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To all lolicons, what about real life loli?

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Oct 10, 2008 8:19 AM

Sep 2008
I can spell correct most of the time, everybody makes mistakes and I admit I do to along with grammar mistakes.
And you don't need to know several languages to be smart, thats just a bonus.

Either way like you said in another post your little "Disease" makes you think your better so ill go ahead and entertain you.

And you want people to think your a woman anyway as you act like one and enjoy the thought of making out with other guys. I guess you have gotten so good at hiding behind that computer that you can make people belive just about anything.

You might of fooled me with you femine nature but your sick ways backed up by scientific thoughts and things that happend thousands of years ago wont.

but you cant blame me as I do tend to treat all vermin and pests alike...
Oct 10, 2008 8:22 AM

Feb 2005
Children are human larvaes. I wouldn't stick my johnny into one of them. Now teenagers can be an entirely different matter. But I'd personally keep myself away from the pre-evolutions. Pichu and Iglybuff, bleh. I only support Pedobear because people find it offensive :D
But I have little to no morals, and couldn't give a damn about what other people do, but there are laws, and whether they are good or bad is not for me to decide. But the laws exist to be obeyed, and if one insists on breaking them, one should be clever enough to avoid getting caught.
Child sexuality does not concern me at all, but the debate might be interesting.
Oct 10, 2008 8:34 AM

Feb 2005
sevenf said:
This guy is a genius.

Why thank you.
Oct 10, 2008 8:36 AM

May 2008
Rpgwiz99 said:
What it all boils down to is that you're someone who seems to hide behind their computer

screen knowing nothing of the actual world, mind you I say actual world the real one not the one in your head.

What it all boils down to is you're all strawman arguments and ad hominem attacks.

Rpgwiz99 said:
Its not like I want to waste my time talking to the likes of you as my mindset is on a much higher level than yours and you really cant seem to comprehend anything I say anyway. I can indeed spell correctly, and hold a perfectly normal conversation but really does it matter one way or another when I'm "Trying" to talk to neanderthals. Notice I say "Trying" as I really don't think its completely possible to hold a conversation with anybody who has and IQ below 10 but I'll try my hardest. Actually I applaud you so far for at least trying to make your point even if it only amounts to a complete pile of, well nothing.

Yet you keep coming back to respond. So basically that ads up to one more blank ad hominem. Instead of saying "I don't want to talk to you anymore" and then leave, you continue posting just to come back and say that you don't want to talk to us because what we have to say, is in your mind, stupid.

We comprehend what you say perfectly, and we disagree with it.
Which is unlike what you're doing, which is avoiding our argument and going for the low road of logical fallacies. If anyone feels like they're trying to talk but are not going anywhere and just responding to a brick wall, it's us.

Because you ignore the majority of what we say and just come back with insults. I do believe we are doing a much better job of trying to respond to what you're saying than you are trying to respond to what we're saying.

It all amounts to a pile of...being ignored and then insulted.

Rpgwiz99 said:
I find it odd and sick that you relate giving a small child a piece of candy is the same as Giving them your dick just because they say they want it.

Why? Give me your reasons. You gave me your emotions, but to make this a proper discussion, you have to give me some actual reasoning behind this emotion.
Saying "It's wrong because I have an emotional gut reaction to it" is not enough.
I believe that morals are subjective but that doesn't mean one can argue that position from that alone.

Rpgwiz99 said:
I tried to be nice but I found out early in life that there is only 1 way to learn anything and if you are stupid enough to play with fire than you deserve to get burned. Really you are stupid and at a complete lost on legal matters too as I could commit an act of first degree murder and under the right circumstances get out in 10 or less years with the right attorney and parole.

Under most situations, when a person ends the life of another person, the conviction is life in prison.

Rpgwiz99 said:
I guess all it comes down to is if a 5 year old kid asks for death than its fine to kill them as long as they consent, right?

Giving someone something they want while they are alive is different than ending someone's ability to ever experience pleasure ever again.

You don't get to decide what someone likes and someone doesn't. Killing someone is physical harm, sex is not.
Rpgwiz99 said:
who feed on the innocent.

