coming up with something else. But no! Seriously, how can they announce so early in the story that the mc is going to get killed off? How anticlimactic is that?
Adi_Glenn said:

damn I still ship rukinoxharuto, who knows maybe there's an after story xD jk
I am with you there. I just couldn't get myself to care for Shoko all that much.
Don't you think "Oh, not again" when you hear an anime start with cicadas?
May 7, 2014 1:47 PM
Apr 2014
Adi_Glenn said:

from episode 3 of the second season of valvrave it is said that the grandmother is a renbokoji (fyi means related to the student council president or akira o.O ) yipee its not rukino 's son (yokata)

Wrong. It is said that Renbokoji Akira is the kid's godmother, which means that the kid is not blood related to either Renbokoji Satomi or Akira.

I think it's pretty clear that the son belongs to Rukino and Haruto, since the first flashfoward starts AFTER Haruto raped Rukino.
May 16, 2014 6:15 AM

Oct 2012
Tengoku_no_hakai said:

Haruto dying makes sense, but everything else is just a mess. What happened to L-elf afterwards? Who's the kid? Shoko became unit 1's third pilot (lolwut)?!

Haha totally agree with that lolwut :D
May 30, 2014 4:07 PM

Jan 2014
what the fuck? before i watched this..guilty crown was one of the recommended similar anime to watch if you ever finish this, and I hated the ending...and now I know why...he killed the main heroine in Guilty Crown and he killed the main hero in here...

same script writer, same shitty ending..another Guilty Crown similar ending

people should tell that writer to stop ruining good potential stories..this writer sure do love tragic endings...
DeadZeroSourceJul 24, 2014 9:13 PM
Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender,
A warrior of youth,
I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order
I Am Bulletproof. . .

May 31, 2014 1:17 AM

Sep 2010
Seltora said:
Wrong. It is said that Renbokoji Akira is the kid's godmother, which means that the kid is not blood related to either Renbokoji Satomi or Akira.

I think it's pretty clear that the son belongs to Rukino and Haruto, since the first flashfoward starts AFTER Haruto raped Rukino.

Wrong there. The flashforward started in episode 7, you know? Then in episode 12, we see the Prince because Saki mentioned the Module 77 getting attacked and they "met" they Magius (aka the events in that episode). Similarly when they spoke of the first one (Marie), we got her episode. Nothing to do with Saki rape. That was only added for "shock's value." It wasn't supposed to be important, only controversial.

Thankfully, the latest cd drama by Okouchi completely destroys this fan theory.

L-Elf x Haruto genetic baby's descendant sounds more plausible because he gets so overlymushy over his long lost sugar. That or Haruto's runes (which were inside of him) imprinted his genes, so his kid have a recessive blue eyes that will lead to the Prince. I think lab baby is more plausible than L-Elf ever having sex.

Meanwhile Saki is in a completely fit form and not pregnant after 8 months of the rape. She's too busy flirting with A-drei who hasn't decided if he's gay or if he's bisexual yet.

Kid also has a crush on her in her manga. A mother wouldn't address their child as "Your Highness". ;)
ThessMay 31, 2014 1:29 AM
Jun 18, 2014 6:25 AM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
mixordia said:
My fears were confirmed... the anime ended without explaining a lot of things LOL

5/10 sorry VVV

Well of course, Haruto would die, not sure of season 1 or two but the ending song showed Haruto's empty helmet floating in space. That to me gave a clue that he'd die, plus sooner or later he'd suffer the same fate as Marie. Marie was constantly experimented on so she didn't have much memories to feed on while Haruto like 15 years worth of memories.

I feel bad for Haruto because he died ending in bad terms with Shouko. She never once told him she was sorry for doubting him. Shouko must have felt like the worst friend ever because there last conversation where they were alone was at the school roof top if I remember correctly, where Senpai leaves to go to sleep.

Glad Saki and Akira didn't die. It would have been the worst thing in Valvrave season 2.

