Mar 11, 2014 4:53 AM
GuiltyKing said: Trigger's name is enough to warrant me watching the first episode at least. But like it's been mentioned already- not even a good studio can save a shitty story. Yet people told me "don't judge the book by the cover!" when I judge killaterrible by its name. But now I'm seeing people doing what they tell me not to do... getting an anime a pass because trigger makes it. trigger, just die already. The anime industry needs people who have good ideas to use, not the same two companies like trigger who makes generic animes yet gets the love. |
Mar 11, 2014 5:09 AM
Lord_Pooka said: GuiltyKing said: Trigger's name is enough to warrant me watching the first episode at least. But like it's been mentioned already- not even a good studio can save a shitty story. Yet people told me "don't judge the book by the cover!" when I judge killaterrible by its name. But now I'm seeing people doing what they tell me not to do... getting an anime a pass because trigger makes it. trigger, just die already. The anime industry needs people who have good ideas to use, not the same two companies like trigger who makes generic animes yet gets the love. It's so cute to see someone hate on a simple, flawed, but decent story like KlK when his favourites are Mirai Nikki and Higurashi... |
Steel Ball Run anime when? |
Mar 11, 2014 5:21 AM
Gotta wondering though, for people who hype over this show. Are they hyping it because it's made by Trigger, or because it will be (almost inevitably) directed by Imaishi with all his wacky style? |
Mar 11, 2014 5:21 AM
Man I love passing judgement on an anime based on a short synopsis. |
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Mar 11, 2014 5:41 AM
YoumuKonpaku said: Man I love passing judgement on an anime based on a short synopsis. Unless you're being sarcastic, here's your answer; Because we're on a thread about premise and synopsis of upcoming show, hence it follows that people are going to comment based on such premise and synopsis. Not anyone here can read japanese to actually check the source material before formulating their opinions. And everyone has the right to negatively comments on said synopsis as everyone else positively does. |
Mar 11, 2014 6:06 AM
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, School, Shounen, Supernatural + tsudecimo said: Trigger's humor is anything but funny. No, thank you. Will pass. |
הלב שלי כבר מת |
Mar 11, 2014 6:10 AM
It isn't trigger's humour, though. Because they're not the story's original writers as they were for past series. Take that as you will, positively or negatively. Except Nidhoeggr who is physically incapable of the former. |
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do. |
Mar 11, 2014 6:17 AM
Mar 11, 2014 6:25 AM
Based Trigger |
Mar 11, 2014 7:14 AM
Asami Imai? Rie Kugimiya? I'M IN |
Mar 11, 2014 7:17 AM
Oohh yeaah. Have been on my radar for a while, discovered it because it's average at best, the kind of thing you like because of a certain character. Considering Trigger will add it's style of humor, consider me on team hype. I wonder if Trigger has been chosen to animate this as some contractual part of that Super Ultra Pictures thing. |
JoksPacifistMar 11, 2014 7:22 AM
Mar 11, 2014 7:19 AM
Looks meh, at least is better than Kill la Kill Little Witch Academy 2 when Trigger? |
Mar 11, 2014 7:21 AM
Mar 11, 2014 7:30 AM
ZetaZaku said: What terrible news to wake up to. Completely ruined my day. Just when you thought that anime could be saved by a studio, they end up making shit. But what if... what if they completely change the story and character traits, and turn this into a satire, making fun of the current state of anime industry and light novel crap? 10/10 sold. Its like people don't realize Gainax started off as a studio making otaku shows. |
![]() |
Mar 11, 2014 7:52 AM
RyanSaotome said: Its like people don't realize Gainax started off as a studio making otaku shows. Have you watched the shows they did before Eva? They are the good kind of Otaku pandering, a celebration of the awesome parts instead of mediocre wallowing (has most LN adaptations are). Thoughtful and full of crazy idea. Gunbuster, Otaku no video, Nadia, Daicon I'm not saying itll be obligatory bad though. |
Di-DorvalMar 11, 2014 8:03 AM
Mar 11, 2014 7:54 AM
Nidhoeggr said: I'd love that. But they could indeed make it like Stella C3 or Ga-Rei and completely change the content in the adaption. If they pull a 'c3-bu', they'll just end up turning something decent(or below-average) into a steaming pile of crap. Other than that, this is probably a purely economic decision. Kinda like DP, use Neptunia to finance actually good anime like Jojo. Thats not how most studios work. Unless they are actually the ones who invest heavily into the anime, but in most cases the studio is not the one who does the financing. Maybe somebody else can explain it better than me. RyanSaotome said: ZetaZaku said: What terrible news to wake up to. Completely ruined my day. Just when you thought that anime could be saved by a studio, they end up making shit. But what if... what if they completely change the story and character traits, and turn this into a satire, making fun of the current state of anime industry and light novel crap? 10/10 sold. Its like people don't realize Gainax started off as a studio making otaku shows. And that Kill la Kill is popular among Otaku. |
rederoinMar 11, 2014 7:57 AM
Mar 11, 2014 8:00 AM
Mar 11, 2014 8:07 AM
The same people keep saying, after something is announced, it sucks, do any of you even watch anime? I doubt it and their excuse is, it isn't realistic, I'm too smart for this, it's comedy and it has hot/cute girls (f@ggots), this is how you know who the trolls and sheep are. Will watch, not everything needs to have drama. |
