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Apr 6, 2009 10:45 AM
Jun 2007
I'm torn in regards to this final battle. the battle was full of shit exploding, Shabby destroying, and Lina ass kicking. despite all that, it was nowhere near as epic as the final showdown in NEXT.

The Good:
- The battle wasn't all that great but when you add 'Give a Reason' as an insert song and voila, you make it over 9000 times better.
- Gourry being incredibly manly when the situation calls for it. I was bothered that the Sword of Light lasted that long (even added a PEW PEW mode) but when it broke, what did Gourry do? Hell, he didn't panic and stood there in front of Shabby to buy time for Lina
- Ra Tilt was surprsingly useful (to some extent) in this battle. I don't remember an instance when it actually worked against a Mazoku.
- Xellos. Xellos. Xellos. He was a true bro helping out the gang even after his Giga Drill Breaker and A.T. Field didn't work like it should have.

The Bad:
- We all knew that Lina would be able to cast the Giga Slave without any hitches (there were only a couple of minutes left in the episode so there's no time for a twist). not to mention L-sama gave her the little push she needed.
- They had to kill Rezo again. Derp. wait, maybe he has another jar just in case another Giga Slave is cast on him. prepare for more trolling from Rezo!
- I really don't buy Pokota creating a problem for Shabby when he tried to fight for his body. that was really cheap.
- Wizer only got one appearance in this season and it was at the very end.

in the end, both Zel and Amelia parted ways with Lina and Gourry. Zel back to being a lone wolf and Amelia in Saillune. Lina also mentioned that they are back to searching for a new sword for Gourry..............
avrcApr 6, 2009 9:11 PM
Apr 8, 2009 12:58 AM

Apr 2009
The only thing I enjoy out of this ep was Give a Reason. What's the deal with Pokota should of left him dead. Very disappointed with this season more so than Try.
Apr 8, 2009 9:10 PM
Jul 2008
Pretty underwhelming ending considering the buildup.

Let's hope to see the Dynast arc animated within the next 10 years.
Apr 10, 2009 1:57 PM

Mar 2009
AntiDentite said:
Let's hope to see the Dynast arc animated within the next 10 years.

All i can say is: DO WANT!

Apr 11, 2009 1:43 PM

Apr 2008
Although I predicted that Rina would use Giga Slave again, I wish the story made her use something different -__-

It's nice that Give A Reason appeared. That's one of my favorite Hayashibara Megumi songs.

I like that they showed the major characters of all old and new Slayers series in two eye-catch scenes. I believe the left one at the back wearing waitress dress is Rina's sister?
And the one only showing the back is Naga the White Serpent? I have been thinking that she is Nama.

At the beginning of this new series, I wish Rina would learn a new magic spell, but it is disappointed that she didn't. I hope they will make another Slayers anime in the future with more exciting story.
Apr 11, 2009 8:11 PM
Jun 2007
WaterLily said:
I like that they showed the major characters of all old and new Slayers series in two eye-catch scenes. I believe the left one at the back wearing waitress dress is Rina's sister?

Yep, that was Luna dressed up as a waitress. the interesting eyecatch was the one with all the antagonists. I think there was a brief glimpse of Dynast Grausherra in there.

there's a silhouette of between Copy Rezo and Valgaav of a character that I don't believe has made an appearance in any series.
LunaFeb 6, 2013 1:08 AM
Apr 11, 2009 8:14 PM

Apr 2009
Who's that below Garv? Thought it looked more like a girl.
A1astorApr 11, 2009 10:42 PM
Apr 11, 2009 8:37 PM
Jun 2007
A1astor said:
Who's that below Gaav?

no clue dude. lol.
Apr 12, 2009 2:14 PM

Apr 2008
A1astor said:
Who's that below Garv? Thought it looked more like a girl.

I think she is Eris (or Erisiel), who was Rezo's assistant and later tried to kill Rina to take revenge for Rezo in the first Slayer series, but she was killed by the Copy Rezo.
Apr 12, 2009 10:22 PM

Dec 2007
WaterLily said:
A1astor said:
Who's that below Garv? Thought it looked more like a girl.

I think she is Eris (or Erisiel), who was Rezo's assistant and later tried to kill Rina to take revenge for Rezo in the first Slayer series, but she was killed by the Copy Rezo.

Yep. Also those eyecatches were a nice touch.

Not surprised to see all the bitching here, but I think the ending was as good as it could be. Evolution-R definitely remedied the lackluster Revolution and I'm thankful. 8/10 for me. It's still below the first three Slayers seasons in my book but it doesn't mean that it's bad.