And this is why Q Vier was left out. He just lived by the motto, "Kill traitors" regardless of what their reason is.

Jun 21, 2014 3:54 AM
Mar 2013
This anime teaches us to complete the story by ourselves in our own ways using our own imagination and that anything can happen. This is an awesome anime IMO.
Jul 17, 2014 2:35 PM
Aug 2012
he died wth wat was the point in the series now shoko shld have killed herself or something she distrusted her childhood friend /love for the words of strangers and cried more finding out what hes sacrificed for her then him dying she shld have been an emotional wreck she deserves it. in all seriousness tho y did they feel the need to kill the main character it would have been better if he had total amnesia
Aug 6, 2014 5:44 AM

Jun 2011

Characters were meh... didn't feel a single thing when one by one they died including the main hero.

Sep 19, 2014 6:36 PM

Jul 2013
Thrilling action scenes, fluid animation, sparkly and shiny neon lights but,,,, aliens in the last scene... seriously? I still got TONS of questions left unanswered but fuck that shit it was a fun ride and I can say I enjoyed this despite the countless plot holes. The producers thought killing the protagonist will make this show memorable like some masterpieces that we know but.. they've never been so wrong.

Oct 1, 2014 3:20 PM

Mar 2012
wait what.
Oct 4, 2014 4:04 PM

Nov 2013
Shoko shouldn't have gotten that immortality.
I believe that the kid with the grey hair belongs to the guy with the eye scar because he is considered "royalty" and so is the kid by Saki.

To be honest I don't really care much for these side characters and what happened to them, I only care for the two main characters. Haruto we got closure, but what about freaking L-Elf?? The anime without him would have been nothing. And now they leave a Code Geass here and don't say what happened to him. I mean I understand he's a normal human, so he can't have immortality like the students, but what the hell did he do after the last battle? Buried Haruto? Then what? This I hoped would be sorted out the most, but alas it didn't.

Nevertheless, this is by FAAAAAR the most underrated anime on MAL. I don't get why it has a score of 7.55 or whatever it is, when shows like guilty crown, and other mecha anime (especially those by Sunrise) have a higher score. What's the deal? I definitely learned not to judge the anime by it's score now; I always thought anything below 8 is a waste of time, but this show was really good. Fucking MAL community...
Nov 19, 2014 12:20 PM

Nov 2007
So many questions, no answers.
Feb 2, 2015 12:05 AM
May 2013
i loved every single main character and even most of the minor characters on both sides. but i HATE shouko,she deserved to die,not haruto!
hibiki6Feb 2, 2015 12:36 AM
Mar 6, 2015 8:59 AM

Nov 2011
I loved it :)
Even though there are a hundreds little things I hate about it. Somehow I love this show.
Jun 7, 2015 6:20 PM

Feb 2012
This show really needs a continuation, we never see how the country of Kamistuki-Human coexistence is established (and how it evolves into a Galactic Empire), we have no confirmation who the Prince's parents are and we have no idea who make up the Golden Seven.

2021 Rewatch
Fortress_MaximusMar 28, 2021 11:32 AM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Aug 17, 2015 7:26 PM

Jun 2014
I honestly dont know what the fuck to rate this. I dont know if a 4/10 is too generous for this trash, or if it deserves a 4-5 for doing some things right and fixing shit from season 1.

dammit this is going to be my most fucking generous 5/10 ill ever give to a bad anime.

They fixed the train wreck of season 1.

