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Jun 23, 2013 12:17 AM
Jan 2012
The forums are much too polarized, people either click on the forums to:

A. Gripe
B. Extol

Happens all the time, don't worry about the reaction to this thread. I understand many hate watching airing anime and this series simply reinforces the notion. The pacing may suck but nothing a little quick skipping can't fix if it's all completely released.

I came to this show to expect an easy watch because that's exactly what it is, it's not like they're tackling any interesting, paradoxical, or philosophical issue on the human psyche that validates how much build-up or how refined the pacing may be. They only address the most basic and bland (as a non-supported subject matter) issues of futility and crisis-opportunity relations of a world on the brink. Not like I can't name off the top of my head two or a thousand more titles that delve into the same topic (Hint: Last of Us, The Walking Dead) The difference? These titles understand that the common "world on the brink" backdrop is a seasoning, flavor for the real foundation to grow and expand into a great narrative/whathaveyou that revolves around strong character development and an audience's draw to the environment they live in that reinforces the strength of the foundation even more.

So yeah, not like I'm gonna let this hang on me, the pacing sucks the big one but I just move on with my day, waiting another week won't even cause me to bat an eyelash. Many people probably feel the same way, they may even like the suspense, to each their own, but from a very relative viewpoint, see above.

And to address a more common point, no, staying loyal to the progression in the manga probably isn't the best idea either. The medium of drawn, text, and animation are all intrinsically different, sometimes loyalty to a medium is good, but it is not the grounds for an excuse to execute or repeat sections where either medium is lackluster. You do not see Berzerk cram all 300+ chapters of the manga into a long series, they masterfully cut and refined each detail of a manga with an incredibly high standard and wide audience into a very well done anime. A transition allows for refinement, not an out to repeat possible mistakes.
Aishi_Jun 23, 2013 12:29 AM
Jun 23, 2013 12:38 AM

Feb 2012
Funny and nonsensical thread. Why do even people ponder about this? lol So much complaining as if that they could do the same sh*t as the studio had done which is not. lmao. Shame on the guy who made this.
Jun 23, 2013 12:42 AM

Aug 2011
>Spidermen start dying
>"This is hopeless, we have to run"
>"But if we run, humanity dies"
>50%+ of episode spent on this conversation
>25%+ of episode spent on recaps from earlier episodes
>the actionscenes are almost just stills with some screaming and paint

Every week.

Still i wont drop it, i endured the Manga almost since the beginning so i can endure this shit too...
Jun 23, 2013 12:46 AM

Sep 2012
Aishi_ said:
The forums are much too polarized, people either click on the forums to:

A. Gripe
B. Extol

Happens all the time, don't worry about the reaction to this thread. I understand many hate watching airing anime and this series simply reinforces the notion. The pacing may suck but nothing a little quick skipping can't fix if it's all completely released.

I came to this show to expect an easy watch because that's exactly what it is, it's not like they're tackling any interesting, paradoxical, or philosophical issue on the human psyche that validates how much build-up or how refined the pacing may be. They only address the most basic and bland (as a non-supported subject matter) issues of futility and crisis-opportunity relations of a world on the brink. Not like I can't name off the top of my head two or a thousand more titles that delve into the same topic (Hint: Last of Us, The Walking Dead) The difference? These titles understand that the common "world on the brink" backdrop is a seasoning, flavor for the real foundation to grow and expand into a great narrative/whathaveyou that revolves around strong character development and an audience's draw to the environment they live in that reinforces the strength of the foundation even more.

So yeah, not like I'm gonna let this hang on me, the pacing sucks the big one but I just move on with my day, waiting another week won't even cause me to bat an eyelash. Many people probably feel the same way, they may even like the suspense, to each their own, but from a very relative viewpoint, see above.

And to address a more common point, no, staying loyal to the progression in the manga probably isn't the best idea either. The medium of drawn, text, and animation are all intrinsically different, sometimes loyalty to a medium is good, but it is not the grounds for an excuse to execute or repeat sections where either medium is lackluster. You do not see Berzerk cram all 300+ chapters of the manga into a long series, they masterfully cut and refined each detail of a manga with an incredibly high standard and wide audience into a very well done anime. A transition allows for refinement, not an out to repeat possible mistakes.