I'm really not expecting to see any more Slayers seasons, but who knows.
Apr 13, 2009 5:09 AM

Mar 2008
A1astor said:
Who's that below Garv? Thought it looked more like a girl.

That is the girl who served Copy Rezo and aqcuiered the Claire Bible for him.
What was her name again, Miranda?
Apr 13, 2009 5:36 AM

Mar 2008
And with that, here's to another decade before another season full of cock teases and no resolution to the world's story.

Cheers! And may we all agree that these two seasons were awsome!
Apr 13, 2009 2:41 PM

Apr 2009
gc said:
WaterLily said:
A1astor said:
Who's that below Garv? Thought it looked more like a girl.

I think she is Eris (or Erisiel), who was Rezo's assistant and later tried to kill Rina to take revenge for Rezo in the first Slayer series, but she was killed by the Copy Rezo.

Yep. Also those eyecatches were a nice touch.

Not surprised to see all the bitching here, but I think the ending was as good as it could be. Evolution-R definitely remedied the lackluster Revolution and I'm thankful. 8/10 for me. It's still below the first three Slayers seasons in my book but it doesn't mean that it's bad.

I'm really not expecting to see any more Slayers seasons, but who knows.

It's been ages since I've seen the 1st season, I agreed its probably Eris, spiky shoulder pads besides Naga. I guess my lack of enjoyment out of these last two season stems from being spoiled by all the new animes with better setup,plot twists . With that said it will not stop me from watching any new Slayers that comes out, at least the art is and will improve.
Apr 14, 2009 5:01 AM

Jan 2008
It's over, it was underwhelming, it gets 6/10 (the lowest I've ever given a Slayers series). They could have done so much more with this, and they didn't. I hope they either step up to the bar next time, or just give it up altogether. Revolution/Evolution-R was NOT Slayers to me. It didn't have the same feel as the previous three seasons. Old fight is OLD. They could have done so much more than just bring back old enemies to fight again.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Apr 14, 2009 8:15 PM

Nov 2008
Finally another Giga Slave. Cheers.
Apr 15, 2009 3:49 PM

Jul 2008
Avarice said:
there's a silhouette of between Copy Rezo and Valgaav of a character that I don't believe has made an appearance in any series.

Looks to me like Dark Star, but I could be wrong.

While it may not have been as good as it could have been, it was pretty damn good as it was, that's all I've got to say.
Apr 16, 2009 8:50 AM
Jan 2009
Avarice said:

Yep, that was Luna dressed up as a waitress. the interesting eyecatch was the one with all the antagonists. I think there was a brief glimpse of Dynast Grausherra in there.

How you know that is her sister? She has not appear before in any of the Slayers season rite?
Apr 16, 2009 8:57 AM
Jun 2007
ad87 said:
Avarice said:

Yep, that was Luna dressed up as a waitress. the interesting eyecatch was the one with all the antagonists. I think there was a brief glimpse of Dynast Grausherra in there.

How you know that is her sister? She has not appear before in any of the Slayers season rite?

Luna Inverse has not appeared in the series proper; just in the Opening theme of both Slayers Next, Slayers Try and a couple of eyecatches. she was also referred to a couple of times in Slayers Try.

kevin_video said:
I hope they either step up to the bar next time, or just give it up altogether.

avrcApr 16, 2009 9:04 AM
Apr 20, 2009 3:07 PM

Apr 2009
While I agree that Revolution and Evolution-R weren't the greatest, I did still enjoy them. It's always sad to see Slayers come to an end. I want more! Just no more Rezo, please...

I think I'd cry if we have to wait ten more years for a new season. ;_;
Apr 24, 2009 3:37 PM

Jan 2008
it was a cool ending to a not as cool season. it was enjoyable but nothing special. Next still was the best imo.

A1astor said:
The only thing I enjoy out of this ep was Give a Reason.

though i enjoyed more than that, that definitely brought back a real slayers feeling.
Apr 25, 2009 8:27 PM

Feb 2009
poor Pokota though, but still I want more Slayers!!
Apr 29, 2009 2:28 PM

Jun 2007
Great ending. Sure it wasn't as good as Next, but still a hell of a lot better then Try.

