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Nov 11, 2017 7:18 AM

Nov 2011
Oh man, those two twins are adorable. Probably the cutest duo I've seen in this series so far. I like how they synchro with each other to bring out the best of themselves.

As usual, there's the baths.
Compared to a few of the episodes with drama, this one felt more cherry until that cliffhanger.
Stark700Nov 11, 2017 8:07 AM
Nov 11, 2017 8:03 AM

Apr 2010
The drama this episode was forced especially the ending, it was clear something was going to happen which made the ending of this episode pretty boring.
From the start it was clear that something was wrong with the personality of the twins it's like they see themselves as one person instead of two.
Nov 11, 2017 9:35 AM

Apr 2016
More engrish, more onsen, more CGDCT.

Honestly can't wait to see episode focusing those two in bar lol, they're fabulous.
Nov 11, 2017 9:38 AM

Dec 2014
The twins are cute.

The tea conversation was hilarious. xD

The twins want to try and become more individualistic but it looks like trying to change put them in a pretty bad situation. It was a very predictable ending but let's hope they overcome this.
Nov 11, 2017 9:48 AM

Aug 2013
Please make the secret be something else, please don't make the twins straight, I want twincest from them.
Nov 11, 2017 9:50 AM

Aug 2013
The twins decided to change and Maria cut her hair. Her short hair does look good on her. Now we can tell who's who now.

Nov 11, 2017 11:31 AM

Sep 2013
The twins change, looks like they got dumped because they were too similar and basically one person.
Maria acting a little more like the oldest now and Yuria like the youngest but they lose track of each other and crash :(
Nov 11, 2017 12:45 PM

Apr 2014
a much better ep than the last 2 especially since they changed the focus on a different team

but at the same time gotta say the drama this time was a bit dumb all over some guy smh (again but diffent team) though it is a good thing they wanna be different but other than that it was a nice ep

the team i really wanna see something happen with are team Mao and Hitomi should be interesting when their turn comes around
"one step at a time"
Nov 11, 2017 2:16 PM
Jul 2018
I felt like this episode when it comes to the drama is a bit forced, but I did liked the twins this week. They are just too cute.

By the way: Is it just me or do I really think that this show is severely underrated? Of course: It's not amazing for an 10th anniversary show for Silver Link... But it's competent enough to some extent. I still have fun with it.
Nov 11, 2017 6:06 PM

Oct 2008
Yeah, this episode was better, but after the last two episodes, that doesn't really say much. Cannot stand the SM couple, they learned basically nothing, the twins at least are harmless. Don't care for the drama, though, it feels really forced.

Also: I kinda want to bet that Hitomi and Mao's conflict will be that they realize they have much less in common than they think they do, but in the realize that it really doesn't matter, just based on the tea disussion of this episode.

Wasshio said:
By the way: Is it just me or do I really think that this show is severely underrated? Of course: It's not amazing for an 10th anniversary show for Silver Link... But it's competent enough to some extent. I still have fun with it.

I wish I could see what you see in this, because on paper, Two Car is a show I should like. The sports is interesting and the cast seems diverse at first glance.
But then I realize that all these "characters" are nothing but barebone clichés and the sport seems to be irrelevant to make way for cheap and generic drama. Add to that, that we're already expecting two episodes per couple each, this show has become incredibly predicatble. Next episode the twins will overcome their dilemma in the most uninteresting way possible, right in the last 3-5 minutes and off we go to the next couple. They will also go through a crisis that somehow mirrors with a conflict the two MCs have and so on and so forth.

Trust me, I want to like this show, I would drop it if there wasn't that little bit of hope that something interesting might happen the next episode or the one after that, but rn I just don't see it happening.
Nov 11, 2017 6:22 PM
Jul 2018
TheRedLagoon said:
Yeah, this episode was better, but after the last two episodes, that doesn't really say much. Cannot stand the SM couple, they learned basically nothing, the twins at least are harmless. Don't care for the drama, though, it feels really forced.

