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Log Horizon
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Jan 11, 2014 6:39 PM

Nov 2008
Stark700 said:
@the taunt skill:
We're talking about Log Horizon here and this particular episode. My statement relating to the taunt skill might of been vague here. I was referring to Log Horizon mechanics in particular of this episode because some of the monsters used ranged for attack and the taunting skill has a radius that limits its effectiveness.

The monsters in this episode used ranged and taunting would of been ineffective. I think my thought came out as vague in this case when I was referring to it in general.

From the LN:

Ranged will make taunting ineffective if it's outside its radius. Also, there's a cooldown period not to mention you had to lure the npc to attack you. Again, my statement might of been too vague here. I should of wrote something like "taunting would not be too useful against ranged npcs" or something down that line.
Oooh. My bad for interpreting it wrong. xDD I just love tank classes, that's all. xDD The samurai taunt looks like it is a shockwave type of taunt and not radius so he has to charge through and show up to get the aggro. Compared to guardian's taunt which is a radius(presumably), I think the samurai has better taunting skill for pulling mobs. Unless the visuals shows differently from the novel.

Marenwynn said:
You'd think those high level players could run around one-shotting all those murlocs. :P
I don't know man. Leeroying those thousands of mobs in the same area seems like a suicide for the few level 90s. They can one hit them, sure, but taking 1 dmg from each of them would lead to death in a slow way. xDD Not to mention if there are staggers in this game. GOD I hate staggers... And mp consumption will be hell if they did not bring some. They have to pick them off one by one. Could take forever. xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 11, 2014 6:48 PM

Jan 2013
Poor Rudy got dogzoned. The sahuagins were also cuter than I expected, the eye catch was easily the most hilarious thing in this ep. I wonder if summoners can have one as a pet.

Marenwynn said:
You'd think those high level players could run around one-shotting all those murlocs. :P

Or they could just call it a day and use of call of home.
minescopeJan 11, 2014 7:48 PM
Jan 11, 2014 7:18 PM

Jul 2013
Minori~ Finally :D
Conquered the dungeon for ~7 hrs, nice
LOL Rudy the dog. This guy..
Demi-humans Vs. Adventurers nexxt.
really went up a notch with all those demi-humans at lvl 30 attacking with huge numbers.
Jan 11, 2014 7:24 PM

Jul 2012
Man, lot's of people speculating about my boy Rudie. I'm almost tempted to spoil all the details lol. Stick to your guns people. Rudie has an interesting background. I don't know how much would be included in the anime though. Anyway backtrack to some eps and observe the finer details. Some of you already pretty much get it.

And for those people who are complaining about lack of action/plot development you might want to think twice about continuing on w/ the show. Granted we're near the climax but the action parts WILL be short lived. Awesome but short lived. This isn't that type of show. I'm a bit more flexible regarding my tastes in series so it isn't much of a problem for me. It hurts that some LH fans are bashing on SAO fans for being proponents of mindless action though. I'm a SAO fan myself. Oh well.
Jan 11, 2014 7:44 PM
Dec 2013
omg omg another epic episode that stomps sorry ass online really hard..

ruddy got dogzone lol hahahahaha..

that massive merman >.<

i really want to see some ranger class here, why lh not put such a class on elder tale, i want to see some legolas tier ranger in LH hehehehe..

this episode is so epic cant wait for the next episode :)
Jan 11, 2014 7:51 PM
Nov 2013
jhinxsinx said:
omg omg another epic episode that stomps sorry ass online really hard..

ruddy got dogzone lol hahahahaha..

that massive merman >.<

i really want to see some ranger class here, why lh not put such a class on elder tale, i want to see some legolas tier ranger in LH hehehehe..

this episode is so epic cant wait for the next episode :)

Assassin class can use a bow.
Silver Sword guild master is like legolas of Elder Tale. he mainly use bow and hes fucking kickass. but im not gonna spoil his story >.<
Jan 11, 2014 7:57 PM
Dec 2013
dobinz said:
jhinxsinx said:
omg omg another epic episode that stomps sorry ass online really hard..

ruddy got dogzone lol hahahahaha..

that massive merman >.<

i really want to see some ranger class here, why lh not put such a class on elder tale, i want to see some legolas tier ranger in LH hehehehe..

this episode is so epic cant wait for the next episode :)

