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Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season - Kanketsu-hen
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season - Kanketsu-hen
Nov 6, 2023 9:12 PM
Completed 2/2 · Scored 9
Romantic Killer
Romantic Killer
Mar 22, 2023 10:21 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack
Mar 12, 2023 12:40 AM
Dropped 8/12 · Scored -
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Kowareta Bokura no Senryaku Renai
Kowareta Bokura no Senryaku Renai
Apr 2, 2023 11:31 AM
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Yofukashi no Uta
Yofukashi no Uta
Feb 6, 2023 1:19 AM
Reading 158/203 · Scored 8
Jan 29, 2023 1:32 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8

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Shippai_ Apr 1, 2022 1:03 PM
Happy Birthday! hope you're doing well! ^^
Shippai_ Nov 20, 2021 3:28 AM
Hi there, thanks for accepting the friend request! ^^
RPWPA May 13, 2021 2:21 AM
Thank you :')
Glad you liked it
Esajas11 Apr 25, 2021 2:24 PM
Hope your finals went well! I'm all caught up in school so now I can finally respond within 5 days. I've never really been behind in school before but I decided to take it easy due to quarantine and shit and it came back to bite me in the ass of course. Now I know the consequences.

Ah, well nonetheless both pay well but are really tiring I'd assume. Don't you have to go to medical school for like 9 years? That's what I've heard at least.

Yeah, every country has an ugly face which of course doesn't get shown in the media and such but it is what it is :)

Politics are a really ''dangerous'' subject to talk about. As in you're walking on glass if you talk about it basically. It's quite easy to piss someone off and stuff especially here in sweden! But it's still fun to see other people's views and thoughts/opinions and then like discussing it with each other :)

And it's not a sticker it's a picture lol. You can put pictures in msgs by writing

Hmm, I see. The American school system is a scam basically (not literally of course but you know what I mean I hope).
Thank you, I do my own research and stuff due to school not really showing us the whole picture.

I understand lol. And you give shit shows a 7? A 7 on my rating scale is something good.

I'll most likely watch it during my summer break which is going to start in just a few weeks! God damn am I excited to finally be able to be back on mal and watch anime again, I've missed it a ton ngl xd
And I'm looking forward to seeing it! I usually care more about the story then visuals (hence why I tend to not be as mean to older shows due to the story being good when the animation can be awful). But I'll still love Your Name for sure!

Yeah, it is honestly great. Mal is pretty outdated. What's your username on anilist? (if you have it)

Esajas11 Apr 1, 2021 2:13 PM
Phew, now I'm finally on holiday/break from school so I can rest and watch anime again. Sorry for the late reply man, school's been taking up my free time but now I am back! :)

Thanks, you too! And I see, glad to see that you have at least an idea of what you wanna become. Sounds great to be honest! Wish you luck with getting where you want to.

I see, glad to hear that you haven't experienced it.
And yeah a bit but it depends on where in sweden of course. Due to us taking in a lot of immigrants from muslim countries and such there's a lot of racism and stuff against Jews in southern sweden.

I really like my country... well the northern part (where I live). The southern part is of course good but that's literally the place where hand grenades get thrown into bars. Sweden also has the highest rape statistics in Europe and most parts of the world apart from some third-world countries. I of course don't like that at all but yeah, northern sweden is really beautiful, peaceful and great. And I plan on living here for the rest of my life since I have everything I need here already + great nature and such which I love :)

I see! Wish I could do/feel the same.
And yeah, I do like school and I also like learning but it of course depends on what I'm learning about. If I have no interest in a subject then it's really hard for me to learn stuff about it since I honestly don't care. Like politics and such. They can be interesting but when we start learning how many people are seated and stuff I just fall asleep in my head

Yeah, it honestly sucks to hear that. And yeah we do, but of course and taxes (as in Sweden overall) are higher than in the US. And oh yeah... free health care too xd
Meanwhile the US puts all of it's taxes into the military basically :/

Hmm, I'll probably try doing the same. Thanks for the tip! (even if it wasn't really a tip hehe)

Yeah, I've re-watched 100+ and in total I've only seen 128 anime so I've re-watched a lot compared to the amount of anime I've watched lol.
The 2nd time you watch something it usually is as good as the first time even with plot twists and such and you'll notice a ton of more stuff (at least for me). And yeah I can get that but most of the shows that I have re-watched are from when I just had started to watch anime since I wanted to ''re-live'' the anime and I didn't wanna find new ones. The most times I've seen an anime is 8 and that is the anime Shiki.

