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why is the 'avant garde' genre the most popular among elitists ?

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May 13, 2023 1:34 PM

Aug 2014
Because they have good stories, are very creative, and are a pleasure to watch. Although I'd say watching things that aren't out of the norm is just as "elitist" as someone who watches only "avant garde" stuff. Just watch what you like and if it isn't your thing, then that's that. Though Evangelion isn't really avant garde, it's more dementia in terms of genre.
May 13, 2023 2:52 PM

Jan 2016
You all don't even scratch the surface, everything mentioned is pretty mainstream and pop and not even close to avant-garde (save Angel's Egg and Lain), a true elitist will only watch the animations done by diretors like Keita Kurosaka, Koji Yamamura, Yutaro Kubo, Kei Oyama and especially the mastes Keiichi Tanaami and Takashi Ito... they make Lain look like a Hollywood blockbuster and Evangelion indistinguishable from the rest of the waifu harem shit.

ps: Just noticed they removed the Oyama's masterpiece Nami from the database, this is very sad.
But don't worry, you can still watch it here, it's an anime because it uses stop motion technique (warning, 18+)
PxHCMay 13, 2023 9:57 PM

May 13, 2023 3:38 PM

Apr 2018
I think people calling other fans elitist for liking certain shows are more elitist than most actual elitists.
May 13, 2023 4:45 PM

Sep 2010
Zettaiken said:
kitsune0 said:
No, they will not. Long-ass shounens never going to be elitist shit. Dragonball and Ranma 1/2 never did, to name just a couple. They will probably would be talking about shit that isn't very popular right now, like Aku no Hana or Chihayfuru - shit that only a handful of fags watched. Thankfully, I'll be either too old or just plaid dead to care, lol.
Than just change genre from Shounen into hmmmm I suppose Psychological than suddenly my point will be on point, it was an example of titles not the exact prediction of future...

Than going back to what I said, the mentioned titles amount imaginary "elitist" are the shows from 90-00s popular stuff with some focus on theme of Psychological than let's replace them with something from 10s-20s which will be mentioned in 2040-2050 and here I have in mind something like let's say, Stein's;Gate, Cyberpunk, Wixoss, Chaos Child, Psycho-Pass etc. Than it will happen again in 2060-2070, than 2080-2090... 

You've focused on titles I've written while missing the main point/meaning of my post x)
Not really. Just pointing out that the most popular and simple genres never been and never will be considered elitist. For that here must be some ambiguity and something new. Wixoss and Cyberpunk, again, will never be elitist. Other examples are good tho, yes, Psychological theme have a potential to be considered elitist. People already talking about how deep Psycho-Pass is. +) And that if you don't like Steins;Gate, you're just not well educated to understand. XD
But still, shit like Evangelion is rather an exclusion than the rule. Usually anime that barely anyone seen and talk about became elitist. It's part of its appeal - knowing that you watched something that barely anyone seen, that you're not like others, that you understand shit that others don't. Unpopular shit rarely have enough reviews, so you can apply whatever you want to it and claim that it's true, nobody would be able to prove you wrong.

There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
May 13, 2023 5:40 PM

Jan 2016
kitsune0 said:
Usually anime that barely anyone seen and talk about became elitist.

I don't know, Akira was insanely popular, it opened the West to anime, got a huge impact on pop culture, and now it's considered elitist. Like original Ghost in the Shell that is also super celebrated and another main reference to the genre, turn out most of the fans of these anime aren't really "anime fans" anymore because what represents the common anime and anime fan changed. Anime now revolves around otaku culture, it's very very hard to find an anime not filled with fan service and without those tsunyanwhateverdere stereotypes, the grown up girl that is overly clumsy and has a mental age of a 4yo, the mandatory loli, a bunch of female characters orbiting the male lead whose only function is to make twitch the dick of guys that can't leave their rooms... don't get me wrong, individually it's not a new thing, the director of Ghost in the Shell also directed Urusei Yatsura, and Evangelion itself fits in a lot of those tropes, but late 80's and 90's anime not for kids you found at your video store were famous for the sex, violence and mature themes, now it's very very rare to one of these even be made, instead they are releasing 60 new seasons per year of anime with PG-13 sexual innuendos which the story is tons of girls, that are all generic tropes stock character, for no reason like a common guy the viewer can identify with... it's like Hayao Miyazaki said, "anime suffers because industry staff is made up of otaku who don't spend time watching real people and are humans who can't stand looking at other humans", so they just write those stereotype waifus and keep selling it to other otaku... and if it doesn't appeal to you, then you are called "elitist".
PxHCMay 13, 2023 5:44 PM

May 13, 2023 6:47 PM

Jun 2015
soniyay said:
i see almost every elitist talk idk low about most popular animes but they tend to enjoy NGE, SEL, Angel's Egg, Haibane Renmei, Texhnozyle or something like that.
what is the common things among them ?
You're generalizing rn. This is a pretty low blow from you, soniyay. Make better threads pls, less bait too.