Also: I kinda want to bet that Hitomi and Mao's conflict will be that they realize they have much less in common than they think they do, but in the realize that it really doesn't matter, just based on the tea disussion of this episode.

Wasshio said:
By the way: Is it just me or do I really think that this show is severely underrated? Of course: It's not amazing for an 10th anniversary show for Silver Link... But it's competent enough to some extent. I still have fun with it.

I wish I could see what you see in this, because on paper, Two Car is a show I should like. The sports is interesting and the cast seems diverse at first glance.
But then I realize that all these "characters" are nothing but barebone clichés and the sport seems to be irrelevant to make way for cheap and generic drama. Add to that, that we're already expecting two episodes per couple each, this show has become incredibly predicatble. Next episode the twins will overcome their dilemma in the most uninteresting way possible, right in the last 3-5 minutes and off we go to the next couple. They will also go through a crisis that somehow mirrors with a conflict the two MCs have and so on and so forth.

Trust me, I want to like this show, I would drop it if there wasn't that little bit of hope that something interesting might happen the next episode or the one after that, but rn I just don't see it happening.

I guess to me the only issue I personally would see is the drama which would be kind of, well as I can say either underwhelming or just... average.

I guess it's the fact that I like the characters despite the sports part not being the main focus (which note I admit that's really something that they should polish in). Maybe its because of that and well the fact that I liked some of the stuff the show has in. I gave it a 7 (granted my score with that means I liked it but I wouldn't HIGHLY recommend it by any means unless you just want something to enjoy yourself and pass the time) but yeah there's really glaring issues that bugs me that keeps the score there. When I thought about it not perhaps a 6 would go well but then again, I don't know why exactly I enjoy this but I guess its the fact that its just kind of fun. Putting it simply: It's like the Saturday dose for me (I have Blend S and others sure but I would prefer Saturdays being the most mild and calm as possible, few action/serious shows on the table but mostly laxed stuff).

The drama being kinda eh, some of the characters are cliches but I guess I have a bias to certain character archetypes, the focus is kinda shifted to something else, not to mention the production isn't that great either. I can say decent at best, but derpy at its worst (because facial structure are a bit distortioned sometimes, or off-model).

I can say though at least this is better compared to their previous work last year (they did a work before together, at least the director and script writer which was Ange Vierge... let's say if this was forced, uh... This is convoluted) but its not saying much considering they need some working more. The co-op was interesting but then its like... Yah you need to work a bit more on that.
Nov 11, 2017 6:58 PM

Oct 2008
Wasshio said:
I guess to me the only issue I personally would see is the drama which would be kind of, well as I can say either underwhelming or just... average.

I guess it's the fact that I like the characters despite the sports part not being the main focus (which note I admit that's really something that they should polish in). Maybe its because of that and well the fact that I liked some of the stuff the show has in. I gave it a 7 (granted my score with that means I liked it but I wouldn't HIGHLY recommend it by any means unless you just want something to enjoy yourself and pass the time) but yeah there's really glaring issues that bugs me that keeps the score there. When I thought about it not perhaps a 6 would go well but then again, I don't know why exactly I enjoy this but I guess its the fact that its just kind of fun. Putting it simply: It's like the Saturday dose for me (I have Blend S and others sure but I would prefer Saturdays being the most mild and calm as possible, few action/serious shows on the table but mostly laxed stuff).

The drama being kinda eh, some of the characters are cliches but I guess I have a bias to certain character archetypes, the focus is kinda shifted to something else, not to mention the production isn't that great either. I can say decent at best, but derpy at its worst (because facial structure are a bit distortioned sometimes, or off-model).

I can say though at least this is better compared to their previous work last year (they did a work before together, at least the director and script writer which was Ange Vierge... let's say if this was forced, uh... This is convoluted) but its not saying much considering they need some working more. The co-op was interesting but then its like... Yah you need to work a bit more on that.