Assassin class can use a bow.
Silver Sword guild master is like legolas of Elder Tale. he mainly use bow and hes fucking kickass. but im not gonna spoil his story >.<

yeah i remember him he really looks like legolas, i thought his just a background character that no interest about the round table.. better wait for him to shine. hehehe.. i see some crossbow user sin also, hein from crescent moon alliance.
Jan 11, 2014 7:59 PM
Jun 2010
silverwalls said:
i guess rundel haus can't be added since he's neither an adventurer or one of the people from the land, but a sorcerer like it was shown last episode. dang we have to wait another week to find out :<
and a huge fight is coming.
the part with rudy as a dog was hilarious.

They did that to add some hint of foreshadowing, to add some tension to keep the viewer hanging. IMO, I think it was done well.

superzarop said:
Ugh this show is so juvenile. It's one thing to show the kids learning the ropes of teamwork, but to spend so much time for meticulous explanation of party dymanics as if they are revelations... This show is made to appeal to MMO players, yet they're using so many episodes to reveal the absolute basics that even the most casual players know of.

Actually, they're feeding the viewers misinformation. What kind of party member has the sole role looking out for addtional monsters?? Why in the name of hell would you spend so much time gathering aggro when all it took was two spells by the mage to disintegrate the enemies?? And what happened to actually explaining the fact that the healer shouldnt heal right away in order to prevent pulling the monsters??

You will be surprise, I still meet a ton of players who still does the same mistake. PUG are really prone to it. The good PUG are mostly veteran players who already have enough knowledge of every class in the game and their classes, thus all they need to do is really give out formation/tactic strategy and proceed without communicating.

All DPS have the role of looking out for additional monster popping out, to prevent them from ganging up on the healer. You probably do not know this, because a lot modern MMORPG dungeons do not respawn monster within the dungeon, or have an extremely long respawn rate. Lets not forget boss fight that do spawn minions. Very few games does it, but some dungeons have monster hiding within the ground, and does not popup until you are close to them or pass them. They are usually undead mobs, or plant mobs.

Also, the reason why they have those additional role is due to their "limitation" of having to do the dungeon run in person. They do not see everything in third view, nor do they have the clam mindset of playing behind a screen. For them, the fight is very real.
LazyLuongJan 11, 2014 8:13 PM
Jan 11, 2014 8:01 PM
Jul 2013
My theory about Rudy's background is that he is actually a people of the land but he is the same with the mage that Shiroe met in the castle. I read on other threads that Rudy wants to become an adventurer so he decided to pretend that he is an adventurer thus also taking a role of "rundel haus" which he thought was how the adventurer should act(not so sure about that).

Another theory of mine is that he is of royal blood and may also be the brother of that silver-haired girl(forgot her name).

But damn Shiroe is so nice and kind that it really became annoying for me. If I was him and someone contacted me reporting about what happened today, I will say "I don't care".
Jan 11, 2014 8:08 PM
Dec 2013
pipeds said:

But damn Shiroe is so nice and kind that it really became annoying for me. If I was him and someone contacted me reporting about what happened today, I will say "I don't care".

LoL shiroe is an example of a good Guild Master that tends to teach and listen to his members, but i really like his expression why listening to minoris story. i think some nostalgic feeling coming through him how he do and clear dungeon party when he still lowbie just like minori :)
Jan 11, 2014 8:12 PM
Jun 2010
Shiroe does a lot more than most Guild Master I know. Even if you're in a guild, the guild is always divided into smaller groups, and they only interact with certain groups with a few occasions of answering random questions of guildmates. But this is also due to the size of the guild as well.
Jan 11, 2014 8:13 PM

Oct 2013
superzarop said:
Ugh this show is so juvenile. It's one thing to show the kids learning the ropes of teamwork, but to spend so much time for meticulous explanation of party dymanics as if they are revelations... This show is made to appeal to MMO players, yet they're using so many episodes to reveal the absolute basics that even the most casual players know of.

Actually, they're feeding the viewers misinformation. What kind of party member has the sole role looking out for addtional monsters?? Why in the name of hell would you spend so much time gathering aggro when all it took was two spells by the mage to disintegrate the enemies?? And what happened to actually explaining the fact that the healer shouldnt heal right away in order to prevent pulling the monsters??