Elitism is an attitude that can be applied to anything; you have Chainsaw Man, Violet Evergarden, Houseki no Kuni, SNK S2, Noragami etc. in your faves. I have no doubt that there's elitist fans of these shows and manga, who gatekeep and go on rants about them just as any other fan of Evangelion, Lain, etc., does.

And secondly, just because someone likes Evangelion or Lain, doesn't necessarily mean they'll enjoy Angel's Egg or Monster, Texhnolyze etc. It also doesn't mean that they wouldn't enjoy something like Attack on Titan, or Bocchi, Kaguya, Clannad. None of this is mutually exclusive. What you're doing is something called generalization. Maybe a form of elitism in its own way. Looking down on people who enjoy certain things, just because you might have a bad experience with one or two of them. So, now every time you look at someone's profile and they have those in their faves, or if you see them talking about how much they enjoy that thing, you just look at them disgusted and grimace or smirk to yourself. Now I'm generalizing too, about you. Fun, innit?
May 13, 2023 6:59 PM

Dec 2016
I don't consider myself an elitist and yet I enjoy that kind of anime you mentioned. I like anime that don't come "pre-digested", but instead make you think, that have darker and deeper themes, where the plot is sometimes confusing and the characters reflect the true human nature, not like in shonen where most of the conflicts are solved with "the power of friendship", basically.
And it's not because I think I'm better than anyone else or because I want to stand out as some comments say, since I liked this kind of anime before joining any online community (besides, I'm from a third world country where not so much anime is consumed and before using MAL I had no idea which shows were popular and which were not).
It's just a matter of preferences.
May 13, 2023 7:39 PM

Sep 2010
PxHC said:
kitsune0 said:
Usually anime that barely anyone seen and talk about became elitist.
I don't know, Akira was insanely popular, it opened the West to anime, got a huge impact on pop culture, and now it's considered elitist. Like original Ghost in the Shell that is also super celebrated and another main reference to the genre, turn out most of the fans of these anime aren't really "anime fans" anymore because what represents the common anime and anime fan changed. Anime now revolves around otaku culture, it's very very hard to find an anime not filled with fan service and without those tsunyanwhateverdere stereotypes, the grown up girl that is overly clumsy and has a mental age of a 4yo, the mandatory loli, a bunch of female characters orbiting the male lead whose only function is to make twitch the dick of guys that can't leave their rooms... don't get me wrong, individually it's not a new thing, the director of Ghost in the Shell also directed Urusei Yatsura, and Evangelion itself fits in a lot of those tropes, but late 80's and 90's anime not for kids you found at your video store were famous for the sex, violence and mature themes, now it's very very rare to one of these even be made, instead they are releasing 60 new seasons per year of anime with PG-13 sexual innuendos which the story is tons of girls, that are all generic tropes stock character, for no reason like a common guy the viewer can identify with... it's like Hayao Miyazaki said, "anime suffers because industry staff is made up of otaku who don't spend time watching real people and are humans who can't stand looking at other humans", so they just write those stereotype waifus and keep selling it to other otaku... and if it doesn't appeal to you, then you are called "elitist".
Lol, Akira? Elitist? According to who? XD It's one of the mostly popular anime ever, even many normies know what it is, it's been in cinemas and on TV. +))))

Original Ghost in the Shell anime movie were elitist from the start, even before this term appeared in anime fans circles. I'd say, with age this attitude almost vanished, now that people seen other parts of it and know what it actually is. Only people stuck in their teenage phase would still consider it elitist.

Yeah, I know what 80s and 90s OVAs were, imagine that. +)))) Or better yet, look at my anime list.

Mya-kun is one of, if not THE one, who created those otakus, so his opinion is nou kaunto until he manage to look in the mirror. Giving his age and attitude, I highly doubt that will happen. Dude just stuck in one phase, and his living legend status got in his head, go figure. Also, yeah, imagine that, most ordinary people want simple stuff, and entertainment industry is more than happy to give it - because it's profitable! That's free market for you. Demand and supply. Same way as there always will be the market for intellectuals or people who consider themselves as intellectuals.