Man, now we gotta wait again. But I was kinda wondering. How big are the chances of a new season? Like Dynast arc? It kinda felt like Evolution was just a test to see how well a new Slayers season would do (this time with new music for example)
May 1, 2009 5:11 PM
Feb 2009
I loved it. The last 5 episodes of Evo are some of my favorite Slayers eps ever, and I was very happy with the last episode. Not as great as Next, of course, but better than Try (which was good but dragged on a bit), and right up there with the best episodes of the first series.
I loved that it showed how much the characters have grown, especially Lina and Gourry. Pokota was cool, Xelloss was awesome, Zel and Amelia were as great as always. Ozel is one of my favorite Slayers side-characters, I really loved her. I even ended up kind of liking Rezo.
I was disappointed in most of Revolution but this series turned out soo much better, especially in these last episodes.
I hope it sells well and they make more, whether it's from the novels or new stories.
Nov 19, 2010 12:37 AM

Nov 2007
I love that they revived the series, but these two seasons were pretty weak. I will give them that they actually ended up being more enjoyable than I wagered. The Taforashia/Rezo storyline had a ton of good potential (though they could have done more with it)l. Also, Pokota wasn't as annoying overall as when he first showed up, and actually had a decent story and role...although, I'm still wondering why he was so randomly powerful. Someone else being able to do the Dragon Slave is a big deal, yet not once did anyone ask him how he learned it.

I, too, loved the Give a Reason insert. In the past, the Slayers opening themes have been really enjoyable. But these two opening themes...they sounded like tofu to me. No real uniqueness or spirit, which was a big let down.

There were also several plot point not really explored or just totally glossed over at the last moment. Ozzel's whole backstory was more implied than really explored. The resolution with Zuuma was similarly just implied, and that one really bugged me because it deserved a more decisive and open confrontation. You can guess why he hates Lina, but he never outright accuses her of anything, which you can get away with not saying things bluntly if you really play up the subtle interaction and drama in body language...which they did not. Plus, if they really wanted to do the whole "Oh, the jar made him insane!" at the end, then the writers could have been more clever working in bits showing the jar's influence. Plus, his and his son's deaths were totally treated as, "Oh well. They're dead now. HEY! Let's go that way!" In fact, I don't even know why they included his son at all. He didn't really have a purpose. And I disliked him because his look and attitude made him seem like he'd be from a more modern dramatic anime, not from the rustic world of Slayers. I do give the writing props in that I liked the direction that Zuumas story was meant to take (and I didn't catch on to who he was until the ep. where his leg is seen bleeding by Ozzel...yeah, I'm slow), it's just the execution sucked.

To me though the biggest let down this season was Xellos. So many people said he was awesome, but I think they ruined his character. In the past, he's tagged along just for the sake of being a big goober, and he's acted the part of happy-go-lucky spaz until things were really dicey. This season, not only did he not tag along for hilarity, but he was almost always serious. Further, they WAY overused him opening his eyes. In the past, if Xellos opened one or both his eyes you knew he was about to beat the tar outta someone or that it was going to get really, really bad. This season, I'm hard-pressed to think of a single appearance when he didn't open an eye. It was like the director was trying to say, "Oh, but look! He's opened an eye! Grrrr, he's so intimidating! Don't forget that he's really a bad guy," like we could, what with him being so obvious about it. The whole reasons Xellos was such a good character was because you did forget he's actually a) Really powerful and b) A villain. His fun antics made you love him, and then BAM! His eyes open and he's just crazy. The contrast is what made him interesting. But this time they were so focused on making him "cool" that he came off as totally flat and not threatening at all. It got to the point that I could predict to the second when he was about to open his eye. And for a character that derives his strength from being unpredictable, that's pretty pathetic.
Jun 11, 2011 6:07 AM

Dec 2009
I loved this series. The thought of letting go of Slayers again is giving me post anime depression.
I really hope for another series.
Jul 6, 2011 8:41 AM
Nov 2009
I want to know... Rezo told Zelgadis that there is no cure for him... then why he, in the end, left again? I was hoping for him to stay by Amelia's side.
Aug 28, 2011 8:54 AM
Sep 2007
And with this episode I completed every Slayers anime title; btw, all of them (series, OVAs, and movies) I watched chronologically, in other word - in order by which they aired.

I didn't start any new series without first finishing OVAs, or movies that aired before it, and same can be said for OVAs and movies as well.

Anyway, for me Evolution-R was entertaining enough to score with 8/10, mostly because of already beloved characters, and also return of Rezo and Shabranigdo.
Also, there was Nama too, and appearance of those few Zelgadis' followers was also nice.

I also like that they didn't change voice actors all these years, so it was good to hear Koyasu Takehito as Rezo, late Daisuke Gouri as Shabranigdo, or Maria Kawamura as Nama, I mean Naga if she indeed is Naga.
Not to mention main characters, I am really glad they didn't change any of seiyus for them.

And just to mention it now, I started watching first Slayers series January 6, 2011, meaning I managed to watch all titles this year.

I don't know when next series, movie, or OVA will be out, but I hope not so far in future, and I hope will stop with all that teasing about Lina's sister, and Naga being Amelia's sister, but no one else knowing that.