The characters of this show are so extremely bland, with the only (possible) exception being the protagonist. The loli assassin is the worst of the bunch; she fills almost no purpose whatsoever except for satisfying lolicon desires everywhere (in the show and beyond the monitor). And as implied by the shows ED song, she's supposed to be the second most important character of the show?? I can't wait till the creator of this pulls some plot device out of his ass and explains how she is all important and blah blah blah.

That murloc invasion in the end - such tactful and well though out advancement of the already unbearaly intricate plot.


I will partially agree with you. The show is labeled "shounen" so it will be somewhat "juvenile" however, like you did mention, the first half of the show was brutal. I'm starting to find that the plot is becoming predictable and boring. It is disappointing because I really do like the concept of the show and it has been fairly entertaining thus far. It's just at this point in time, halfway through the season, I've begun to question if the good in the show still outweighs the bad.

Overall, I think I'm going to have to drop the series from a 7 (Good) to a 6 (Fine). At this point it doesn't deserve it's 7 however, I'm hoping the next episode will be much better and will change my mind. If it is, it should be able to earn it's score back easily.
Jan 11, 2014 8:18 PM
Jul 2013
jhinxsinx said:

LoL shiroe is an example of a good Guild Master that tends to teach and listen to his members, but i really like his expression why listening to minoris story. i think some nostalgic feeling coming through him how he do and clear dungeon party when he still lowbie just like minori :)

I don't know, maybe it is just me. With that kind of attitude, it becomes very unrealistc. I really like how the anime told us about how he thinks that helping people becomes very "troublesome". And then suddenly it just disappeared like that kind of thought never existed in his mind. Well, that's my opinion.
Jan 11, 2014 8:29 PM
Dec 2013
pipeds said:

I don't know, maybe it is just me. With that kind of attitude, it becomes very unrealistc. I really like how the anime told us about how he thinks that helping people becomes very "troublesome". And then suddenly it just disappeared like that kind of thought never existed in his mind. Well, that's my opinion.

the helping people becomes very troublesome for shiore from the beginning of the anime, as explains because players taking advantage to his knowledge about elder tale/veteran player. well on this im getting annoyed also in my mmo games that some player just want to be friends with you to taken advantage about your knowledge and time to help them.. but still shiore is a unique yet awesome MC out there compared to other generic op MC just like sorry ass online MC..
Jan 11, 2014 8:37 PM
Jan 2012
Lol dog-rudy
Jan 11, 2014 8:51 PM

Jul 2012
shawnofthedeadz said:
superzarop said:
Ugh this show is so juvenile. It's one thing to show the kids learning the ropes of teamwork, but to spend so much time for meticulous explanation of party dymanics as if they are revelations... This show is made to appeal to MMO players, yet they're using so many episodes to reveal the absolute basics that even the most casual players know of.

Actually, they're feeding the viewers misinformation. What kind of party member has the sole role looking out for addtional monsters?? Why in the name of hell would you spend so much time gathering aggro when all it took was two spells by the mage to disintegrate the enemies?? And what happened to actually explaining the fact that the healer shouldnt heal right away in order to prevent pulling the monsters??

The characters of this show are so extremely bland, with the only (possible) exception being the protagonist. The loli assassin is the worst of the bunch; she fills almost no purpose whatsoever except for satisfying lolicon desires everywhere (in the show and beyond the monitor). And as implied by the shows ED song, she's supposed to be the second most important character of the show?? I can't wait till the creator of this pulls some plot device out of his ass and explains how she is all important and blah blah blah.

That murloc invasion in the end - such tactful and well though out advancement of the already unbearaly intricate plot.


I will partially agree with you. The show is labeled "shounen" so it will be somewhat "juvenile" however, like you did mention, the first half of the show was brutal. I'm starting to find that the plot is becoming predictable and boring. It is disappointing because I really do like the concept of the show and it has been fairly entertaining thus far. It's just at this point in time, halfway through the season, I've begun to question if the good in the show still outweighs the bad.

Overall, I think I'm going to have to drop the series from a 7 (Good) to a 6 (Fine). At this point it doesn't deserve it's 7 however, I'm hoping the next episode will be much better and will change my mind. If it is, it should be able to earn it's score back easily.

