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The best episode so far.
The series didn't seem to promise that much - kid gets so much power, kid started to kill, some smart-wannabe lines and so on, until you see this episode No. 7! Now, it's starting to look like a chess game among pro's. Sgoi!
yea so this episode confirms the sketchiness that i felt towards episode 2 with the fake L dying (see discussion)... i'm slightly annoyed now... hmmm maybe i missed something there.. might make it a new discussion topic...
Not only is Episode 7 the absolute best of the entire "Death Note" series, it's probably one of the 5 or 10 greatest episodes in anime history. My jaw dropped at the end there.
ShaolinRibiero said: Not only is Episode 7 the absolute best of the entire "Death Note" series, it's probably one of the 5 or 10 greatest episodes in anime history. My jaw dropped at the end there.
I completely agree~
This episode showed so much cunning and brilliance - I was really blown away :)
Everyone said it: ep7 was awesome :3 though I still think the first ep wins, this was pretty damn close and wow, what an ending... T^T poor Naomi-san~~
But there's always a 'but' "^_^. At first - when reading the manga - I thought this was another display of Light being incredibly clever. Now - watching the anime - I realised it was another display of Light being incredibly lucky xD Seriously, he's been so close to getting caught when he could have just let Ray Penber and the other FBI agents live (facepalm) Yappari, L's the real genius ;3
WAAA!! i feel so sorry for that girl!! but light was amazing how he so easily deceived that girl... though she was more of a challenge... i feel so sorry for her... she was innocent too... if only she didn't meet light, light would've been caught...
vearg said: WAAA!! i feel so sorry for that girl!! but light was amazing how he so easily deceived that girl... though she was more of a challenge... i feel so sorry for her... she was innocent too... if only she didn't meet light, light would've been caught...
and the anime would have ended right then and there. at least the fun part.
noami..... well she just lost the game. and in slow motion, how cool is that? and sad in too.
ryuuk's laugh when he was finally gonna get her real name really made me shiver.
Well that's Raito for you peps! He's one of the more intelligent, clever, and luckier characters ever made in the anime history... damn people... If you dun like this episode then, resign yourself of watching anime at all!! it was for his sake... If I were him I'd do the same to protect my own safety... first of all I wouldn't have started killing the criminals in the first place but it doesn't matter now.... What maters is Light's safety and goals muahahaha... Ryuuk was amazing too!! Muahahaa... GO L! Capture Kira XD
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Man, Light's a real bastard. This is: What? Two innocent people he has killed now? I have to admit that the guy is incredibly cunning and intelligent, there is no way I would have been able to compose myself in that situation.
I liked her too, and the look in her eyes at the moment of realisation was chilling. But, I definitely am cheering for L now.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."
i found it rather stupid myself that she would be so careful about who she speaks to about her infirmation on Kira but then just goes and blabs to Light about it. i found it to be a very weak point in this episode that overshadows Light being lucky/clever in getting her name. it shouldn't have been possible to begin with
So in episode two, a fake "L" dies on live TV even though it was a death-sentenced criminal standing in for the real "L" and not even using his own real name -- but now it's possible for people to elude death by using an alias? Is this just some profoundly stupid leap of logic we're supposed to swallow? No, don't think so.
Penbar's fiancee's gullibility was perhaps somewhat more believable -- one could say she was looking for something to hold onto in her grief, particularly if Light reminded her of "L" -- but it's difficult to accept that she, a former FBI agent, was so easily manipulated by Light. As if his weird, desperate pleading with her to give up on trying to meet anyone wasn't a big red warning sign...
Going further beyond any of that, I'm still just not at all convinced by Light's nature as a character. Straight-A student finds this book and discovers its power, and it brings out an intent so sinister it just stretches the believability of his character. Maybe that's part of the book's power, and they're just not telling us that yet...?
I dunno. I'll probably continue to watch for a bit, but if this show keeps stretching things to the point of stupidity (and never explains why Light was able to kill the fake "L") I think I'll just write it off as overrated trash.
antitype said: Yeah, starting to think this show is bullshit.
So in episode two, a fake "L" dies on live TV even though it was a death-sentenced criminal standing in for the real "L" and not even using his own real name -- but now it's possible for people to elude death by using an alias? Is this just some profoundly stupid leap of logic we're supposed to swallow? No, don't think so.
