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Not liking/Hating a popular anime doesn't mean you are a contrarion or edgy

May 1, 2022 2:52 AM
Jan 2021
Title says it all, there are valid reasons to not like an anime, it doesn't always mean I want to be edgy by saying the popular animes are bad, so please stop saying every person who disagrees with you regarding a popular anime edgy
May 1, 2022 2:55 AM

Jan 2021
Not liking an anime for valid reasons is fine and respectable. But not liking a popular anime just because its popular is not fine at all.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

May 1, 2022 2:59 AM

Jul 2016
I don't like popular anime because I want anime I like to get the attention instead.
May 1, 2022 3:09 AM

Nov 2019
It doesn't matter what your opinion is, as long as you aren't being a tool,
Don't let others ruin things for you. Even if a toxic fan pisses in your cereal, you could just get another bowl of cereal.
My Anime List - My Manga List
May 1, 2022 3:12 AM
Jul 2021
An opinion is an opinion, it doesn't matter what you like or dislike as long as it isn't superficial. If you have reasons for hating or disliking sth, then it is fine.
May 1, 2022 3:33 AM

Oct 2011
That's why whenever I seen people shit on attack on titan I never took their opinion or their "hate" towards it seriously. They could've not liked it for legit reasons but most of the time I see that dislike for dumb reasons and it feels like they were trolling.
May 1, 2022 3:57 AM

Sep 2018
True, not much else to say. I like some popular anime and dislike some others.
May 1, 2022 4:07 AM
Aug 2021
I just honestly don't like certain popular anime.
May 1, 2022 4:09 AM

Mar 2018
Not always at least......but most of the time....!!

Same thing with the elitist aren't one just for liking well written shows, the difference lays in your reasoning...and attitude towards people who disagree with your opinion/reasoning for believing something regarding a series...
DoruCatanaMay 1, 2022 2:51 PM
May 1, 2022 4:21 AM

Feb 2021
that's correct, but please tell us something we don't already know
May 1, 2022 4:29 AM
May 2019
Yeah it's not necessary to like every popular series and if you actually have valid reasons for not liking then it's fine however many people here only hate it cause it's popular and getting the hype so by hating on it they want to show they are different and more superior
May 1, 2022 4:32 AM

Jan 2022
Many people don't like popular animes because of their fandom. Mainstream shows tend to have lots of toxicity.
May 1, 2022 4:40 AM

Nov 2019
Why do you need validation of teenagers on this site?
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

May 1, 2022 4:46 AM
Jul 2018
Yes, I agree but this topic had already been discussed multiple times. I also agree with what the person above said.
May 1, 2022 4:51 AM

Aug 2018
Ultimately it is just an opinion , whether u like or dislike it there is always someone who will disagree about it
May 1, 2022 5:25 AM

Feb 2010
Faozan_ said:
Title says it all, there are valid reasons to not like an anime, it doesn't always mean I want to be edgy by saying the popular animes are bad, so please stop saying every person who disagrees with you regarding a popular anime edgy

So it's just the case sometimes? Sorry, but we can't tell the difference from the outside and if you admit to sometimes doing it, it's a fair assumption that it happens regularly.

Also I feel like if you're going to go out of your way to hate on something that's always different from just not liking something and moving on. If you feel the need to constantly rub your dislike in the faces of the fans, then you probably deserve some backlash cause that's annoying af. Idk where you fall on that spectrum but since you use not liking and hating on something interchangably in your title I wouldn't be surprised if that was how you ended up being called a contrarian.

But if you want to be sure you're not hating on something just because its popular, ask yourself this: Would you ever have checked out the show if it wasn't as popular as it is? If the answer is no that means you could tell it wasn't gonna be for you based on the synopsis and everything but chose to still watch it so you could hate on it because of its popularity. That's what popularity does to people, it makes them check out stuff they know they will hate just so they can tell the rest of the fandom how stupid they are for not feeling the same way.