Let me also add the fact that this adaptation is airing on NHK. A government-sponsored edutainment channel aimed at KIDS. So, yes, in some ways the series needs to be toned/dumbed down to juvenile levels. It's Shounen in the anime but more of a Seinen series if you read the novels.
Jan 11, 2014 8:56 PM

Jul 2013
Ugh this show is so juvenile. It's one thing to show the kids learning the ropes of teamwork, but to spend so much time for meticulous explanation of party dymanics as if they are revelations... This show is made to appeal to MMO players, yet they're using so many episodes to reveal the absolute basics that even the most casual players know of.

Actually, they're feeding the viewers misinformation. What kind of party member has the sole role looking out for addtional monsters?? Why in the name of hell would you spend so much time gathering aggro when all it took was two spells by the mage to disintegrate the enemies?? And what happened to actually explaining the fact that the healer shouldnt heal right away in order to prevent pulling the monsters??

This may be true if you're looking at a computer screen. These people are actually trapped inside the game so they won't know if an enemy ambushed them from behind unless they have eyes behind their back. Look at it as real cave exploration, only the caves are crawling with murderous skull monsters.

Then there's casting time too, Rudy's spells are not one-hit kill... on the previous episode, the enemy chased and then hit him after he cast that lava spell. In MMO usually even sorcerers has limited range and can't attack if interrupted during spell casting. You also can't cast two different spells successively in an instant (usually there's a split second delay, especially if it's high level spell). If Tohya didn't act as a tank, Rudy most likely wouldn't have enough time to cast the 2nd ice spell.

Another thing is these kids are MMO noobs.. most noobs only know how to fight by themselves. Minori, unlike Shiroe, has little knowledge of other classes. You think that teamwork is a basic skill but when you put it for real it's harder to put into practice (remember they are experiencing it in real time, not through a computer screen).
Jan 11, 2014 9:11 PM

Nov 2007
jiraiya_sensei said:
remember they are experiencing it in real time, not through a computer screen

Cannot emphasize this more. It's a completely different thing having a pseudo-isometric view and having in real life. Even running around to dodge is more difficult because you have to coordinate your body movement and have restricted field of vision.

It results fighting becoming a real life combat situation, not a MMO game.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jan 11, 2014 9:17 PM

Jul 2012
wakka9ca said:
jiraiya_sensei said:
remember they are experiencing it in real time, not through a computer screen

Cannot emphasize this more. It's a completely different thing having a pseudo-isometric view and having in real life. Even running around to dodge is more difficult because you have to coordinate your body movement and have restricted field of vision.

It results fighting becoming a real life combat situation, not a MMO game.

Some thoughts after seeing some people on other commenting on why Mariele ran away even though she's a Lvl 90 cleric in other forums...

Me: Lot's o' Murlochs to slaughter but I don't have anything on me. I'm Lvl. 90 anyways so I'll just beat em up w/ mah fists...

10 mins later...

Me: Well I've managed to beat several, my HP is still close to full... but I have 10 spears sticking out of my gut......... !@#$%%^*&^*&^*&....
Jan 11, 2014 9:29 PM
Jul 2013
jhinxsinx said:

the helping people becomes very troublesome for shiore from the beginning of the anime, as explains because players taking advantage to his knowledge about elder tale/veteran player. well on this im getting annoyed also in my mmo games that some player just want to be friends with you to taken advantage about your knowledge and time to help them.. but still shiore is a unique yet awesome MC out there compared to other generic op MC just like sorry ass online MC..

yup, unique eh... but I can't really see myself in him anymore in the latest episodes. He became the typical hero that everyone likes. Maybe I just want a badass MC which cannot really apply to Shiroe since he is more of a clever MC.
Jan 11, 2014 9:33 PM
Nov 2013
shawnofthedeadz said:
superzarop said:
Ugh this show is so juvenile. It's one thing to show the kids learning the ropes of teamwork, but to spend so much time for meticulous explanation of party dymanics as if they are revelations... This show is made to appeal to MMO players, yet they're using so many episodes to reveal the absolute basics that even the most casual players know of.

Actually, they're feeding the viewers misinformation. What kind of party member has the sole role looking out for addtional monsters?? Why in the name of hell would you spend so much time gathering aggro when all it took was two spells by the mage to disintegrate the enemies?? And what happened to actually explaining the fact that the healer shouldnt heal right away in order to prevent pulling the monsters??