I hope my post didn't come across the wrong way, if you enjoy the show, more power to you! :) But I feel that all the criticisms that have been stated so far are valid, including the points you made. I absolutely agree, the animation could be better and they should've put more focus on the sport itself. I will wait with my rating until the last episode, but rn it's somewhere between a 4 and a 5. Not the worst I've ever seen, but episodes 4 and 5 drove me nuts, admittedly. Everything else just seems generic. I'm also watching Blend S and that show uses its characters wa~y better than Two Car, by throwing them into new scenarios every episode, instead of following a formula the way Two Car does. As I said, I'll keep watching because I hope that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, but I have to admit, it's really hard to motivate myself to do so, currently.
Nov 11, 2017 7:07 PM
Jul 2018
TheRedLagoon said:
Wasshio said:
I guess to me the only issue I personally would see is the drama which would be kind of, well as I can say either underwhelming or just... average.

I guess it's the fact that I like the characters despite the sports part not being the main focus (which note I admit that's really something that they should polish in). Maybe its because of that and well the fact that I liked some of the stuff the show has in. I gave it a 7 (granted my score with that means I liked it but I wouldn't HIGHLY recommend it by any means unless you just want something to enjoy yourself and pass the time) but yeah there's really glaring issues that bugs me that keeps the score there. When I thought about it not perhaps a 6 would go well but then again, I don't know why exactly I enjoy this but I guess its the fact that its just kind of fun. Putting it simply: It's like the Saturday dose for me (I have Blend S and others sure but I would prefer Saturdays being the most mild and calm as possible, few action/serious shows on the table but mostly laxed stuff).

The drama being kinda eh, some of the characters are cliches but I guess I have a bias to certain character archetypes, the focus is kinda shifted to something else, not to mention the production isn't that great either. I can say decent at best, but derpy at its worst (because facial structure are a bit distortioned sometimes, or off-model).

I can say though at least this is better compared to their previous work last year (they did a work before together, at least the director and script writer which was Ange Vierge... let's say if this was forced, uh... This is convoluted) but its not saying much considering they need some working more. The co-op was interesting but then its like... Yah you need to work a bit more on that.

I hope my post didn't come across the wrong way, if you enjoy the show, more power to you! :) But I feel that all the criticisms that have been stated so far are valid, including the points you made. I absolutely agree, the animation could be better and they should've put more focus on the sport itself. I will wait with my rating until the last episode, but rn it's somewhere between a 4 and a 5. Not the worst I've ever seen, but episodes 4 and 5 drove me nuts, admittedly. Everything else just seems generic. I'm also watching Blend S and that show uses its characters wa~y better than Two Car, by throwing them into new scenarios every episode, instead of following a formula the way Two Car does. As I said, I'll keep watching because I hope that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, but I have to admit, it's really hard to motivate myself to do so, currently.

Oh no no worries, I didn't took it the wrong way actually. I just have some problems with my words, so for me it's actually fine if you aren't a fan of this that much and that's cool. More power to you.

And I understand that, and the rating is pretty justified and I get your complaints with the series as some are kind of the same as me. I just have an enjoyment out of this despite those flaws being rather glaring or noticeable. Not the worst I've seen, its fun to some extent but yeah I can get why you would be irritated or just, driving you crazy over the stuff that's going on.

Edit's note: I forgot to mention that I actually agree with the Blend S comment, which is a reason why I even gave it such a very high rating on my end. Since it does know how to make the character dynamics pretty fun and interesting to watch.
removed-userNov 11, 2017 7:13 PM
Nov 11, 2017 11:10 PM

Jan 2014
Lmao @ the couple "being one" with their "similar" taste in tea. They always put a smile on my face.
I like how this show tackles individual identity between each team; it's obviously saving the main characters for last. What I found spooky is that this week's episode revolved around the twins, and The Idolmaster SideM also had an episode this week about twins. Coincidence? I think not. It's clearly a conspiracy. #NotToday

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Nov 12, 2017 1:22 AM

Jun 2015
Mao couple part was pretty fun.
Also another entry in the backstory of week, probably this will keep up until the end of the series.
It seems in this series all about having fight over men xD
Though overall bad show, I begin to savor it anyway.
Nov 12, 2017 3:08 AM

Nov 2016
I'm really asking myself when Megumi and Yuri will start to get along as good as that bar couple xD

Episode was focussed on the twins and their identity issues and ended with a cliffhanger.