Imagine if people did this for every random niche anime that isn't for them. They would be called insanely toxic. But somehow popularity is a valid excuse for many people, like they see it as a provocation if something not fitting their tastes rises to popularity and they just HAVE to check it out as a response.

I don't really get that mentality, but that's what 'hating on popular shows to be edgy' means for the most part. It doesn't even have to be the case that people check them out with the purpose of hating on the show, they're just making stupid decisions based on popularity that they would never ever make otherwise, resulting in them becoming haters and enjoying that role of the anti-mainstream contrarian so they lean into it. It makes them feel special to not like something everyone else likes. People are weird.
I probably regret this post by now.
May 1, 2022 5:50 AM

Jul 2021
Alcoholicide said:
But if you want to be sure you're not hating on something just because its popular, ask yourself this: Would you ever have checked out the show if it wasn't as popular as it is? If the answer is no that means you could tell it wasn't gonna be for you based on the synopsis and everything but chose to still watch it so you could hate on it because of its popularity. That's what popularity does to people, it makes them check out stuff they know they will hate just so they can tell the rest of the fandom how stupid they are for not feeling the same way.

There are also shows that I wouldn't have checked out if they weren't popular, except they turned out to be actually good.
Like I wouldn't have checked out anime, if it wasn't popular...
May 1, 2022 6:39 AM

May 2021
It depends, with time and experience you should really know what to watch and what to avoid, I could be watching Spy x Family and and Kaguya-sama right now and disliking it or just simply ignore them and forget their existence, maybe a casual dragged into the show for the hype can dislike it without being a hater/contrarian but the pseudointellectuals with over 200+ animes are definitely haters/contrarians... Why you should watch another season of a show you dont like or why you should start a show of a genre that really doesnt fit to you... You can only guess what goes into their minds...
May 1, 2022 6:52 AM
Dec 2019
DoruCatana said:
Not always at least......but most of the time....!!

Same thing with the elitist aren't one just for liking well written shows, the difference lays in you're reasoning...and attitude towards people who disagree with you're opinion/reasoning for believing something regarding a series...

Yeah, what annoys me about the anime fanbase is a lot of people think if you watch a show deemed to be pretentious then you are as well, when it couldn't be further from the truth. Like you can have every "pretentious" series as your favorite and still respect other's opinions lol.
May 1, 2022 7:44 AM

Jul 2017
I think it all depends on one's reasoning. If someone purposely hates on all popular anime solely because of their popularity levels as opposed to the actual content and qualities of the shows, then that does make him/her a contrarian and hipster. I'm totally fine with hipsters, but I have mixed feelings when it comes to contrarians lol.
May 1, 2022 7:51 AM

Oct 2018
Imagine enjoying a popular anime jajaja

Thank God I only watch obscure anime.
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Kafka, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Topaz and Huohuo.
May 1, 2022 8:32 AM

Jul 2021
Assuming this isn't a bait
Faozan_ said:
there are valid reasons to not like an anime
Are there? And even if there are, do they matter? Can't you just dislike something as a gut feeling and move on? Do you always need to find reasons to justify your tastes?
Faozan_ said:
it doesn't always mean I want to be edgy by saying the popular animes are bad
Doesn't it? And even if it does, does it matter? Can't other people call you edgy based on their perception? Do they need to ask for your permission?
Faozan_ said:
so please stop saying every person who disagrees with you regarding a popular anime edgy
You're basically making an edgy thread to tell people you're not always edgy.
May 1, 2022 8:42 AM

Jan 2013
It doesn't mean you aren't, either. As long as you aren't obnoxious about it, then it's probably fine.

Also, trying to invalidate someone's opinion for liking a popular anime is pathetic.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
May 1, 2022 8:44 AM

Apr 2021
IDGAF if someone hates an anime I like, to each their own. But I find it hilarious the people who make themselves suffer through watching a show they hate just to be able to make fun of it or whatever.

I had someone tell me I was “wasting my time” watching MHA (which I realize is a polarizing popular show but whatever, I’m gonna like what I like), looked at their profile and they have apparently watched all 5 seasons and rated them all 1/10.

