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Feb 13, 2014 2:11 AM

Feb 2014
Well, I'm pretty sure you are probably thinking, "What does Chaotic mean by that?", and well, I'll tell you. Just recently, I am scrolling across facebook and one of the pages that I have liked, "All Things Metal" posted a picture of one of my favorite bands being "System of a Down". If you don't know, System of a down is a great Metal Band, and one of the best Nu-Metal bands, (I think it's 4th) in the world. Now, obviously, I am going to like this picture and comment something. But the first thing that I see in the comments section, is someone post something along the lines of, "Nu-Metal isn't real metal, and all faggots who think so should be killed. Listen to Thrash."

Being curious as I was, I wanted to see what everyone has started replying to this guy about. Turns out, there is a huge long list of people saying death threats and hating each other just because of their different tastes in Metal. This isn't even Music, it's just Metal. It really puts us metalheads to shame when stuff like this happens because the media is never on our side. This kind of stuff is just fuel for the fire.

Anyway, I came to realize that everyone, including myself, has made a negative comment on someone else's taste in music. It's like we don't want them to be their own person and express their own originality or something. For example, I really hate; pop, rap, country and Reggae, but there are other people who love it and that is completely fair. But for some reason, we always get into arguments saying that the music is terrible and anyone who likes it should be shunned, stabbed, etc.

What I am trying to say is, people are so judgmental and they don't seem to be able to accept other peoples ways of life. You will see examples all over the place. Religion, Music, Favorite Animes... etc etc. the list goes on and on.

It's kind of stupid to be making a post about it, but I think that if you don't discriminate on peoples tastes in music, then comment your favorite band, artist, genre or whatever, and we can all talk friendly about the differences and why we like them. Please don't hate on other peoples choices. If someone says they like One Direction, Who gives a shit. We are just here to talk about why we like who we like, and try to come to an understanding.

I will start off, anyone else is welcome to join in at any time.

My favorite Genre's are Nu-Metal, Gothic Metal, and Alternate Rock.
My favorite bands are System of a Down, Breaking Benjamin, Tenacious D, and Cradle of Filth.
I enjoy these songs because they fill me with a sense of power, making me feel invincible inside. I also like them because they are different to modern day songs where it is all about parties, sex and relationships.

The best advice I can give you, is steal everyone else's work and sell it as your own :D
Feb 13, 2014 2:18 AM

Jan 2014
Orchestral is the way to go!
Two Steps from Hell and Audiomachine are my two favorites.
koleareFeb 13, 2014 2:39 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 13, 2014 2:19 AM
Nov 2008
I like jazz, brass, chiptunes, happycore, ytpmv, that sort of thing.

I'm too tired right now to say why. I'll probably come back later and say why.
Feb 13, 2014 2:24 AM

Feb 2014
MagicalMahou said:
Orchestral is the way to go!
Two Steps from Hell and Audiomachine are my two favorites.

Are they just Orchestral or are they Metal Orchestral? Because they sound like Metal-ish names to me xD Especially Two steps from Hell.

The best advice I can give you, is steal everyone else's work and sell it as your own :D
Feb 13, 2014 2:26 AM

Feb 2014
Your Signature Gif is pretty much perfect for this post xD

The best advice I can give you, is steal everyone else's work and sell it as your own :D
Feb 13, 2014 6:12 AM

Jan 2014
Dont let it get to you as a fellow metalhead i assure that biggest trash of metal society are the so called "true" fans aka closed minded idiots.Metal is a vast genre to begin with and they can cry all they want but nu-metal,alternative metal,metal core are all subgenres now you can like some more some less but you can't deny their existence.
SO just enjoy what you like and dont mind the closed boxed peoples :D
Feb 13, 2014 6:23 AM

Sep 2011
You see so many people bash on nu-metal because it's true; nu-metal is an affront to the genre and the quicker it is forgotten the better

It's alright though, I'm sure your tastes in metal will mature in time - truth be told that's what most of these "real" metal fans forget: They too started with the lame bands before their tastes evolved for the better.

One day, my friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Feb 13, 2014 7:07 AM

Nov 2013
Liking metal doesn't mean you have to like every sub-genres. As for disliking a band merely because it is categorized as a genre you hate, it is incredibly dumb.