The characters of this show are so extremely bland, with the only (possible) exception being the protagonist. The loli assassin is the worst of the bunch; she fills almost no purpose whatsoever except for satisfying lolicon desires everywhere (in the show and beyond the monitor). And as implied by the shows ED song, she's supposed to be the second most important character of the show?? I can't wait till the creator of this pulls some plot device out of his ass and explains how she is all important and blah blah blah.

That murloc invasion in the end - such tactful and well though out advancement of the already unbearaly intricate plot.


I will partially agree with you. The show is labeled "shounen" so it will be somewhat "juvenile" however, like you did mention, the first half of the show was brutal. I'm starting to find that the plot is becoming predictable and boring. It is disappointing because I really do like the concept of the show and it has been fairly entertaining thus far. It's just at this point in time, halfway through the season, I've begun to question if the good in the show still outweighs the bad.

Overall, I think I'm going to have to drop the series from a 7 (Good) to a 6 (Fine). At this point it doesn't deserve it's 7 however, I'm hoping the next episode will be much better and will change my mind. If it is, it should be able to earn it's score back easily.

"I'm starting to find that the plot is becoming predictable and boring."

how about let me see your predict skill. because after finish Vol 6 i still cant see how the story gonna end. after this arc there is still tons of shit coming for Round Table Council. and i still cant see anyway or a little hint about how to get out of this world. LH story scale is "world" its not just gonna end in Yamato server, unite Yamato server is just first step of the story(currently they still cant unite Yamato. lol)
dobinzJan 11, 2014 9:37 PM
Jan 11, 2014 9:46 PM

May 2012
its raining fish and spear.. marie-nee is hot in this ep..
this ep feels so short, cant wait for the next one..

Jan 11, 2014 10:00 PM

Jul 2012
Dark_Messiah said:
its raining fish and spear.. marie-nee is hot in this ep..
this ep feels so short, cant wait for the next one..

Ahahaha. And to think she was actually wearing a more revealing swimsuit in the LN. NHK folks at work. But this outfit hits the spot too. Dem legs......

I sound like a fine pervert...
Jan 11, 2014 11:24 PM
Dec 2013
Forgetfulness said: the theory that Rudy was an NPC or something was actually correct and not just lazy ass animators?

Well, before I criticized the show for over-explaining everything (tanks and other basic concepts) but now I'm kinda glad that they bother to explain the mechanics.
I've only played one MMORPG (MapleStory) and I don't think the same level of coordination was necessary. I vaguely remember that the Paladin class had Taunt, but really it was almost useless besides debuffing a few monster stats. Also, drawing aggro wasn't nearly as important (though I can see it being used for certain things like Papulatus)

i you played mmo like WoW and other ripoff of WoW that uses threat for some game mechanics.. Taunt /kite/aggro pull is very important for raid dungeon, this skill is needed to prevent mobs ganging healer and other low def range or melee dps.. being a tank is not that simple >.<
Jan 11, 2014 11:43 PM

Apr 2012
wtf isnt Marielle lvl90 aswell? so even a max lvl Character can be the defenceless damsel in distress...
Jan 11, 2014 11:52 PM

Aug 2010
antipurefaith said:
wtf isnt Marielle lvl90 aswell? so even a max lvl Character can be the defenceless damsel in distress...

maybe she was in RP-equip?
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Jan 12, 2014 12:21 AM

Dec 2011
Still no new opening or ending...oh well.

I guess Rundel haus really is a People of the Land after all. Dang.
And love the sudden numbers of the mobs!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 12, 2014 12:23 AM
Jul 2018
Oh,god,that Golden Retriever...that made me laugh.
Overall,pretty good episode.
Jan 12, 2014 12:53 AM

Sep 2010
superzarop said:
Ugh this show is so juvenile. It's one thing to show the kids learning the ropes of teamwork, but to spend so much time for meticulous explanation of party dymanics as if they are revelations... This show is made to appeal to MMO players, yet they're using so many episodes to reveal the absolute basics that even the most casual players know of.

Maybe it's to appeal to players who aren't veteran MMORPG players. I haven't seen a lot of these concepts in detail before. O.o Nearly all of it doesn't seem to apply in MapleStory.

Shangetsu said:
Aggron said:

Rudy is a Person of the Land I guess, that would explain the scene in the opening.

Hardly possible for many reasons.
The most convincing though would be that he and the girl were talking about food they ate in the real world.