Like who is wasting their time here? Me, spending time watching a show I enjoy, or you, spending time watching a show you hate? Ultimately I don’t really care how anyone spends their own time, but I don’t think watching over 100 episodes of a show you despise is quite the flex you think it is.

If I hate a show I just - drop it - move on with my life and watch something I do like. What are you gaining by loudly hating on it to people who like it?
May 1, 2022 11:25 AM

Feb 2021
Your opinion is your opinions - it is neither correct nor wrong.

As long as you're not an ass about it, you should be good.

Protect the smile!

May 1, 2022 11:32 AM

Sep 2020
No you're wrong and you saying this just makes you an edgy contrarian...
May 1, 2022 11:39 AM

Oct 2013
Maybe not, but shitting on people who do like them sure as hell is...I'm pretty sure any reasonable person would say they have more of a problem with that than just simply not liking something.
FanofActionMay 1, 2022 11:42 AM
May 1, 2022 11:50 AM

Apr 2021
It's completely fine to dislike some of the most popular anime as long as you have vaild reasons. The problem lies when you're being toxic or condescending towards people who like them. Only then you'll be considered edgy.
May 1, 2022 12:04 PM
Jul 2018
Such an issue wouldn't exist if there weren't people that did it. Take ongoing series for example. I can respect the fact that people want to watch a series all the way through to give an all-inclusive opinion on the series as a whole. But they have no right to complain about the time they wasted since often time they go into a series with little interest to begin with and forced themselves to commit to watching it all the way through. Nor do they have any ground in suggesting that others are sheep in watching popular anime since the whole basis for them watching it in the first place is submitting to the pressure of fanbases who hype it up. They're not doing anyone any favors other than giving themselves fuel to argue with fandoms if they're disappointed by a series.
May 1, 2022 12:10 PM

Oct 2010
my reasons for hating jjk and kimetsu are deeper than the deepest sea.
May 1, 2022 12:15 PM

Feb 2020
Well, it not something u really need to announce. Even if u dont have vaild reason, it's ur life u can like or dislike anything u want regardless of reason. As long as u are not imposing on anyone who cares what u like or dislike
AdampkMay 1, 2022 12:19 PM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

May 1, 2022 12:24 PM

Jan 2021
The funny thing is that hating on popular anime is popular too
May 1, 2022 12:28 PM

Jan 2022
Saying a particular show is not your cup of tea and moving on is perfectly acceptable.

Making an entire thread just to publicly announce how much you hate X Series or X Character or whatever and its entire fanbase is the most cringe thing in the world. It adds nothing of value and just makes MAL a more toxic and unfriendly place. Even if you're just trolling it’s nothing but uninspired. Just stop it already.

-insert NGE meme here-
May 1, 2022 1:51 PM

Feb 2021
I don't hate on stuff for being popular. I just don't like stuff I think is bad imo
May 1, 2022 2:51 PM

Mar 2018
Xxloop said:
DoruCatana said:
Not always at least......but most of the time....!!

Same thing with the elitist aren't one just for liking well written shows, the difference lays in you're reasoning...and attitude towards people who disagree with you're opinion/reasoning for believing something regarding a series...

Yeah, what annoys me about the anime fanbase is a lot of people think if you watch a show deemed to be pretentious then you are as well, when it couldn't be further from the truth. Like you can have every "pretentious" series as your favorite and still respect other's opinions lol.

Yes...that's very true ...but what annoys me even more at this hour is the silly mystake people whose first language isn't english do when the're writing "you're" instead of "your" because they are not paying attention to their spelling...being used to write the way things sound, especially if their first language is a latin one from what I've seen...not only at me but at others as well...
As a bookish nerd, I'm a little ashamed >_< !!

May 1, 2022 2:53 PM
Aug 2018
sounds like what an edgy person would say
May 1, 2022 7:05 PM

Jun 2010
Sure if you can actually articulate your reasons of why you dislike a series that happens to be popular that's different from being edgy/contrarian. Bonus points if you can do it in a non-inflamatory way.