SOAD is a great band I don't give two shits what sub-genre it fits. I listen to most of them anyway, liking some more than others of course.
/人 ‿‿ 人\
Feb 13, 2014 7:52 AM

Apr 2011
lol you said we shouldn't bash other music genres and proceeded to bash modern music right after in the same post :D

Anyway I like heavy metal. Mostly power and progressive.
Feb 13, 2014 8:15 AM

Apr 2011
Kirie_Himuro said:
Noldorin said:
lol you said we shouldn't bash other music genres and proceeded to bash modern music right after in the same post :D

Anyway I like heavy metal. Mostly power and progressive.

Who are you referring to? if you meant me because I mentioned liking older music it doesn't mean I don't like modern music as well.

I was talking about op. But I wasn't really serious about him either.
Feb 13, 2014 8:39 AM

Sep 2012
There are two kinds of music:


Never forget, that if you post a topic, you're not allowed to post in it yourself, by order of MAL administration.
Feb 13, 2014 8:47 AM

Feb 2010
My favorite genre is called music and I don't know any other genres.
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 13, 2014 9:24 AM

May 2009
And yet we have another pointless MAL thread .
Feb 13, 2014 1:53 PM

Jan 2014
ChaoticNekoSin said:
What I am trying to say is, people are so judgmental and they don't seem to be able to accept other peoples ways of life. You will see examples all over the place. Religion, Music, Favorite Animes... etc etc. the list goes on and on.

People just like to feel superior to others in general. It's human nature. "My music is better than yours, blah, blah." Some people get really serious about it, some people are just kidding around.

There was this group of younger guys I used to work with who were really into rap. I hate rap and would give them a hard time about their musical tastes, but really I could care less about what they listen to, I just liked giving them a hard time... :P All in good fun.
Feb 13, 2014 2:20 PM

Mar 2012
Tool is the best band going right now.
Pink Floyd is still the second best band ever.
Alice in Chains was the third best back when Layne Staley was alive, but they are still sick.

Most music that people like is pussy shit.

Beethoven's shit is still the best music ever written.

My word is law.
Let's go bowling.
Feb 13, 2014 2:53 PM

Jun 2012
Nu Metal is shit........... oh, wait.

My favorite genre is Ambient, anything other than that is fair game. I still really like New Wave too, but only when I'm in the mood. The only genres I outright don't like are Country, most of Metal, and these new movements AKA Vaporwave/Witch House.
получить деньги моего друга
Feb 13, 2014 2:56 PM

Apr 2013
This happens with everything. Not just music.
an egomaniac and a fool

Feb 13, 2014 4:05 PM

Nov 2011
I think sometimes its fun to debate the artistic merit and quality of certain genres and music artists. The issue is when people either get personal and insulting each other or when you have douchebags who throw cheap shots and don't explain why they feel the way they do. But yeah debating over stuff like music, movies, or pretty much anything is just human nature.

That said I'm going to be blunt and I hope I hurt no ones feelings. I think literally everything that comes on the radio today is complete garbage. Its all quite bland and too many of the songs sound the same. I hate when my mother plays the radio and I'm forced to listen to crap like Bruno Mars or Kesha. Its annoying and not in anyway do I enjoy it. I feel like it sucks the life out of me. I also hate nu-metal, metal core, and death core. Actually I find most modern metal utterly boring. What I like of course is classic rock and metal including sub genres such as prog rock, krautrock, thrash metal, death metal, black metal, industrial, and power electronics. Some of my favorite artists include David Bowie, Queen, Black Sabbath, Can, The Residents, Throbbing Gristle, Swans, Voivod, and Bathory. I don't care for the likes of Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, Guns n Roses, or Nirvana.
Feb 13, 2014 4:18 PM

Sep 2012
I didn't realize this was something that only applied to music.

Emnay said:
This happens with everything. Not just music.

☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
Feb 13, 2014 5:27 PM

Aug 2009
StopDropAndBowl said:
Tool is the best band going right now.
Pink Floyd is still the best band ever.
Alice in Chains was the second best back when Layne Staley was alive, but they are still sick.

Most music that people like is pussy shit.

Beethoven's shit is still the best music ever written.

My word is law.

Feb 13, 2014 5:34 PM

Nov 2011
Smiddy said:
StopDropAndBowl said:
Tool is the best band going right now.
Pink Floyd is still the best band ever.
Alice in Chains was the second best back when Layne Staley was alive, but they are still sick.

Most music that people like is pussy shit.

Beethoven's shit is still the best music ever written.

My word is law.


Pink Floyd is great.

