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Days: 37.1
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- Completed363
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- Plan to Watch389
- Total Entries810
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- Episodes3,422
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Days: 18.9
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- Total Entries488
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- Chapters2,645
- Volumes254
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Yeah that's the best way to do it, but at the same time I feel like the more you watch the more quickly redundant it becomes when watching a show, for some reason I feel like I'm getting the "tiktok" mind where I'm getting bored of something after only a few eps and want to watch something else, this is weird because I want to watch anime and I'm interested in new stuff that comes out but at the same time I almost need to "force" myself to watch something, and doing a 2 months break didn't change anything so I wonder if my brain is just too used to anime at this point.
Watching anime in bed is probably great but you watch them on TV right? I don't have a TV so I can't really do that and watching anime on my phone isn't as good as watching them on a big monitor sadly.
Oh I see but at the same time it's weird to me because people were extremely hyped before the show came out when they announced it and dropped the trailer, I don't know how people reacted back then for K-ON, because if I only read the manga I wouldn't care about it at all until I discover that KyoAni cooked with this one lol.
I'm sure you can find that actually but otherwise if you search on eBay you should find some, there are also some big german resellers here I think because I bought some older games and stuff and they were exported from Germany I even have some random PS2 games in german because of that lol (you can change the language fortunately because I don't speak german at all)
I used to watch the "worst" shows too back then, at this point Pupa is just funny because of how bad it is but it's only 5 min long eps so I wouldn't even count it at a real anime tbh, I also remember some very bad OVA shows like this one lol
Ahahahahaha Nobunaga Sensei this one I often think about it because I watched it when it was airing back then and it was so ridiculous that it ended up being very funny in a bad way the moment I especially remember is when there was this "trap" student who almost sodomized the teacher in front of everyone it didn't make sense at all, like wtf is this idea
To be honest for some people like me it's just when you end up being obsessed with your habits and it's hard to break them at some point, I don't really know how my mindset changed but I know that if I didn't quit watching anime like that I would just be burned out from them and probably end up totally stopping, I have no idea how some of these people still manage to keep up like that after more than a decade, now I'm just sick of having a schedule at all, I don't even know if I'll be watching anime weekly anymore, not even a few.
How is the manga regarding the art and pacing? Because now that I finished Shikanoko I would say it started strongly and had high potential regarding the comedy/parody aspect and the overall jokes but in the end it was repetitive so it didn't hit as much as when it began
Well if you remember this in the future you should look for Osaka's Mandarake this is where I found most of the unknown anime DVD for a very low price, the ones in Tokyo are actually much much more expensive and there's less unknown stuff for some reason, also the Surugaya in Osaka's Umeda district is really good for DVDs
Only watch Masters of Epic if you want to challenge yourself to see how bad an anime can be lmao. Also I made sure to look but I didn't find Pachislo Kizoku Gin in DVD format in Japan this one is probably extremely rare or impossible to obtain
At this point I'm not even following stuff weekly anymore, I only do catch up even when it comes to seasonals and I feel like it's the right answer for my case to do be burned out by the amount of show you need to follow at once.
I really like the Shikanoko, did you watch it in the end? It's not on the level of Pop Team Epic regarding how "random" it can be, I mean it's crazy in its own way but it's still around the same subject unlike Pop Team Epic which was just random in every level xD
Well when I was in Japan I found SO MANY "unknown" anime, I didn't check for yours unfortunately since I didn't remember it but to give you an idea I used to watch one show per month that had bellow 10k members on MAL, I did that for quite a while and I probably have around 20 to 30 unknown shows I watched like that (most of them are bad obviously) and I had this game in Japan where I would just hunt for these shows' DVD in 2nd hand shops and I ended up finding 80% of them, even among the most random ones possible (example : I'm still surprised I found the DVD for this atrocity
This is why I loved Pop Team Epic lol and S2 was definitely crazier than the 1st one IMO or because I watched it too early since I directly watched Pop Team Epic a few months after starting watching anime in 2018, I wish we would get more shows like that, I mean even if the jokes don't hit with everyone you can still respect the originality.
Don't you check second-hand shops sometimes? I don't know if it's common in Germany but here there are many stores with old DVDs and many stuff, especially anime related, so it's not rare to just search and find some of these older shows you couldn't find online, it already happened to me with many shows tbh, and it can also make you discover ones you didn't know before
I guess we need to wait because I'm sure that in the future we'll have excellent auto translators for videos with almost no mistakes.
It's especially impressive to compare the anime of some 80s - 90s Ghibli movies and see how some of them still look much better than what comes out in 2024 xD
Oh okay, definitely sounds interesting to me in this case!
Yeah I mean I download stuff too before watching them but in this case I just won't have time to do things alone so starting manga/anime will be difficult.
Great! It must be nice to have your birthday in the middle of the year, for me it's usually mixed with Christmas since it's only a few days after it
You're 100% right, for me it's more like it became a habit and a kind of "challenge" to never drop things but I started that when I was much younger and starting/highly enjoying anime, now my mindset is somewhat trapped to this but I don't care much anymore, I only pick things I'm almost sure to like anyway.
I have no idea what was the point to pick a manga to adapt only a few of it and do full live action original stuff for the rest, I mean from what I know it's the only anime that ever got this treatment right? I guess people who genuinely enjoyed the manga and wanted to see the anime adaptation were shocked lol.
Ahaha, well guess I need to be part of the "french who have watched Working" group at some point xD
You are speaking about this one right ? Did you check if it was dubbed? except if you only want to watch it subbed but I checked it and it apparently was broadcast on French TV under a different name (Caroline) and it was dubbed here
It seems to be part of the childhood of some people according to the comments, but it seems pretty underground though.
I checked for Mazica Party and it seems to be up to EP 5, at least since it's fairly recent all the raws are available, and because of its nature I think that if you upload it to YouTube to get automatic subtitles it should be perfectly watchable this way tbh.
My favorite Ghibli is still Chihiro I think, but the one from my childhood is Totoro, so many memories with this one...
You mean a real kindergartener? Or a child who's able to think like an adult like in some stories? I'm even more curious now, I will try to start it then, I'm still hesitating if I stop manga at all until September because I think that if I start a new series I won't have time to finish it before I leave abroad and I won't be able to read until I come back.
I hope the Saturday celebration was nice then!
Was macht das Leben?
Happy birthday
Yes that's also one of my main issues since I don't particularly appreciate stopping things in the middle when I start watching or reading a work unless they're really long, but in most cases I still force myself to finish it even when I'm bored or don't like it at all.
How different is the Gal Dino manga compared to the anime? Since I didn't read it but it's just insane how they started making it as crazy as possible xD
Don't know if there's a French counterpart but here I never heard anymore speaking about the Working series, I guess it just doesn't have its popularity in France which is a pity :/
Well, there are still so many unsubbed animes from back then, it already happened to me even though it's very rare but there were some anime I found that I couldn't watch just because nobody subbed them...
I remember this one I just checked and it finally got fully subbed!
Okay for the SxF movie, I'll check it out eventually, I'm catching up with movies when they finally appear at my local cinema, there was Princess Mononoke yesterday and I watched it for the 1st time, despite looking great it wasn't too much my kind of story though.
Ohh I'm very interested in Kaya-chan isn't scary, I didn't know this manga so thanks! It's similar to Mieruko-chan? Since it's my favorite publishing horror manga from recently
Also happy birthday!!! 🥳 Hope you had an amazing day