He's surely connected to something important but I do not believe he's a person of the land.

How can you be so sure they're talking about food from Earth? Are "hot pollock roe" and "Ray Parker" real things related to sandwiches? Also, just as Isuzu is about to add Rudy to her friend list, she says "Let's go for hot pollock roe sandwiches sometime.", which wouldn't be possible if they were from Earth.

dobinz said:

Silver Sword guild master is like legolas of Elder Tale. he mainly use bow and hes fucking kickass. but im not gonna spoil his story >.<
I didn't think he was significant enough to even have a story. o.o

About Rudy being a Person of the Land:
I still feel there's a bit more to it than that. He's at least not a typical Lander, since he's labelled as a sorcerer, while everyone else is labelled as a Lander or Adventurer. I wonder if I'm overthinking it.
I'm not sure how to interpret Rudy's reaction to Isuzu saying she'll add him to her friend list. Does Rudy know it won't work, or does Rudy have no idea what she's talking about? I recall an NPC in the first episode had no comprehension of game-only concepts, like Game Masters (GMs). The same may be true for the user-interface.

Edit: On the other hand, Rudy seemed to understand concepts like cast-time, recast-time, etc in their discussion. maybe it's the first option: Rudy knew he couldn't be added to Isuzu's friend list. O.o?

About NPCs dying:
Remember, Regan said resurrection magic works on NPCs. However, the window of opportunity to use it may be quite short.

About memory loss:
Minori has gone through at least one trip through the cathedral with no noticeable effect. I suspect numerous trips through the cathedral could result in near total loss of memories relating to Earth, since no new memories of Earth are being created while they're stuck in the world of Elder Tale. Dunno if that would change a character's label from Adventurer to Lander, or something else.

About swarm attack:
Maybe they'll look for a choke point to nullify the enemy's strength in numbers. I didn't notice any good points in the wide shot though.
TakataJan 12, 2014 1:08 AM
Jan 12, 2014 1:07 AM
Jul 2018
Takata said:

About Rudy being a Person of the Land:
I still feel there's a bit more to it than that. He's at least not a typical Lander, since he's labelled as a sorcerer, while everyone else is labelled as a Lander or Adventurer. I wonder if I'm overthinking it.
I'm not sure how to interpret Rudy's reaction to Isuzu saying she'll add him to her friend list. Does Rudy know it won't work, or does Rudy have no idea what she's talking about?

Regan is labelled as sorcerer as well,if I am not mistaken and Sage of the Mirror Lake as well. So it could be that Rundelhaus is wizard naturaly born in the world of Elder Tale.
And by his reaction,I would say that he know what would happen if she tried to add him to her friend list.
Jan 12, 2014 1:14 AM

Sep 2010
DejWoSWK said:
Takata said:

About Rudy being a Person of the Land:
I still feel there's a bit more to it than that. He's at least not a typical Lander, since he's labelled as a sorcerer, while everyone else is labelled as a Lander or Adventurer. I wonder if I'm overthinking it.
I'm not sure how to interpret Rudy's reaction to Isuzu saying she'll add him to her friend list. Does Rudy know it won't work, or does Rudy have no idea what she's talking about?

Regan is labelled as sorcerer as well,if I am not mistaken and Sage of the Mirror Lake as well. So it could be that Rundelhaus is wizard naturaly born in the world of Elder Tale.
And by his reaction,I would say that he know what would happen if she tried to add him to her friend list.
Hmm... You sure? I can't find a point in the anime where Regan's status box is displayed.
Jan 12, 2014 1:19 AM
Jul 2018
That is not,he is a wizard nevertheless.
Why should not there be other wizards as well?
Yeah,I got no solid proof,so it is only a theory,but it is not impossible,I would say.
Jan 12, 2014 1:45 AM
Nov 2013
DejWoSWK said:
Takata said:

About Rudy being a Person of the Land:
I still feel there's a bit more to it than that. He's at least not a typical Lander, since he's labelled as a sorcerer, while everyone else is labelled as a Lander or Adventurer. I wonder if I'm overthinking it.
I'm not sure how to interpret Rudy's reaction to Isuzu saying she'll add him to her friend list. Does Rudy know it won't work, or does Rudy have no idea what she's talking about?