Are you talking about innocent by being virgin?
I do not believe being virgin is innocent. Nor do I believe sex is un-innocent.

khorven said:
Any-way,ukonkivi, let's make out!


Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 10, 2008 8:41 AM

Sep 2008
ukonkivi said:
khorven said:
Any-way,ukonkivi, let's make out!

I'm the sub, be sure to act really 'female' as that'll give Rpgwiz99 some-thing for his lunch money, which he would've viewed as what-ever damaging if he was born 30 years back any-way.

So, like, you press my wrists against the wall or some-thing?
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 8:56 AM

Jul 2007
ukonkivi said:
If you had a little sister lets say she was 7 and you found out she was given a doughnut would you approve of it just because she said she wanted it?

While there are physical implications to both eating doughnuts and having sex, I think the psychological and emotional impact that sex has on a child makes this a bad comparison, because eating doughnuts doesn't have a similar effect.

Also, a child can more fully comprehend/understand a doughnut and the effects eating a doughnut will have on them than they can with sex, due to their limited psychological development compared to adults. Even if the child feels positive about it at the time, what I've read seems to suggest that because of our sociocultural construct of sex, and sexual child abuse, an impact for the worse on the child is inevitable at some point.

Eating doughnuts simply don't have such a complicated effect on the child, if only because society does not attatch baggage to it. Whether or not it's right or wrong to attatch baggage to sex or child sexuality to me is irrelevant; it's there, it's been there, it's not going away, so for the safety of the child to not become confused or emotionally disturbed or whatever later on, it's in the child's interest to keep them from sexual activity until such a time that they are more psychologically equipped to handle it's emotional/psychological ramifications.
Oct 10, 2008 9:16 AM

May 2008
khorven said:
So, like, you press my wrists against the wall or some-thing?

Oh yes, you like that, don't you khorven.

url_elf said:
Also, a child can more fully comprehend/understand a doughnut and the effects eating a doughnut will have on them than they can with sex, due to their limited psychological development compared to adults. Even if the child feels positive about it at the time, what I've read seems to suggest that because of our sociocultural construct of sex, and sexual child abuse, an impact for the worse on the child is inevitable at some point.

Yes, I would agree that this is most certainly the biggest part of it.
But then also with homosexuality, the problem is society being unaccepting.
I've heard many homosexuals commit suicide of this.

So then the problem to alleviate would not be having sex with children under the age of consent, it would societal intolerance and lack of child self esteem.

url_elf said:
it's been there, it's not going away, so for the safety of the child to not become confused or emotionally disturbed or whatever later on, it's in the child's interest to keep them from sexual activity until such a time that they are more psychologically equipped to handle it's emotional/psychological ramifications.

Honestly, I'm still not sure I'm psychologically able to handle all the societal
Sometimes all the double standards with sex and homophobia get to me.

And as far as I know, child adult relationships were acceptable for most of history and has just in recent civilization become less acceptable. And on entirely scientific grounds, but shifts in societal view of children.

So it hasn't really been there, and I see no reason to assume it can't go anywhere.
ukonkiviOct 10, 2008 9:19 AM

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 10, 2008 9:20 AM

Sep 2008
ukonkivi said:
]Oh yes, you like that, don't you khorven
Yes.. master...
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 9:22 AM

Mar 2005
ukonkivi said:

And as far as I know, child adult relationships were acceptable for most of history and has just in recent civilization become less acceptable. And on entirely scientific grounds, but shifts in societal view of children.

So it hasn't really been there, and I see no reason to assume it can't go anywhere.

no I'd say in the past 2000 years it's been unacceptable. After the fall of Rome when the Church took over then we had all these rules and whatnot, the Dark Ages were the starting point when we had humans acting more prude than today as opposed to the ancient civilizations when they actually acted less prude. Civilization has only been around for roughly 4000 years, so it's not really "most"...more like "half"

now on the other hand for most of civilization there's been a lot of things happening that most of us probably wouldn't agree with today either, such as the diminishing of the woman's role in society, and the use of slavery. Basically my point here is "we've been doing it for most of history!" argument is a weak one when trying to get something accepted today.
Oct 10, 2008 9:28 AM

Sep 2008
kei-clone said:
ukonkivi said:

And as far as I know, child adult relationships were acceptable for most of history and has just in recent civilization become less acceptable. And on entirely scientific grounds, but shifts in societal view of children.