Btw, watching this season on big TV (126 cm) in 720p was great, if only subs were a little bit bigger.
Sep 5, 2011 6:25 PM

Dec 2009
Well, Revolution and Evolution-R were alright, to me they were not as epic as others but I'm glad the continued the Slayers anime with these (: always enjoyable
Oct 27, 2011 3:40 PM
Jul 2009
It can be said that they finished where they started.
Both series were good. But I felf a little less satisfaction than in 3series beforehead...
Plot was to simple and we got lord fight again. 7,5/10 I quess.

I hope for next Slayers with Lina x Goury thing, Xellos thing and Madoku stuff...

Between July 26, 2008 and March 2009, a new series entitled Slayers Light Magic began serialisation in Kadokawa Shoten's Kerokero Ace. The series is written by Yoshijirō Muramatsu and Shin Sasaki, and set in a technological world instead of a fantasy world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is it true? still ON?
batonikOct 27, 2011 3:45 PM
Jan 13, 2012 12:52 PM

Jul 2009
Hum, I am really disappointed, especially by this last episode. The "Slayers" is a team, you should remember the final battle against Rezo in the first season: all members fight together, they are all useful and they win together! That was GREAT! But what can we see here in Evolution-R? They are all completely useless but Lina with her overpower Giga Slave. For me that was... boring. Seriously with Amelia calling help from Saillune I hoped for reinforcement with the arrival of Sylphiel, Philionel and maybe some others. So the final battle could have been a great team battle IMO. But nothing, just Giga slave = win... Buh.
Oct 6, 2012 11:46 AM

Aug 2009
So much hate...

Personally this last episode made me forgive pretty much every stupid Evolution-R episode. The fight was way too epic. You got "Give a reason" from NEXT which is not only my favorite Slayers intro, it also guarantees some misty eyes for me everytime. Then you get Lina's friends getting hurt...with blood. You know a Slayers fight has passed the line of silliness to seriousness when someone starts to bleed. Especially Amelia's right arm burtsing up in a split-second was damn brutal! Then you got Gaurry not being stupid and being more of a man than he has ever been.

And then you got Lina having serious doubts about casting the Giga Slave. Lisa Ortiz really outdid herself this time. And the twist of Pokota's soul trying to hold down Shapranigdo...plausible, since Rezo did the same thing in the first one. And the casting of the Giga Slave, with Lina doing everything she could to keep it together. Lisa Ortiz outdid herself twice in this episode. All this with top-notch animation and voice work from pretty much everyone.

They say you should rate a work by the sum of its parts. But I found a diamond in this floor of broken glass and I don't care if I get an infection, because this right here is a jewel.

Also to Funimation: I thought you guys were a bunch of assholes for making the first 24(?) episodes of One Piece suck with censorship, opening rap and bad voice-acting, but you(?) did make it better afterwards. Throwing Cease and Desist on fansubbers is also a mixed bag. But you took the time and effort to find and hire almost every english VA from the original and it paid off. They did an excellent job and some of the people you hired did even better than the originals(Rezo)! So kudos to you. I won't think so badly of you ever again.
Nov 15, 2012 4:13 AM
Nov 2011
Well the ending lived up to a typical slayer ending, but it's really not enough for me to rate it higher than an 8 same as Revolution....There just wasn't enough there to really make me raise my expectations for this part.

Still, it's a good show I believe.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Dec 24, 2013 12:15 PM

Jan 2013
Great ending and awesome anime (well except for some episodes xD). I will re-watch this episode again. And well overall it was 9/10 but I'll make it 10/10 for all the nostalgia I've got from watching Slayers :) and I would pleasingly watch a new season if they ever decide to make one.. Or rather just a movie or OVA series where we could see Lina and Gaurry together, Amelia and Zelgadis, and Xellos and Filia :)) lol joking about the last one but they do fit each other :P. But I would also love to see Luna, Lina's sister.
Feb 15, 2014 9:51 AM

Jun 2007
Tsumayouji said:
In fact, I don't even know why they included his son at all. He didn't really have a purpose. And I disliked him because his look and attitude made him seem like he'd be from a more modern dramatic anime, not from the rustic world of Slayers. I do give the writing props in that I liked the direction that Zuumas story was meant to take (and I didn't catch on to who he was until the ep. where his leg is seen bleeding by Ozzel...yeah, I'm slow), it's just the execution sucked.

omg i saw him and heard the voice and i thought am i watching a shitty harem protagonist character right now? he was just annoying.
midori-Feb 16, 2014 6:40 PM

今はどんでん返しの時代ではない★너와 함께 했던 일상은
어느샌가 작은 영화속 풍경이되고 ☆
Jul 18, 2015 1:33 PM

Jul 2014
"Destroying the undestroyable... You truly deserve to be called "Slayers"."-Xellos
That sums up Slayers pretty well :D

That last fight was quite epic. Dragonslave using up Shabranigdo powers, Lina casting Gigaslave and finally Lina with white hairs :D

9/10 for this episode and 8/10 for whole season.