Btw,it's really funny to see how this show is scored almost as low as Ousama Game,kek.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 13, 2017 5:57 AM

May 2017
Saw the crash coming when the main duo commented about them

Next episode, Yuria will cut her hair too so they can be the same again

Predictable af

Love the twins tho
Nov 13, 2017 5:58 AM

Apr 2016
and this episode became the problems between the cute twins!!! xD
Nov 14, 2017 5:10 AM

Oct 2008
In a race, crashes can't be prevented and would always have a probability % to happened but anyways, its about the twins this time, the one who cut her hair is Maria and the one who didn't and stayed the same is Yuria.

Dec 1, 2017 11:36 PM
Apr 2017
This ep is better than I expected
Although I kinda expect what would happen, but like their approach
Jan 28, 2018 2:25 PM

Jan 2014
ichii_1 said:
The twins change, looks like they got dumped because they were too similar and basically one person.

Yeah, I still don't quite get that. Each said they kept a secret from the other. Were they actually dating the same guy without knowing?
"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Jan 28, 2018 2:44 PM

Sep 2013
Laionidas said:

Yeah, I still don't quite get that. Each said they kept a secret from the other. Were they actually dating the same guy without knowing?

Yes, that the guy dumped them both without any issues probably means he didn't care that much for them too.
Jul 17, 2020 9:48 PM

Feb 2020
Oh, wow, now its the twins sister problematic that needed an immediate resolved. I thing their problem as a twins really simple. Girls, why you acted like that only because of some stupid guy? You had each other, why you dont loved your twins, then? Such a naives girls they might've to be. I guess, their resolution might come up with that thing. So, yeah, lets see that shit in the next episode ...
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Apr 24, 2023 10:43 PM

May 2009
TheRedLagoon said:
Yeah, this episode was better, but after the last two episodes, that doesn't really say much. Cannot stand the SM couple, they learned basically nothing, the twins at least are harmless. Don't care for the drama, though, it feels really forced.

Also: I kinda want to bet that Hitomi and Mao's conflict will be that they realize they have much less in common than they think they do, but in the realize that it really doesn't matter, just based on the tea disussion of this episode.

Wasshio said:
By the way: Is it just me or do I really think that this show is severely underrated? Of course: It's not amazing for an 10th anniversary show for Silver Link... But it's competent enough to some extent. I still have fun with it.

I wish I could see what you see in this, because on paper, Two Car is a show I should like. The sports is interesting and the cast seems diverse at first glance.
But then I realize that all these "characters" are nothing but barebone clichés and the sport seems to be irrelevant to make way for cheap and generic drama. Add to that, that we're already expecting two episodes per couple each, this show has become incredibly predicatble. Next episode the twins will overcome their dilemma in the most uninteresting way possible, right in the last 3-5 minutes and off we go to the next couple. They will also go through a crisis that somehow mirrors with a conflict the two MCs have and so on and so forth.

Trust me, I want to like this show, I would drop it if there wasn't that little bit of hope that something interesting might happen the next episode or the one after that, but rn I just don't see it happening.
Yeah, so far to me this show kinda feels meh.

I feel like the show seems unsure whether it wants to be a character-driven story with some light comedy on the side or a gag-driven comedy with the characters written for enabling the gags. I feel like it really wants to be the former, but just keeps sliding into the latter in moments of "banter" because it just feels forced and not very endearing.

And ugh, the S&M team. I totally thought this was gonna be some thing where the driver learned to be nicer, and I thought the dreams were the passenger fantasizing about overthrowing the tyrannical driver, but...yeah, things turned out different, in a weird and unsatisfying way.

Ironically I'd say the current drama cliffhanger is new. The show so far hasn't had much drama. I was genuinely expecting them to nab that record time.

This Silver Link bishoujo sports anime is turning out very different from the other Silver Link bishoujo sports anime that I watched before (i.e. Circlet Princess).
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.

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