But if I see people going out of their way to use every opportunity they get to broadcast their dislike for certain popular titles and do so in ways that try to rile up the fans it's hard to not see them as contrarian/cutting themselves on their edge.
May 1, 2022 8:22 PM
Jun 2020
The problem is not that you dislike a popular anime, the problem is when you start calling it "mid" or "overrated" without even giving reasons why you think that. When someone says they like something they always give a why, but haters usually just throw shit around to get attention and feel special for "not being like everyone else."
May 1, 2022 8:54 PM

May 2015
Alcoholicide said:

But if you want to be sure you're not hating on something just because its popular, ask yourself this: Would you ever have checked out the show if it wasn't as popular as it is? If the answer is no that means you could tell it wasn't gonna be for you based on the synopsis and everything but chose to still watch it so you could hate on it because of its popularity.

Absolutely not. There’s many more possible and plausible reasons that a show being popular can motivate you to watch it. What if someone is interested in seeing why it’s popular? What if someone wants to watch a show in order to participate in discussing it? Or what if the popularity of a show makes someone assume that it’s worth a try in the first place? So yes, what you’re describing certainly can happen (and does), but that conclusion doesn’t work. Besides, having negative expectations about a show and then watching it because of its popularity and actually hating on it because of its popularity after having watched it are very different things.
MrColumboMay 1, 2022 9:40 PM
May 1, 2022 9:27 PM

Jul 2021
It's so annoying to see people think that hating anime makes them intelligent.

May 1, 2022 9:29 PM
Feb 2022
I don't care what anyone says, I can shit on Code Geass all I want
May 2, 2022 7:12 AM

Feb 2010
MrColumbo said:
Alcoholicide said:

But if you want to be sure you're not hating on something just because its popular, ask yourself this: Would you ever have checked out the show if it wasn't as popular as it is? If the answer is no that means you could tell it wasn't gonna be for you based on the synopsis and everything but chose to still watch it so you could hate on it because of its popularity.

Absolutely not. There’s many more possible and plausible reasons that a show being popular can motivate you to watch it. What if someone is interested in seeing why it’s popular? What if someone wants to watch a show in order to participate in discussing it? Or what if the popularity of a show makes someone assume that it’s worth a try in the first place? So yes, what you’re describing certainly can happen (and does), but that conclusion doesn’t work. Besides, having negative expectations about a show and then watching it because of its popularity and actually hating on it because of its popularity after having watched it are very different things.

I mean what you're describing is exactly what I mean.

What if someone is interested in seeing why it’s popular?
Or what if the popularity of a show makes someone assume that it’s worth a try in the first place?

These two are the same and exactly the mentality that I was talking about. People ignoring their taste and checking the show out not for what it has to offer (e.g. a slow slice of life comedy) but solely because it's popular with others. Why? If you never like, for example, slow slice-of-life why would you think that changes somehow when a show is popular? It's still from a genre you know you dislike. Thinking popularity somehow changes your taste and how much you like/dislike certain genres and types of shows is exactly the trap I'm talking about. People treat popularity like it completely changes the nature of a show and suddenly ignore synopsis, genres and tags and just blindly check it out when they should know better and that's exactly how haters pop into existence, whether that was the intention or not.

What if someone wants to watch a show in order to participate in discussing it?

And this is honestly an even worse reason for watching stuff that you should be able to tell you will dislike. Because discussion and criticizing a genre from the perspective of someone who hates that genre in the first place never goes anywhere productive. I've grown tired of, for example, people criticizing battle shounen for being battle shounen and having battle shounen tropes that battle shounen fans like around 11 years ago but people who clearly don't like battle shounen keep checking out battle shounen just to then complain about them having battle shounen tropes because they tend to be the most popular shows and they want to 'discuss them' and always dislike them for the same reasons that make me and other fans of the genre like them. They add nothing to the discussion except repeating the fact that they don't like the genre in as many words as possible. Cool. Why? What is the point? Why not just stop watching battle shounen if you clearly hate them? It's not 'discussion' when you just hate on repeat. 'Discussion' is not a valid reason to watch something you dislike because it's always dishonest.

