First of all, this is a continuation of Hokuto No Ken with a time gap in between, so you would probably want to look at that before this. But, as this is not a plot-based show, it does make sense without having seen the original.
The first half of the story was actually pretty enjoyable, even if very standard. Heroic Rebels overthrow the Evil Emprire, but it's done well and had some suspenseful moments and likeable characters. Falco is one of the more impressive adversaries for Ken and their final duel was good fun. If the story ended at that point, I would have given the
Alternative Titles
Synonyms: HNK II
Japanese: 北斗の拳2
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Finished Airing
Mar 12, 1987 to Feb 18, 1988
Spring 1987
Thursdays at 19:00 (JST)
None found, add some
Discotek Media
Toei Animation
25 min. per ep.
R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 9 / 9
Your Feelings Categories Feb 6, 2013
An worthy continuation of one of japan´s most populair anime franchise since 1983, so soon its HAPPY HAPPY BRITHDAY hokuto no ken, to survive all these decades!!! After the intense 1st serie´s wich i also reviewed, once again the not too good animation wich i somewhat appreciate. Storyline is stilll damn good and unpredictable dark plots inbetween wich transfers chara. to chara as the serie´s coming to an end, and some DAMN good villians-heroe´s introductions,and most of all: Bart & Lynn the two small kids , they grown up and survived!! en this time they fight too!Only there is a bit more lack
Jan 11, 2017
I'm a huge fan of Hokuto No Ken. I simply love all the action, drama and manliness involved in the series and Kenshiro is definately my favorite anime character ever. While I loved the first HNK series, this second season is pretty lackluster storywise.
Story: 6/10 Basically, years after Raoh's death, Bat and Lin, now full grown adults (except Lin, because she still looks like she has a child's mind) create the "Hokuto Army" which battles the foes that serve the "Gento Emperor". The appearance of Falco is a good addition for the character roster of HNK, and I really liked his Gento Ko-Ken fighting style. So ... Aug 8, 2017
his second Fist of the North Star series is meant to provide further fleshing out of Kenshiro and the Hokuto Shinken fighting style as it explores their origins as Kenshiro reunites with an older Lin and Bat to fend off a new enemy force, before having to rescue an abducted Lin from the Land of Shura, a country that encourages a brutal "survival of the fittest" mentality in raising male warriors.
On the one hand, this series runs at a more shorter length thus it avoids most of the major issues that plagued the first FotNS series with repetitious plot developments and having enough recap episodes. ... Oct 6, 2023
I loved my time with HNK, so of course I had to check HNK2 out! I was a bit concerned at first due to almost all post-timeskip content being ignored in merch and discussions, but my worries were quickly erased!
HNK2 is a great continuation and conclusion for the series (at least for the anime). If you liked HNK you'll likely enjoy your time with HNK2. Although I preferred the 2nd arc over the 1st one, I still thoroughly enjoyed both due to the fun new characters and further development of the lore. The action is just as great as ever and the music continues to ... Jun 1, 2024
"Hokuto no Ken 2" is basically more of the same, but a bit better. Animation is better, fights are better and the music is glorious as ever. There is a reason why this manga/seres is considered a cult classic. However, do keep in mind that the story continues its tragic melodrama, for better or worse. Characters are constantly introduced just so we can learn about their tragic past and then they sacrifice themselves for the greater good as we get all teary-eyed while they spew out melodramatic stuff in their last moments. No matter how much I like this story and characters, it got
Jul 9, 2017
First things first. My "reviews" system is explained on a blog entry. Which can be found through my profile.
---- What did even happen? This season lost so much charm that first season had. Anyhow story seems to be few years after and characters are all grown up now. I found the characters/villains/good guys or whatsoever absolutely boring this time around. Felt like watching some sort of pseudo-tryhard western hippie rockpunks in a bad combination. Kenshiro himself also lost the magical "touch". He seemed quite a boring character this time around. They made him more quieter and duller, he reacted less and I didn't feel at all from ... Jun 16, 2024
This was in fact the first bad anime (unlike the first) that i tanked through. IT had absurd and nonsensical plotlines, a lot of campy bits, a bit of fillery and stretchy episodes to connect the bad plotlines, and in general terrible writing. It's not inspired and doesn't really resemble the first. It DOES have it's moments though and those moments are on par with the first.
It has multiple arcs or subplots. Villages defending themselves... a pirate uncle.. a few things going on with Bat and Lin. The story starts out focused on those two but shifts to Ken, and they lay somewhat dormant in ... Nov 15, 2023
I'm so glad to be done with Fist of the North Star. A continuation of the original series it is still such a slog to get through having plot holes left and right, boring characters, and being ugly to look at. It may be a classic, but Fist of the North Star should be left in the past.
The original anime was a simple martial arts succession story. Part two makes it overly complicated by adding primogeniture elements through an entirely new country. Arc one is follows the traditions laid out for the first 100 episodes but now everyone is ten years older. Ken returned after ... |