I also feel like all the supporting character deaths were done correctly, without trying too hard like Akame ga Kill. We actually saw some character development in some of these people, and most of their deaths had purposes.
m-i-c-h-a-e-lAug 17, 2015 9:17 PM
Oct 2, 2015 2:31 PM

May 2014
Sounds like this is one of those shows you either love or hate.
I was pretty satified with the ending. It could've definitely been worse since it was only 2 episodes before when L-Elf and Haruto made the promise. The biggest plot is probably as to why Shoko doesn't lose her memory when she's piloting Unit 1.
It's also been quite a while since the last time I've found a favorite male character. L-Elf <3
Sound 10/10
Art 10/10
Characters 9/10
Story 8/10
Overall 9/10
Oct 9, 2015 4:34 AM

Apr 2009
I managed to finish it but this series was absolutely unsatisfying. Shouko was basically a female NTR lead. At least, I got to search for Rukino Saki porn and was satisfied.


Edit: Looks like Aldonah Zero is worse. I am kind of glad I deleted it when I had to free up space.
madaodonoOct 10, 2015 3:18 PM
Oct 22, 2015 11:05 AM

Sep 2012
I didn't even get what the fuck happaned till I read some of the comments here, 5/10 for the series.
Nov 25, 2015 1:01 AM

Nov 2015
Well not a bad ending and its better than Guilty Crown.
Most of the characters are alive.... I thought L- efl would die...feel so sorry for Haruto
This anime has very good animation. Soba ni iru yo and Boku ja nai are superb!
Overall I give the anime 8/10
Nov 26, 2015 7:49 AM
Nov 2015
Overall, I enjoyed it.
I would've liked to see more backstory on Pino and Plu... they're designs were adorable but I didn't understand them.
I would've liked a better finale. And why the heck did Shoko live?!?!? And become the pilot of Unit 1? Whhhhaaaattttt
During the first season, I didn't like Rukino Saki, she annoyed me greatly. During the second season I wasn't all that fond of Shoko...
I liked Akira. I was entirely neutral on every other female character except Aina. Her death was sad. Marie annoyed me.
I would've liked to know more about Lieselotte.
On male characters,
L-elf is why I watched the show. He's awesome.
Haruto was... cute? He was a good kid, pretty indecisive. His death was predictable but depressing nontheless. I liked his friendship with L-elf.
A-drei was cool. H-neun was cool. The black haired guy with silver eyes and glasses was cool. The freaky kid was freaky.

The ending was rushed, and it left some plotholes, but I still liked the show.

On the subject of the kid at the end, The Prince.
He looks like Haruto and L-elf had a love child or something

I mean, seriously, whatttt
He's got L-elf's hair and Haruto's eyes.
Dec 14, 2015 8:37 AM
Jul 2018
Trainwreck anime with a bad ending. Only watched it for L-Elf.
Dec 18, 2015 4:30 AM

Oct 2012
Gave this show benefit of the doubt so many times but that ending, I don't even. I feel like I just was trolled. The show had most things right except for the plot which was stupid and just got stupider as it went on.
Jan 6, 2016 4:27 AM
May 2013
Tragic endings are everywhere , it was a predictable ending , flags were everywhere .
I always prefer happy ending over ending like this , they are both average but at least the happy one would've fitted better here because of the poor character development .
Jan 11, 2016 9:19 PM

Feb 2010
Ehh didn't think much of this show, but still came out better than expected. Expected a different conclusion after watching s1 e1 haha

Jan 17, 2016 7:47 PM

Jul 2009
Great episode, but still didn't explain a lot of things. Who was that kid with Rukino(was that Haruto's son when he force himself to her?)

Tbh i thought L-elf would die since they would always save the MC, but i'm satisfied with the ending. It kinda reminded me of Zeta Gundam, except Kamille lived.

Also anyone reminded of Char's Counterattack when Rukino pushed Module 77 out of its area!?!

What i found interesting is about Magius and how they try to integrate into the society. I wish they expanded even more. And how the hell did the people discovered
Magius's hideout just like that!?! I thought they were hiding into some secluded area.

The fight with Cain is a beast. I was intersted with Unit 2's capabilities(doesn't overheat). And was hoping Haruto would use Hari-kiri as his last attack
Similar to what Zeta Gundam did at the end.