Overall, I have little to no idea why you wrote it all and what did you want to achieve with it, sorry. As one hero for fun once said: Can you summarize it in 20 words or less?

There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
May 13, 2023 7:57 PM

Jul 2022

How else can someone signal that their taste in Japanese cartoons, and thus value as a human being, is greater than yours unless they enjoy a show you're "too stupid" to understand?
May 13, 2023 8:08 PM

Dec 2020
i literally have no idea but it makes them looks soooooo corny. deep meaning = good to them. when in reality a lot of their faves arent even deep, they're boring and confusing. but to them, having some type of complex background makes it seem like it has texture when it really dont
May 13, 2023 8:16 PM

Oct 2016
For me it is because by nature avant garde breaks conventions and does not follow a typical formula. And while not always the case, avant garde tends to be a little more mature. That's why I like it, anyway.
May 13, 2023 8:28 PM

Jun 2020
Yeah probably they want to look "mature" by watching something that makes them think instead releasing stress. Simply just edgy.
May 13, 2023 8:43 PM

Oct 2014
The anime that you mentioned appeal to a specific crowd because they tend to be more original, creative, and unconventional. "Elitist anime" more often than not also lean towards the psychological, which inherently makes it more thought-provoking to other genres. In terms of anime standards, they explore deeper themes by delving into the darker aspects of the human condition like depression, mortality, existence, and nihilism. I don't think it's a stretch to say those aspects do indeed make them more mature and bold compared to the mainstream side of things. The majority of them have artistic worth apart from being anime because the focus and influences are so human and universal. That's exactly what makes creators like Miyazaki and Satoshi Kon so celebrated outside of the anime community. Rather than simply being entertainment, one could say "elitist anime" are additionally and at times more so pieces of art expressing some kind of meaningful message.

One of my problems with the current landscape of modern anime and trends is that they are borderline the antithesis to those values. As @PxHC above me kindly stated, anime now heavily revolves around otaku culture, fanservice, commercialization and nothing else. I've loved anime since I was a child, so I'm no stranger to those things nor do I dislike them. It's when the humanity is removed for profit that I cannot stand behind. All that's left at that point is a product to be consumed.

All that being said, the whole art vs. entertainment debate is a never-ending circle because it ultimately lies upon one's preference. I'm not saying either is right or wrong.
May 13, 2023 8:48 PM

Jan 2016
kitsune0 said:
Mya-kun is one of, if not THE one, who created those otakus

Absolutely not, he never used those tropes or any fanservice, its use also predates him and for modern otaku culture Evangelion played a way bigger role. Have you ever seen someone using a Miyazaki character as "waifu" ?

Overall, I have little to no idea why you wrote it all

Sorry, I got to know the term through MAL and Akira is on all the "elitist" stacks and I always saw it mentioned before as anime liked by "elitists", and truthfully I see it being awfully low rated by people that like [all stuff in the previous rant]. Everything I see being called "elitist" is just what doesn't fit the [all stuff in the previous rant] and mainstream shounen. I got lost in the rant... but point was it not being about popularity or being "underground" as something special, but just not being [all stuff in the previous rant]. I honestly would love if stuff I like were more popular, maybe we'd get that Akira anime series that is said to be on production for a few years and got no news, probably abandoned already for lack of funding...
PxHCMay 13, 2023 8:57 PM

May 13, 2023 8:53 PM

Oct 2013
This thread seriously reeks of inferiority complex
May 13, 2023 8:53 PM

Nov 2022
Some of them explore various existential and philosophical ideas.

Other just copy that kind of pretentious art style and presentation and offer nothing philosophical of value.