Mar 11, 2014 8:11 AM
rederoin said: mosaic said: Trigger gotta make money using crap material... Well, that was expected. How do you its crap without having read the source material? Sometimes something looks so generic/bad that you can tell it won't be good. For example, I didn't need to watch Disaster Movie to tell that it was going to suck, it's the same with this. ichii_1 said: The same people keep saying, after something is announced, it sucks, do any of you even watch anime? I doubt it and their excuse is, it isn't realistic, I'm too smart for this, it's comedy and it has hot/cute girls (f@ggots), this is how you know who the trolls and sheep are. Will watch, not everything needs to have drama. Sorry, but not everyone thinks drawn girls are hot or cute. Does that make them homosexual? No. |
Mar 11, 2014 8:16 AM
Manchild said: rederoin said: mosaic said: Trigger gotta make money using crap material... Well, that was expected. How do you its crap without having read the source material? Sometimes something looks so generic/bad that you can tell it won't be good. For example, I didn't need to watch Disaster Movie to tell that it was going to suck, it's the same with this. And I don't think this is a case of that. It could be the worst novel known to mankind, but if you haven't read it or you don't know anybody who has read it, its impossible to know. |
Mar 11, 2014 8:17 AM
Manchild said: [ ichii_1 said: The same people keep saying, after something is announced, it sucks, do any of you even watch anime? I doubt it and their excuse is, it isn't realistic, I'm too smart for this, it's comedy and it has hot/cute girls (f@ggots), this is how you know who the trolls and sheep are. Will watch, not everything needs to have drama. Sorry, but not everyone thinks drawn girls are hot or cute. Does that make them homosexual? No. Yes actually, drawn or not if you don't like good looking women/girls you're g@y or a woman. |
Mar 11, 2014 8:20 AM
Mar 11, 2014 8:29 AM
ichii_1 said: Manchild said: [ ichii_1 said: The same people keep saying, after something is announced, it sucks, do any of you even watch anime? I doubt it and their excuse is, it isn't realistic, I'm too smart for this, it's comedy and it has hot/cute girls (f@ggots), this is how you know who the trolls and sheep are. Will watch, not everything needs to have drama. Sorry, but not everyone thinks drawn girls are hot or cute. Does that make them homosexual? No. Yes actually, drawn or not if you don't like good looking women/girls you're g@y or a woman. How do you go and call other people gay/women for not liking cute cartoon girls right after you just said a whole swath of people are "fagg@t" and "sheep"? Is there no self awareness on the internet? I am just amazed at how easily people complain self-righteously about other people, and then do the EXACT thing they are complaining about themselves. |
Mar 11, 2014 8:38 AM
mosaic said: rederoin said: How do you know its crap without having read the source material? The poster already implies that this will have a futile content, so it doesn't really differs from most of the other adaptions that has a light novel as the main source material. I used the word "crap" because it's easy to tell that this won't be something special/unique ("Their days of romantic comedy and battles with extraordinary powers begin!"), which makes this an unexpected green lit coming from Trigger, that had high expectations of producing unusual stuff (not that "Kill La Kill" is that unique). Also, this is just a prejudgment commentary, they could turn the anime itself into something below average, or just remotely entertaining. ichii_1 said: Yes actually, drawn or not if you don't like good looking women/girls you're g@y or a woman. Looks like the comment of a sheep. So you know its prejudiced, yet you still do it? The same thing goes for people who are 100% certain it will be amazing, I just can't take the kind of people who stuff like that, without having read the source material, seriously. |
Mar 11, 2014 8:42 AM
mosaic said: (not that "Kill La Kill" is remotely unique) Fixed this for you. But seriously, I'll never get why people are so obsessed with uniqueness. Why can't they just go back to enjoying Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan or whatever you actually LIKE for its uniqueness and leave the rest of us to enjoy a healthy variety of stuff which is original and enjoyable but not 'unique'? You know, guys, the only time when something is and remains unique is when it is so bad that noone else even attempts to make anything similar. |
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do. |
Mar 11, 2014 8:43 AM
rederoin said: So you know its prejudiced, yet you still do it? The same thing goes for people who are 100% certain it will be amazing, I just can't take the kind of people who stuff like that, without having read the source material, seriously. Yeah, pretty much this. I'm not gonna say it's going to be awful but people saying this'll be great just because it's Trigger? No, I don't agree with that. |
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome! |
Mar 11, 2014 8:57 AM
Mar 11, 2014 9:00 AM
I guess they need to do some adaptations to make some cash but good lord does this look bottom of the barrel. |
Mar 11, 2014 9:13 AM