So it hasn't really been there, and I see no reason to assume it can't go anywhere.

no I'd say in the past 2000 years it's been unacceptable. After the fall of Rome when the Church took over then we had all these rules and whatnot, the Dark Ages were the starting point when we had humans acting more prude than today as opposed to the ancient civilizations when they actually acted less prude. Civilization has only been around for roughly 4000 years, so it's not really "most"...more like "half"

now on the other hand for most of civilization there's been a lot of things happening that most of us probably wouldn't agree with today either, such as the diminishing of the woman's role in society, and the use of slavery. Basically my point here is "we've been doing it for most of history!" argument is a weak one when trying to get something accepted today.
There's more than the west.

Find your hero.
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 9:28 AM

Jun 2008
I could never have sex with a child, even though I love lolis.
There is a big difference between real life and fantasy...
Oct 10, 2008 9:30 AM

Sep 2008
Maglor said:
I could never have sex with a child, even though I love lolis.
There is a big difference between real life and fantasy...
Do elaborate upon your fantasies then, know no morals. What's it? Do you want them to be dominatrices? Do you want them to be very submissive and suffer, do you want to slit their throat as your climax into them?
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 9:32 AM

May 2008
kei-clone said:

now on the other hand for most of civilization there's been a lot of things happening that most of us probably wouldn't agree with today either, such as the diminishing of the woman's role in society, and the use of slavery. Basically my point here is "we've been doing it for most of history!" argument is a weak one when trying to get something accepted today.

That's not my argument.

Some things have been better in the past in my opinion and some things are better now.
In my opinion overly high age of consent laws, labeling anyone who likes anyone who looks possibly overaged but is in their twenties, and gay bashing, are things in our current society which are undesirable.
Whereas both ephebophilia and homosexuality appeared to be more acceptable back in ancient Greece, which I view as a positive thing.

Personally, I think it's the people saying "child sexuality is wrong" are the ones who seem to be relying on the idea that because something is the way things are, that that is the way things should be.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 10, 2008 9:34 AM

Apr 2008
Razma said:

And khorven, there's an age limit for certain things for a reason. Young people have no real life experience, they make quick, rash decisions based on whatever emotions they are experiencing at the time.

so how do you define young? a 14 year old living on the streets probably has more life experience than you.
Oct 10, 2008 9:38 AM

Mar 2005
khorven said:
kei-clone said:
ukonkivi said:

And as far as I know, child adult relationships were acceptable for most of history and has just in recent civilization become less acceptable. And on entirely scientific grounds, but shifts in societal view of children.

So it hasn't really been there, and I see no reason to assume it can't go anywhere.

no I'd say in the past 2000 years it's been unacceptable. After the fall of Rome when the Church took over then we had all these rules and whatnot, the Dark Ages were the starting point when we had humans acting more prude than today as opposed to the ancient civilizations when they actually acted less prude. Civilization has only been around for roughly 4000 years, so it's not really "most"...more like "half"

now on the other hand for most of civilization there's been a lot of things happening that most of us probably wouldn't agree with today either, such as the diminishing of the woman's role in society, and the use of slavery. Basically my point here is "we've been doing it for most of history!" argument is a weak one when trying to get something accepted today.
There's more than the west.

Find your hero.

what you're pointing out are exceptions though, not the norm. I'm sure there's a pedophile in any period of history, whether it would be criminal for him to be one or not. The only question is whether the "general public" would find it acceptable or commonplace rather than disgusting.

in any case, that list defines "pederastic" relationships, which wiki defines as "between adult men and adolescent boys". I was under the impression we were talking about before adolescence.
Oct 10, 2008 9:54 AM

May 2008
Muhammad had a wife, Aisha, who was very underaged.
And he's the leader of an entire religion.

Oh and also I have not seen any Greek laws in which pederasty was condemned and not accepted. Or even any documentation whatsoever that pointed to it's nonacceptance.

And this "just because it was done, doesn't make it right".
It was a response to an advocation, not an advocation.