I like the former and try to avoid the latter.
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May 13, 2023 9:15 PM

Sep 2010
Pyro said:
That's exactly what makes creators like Miyazaki and Satoshi Kon so celebrated outside of the anime community.
Kon? Yeah, right. But Miya-kun? Lolwut. He's not celebrated. He's just the most known. Most popular. Because he don't do Deep Dark Mature shit - on the contrary, he makes the most normie shit ever possible. The so-called "family stuff", which is an euphemism for "kids stuff that adults can watch too without danger of dying from boredom". That's why he's everywhere - because you can show his works on big screen for general audience. That's antithesis for avant-garde. That's literally starting category, lightyears before you go into all that deep, dark and mature. That THE most pop- in all of pop-culture, way ahead of Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Dragonball. Like, damn, my parents, literal Boomers, know who he is, because his works been on TV for ages. Miyazaki's anime probably the only ones my parents ever watched from start to finish, on themselves. XD
PxHC said:
kitsune0 said:
Mya-kun is one of, if not THE one, who created those otakus
Absolutely not, he never used those tropes or any fanservice, its use also predates him and for modern otaku culture Evangelion played a way bigger role. Have you ever seen someone using a Miyazaki character as "waifu"?
He popularized Japanese animation in and outside Japan, and continue to do so, so yes, he might not used any fanservice but he's still the one who directly responsible for anime industry becoming big, thus creating anime-fanatics. Also, you have no idea... +(((( there's a whole group of onii-chans that just loves his little innocent girls, they just don't talk about it in public, only behind the Internet anonymity. And yes, I wish I didn't knew that... <_< That's just fucking wrong, but there are always people that could lust over any character you can think of.
PxHC said:
Sorry, I got to know the term through MAL and Akira is on all the "elitist" stacks and I always saw it mentioned before as anime liked by "elitists", and truthfully I see it being awfully low rated by people that like [all stuff in the previous rant].
Oh, that's interesting. XD Well, just like with too many lists, some people just can't stop themselves from sticking in titles that they have fond childhood/teenage memories about. +))))

There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
May 13, 2023 9:49 PM

Oct 2014
kitsune0 said:
Pyro said:
That's exactly what makes creators like Miyazaki and Satoshi Kon so celebrated outside of the anime community.
Kon? Yeah, right. But Miya-kun? Lolwut. He's not celebrated. He's just the most known. Most popular. Because he don't do Deep Dark Mature shit - on the contrary, he makes the most normie shit ever possible. The so-called "family stuff", which is an euphemism for "kids stuff that adults can watch too without danger of dying from boredom". That's why he's everywhere - because you can show his works on big screen for general audience. That's antithesis for avant-garde. That's literally starting category, lightyears before you go into all that deep, dark and mature. That THE most pop- in all of pop-culture, way ahead of Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Dragonball. Like, damn, my parents, literal Boomers, know who he is, because his works been on TV for ages. Miyazaki's anime probably the only ones my parents ever watched from start to finish, on themselves. XD

While I do agree that Miyazaki's proclivity for family friendly pieces holds him back in certain ways compared to his contemporaries, to say the man and his works have little to no value outside of appealing to the widest general audience is more than a bit disingenuous. Admittedly, I'm quite biased for Miyazaki. You know, growing up with his films and all. And yes, they are indeed starting category, but they are to this day a great starting point nonetheless.
PyroMay 13, 2023 9:54 PM
May 13, 2023 9:54 PM

Sep 2010
Pyro said:
kitsune0 said:
Kon? Yeah, right. But Miya-kun? Lolwut. He's not celebrated. He's just the most known. Most popular. Because he don't do Deep Dark Mature shit - on the contrary, he makes the most normie shit ever possible. The so-called "family stuff", which is an euphemism for "kids stuff that adults can watch too without danger of dying from boredom". That's why he's everywhere - because you can show his works on big screen for general audience. That's antithesis for avant-garde. That's literally starting category, lightyears before you go into all that deep, dark and mature. That THE most pop- in all of pop-culture, way ahead of Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Dragonball. Like, damn, my parents, literal Boomers, know who he is, because his works been on TV for ages. Miyazaki's anime probably the only ones my parents ever watched from start to finish, on themselves. XD
While I do agree that Miyazaki's proclivity for family friendly pieces holds him back in certain ways compared to his contemporaries, to say his works have little to no value outside of appealing to the widest general audience is more than a bit disingenuous. Admittedly, I'm quite biased for Miyazaki. You know, growing up with his films and all. And yes, they are indeed starting category, but they are to this day a great starting point nonetheless.
...yeah, I guess it came out too harsh. My apologies. Some of his earlier works were also among stuff I grew up as an anime fan.

There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
May 13, 2023 10:07 PM

Oct 2014
kitsune0 said:
Pyro said:
While I do agree that Miyazaki's proclivity for family friendly pieces holds him back in certain ways compared to his contemporaries, to say his works have little to no value outside of appealing to the widest general audience is more than a bit disingenuous. Admittedly, I'm quite biased for Miyazaki. You know, growing up with his films and all. And yes, they are indeed starting category, but they are to this day a great starting point nonetheless.
...yeah, I guess it came out too harsh. My apologies. Some of his earlier works were also among stuff I grew up as an anime fan.