The stuff I'm talking about shouldn't be controversial. They don't enjoy the shows they watch and they annoy the entire fandom by constantly telling us how much they hate the genre that they keep coming back to because it's popular. Everyone is miserable, nobody is happy. And why? Because people overvalue the fuck out of popularity and always ignore their own taste when popularity is involved like it's some magic word that makes the normal rules of picking out a new show to watch based on synopsis, genres etc... not apply. But they still do, 100% of the time.

In 12 years in this community I have yet to see any proof that popularity actually overrides personal taste in any meaningful capacity. Instead I see hundreds and thousands of examples of what I'm talking about and people turning into haters as a result. And that was what I was talking about. If you willing enter a process that is likely to end up with you hating the show, it might as well be intentional. The motto being that ignorance is no excuse to me when people still believe they know better despite there being no basis for that aside from 'muh popularity'.

Of course they didn't dislike the last 10 battle shounen because the genre isn't for them, no, it's because all of them were objectively garbage shows and the next one coming up will finally prove that popularity is worth the lack of introspection!!! (spoiler: it won't be). At that point I see you as someone who enjoys to hate on battle shounen even if in their ignorant mind they really believe that they don't dislike the genre and just encountered only objective garbage. They should know better, all the information is ther to come to the right conclusion.

Of course the underlying assumption in my initial post was that people actually do some introspection and know their taste to a basic degree and as my sarcastic but very real example shows that is often not the case. But it's the same to me whether you know but ignore it or just never learn from making the same mistake dozens of times. As long as the result is the same (you hating on shows you probably should never have given a try based on your taste) I don't take ignorance as a valid excuse. Which I assume was your issue, that I said it's always intentional?

Besides, having negative expectations about a show and then watching it because of its popularity and actually hating on it because of its popularity after having watched it are very different things.

I mean yes, technically? If you just watch it but never hate on it, that's fine. But that was never what the conversation was about. Those people are impossible to notice because they keep to themselves. Of course they are not even part of the conversation that started from the topic of people hating on popular shows. I assumed that was clear. And if the end result is that they are hating on the show, then yes, those two things you describe do amount to the same. If popularity was the one deciding factor for you watching a show and you turn into a hater then you're a hater BECAUSE of popularity. Without popularity you would not have watched the show and never became a hater. End of story.

The only way it doesn't turn out like that is if you actually don't know your taste and wrongly had negative assumptions about the show and end up enjoying it. So yeah, you do have a point when people are exceptionally ignorant about their own taste like it can be the case for newbies or very young people still trying to feel out what they like. That's fine, but a different issue and not really what I was talking about, I was talking about the majority of cases that I see where they do know or should be able to know because they've been at it for a solid while and even I can tell after a glance at their list that they hate genre X but keep checking it out for some reason (=popularity).

So I stand by my initial point that people checking out shows solely because they're poular is what spawns and creates more haters than anything else. If everybody stopped doing that tomorrow the toxicity levels in the community would sink significantly. It would become a better place for everyone. But it won't because half the people actually enjoy being haters and shitting on stuff they deem garbage, especially when popular, and the other half is arrogant enough to think 'this time is gonna be different!' everytime they check out a show based on popularity and are incapable of learning that popularity should not be the dominant factor when making thoser decisions and they end up amounting to the same thing the first half does.

tl;dr: I think you mostly gave some good examples of what people tell themselves to justify ignoring their preferences and picking up shows only for their popularity, but they're still all part of the same hater-creating pattern I was talking about.
I probably regret this post by now.
May 2, 2022 7:34 AM

Feb 2020
I never have a problem with someone disliking something that is both popular and something I like as long as they have valid reasons. I do have a problem when someone can't formulate a reason for them to dislike something and instead just call it overrated because it's popular.

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