Culture can be changed. Culture can accept different degrees of child sexuality, and it has varied in the past. So there's no reason to assume that it's a constantly unchanging stream. Where it became assumed that because it was once common, or argued that way, that it was okay, I don't understand. It seems like a dual twist of an argument.

The person was saying since it's not accepted, and hinting toward a long streaming thing, that that's just the way things are and we should simply shield society from the nonacceptance of deviant sexuality. I merely contested that things were not so uniform nor should they accepted just because they are so. It's like telling people they can't hang out with other gay kids because they can't handle the psychological implications of receiving homophobia.

Since just because things were not accepting of child sexuality at some points, as you advocated,if that were true, then your own argument about slavery and sexism can also be applied. Just because at some points in history child sexuality was not condoned, does not mean it should not be considered acceptable today.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 10, 2008 10:01 AM

Mar 2005
ukonkivi said:
Muhammad had a wife, Aisha, who was very underaged.
And he's the leader of an entire religion.

The Incan royalty also had the right to incestual relationships. This was a "priviledge" reserved only for "special" people though, and was still considered taboo for the rest of the empire, which is what I'm guessing happened to Muhammad as well.

Other than that, I get what you're saying. I'm just dropping by to correct things that the other side may miss, since you guys are doing your part well enough. originally i was to point out that it's not true that "most" of history found child adult relationships.

Then I did say my other point, which was basically there to make sure you guys are careful so you don't jump to that conclusion :)

carry on~
Oct 10, 2008 10:08 AM

Apr 2008
Page 4 made me lol.

Kei-clone: Muhammad took Aisha as a wife when he was still just a dude, IIRC.
Oct 10, 2008 10:23 AM

Sep 2008
kei-clone said:
Then I did say my other point, which was basically there to make sure you guys are careful so you don't jump to that conclusion :)
We pwn the shit while we french out in public.

Any-way, about the list, I mean, look at the names, there are some pretty respected members oft he renaissance intelligentsia in there.
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 10:27 AM

Jul 2008
......this topic looks like /b/ forums
Oct 10, 2008 10:31 AM

Apr 2008
Defiance said:
......this topic looks like /b/ forums

Clearly you have not spent much time in /b/.

Also, your forum avatar is awesome.
Oct 10, 2008 10:36 AM

Jul 2008
Plate said:
Defiance said:
......this topic looks like /b/ forums

Clearly you have not spent much time in /b/.

obviously im exaggerating but it has the premise lol
DefianceOct 10, 2008 10:40 AM
Oct 10, 2008 10:36 AM

Jan 2008
Defiance said:
......this topic looks like /b/ forums

I heavily, heavily doubt they would ever attempt even a fraction of the actual argumentation say khorven or url-elf display. Even Rpgwiz is a bit too wordy, although on the proper level of argumentation.

On topic, I frankly cannot add anything more than what Baman already said. If people decide it isn't psychologically harmful for children, go ahead. If it is, well, don't go ahead unless you want to be dicks. I prefer older people and 2D.
How is the world ruled and how do wars start? Diplomats tell lies to journalists and then believe what they read. | Report rules abuse | Your Panel | Clubs | Messages | Forum | Recent
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Oct 10, 2008 10:40 AM

Sep 2008
Kaiserpingvin said:
Defiance said:
......this topic looks like /b/ forums

I heavily, heavily doubt they would ever attempt even a fraction of the actual argumentation say khorven or url-elf display. Even Rpgwiz is a bit too wordy, although on the proper level of argumentation.

On topic, I frankly cannot add anything more than what Baman already said. If people decide it isn't psychologically harmful for children, go ahead. If it is, well, don't go ahead unless you want to be dicks. I prefer older people and 2D.
I should add that I kind of charm the idea of 'shouldn't's, like first the loli and then my own sister, ehehehe.
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 10:42 AM

Jul 2008
khorven said:
Kaiserpingvin said:
Defiance said:
......this topic looks like /b/ forums

I heavily, heavily doubt they would ever attempt even a fraction of the actual argumentation say khorven or url-elf display. Even Rpgwiz is a bit too wordy, although on the proper level of argumentation.