No need to apologize. Differing opinions are a great complement for conversation. While I may not agree with everything, I can still respect it.
May 13, 2023 10:32 PM

Oct 2013
A so called "elitist" is someone who thinks they're above others in one way or another. Their taste is irrelevant so long as their head is firmly up their own ass about it.
May 13, 2023 11:50 PM

May 2018
Nothing new. Fans of some braindead garbage try to get rid of their anxiety and come up with excuses for they narrowmindedness by ranting about shows which are slightly more thoughtful.
Nemo_NiemandMay 13, 2023 11:56 PM

May 13, 2023 11:52 PM

Jun 2019
I didn't actually enjoy Evangelion. I put it in my favorites to look smart.
May 14, 2023 1:00 AM

Apr 2013
Avant-Garde isn't a genre, really, it's more so just a term to describe something experimental, or outside of the typical tropes. And, well, that should give you your answer. You aren't really an "elitist" if the only thing you watch is by the numbers, I guess.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
May 14, 2023 2:05 AM

Dec 2015
kitsune0 said:
Zettaiken said:
Than just change genre from Shounen into hmmmm I suppose Psychological than suddenly my point will be on point, it was an example of titles not the exact prediction of future...

Than going back to what I said, the mentioned titles amount imaginary "elitist" are the shows from 90-00s popular stuff with some focus on theme of Psychological than let's replace them with something from 10s-20s which will be mentioned in 2040-2050 and here I have in mind something like let's say, Stein's;Gate, Cyberpunk, Wixoss, Chaos Child, Psycho-Pass etc. Than it will happen again in 2060-2070, than 2080-2090... 

You've focused on titles I've written while missing the main point/meaning of my post x)
Not really. Just pointing out that the most popular and simple genres never been and never will be considered elitist. For that here must be some ambiguity and something new. Wixoss and Cyberpunk, again, will never be elitist. Other examples are good tho, yes, Psychological theme have a potential to be considered elitist. People already talking about how deep Psycho-Pass is. +) And that if you don't like Steins;Gate, you're just not well educated to understand. XD
But still, shit like Evangelion is rather an exclusion than the rule. Usually anime that barely anyone seen and talk about became elitist. It's part of its appeal - knowing that you watched something that barely anyone seen, that you're not like others, that you understand shit that others don't. Unpopular shit rarely have enough reviews, so you can apply whatever you want to it and claim that it's true, nobody would be able to prove you wrong.

Well then I'd say you are the one who is wrong, cause the mentioned stuff for "elitist" whom don't exist are some most popular stuff from 90-00s outside Shounen genre [stuff mentioned by OP], Evangelion is one of the most popular older shows, Lain too popular as fuck, some people consider Legends of Galactic also popular as hell, Texno also popular, Haibane too, the only thing which is not as popular is the Tenshi no Tamago "XD" which is why I've posted the same equal level of popular shows.

Now to stuff you've said about other examples which are just examples not the main point of what I've said speaking of educated... Just wait 20 years, people already were speaking about the depth of 6th episode of Cyberpunk or 10th. Psycho-Pass always has been a good example and outside the talk about Sibyl system idk what people speak about, who has said that I don't like Stein's;Gate? But also I ain't speakin it is the best [not to mention that I don't remember that much from it outside the d-mails and the death loop or whatever it was].

All of the stuff mentioned has 100-200k+ members [excluding Lain and Evangelion] usually there are around from 5 to 10x more viewers including the bilibli, other national sites + people who don't use such sites, also using the knowledge on how just popular and often are guessed osts, endings and openings from these shows at animemusicquiz even by noobs, which is why I also gave an example of popular shows cause what is the point of giving comletely unpopular stuff if I would write "that stuff like Jikan no Shihaisha, Active Raid, 22/7, Ange Vierge and Bem" which are most likely to not be recognised by majority of people x), even by so called imaginary elitist.
Which is why watching something unpopular doesn't make you better than others, reading Shakespear instead of Lotr will not make you better, watching Ben Hur instead of Gladiator will not make you better the same goes to anime or anything else, if you feel like that go on, but don't be surprised if people won't be so happy to strike a conversation with you.
May 14, 2023 3:10 AM