I haven't actually seen Your name yet, is it good? I'd guess so since you watched it 3 times lol :p

I usually like to respond asap too but this time it was really late due to school so sorry again. And yeah the app is honestly not really that great.

I've started using Anilist more too and honestly... it is way better than MAL. The only things I like about MAL that anilist doesnt do as great with is this comment feature (anilist has it but not really the same) and some other really small stuff but apart from that just great, honestly.

Esajas11 Mar 15, 2021 1:34 PM
Well, honestly I don't know yet. I have some ideas of what I want to work as and such but I'm not entirely sure yet.

That's good to hear. But it seems like either you hate or love america since from what people have told me either they have had really bad experiences or good/fine ones. But good that you have had good experiences! And really? America is probably one of the last places I'd expect someone to meet a swedish person. If you ever meet one again tell them ''jag run car snow pen'' ;)

I get what you mean! And I'd guess you're someone who can easily like remember stuff and it's pretty easy for you to also pick up stuff yep?

Well both history and geography kind of correlate (if that's the right word?). And to be honest, American history sucks balls. And the american education system in both History and Geography isn't good at all (I've seen too many americans saying that Paris is a country) so I don't blame you. But I like them because I just... like history lol. I don't know how to explain it.

Ah yeah, American college is pretty tough right? And expensive. And then there's sweden where you college is free and you get paid for going to it xd

I see and get what you mean. I don't like for example ecchi but sometimes I feel like I need to watch some (not because of uh.. the ecchi! But because I feel like I need something different).

Same here. Since it is the anime that got me into anime. But now I am burned out on anime so that really fucking sucks.

Yeah. I never thought that ''Don't knock it before you try it'' would actually have meaning lol.

Yeah I get what you mean. Even though I have seen Death note 7 whole times now I still think it is fantastic. The 2nd part isn't as strong of course but I honestly somewhat liked the ending since it was pretty intense. But yeah, it had the potential for 10/10 but 8/10 is where it is at for me.


Btw sorry for the late reply! I was on a skiing trip and got home only a few days ago so I haven't been online to answer. I have been online with the App but didn't know you can't comment and stuff only look at anime for ur list :/
Esajas11 Mar 5, 2021 1:10 PM
Hmm, I might've mixed stuff up then. Well either way I'm still in school :)

Oh I see! Never met anyone from Vietnam so that's pretty cool :o
Ah, is it because of the friends you have right now and stuff?

Math? What kind of math do you like? Are you good at spanish? And I think it counts as a subject... no?
Reading? As in books and stuff right? Very nice man!

My favorite subjects are History and Geography :)

Thank you! But to be honest I haven't really studied English at all (as in writing and focusing on learning english etc.) I just learnt it naturally from when I was young. I mostly learnt/got into English back in like 2010-2011 from pewdiepie and school didn't really help at all :/

Damn dude, sounds like a real struggle. Good luck and hope things are going good for you with learning them all!
I can't even imagine how it's to learn 4 languages at the same time basically.

I see! There's a lot of Chinese anime out there so that might help.

I don't really think of genres almost most of the time but judging by what I really like I'd say thriller and mystery. Well drama and action too of course but I think everyone likes them :p
What about you?

I'm enjoying AoT quite a bit. It's just that somethings don't really make sense to me and it feels somewhat off from what AoT really is IMO. But apart from that it is great!

And same man! It was also the very first anime I ever watched (not counting childhood animes). Before I watched it I thought anime was just for fat virgin weebs n shit and that it wasn't good. And then I watched AoT one summer because I was bored and was like ''just 1 more ep'' and kept going and then here I am today. My 2nd anime after that was Death note which I think is probably the best anime I could've watched straight after hehe.

I also got some anime stuff yesterday! You can see them on my profile.
Esajas11 Feb 25, 2021 5:53 AM
Glad to hear! I personally didn't really enjoy the anime up until episode maybe 6? So glad that you're enjoying it so far :)
And great! Just so you know, when you get to episode 54 of the first season switch over to Ashita no Joe 2 straight away. The last 25 episodes of the first season are filler with some real plot sprinkled in there but isn't done as well and is very slow compared to the 2nd season. Hope you enjoy!