Alice in Chains is forgettable.
Feb 13, 2014 5:54 PM

Jun 2008
People who insult others because of their taste are ignorant and most likely bullies that has nothing better to do.
Feb 13, 2014 6:13 PM

Sep 2013
I already got a list of the kind of music I like on my profile, so I'll go ahead and talk about why people bash other people's taste in music; people have opinions, even if said people and/or opinions are extremist, and people like to debate about music in a general sense either way. So in the end, everything is just somebody's opinion, and you don't actually have to listen to it unless they're an extremist, in which case, they typically would attempt to kill you.
peeyaj said:
Fueille is a deconstruction of a decent human being.
Feb 13, 2014 6:17 PM

Dec 2012
fueille said:
I already got a list of the kind of music I like on my profile, so I'll go ahead and talk about why people bash other people's taste in music; people have opinions, even if said people and/or opinions are extremist, and people like to debate about music in a general sense either way. So in the end, everything is just somebody's opinion, and you don't actually have to listen to it unless they're an extremist, in which case, they typically would attempt to kill you.

Feb 13, 2014 7:31 PM

Sep 2013
Objurgo said:
fueille said:
I already got a list of the kind of music I like on my profile, so I'll go ahead and talk about why people bash other people's taste in music; people have opinions, even if said people and/or opinions are extremist, and people like to debate about music in a general sense either way. So in the end, everything is just somebody's opinion, and you don't actually have to listen to it unless they're an extremist, in which case, they typically would attempt to kill you.


You didn't click the spoiler and go to the "shit I like that aren't chinese cartoons" section, did you?
peeyaj said:
Fueille is a deconstruction of a decent human being.
Feb 13, 2014 9:12 PM

Nov 2011
I can say this always happens in all forms of media. Of course, the person who commented was probably trolling. I can tolerate other peoples taste in music but I hate it when they try to force it upon me.

My genres are: Hardstyle, House, Hardcore, Trance, Dubstep, Drum and Bass, Rock, and Metal. I'm more into EDM than I am with Rock and Metal

For Hardstyle: I love to listen D-Block & S-Te-Fan, Headhunterz, Noisecontrollers, Wasted Penguinz, DJ Coone, etc.
For House: Nicky Romero, Steve Aoki, Showtek (these use to produce Hardstyle), Deadmau5, Krewella, etc
Feb 13, 2014 9:19 PM
Jul 2018
ChaoticNekoSin said:
What I am trying to say is, people are so judgmental and they don't seem to be able to accept other peoples ways of life.

So long as people continue to take their differences seriously, there will always be judgmental people who will criticize your tastes, whether they be in music, dress, what you spend time on, it doesn't matter. On a small level, it bothers me too but in the end you can't do anything about it. We can't change other people in this way, they need to make that choice for themselves. Your best bet is to accept it, because logically that is all anyone can do.

Time to be completely generic: I enjoy music that sounds alternative, distorted, or otherwise damaged. Radiohead is my favorite band. I also have almost 8G of video game music and 10G of anime music stored on a EHD. Beep boop zzzzmmmnnn!
Feb 13, 2014 9:24 PM

Feb 2014
fueille said:

Well, to you it may be, but to me and millions of others, we find it great. But that is kind of what I am getting at. My choice in music isn't shit, because if it was shit, then no one would like it. It's just shit in your own and some other peoples opinion, yet no one will admit that their opinion could be different.

The best advice I can give you, is steal everyone else's work and sell it as your own :D
Feb 13, 2014 9:39 PM

Dec 2012
fueille said:
Objurgo said:
fueille said:
I already got a list of the kind of music I like on my profile, so I'll go ahead and talk about why people bash other people's taste in music; people have opinions, even if said people and/or opinions are extremist, and people like to debate about music in a general sense either way. So in the end, everything is just somebody's opinion, and you don't actually have to listen to it unless they're an extremist, in which case, they typically would attempt to kill you.


You didn't click the spoiler and go to the "shit I like that aren't chinese cartoons" section, did you?

I did now, I like Jazz too, I've been sorta listening to a lot of Jazz/hip-hop lately though
Feb 14, 2014 12:19 AM

Jun 2012
I think the main reason why music tastes get people so riled up is it's almost completely subjective nature. When you're dealing with books, movies or anime you can at least point out the bad acting, the boring exposition or the bad animation but it's very hard to say why you don't like a specific melody or bass sound. I hate metal for example. Especially the more hardcore metal is absolute trash to me and I find it hard to even categorize it as music. Which makes it almost impossible for me to comprehend why people love it the way they do. But this is coming from the same guy that listens this in his free time.