I love the mech designs and world of Valvrave. It kinda reminds me of Xenosaga/Xenogears for a second, but shame they overheat too much. They need to improve how it's used. Not to mention losing memories is just no.

Show had a lot of potential if they explore the world and its universe. I give this an 8/10. I want to make this a 9/10 just because of L-elf.

He's just too badass!!! He really reminds me of Lelouch, which is funny since A-drei is voiced by Jun Fukuyama :)

Hope at least Valvrave will appear in Super Robot Wars in the near future!!

Wish Nana Mizuki's character played an important role, but it'since seeing her as a captain :)
Feb 5, 2016 12:57 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I wont' repeat what a lot of people are saying here already. This show was extremely poorly executed and the script is a mess. At least it looks pretty though.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Mar 20, 2016 2:05 PM

Jul 2014
The plot holes are strong in this one.

Despite that however, I still found myself enjoying this anime. It was frustrating all the way to the end but still satisfying in other aspects to the point that I somehow found myself enjoying it. Maybe I'm an M...

I just wish they expounded more on a couple of key things, specifically 2 things---- I know there are many but I'll stick to the ones that are bugging the hell out of me the most.

(These have most likely been discussed already in earlier posts but I need to vent so forgive me if I'm merely repeating what others have already said.)

1.) Plue and Pino's identities and their significance. L-Elf and the other Dorssians who went to Module 77 to uncover the secrets there and Cain's efforts to reunite Plue with his sister whose stuck in a Valvrave--- doing all this put the entire world (and moon, and modules, etc. lol) into chaos... a LOT of effort and a LOT of lives were lost just to reunite a brother and sister from an old race so they must be incredibly important to them. And yet, no light has been shed about their identities and significance to the Magius at all.

2.) The PRINCE. The fujoshi in me immediately thought that he could be Haruto and L-Elf's love child. I mean, can you blame me? The prince has Haruto's eyes and L-Elf's hair... the pairing clicked in my head instantly. But seriously considering the possibilities though, I figured the prince is A-Drei's kid... it makes more sense considering he's the only royal with similar colored hair that's alive in the end.

All that said, I'd also like to add how much I hate Shouko's character. I kind of understand that she had to act the way she did and be the way she is but ugh she's so hate-able... I'm sad (even if I expected it from the start) that Haruto died but I'm also happy, then at least Shouko wouldn't get a happy ending with him.
. . . . . . . . . .
DO NOT touch my rice. . . . . .
I'm Asian. . . . . .
Apr 10, 2016 8:05 AM

Mar 2015
A great anime. Damm.. I love it so much 9/10.
This salad is salty favored
May 18, 2016 8:12 PM
May 2015
Those anyone think that kakumeiki valvrave is like power rangers because if you see the color arrangement of the valvrave is like power rangers red-Haruto blue-Inuzuka yellow-Yamada green-Saki pink-Akira
Jun 13, 2016 8:59 PM
Jun 2016
SPOILER ALERT The anime overall was very well done. The deaths of the characters were good except one that I have a massive problem with. I've never had a problem with an anime ending like I did with Valvrave. The ending wasn't fulfilling. Too many plot holes in the end too. Haruto dies… with like, what was it? 2 or so months? I can't remember but I do know he piloted Valvrave I in TC 71 and died in TC 71.

I have a problem with his death. He lost memories way too fast compared to Marie. It took Marie 2 years to lose all memories built up to finally "die". It takes Haruto 2 months. He would've had to pilot that thing longer and more often than Marie had. Marie was also draining runes longer when she piloted the Valvrave I than Haruto did so what the hell? He loses all his memories in 60 days compared to Marie's 730 days that she probably test piloted for about 10-60 minutes (or longer) when Haruto. Also, Marie lost all memories from 3 years and Haruto lost them from the beginning of time. Can anyone make sense of this? Haruto should not have died but instead paid a heavy price for what he had done like lost in space, stuck in cryogenic sleep, or anything you can think up. There should've been a third season.
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