Well I am, I guess? It's just that our school systems are different. I am 16 soon 17 so not that big of an age gap. Hope you don't mind me asking but where are you originally from? (dont have to answer if you don't want to). And yeah, I get what you mean. Very nice man.

Good to hear! What are your favorite subjects?

Yeah we learnt it as a second language. And during english lessons we do but not outside of it.
4 Languages??? Which languages? Power to you man. I can't even learn 1 (if I dont count english and swedish). And it basically is almost impossible, especially if you only learn it in school. And I've known english since I was around 10, I learnt it all alone tbh and I don't even really know how. All I can say is that I learnt most of it by just watching youtube (not as in tutorial stuff just normal gaming vids etc.).
Esajas11 Feb 20, 2021 3:37 PM
A late response is better than no response :)

Ah very nice! Hope you'll enjoy :)
First eps can be ''hard'' to watch at first but you'll get used to it.
And yeah I can get that!

I am from sweden and currently I'm not in any grade. I'm in I'd guess college? We use different school systems so that's why I'm not too sure. In swedish it is called Gymnasium.

How's the US? Do you like it there? One of my american hates america and wants to leave really bad so that's the only impression I have from people I've met that live there. And 9th grade hm? Is that high or low? In sweden you're 15 when you're in grade 9 so I don't know.

Ah good to hear! I usually hear the opposite. So you have no problem differentiating free time and school work? And damn, I wish I had the motivation to watch anime during my free time. :/
Esajas11 Feb 16, 2021 11:59 AM
Ah okay, thank you :)
But still, for me it feels kinda rude that I don't really respond ''in time'' and respond a few days later but yes. Been busy with school so haven't really had time to be online and to watch anime :/

Yeah, I love it! Easily my fav anime of all time.

And I'm not that good at explaining shows since I myself am used to going almost completely blind since I want 0 possibilities of spoilers and stuff but I'll try.

So basically, it is an anime about boxing. Or rather I'd say it is an anime about a boxer and his life. It gets compared to Hajime no Ippo a lot but FYI Hajime is an anime more focused on the sport itself rather than the people in it.

Ashita no Joe is a mixture of slice of life and boxing. It doesn't get repetitive at all but some of the episodes of the first season can feel a bit boring but is easily backed up after with a intense episode. The anime itself is from 1970 so the animation isn't really that good compared to todays standards but for it's time it is amazing! Since it is over 50 years old the audio and animation isn't the best so it might throw you off at first but I'd recommend watching until ep 14 and then deciding upon dropping it or not. If the animation and art is just too bad for you then I'd recommend reading the manga! It is as good if not better but I'm currently reading it myself so I can mostly talk about the anime so far.

It is a very intense and emotional series so I highly recommend it! I know I barely explained anything but to me it feels like I'm spoiling so I'm sorry!

And 13 seasonals?? How are you even able to watch that many? Do you even remember what happens? And I see hehe.

Esajas11 Feb 12, 2021 3:12 PM
Sorry for late response!!

Ah, yeah I see. Hope you'll enjoy the show!

These past few days I haven't been watching much since I have been busy but apart from that I've started re-watching Ashita no Joe which is just such a masterpiece of a series that I have to watch it again. Apart from that I've been watching a few seasonals and I just recently started Gintama! A few of my friends recommended me it and have said that it's a 10/10 series but we'll see about that. I've been enjoying it so far and I've especially been enjoying the Ashita no Joe references! I've also been watching Hokuto no Ken (the anime where ''Omae wa Mou shindeiru'' is from)

again sorry for late response
Esajas11 Feb 8, 2021 11:38 AM
That's good to hear! :)

And Oreimo??
Is it good? All I've heard is that it's like... just not? I guess? lol

And well, I just did ;)
Esajas11 Feb 6, 2021 4:03 PM
Thank you for accepting my friend request! :)

How are you and have you been watching anything good/interesting lately?
EmiliaHoarfrost Dec 11, 2020 2:39 PM
Twincest for the win
Syureria Dec 8, 2020 10:06 AM
No, I hate Nasa.

I don't care about stories/relationship, I've seen cheap stories/relationship like that. I think that the anime adaptation just a bullshit
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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