The only band that I would consider myself a "fan" of at the moment is The National. Other favorites are Radiohead, Coldplay, Kanye West, Arctic Monkeys, Damien Rice and Okkervil River.

Genres. Alternative rock > Anime music (so in love with the Japanese language currently) > pop(rock/electronic) > Liquid DnB > HipHop > Folk > Chillstep > Instrumental/Ambient

A random selection of my all time favorite tracks
Feb 14, 2014 12:28 AM

Nov 2013
I kinda disagree... You can like the music in anything depending on your tastes, although composition in most of pop music is garbage to be honest, recycled beats put on playback for 3.5min.

The main thing though, lyrics. Virtually all that plays on the radio is without a doubt rubbish, written by what feels like a 8 years old with an abnormal libido.
/人 ‿‿ 人\
Feb 14, 2014 4:09 AM

Apr 2011
Genre? What the hell is that? I like what I like and I don't give two shits what genre it is.
Feb 14, 2014 10:46 AM

Feb 2014
Why are people so evil when it comes to taste in music? Say movies, anime, food, even politics..., but I'll talk about music. It's really hard to answer without falling into negative criticism.

First of all, I admit that I sometimes tell someone how bad his/her music taste is. I'm not perfect and we've all done this more than once. I think I can see how there's a clash between our aspirations of being different and unique, and the bad thoughts on people who step out of what you usually see in our society.

In my opinion, one of the main problems we have to deal with, is how naturally attached we are to our tastes. They're not objective, we praise what we like and criticize what we don't because in the end there's no rational reason to explain why, we can't understand other tastes as no one can't fully justify them without making use of personal opinions.

I listen mostly to 70's, 80's and 90's rock, but also to metal, punk, metalcore...even pop rock or rap. I can't explain why there are some songs in my list that are not from my main genres, it's just that each song is a whole world and can touch you even if you don't want it to. If you find many songs into the same genre that can do it, you note it as one of your music styles.

Obviously there can be huge differences in aspects related to strict musical or lyrical creation, and it's common to see general agreements for whether certain songs, albums or artists are good or not, but keep in mind that someone in the world will, for sure, love what you hate and hate what you love.

And yes, I reaffirm what I previously said, I tell people that their music taste is bad from time to time. But I only do it "aggresively" when I face an intolerant person.

Finally, I'd like to ask you a question: From outside we tend to see it rather easy, but...Do you even know how difficult is composing a good song?
PalmSizedDragonFeb 15, 2014 2:55 AM
Feb 14, 2014 5:47 PM

Mar 2012
I don't understand the people in this thread saying stuff along the lines of "the only genre I know is music." Like they don't believe in genres. I understand people usually get annoyed with "genre elitists" but that doesn't mean the whole concept of genres needs to die. Genres help you find what you're looking for in a record store, help you discuss music with others, and help you find similar music. Personally I think exploring genres/sub-genres is fun as heck. To open your mind up to music you haven't heard before. I used to only listen to electronic stuff but now I also enjoy metal because I explored the sub-genres. When I first heard atmospheric black metal, post-black metal, drone metal, and grindcore for the first time I was amazed. Then I explored deeper into grindcore and found goregrind, cybergrind, loligrind, and gorenoise, all amazing genres! Also genres/sub-genres/sub-genres of sub-genres help show what music you enjoy if you just say "I like electronica" they may jump to trance and house. But if you're like "I like breakcore and idm" they may know what you're talking about. If they don't just show them it maybe they will like it, maybe they will show you a genre and you might like it. Also why do people always rip on post-rock ; - ;
Feb 15, 2014 12:25 AM

May 2012
Sounds like OP is butthurt that not everyone likes what he likes.
Feb 15, 2014 12:28 AM
Nov 2013
The world is full of ignorant people. All types of music, whether you like them or not, deserve to be appreciated.

After all, not like you can do any better right? And if you think you can, your opinion is 100% subjective.
Feb 15, 2014 12:56 AM

May 2009
Nihilfist said:
Sounds like OP is butthurt that not everyone likes what he likes.