Sep 2010
Zettaiken said:
kitsune0 said:
Not really. Just pointing out that the most popular and simple genres never been and never will be considered elitist. For that here must be some ambiguity and something new. Wixoss and Cyberpunk, again, will never be elitist. Other examples are good tho, yes, Psychological theme have a potential to be considered elitist. People already talking about how deep Psycho-Pass is. +) And that if you don't like Steins;Gate, you're just not well educated to understand. XD
But still, shit like Evangelion is rather an exclusion than the rule. Usually anime that barely anyone seen and talk about became elitist. It's part of its appeal - knowing that you watched something that barely anyone seen, that you're not like others, that you understand shit that others don't. Unpopular shit rarely have enough reviews, so you can apply whatever you want to it and claim that it's true, nobody would be able to prove you wrong.
Well then I'd say you are the one who is wrong, cause the mentioned stuff for "elitist" whom don't exist are some most popular stuff from 90-00s outside Shounen genre [stuff mentioned by OP], Evangelion is one of the most popular older shows, Lain too popular as fuck, some people consider Legends of Galactic also popular as hell, Texno also popular, Haibane too, the only thing which is not as popular is the Tenshi no Tamago "XD" which is why I've posted the same equal level of popular shows.

Now to stuff you've said about other examples which are just examples not the main point of what I've said speaking of educated... Just wait 20 years, people already were speaking about the depth of 6th episode of Cyberpunk or 10th. Psycho-Pass always has been a good example and outside the talk about Sibyl system idk what people speak about, who has said that I don't like Stein's;Gate? But also I ain't speakin it is the best [not to mention that I don't remember that much from it outside the d-mails and the death loop or whatever it was].

All of the stuff mentioned has 100-200k+ members [excluding Lain and Evangelion] usually there are around from 5 to 10x more viewers including the bilibli, other national sites + people who don't use such sites, also using the knowledge on how just popular and often are guessed osts, endings and openings from these shows at animemusicquiz even by noobs, which is why I also gave an example of popular shows cause what is the point of giving comletely unpopular stuff if I would write "that stuff like Jikan no Shihaisha, Active Raid, 22/7, Ange Vierge and Bem" which are most likely to not be recognised by majority of people x), even by so called imaginary elitist.
Which is why watching something unpopular doesn't make you better than others, reading Shakespear instead of Lotr will not make you better, watching Ben Hur instead of Gladiator will not make you better the same goes to anime or anything else, if you feel like that go on, but don't be surprised if people won't be so happy to strike a conversation with you.
Not really. As I said, only Shinseiki Evangelion was that popular. You're confusing cult classic - widely popular in tight circles - with popular ones. SEL and Haibane Renmei always were former. Same with Legend of Gaylactic Heroes. Texhnolyze is pretty close to that too, used to be elitist until it just slowly faded away. Also, popular doesn't equal highest ranked. Most of the high scores comes from old users. Dunking on Evangelion and Lain is pretty popular among new viewers, just look at that thread.

I didn't meant you personally when talking about Steinsgate, reread it, please. I was just giving a general example of what people sometimes say, "you" was referring a viewer, in general. Also, using music recognition as an argument is a really bad idea. I myself can easily guess a whole bunch of OPs and EDs of the anime I personally never watched. Recognizing the musical themes or the characters doesn't equal actual knowledge of the subject. Just like many people would absolutely recognize Superman and his theme, Batman and his 90s cartoon theme, Spider-Man and Wolverine, but only a handful would actually know those characters and their story. Same can be said about Sailor Senshis, Dragonball aliens, Pokemons. So yeah, ironically enough, the unpopular titles you mentioned have more chances to became elitist - or cult classic, in another words - in the future than any of the current Top 50 on MAL's Most Popular Anime page. Again, ironically, it's one of the most common behavioral patterns of elitists - digging shit that 3.5 people watched and than praising it like some high art.

Again, I wasn't talking about myself - or you - in the last part, I was just giving my analysis of how it is for those called "elitists". And if you, again, reread it, this time more attentively, you'll realize that it wasn't glorifying such a behavior, quite the opposite, in fact.

There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
May 14, 2023 4:59 AM

Dec 2015
kitsune0 said:
it's one of the most common behavioral patterns of elitists

Never said you're glorifying or doing otherwise about the elitist I guess you should reread it more effectively. Especially that finally at the end you've understood the main goal of my initial comment which I've written over and over which is that little stuff I've quoted rn.