On topic, I frankly cannot add anything more than what Baman already said. If people decide it isn't psychologically harmful for children, go ahead. If it is, well, don't go ahead unless you want to be dicks. I prefer older people and 2D.
I should add that I kind of charm the idea of 'shouldn't's, like first the loli and then my own sister, ehehehe.

what about a loli sister? taboo overload perhaps?
Oct 10, 2008 10:56 AM

Sep 2008
Defiance said:
khorven said:
Kaiserpingvin said:
Defiance said:
......this topic looks like /b/ forums

I heavily, heavily doubt they would ever attempt even a fraction of the actual argumentation say khorven or url-elf display. Even Rpgwiz is a bit too wordy, although on the proper level of argumentation.

On topic, I frankly cannot add anything more than what Baman already said. If people decide it isn't psychologically harmful for children, go ahead. If it is, well, don't go ahead unless you want to be dicks. I prefer older people and 2D.
I should add that I kind of charm the idea of 'shouldn't's, like first the loli and then my own sister, ehehehe.

what about a loli sister? taboo overload perhaps?
I once said that the ideal would be a severely depressed Japanese little sister of eleven-twelve years old yes.. =P
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 11:13 AM

Apr 2008
kei-clone said:
ukonkivi said:

And as far as I know, child adult relationships were acceptable for most of history and has just in recent civilization become less acceptable. And on entirely scientific grounds, but shifts in societal view of children.

So it hasn't really been there, and I see no reason to assume it can't go anywhere.

no I'd say in the past 2000 years it's been unacceptable. After the fall of Rome when the Church took over then we had all these rules and whatnot, the Dark Ages were the starting point when we had humans acting more prude than today as opposed to the ancient civilizations when they actually acted less prude. Civilization has only been around for roughly 4000 years, so it's not really "most"...more like "half"

now on the other hand for most of civilization there's been a lot of things happening that most of us probably wouldn't agree with today either, such as the diminishing of the woman's role in society, and the use of slavery. Basically my point here is "we've been doing it for most of history!" argument is a weak one when trying to get something accepted today.

But youre looking at the the norms and morals of Western society. child ault relationships in other parts of the world where much more prevalent and lasted for longer periods of time. Just look at the concubinage system of Imperial China.
I find it a problem that countries like the USA and the EU are imposing their moralistic values on countries that have a completely different standard of norms. Now this does not only apply to the age of consent, but also to things such as implementing democracy as if its the only right system of government.

Of course, child abusers should be prosecuted, but i dont see the problem with how its still wrong to have relationships with people under the age of 18 (which isnt really loli anymore anyhow.. XD), even though they consent to the relationship. (long run-on sentence)
Oct 10, 2008 11:15 AM

Mar 2007
This may be a little offtopic, but the talk about the sexualization of children and whether it's right or wrong, etc. got me to thinking about Junior Idols.

Has anyone seen any of these? (if not, take a look around Akiba Online) I find it interesting that it's big business in Japan (and a few other countries, I think). Provocative poses, skimpy swimsuits, etc. Almost makes you forget how old they are :D

And on a side note, if I get an erection from looking at a Junior Idol, does that make me a pedophile? Just curious.

. . .

You've come a long way, baby.
Oct 10, 2008 11:21 AM

Sep 2008
Kimura said:
This may be a little offtopic, but the talk about the sexualization of children and whether it's right or wrong, etc. got me to thinking about Junior Idols.

Has anyone seen any of these? (if not, take a look around Akiba Online) I find it interesting that it's big business in Japan (and a few other countries, I think). Provocative poses, skimpy swimsuits, etc. Almost makes you forget how old they are :D

And on a side note, if I get an erection from looking at a Junior Idol, does that make me a pedophile? Just curious.

. . .

Nah, it makes you a human willing to admit being human. Every man gets a boner from child-porn really, of no significantly different magnitude either than adult porn, people, except the Russians are simply frightened to admit.

Hence I fetched the picture.
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 11:22 AM

May 2008
Just for adding some more to the subject without choosing to go back and sift through earlier pages of discussion for more discussion just yet, allow me to post some relevant links on youtube to the subject matter and then comment on them with my own views.