THE most logical, well thought out post in the entire SNK subforum
Jun 23, 2013 12:48 AM

Sep 2008
No. No real reason to drop it. Sure, this episode was by far the weakest so far, but it was nowhere near THAT bad.
I do think this show is overhyped/overrated, but that's another thing altogether. It's still a good show with great soundtrack and some beyond great moments.
Jun 23, 2013 1:22 AM
Feb 2013
Jun 23, 2013 1:28 AM

Mar 2013
Why is there even any debate left in this topic? If it wasn't obvious that OP was just doing this for attention and trying to look like a hipster last week, it should be completely obvious to everyone at this point. He even had to come back to announce that he didn't watch this week's episode, which is honestly pretty pathetic. Watch it or don't watch it, you don't have to announce to everyone weekly what you are doing in regards to the show. If you're going to post something like this go to 4chan, where all the other anime hipsters will agree with you in thinking the show is shit because of one thing you see as a flaw that actually improves the story.

Ignore that last part, I forgot he only made this so people would disagree with him for more attention for a second there.
KaceSpace said:
you never stated why it was ridiculous, we need trees to breath yet people take no heed, they always smoke weed.
it's your choice to make, which is worse, using paper to smoke weed or using paper to draw little girl's panties
Jun 23, 2013 1:33 AM

Jun 2010
Lol at the comments :D:D
Jun 23, 2013 2:54 AM

Oct 2012
GoldenBRS said:
I dropped way before that. Since right at episode 2.

Jun 23, 2013 3:01 AM
Feb 2012
Agony said:

Yes. Yes, I agree.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Jun 23, 2013 3:52 AM
☆A-Qing's hair☆

Jun 2008
quercifoliaJun 23, 2013 3:56 AM

Jun 23, 2013 5:26 AM

Apr 2010
More stills.
More talking.
More dragging.
More Mikasa lips.

1/10 dropped.
Jun 23, 2013 10:08 AM
Oct 2010
Aishi_ said:
The forums are much too polarized, people either click on the forums to:

A. Gripe
B. Extol

Happens all the time, don't worry about the reaction to this thread. I understand many hate watching airing anime and this series simply reinforces the notion. The pacing may suck but nothing a little quick skipping can't fix if it's all completely released.

I came to this show to expect an easy watch because that's exactly what it is, it's not like they're tackling any interesting, paradoxical, or philosophical issue on the human psyche that validates how much build-up or how refined the pacing may be. They only address the most basic and bland (as a non-supported subject matter) issues of futility and crisis-opportunity relations of a world on the brink. Not like I can't name off the top of my head two or a thousand more titles that delve into the same topic (Hint: Last of Us, The Walking Dead) The difference? These titles understand that the common "world on the brink" backdrop is a seasoning, flavor for the real foundation to grow and expand into a great narrative/whathaveyou that revolves around strong character development and an audience's draw to the environment they live in that reinforces the strength of the foundation even more.

So yeah, not like I'm gonna let this hang on me, the pacing sucks the big one but I just move on with my day, waiting another week won't even cause me to bat an eyelash. Many people probably feel the same way, they may even like the suspense, to each their own, but from a very relative viewpoint, see above.

And to address a more common point, no, staying loyal to the progression in the manga probably isn't the best idea either. The medium of drawn, text, and animation are all intrinsically different, sometimes loyalty to a medium is good, but it is not the grounds for an excuse to execute or repeat sections where either medium is lackluster. You do not see Berzerk cram all 300+ chapters of the manga into a long series, they masterfully cut and refined each detail of a manga with an incredibly high standard and wide audience into a very well done anime. A transition allows for refinement, not an out to repeat possible mistakes.

Ah finally some decent posts in here, I agree with alot of what you said, Berserk in particular needs to find a middle ground. The last movie trilogy left out too much (first movie was like 45minutes), so that just needed to have more content. This I feel includes too much, so it just drags. There needs to be a middle ground, because as you said, the mediums are not the same.
Jun 23, 2013 10:10 AM
Oct 2010
Firestar0513 said:
Why is there even any debate left in this topic? If it wasn't obvious that OP was just doing this for attention and trying to look like a hipster last week, it should be completely obvious to everyone at this point. He even had to come back to announce that he didn't watch this week's episode, which is honestly pretty pathetic. Watch it or don't watch it, you don't have to announce to everyone weekly what you are doing in regards to the show. If you're going to post something like this go to 4chan, where all the other anime hipsters will agree with you in thinking the show is shit because of one thing you see as a flaw that actually improves the story.