You've missed one thing, "was/wan't" popular but I am speaking about their current popularity, because when they were airing the so called "elitist" were most likely praising the older stuff, when Texno or let's say Evangelion was airing, most likely the "elitist" were shitting on it and praising stuff like idk let's say Mazinger, Gundam, Versailles no Bara, Ginga Tetsudou 999 etc. Cause that is the common repetition of behaviour to praise something which is older and also praising something which is less popular and shitting on something which is popular aswell as shitting on something which is new. I was not speaking about their popularity when their aired cause it doesn't matter.
[I like to call it the illusion of not following the sheeps to being "individual, but in reality those people are just sheeps following another herd in a distance]

You should realise that examples I give are not to be interpreted as seriously as reading a Doctor's Degree Thesis or any scientific article.
ZettaikenMay 14, 2023 5:02 AM
May 14, 2023 5:37 AM

Apr 2019
Because you apply a circular definition.
1. An "elitist" is watching shows from a random list of shows
2. Courtesy of this, an "elitist" has seen most of these shows
3. QED

Nice circle jerking.

May 14, 2023 9:53 AM

Mar 2016
It’s experimental, unique. Something about it tends to be distinct, hence why.

just wanna feel wanted by someone other than the police 😫
May 14, 2023 11:54 AM

Oct 2017
soniyay said:
i see almost every elitist talk idk low about most popular animes but they tend to enjoy NGE, SEL, Angel's Egg, Haibane Renmei, Texhnozyle or something like that.
what is the common things among them ?
It's not. Being an elitist is a behavior not just having some niche art taste. All being a snob or "elitist" means is that you feel you are of higher intellectual ability and therefore superior to others. Guess where I actually find those behaviors incredibly common.... battle shonen fanbases or any mainstream show that "isn't like the others" such as Attack on Titan. Vast majority of elitists in this community actually haven't seen much beyond popular shows and seasonals. 

In the case of EVA there is another series that again people assume isn't like the others. It's a good series but if anything that was a love letter by Anno to so many real robot shows it's EVA. It's not that deep. That said it is perceived to be influential or smart by others which will get you art critics.

As for the other shows. The amount of people who have seen stuff like Serial Experiments Lain is low in the first place. That plus the fact it is actually kinda unique will again get you some snobish hipsters. Regardless you may be shocked that there is a decent amount of people who have enjoyed some of those shows like myself who don't feel the need to put others down or posture ourselves as actually better or smarter people than your average casual fan.

Edit: Actually SEL is way more popular on MAL than I thought lol after reading some of the comments lol. Granted MAL fans tend to be more dedicated watchers but not as niche as I would have thought. 

BilboBaggins365May 14, 2023 12:10 PM
May 14, 2023 1:44 PM

Aug 2016
The term "avant garde" in this context is kind of an ironic misnomer anyway when talking about anime because even more "out-there" shows like Serial Experiments Lain are never the less still commodities meant to be bought and sold, they're not really developing much of an ideological counter culture to most other anime (Even Lain itself was part of a broader media mix with a video game tie in). Anime I would consider "avant garde" aren't really what I would consider to be anime in the first place as they deviate almost entirely from the production format of anime and are generally produced outside the industry. Stuff coming out of Yamamura Animation and Geidai Animation are good examples of what I'm talking about.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
May 14, 2023 7:20 PM

Feb 2018
soniyay said:
i see almost every elitist talk idk low about most popular animes but they tend to enjoy NGE

NGE is one of the most normie anime that exists. It's entry level.

Sure it's different than Death Note, SnK, DBZ, One Piece, or even Naruto. But if anyone above 21 years old who isn't a basement dweller has watched more than three different anime series, 80% chance he or she has watched one of these, including NGE. Whether it's well received varies depending on the person but the majority end up enjoying it at least to a modest degree
"Chimp in state of nature never jerks off, but in captivity he does, wat does this mean? In state of nature he’s too busy, to put plainly. He is concerned with mastering space: solving problem of life in and under trees, mastering what tools he can, mastering social relations in the jockeying for power and status. Deprived of this drive to development and self-increase he devolves to pointless masturbation, in captivity, where he senses he is in owned space and therefore the futility of all his efforts and all his actions."
May 14, 2023 8:18 PM

Jul 2019
Generalizing people who enjoy avant-grade as elitists. Wow. How typical. Ever thought that maybe that's a pretty bad generalization?