This guy shares pretty much every viewpoint I have on almost every single issue.
So I really don't have much to add to this. But if you haven't seen it before, it's a good watch.

The thing in which I disagree with him is that even though society sees it as wrong which make cause psychological problems if the child cares too much what people think about him. This is the same thing that applies to homosexuality and transgender. So I think that the most important thing is to build self esteem in children and to reform society to be..a little nicer. Tolerance, is the chosen word we use in society. But I'm not such to what degree he's suggesting this, so we might be in agreement still.

I have at least three other videos I was going to post. One of them I can't find and two of them I can't remember what they were about. I really should have looked up the videos first and typed out my response and analysis later.

Edit: And also, it seems since then there have been some more and possibly interesting responses to the thread. I'll address them later. Right now I just want finally get this off of notepad and finally posted.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 10, 2008 11:39 AM

Jul 2007
dendrophilian said:
Some of you have said that a child can't fully understand what sex is. I don't see that as a valid argument. As long as a child doesn't mind, it doesn't matter, and the child will understand in time.

How can the child even know if it minds or not if it doesn't even know what's going on? What's about to happen or what's happening? Even if we normalize sexual relationships with children, if the child can't understand what's happening confusion and all that comes with it seem an inevitable effect on the child.

There is so much more to it then "does the kid mind." The thing about kids is, they won't SAY they mind if they think you don't want them to. They aren't psychologically qualified to make decisions about themselves in contexts they can't fully grasp, and they aren't psychologically equipped to deal with the consequences of these decisions.

Tbh, from the pro-pedophilia papers/etc I've seen presented, what the child actually wants or what is actually good for the psychological wellbeing of the child seems irrelevant to the pro-pedo camp.
Oct 10, 2008 11:45 AM

May 2008
Actually it would seem to me that kids are more honest than adults.
And as far as the degree of being complicated of sex is concerned, it's more simple than a good portion of the things taught to them the third grade.

At least in it's necessity. Such as understanding sex makes babies, how to put on a condom, ect. ect.

You could go on about the societal implications of sex and overanalyze it forever.
ukonkiviOct 10, 2008 11:51 AM

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 10, 2008 11:46 AM

Aug 2007
Baman said:
Children are human larvaes. I wouldn't stick my johnny into one of them. Now teenagers can be an entirely different matter. But I'd personally keep myself away from the pre-evolutions. Pichu and Iglybuff, bleh. I only support Pedobear because people find it offensive :D
But I have little to no morals, and couldn't give a damn about what other people do, but there are laws, and whether they are good or bad is not for me to decide. But the laws exist to be obeyed, and if one insists on breaking them, one should be clever enough to avoid getting caught.
Child sexuality does not concern me at all, but the debate might be interesting.

People find pedobear offensive? I laugh whenever I see him. :P

Also there's a difference between children and teens. According to law an 18 year old is a pedophile if he has sex with his 17 year old girlfriend.
Oct 10, 2008 11:56 AM

Jul 2007
ukonkivi said:
Actually it would seem to me that kids are more honest than adults.

From what I've gathered, children are not so honest about themselves. If they are neglected at home, for example, or obviously feeling angry at their parents because of this, they won't talk about it. They'll outright deny feeling angry. They'll bury their feelings, blame themselves, and let these things eat away at them.

I don't see an issue with teaching children what sex is. That's fairly normal. But I don't know why having sex with them would somehow be to their benefit.
Oct 10, 2008 11:57 AM

Apr 2008
url_elf said:
ukonkivi said:
Actually it would seem to me that kids are more honest than adults.

From what I've gathered, children are not so honest about themselves. If they are neglected at home, for example, or obviously feeling angry at their parents because of this, they won't talk about it. They'll outright deny feeling angry. They'll bury their feelings, blame themselves, and let these things eat away at them.

I don't see an issue with teaching children what sex is. That's fairly normal. But I don't know why having sex with them would somehow be to their benefit.

how is sex to the benefit of an adult.
unless you're refering to children who havent hit puberty yet..?
Oct 10, 2008 11:57 AM

Jul 2007
Sohei said:
how is sex to the benefit of an adult.
unless you're refering to children who havent hit puberty yet..?