Ignore that last part, I forgot he only made this so people would disagree with him for more attention for a second there.

Where's the hipster here? Not sure why you guys think that anyone who criticizes this show is a hipster. I even said they did good work in the OP but the pacing was the issue. It seems like everyone something starts happening at the beginning and end, and 75% in the middle is just drawn out scenes.
Jun 23, 2013 10:32 AM

Jul 2011
Jun 23, 2013 10:46 AM

Mar 2012
Why are People so impatient?

Patience is a skill that humans must learn. But unfortunately, too many people are impatient. Today with the advances in technology, people can get access to information much faster than people in previous generations could. There are some reasons as to why so many people are impatient especially in the United States.

The first major reason why so many people are impatient is because we live in a society of instant gratification these days. People just want certain things now or very fast. They are not willing to have the patience to wait for those things that they desire.

The second major reason why so many people are impatient is because some people are just born that way. Being impatient is part of their character and no one can change them.

If you cannot stand the pacing nor waiting a week in and a week out for each new episode, drop the series or put it on hiatus and spare us the nonsense. Too much attention whoring on this section.
Jun 23, 2013 11:21 AM
Jun 2013
Thanks for dropping it. Doing that actually way better than disliking it, watch it, and bitch about it on the forum every week. I wish more of the whiners are like you in this regard.

Just don't come back and few weeks later on an ep discussion and start the bitching again.

Enjoy your next anime :)
Jun 23, 2013 11:23 AM

Aug 2012
I dropped it after the first.
Jun 23, 2013 11:24 AM

Oct 2012
ainky said:

Pretty OT, but your sig appears absolutely stunning!
Jun 23, 2013 11:25 AM

Jun 2013
Ho-ly crap. This week's episode was awesome. Moe Titan is alive again! Although his face looks like shit now...

So no. Not dropping it.
Jun 23, 2013 11:29 AM
Feb 2013
skudoops said:
I really like the manga, but the anime series is sticking way to close to it. A chapter that would take 10 minutes to read is being stretched over 20mins to watch. It's resulting in some horrendous pacing, and this coupled with the constant flashbacks (they actually serve a purpose in the manga since it does not come out very often) make the show just feel very drawn out.

I've always judged adaptations by their faithfulness to the source material, but I've discovered this is a very narrow view and now understand why many production studios choose to cut scenes. Animating panel by panel is lazy, they don't fix any errors in pacing the source material may have, they don't fix any odd dialogue/scenes, they don't rearrange/change scenes that may be better placed/altered and they don't remove the obvious things that should be removed (like the constant flashbacks in this case). A manga is not a TV show. TV shows have to fill their timeslot no matter what, and as a result many scenes in this show feel very drawn out and at times it feels like a whole lot of nothing is happening.

Don't get me wrong, I still think they did quality work, but I don't think they adapted it well for TV. Even if I didn't have to wait on a weekly basis for the episodes, there were points I found myself skipping scenes between episodes while I was watching them, just so I could see something actually happening. It's like there's a gigantic monologue before every event and it doesn't come off near as bad in the manga. An example of a superb adaptation of source material would be GoT. Despite quite a bit being changed from the source material, it's still extremely enjoyable and watchable in its own right. Anyone else feel the same way? I surely can't be the only one who feels like this.

you'd better get to know something about anime industry. this one is 2-season. that's right. but you see, just because it's 2-season, it doesn't mean you don't give nice ending to the first half season.

Spoiler, spoilers everywhere.
TachiiJun 23, 2013 7:35 PM
Jun 23, 2013 12:42 PM
Jul 2012
IntroverTurtle said:
Jun 23, 2013 12:56 PM

Jun 2012
There was a guy introduced a few eps ago who hasn't shown up since. I've heard he is supposed to be a main character. By the time he comes back we'll probably have forgotten him.

Also, isn't episode 14 supposed to be a recap episode?
Shoot first, think never.
Jun 23, 2013 12:59 PM

Mar 2011
skudoops said:
I really like the manga, but the anime series is sticking way to close to it. A chapter that would take 10 minutes to read is being stretched over 20mins to watch. It's resulting in some horrendous pacing, and this coupled with the constant flashbacks (they actually serve a purpose in the manga since it does not come out very often) make the show just feel very drawn out.