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
May 14, 2023 10:26 PM
Apr 2022
Maybe they just like anime that are more mature and unique? It seems like you and a bunch of people commenting on this thread are projecting this idea of elitism onto people who just enjoy these anime.
MirthmaxxingMay 14, 2023 10:29 PM
May 14, 2023 10:35 PM
Apr 2022
inim said:
Because you apply a circular definition.
1. An "elitist" is watching shows from a random list of shows
2. Courtesy of this, an "elitist" has seen most of these shows
3. QED

Nice circle jerking.
Well said, a bunch of people in the comments are just shitting on people who enjoy these shows and aren’t elaborating on how they are elitist.
May 15, 2023 1:18 AM

Aug 2016
kitsune0 said:
kizumi91 said:
 obscure, anti-mainstream
NGE is anything but those two tho. +)
I'd argue none of them fit that description. Or at least I wouldn't call any of those anime obscure.
May 15, 2023 1:45 AM

Nov 2019
But why did you have to break into each and every such elitist's profile to reach to that scientific conclusion? Nobody's sponsored it, nor commanded you to. It's unprofitable.
SgtBateManMay 15, 2023 1:48 AM
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

May 15, 2023 3:19 AM

Sep 2010
Zettaiken said:
You've missed one thing, "was/wan't" popular but I am speaking about their current popularity, because when they were airing the so called "elitist" were most likely praising the older stuff, when Texno or let's say Evangelion was airing, most likely the "elitist" were shitting on it and praising stuff like idk let's say Mazinger, Gundam, Versailles no Bara, Ginga Tetsudou 999 etc.
No, they weren't. I know, I've been there. Anime elitists basically didn't existed back than. But what people just LOVED to do is to overanalyzing the shit out of their currently favorite anime. Even Sailor fucking Moon of all things. Nobody was talking seriously about Mazinger - not unless they wanted to be laughed at for thinking that simple children show about giant robots is Deep(tm). Gundam... now that's interesting, 'cause it was a pretty niche thing, its fans were mostly sticking to themselves (the only thing I remember was my friend, huge Gundam fan, wanting to cosplay as one of the pilots, and everybody was laughing behind his back. His nickname, which he embraced, was Little Elephant, go figure). Versailles no Bara was just a fucking weird anime, just like Utena later. Ginga Tetsudou 999... again, interesting thing, 'cause nobody was talking about it any more than about any other anime.
Mienus said:
The term "avant garde" in this context is kind of an ironic misnomer anyway when talking about anime because even more "out-there" shows like Serial Experiments Lain are never the less still commodities meant to be bought and sold, they're not really developing much of an ideological counter culture to most other anime (Even Lain itself was part of a broader media mix with a video game tie in). Anime I would consider "avant garde" aren't really what I would consider to be anime in the first place as they deviate almost entirely from the production format of anime and are generally produced outside the industry. Stuff coming out of Yamamura Animation and Geidai Animation are good examples of what I'm talking about.
Damn, man, you nailed it. I'm ashamed and jealous that I myself haven't written that. Respect.
Rissenicus said:
NGE is one of the most normie anime that exists. It's entry level.

Sure it's different than Death Note, SnK, DBZ, One Piece, or even Naruto.
Careful there, there are a lot of people who thinks that Desu Noto is Deep(tm)! XD
MasterNeutral said:
kitsune0 said:
NGE is anything but those two tho. +)
I'd argue none of them fit that description. Or at least I wouldn't call any of those anime obscure.
Well, yeah, but in case of Shinseiki Evangelion it's just way too obvious. XD
kitsune0May 15, 2023 3:23 AM

There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
May 15, 2023 9:54 PM

Oct 2013
Hmm... good question. I noticed the trend long ago, so my first thoughts about the possible reasons were:

1) "What is popular is bad, so what is not popular is good" mindset.
2) Liking something unpopular can lift up self-esteem of a person who has low self-esteem and is insecure about stuff they like.
3) Not many people discuss about it, so it's easier to become "an anime scholar" of one movie or unknown series.
4) Due to unpopularity of certain avant garde show, it's easier to focus on headcanons than on the actual plot and its analysis.

Are they wrong, are they right? No idea. But apart from noticing the trend itself, I also saw many elitists fond of avant garde shows to the point of romanticizing them to follow certain patterns of behavior; and said patterns consisted of elements I've listed above.
May 15, 2023 10:20 PM

May 2023
because..... they're avant garde? 
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