Regan is labelled as sorcerer as well,if I am not mistaken and Sage of the Mirror Lake as well. So it could be that Rundelhaus is wizard naturaly born in the world of Elder Tale.
And by his reaction,I would say that he know what would happen if she tried to add him to her friend list.

ReGan is Sage of Mirror Lake and his level is only level 28, most soldier level are around 20-30
if Rudy is people of the land, being level 23 at his age mean he is one tough motherfucker for NPC. maybe he is a prodigy child that expert in magic, that could explain why he act so arrogant. but he still a landers his strength couldn't compare with adventurer
dobinzJan 12, 2014 1:48 AM
Jan 12, 2014 2:25 AM

Jun 2012
Wow, looks like Rudy really is an NPC (Fuck you opening spoilers!). I'm not really surprised, but it's still going to be a really interesting development. I figured the People of the Land would start being able to level up and stuff at some point. If Rudy really is an NPC then it looks like he's the start of that chain... of course, he might've just been faking all of his stats.

One thing I wonder about that though, is if he's an NPC is how he eats hot sandwiches at a restaurant. I guess that could always be a new in-game place though... since I've seen them eating sandwiches before... it just seemed a little odd somehow.

jhinxsinx said:
i you played mmo like WoW and other ripoff of WoW that uses threat for some game mechanics.. Taunt /kite/aggro pull is very important for raid dungeon, this skill is needed to prevent mobs ganging healer and other low def range or melee dps.. being a tank is not that simple >.<
Ha! "ripoff of WoW"... I know for you and the other few people who for some reason alway think other MMORPGs are "rippoffs of WoW" this will fall on deaf ears, but World of Warcraft is NOT the first of it's kind. If anything, WoW is the very definition of a ripoff, albeit an extremely popular one. But I assure you that aggro didn't start with WoW (take Everquest, or Dark Age of Camelot for example). But I guess this really isn't the place to argue about World of Warcraft, I just can't resist when it comes to such nonsensical claims.
Jan 12, 2014 2:30 AM
Jul 2018
antipurefaith said:
wtf isnt Marielle lvl90 aswell? so even a max lvl Character can be the defenceless damsel in distress...

You know thats what I was thinking myself.
Jan 12, 2014 2:42 AM

Aug 2013
Mikenzb said:
antipurefaith said:
wtf isnt Marielle lvl90 aswell? so even a max lvl Character can be the defenceless damsel in distress...

You know thats what I was thinking myself.

Well you gotta wonder if it's actually painful, or rather, how much painful it is to endure a hit. Like okay she got hit for only 100 hp but that was from a spear to the eye...

But then again, can't she just equip her armor right then and there? Or is it because she doesn't have her magic bag with her?
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jan 12, 2014 2:44 AM

Jul 2013
pipeds said:
jhinxsinx said:

the helping people becomes very troublesome for shiore from the beginning of the anime, as explains because players taking advantage to his knowledge about elder tale/veteran player. well on this im getting annoyed also in my mmo games that some player just want to be friends with you to taken advantage about your knowledge and time to help them.. but still shiore is a unique yet awesome MC out there compared to other generic op MC just like sorry ass online MC..

yup, unique eh... but I can't really see myself in him anymore in the latest episodes. He became the typical hero that everyone likes. Maybe I just want a badass MC which cannot really apply to Shiroe since he is more of a clever MC.

wait for 4-5 episodes, then you will see at least 2-3 super badass scenes (especially the last one, which even gives him later the title of the "Chronicler of the East"
current LN reading:
Death March kara hajimaru isekai kyousoukyoku
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Jan 12, 2014 2:54 AM

Mar 2013
cleverca22 said:
Urek said:
tsubasalover said:
lol @ Kakkii's character as the dog, though that girl cannot add him to friend list (that seems suspicious. Is there a secret why?).

there is a reason. we fellow LN-reader knows it.
though, it was already hinted since last few episodes, i will not spoil you, just rewatch the last few episodes and think about it... and maybe you will get it :D

my guess is that rudy is

that's what i was thinking. hopefully not though, because i like him.
Jan 12, 2014 2:57 AM
Oct 2013
HalibelTheEspada said:
Wow, looks like Rudy really is an NPC (Fuck you opening spoilers!). I'm not really surprised, but it's still going to be a really interesting development. I figured the People of the Land would start being able to level up and stuff at some point. If Rudy really is an NPC then it looks like he's the start of that chain... of course, he might've just been faking all of his stats.