I've always judged adaptations by their faithfulness to the source material, but I've discovered this is a very narrow view and now understand why many production studios choose to cut scenes. Animating panel by panel is lazy, they don't fix any errors in pacing the source material may have, they don't fix any odd dialogue/scenes, they don't rearrange/change scenes that may be better placed/altered and they don't remove the obvious things that should be removed (like the constant flashbacks in this case). A manga is not a TV show. TV shows have to fill their timeslot no matter what, and as a result many scenes in this show feel very drawn out and at times it feels like a whole lot of nothing is happening.

Don't get me wrong, I still think they did quality work, but I don't think they adapted it well for TV. Even if I didn't have to wait on a weekly basis for the episodes, there were points I found myself skipping scenes between episodes while I was watching them, just so I could see something actually happening. It's like there's a gigantic monologue before every event and it doesn't come off near as bad in the manga. An example of a superb adaptation of source material would be GoT. Despite quite a bit being changed from the source material, it's still extremely enjoyable and watchable in its own right. Anyone else feel the same way? I surely can't be the only one who feels like this.

If this show is slow paced than One Piece is dead paced.
Jun 23, 2013 1:06 PM

Aug 2008
If you think this show is not slug paced then your brains is not fully functional. This is one of the worst paced series I've ever seen. It makes killing and fighting for you life more boring than watching paint dry. It feels like I'm already waiting 12 episodes for something to happen.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Jun 23, 2013 1:08 PM

May 2009
Antanaru said:
It feels like I'm already waiting 12 episodes for something to happen.
So nothing has happened so far? Are you retarded? If you're expecting answers to all the mysteries right away, you might as well quit now.
stAtic91Jun 23, 2013 1:49 PM
Jun 23, 2013 1:35 PM
Jan 2013
Right away, why they should rush anime? Not everyone read the manga, duh. So they should rush anime because someone read the manga? I am sorry but thats just dumb.

I like how they build up tension for the final :)
Jun 23, 2013 1:53 PM

Aug 2009
stAtic91 said:
Antanaru said:
It feels like I'm already waiting 12 episodes for something to happen.
So nothing has happened so far? Are you retarded?If you're expecting answers to all the mysteries right away, you might as well quit now.
Jun 23, 2013 3:17 PM
Oct 2010
Icebreaker93 said:
If this show is slow paced than One Piece is dead paced.

I dunno, I never watched it. The sheer amount of episodes along with the artstyle turned me off.
Jun 23, 2013 4:37 PM
Jun 2013
I'm trying not to. I like to reserve my opinion of a show until it's over. That said, the plodding progression is getting tedious. I don't have an issue with shows that move slowly or don't really move at all but they should at least be interesting.

The dialogue in SnK is not interesting nor is it stimulating, humorous or even engaging on an intellectual level. I knew this show was not going to have offer monologues on existentialism like Ergo Proxy nor did I expect the casual conversations in K-On. But I did expect something to transition the highlight, which is clearly the action, and so far it has failed.

But like I said, I like to finish shows before I formulate my entire opinion. SnK doesn't seem very interesting now, but before I label it as "average" or "bad", I'll finish it.
Jun 23, 2013 5:05 PM

Aug 2012
^ Hi and welcome to MAL!
Please be civil and enjoy your stay~

Bioshock Infinite!


Yeah, no.
Jun 23, 2013 5:29 PM
Jun 2013
MellowJello said:
^ Hi and welcome to MAL!
Please be civil and enjoy your stay~

Bioshock Infinite!

Thank you. I must say, that I like the quote in your signature. Another excellent game.
Jun 23, 2013 6:48 PM
Oct 2007
Wow people bashing OP to the ground! I think dropping this serie is extreme but agree on some other points. Since they gave us years of progression with first 5 episodes, it suddenly slows down too much. I mean after seeing trost arc start at 6 I was like "action here we go!" then it dropped to the ground. Being loyal to manga story is great but I don't think going 1:1 with manga chapters storywise is reasonable. I wish they could make less episodes with same story.
I'm gonna start reading manga and pile up episodes, looks like watching 3 eps per day gonna make a good daily dose of AoT
Jun 23, 2013 6:56 PM

Nov 2007
IntroverTurtle said:

Jun 23, 2013 7:05 PM

Feb 2012
Not enough Christa = Dropped.
Jun 23, 2013 8:02 PM

Sep 2008
Not enough Christa
Not enough Sasha

Too much Eren
Too much Armin
Jun 23, 2013 8:04 PM

Sep 2012
Eternia said:
Not enough Christa
Not enough Sasha

Too much Eren
Too much Armin
You're mad that the main characters are treated as main characters, and the side characters are treated as side characters?