That's pretty much the summary of the whole thread.
Feb 15, 2014 10:21 AM

Jan 2012
A lot of people like to pretend their opinion is "fact." Yes, you can judge a song by composition and performance and even that can be considered objective. A genre doesn't define whether a certain artists is good or bad because every genre has it's great artists and not so great ones, it's all up to personal taste. If everyone had the same tastes nothing new would happen in music, music has evolved to what it is today because people hear music differently.

Personally I have my dislikes in music, but that doesn't make it bad nor do I hate it.
Feb 15, 2014 10:45 AM

Jan 2014
'Cause people refuse to be tolerant of other people's opinions.
Feb 15, 2014 11:26 AM

Nov 2013
I love rock/punk/metal music. Especially japanese rock, bands like SID, ViViD & Granrodeo, my favorites. Dir en Grey, Nightmare and so on but I'm also listening to pop music and dance, even trance. I'm a huge fan of Two Steps from Hell and Audiomachine, I'm in love with OST music, mostly Anime OSTs, Guilty Crown has a pretty amazing ost.

According to that, I wonder where I would end up, I have no specific genre I would hate, ok, country just isn't the kind of music made for me but I can't hate it because there are people like my parents who actually like this kind of music.
Hating someone, making hateful discussions and insulting someone just because he hates what you like or the other way, it's just pointless and childish. Imagine the fact that you have a real life childhood friend who likes the music you hate, would you hate him too ? Of course not....if yes, then you would be a jerk.

People can't possibly have everything in common, having the same hobbies, likes and dislikes, that's what makes everyone special ?! and yes it's where you find out who is matured and who not, how much are people, strangers understandable and tolerant to other's tastes. You can't blame anyone for what they like or hate, but be decent at least.

Feb 16, 2014 6:59 PM

Jan 2008
ChaoticNekoSin said:
fueille said:

Well, to you it may be, but to me and millions of others, we find it great. But that is kind of what I am getting at. My choice in music isn't shit, because if it was shit, then no one would like it. It's just shit in your own and some other peoples opinion, yet no one will admit that their opinion could be different.

The fact that you and your millions of friends like those bands doesn't mean that they are good. I'm totally OK with you liking them, but don't tell me they are good. Out of those 4 bands you listed as your favorites I only know 3 of them (System of a Down, Breaking Benjamin and Tenacious D) and I can tell you that they are nowhere near decent level of music. I used to listen to a lot of Breaking Benjamin (when I was around 15 or 16) and I can tell you that all their albums are the same. Millions of people love One Direction or Miss-A but let's be honest, their music is complete garbage.

Feb 17, 2014 5:00 PM

Jan 2012
ntHai said:
ChaoticNekoSin said:
fueille said:

Well, to you it may be, but to me and millions of others, we find it great. But that is kind of what I am getting at. My choice in music isn't shit, because if it was shit, then no one would like it. It's just shit in your own and some other peoples opinion, yet no one will admit that their opinion could be different.

The fact that you and your millions of friends like those bands doesn't mean that they are good. I'm totally OK with you liking them, but don't tell me they are good. Out of those 4 bands you listed as your favorites I only know 3 of them (System of a Down, Breaking Benjamin and Tenacious D) and I can tell you that they are nowhere near decent level of music. I used to listen to a lot of Breaking Benjamin (when I was around 15 or 16) and I can tell you that all their albums are the same. Millions of people love One Direction or Miss-A but let's be honest, their music is complete garbage.


I don't really like the artists he listed, but tell us what your taste in music is with examples, tell us why it's superior to what Chaotic likes. What's decent music to you?
Feb 17, 2014 6:27 PM

Mar 2008
Because people take it personally since they identify so heavily with their favorite musical genre that it immediately becomes personal when it comes to their taste in music. I listen to some game music, orchestral, theatrical musical, and classical, with the occasional anisong and have no interest in what other people listen to (unless it catches my interest), nor do I care to vocalize my thoughts on other peoples' tastes, since I've come to realize there are so many different tastes out there when it comes to music, you really just have to go with your own and let other people go with theirs. There's hardly any logic or reason involved honestly; even the weirdest-sounding shit ever (which is subjective) will have some sort of fan base.
Mar 9, 2014 4:17 PM

Mar 2014
MagicalMahou said:
Orchestral is the way to go!
Two Steps from Hell and Audiomachine are my two favorites.

Check out E.S Posthumus they're really great

As for myself I'm a fan of extreme metal genres, lyrics often dealing with subjects like gore, violence and satan, and I don't care about others say about it, whatever, it's just music u_u

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