My my, trigger is doomed. While there are the people that will just watch it just because its going to have the "Trigger" logo in the beginning or in the end, this will not deter from the fact that killaterrible is going to be a forgotten, and this new adaption is going to help that. This, while also giving people the chance to criticize those who will watch anything made by a generic company just because of the name. Boo, trigger's fall coming soon to your nearest computer monitor. |
Mar 11, 2014 9:15 AM
The premise sounds good, has lovely art and I'm all for LN adaptions (keep em coming) but Trigger? Eh. That worries me slightly as they don't have a good track record (Little Witch Academia excluded). It being adaption is comforting as it will be hard for it to turn out like the atrocity that is Kill La Kill. Haven't read the source material though so that comment does sound harsh and a tad unfair. Will certainly be watching. |
Mar 11, 2014 9:17 AM
This looks terrible... But Trigger... I don't know what to believe in anymore. |
LoneWolf said: @Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian. |
Mar 11, 2014 9:27 AM
Slightly offtopic: It still baffles me why Kill la Kill is that unpopular around a few circles here. It's a straight forward action anime with lots of Go Nagai and other classic influences. Or are peopel just mad because the idiotic "saviour of anime" joke was taken seriously and KlK isn't the promised 10/10 anime (that, ironically, seems to be shit like Mirai Nikki for a lot of the people who dislike it)? |
Steel Ball Run anime when? |
Mar 11, 2014 9:28 AM
come on studio trigger is that the best you can come up with |
Mar 11, 2014 9:29 AM
Now, just bow down to this reality. Trigger was and will always be your generic overhyped company who can dunk and sink like the Titanic, just like every other company. By the way... Nidhoeggr said: It's so cute to see someone hate on a simple, flawed, but decent story like KlK when his favourites are Mirai Nikki and Higurashi... What's the point then? I don't see how a "decent story" killaterrible could ever have; its your generic "I want revenge for my dad! But lemme play and have fun!" story, so decent is a lie. Anyways, what's your point? If you're ranking killaterrible with these other two, you're saying that brocolli tastes like apples, and I hate the brocolli even when it tastes like the apples, which isn't the reality. |
Mar 11, 2014 9:45 AM
Nice, another show that will save anime, hopefully with lolies. |
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Mar 11, 2014 9:47 AM
_ultima_ said: Nice, another show that will save anime, hopefully with lolies. Wait, anime needs to be saved? This is news to me. Anime never needed saving in its lifetime and never will. How are you going to save a running industry which gets fansubs and scanlations every new release anyways? |
Mar 11, 2014 9:50 AM
Lord_Pooka said: You don't like Kill la Kill. We get it.words |
LoneWolf said: @Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian. |
Mar 11, 2014 10:08 AM
Makomonogatari said: Lord_Pooka said: You don't like Kill la Kill. We get it.words Then why post saying you got the idea? If you got the idea then good for you, but won't get us anywhere, especially removing quotes and replacing them with "words" as the post you're replying to. Oh wait, "words" = "TL;DR," so you didn't even read anything. |
Mar 11, 2014 10:11 AM
_ultima_ said: Nice, another show that will save anime, hopefully with lolies. No...just no. |
Mar 11, 2014 10:13 AM
Mar 11, 2014 12:05 PM
Lord_Pooka said: Wait, anime needs to be saved? This is news to me. Anime never needed saving in its lifetime and never will. How are you going to save a running industry which gets fansubs and scanlations every new release anyways? that was sarcasm. Why are you being so serious? 10th_man_down said: _ultima_ said: Nice, another show that will save anime, hopefully with lolies. No...just no. Don't deny it. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Mar 11, 2014 12:47 PM
_ultima_ said: Lord_Pooka said: Wait, anime needs to be saved? This is news to me. Anime never needed saving in its lifetime and never will. How are you going to save a running industry which gets fansubs and scanlations every new release anyways? that was sarcasm. Why are you being so serious? 10th_man_down said: _ultima_ said: Nice, another show that will save anime, hopefully with lolies. No...just no. Don't deny it. "That was sarcasm! Why be serious?" "Hey, don't deny my sarcasm!" Poof. Here you go. Plus who said people are going to care if what you said was sarcasm or the harsh truth. The truth is undeniable, anime is not in a pit to be saved, and can't be saved due to its twisted nature. |
Mar 11, 2014 12:58 PM
Lord_Pooka said: "Hey, don't deny my sarcasm!" That was a joke too. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Mar 11, 2014 6:20 PM
Mar 11, 2014 6:37 PM
Mar 11, 2014 7:05 PM
5layer said: If someone wrote a synopsis for little witch academia, it wouldn't sound any better. But nobody seemed to be complaining about that thing. Obviously it's disgusting otaku sh!t for people who can't find real women and need lolis and it has no plot, sounds generic, boring and stupid, I need an intellectual anime with good story and art. (joke) What would happen if they were black girls instead would people watch it, racism, anime has everything. |
Mar 11, 2014 7:34 PM
"how dew u no that its bad?? its not out??" No. 5layer said: Yes, it really would. However, this isn't just about synopsis. It's also about this vs. this, and about original content vs. light novel adaptation.If someone wrote a synopsis for little witch academia, it wouldn't sound any better. |
LoneWolf said: @Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian. |
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