Penbar's fiancee's gullibility was perhaps somewhat more believable -- one could say she was looking for something to hold onto in her grief, particularly if Light reminded her of "L" -- but it's difficult to accept that she, a former FBI agent, was so easily manipulated by Light. As if his weird, desperate pleading with her to give up on trying to meet anyone wasn't a big red warning sign...
Going further beyond any of that, I'm still just not at all convinced by Light's nature as a character. Straight-A student finds this book and discovers its power, and it brings out an intent so sinister it just stretches the believability of his character. Maybe that's part of the book's power, and they're just not telling us that yet...?
I dunno. I'll probably continue to watch for a bit, but if this show keeps stretching things to the point of stupidity (and never explains why Light was able to kill the fake "L") I think I'll just write it off as overrated trash.
1. That was most likely the prisoners real name but that L, had just happened to be his middle initial.
2. The alias cannot be used to kill a person because it is not the correct name of that person. It was stated in the rules you need a victims name and face in order to kill them, without a correct name it doesn't work. I don't see why that was so hard to understand.
3. Corruption is strong when ultimate power is a reward.
lol agreed with the dude above, it seems anti type didn't pay attention to the episode at all lol.
It was the real prisoners name, and the allias DIDNT work, she handed her real name at the end.
Stupid for talking/saying so much though. I would have expected it if I thought about it cleverly. Especially with the ''Huh..?'' from L after the first time he wrote the name and looked at his watch, I thought she knew then, but I Guess not.
Light is a good talker, but honestly, this one seemed forced. If she was that smart and cautious to use an alias and find out that Light can make people do things before they die, then she should have definitely caught on that Light wasn't leaving for a reason.
Oh well, it was still very suspenseful, and had an impact ending. I don't know of any other show that can make a regular conversation this exciting.
Damn how did she even fall for that?...
it didn't seem suspicious that he kept coming back constantly for info on her..? -.-
oh she's about to go too.
LOL and Ryuk's laugh cracked me up. xD!!
That episode might've been the most dramatic conversation I've seen. And it's not like it was contrived in it's seriousness; it literally had me repeating "Holy s***!" at the end.
So yeah, Naomi(?) was carrying an idiot ball. But for the sake of enjoyment, I'd recommend fan-waving it.
Also something of interest is the whole Shinigami eyes deal. I mean, it was interesting when it was first introduced, but I have a feeling that it'll end up as being used in an ass-pull-ish manner, or like the other pill in the Matrix (an alternate option that the hero declines, showing his character. In Light's case, his craziness.) Hopefully, it's the latter.
I guess I'll just have to watch to find out the rest.
Well I don'tt think it was the best episode, but it was definitely brilliant like all others before it. I feel so sorry for her =( Such a great character, so innocent, doomed...
WOW. There were some moments there where I though that he was going to be discovered. And I was thinking that he might actually take that offer for the eyes.
Wow. That was INTENSE. I was literally shivering during the episode. Best so far. I don't know if I'll be able to handle this series if the rest of the episodes are like this, though. I'll die of a heart attack!
It was really fun trying to guess what light was going to do next. I really like how Light manipulated her feelings. If it had not been for her emotions, she would have nailed him.
This is phenomenal writing. I can't help but think I would have enjoyed this in the form of a novel.
That girl was not that intelligent as I expected, it was a bit disapointing, but well, I guess I can't expect everyone in this series to be a genius. (It was a bit sad anyways.)
This episode temporarily made me forget about my lower back pain. Near the end i thought the detective knew what she was doing but to get her emotions pulled out like that just brought me down. She started of good by saying that she'd like to talk to one of the special task force members by saying she wants to go along but Kira kept clinging to her off course. Why didn't she pick up on that? A stranger she just meet followed her and asking questions, she used an alias and ends up giving her real name....Kira was cunning but she seemed to be one step ahead but got sentenced to death. Still a good episode.
I REALLY hope that one of these times when that smug sonovabitch Light reveals himself as Kira it backfires. Preferably in front of L.
Also, with Light's creepy dead-inside facial expressions, I'd have a hard time believing his lies. Though that may just be because I know his track record.
Wow. The way Light's character has turned from having a noble, 'just' cause to killing innocents left and right is shocking. Especially since they made him out to be the protagonist at the beginning. I actually felt outraged at Naomi's fate, and this is fictional anime we're talking about here. I can see why this series got so much acclaim.