My impression has been that we're talking about ~10yo children.
Oct 10, 2008 12:06 PM

Feb 2005
Drunk_Samurai said:

People find pedobear offensive? I laugh whenever I see him. :P

Also there's a difference between children and teens. According to law an 18 year old is a pedophile if he has sex with his 17 year old girlfriend.

Really? In Norway, 16 year olds are considered sexually legal, and younger people can legally have sex if they are both around the same age. Although pornography of 16 year olds is still child pornography as far as I understand it. A bit queer really.
Another interesting thing I noticed is Straffeloven § 198, stating that anyone over the age of 18 that initiate sexual action with their sibling can be thrown in the cage fore a year.
Good thing you don't live in Norway Khorven XD
BamanOct 10, 2008 12:18 PM
Oct 10, 2008 12:12 PM

Aug 2007
Baman said:
Drunk_Samurai said:

People find pedobear offensive? I laugh whenever I see him. :P

Also there's a difference between children and teens. According to law an 18 year old is a pedophile if he has sex with his 17 year old girlfriend.

Really? In Norway, 16 year olds are considered sexually legal. Although pornography of 16 year olds is still child pornography as far as I understand it. A bit queer really.

There are different terms for that I think. At least online. They would call that JB and anything under 14 or 13 would be CP I think. Law would call it all CP though.
Also 2 14 year olds had sex in Utah and were both called an offender and a victim. Its all bullshit.
Oct 10, 2008 12:24 PM

Feb 2005
Drunk_Samurai said:
Also 2 14 year olds had sex in Utah and were both called an offender and a victim. Its all bullshit.

That's weird. D:
Oct 10, 2008 12:28 PM

Sep 2008
Baman said:
Drunk_Samurai said:
Also 2 14 year olds had sex in Utah and were both called an offender and a victim. Its all bullshit.

That's weird. D:
Please you're talking about a country which illegalizes North Korea having WMD's beause they pwn them in StarCraft.
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 12:31 PM

Feb 2008
khorven said:
]Please you're talking about a country which illegalizes North Korea having WMD's beause they pwn them in StarCraft.

No starcraft in the pedo thread please....i love that game....
Oct 10, 2008 12:38 PM

Sep 2008
Sephor said:
khorven said:
]Please you're talking about a country which illegalizes North Korea having WMD's beause they pwn them in StarCraft.

No starcraft in the pedo thread please....i love that game....
Fenix so obviously was pædo for Raynor and Raynor used him to get over his broken heart for Kerrigan, Metzen planned it all.

On a side note, Kerrigan is h4wt. O.O, she can pædo-dominatricize me any day after she's become 6363 or something, with her blades.
Perelman, martyr
Oct 10, 2008 1:48 PM

Mar 2005
khorven said:
Baman said:
Drunk_Samurai said:
Also 2 14 year olds had sex in Utah and were both called an offender and a victim. Its all bullshit.

That's weird. D:
Please you're talking about a country which illegalizes North Korea having WMD's beause they pwn them in StarCraft.

starcraft is south korea, sorry
Oct 10, 2008 6:58 PM

Nov 2007
I somewhat think this could possibly be related into this thread:
Oct 10, 2008 7:16 PM

May 2007
Oct 10, 2008 7:27 PM

Jul 2008
the fact that this topic is even being discussed represents a decline in moral views imo lol
Oct 10, 2008 7:46 PM
Aug 2007
Defiance said:
the fact that this topic is even being discussed represents a decline in moral views imo lol

Probably, yeah. I can't see how anyone could seriously consider RL lolicon w/o being seriously morally depraved.
Oct 10, 2008 8:09 PM

Aug 2008
the_seventh_l said:
Defiance said:
the fact that this topic is even being discussed represents a decline in moral views imo lol

Probably, yeah. I can't see how anyone could seriously consider RL lolicon w/o being seriously morally depraved.

Truest statements made in this demented thread
Oct 10, 2008 8:12 PM

Sep 2008
Yea and I get harassed because I dont condone it ^^
Oct 10, 2008 8:52 PM

Apr 2008
Rpgwiz99 said:
Yea and I get harassed because I dont condone it ^^

Well, well, aren't you a persecuted minority.
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