Jun 23, 2013 8:09 PM

Jan 2012
Absolutely love it. Will never drop it.
Live, Laugh, Love.

Jun 23, 2013 8:26 PM
Jan 2012
Red_Keys said:
Eternia said:
Not enough Christa
Not enough Sasha

Too much Eren
Too much Armin
You're mad that the main characters are treated as main characters, and the side characters are treated as side characters?


Someone simply stated an opinion, what's wrong with that, and where is there any hint of anger. You see that gif on the bottom of your post? That's me, to your post :P

On a side note, it's kinda farfetched to say the main characters are only being treated as main characters, they just get more screen time. The only one with a hint of garnering anything that can even be labeled as characterization is Armin and that's what draws me to him moreso than other tag-along archetypes.

Edit for clarity: My opinion is that Mikasa is a stump with a backstory, Armin drives the story along and is the only juxtaposed "main" character that can validate the anime's society-in-crisis plot backdrop, and Eren is a plot device.
Aishi_Jun 23, 2013 8:31 PM
Jun 23, 2013 9:27 PM

Oct 2012
Aishi_ said:
Red_Keys said:
Eternia said:
Not enough Christa
Not enough Sasha

Too much Eren
Too much Armin
You're mad that the main characters are treated as main characters, and the side characters are treated as side characters?


Someone simply stated an opinion, what's wrong with that, and where is there any hint of anger. You see that gif on the bottom of your post? That's me, to your post :P

On a side note, it's kinda farfetched to say the main characters are only being treated as main characters, they just get more screen time. The only one with a hint of garnering anything that can even be labeled as characterization is Armin and that's what draws me to him moreso than other tag-along archetypes.

Edit for clarity: My opinion is that Mikasa is a stump with a backstory, Armin drives the story along and is the only juxtaposed "main" character that can validate the anime's society-in-crisis plot backdrop, and Eren is a plot device.
He was simply rephrasing what the previous quote said in a different way, whats wrong with that? See that gif in his signature? That's me, to your post :P
Jun 23, 2013 9:36 PM
Jan 2012
AnimeHAwk616 said:
Aishi_ said:
Red_Keys said:
Eternia said:
Not enough Christa
Not enough Sasha

Too much Eren
Too much Armin
You're mad that the main characters are treated as main characters, and the side characters are treated as side characters?


Someone simply stated an opinion, what's wrong with that, and where is there any hint of anger. You see that gif on the bottom of your post? That's me, to your post :P

On a side note, it's kinda farfetched to say the main characters are only being treated as main characters, they just get more screen time. The only one with a hint of garnering anything that can even be labeled as characterization is Armin and that's what draws me to him moreso than other tag-along archetypes.

Edit for clarity: My opinion is that Mikasa is a stump with a backstory, Armin drives the story along and is the only juxtaposed "main" character that can validate the anime's society-in-crisis plot backdrop, and Eren is a plot device.
He was simply rephrasing what the previous quote said in a different way, whats wrong with that? See that gif in his signature? That's me, to your post :P

See that gif in his signature? That's me, to your post :P
Jun 23, 2013 9:49 PM

Nov 2011
Aishi_ said:
AnimeHAwk616 said:
Aishi_ said:
Red_Keys said:
Eternia said:
Not enough Christa
Not enough Sasha

Too much Eren
Too much Armin
You're mad that the main characters are treated as main characters, and the side characters are treated as side characters?


Someone simply stated an opinion, what's wrong with that, and where is there any hint of anger. You see that gif on the bottom of your post? That's me, to your post :P

On a side note, it's kinda farfetched to say the main characters are only being treated as main characters, they just get more screen time. The only one with a hint of garnering anything that can even be labeled as characterization is Armin and that's what draws me to him moreso than other tag-along archetypes.

Edit for clarity: My opinion is that Mikasa is a stump with a backstory, Armin drives the story along and is the only juxtaposed "main" character that can validate the anime's society-in-crisis plot backdrop, and Eren is a plot device.
He was simply rephrasing what the previous quote said in a different way, whats wrong with that? See that gif in his signature? That's me, to your post :P

See that gif in his signature? That's me, to your post :P

See my profile picture? That's me, kneeing you in the face.
The Art of Eight
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