And for the hopes of future season I would love to see Lina and the gang finally meeting Naga :-)
Jul 25, 2015 10:17 AM

Dec 2013
Great episode and pretty good series overall despite having some crappy episodes.
I'm hoping for a new season :)
Jan 6, 2016 11:50 PM

Nov 2012
I must say that last episodes of E-R hooked me much, it was as explosive as previous series :D

But is this the official end of Slayers? Is there anything past Evolution-R in novels or manga?
Dec 30, 2016 10:22 PM

Jul 2014
Krunchy said:
I must say that last episodes of E-R hooked me much, it was as explosive as previous series :D

But is this the official end of Slayers? Is there anything past Evolution-R in novels or manga?

no there's still more material in the light novel series they haven't used. not sure if there will be another season but i think it's highly unlikely.

to all those interested in getting into the light novels you can use madokami to download tht pdf. steps to access site
they have the tokyopop translations from volumes 1-8 and also the fan translations which go on to the final volume.
MurauDec 31, 2016 2:07 AM
Feb 13, 2021 2:28 PM

Nov 2016
A bit better than revolution, but not a must watch, unless you're hardcore into Slayers.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 22, 2021 11:01 AM

Apr 2013
And so ends the slayer marathon for me, took me around two months to finish all episodes and movies. It was a good ride, even though the last two seasons were inferior to the others that came before. This season gets a 5/10.

Naga best girl, that's all.
Apr 11, 2021 6:00 AM

Dec 2010
Welp, it's finally done. Started watching Slayers on June 24, 2017 and finally finished the series today. I didn't think it'd take me a whopping 1387 days. Honestly speaking I thought I'd enjoy the series a bit more when I first started it, but it was still a good watch. The OVAs and movies were probably the best part, partly in thanks to Naga. I really wish we had seen more of her...
Well another reason might also be the existence of crystal clear BD remasters existing for those parts. I hope we will be able to see the main TV seasons in this quality one day.

Revolution and Evolution-R weren't quite as captivating as the earlier seasons. But that can't be helped, after all fantasy shows like this really benefit from old cel animation compared to the digital stuff we got with the last two seasons.

12 years since this season aired... But I still hold out hope that we will get a continuation one day. I mean if even Orphen could get a new season, there's no reason why Slayers couldn't.
Feb 11, 2023 9:55 AM
Dec 2013
So this was it, huh? The fifth season of Slayers was the last season, aired back in 2009, and there hasn't been a sixth season since. Had a lot of fun watching this show. Spent years watching this and am sad that it's over. The light novel is ongoing, but since it's been 14 years since the fifth season aired, a sixth season is unlikely at this point. The show had such memorable characters, and Amelia was my fav. Really bummed that it's over, and this is how it ended.
Jun 18, 2024 10:13 PM

Sep 2017
Thank god I'm done with this. It was so boring and hard to watch, easily the worst season by far.
Oct 30, 2024 4:29 AM
Mar 2015
Trash. Absolute trash that besmirched the amazing Slayers franchise.
Nov 26, 2024 7:12 PM
Dec 2019
Its unfortunate that this second half of the revival season is such a mess. They had about 4-5 episodes of plot and so despite only being 13 episodes Evolution-R is mostly just pointless garbage in the form of callbacks, filler, and dead-end plots. Not having seen the prequels I didn't get anything out of Nama. Zuuma was an utter waste of time. Rezo coming back was cheap. Revolution did a lot better with spreading out the plot stuff (even if the marquess was basically as much of a dud as Zuuma) and it was funny in the same way the original seasons were. Evolution-R was weirdly combat focused and that's not Slayers' strength at all. Fundamentally I think Giga Slave was a big mistake to make in the show since it screws up the stakes of every fight (Lina always has a 100% guaranteed way to win every single fight, she just has choose to use it) and ending the show with it is yet another callback that flops.

Combining the two halves I'd give Revolution/Evolution-R a 6/10. I'm maybe rounding up because I'm fond of the series after seeing the whole thing this year. This part really drags it all down and its a bummer that its almost certainly the end of the franchise. And honestly, as much as I hate Try, I think Try is a bit better than Evolution-R specifically. That there are people that think this is the better half of the 2009 Slayers is utterly insane to me.

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