One thing I wonder about that though, is if he's an NPC is how he eats hot sandwiches at a restaurant. I guess that could always be a new in-game place though... since I've seen them eating sandwiches before... it just seemed a little odd somehow.

jhinxsinx said:
i you played mmo like WoW and other ripoff of WoW that uses threat for some game mechanics.. Taunt /kite/aggro pull is very important for raid dungeon, this skill is needed to prevent mobs ganging healer and other low def range or melee dps.. being a tank is not that simple >.<
Ha! "ripoff of WoW"... I know for you and the other few people who for some reason alway think other MMORPGs are "rippoffs of WoW" this will fall on deaf ears, but World of Warcraft is NOT the first of it's kind. If anything, WoW is the very definition of a ripoff, albeit an extremely popular one. But I assure you that aggro didn't start with WoW (take Everquest, or Dark Age of Camelot for example). But I guess this really isn't the place to argue about World of Warcraft, I just can't resist when it comes to such nonsensical claims.

Every single RPG game must be ripping off to each other considering almost all (if not all) uses HP, MP, STR, AGI, INT, Swordsman, Archer, Magician, and the skills were pretty much the same.
Jan 12, 2014 3:40 AM
Feb 2013
Oh Isuzu is unable to add rudy in her friends list, somethings not right, and where the fuck did those fishy hordes came from?
Jan 12, 2014 4:22 AM
Jul 2018
dobinz said:

ReGan is Sage of Mirror Lake and his level is only level 28, most soldier level are around 20-30
if Rudy is people of the land, being level 23 at his age mean he is one tough motherfucker for NPC. maybe he is a prodigy child that expert in magic, that could explain why he act so arrogant. but he still a landers his strength couldn't compare with adventurer

Rundelhaus could be a descendant of one of those legendary heroes,mentioned by Regan, who can rival even players in terms of strength.
Jan 12, 2014 5:36 AM

Nov 2013
great episode, finally some action! People already mentioned this before, but what's up with Rudy? Seems I may have guessed right though, but we'll see. I kind of want to see some more politics, but you can;t have everything in one episode I guess!
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" - Winston Churchill

Jan 12, 2014 5:55 AM

Nov 2010
I thought they were statring with some flashbacks about their real life when the shore was shown

Minori has the brains!
It's all about teamwork at the end

Izusu realizing Rudy as a Golden retriever was funny
I think he part of the people of the Land or a quest character

Princess Lenessia is certainly getting charmed by Crusty
She's cute when blushing

Thank god an invasion is happening at the beach, more action please!
Jan 12, 2014 6:16 AM
Mar 2009
polesp said:
Rudy is the end game boss :D

Best theory I've heard yet! XD

This episode is really awesome, well paced, taught a lot about the dungeon/party/battle mechanics, and gives us a nice little cliffhanger into the next one... love the discussion it generated.

5/5 looking forward to next episode.
Jan 12, 2014 6:23 AM

Nov 2011

Not being accustomed to MMO games, these explanations are interesting, but the good thing is that it does not just focus on that, there's always the "pepper" in history.
Narrative that row too well!
Quite surprised and curious to find out the mystery that surrounds Rudy, more than appearance! * _ *
Something threatening moves unbeknownst to all? Addictive! : D
Jan 12, 2014 7:11 AM

May 2008
loving this series Looking forward to the next epsiode
Jan 12, 2014 7:42 AM

Oct 2012
I had my suspicion on Rudy since in episode 14 they all had a different color HP bar, now when Isuzu tried to add him as his friend everything made sense even his name. This turning out a great series.
Jan 12, 2014 7:46 AM

Jan 2011
Rudy must be a People of the Land. That's the only way to explain why Isuzu cried in the OP when Rudy dies. Maybe he is special type of People of the Land or is somehow able to gain access to the power of Adventurer (as in having job and lvls etc). Or perhaps all People of the Land can have the power of Adventurer too. And Rudy, of course knew that he couldn't be added into friend list because he is People of the Land.

Although he have the power of Adventurers, he are still People of the Land and when he dies, he dies.
In any case, judging the preview of next episode, it look like Rudy will explain why because Isuzu seem like she is stopping Rudy.
hokaruJan 12, 2014 8:16 AM
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